Newspaper Page Text
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To all whom It may concern:
J. M. Hodgson, administrator ot
Peter Damron, late of said county, de
ceased, and said application will be
undersigned for leave to sell the lands
belonging to the estate of said de-
celscd. and said application will be
beard on the first-Monday In Novem
ber next.
This 1st day of October, 1906.
S. B. Wingfield, Sr., Ordinary.
Agreeably to an order of the Court
of Ordinary of Clarke County, Georgia
will bb sold at auction at the court
bouse door of said county, on the 1st
Tuesday In November next, within the
legal hours of sale, the following de
scribed property, to wit:
1-3 interest In lift acres of land,
known as the Misses S. C. and M. E
Hale place, on McNutt Creek, Clarke
county, Georgia and adjoining lands of
Winn Bros., Princeton District Sold
for the purpose of perfecting titles
and distribution among heirs.
This Oct. 1st. 1906
H. I, Mullins. Admr.
Will be sold before the court house In
city of Athens, Clarke county, on tho
1st Tuesday In November next, within
the legal hours of sule to the highest
bidder for cash, the following prop
erty, to wit: That parcel of land lying
and being In said county and In the
city of Athens, being the eastern por
tion of the residence lot of Mrs. G.
Hauser, the samo being bounded on
tho east by lands of F. Umbach, front
ing south on Clayton street, a distance
of 60 feet and running back a depth
of 100 feet, more or less, to land ot
Mlnter Brown, and bounded on tho
weal by remaining portion of the
Hauser lot S»!d piece of land levied
on as the property of Mrs. G. Hauser,
to satisfy a fl fa Issuing from the
Justice court 216th dlsL, In favor
Eppes-WIlklns Co., vs. said Mrs. G.
Hauser. Levy made by R. F. Wood,
L. C., and samo turned over to mo
for advertisement and sale. Notice of
levy given to tenant In possession.
This OcL 4th, 1906.
J. W. Wler, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
(To the Superior Court of said
The petition of W. H. Morton, J. T.
Crowley, J. D. Tribble, W. R. Tuck and
R. W. Godfree, respectfully shows:
Par. I.
That they deslro for themselves,
their associates, successors and as
signs, to become incorporated under
the name and style of The Shoal Crook
Gin Company.
Par. II.
The term for which petitioners ask
to be Incorporated Is twenty (20) years
with the privilege of renewal at the
end of that time.
Par. III. _
The capital stock of the corporation
Is tc bo Five Thousand Dollars ($5,
000) divided Into shares of One Hun
dred Dollars ($100.00) each. Petitlon-
srs, howover, ask the privilege of In
creasing said capital stock from time
to time, not exceeding In the aggre
gate Fifty Thousand ($60,000) Dollars,
Par. IV.
Over twenty-five per cenL of said
capital stock of Five Thousand Dollars
has already been actually paid la.
Par, V.
The object of the proposed corpora
tion Is pecuniary profit and gain to its
stockholders. Petitioners propose to
operate and run a cotton gin; to buy
and sell cotton and cotton seed. They
propose also to conduct a general
warehouse business for the storage at
cotton, and make all necessary con
tracts for the carrying on of same.
Petitioners also propose under tho
charter applied for, to run and operate
a Cotton Seed Oil Mill, and also manu
facture and sell fertilizers. They pro
pose also to run and operate a saw
mill and planing mill, and carry on
such other business or enterprise as
is Incidental to the use of machinery,
whether propelled by steam or elec
Par. VI.
They ask that the corporation have
the right to succession; the power to
sue and be sued; to contract and bo
contracted with under the corporate
name aforesaid; to hare and use a
common seal; to provide for each of
fices and elect such officers as a ma
jority of the stockholders chall deter
mine, and he granted all the privileges
gpd righto mentioned In Section 1862
of the Code of Georgia of 1896, and
make such by-laws and regulations for
the government of the corporation at
arenot la conflict vtjth the laws of the (
Driven to Another Gigantic Dress Goods Sale
A consignment from the Woalen Mills of another case of that immense Bargain of 54 inch heavy wool Cheviot in three colors
A full Dress Pattern for one ninety eight
No more when thasjara sold. Take advantage while you can.
A Full Dress Pattern of 54 Inch Wool Suiting for $1.98.
Anotlier BtLipment for Monday
Fifty full dress patterns handsome gray, navy and black, 54 inch Wool Suitings, suitable for Ladies
Tailored Suits. Every piece brand new, worth 75c to 85c yard, a full dress pattern Monday at 9 o’clock for
38 Inch Sea Island
One balo very fine grade, soft finish
Sea Island, 38-Inch wide, two widths,
wide enough for a sheet, per yard,
Broad Cloth
The famous Botany Worsted ‘Mills
Broadcloth. Tho best cloth ever
woven. Today wo otfor this peerless
cloth In nil shades, per yard,
Boys Heavy Ribbed
Undersells and Drawers.
