The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, March 17, 1911, Image 4

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THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 1?, 1911. THE ATHENS BANNER H. J. ROWE, Editor and Proprietor. THE ATHEN8 DAILY BANNER Is delivered by carriers In the city, or mailed, postage free, to any address at the following rates: 85.00 per year 82.50 for six months; $1.25 for three months, or 10 cents a week. Are you doing your part toward the upbuilding of Athens? 0 Athens has been advertised every section of the state by the vis its of the agricultural train. You can help build Athena hv join- ing the Chamber of Commerce, and lending your energies to help advance the work being carried on by that or ganisation. —0 Now that the Southern Commercial Congress has adjourned, It Is the duty of the Chamber of Commerce to get busy in order to reap some of the benefits which have been brought The new passenger station of the S. A. L. will be in keeping with pro gresslve Athens. The contractor here and-the work will be pushed on to completion. While Athens did not get the union station, still the station erected by the Southern and the one to be erected by tire S. .A. L. are a credi to tbe city. 0 the South through that agency. Atb ens has 'the advantages to offer to homeseekers and Investors, and tbe time has come for us to let the peo ple know of our many advantages. The people of Athens should extend to Dr. Soule and his co-workers hearty reception on their return this month from a tour of the state with tbe agricultural train. The agricultural train Is being re ceived by thousands of farmers In all sections of the state, and wherever It has stopped, the meetings hare been most valuable to those fortunate enough to be present. 0 Roosevelt did not fall to draw the crowd In Atlanta, even though tbe President was billed for the next day. He seems to be alive with the peoplo jet, even though he was turned dow politically In New York. 0 A park Is one of tho needs most In demand for this city at the present. A place for the grown people’ and playgrounds for the children would mean much for this city and Its cltl- xenx. • j The city stockade which Is to be built by tho city officials Is a step forward which will mean much for tbla city. 8everal thousand dollars will be saved to tlje city treasury, be- sides having a place for the unfor. tunate ones who are confined In _ prison. Tbe move to tbe stockade will relieve la a large measure the crowded condition of the city prison. 0 Every dtlxen who Is not a member of tbe Chamber of Commerce should enroll his name and Join with those who are carrying tbe burden of the commercial Interests of tbe city. Whenever a matter arises for the good of Athens, the Chamber of Com merce Is called upon to advance It, but this organjiatlon cannot succeed unless our cltlsens give to It their loyal support. 0 Editor U>yless, of the Augusta Chronicle, la to be congratulated on a special sent out from Atlanta, and published In tbe Chronicle, announc ing tbe fact that President Taft stopped over In Atlanta for, a day on bis way home to Augusta. Loyless Is not only one of the beet newspaper men In the state, but when It comes - to boosting bis home city, there Is none of them la equal ♦ POLITICS AND POLITICIANS, ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦‘♦‘♦♦♦•ft ♦♦♦♦•♦♦ Abilene, Kansas, has adopted the commission form of government. Tessa will vote In July on tbe con stitutional prohibition or tbe liquor trattc. ess Tbe West Virginia legislature will meet In special session next month to consider a primary election law. • *• • Frederick C. Martlndale, Secretary of State of Michigan, will be a candi date for the republican nomination for governor next year. • • • Republican leaders In Kansas are hopeful that President Taft's visit to tbe state next tall will aid in restor ing harmony among the rival factions, e • • Ex-Speaker Cannon, who Is to take Me seat on the "opposition benches" at tbe next sesalon, baa thirty-six years’ service In the bouse to bta credit. • • • Hernando De Soto Money of Mls- slsstppl. who has just retired from tbe United Staten senate, served In fdtgvaa longer t$aa any other man from Mississippi. see Robert T. Williams, associate Jus- tics of tbe Oklahoma supreme court, will be a candidate for tbe seat of United States Senator Owen, when the letter's term expires la 181*. THE VIEWS OP THE MAN FROM MISSOURI. Champ Clark will be the next speaker of the House of Keprenentat.ves. I IMPENDING TROUBLE IN MEXICO. In spite of all the efforts of the administration to conceal the real reason While he will not be clothed with all the despotic power of hla predecessor I f or the mobillzstion of an American army of twenty thousand men on the Mex- he will