The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, December 17, 1920, Image 2

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L PAGE TWO THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1920. “GIFTS THAT LAST” Diamonds, Watches, Silver, Jewelry and Fine Hand Cut Glass. Home Phone 8S2 CONDUCTED BY M RS. ALICE ADAMS IMPORTANT ! £° u ' ae %“ v™? b,e : tJgurtt&TSZSi' “ SsSk aar ter «T f*, a”"rw'.e they will j Whlwortl(.Sarah Hall. M*r- not be In ? time for publication. TIk j ter ' ance ' SoI>hl ® J P nes - cooperation of the public in the above requee.t will be very greatly appre dated by the aoolal eel tor. BOTTLE THE SUNSHINE. Bottlr the sunshine up, m/ dean. And lay It safe atvay. Hammer the cork In pood and tight. Keep It for a rainy day. For clouds will come and showers will fall, And -arth and aky look aad. Then fling the cheery raya about. And make the old world glad. MRS. H. L. BARRON ENTERTAINS. Mra. II. L. Barren was hostess at* a sewing party on Wednesday after- 1 toon at her apartment on Hancock ; M. F. FICKETT Jeweler 5 Telephone 200 268 Clayton St a Gifts for Every Occasion - « ■■■■■BBaBIBBHBBnaBBBBaBBSBIBSEliRSSaHIIBL? DANCE AT COUNTRY CLUB THIS EVENING. The (lance at the Country club this avenue. ; evening promises to be a brilliant Mrs. Barron wag assisted in enter- social event, assembling the dancing tainlng by the Misses Cheatham. ' eontinkent and several out-of-town Those invited were Miss Mary Raw- visitors. Everyone is anticipating a son, Miss Lizzie Cheatham. Miss Mat- lovely time. tie Cheatham. Mrs. L. B. Barlow., Mrs. Nlcholls. Mrs. Bill McKinnon, MUSIC-LOVERS’ FEAST* Mrs. Ben Epps. Mrs. W. G. Flanagan. Tho music lovers of .Macon were a/- ; NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ]B. M. Norvelt, Dist. Agt “Known Throughout the World” 605 HolmarTBfdg. Phone 1797 Residence 667 Cobb St., Tele- I Normal college on Wednesday eve* I ning, to which the public Is invited. —Valdosta Times. lacy Tait, who is attending tho ! University of Georgia, in Athens, will | arrive in a few days to spend thoj • Christmas holidays.—Brunswick Ban- i »» er - ' # # .t * * * i I Henry Nevin, who is a student af the University of Georgia, was the ! we-k-end guest of his parents.' Mr. ! and Mrs. Jam?s B. Nevin.—Atlanta • Georgian. • • * . | J Miss IJlla Forrest left Saturday to| j spend a week in Athens.—Thomas*! ville Times-Bnterprlse. Miss Mary Reid, w) 10 is attending school at Lucy Cobb, in Athens, will pend the Christmas holidays with h r parents, ’Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Reid, in Druid Hills.—Atlanta Jour nal. Bottle the sunshine up. my dears, Sweet temper lay away; Carry through life a smiling face. And let your heart be gay. 1 S lyde ^^Dorman, Mrs. J. B.i forded a regular music feast last evh- tw younger daughters Misses Arnie Wi?r, Mrs. Eugene Thomas and Ms*.' ning, when the • celebrated Georgia an » \ e ii? r » n< * Bunn Thev ramo t i i "• “• Leslie 11 ml g son. gave a "Sui^unn •.-A... ! concert at the home of Mr. and Mrs., hfvlW4 frritn ,. M „ V r ^ hh fnr fht% PhrluK MENU FOR TODAY i James T. Wright, on Ceurtland ave* { home from Lucy Cobb for the Christ* „ James T. wngni, oil ivuuruaiiu uvc-, ; holidays While h«re the nnrlv Ther-s sorrow plenty In tije world,; AT BAZAAR. i oue. Mr. Hodgson was induced to, , 9tey , v . it ^ Capt Thomag H P D „. And rtrlfe and bitter pain. The Woman's club bazaar will servoi 11 Macon by the members of the z j e g r on -jjjjjg street the following menu today: j Saturday Mowing Music club, an or-j Country Sausage, a la White Plains j