A new shipment just received, reg
ular 60c grade, all sizes, Monday, each
Boys Wool Pants -
200 pairs Boy's all Wool Pants, sizes
6 to 16 years. Some plain, others
Nickerbocker, regular 60c and 76c
grade, per pair,
Ready Made Sheets
100 large size Ready-made Bleached
Sheets, nicely hemmed, regular $1.00
grade, special today,
Art Squares ’
All Wool, warp and filling; beauti
ful colors. Size, 8x9 feet. Today,
38 in. Figured Heni-
retta Cloth.
60 full Dress Patterns, 38 inches
wide. Polka Dot and Solid Colors, n
full Dress Pattern, for
All Wool Diess
10 pieces all Wool Novelty Flannels,
31 Inches wide, regular 40c material,
special today, per yard.
Cotton Blaqkets
Full double size In handsome fancy
stripes and borders. While or col
ored, per pair.
Wool Blankets
Ten-quarter size, colored, border or
solid colors. This Is a sample line ot
fine California Lamb's Wool Blankets;
your choice, per pair.
The Globe Racket Store Company.
State and of the United States.
Par. VII. I follows: North by E. Strong Street;
The principal office and place of East by lot No. 3; South by lands of
business of tho proposed corporation j Athens Gas>Co„ and West by the Con-
will bo In tho County of Clarke, said tral Hallway Co.
room house thereon, and bounded as ns commissioners for that puriHise, the starting pent. Said lot containing 1-3 first Monday In December, next.
following property, to-wlt; lying and acre, more or less; said lot containing! This 8th day of November, 1906.
being In snlil Slate und County and
Whcrcforo petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate under the name
and style aforesaid, entitled to the
righto, privileges and immunities, nnd
subject to tho liabilities fixed by law.
This October 12th, 1906.
Henry C. Tuck,
Attorney for Petitioners.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
I, E. J. Crawford, clerk of the Su
perior court In nnd for said county, do
hereby cortlfy that tho above and fore
going Is a true and correct copy ot tho
petition for Incorporation as appears
on fllo in this office.
Witness my hand uiiu sea! this Oct.
18 th, 1906.
E. J. Crawford,
Clerk Superior Court, Clnrko Co. Ga.
Tract No. 3. Containing one-half
(1-2) acre more or Ichs, with a three
room house thereon; iHUindcd on the
North by E. Strong Street; East by
lot of Mary Huff; South by lands of
Athens Gas Co., and West by lot No.
Said property to lie sold for parti
tion auu divinkoi unions the heirs as
per order of court.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Under and by authority of an order
of the Court of Ordinary of suld
county will be gold on the first Tues
day In December next, before the Court
Jus, G. Taylor, a resident of said House door In Athens, Ga., between
State and County, having duly np- (he legal hours of sale, and to tho
plied lo be appointed guardian of the highest bidder for cash, tile following
person nnd property of Wllllam*Ray, 1 property, to-wlt:
a minor under the uge of fourteen I A || thut trnct or parcel of land lying
years, a resident of Baid Cdunty, notice an j being In said State and County
Is hereby given that said application an ,| city of Athens, on iho East side
will be passed on at the next Court' of the oeonec River, containing one
of Ordinary of said County to bo held j ani | four-fifths acres more or less;
on tho first Monday In December, next.: bounded on the North by land of
near the western limits of the City of
Tract No. L Containing twenty-one
(21) acres moro or less; bounded on
the West by nn unnamed street and
lands of Spencer I-ester and Ross
Boyd; on the East by Spencer Lester.
Iloss Boyd nnd Dave Stephenson, and
on the West by Rachael Dante! and
by an unnamed street.
Tract No. 2. Containing two (2)
acres more or less, nnd bounded on
the West by un unnamed street; on
a one story frame building. ,
Said property lovled on as the pro-
adjourntng the above said tract of
land, nnd adjoining the lands ot
E. A. Cheatham. Mrs. Lester, Duko Daniel, and Fred
Administrator upon the estate of Freeman, containing Forty One (11)
perty of Will Thomas to satisfy nn _ Rebecca D. Swann, deceased,
execution Issued from the Justice's
Court, 216111 Dlst. G. M. of said County,
an entry of "no personalty'' having
first been made; said property being
In possession of Will Thomas. Notlco
of levy served on defendant us requir
ed by law.