be still the exponent to a great degree of tile larger part of his party I lean frontier the people do not fall to see the serious nature of the situation. In tho matter of the policy which the majority party In the next congress will | They know that all this rushing of every available American regular to that part of the country means something more than mere maneuvers for the troops. The United States have very great Interests in Mexico that stand in need [of protection should certain things occur. The foreign nations look to this country to protect their Interests there in view of the Monroe Doctrine being adhered to by this government. The following reasons are set forth for this movement, and though they have not the official sanction of the administration, It Is believed that they play an Important part In all that is now being done and that back of all this movement Is a contemplated Invasion of Mexico should’ it become necessary. The revolution Is growing In strength In Mexico with the possibility that ultimately a radical government will be established In lower California which [ commands Magdalena bay, which the United States would like for a naval station, being a strategic point In the fortification of the Panama canal. The United States military force along the Rio Grande has been unable to prevent the smuggling of arms and ammunition across the border, a cir cumstance which has recently menaced the diplomatic relations of the United State and Mexico. The present demonstration is looked upon not only gllvng adequate support to neutrality, but to awe the revolutionists, who have | considered the United State) friendly to their uprising. The United States must protect foreign interests In Mexico and be ready for any contingency resultant from the death or resignation of President Diax. Despite denials, It Is definitely known that Diaz's health Is falling and the loss I of his Iron grip upon afTalrs In his republic has been evidenced In the present Insurrection. The maneuvers were ordered suddenly with the definite purpose of re futing the charges of "Jingoes" In and out of congress, who declared that this country Is unprepared for war and that troops and naval forces could not be I concentrated Insufficient force In time to repel Invasion. Japan's long known wish to secure Magdalena bay as a naval supply eta- Ion forms an element In the motive. An American students of International | affairs In Washington have long seen the desire of Japan for this strategic point, which In the possession of an Oriental empire, would lighten the Nip ponese grip upon tbe Pacific ocean and hinder the plans of the United Slates | of the utmost value to the depositor. 4 — pursue. About his views the Albany Herald has very aptly said: As the prospective speaker of the next House of Representatives Hon. Champ Clark's views upon current Issues are of -more than usual Interest. In a recent Issue of Mr. Bryan’s Cormnonev he published an article on the democratic duty. "Men should say what they mean and mean what they say,” according to his notion and lie would apply the same principle to political parties, which would, by no means be a had policy. If a political party will say what It means and mean what It says there will be no excuse for misunderstanding It. On the contrary the people will have sufficient notice of what It intends to do and what It will do If K has the opportunity. There will be no room for doubt, and when men came to vote they could do so without being blind as to what they wiere doing. Mr. Clark Is pleased to know that the democrats are already car rylng out their ante-election promises, to-wit: First—To revise the tariff down t oa reasonable or revenue basis. Second—To abolish Cannonlsm. Third—To submit a constitution amendment providing for the elec tion of senators by popular vote. Fourth—To cut Appropriations to the needs of the government economically administered. In the approaching extra session of congress the democrats will have Dill opportunity to “make good" on either or all of these proposi tions If they have so far failed to do so for any cause, and It Is known that the tariff has not been "revised down to a reasonable or revenue basis," tbe popular election resolution has not been submitted, nor have the appropriations been "cut to the needs of tho government economically administered." it is not the fault of the democrats, be cause they have been In the minority In both houses, but in the next congress have a decided majority in at least one house, and they will j hare all the chance they need to make good. As to Cannonlsm the election of Mr. Clark to the speakership will abolish that. ♦ / LACK OF TEXAS PATRIOTISM The Texas legislators do not relish the Idea of having to work for two dol lars per day, and for that