The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, February 24, 1911, Image 8

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THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1911. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA, Clarke County. To the Superior Court of «ald County: The petition of Janies M. Smith, of Oglethorpe county, Georgia, and A S. Rhodes, D. B. Fowler, J. M. Fowler and L. H. Nichols of Clarke county, Georgia, and F. P. Holder and D. C. Fowler, of Jackson County, Georgia, respectfully shows: Par. 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors and assigns, to be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of Clarke County Oil and Fertiliser Company. Par. 2. The term for which peti tioners ask to be Incorporated Is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. Par. 3. The principal office of said company shall be at Oconee Heights Clarke County, Georgia, and with branch office at Smithonla, Ogle thorpe County, Georgia, but petition ers desire the right to establish branch offices within the state or elsewhere, whenever the holders of a majority of the stock may so de termine. Par. 4. The object of said corpora tion Is pecuniary profit and gain to Itself and Its stockholders. Par. 5. The business to be carried on by said corporation Is the mnnu factoring and mixing commercial fer tilizers, and the products and gredlents necessary to make and ml* the same, and to sell the same at wholesale and retail: to run and op erate a cotton seed oil mill for crush ing cotton seed and extracting there from the oil and separating the meal and hulls, to make and manufacture the oil Into lard, soap, and refining said oil and making and manufactur ing said oil Into whatever by-products that may may be desired, to reflne pwsald cotton seed meal, to mix and manufacture said meal and hulls and other products together Into stock food and other food products, and to sell all of the products from said oil mill business at wholesale and retail: ro engage In, operate and conduct a public cotton ginnery or ginneries for ginning cotton and packing and com pressing the same; to engage In, op erate and conduct a saw mill or mills; to buy and sell lumber wholesale and retail; to engage In, operate and conduct a grist mill buy and sell real estate and to act au agents for others In buying and selling real estate, and to do a gen eral real estate business; to conduct a retail and wholesale mercantile business; to borrow and loan money and secure the same with real estate or otherwise. Par. 6. The capital stock of said corporation Shall be Twenty-five Thousand (120,009.00) Dollars, with the privilege of Increasing the same to the sum of Five Hundred Thous and (|000,000.00) Dollars, by a ma jority vote of the stockholders, A»ld stock to be divided Into (hares of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. That all of said capi tal (lock baa already been actually paid In. Par. 7. Petitioners desire the right . aue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a com mon seal, to make all necessary by laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for the suocesful carrying on of said business, including the right to buy, bold and sell real estate and personal property suitable to the purposes of the corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of Indebted ness Incurred, or which may he in- eurred, In the conduct of the affairs 02 the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, oth er form of lien, under existing laws. Par. 8. They desire for said Incor poration the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to Its charter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of 1U stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said Incorporation to wind up Its affairs, liquidate and discontinue Its business at any time It may determine to do so by a vote ef a majority of Its stock outstanding at the time. Par. 9. They desire for the said Incorporation the right of renewal when aa provided by the laws ef Georgia, and that It have all other rights, powers, privileges and Im munities as are Incident to like Incor porations or permissible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, priv ileges and Immunities herein set forth, and aa are now, or may here after be allowed a corporation of sim ilar character under the laws of Geor- trator of Irs E. DuPree, represents to rhe court In his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he haB fully administered said estate. This Is. therefore, to cite any per son concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not he dis charged from his administration, the bond dissolved, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In March, 1911. S. B. WINGFIELD, SR , Ordinary. CITATION. ^ GEORGIA, Clarke County. Mary Kennard, guardian of Annabel Harper, formerly Annabel Kennard, has applied to me for