Tills 2nd day of Nov. 1906.
John W. Wler, Sheriff.
j Notice Is hereby given that on the
tho East by lunds of Pink Morton, ^ 1 st gay of December, 1906, In Athens,
Spencer "Lester and Fannie Lowe; on Ga and after the publication of this
tho South by lands of Henry Craw- no {j ce , once a week for four (4) weeki,
ford and on the West lot which divides , n the newg p ai)er in which County
the said property from lands of Mrs. a( j vcr tigements are usually published
M. L. Hunnlcutt, said two tracts prac- j n G | ar |{ e County, the location of the
tlcally adjourning each other. I guardianship, nnd In Oconee County,
Said property being known as ihe 1 t|)e | ocatlon llls ’and, ! as guardian
old Holbrooks place, and to ho sold j |)r , nv (bree (3) minor sons, to-wlt
ror partition nnd division among the Roy M Strickland, Samuel Ony Strick
land, and John Jr., Strickland, will
npply to the Honorable C. II. Brand,
acres, more or less, and more fully
described In deed from said Mrs.
Martha Jackson to the said Peter Dam-
GEOROIA—Clarke County.
There will he sold on the first Tues
.lay In December, next. «t public out-'™"' lato of 8,a,c amI Coun, >''
cry. at the Court House of said County, j ,lecta80<1 ' a8 of rccor<l ln the L ’"‘ rk ' !
within the legal hours or sale, to tho ''B>ce ot the Superior Court, said State
highest bidder for cash, tho following aml Co " ntjr ’ ln ,K>ok M - M r,,ll ° H "'
described property, to-wlt: . f,,r th<! r, ' con,lnK of d** 18
All that lot of land situate, lying A,8 °' at tho 8ame tlmo and p,ace '
and being In said Stutc and County
helrs, tts per order of court.
Judge of the Superior Court, embrac
ing Clarke County, for an order lo
sell and reinvest their Interest, the
Same being three undivided fifteenths
in a tract of land located In Oconee
County, on the Hog Mountain Road,
on the waters of Barbers Creek, ad
joining lands of Carithers and Sikes,
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To all whom It may concern
Miss A. P. Epps has In due form and others, containing ln the aggro- JI
anu mi the Athena and Monroe public
road, said track beginning at a certain
corner of the Dock I-cstcr nnd Wler
land, on the Athens anil Monroe pub
lic road, and running In a southeastern
direction along the llna'bctwecn this
land and the Wler Innil to where these
lands corner with the Chancey land;
thence in a western direction nlong
the dividing line between this property
levied upon, und the Chancey land, in
a westernly direction 1200 feet; thence
In a northernly direction to the Ath
ens ami Jefferson public road, strik
ing this road at a point some 1200 feet
from the beginning point; thcnco east
along the public road to tho beginning
Sabi property levied on as the pro
perly of Dock Lester, to satisfy an
execution issued from Ihe City Court
of Athens, of said County, In favor of
(Joss vs. Dock I-ester, said pro-
the following personal property, to-
All the house-holt! and kitchen on-
nlturo: furm Implements; one two
horse wagon (Hodgson make); one
one-horso wagon (Iron nxle); one hay
mule, about eight years old; one iron
gray horse, about 12 or 16 years old;
wagon harness, and about twenty cord,
of 4 feet pine wood, well cured.
Salil real estato anil personally,
sum as Hie property of Peter Damr-".
colored, lato of said County, deceased-
The sale will continue from day 1"
day, between the samo hours until all
of said property la sold. Terms, cash.
This 6th day of November. 1906.
J. M. Hodgson,
Administrator of Peter Damron, do-
••Old Hota" Sale.
Unless previously called for aad j
charges paid, or otherwise diseased j
WITNESS by hand and official nig- 1 FIourno) . und Thomas Bailey; on the 1 applied to the undersigned for per- gate 480 acres, and known us the Me- perty being now in the possession of r m wit
nature. This Nov. 7, 1906. Past hv Thomas Ballev: on the South nianent letters of administration on Norton Place. I said Dock Lester. . ^ ^ highest bidder for cash, at
East by Thomas Bailey; on the South
j by an unnamed street, and on the
Ordinary of Clarke County west by Oconee Street; said property
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
. Under and by vlrture of an order of
the Superior Court of Clarke County,
granted at the October term, 1906, will
be sold on the first Tuesday In Dec
ember next, before the Court-House
door ln Athens, Ga., between the legal
hours ot sale, and to the highest bid
der for cash by the undersigned, aj>-
polnted as Commissioner# for that pur
pose, the following property, to-wlt:
Three Iota or parcels of land lying
and being in said State and County
and City of Athens, and more par
ticularly described as follows:
Tract No. 1. Containing one-half
(1-2) acre more or less, with a three
being laid off and dived Into nine (9)
lots numbered from one to nine con
secutively, ns per plat made by Tho
mas P. Stanley, surveyor, which can
be seen at my office. The lots will be
sold separately, as per said plat.