reason are threatening to adjourn within the next few days. It may be that the state of Texaa would be better off should the solons really go home, but that does not make their position any more envla- SOUTHERN BUSINESS TO THE FRONT. It la a difficult task to estimate the good that is to come to the South from ble In the eyes of the world. Governor Colquitt has sent them a message Inline work of the Southern Commercial Congress that has Just adjourned In which he takes them to task for lack of patriotism and urges them to continue | Atlanta.. Those who are In closest touch with the commercial and Industrial their work until nil necessary legislation Is passed. I situation In this country are of the opinion that never hns there been given to. The law of Texas provides a compensation of five dollnrt per day for leg-1 Southern commerce a greater lift than has been given during the past few Islators for the first sixty days of a legislative session and after that time the I days by this great organization. pay drops to two dollars per day. The Texas solons have been In session al It hns long been known that the South possesses the most marvelous re- most sixty days and now that the time for reduced pay is nearing they arel tource , | n this republic. It has been known that these resources have to a ready to quit. I | arge extent been developed. It has been known that Southern men have Governor Colquitt In his message aaya that all public servants are pro')*-1 been Steadily at work for years to advance the Interests of this section as hly underpaid, but he also relates the parable of the slothful servant and com-1 rapidly as possible. But there has never been such a combined effort, so much pares the solons to that person In n way that no doubt made feel ashamed of | ret ] enthusiasm, so clear a light shed upon the pathwar of the South In com merclal and Industrial lines. , The enthusiasm of this great meeting will apread Into every'part of the themselves. It Is quite probable that tbe legislators could have done their work In the I sixty days had they strictly attended to business. Now they should be willing I g ou th. Each delegate will return to his home with new Ideas and with strong to do eomo hard work for leas pay and make up for the time lost by tnatten-L r determination to advance the Interest* of his state and community. New tlon to business. Governor Colqukt In his Message, says: "No legislature of Tsxaa hat assembled In recent years with so little demanded of It by the people in the way of legislation. The demand of (he democratic platrorm Is that ‘thejieople shall not be ohnoyed by conatant political agitation,’ but that they yhould be re lieved therefrom. In consequence, the legislature Is earnestly urged ed to at once consider nnd pass bills In which the people urn Interejt- ed.” 4 . 4 PRAISE FOR DEMOCRATIC SENATORS In eorae quarters there It a tendency to criticise the nine democratic sen ators who under the leadership of Senator Bacon of Gcgrgla, defeated tho di rect senatorial vote amendment to the constitution, the critics pointing out that these senator* knew that their people wished the bill to pass and that their votes therefore did not repreient the wishes of their constituents. [movements will be started to still further develop the great resources of this section. New capital will flow Into the South nnd do its part toward carry- nil forward the magnificent development. Athens ha* shown her Interest in this organization and the work that It Is doing. This city sent its representatives to the gathering In .Atlanta, the Athens Chamber of Commerce Is a member of the organization, nnd a number of Athena citizens have manifested no little Interest In its work. Concert of action means everything In the development of city, stute or I section. Athens should get behind her Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce should back up the Southern Commercial Congres* and great results will flow from the combined efforts of the men who aro working so I effectively for Southern development. 4_ 4 THE BOOSTING OF DIXIE. The Southern Commercial Congress Is In session In Atlanta and there are present hundreds and even thousands of enthusiastic Southern business men It was to be expected that such criticism would nrlse, but the nine South-1 who are bent on doing everything in their power for tho advancement of the srn senator* need not feel the least bit disturbed, for they did their duty and commercial and Industrial Interests of the South. The ablest business men in did It well as their votes were In line with real statesmanship and for tbe best I m, lec tlon are there and there are also present quite a number of the leaders Interests of their people. I of business thought and activity In other sections of the country and even