The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, October 22, 1920, Image 1

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S3 ise Georgia Quota in 2 Hours FEDERAL RESERVE 1WE fflli MUmCMffl MED BIT HP Stats Bankers Denounced Several Phases of Board’s Work at Meeting. RESOLUTIONS ARE ADOPTED BY BOTH Will Aid National Railway Equipment Corporation in Its Movement (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 21—Blanket en dorsement.of the federal reserve sys tem coupled with a pledge to aid the national railway equipment corpora tion marked the conclusion today of the group meetings of the American Bankers' Association. Ths federal reserve system was given unstinted praise by the national bankers group In resolutions adopted while the approval of the equipment corporation was voted by the savings baiffc section, tfjndftrsoment of |£ho federal resedve system brought the national bankers again In sharp oppo sition to the stand taken by the state bankers who yesterday denounced several phases of the board's work. Differences are expected to crop out when' the resolutions committee re port reaches tho/floor.of the conven tion tomorrow. National bankers today elected H. ' JcKco of Washington president . section. TOFMMmiHEOT b pump b» mm BANK Purpose Not to Hold Cotton But to Insure Commodity Being Moved When Mar* ket Is Stagnant OPENS WAY FOR EUROPEAN SALE May Extend Operations to Other Commodities in Fu ture— To Take Prelimi nary Steps at Once. Chamber Commerce Meeting Tonight Is Important Session H.*c* of (hat i Mach Prayer Being Made For. Methodist Revival First Church Aa th» time draws near for the revi val at the First Methodist church, In terest Is deepening and active steps arc being taken to make It a groat success. Much prayer Is being made both public and prlvato prayer,. Last night n cottage prayer meeting, conducted by Rev. W. A. E. Church was held In the home of Mr. W. B. Hartley. It was largely attended. Tonlgbi at 8 o'clock a cottage prayer meet'ng will he held In the home of Mr. J. P. Knowles, ttff Baxter street, and per haps such meetings will be held In other homes at the same hour this ev ening. At ths Wednesday evening prayer service spoelal Intercession was made o n behalf of the backsliders that they might tie reclaimed, -, for tho unre generated that'they might be saved, for the children of Cod that a deeper work of grace might be wrought rti their hearts and that they might be nsed to lead others to Christ. Pray er was also otto ed tor Dr. Chappell and the stngefr that they might come In the power of tho spirit. Finally It was asked of God In the revival that His name might bo glorified as never before amon* us. A feeling of deep earnestness per vaded the entire servloo giving great promise of great good. Committees are being organised to care for tho various phases of tho work in the meetings and they will be pubilsbod at an early date. CORK LORD MAYOR BEING NOURISHED: r STILL DELIRIOUS (By Associated Press.) London. Oct. 21—Prison officials continue to force nourishment Lord Sluyor MnsSwtney who la still delirious tonight according to the Irish Self-Determination League. Cork. Ireland, Oct. 21—telegram received today by a friend of Lera Mayor MacSwIneyrrom the lifter's sister said: "Oct Cork to pray for » speedy death." Later a telegram ask ed the 63mo friend to come immedi ately at the end was near. $25,000 IS PAID TO GET STRIKE OVER (By Asteelated Press.) New York. Oct. 21—Testimony at today’s hearings* the Joint 1owl»la*l v ^ committee Investigating the building trust relr.tlve to the payment of $-»•■ 000 by B V. Levy a real estate owner .