Chicken, u la King Sweet Potatoes Corn Pudding So line tbe clouds with golden beams TUI the sun shines bright again. —The Child’s Gem MR. AND MR8. R. T. DuBOSE CELEBRATE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY. One of the week's most notable so-; Coffee Hot Rolls Ice Cream ganizatioti which has done much trw .. , . * . ward placing Macon on the map pf. ' r3 - M flliam Bradshaw, of Padu music : co *’ Ky " arrlvtR Monday to spend Mrs. Wright, ex-president or tbs! **»« RolMayi-yltlt her mother Mrs. (Jab, has a home which Is especially White. w »'•>« Joined Wad- adapted to such entertainments, and j neaday'by Mr. Bradshaw and Miss Juiia Ashton Bradshaw. ...» — - . Mrs. Rufus Turner will be in charge,j ' a *t evening It was especially attrae-, dal events was tho beautiful family | assisted by Mrs. .G. O. Davis, Mrs t,ve wU , h beautiful flowers sent by| ... dinner psrty given Wednesday eve-j Frank Hardy. Mrs. R. S. Spelr. Mr.J ,he mu,lc 9 lub aml individuals. Mrt,.; _ MjJS l.arilel Rhodes will arrly nlng by Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Toombs Gem Davis. Mrs. Marion Conotly. Mrs.l - T 08eph Napier, president. Mr». ; from Lucy Cobb Institute, ( DuBoro in celebration of their fortieth .1, E. Severin. Mrs. Wrr.v, Misses Ma- Wright and the entire club member-, Athens, to spend the Christmas hob- hip assisted in receiving about 1601 days with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs ! guests. j Ernest L. Rhodes, at their home on i Miss Edith Hodgson, sister of the! Peachtree road.—Journal. musician, arrived with her brother, , *•* I yesterday from Athens to attend the; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erwin, of Chat 1 ioneert. While here Miss Hodgson j tanooga, will arrive Wednesday to was entertained at the honie of Mrs. ; spend tho holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tnlmadge. anniversary. ( rlon Bailey anti Sarah Swift. The day was quietly but very de-i llghtfullv spent, with many con*r»tn-| LITTLE MIS8 GRAY story letters, telegrams and hundreds CELEBRATES HER of good wishes from countless friends.; third BIRTHDAY iUr , «nre‘?slS qU rf M lovin°g We ”te W r e eitl A » Interesting and love* event w frs-rant wRh swee reminiscences i> 1 tho blrUul3 y P a r‘>' *■*«" Wednesday) Arthur Codington. reminiscences j aft( , r r n00n by Mrg JameB I5 . Gray a ,' Tlle . youn g pianist is a Georgia B TS» rmm and twins room 1 1,er home on Pcnc)itr 3 e road In honor man, Athens being his home town. Mrs, T. E. Scolt and little daughter, „a n ™o5*Ji^ v n .e. O, enchant. 1 of tlle ,hlrd birthday of her llttb There, Mr. Hodgson attended tho Un -of Athens, will arrive this morning ™. C narcissi In daughter. May Inman Gray. ! varsity of Georgia, where he was on. 1 to visit bev parents, Mr. and Mrs. C Lst-min^srrnnrsmeni with holldav ' Tho rooms where the small guests of five men, the year of his gradua- Miller.—Brunswick News. d^.HlJTr»h^nlh« r(»m Tie we " received had many Interesting 1 Hon. to receive n Phi Beta Kappa key. ••• . hs^dsrmclv nnnoTnIci? tfble 0< w»s ran Christman decorations. '.rter he was graduated from Georgia. Mr . V. D. Whatley id taking a lh ? p , v -l„ ,-aa an The table was bright with Us cov- be went to New York to pursue hls[ course In home economics In Athens, Is rlnosi of the IllustriouB Toombs ering of crepe paper, flgurod^wlth gay profession, studying composition un-, —yorroll County Times. ttkiSiilmTSh Du Bo sc holl y and ‘polnsettlas. dcr the Goldmark brothers, Carl and n't, ins«a!i hnsiiHful With The ervs- In the center was a Christmas tree flubeii. Prior