The New Orleans Picayune, commenting on the votes of these senators, f rom other countries. tays: "Those Southern Senators who having full, and In most cases, personal knowledge of that frightful post, have voted to save their country from conditions that might revive It, have done a grand and noble work. But they muat expect to be denounced for It In some quarters even at home, because there are not lacking some of our Southern people whose chief desire Is to eliminate all Intermediate political machlipry, particularly that pertaining to the itate, and get as near as possible to the treasury of the United State*. Whatever seems to Intervene to prevent popular personal raid* on the treasury la to be discarded, no matter at what sacrifice of State’s rights and of the safeguards and guarantees of their tree Institutions. "At any rate, the direct senatorial election force bill, which was menacing and seemed so Imminent, has been defeated for the present by the rotes of a band of heroic and noble patriots In the Senate. Such men deserve the perpetual gratitude of their people." 4 — ■ — ♦ THE VIRGINIA STATE DEBT. It has taken many a year and much trouble to bring about a aettiement I <ood that , a (0 be gocmpiighed. between the state of Virginia and tbe state of West Virginia, relative to the share each state should bear of tbe debt of Virginia at the time the state of West Virginia was formed. This knotty question has at last been about de cided and West Virginia will have to fork over something more than seven million dollars. The cities of tbe South are well represented In this congress and from tbe deliberations of the body there will come a distinct benefit to every line of business and every Industry In the South. Athens ha* a strong delegation there and when the Athena representatives return they will be able to tell the people here a few things that will open their sores to the necessity for strong and systematic endavor on the part of the business Interests of the city. It Is quite true that the zuccese of the work of the Southern Commercial Congress depends In large measure upon the activity of the different commer cial and Industrial organizations throughout the South. Whenever one of these organizations lags the work of the Southern Commercial Congress will to that extent lag. To achieve the best results there will hare to be activity all along the line. The Athens Chamber of Commerce has already done good work In Its way and according to Ita means and strength. The thing to do' now Is for every business man In the city to throw bis Influence behind the Chamber of Com merce and make It hum. This organisation deserve* the support of the bus! ness Interests nnd should have that support. If the business men will become members and attend tbe meetings of this body they will soon see. the great EXIT SECRETARY BALLINQER. The Ballinger-PInchot trouble In large measure disappears with the retlr- ment of Richard A. Ballinger from the cabinet of President Taft, although that Sitting In the unuaual capacity of a board of auditor* the eupreme court I gentleman serve* notice on ihe world that he is determined to prosecute those of the United State* computed that the state of West Virginia was under **0 he ,i legef haTe libelled him in the most outrageous manor, obligations to pay over 87,000,000 of the 833,000,000 debt of Virginia which I President Taft accepted the resignation of Secretary Ballinger with the existed .when the new state waa formed. It was the biggest problem In arith-l greatest reluctance according to the dispatches and In fact urged him to with- metlc the eupreme court has bad to handle in many year*. The exact figure* draw r. The rea ignatlon baa been In the hand* of the president since the lat- held by the court to be the proper proportion of tbe old debt which West I t er p*rt of January and bee been held up by the president who hoped that the Virginia is under obligation to bear was 87,182,507. I secretary might change bis mind and remain as a member of the cabinet. The The court left the final determination of the taatter. Including the ques-1 president does not hesitate to express again hla perfect confidence In Secre tion of Internet to the itate* to decide by conference. Juetlce Holmes an- tary Ballinger and to declare be has been the "subject of one of the most un- nounced the opinion. He (aid the court had regarded the ratio of the vnlua-1 scrupulous conspiracies for the defamation of character that history can tlon of the real anJ personal property of the two states at the time of their ( ] )OWi » separation an the proper haste of arriving at what West Virginia'* “Just and I Nevertheless In the appointment of the successor to Secretary Ballinger equitable" proportion of tbe debt. The court had excluded from tbit