There are good three room houses
on each of the lots Nos. 2, 3, and 4,
sold as the pro|>erty of Miss Florida
C. Carr, deceased, for the purpose of
paying debts and division among the
heirs, terms cash.
Tilts November 7th, 1906.
R. C. ORR.
Administrator, F. C. Carr.
the estato of Miss Sarah Epps, lute of The reason for selling said property . This, November Sth, 1906.
said County, deceased, and I will pass Is that the remaining Interests are' John W. Wler, Sheriff.
upon said application on the 1st Mon- being sold, and the Interest can be Qgo R Q| A cinrke County^
day ln December 1906. Given under Invested in property paying better
my hand land official signature, Nov. Interest.
5,1, 190fi | This October 30th, 1906.
8. (B. Wingfield, Sr., Ordinary.' Jno. J. Strickland, Guardian.
Clarke County, Georgia.
j lie auction, at Wilson's Auction |
J House, on Broad street, Athens, Ga-,
' Saturday. December the
1006. I
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
GEORGIA—Clarke County. Notice Is hereby given that the un
Will he sold, on the first Tuesday In derslgned has applied to the Ordinary
December next, at public outcry at the J of said County for leave to Bell a cer-
Court House In said County, within tain promissory note, signed by the
District G. M., Clarke County,
the legal flours of sale to the highest j undersigned as an Indlvudal, for the J said State, to wit
bidder for cash, certain property of sum of Eleven Hundred ($1100.00)
By virtue of an order of the Court of commcnc | n g at 9 o'clock a in.
Ordinary of said State and County’, w n ur |l)urt, SupL, A. P. Meriwether,
will he sold at public outcry, to the Agt ,l *
highest bidder, on the First Tuesday ——*“*
in December, 1906, at tho Court House KQR gA . LE _ Tw elve hundred acrefl
in said County, between the usual Qf flne , an( , Toomb , County, ttol
hours of sale, the following real es- ^ Bgr|cultural action In Georgia I
tale situated, lying and being In the wu| 8e „ Bg Q wlloIe or |n tracts lol
lands for salel
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Under and by virtue of an order of
room house thereon, and bounded as J the Superior Court of Clarke County,
follows: On the NortKby East Strong 'granted at the October term, 1906, will
Street; East by the Central of Georgia ! he sold on the first Tuesday In Dec-
Railway Ce.; South by lot of M. Farbs- ember, before the Court-House door
teln, and West by Foundry StreeL In Athens between the legal hours of to a now unnamed street
Tract No. 2. Containing one-halt sale, and to the higher', bidder for I North along said street to Vino Street,
(1-2) acre more or less with a two cash by the undersigned, appointed - thence West along Vine ^treet to
which the following Is a full and com- Dollars. Said note due the estate of
plete description: that lot of land. In ' Rebecca D. Swann, deceased, and be-
said county, ln the City of Athens, J lag dated February 4, 1903, und given
East ot Oconee River, beginning at for the suiy of Eleven Hundred ($1100 -
a point oq the North side of Vine .00) Dollars, drawing Interest at the
Street. Joining the lot of Geo. Bright- rate of 8 per cent per annum, from
well, nnd running South ulong the ( date, and due seven years after date,
line of Brlghtwell’s property to the **'* " *“
corner.of tie lot of St. Mark's Church;
thence East along tho line of said lot
Said sale to be^made for tKe puriiose
•of paying the debts of said estate, and
making distribution.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary
for said County to be held on the
All that tract or parcel of land
adjoining lands of Mrs. Freeman,
Mrs. Hodge, Mrs. Lester, and Duke
Daniel, and known as a part r>f tho
suit purchaser. -Othej lai
' both Improved and unimproved
, Write, If Interested, to W. K MlnUr ’|
Lyons, Ga.
. Dr. I. Koplowltz will make an
William Wise place, containing One ^ morn , ng at 11 o'clock
Hundred (100) acres, more or less, tho Wcgt Athen s public school,
anti more fully described In deed from
Mrs. Martna Jackson to Peter Dam-
. - A t _
ron, late of said County, deceased, as
of record In the Clerk’s office of the
Superior Court, said State and County, ^
In book K. K., folio 81,-for the record*]
Ing or deeds.
Also that tract or parcel of laud