-id budded to have a strike settled «« committee Investigating the building one of his building projects will b* submitted to the proper prosecuting ruthortlos for Immediate action Chairman Lockwood announced to night. Washington, Oct 21—Plane for the organization of a $12,000,000 cotton export and crop financing corporation were adopted at a meeting here to day of bankers and representatives of cotton Interests attending the con ventlon of the American Bankers’ As sociation. Tha meeting approved the sngges- tlons contained in the report of a committee headed by Robert F. Mad dox, Atlanta banker, to move at once In the direction of preliminary steps toward the organisation of tae cor poration. Tentative arrangements pro vide for payment of half the capita! stock or an Initial working vond of $5,000,000 capital and $1,000,000 sur plus. It was planned for capital subscrip tlqns to be based on assessment of $1 a bale on cotton raised In the respec tlve states, thereby making the organ liatlon one of Influenco throughout all territory which had difficulty In fi nancing the movement of cotton crops. Tho decision to call for an Ini tial payment^ of .only half the total capital means subscriptions will be prorated among purchasers of stock on a basis of 50> cents a hale. Speakers made It clear that the pur pose of the corporation which Is to be organized under the Edge act la not to hold tho cotton crop bat to insure that the commodity will be move “at a time when the market is stagnant." Under tho Edge act the corporation could handle acceptance of cotton pur chasers to an amount of $60,000,000 and although no specific mention was made Indications were that the form ation of tho corporation would Imme diately opqn the way for the sale of cotton In Europe' where demands arf estimated at three to four million bales. Tho corporation may In the future extend Its operations to other commodities. President Jarrell of the chamber o( commerce has Issued a call for a meeting of the chamber tonight at 8 o'clock to which every member and business man In the city aa well as the citizens of the county who can are urged to come. Tbefe will be an unusual amount of general Interest In-the meeting, and It 1s expected that matters besldss of Importance being acted upo«, there will hs a numbor of visitors present who wilt have something to say that will bo pleasant and profitable to bear. The activities of the chamber for the past year have been great, and rauebrifood has been accompls-icd. it Is deelrpd now that a reorganisation •*d enlargement of tho body to be coming necessary on acoiyit of the closing of the year, that the members not only toko new Interest but that every man In Athens and Clarke eoun ty come to the aid of the -body that to seeking to do everything possible for advancement of the «lty rynd sec tion. The meeting tonight will toe an open forum tor much work and It to hoped It will he largely attended. The efforts of the several commit tees engaged today Iq raising tho ad vertlse Georgia quota are to ‘he re ported on and this In ltslef will be HMD MIT OF G0MHE B £ BANDITS HOLD IP CLEVELAND BANK BUT TELEPHONE CD. ASKS AM JOB OF IT, ODE BEING KIUB, OK MID A® OTHERS IEEE HEY Work Will Be Fast But Thorough, Giving- Every' body Opportunity to Aid. CITY ATHENS TO GET BENEFIT NEW YORK JURY INDICTS ARMOUR . & CO. OFFICERS (By Associated Press.) Now York, Oct. 21—Indictments charging profiteering were returned today by a federal grand Jury against Armour and Company, Chicago pack ers and the company’s officers Indi vidually. PREDICTS DEMOCRAT WILL WIN EASILY (By Asspclated Press.) New York. Oct. 21—In prediction of a democratic victory after his trip through Ohio and Illinois Chairman White of the democratic national com mittee today declared the people "wilt select a four-tquare candidate Instead of a human weather vane." DIPLOMATS’ BAGGAGE NOT TO BE SEARCHED (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct 21—8evetary Colby said today the state depart ment Is determined to protect the baggage of diplomatic representatives of foreign nations from search by cus toms oflciale but did not *-/ Just what stops he contemplated last day of tom mix PLAY "8 OOLO COINS.” The - succeesful run of “S Gold Coins” In which the "daredevil” Tom Mix has been starred by William FVx at the Elite theater yesterday and to day comes to an end tonight. Those who have not yet seen this picture should not miss tho final showing. It is a stirring photoplay .brimful of thrills, and the story written for Ml* by H. H. Vr/i Loan contains all the elements of romance and tragedy that