a discharge of her guardianship of said ward: this Is therefore to notify all persons con eerned to file their objections, If any they have on or before the first Mon day In March next, else said Mary Kennard will be discharged from her guardianship, as applied for. This 20th day of aJnuary, 1911. S. B. WINGFIELD, SR., Ordinary of Said County B. A. Yarbrough vs. George W. Yarbrough. No. 2264. April Term 1911, Clarke Superior Court. Libel for Divorce, It appearing to the Court from the statements In the within petition In the above stated case that the de fendant does not reside In said coun ty, and It further appearing that the said George W. Yarbrough does not reside In this state; Ordered by the Court that service be perfected on (he defendant by the publication of this order for two months before the next term of the Court. In the public gaxette of said county In which sheriff'* sales are ordinarily published. This 9th day of January, 1911. Mahaffey t Mnhaffey, Petitioner's Attorney. (Signed) CHARLES H. BRAND, Judge 8. C. W. C. E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk. CITATION. GEORGrA, Clarke County. To All Whom It May Concern. A. S. Rhodes has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. W. H. Matthews, late of said county, deceased. I will pass on said application on the first Monday In March, next, at ten o'clock, at my office. This 26th day of January, 1911. S. B. WINFIELD, SR„ Ordinary of Clarke County, Notice Is hereby given to all the creditors of the eitate of Mrs. Mary B. Nevltt, late of said county, deceased to render in an account of their de- mantis to us within the time prescrib ed by law properly made out All persons Indebted to said deceas ed are hereby requested to make Im mediate payment This the Sth, day of January, 1*11. JOHN J. NEVITT, C. D. FLANIGAN Executors of the wilt of Mrs. Mary B. Nevltt fit SIBLEY t McWHORTER. Petitioners' Attorneys. Filed In office this 2«th day of Jan uary, 1911. — B. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court Clarke County, Georgia. GEORGIA, Clarke County. I, Elmer J. Crawford, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy or the applica tion for charter of "Clarke County Oil and Fertiliser Company" aa the same appears on file In this office. Witness my band and official slgna- tore and the seal of said court, this Mth day of January, 1911. B. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court Clarke County, Georg**, • CITATION. GEORGIA, Clarke County. Whereas Una H. DuPree, ndn ial» APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA, Clarke County. To the Superior Court of 8ald County: The petition of S. T. Hood, A. C. Holliday, L. F. Edwards, J. Y. Carlth- ers and J. M. Hood, all cltlxens of sai-1 slate respectfully shows: Par. 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates and aucces- sora to become Incorporated under the name and style of the Mutual Garage Company. Par. 2. The term for which peti tioners ask to be Incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of re newal at the end of that time. Par. 3. The capital stock of the corporation Is to be five thousand dollars, divided Into shares of one hundred dollars each. Twenty per cent of said capital stock has actually been paid in. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of Increasing said capital stock from time to time not exceeding twenty-five thousand dol lars. Par. 4. The principal office of said company shall be In the City of Ath ens, Clarke county, Georgia. Par. 5. The object of the proposed corporation Is pecuniary gala to .It self and stockholders. The business to be carried on by said corporation Is the automobile business, to buy and sell automobiles, to hare and maintain a garage, to do repair work on automobiles, and to deal In such material and appliances aa may be necessary to operate and maintain a garage for the storing, repairing, rent ing and selling of automobiles and the supplies and accessories neces sary In the business. Par. 6. Petitioners desire the right to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, not contrary to law, aa may be necessary for the successful transaction of the business proposed and to exercise all the functions and powers conferred by law upon corpor ations chartered by the Superior Court In this state. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges, and Immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. HENRY C. TUCK. Attorney for Petitioners. EORGFA, Clarke County. I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the Su perior Court of aald County do he*e- by certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the applica tion for charter of The Mutual Gar age Company as the same appears of file In tb/s office. Witness my hand and aeal of office, this January 27tb, 1911. E. J. CRAWFORD Clerk of the Superior Court Clarke County, Georgia. GEORGIA, Clarke County. Mandy Mingle .John Mingle. Libel for divorce in Clarke Superior Court, April Term, 1909. Verdict for total divorce granted April 13th, 1910. Notice Is hereby given to all con cerned that on the 14th day of Jan uary, 1911, I filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county my petition addressed to said Court, re turnable to the next term thereof, to be held on the second Monday In April, 1911, for the removal of the disabilities resting upon me under the verdict In the above stated caae by reason of my Intermarrlge with Man dy Mingle which application will be heard at the -April term of said Court which commences on the second Mon day In April, 1911. JOHN MINGLE JOHN B. GAMBLE, Mtorney for Petitioner. CITATION. GEORGIA, Clarke County. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Nina W. Scudder. a resident of this state, having in due form ap plied to the undersigned for the guardianship of the property of her minor children. Susan Scudder and Nina Scudder, notice Is hereby given that said application will be heard a the next term of the court of ordinary for said county, on the first Monday In March, 1911. Witness m/ hand and official signature this 7th day of February, 1911. S. B. WINGFIELD, SR., Ordinary. LEGAL NOTICE. GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY: Notice Is hereby given to all con eerned, that I have filed with the Clerk of Court of said county, my pe tltion addressed to said court, return able to the April term, 1911, for the removal of the disabilities Imposed upon me by my intermarriage with Myrt Deadyyler, which application will be heard at the courthouse In said county at said term of said court. This Feb. 7, 1911. dlt-wk9t CHARLIE DEADWYLER. GEORGIA, Clarke County. To all whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given as required by the Act of 1898, page 79, that .1. W, Griffin of Crawford. Qa„ L. C. Hart, II. J. Rowe. F. D. Gillen, R. H. Mc Crary, of Athens, Ga.. propose to In corporate a Trust Company by the name of the Athena Trust and Bank ing Company, whose principal office shall be located In Athens, Georgia, after four weeks from the publication of this notice. This January 30, 191 J. W. GRIFFIN, L. C. HART. 11. J. ROWE, F. D. GILLEN, R. H. McCRARY. Laura Klracofe vs. 1 * ’ B. W. Klracofe. Libel for Divorce in Clarke Superior Court. April Term, 191K To the Defendant. B. W. Klracofe. In the above stated case: You are hereby required to bo and appear at the next term of Bald Su perior Court to be held on the second Monday in April next, to answer the libel of Laura Klracofe for a total di vorce. Herein fail not. Wltnesa the Hon. Chas. H. Brand, Judge of eald Court. This February 8th, 1911. ELMER J. CRAWFORD, Clerk of the Superior Court. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA, Clarke County. To the Superior Court of aald County: The petition of OEORGIA BRICK COMPANY, respectfully shows: That on the 3rd day of March, 1906, petitioner wa* duly Incorporated by this court for the period of twenty (20) years, with the right of renewal an provided by law. Petitioner desires to have Its charter amended In the following re spects: 3. That paragraph three (3) of the present charter, which provide* that the capital stock of the corporation shall be 820,000.00, with the privilege of increasing the same to an amoliht not exceeding 8100,000.00, be amend ed so as to provide that the capital stock of the corporation shall be 8200,000.00, divided Into shares of the par value of $100.00 each; of which $100,000.00 shall be common stock, and $100,000.00 shall be preferred slock; and that such capital stock may be Increased at any time to any amount not exceeding $300,000.00 by a majority vote of the common atock of the corporation, and that euch add! tlonal capital stock of $100,000.00 be Issued as common or preferred stock, either or both, and In auch propor tions as to each class of stock, as the common stockholders may determine; and that the rights and privileges of the holders of each class of stock he defined by the holders of the com mon stock of the company, but that the preferred stock have no voting power. 4. That paragraph eight (8) of the present charter, which provides that the affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a board of direc tors of not less than three (3), nor more than (0) members, be amended so that said board of directors shall consist of not less than three, nor more-than nine (9) members. 0. Petitioner allege* that this ap plication for amendment to Its char ter was authorized by resolutions of the slockho'ders of the corporation duly adopted at a meeting held on the 9th day of February, 1911. COBB t ERWIN, Petitioner's Attorneys. Filed in office, this 10th day of Feb ruary, 1911. E. J. CRAWFORD. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons having demands against the estate of Troupe Ackrage, late of Clarke County, deceased, are here by notified to render In their de mand to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make Im mediate payment. Thle 18th day of January, 1911. LEVI J. HEMRICK, Administrator. Jennie Wilson Willard vs Fred F. Willard Libel for divorce In Clarke Superior Court, April term, 1911. To the defendant, Fred F. Willard, in the above case: You are hereby notified to be and nppear at the next Superior court to be held in and for said county on the second Monday In April next to an swer the complaint of plaintiff in lib el for a total divorce. Herein, fall not. Witness the Hon. Chas. H. Brand, Judge of the paid superior court. Given under my band and of ficial signature this February 16th 1911. ELMER .1. CRAWFORD. Clerk of Superior Court. 2tmo-2mo Nathaniel Neeblt vs Lizzie Nesblt I.Sbel for divorce in Clarke Super- for court, April Term, 1911. To the defendant, Lizzie N'csblt, In the above case: You are hereby notified to be and appear at the next superior court to be held In and for said county on the second Monday In April next to an swer the complaint of plaintiff In libel for a total divorce. Herein, fall not. Witness the Hon. Chas. H. Brand, judge of said Superior court. Given under my hand and official signature this February 16th, 1911. ELMER J CRAWFORD. ' Clerk of the Superior Court. 2tmo-2mo Mrs. Millie Burroughs vs John Henry Burroughs Libel for dfvorce In Clarke Super- lot Court, April Term, 1911. To the defendant, John Henry Burroughs, In the above case: You are hereby notified to be and nppear at the next Superior court to be held In and for said county on the second Monday In April next to an swer the complaint of plaintiff In libel for total divorce. Herein fall not. Witness the Hon. Chas. H. nrnnd, Judge of aald superior court. Given under my hand and official signature this February 16th, 1911. ELMER J. CRAWFORD, Clerk of the Superior Court. 2tmo-2mo •Mattie Sue Osborn vs Jim Osborn Libel for Divorce In Clarke Super ior court, April term, 1911. The defendant, Jim Osborne, la hereby required to be and appear at the next, or April term of this court to answer the libel of plaintiff for total divorce. Herein fall not. Wit my hand and official signature this February 16th, 1911. ELMER J. CROWWFORD, Clerk of the Superior Court. 2tmo-2mo CITY MARSHAL’S SALES. iltuate, lying and being In the City nf Athens, Clarke County, Georgia. Bounded on the north by Fourth street, on the east by the land William Dillard, deceased, on the south by Wash Moore, and oh the rest by the land of William Floyd deceased, containing one acre more or less, being the place where Fred Edwards now resides. Said property being levied on aa the property the estate of Adeline Edwards and Fred Edwards to satisfy five certain fi. fas. Issued by the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of Athens vs. Adeline Edwards for taxes due said city; also levied upon by virtue of and to satis fy four tax fl. fas. In favor of the City ot Athens vs. Fred Edwards for taxes due said city. Written notice of levy given tenant In possession. Also, at the same time and place the following personal property, wit: One Prlce-Gorden printing press one Paragon paper cutter. Said p-operty levied on as the property cf Jerry J. Young under and by virtue of and to satisfy five certain tax fi fas. Issued by the Mayor and Council of the City of Athens against the said Jerry J. Young for taxes due said city. 1 Also, at the same time and place all that lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the City of Athens, Clarke County. Georgia, bounded as follows: On the north by the prop erty of Dr. Marlon Born, on the south by an alley, on the east by the W. Steadman property, and on the west b> the W. D. Simpkins property. Said lot fronting seventy-'.wo feet on said alley and running hack along the Steadman property fifty feet and thence along other properly of Dr Marlon Bond, seventy-two feet, thence fifty feet to the beginning corner. Said property levied on and to be sold as the property of Dr. Marlon Porn, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fl. fa. Issued by the Mayor and Council of the City of Athens vs. Dr Marlon Born for taxes due said City for the year, 1910. This January 11 1911. L. E. BROOKS, City Marshal, City of Athens CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. GEORGIA, Clarke County. There will be sold on the first Tnes day in March. 1911. at the court house door In Clarke County, Ga.. between the legal hours of sale, for cash, certain piano and stool of the Knatie make. Said property levied upon and tc be sold as the property of Clarence T. Hussey, by virtue of and to satisfy thrpe certain tax II. fas. in favor of the city of Athens vs. Clarence Hussey Issued by the Mayor anil Council of the City of Athens for taxes due said city for the years 1908. 1909, and 1910. Terms of sale cash. This February to, 1911. L. E. BROOKS. City Marshal PINEAPPLES FREE.