to attending Georgia. Miss Frederica Boatright is expect- lh , branches of solid adorned with tinsel. K»y halla and; lie studied In Berlin. I ed home today, after a visit of sev- Iiivnl hniainJ#!,. crimson nolnsettla fe8toon " of th 8 holiday eeaaon. | Although Mr. Hodgson has played i fra] weeks >n Atlanta. Galnesvllic, r * .. The birthday cake of the smnll; 'n many leading cities of tho north; Marie’ta at Vthens, where she was this was his first appear-; most dellt •'illy entertained, -Macon. Telegraph.. [Athens she • • ,s the guest of Miss ,--t-t,—- ,sjl : I.qiifs-ei Braac ’ho is attending the nrettv-renresenta- wers *W«n. aaati,small,girl ana ooy th« Lumpkin Street.'Needlewori:i IJnfversity,ovgla. Miss Brand rir n C v<YviVie .nil (Ti-nnnl^hnnnllv SUE- and horna for each of them added to; club will moet this afternoon at 1 and Miss Boatright are both grad JliifJWu.Mnlnua nccaslnn i the merriment of-the occasion. o’clock with Mrs. J. M. Hawkes at her nates of Br?niiu college, being former nmivaa .linher was serv- Tho llttld honorec \vHh a charming home, SOU South Lumpkin street. classmates.—Cordele Dispatch. Sin. Ih'Z Hn ' H'blfe In a dainty hock of green ••• ... 1 •Mil. i Ml:amlvocna son of Greens- organdie, smocked In self tones.—j Mr. H. D. Bunn, of Fairfax, Ga , Mr. Hugh Leslie Hodgson will glv Mr*. Marion Allen,aad Journal. | rrrlved hprtgvlh auto last night with; a" ftclt'el at tljo South Georgia State Jtar'on Allen. Jr., o'f Atlanta; Mr. aid Mrf. Bolling DuBose and little Kalhe- • cud Bolling DuRoae: Mr. add Mrs. Harvey Stovall. M«- H- w - L* m ’ kl- -rd Vr». Rosa D. Hull. Mra. DuBose received her gueats wearing a gown of black Georgette 'mb'oldered In silver with the ex- culs'ts family pearls, the gift of Mr. DuBose when they were married. Time has Indeed been kind to Mr. md Mrs. DuBose and It Is hard to realize forty years have passed elnce their happy nuptials were solemn- ized. Courtiers friends unite In wishing for them meny more anniversaries as radiant and lovely as the one Just passed. 'MISS MARTHA NICHOLSON FNTERTAINS FOR MISS GWENDOLYN GRIFFITH. Mist Martha Nicholson entertained at a small but very lovely party last evening In honor of Ml»e Gwendolyn Griffith and wedding party. The guest Met Included Miss Ellen Coleman, of Milwaukee. Four tables of bridge featured the bapny o-cub Ion The delightful home was artistically decorated In holly and crimson flow-! ers arranged In allver vases and baskets with a radiance of lights and bright glowing fires throughout tbe lower floor. An elaborate salad cource, ice cream and rake followed the game. iMIsa Nicholson Is always a charm- •tig hostess and fully sustained the benny prestige of the home last eve ning. The presence of Miss Griffith. In cident to her marriage to Mr. Riddle. Of Chsmbersburg. Pa., tomorrow eve- ring. has afforded great pleasure lo brr wide circle of friends, and that ahe chose her girlhood home seems moet fitting, with (he additional pleasure cf bringing her parents, Mr. end Mri. C. B. Griffith, of New Or leans. and her sister and brother. Mr. end Mrs. Chambers; Mehaffey, of Chambsrtburg, Pa. MUSICAL AT UiCY COBB. A very pleasant program was ren dered it Lucy C'.nb on Wednesday ''•entire by tbe fallowing members of Mira Rivera’ das?, assisted by pupils | rf Mlrs McLeod and Miss Jones, whoi were Maftha Hill Jackson. Sarah 1 Weir. Emjly boiler, David Ooldwas-' r-f, Marlon Clinton, Frances Thomas.; Ethel Pambrough, Margaret Bicker staff. Frances Crane. Audry Hands. Agnle F. Parnell. Eliza Cobb McDor- man. Thelma Leathers. Agnes Weath erly. Katherine Davis. Frances Dur ham, Annie L. Doroofb, Nancy Ken- (Pake what am ! ' A Only a small part of W the wheat crop was ® good enough to mill , . (Mo Dainty Flour. 