i to make an Ideal Western produc* Mix In his numerous stunts of dar- ing or.tdoos anything he has hitherto shown on the screen. The cast in- eludes Margaret Loomis, Frapk Whit son. Bert Hadley, Walt Robins, Frank Weed and others. an Intoresttoig feature. The officials of the chamber urge that all members arrange to be pres ent and those who at* not members who are interest*-! in the future de velopment of Athene add Clarke coun ty- Now is the opportune time for ths citizens of this section to combine their energies gnd organise them selves Into a body that will be beno- flctol to every one. The Chamber of Commerce stands for the upbuilding and development In general of all classes of business end especially Is-this organization In terested in promoting the agricultural possibilities of this section of the stats. - BOND COMMISSION! ■cancels coupons Center of Education and Agricultural, Activities — County Has Rick Re sources. —ki • ADVERTISE GEORGIA • COMMITTEES CALLED • TO' MEET AT 9 A. M. * The following committees are * called to meet at the-Chamber of • • Commerce at 8 o’clock this morn- • • Ing preliminary to the two hour • • canvass,-to raise Clarke county's • • quota Of. $8,600 for the "Advor- • • ttoe Georgia" Enterprise. • • Chamber of Commerce—Aus- • • tyi Bell, B. R. Bloodworth, H. A. • • P>jnd«rgrapb, Wallis Bell. C. B. • • Compton, Morton Hodgson, Dor- • • sey Davis, Allen Talmadge, Ho- • • mer Starke, R. S. Fieeman, M. J. • • Atmey. Ousper Pnlmlsono, • Carl- * • too Wester, It E. Lamkln, Robert • • L. McWhorter. C. A. Truszell, M. • • P. Janlgan. and H. W. Dew*. • • Rotary Club—Harry Hodgson, • • A. Rhodes, H. H, Gordon, ». G. • Nicholson, J. W.f Morton, G, A. •' • Booth, A. C. 'ErWln.. Edwin Por* • ter Eraest 'Mk-hael, and Sidney • ~ Boley. Klwanla club-i-Jool A. V" -SugNn.TXrqfemncfcfrc • rel Stovall. W. A. 'Worsham, ^%-f * • Connolly, D. H. Dupree, L. F. ha- • wards, S. R.i Grubb and W. T. • Forbes. Officers Announced For R. 0. T. C. at University Georgia The following appointments in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps of the Unlvearftjf of Georgia are an nounced: Cadet Colonel, Raymond W. Martin- Cadet L!eut.-Colonel, Fred C. Gar rett Cadet Captains, Thomas M. John ston, Adlutant; James R9tokes. Per sonnel! Adjutant; Herbert A. Moxey, Supply pffleer: Intently Unit. Cadet Major, William J. Carson. Cadet First Lieutenant, Mitchell 8. Dekle, adjutant. Cadet Captalne, J. P Carson, Co A; E. W High)mltb, Co B; W. M Ciisne. Co. C: J. W. Hann, Cot D. Additional Captains: C. R. Bona hah. Co, A: P. J, Broach, Co. B; W. F. Cobb, Co. B; H. G. Dasher, Co. B; A. M. Day. Co D: H H Dean, Co A; E A Edwards, Co C; I. F. Galssert. Co. A; G. L. Hendricks, Co. -C; C 8 Hodges, Co C; D Obcrdorfer, o D; W. M Rog ers. o C; M O. Rudolph, Co. D; T. E. Stokes. Co B; J. H West, Co A; H. C Whehf’-el, Co D. First Lieutenants: N. D. Nlckor-on Co T; C EHawson, Co B; H. E. Eld- ridge. Co. C: W. O.C sntrell, Co D. Second Lieutenants: 8. P. Shell, Co A; D M. Pollock, Co. B; C E. Cox, Co, C; J^N Smjth. Co D. tlonal Second Lieutenants: M. '9. Cantrell. Co D: O J Clark. >, Co D; W L Patterson. Co Cancelling bonds and coupons the amount of $19,1(7.50 tho city bond commission held a meeting at the council chamber yesterday, and re elected Col. C. M. Snell^ng as Its pres ident for the ensuing term. The) commission Is Icomposed - of C. If- Snelllng, Myer Stern.x T. H. Nickerson, W. T. Bryan and T. d. Mell Mayor A. C. Erwin and Councilman B. •F. .Woods, chairman of the finance committee are ox-offlclo members. The report of the commissions ac tion In cancelling tho bonds and cou pons yesterday will be sent to the mayor and council and after the rec ords on the cancellation are complct ed tha hoods and coupons will be de stroyed. The sinking fund of the city at present as given out by the chairman of ths commission to approxlpistey $146,000 represented by Investment In City of Athens Municipal bonds and United States Liberty bonds. I. W. W. PLOT IS CHARGED IN LETTER (By Associated Press.) Sacramento, OcL 21—An anony mous letter telling of a purported plan by the Industrial