calculi-1 President Taft shown that be evidently doe* not wish to run counter -g-ln to tlon the value of slave#. This ratio, according to the matter'* report. Justice the Ballinger opposition. He has selected Walter L. Fisher, a vice president Holmes eald. was aa .765 to .235. The 833.000,000 debt would have been dlvld-1 0 f tbe National Conservation Association and a close friend of Gifford Pin ed according to this ratio, he eald, had not Virginia by subsequent legislation I C bot, and Secretary Ballinger baa little to aay about It. dunged the amount to be apportioned. Tbe Justice eald Virginia has Indue-1 while President Taft has been loyal to Ballinger and hat defended him on ed It* creditor* to accept 822,000,000 aa It* share of the debt, whereas by the I gjj gides, and while he no doubt, on account of hla faith la Ballinger and hla court’* figure, Virginia's share would be 825,000,000. I regard for him, would like for him to remain In hie cabinet, still, after the eec. The dlfferehce* between thee* sums, namely, 83.000,000, should be sub-1 re tary boa turned In his resignation and Insists on It* being accepted, the pres- traded from 838,400,000 debt This left about 830,000,000 to he apporttonrd. | Meat does not go oat of h>s way to appoint any Ballinger supporter and thus West Virginia's proportion of Ibis would be 87,182,507.41. open up the fight again. ADVERTISING ATHENS ABROAD. All the people of Athene know the advantages this city offers to home- seekers and Investors. Every man or woman who visit* here sees at a glance the klc-1 of city Athens Is and how pleasant and profltaole It Is to live here. To those who know Athens and those who come and see for themselvel the city Is a standing advertisement of Itself. But there are millions of people In this country who know nothing about the advantages of this city. There are thousand.) and thousands of people who are seeking new homes and who are seeking now fields for the invest- ment of money. It behooves Athens to reach out and put these people in possession of the facts about the advantages of this city. The Chamber of Commerce has done some work of this kind In the past, In fact has done all the work It could with the limited amount or money at Its command. But there Is a necessity for still further advertising of the advan. tages of our city, so that all people who are seeking for a place In which to live and for a place In which to spend their money In Investments, may knnw that here Is the place for them to seek. Just now Athens offers greater advantages than ever to manufacturers who are seeking places for the establishment of new Industrial plants There Is no city In the South with ampler advantage* than*Athens In this respect. Let this information be presented In the right way and in a convincing way to those who are Interested. There Is no city in the South offering better ed. ucational facilities. This fact cannot be too strongly emphasized. There is no city in the South offering a more delightful climate or a better health rec- ord. Aa a city of homes there is no equal to Athena anywhere. A campaign of systematic and effective advertising would do Athens much good. The Banner has always done its part towards advertising Athens and will continue to do so. Through our medium we will Induce as many peo. pie ns possible to come to Athens and make this city their home. Budilin Chamber of Commerce should be given liberal assistance In spreading Inin still larger fields the facts about our splendid city. SENATOR BACON’S ABLE SPEECH. It would pay any Georgian to write to Washington and secure a copy of the address of Senator A. O. Bacon, of this state, on the bill to submit a con stitutional amendment to the several states of the union providing for the di rect vote of the people on the question of selecting United States senators. Senator Bacon Is In favor of the proposition, provided the bill Is so word- ed aa to prevent the United States government from controlling the elections, but he Is opposed If the national government is to be given such power. In his address he set forth his reasons for opposition In view of Ihe adoption of the Sutherland amendment conferlng that power on the govern- ment The result of the vote was tbe defeat of the bill. Senator Bacon is one of the ablest members of the senate and In no speech made In the senate has he more clearly demonstrntd hi* sound Judg ment and his unswerving loyalty to the South. 