—Opportunity to every housekeeper. No postals an swered. F. Russell, Ankona, Fla. 4t CHENEY’S • EXPECTORANT The Great Cough Cure For Children and Adults. GOOD WORK. Cltl Clerk Superior Court Clarke Co., Ga. GEORGIA, Clarke County. I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the 8u- rertor Court of said county, do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the application for an amendment to the charter of OEORGIA BRICK COMPANY. Wltnesa my official hand and seal, this lOrb dsy of February. 1911. E. J. CRAWPORD, Clerk Superior Court Clarke Co., Oa. GEORGIA, Clarke County. There will be sold before the conn ty court house door In the City of Athens, on the first Tueiday In Feb ruary, 1911, between the legal hours of sale, the following described prop erty, to-wit: All that lot or parcel of land sit uated In the City of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, and being an the north side of Broad street bounded cn the south by Broad atreet, on the north by the property of H. Fleming, on the east by the property of the Georgia Railroad and on the west by the property of H. Fleming. Said tract of land levied on and to be sold under and by virtue of a fl. fa. Issued by the Mayor and Council of the city of Athens against Mrs. Ten nessee Daniel. Said fi. fa. being for sidewalk paving assessed against said property by the City of Athens end to be sold as the property of said Mrs. Tennessee Daniel. Written notice of levy given tenant In pos session. Also, all that lot or parcel of land iltuate, lying and being In the City of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, abutting on the north side of Wash ington street and bounded aa follows: On the north by B. B. Plckrel, on the south by Washington atreet, on the east by R. B. Russell and on the west by the property of the estate of J II. Carlton. Said proeprty levied on and to be sold aa the property of V/. J. Rusaell to aatlafy a certain fl. fa. issued by the Mayor and Council of the City of Athens vs. W. J. Rue sell on account of sidewalk paring along said property. Also, all that lot or parcel of land Done Dally In Athens. Many zana Tell of It. Nearly every read has heard of Doanl* Kidney Pllla. Tbelr good work In Athens still continues, and our citizens are constantly adding en dorsement by public testimony. No bettor proof of merit can be bad than the experience of friends and neigh bore. Read this case: (Miss Bessie Smith, 423 Dougher ty street, Athens, Os., eaya: "Pains In my back, accompanied by a tired, lan guid feeling annoyed me for a con siderable length of time. I did not know the cause of my trouble, but finally became convinced that my kidneys were not doing tbelr work properly. I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at Palmer A Sons’ Drug store and they helped me so much that I obtained a further supply. Af ter I bad finished the content* of three boxes of this remedy, I was well and I have alnce had no trou ble from my kidneys. I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills highly." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and take no other. IT IS A PRETTV SERIOUS PROPOSITION tu have a leaky roof. It la expensive, endangers health and ruins property. But thta problem need not worry you. If you lay Texico Roofing >ou will secure protection lu all kinds of weather. It Is a durable roofing that remain* water-proof. The water proofing that material used on It does not run under the sun's heat or crack In the cold winter. It cannot wash out or expose the roof in anyway, but gives protection against the ele ments under all ordinary conditions. Fire-resisting. MADE BY THE TEXAS COMPANY Sold by SMITH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, ATHENS, GA. “CRACKAJACK” The Greatest Cotton Grower Ever Put Jon the Market Every body who used it last year Is ordering again for this year, and their friends and neighbors are coming with them. THAT MEANS SOMETHING. Send in your orders early, dolay may cause you to have to take some kind of guano you don't want. IVK SELL OTHER GRADES ALSO. Griffith & Welch Clayton Street OWLS OF ATLANTA AUDITORIUM 2,800 Members Attended Second Meeting. Building for Nest Was Agreed Upon. For the first time since the Installa tion meeting of the Atlanta nest, Or- cer of Owls, at the Bijou theater, Jan uary 26, the ties' and charter mem bers. 2,800 strong, gathered at the Auditorium Armory last night In one of the happiest, most enthusiastic and largest fraternal meetings In the his tory of Atlanta. Over 600 of these had become members since the initial meeting. Owing to (lie numbers who applied for ndmlsslnn at the box office at the AudltorlumlArmory, the meeting wus little late In opening. Before the opening of the doors, the entire lobby as filled by such a large crowd that It wns practically Impossible for the guards to force their way to the doors. Even out in the street a