Workers of the World to destroy simultaneously to night public and other buildings In Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles was received at the office of Governor Stephens. Young Harris Sunday School Has Barbecue Last night the 8unday school at Young Harris Methodist church Joyed a delightful barbecue at the res idence of Mr. B. Dunaway. Officers, teachers and pupils together with a few Invited guests had a most delight ful time and enjoyed a splendid cue. Among the Invited guests were Judge George C. Thomas, Solicitor General W. O. Dean and Col. Abit Nix, all of whom gave Interesting talks. Among those present was Rev. J. V. M. Morris the venerable Athens minister who to a . member of Yar,ng Hants church and a-regular attend ant at the Sunday school. • •••••••sees* Athens Isn’t going to take a day to raise Clarke county's $3,600 quota for tho Adecertlso Georgia enterprise. She's going to do the Job \n two hours tlmo between 10 o’clock a ndnoon to day. This was determined Thursday zfternoon when the soliciting commit tees named from tho chamber of com merce, Rotary club and Klwauto club met In the chainbor of commerce rooms to lay plans for the canvass for subscriptions today. "What's tbs use of stringing It .out Into an all day Job." declared Morton Hodgson, head of tho chamber of com merco committee. “If we wLl Just get out and work wo can finish It up |n two hours." And It was instar Uy ngrcul that It could and would be- done. The 30 committeemen nn.«ed to make he canvass are to meet In the chamber of commerce roams at 9 o'clock this morning for the assign ment of territory and prospects to be called on, and tor final iustnio- tlona. They will 'start out promptly nt 10 o’clock In teams of two men each aselgne to designated office buildings streets or districts. subscriptions cards have been prepared with ’the name and address of every boslne.-s house, oflce tpd factory In the city. These cards have been routed by streets, blocks and buildings, so that the canvassers will' lose no time cr duplicate effort by crossing each oth er’s paths. Each team will go from office to office or store ta.8toro oi in the building, block or street to factory to factory just aa they come which th team Is assigned. The work of the solicitors «aa be greatly simplified and expedited If every business and professional man will make It a point to be In hla place of buslaeee or his office daring the hairs beween 10 and M o’clock to day. If any one must be out be should leave his check with the bookkeoers or stenographer to be delivered to the canvassing committeemen when thye call. Checks should be made payable to Governor Hugh M. Dorsey general cslrman of the Aerertlae Georgia en terprise as all subscriptions first go through the governor's office for rec ord and then are transmitted to the treasurer of the enterprise, Charles B. Lewis, president to the First Na tional bank o Macon. All subscriptions of less than $60 are payable at the time the subscription Is made. Those for sums above $50 are payable one half with subscription plege and the other wbe ( o called or by the governor and tbe executive committee. Whatever excess there may be tn inscriptions above the allotted $3,500 Clarke county quota will remain with the Athens Chamer of Commerce to provide for local "follow-up" to set orth the speclflo advantages of Clarke county, after tho tote enterpuae has put the local organization In direct touch with prospective home seekers, laud buyers adn other investors from other states. By raising its quota lx two hours to Jhhnson, P. MlUlcan, Co D; O S Morton CO B I) W. McFarland Co A; C K Nelson. Co.C: J. F Schwalb, Co C; R B. Smith, Co D; R. H Smith. Co A; A K Swift, o B; J H Vandiver, o A. Calvary Unit. Cadet Major, James White First Lieutenant Paul K. Anderson, adjutant qadet Captains: William H David son, Troop A; Charles S. Short, Troop C; Tod Dann, Troop B. Additional Captains: William F. Mims, Troop B (attached (. First Lieutenants: R L Pitts, Troop A; D F Bruce, Troop B; R L Mlchaol, Troop C. Fgcond Lieutenants: C T Conyers. Troop A; J T Ross, Troop B; J W