4_ 1 JUDGE CRISP HONORED. Hon. Champ Clark, of Missouri, who is soon to he named by the house of representatives as speaker, to succeed Uncle Joe Cannon, has honored Georgia by selecting Hon. Charles R. Crisp, of Sumter county, as clerk to the speaker of the next house, or house parliamentarian, a position of responsi bility and dignity and carrying a salary of 84,500 per annum. Judge Crisp, who served a few month* In the national congress, filling the unexplred term of his lamented father, Speaker Charles F. Crisp, Is well qualified to fill the position thus tendered him and will be of great service to the democratic parly in the next house. ► — ■ ■ - ■ - -4 —— ♦ THE NEW POWER PLANT. Athens hns reason for congratulation upon tbe completion of tbe James White Power Plant at Shoals. The dam has been finished, the pond has about filled up. the mechlnery It In position and all that remains to be done Is to complete a little wiring and the plant will be ready for operation. This splendid plant will generate four thousand horse power nnd this electric power will be brought to Athens and made available for use by the manufac turing plants of this city. Already at least fifteen hundred horse power Is needed by the Athens Railway and Electric Co. to take the place of the power generated at the steam plant Just off the Boulevard. The remaining twenty- five hundred horse power will be for snle to those who need It. The completion of this plant marks the beginning of a new era In the In dustrial deveuopment of Athens. The power Is here nnd the manufactories will soon be here to take It all up and make use of It. Just who will be the first to establish a new plant Is not known, but there are several companies being planned and It will not be long before the city will have a number of new Industrial plants. With the establishment of each plant the the population of Athens will Increase, there will be new payrolls and the business volume of the city will br growing with leaps and bounds. The gentlemen who have developed this water power and brought this electric power to the city for the purpose of developing new Industries de serve the thanks of the community. They will no doubt find It a good Invest ment for themselves and the city will find It one of the greatest of all agencies In the development of Its Industrial activities. 4 -4 THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. The mobilization of United States troops to the number of twenty thous and along the border between this country and the republic of Mexico has caused no end of speculation, and although It la now pretty well known what the intentions of the administration were when the troops -were sent, Jt I* not at all certain what will be the outcome. The revolutionists have been carrying on a warfare |hat haa greatly dis turbed business conditions and that has rendered tbe Interesti of American citizens In Mexico, and other foreign citizens, thoroughly Insecure. It was no doubt represented to the .United Slates government that the foreign nations were looking to this country for tbe preservation of order In Mexico and the protection of their Interests there, as under the Monroe Doctrine this govern ment does not permit European nations to Interfere: It was up to the United States to do something and It was done with dispatch. Thl* army of^Amerlcan soldiers will patrol the border between this coun- Mexico and see that a strict neutrality Is observed. The smuggling of arms and ammunition across the border will be prohibited br the most stringent measures on the part of the soldiers. Thla. It la thought by all. will have a splendid effect and bring about the end of tbe revolution soon, ae the revolutionists nave undoubtedly been securing the greater part of theJT army supplies In this country. \. WOODROW WILSON AND THE PRESIDENCY. There is a growing sentiment throughout the country that points towards the nomination of Woodrow Wilson by the democrats at tbn national conven tion to name a presidential candidate. Thl* sentiment Is not entirely South ern, either, as Governor Wilson has about as strong advocates north of Mason and Dixon's lire as he has In thla section of the country. Whether or not this distinguished son of Virginia, who now bolds the offlee of chief executive of the state of New Jereey, Ik to be put forward by tbe democrats as their standard bearer In'1912 depends very largely upon the it* tltude of the East. If the democrats of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the New England states should show any Inclination to rally to hit stan dard, the South will furnish the other void necessary to nominate him or to at least make him a very formidable candidate. Tbe 8outh would he delight- ed to have a Southern man In the pretllenttol chair and will rally to Governor Wilson should he. demonstrate a good chance of winning in the real race egalnet the republican nominee. Governor Wileon la a man. of vigorous mentality nnd of unblemished character, a leading statesman of the republic and on* In *h«m lire business world has confidence. The democrat* might vf much further and still get a weaker candidate. ' -