long line of men was stretched, reaching almost a block. After the opening of the doors, until 8:30 o'clock, new members were thronging Into the main body, showing the great popu larity the new order has won In At lanta. The meeting was called to order by General Organizer H. R. Caulfield In few well-chosen words congratulat ing the older members upon the great Interest they were evincing In the growth of the nest, and welcoming those who had Joined at the first meet ing. He read a letter from Congress man William Schley Howard, who Is member of the Atlanta nest. Mr. Hownrd, In the letter, expressed his regret that an engagement, made sev eral weeks ago. prevented hia attend ance at the meeting, and going furth er, gave as his opinion that the order was one of the finest In the world, saying that the spirit of the nest was thoroughly In keplng with the Atlanta spirit, and that the principles of the brotherhood were of the highest. The letter was received with tremendous applause by the audience. Madison Bell, the well-known law yer, a member of the Atlanta neat, was Introduced hy Mr. Caulfield, and received with cheers. Among other things, Mr. Bell aald: “In this organization there Is no un der-dog; the spirit of the order, founded upon optimism, progress and good fellowship, helps to light every man's way.” In conclusion, he spoke briefly of the Inestimable privileges the fraternal order of Owls bestows upon Its members. The entire broth- erhodd present rote to Its feet and cheered the speaker to the echo. Mr. Caulfield brought down the house with a donation of $3,000 to the local neat for the purpose of aiding It In the furnishing of the club house and In other details. This followed his offer of a certified check for $1,000 at the meeting held on January 26, when lie advised the nest to wait and receive the entranco fees paid In be tween that time and the time of the meeting last night. These fees amounted to $3,000, which were promptly turned over to the treasur er of the nett. The committee on the location ot the clubhouae reported that four bulldlngi bad been coneldered, but of, these the old Masonic Temple, situat ed on the corner of Mitchell and For- s.'th streets, was more favorably lo cated than any of the others. Upon a viva voce vote the location was ap proved by all preeent, and It was an nounced that the next meeting, to be held two weeks from today, would be convened In the new club house. In the meantime the building Will he thoroughly renovated and made ready for the neat.—Atlanta Constitution, Feb. 18th. During thle season when there le an epidemic of measles anti mumps among the students of the University of Georgia the Crawford W. Long Me morial Infirmary would prove Its val- FREE TO ALL SICK PEOPLE The soothing spray of Ely’s Liquid Cream Balm, used in an atomizer. Is an unspeakable relief to sufferers from Catarrh. Some of them de scribe It as a Godsend, and no won der. The thick, foul discharge le dis lodged and the patient breathes free ly, perhaps for the first time weeks. Liquid Cream Balm contains all the healing, purifying elementi of the solid form, and It never falls to satisfy. Sold by all druggists for 75c., Including spraying tube, or mail ed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren Street, New York. There are only a few more days In which to evold the certainty of being double-taxed. Make your city returns today. FINE APPLE• direct to consumers. Choice recipes upon request. Apple- thorps Plantation. Ankona, Fla. 41 SAMHLE OF WONDERFUL NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY SENT FREE TO ALL SICK OR AFFLICTED PEOPLE. I will mall, free of charge, a complete home treatment of my wonder ful new discovery to all sufferers who fill out the coupon below and oend It to me today. Iwant tosend you this free proof treatment tosbowffon the won derful curative powers It has. Do not aend money—not one cent do I aek for this wonderful new treatment just wr/te me for It, using the coupon be low, and I will send you at once the proof ot the discovery that haa cured others that suffered as you now suffer. I will also aend free my book, "How To Get Well” for your guidance. If you have any of these troublea fill out the coupon below and send today. Dr. D. J. Walsh. SEND THIS FREE COUPON 1.—Rheumatism 11.—Kidney Trouble 2. —Lumbago 3. —Diabetes 4. —Drop*}- 5. — Neuralgia 6. —Constipation Indigestion 8. —Headache 9. —Dizziness 12. —Bladder Trouble 13. —Heart Disease 14. —Impure Blood 16.—Feraole Trouble 16. —Torpid Uver 17. - Partial Paralvki* 18. —Nervoumes* 19. —Bright* DUeaj 10.—Nervous Debility 20.—Malaria If you have any other di*ea*e* not in thi* lUt write them on a piece of paper aud-enclose frith the coupon. COUPON FOR FREE TREATMENT free treatment for my cut fled yotir Look-all rati rely free to nr. / MY NAMK I* MY APDRK.SS IN Age How Ion* affected . Mr trouble* are No*. My principal trouble U If*...