Howard, Troop C. Additional Second ILeutenanto: T W Alexander, No, f. TroSp C; H. O F-alley, Troop B; H C Baker. Troop'B; W II Barber, Troop A: S G Chandler. Troop A: D Donaldson, TYoop C: H J Hardin. Troop B; C P McRae, Troop A: J. W. Mdbley. Troop C; J, -P. Mur- phey. Troop C; O. W O'Qrclnn, Troop C; G. S. Phillips, Troop A; M. E. Sib ley. Troop B: Ed Thomas. Troon A; Alton Hoosch, Troop "C; J. W. Jack- son, Troop C; W. L. Lamb. Troon It; J. D. Watson, Troop B; B. K| Upshaw, Troop A. ' Motor Tranhoort Unit Cadet Major; WUHe T. Middle- brooks. Fldst Lieutenants: 'Marlon J. Bfnd- nax. adjuetant; William B. Almcn, sup ply officer. Captains: E A Lowe. 1st company; L R Lanier, 2nd company. Additional captains: J. W, Barnett, 1st company; F. C. Dart, 2nd compa ny. First Lieutenants; H. W. Hoaqh, 1st company; J. C. Murphcy, 2nd com Ptny. Second Lieutenants: H. A. Robin son *st company; D. S. Rogeds, ■2nd company. • Additional second lieutenants, pro visional company, J. R. Armstrong, O. M. Broadhurst, J: B. Brookhardt. C. H. More Than Two Hundred Shots Fired in Street Bat tle After Raid by Rob*, bers. RAH IBEffi 06 20 TO 33 PER CERT. Athens Rate's on Business Phones -to Go From $4.50 to $5.40; Residence $2.75 to $3.50. CAR WOULDN’T GO ABANDONED CASH Four Men Escape But Ppsse Is Seeking them — Man Killed Identified as Albert Joyce. (By Associated Press.) Cleveland, Oct. 21—George Losteln cr calrt to bn under Indictment in many states for murder and robbery to under arrest here tonight after being shot through the neck as a result of a street battle at Bedford today after eight bandits had held up tbe Bedford branch of the Cleveland Trust Com pany. A bandit Identified as Albert Joyce was killed and two otbeds captured arid tho bank clerk was probably fa tally hurt. Posses are seeking the oth er four bandits who failed to get any money. Tlio robbery took place at closing time when six bandits entered And commanded five t>a,nk employees and three customers to go to the rear of .the building. The employees were for ced to I(o on their faces and the cus tomers were closely guarded. Selling alt the money m sight said to amount to $59,000 the bandits rush ed far tha street where the other- two waited in /an automobile. As Ahoy OTHER CITIES TO BE RAISED ALSO Georgia Railroad Commit* •ion Has Set Hearjng on Petition .For October 27. A>. Coultor, Co. C; J. E. Den- /.ET'SX,,. L ton, Co B; Q W. Miller, o!%; X iUlcan. Co D: O S Morton Cn R: ne " •°> ,nde<1 and cltlxens rushed Into, .the street where more than two hundred nbote were fired. Unable to iter: tho car the bandits abandoned It leaving the money In tact, (8peclal to The Banner.) Atlanta, Oct. 21—The Southern Bell Telephono and Telegraph company fil ed with the state railroad commission Thursday a detailed schedulo of the ,new rates It Is seeking, revealing the fact that It wlahes Increases ranging trom 20 to 33 1-3 per cent 'The company some time ago filed i petition for higher rates without announcing at tho time the amounts of the various, propos/d ftcreases. Hearing on the potltlon has been sat for October ST. Following are the proposed Increas- FURTHER PAYMENTS TO RAILROADS ARE TO BE WITHHELD Atlanta: Business phones from ths prtyent rate of $7.50 to $10.50 a month Realdence phones from the present rate of $4 to $6. Macon ami Augusta: Buslp’ss phones, from $6.50 to $(. . P.ostdence phones from $3.26 to $9:90. Savannah—Business phones from $6 to $7.60: residence phones from $8.60 to $4.76. Athens, Rome, Waycross, Valdosta and Brunswick—Business p.iones, trom $4.60 to $9.40; rosldenco phanea Isglfr ,<:-*. j—- ■ Amerleus—Buklnoss plumes from $4 to $6; residence phonon from $3.90 tor 13.10. New schedules for all other cities In Georgia served by the oompiny wero filed, ths proposed new rat-a being approximately tbo-samd as those list ed above,. (By Asteelated Press.) Washington, Oct. 21—Secretary Houston today described as "final' iho ruling of Comptroller Warwick tha) further payments to railroads jin- d-r tho transportation act must be withheld until complete statements of tbe amounts due are submitted by tho roads. FRESHMAN