The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, August 04, 1916, Image 3

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—-I—1^ . THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGU3T 4, 1#1«. ~ —* imm0*0*0*m0*0*0*0*0mmmm0*0*0*0 A STORE FILLED WITH BARGAINS This store is filled with bargains. In every department you will find things lowered in price. Before our buyers leave for the markets we reduce our stock to a minimum, therefore your dollars go a long way. You can save by buying at this store now. <*:■ Extra Special in Millinery In our millinery department we are offering the greatest values ever offered in hats $2.50 Hats at 98c One lot of regular S2.50 automobile and sport hats at the very special price of 98c. There are about 40 of these in different colors. $3.50, $3 00, $5.00 and $6.00 Hats at $1.98. This lot embraces many styles and colors in small shapes originally priced at $3.50 to $6.00. You may choose from the lot at $1.98. Never before have you had an opportunity to buy millinery at such low prices. Sport Dresses at $3.50 New lot of Ratine sport dresses, made with white skirts and siriped jackets. Colors of old rose, green and blue, These dresses have just been received, they are the newest things for raid summer. Palm Beach Suits $1.98 and $2.98 You may choose from our Palm Beach aklrta at a big laving. At $1.98 we offer all the $2.75, $3.75 and $4.50 Palm Beach Sklrta In plain and striped. At $2.98 we offer the regular $4.50 and $5.00 Palm Beach Skirts, In plain and striped. You can't afford to let this opportunity pass. Be sure to these these Skirts. White Skirts at 98c Each We are offering white pique, poplin and garbadlne Skirts for 98c, that are worth 1.25. These skrits are shown In the newest styles in all sizes. LINEN DRESSES AT HALF You may choose from about 40 linen dresses for one-half their original price. These dresses are shown In a good assortment of colors and styles, substantially made from pure linen. Originally priced at $5.50 to $15.00. Offered at HALF-PRICE. ALL PALM BEACH SUITS AT $4.75 You may have your choice of the entire stock of Palm Beach suits at the very low price of $4.75. These sulU are shown In natural color; made In the most popular models. Originally priced $6.50 to $10.00. Now selling at $4.75. ALL PALM BEACH DRESSES AT $2.48 In this lot of Palm Beach dresses you have 15 to select from, In natursl and black and white pin stripe. These dresses original ly sold at $300. You may have your choice of the lot at $2.48. CORDUROY SKIRTS, SPECIAL at $1.98 20 Velvt and Cotton Corduroy Skirts to select frpm at $1.98; shown In all colors; made In the popular models. Orlglnslly priced st $3.75 to $5.00 SPECIAL POUND PAPER One full pound Eston Crane and Plkss writing paper 25s. Envelopes to match 10c package. SOLID OAK TABORETTS 39c Special offer in fumed oak Tabaretts, made of solid oak, In a substantial manner. Sold elsewhere at 60c. Our price 39c. Wash Sport Coats and Middys at 98c These are shown In pretty stripes. In all colors, with white collars and cuffs. Special at 98c each. CHOICE OF SUMMER PARA80LS AT HALF-PRICE. Special Sale Shirt Waists 49c Each For Monday we otter about one hundred stylish new shirt waists made of organdie and lawn, prettily trimmed with lace and embroidery. Worth double the price. Ice Tea Tumblers 90c Dozen Special Sale—All 10c Ice tea tumblers at 90c dozen; these are several different shapes and sizes with and without handles. Hair Ribbon Specials One lot pretty ribbon In fancies and solid colors, worth 35c and 40c; special price, 25c per yard. Wind Up Sale of Ready-To-Wear Choice of 50 Wool Suits at Lass Thao Half These high class suits are made oE Poplins, Garbadines, Serges and Sheppard Checks Your choice oE the $37.50 suits Eor $18.25 $35.00 suits Eor $16.25 $25.00 suits Eor $12.00 $20.00 suits Eor $9.25 $15.00 suits Eor $7.00 $12.50 suits Eor $6.00 Your choice oE the Your choice oE the Your choice oE the Your choice oE the Your choice ofi the The wool suits are shown in all colors. Choice of 15 Silk Suits at Less Than Half Choice oE the $35.00 silk suits at $17.50 Choice oE the $50.00 silk suits at $25.00 Choice oE the $30.00 silk suits at $15.00 These stylish silk suits are shown in Black and Navy Reenforced PORCH SHADES / Every Shade Equipped / with ' ' . . x* • _ . Vudor Safety Wind Device • ' ** ' v Onr 600,000 Vadort in daily «• You can make a comfortable living room, dining room or sleep ing porch with a few VUDOR PORCH SHADES on your porch. These perfect shades keep out the glare and at the same time let in the fresh air, Vudor have features that no other shade has;— Every slat is chemically treated to stand any kind of weather, the slats are bound together with rot proof seine twine; every shade is equipped with a safety wind device to prevent flapping. The color is fast. We guarantee Vudor Porch Shades to give absolute satis* faction for five to ten years. Vudor shrdes come in all sizes, at $2.25 to $7.50 There are Vudor Shades in use today that we sold TWELVE YEARS AGO. Art Goods 1-4 Off Beginning Monday we will offer you choice of the Standard Art Goods at ONE-FOURTH OFF the regular price. There are many attractive peices in the package line for the infants, little tots and grown ups. You may also have your choice of the Stamped Peices at ONF-FOURTH OFF. This sale begins MONDAY and will last ONLY a SHORT WHILE. ; . . . :ls In the towel section you will find many at tractive oHerings. 27x18 inch Turkish towels 10c and 12 l-2c. 30x20 inch Turkish towels 20c values lor 15c. 38x21 inch Turkish towels 35c values lor 20c. 40x22 inch Turkish towels 35c values lor 25c. 34x18 inch Huck towels 12 l-2c values at $1 per dozen. 36x18 inch Huck towels 15c values at $1.25 dozen. 36x18 inch Huck towels 20c values extra heavy 15c each. 36x19 inch linen Huch towels 25c values 19c. Pretty Gowns at 50c These gowns are shown in white crepes and nain sook prettily embroiderad in in colors, the nainsook gowns are trimmed with embroidery and ribbon, worth 75c. $1.00 Values Eor 50c * While they last we oiler a regular 50c Wizard duct less duster and a 50c bottle of Wizard furniture polish. Both for 50c. Every house keeper should take ad vantage of this special offer. Long Cloth and Nainsook Specials Ten yds. Nainsook for 98c. Regular $1.25 values- Ten yds. long cloth for $1.25. Regular $1.75 values Short Length in White Poplins at HalE One lot short lengths in regular 25c white poplin at 12 1-2 c per yard. 1 1-2 to 5 yard length. 36 inch Cotton Twill 7 l-2c Yard This material in lengths of 3 to 10 yards, for skirts, butlers and nurses aprons. Regular 10c val ue at 7 1-2 per yard. Choice oE Children's Hats 25c Oe offer you choice of the little girls hats at 25c. They originally sold at 50c to $1. Gold Band Plates All Sizes 10c. Lace 5 Cents One table pretty Val and Torchorn Lace at 5c per yard. Elsewhere you pay 8 l-2c and 10c for the same laces. Large assortments for you fo select from- 80c Value for 44c Here's a great value offer. We offer you 3 cakes of Palm Olive soap which are worth 30c and your choice of a 50c bottle of Palm Olive Shampoo or 50c jar of cream. Regular 80c value for 44c. DAVISON-NICHOLSON CO. ATHENS’ BUSIEST Store