1 , MOTHER’S MEND For Expectant Mothers Os‘.d Br Three Ceierations PatenT w daintv \ i,: FLOUR M i The kind of t^tke that makes you wish (here was more isn’t Hard to make if you only go ai it right. Try using Dainh; Flour. You’Jl be sur prised at the difference. Dainty Flour is milled from the choicest soft winter wheat by a special alow process which preserves all the unusual baking qualities found only in such grain. Then it is silk-sifted to extreme fineness. Do you wonder at ihe fine results that Dainh; Flour produces? Because of its high and absolutely dependable quality, Dainty costs more than ordinary flour. But the difference will be *epaid by what you save on shortening. And think of the better baking! f Mr WEBB-CRAWFORD CO., Wholesale Distributors ATHENS, GA. Mr. ami Mrs. Cltett and little son, Alqx, spent Sunday at Irwlnton. From there Mr. Cllett went to Athens for a few days to attend to business atj tho agricultural college before leav- ( Ing for his home in Mississippi, where! he and his little family will spend/ the Christmas holidays with tnelr parents.“-SandersvlUe progress. j Miss Gertrude Bernstein arrived, from New York yesterday to spend: tha holidays with relatives. Miss "Rosena Morris, who lias'been spending sometime in New York, re turning home yesterday. | v Mr. and Mrs. Marion Allen and young son. Marion, relumed to lanta yesterday, having eome over DuBose’s fortieth anniversary] * * • ^ Mr. Harvey Stovall and Miss Louise Phlnlzy will go to Birmingham today to visit Mrs. Lelioy Percy. 4 * ■ • *. d Miss Henrietta Thompson, of the S. N. S. faculty, left yesterday for her home In New Orleans, to .spend (he holidays. •£* \ Mrs. ft,.J. Smith, Mrs. J. C. Turner, and Mra? Strlblln^, of Jefferson; vKit ed here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Stevens, of Crawford, spent yesterday In the citv ... -I Mies Bessie Baird left Thursday (oi lier home In, Portland, Ind., to spend the holidays with her parents. * * * Mrs. E. E. Moore, of Washington, visited here yziterday. Many who are not quite satisfied with the usual fine candies will find supreme delight in Mr. Washington’s refining process has eliminated all the woody fibre,chaff and by-product matter which you have to pay for in roasted bean coffee. G. Washington’s Coffee is pure, refined coffee—with all its goodness, strength and richness, t Each cup order. Dissolves instantly. No coffee pot needed,' Each,can of G. Washington^Coffeeiis ; equivalent .to ten times its weight in roasted bean coffee/^ Measure the cost by the cup—^not by the size of the can. Always delicious, healthful and’, economical.. Recipe booklet free—send 10c for-special'crisl size. MADE IN THE CUP AT THE TABLE COFFEE OHIOIMTED BY MB. WASHINGTON IN 1909 G. Washington Saks Co. Inc., S22 Fifth Avenua, New York City Every woman knows that fine silks make fine waists, but do you; .know that fine silk also makes fine flour? V/e buy the very finest silks for use in sifting WILLIAM FLOUR Every pound of William Tell is sifted through this silk, not once, but thirteen times. After this sifting, the flour simply must be clean—it must be fine—it must be pure. Rich, wholesome, white bread, with a deli cious “come back for more” flavor and a loaf that cuts to a fine, clear slice—that’s your reward when you use William Tell. Try it—once, anyway—and see. Just tell your grocer—William Tell. CRAWFORD & MERRY 1Ml A Distributors Athei lens, nijnurv