CHARGED WITH MURDER OF A PENNSA. SENIOR i (By Associated Press.) Philadelphia, Oct *1—A warrant charging him with murded of Elmer C, Drt-ws, Dartmouth aenlor waa Is sued tonight for William E> Brine* University of Pennsylvania freshman, who, pollco «ay. owns a blood-stained automobile containing a pistol and two empty bottle found near where Draw* body Vas discovered. Tbe ne Uve for the killing to unknown. Georgla-Oglethorpe Game In Atlanta Morgan Blake says "Those football fans here who are unable to take the trlpf to Pittsburg will see a good football game anyhow .next Saturday when the Oglethorpe Patrols and the Red and Bjack of Georgia mingle In mortal combat at Ponce de Leon park. "Oglethorpe’s splendid showing Cohen, M. M. Coleman. J. T. Cox. H.. Whist the Sewanee “** W. Durden, T. Edwards. T. J. Plske, J. F. Frederick, W. S. Gibson. L. H, Harmon, A. H. Hasty, J. W. Honoud, C. C. Kemp, J. O. Lamar, L. R. Lang, ley. W. A. Lpundv, c: A McMillan. O. R. Methvtn, W. O. Mullto. J. F Reid. U O. Low, O. O. Reynolds, R. B. Rhodes, G. W. Richardson. G. H. Ridgeway. C- A- Ho»ston, F. B. Smith, B. " L. South welt; A. D. Summers, C. A. Tuner, W. W. Thomas. H. Y. Tillman. C. R. Wiley, O. S. Willis. TURKS SHELL AN AMERICAN SCHOOL (By Associated Press.) Alntsb. Asia Minor, Oct. 11—Turk ish Nationalists who are fighting the French shelled an American college here todiy. day Athens will set the pace for the entire state. Other dttei are waiting to see what Athens to going to do. And what Athena to going to to noth ing more nor leas than 'DO IT. f*ct that Georgia was only able to do-, feat Futpmn 7 to 0. to an Indication that the game may be closer ths,a was at first thought. "Whether the close score with Fur man was due to the fact that Coach Inval has an unusually strong team this year, or that Georgia's offensive Is not as good gs It looked earlier la tbe season Is a mooted question. “Anyhow It Is hardly probable that G-orgla will pile up anything resem bling the score that Georgia Tech did egatqst the Petrels. “A great crowd will no doubt turn out for the game not only because of the p« polarity of tho two teams In Atlanta but also because the fans will want to gst a line on the Red and Black before their battle with the powerful Augurn Tigers on Saturday week, ' "The chances are that Oglethorpe will score <\n Georgia because Johnny Knox to a hard man to hold In check for four quarters. K,nox to a sensation si performer and It to doubtful l( Georgia has a man In the baekleld his equal." ROOT WIRES COX HIS EXPLANATION FOR STATEMENTS (By Associated Press.) New York, Oct. *1—Kllhu Boot tel egraphed Governor Cok today reply ing to Cox's request to correct his "false'' statement about hla stand on the league, that Cos after an Inter view with President Wilson hid said “Yera and he were In complete ac cord on tho league of nations." Root's telegram contended that the president had steadfastly refused any reservation that ■ubstantlatly chanced the covenant,- and added that' It Cox ha* changed *'! had not heard of it.” Edmonds Arrested As Implicated in on (By Associated Press.) Edgefield, S. C., Oct. 11—A. A. Ed monds, supervisor-elect of Edgefield county, was arrested here today cliarfl ed with being Implicated In the glMY ed beating of Peter McMahan of Yonk-' night. McMahan etolma he wag attempting to assist a young woman of Aiken ae>- ers. New York, near Trenton Monday tltment which Involved ip estate. Ed monds was released on bond. It to un derstood other arrests will follow. New Shipping Board . Members Appointed (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 11—President 'Wilson today appointed five of the seven members of the hew shipping board. Admiral Benson whs rsMppotnt- ed chairman and the other four nam-. ed are Frederick I. Thompson, Mo bile; Oavln Monah- San Fra,nctocor Martin J. Mlllen, Wisconsin, and The odore Marburg, of Balt(jpore. All aro democrats except Marburg. Under the law tbe remaining two appointees must be republicans. FOOTBALL RESULTS North CsVollna State 13; North Carollpt University 3; University of Sonth Carolina Presbyterian college 0. 14; ■|t