The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, January 07, 1921, Image 2

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PAM TWO THE BANNER, SATURDAV MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1921. juk CONOUCTED BY M P.S. ALICE ADAMS Home Phone 882 IMPORTANT All church and elub notlcei for Thr Banner muat be aent in or phone' before 8 p. m., otherwise they wll not be In time for publication. Th< co-operation of the public In the abovi request will be very greatly appre elated by the social editor. THE NEW YEAR'S CALL. New year and morning alar, And one clear call to me! The tide of hope Is running high As I put out to sea. Dawn and u shining shy. And, nftor that the day! Land wind fills each straining sail And speeds my ship away. Be there no lack of faith Or love's sweet cheer for me; The Pilot yields my hand the helm As t steer out tc sea. —Selected. THOUGHT FOR THE DAR. "The period of life is brief; Tlf the red of the red roseleaf. 'Tts the flight of the bird on high, 'Ha the gold of the sunset eky. Tet one may so All that space With such Infinite grace With such Infinite grace That the rose will bo red* nil time. And the gold through the ages shine. And the bird fly swift and straight To the portals of God’s own gate." to those so fortunate to be present. It fs Indeed a treat to visit the beautiful club house, especially o;; yesterday—a day resplendent In the bright sunshine as balmy ns spring line, which flooded the spacious •ooms. so artistically and attractively ’urnlshed. Every detail Is a study In lani’ony—restful are tho soft tones ■f (he walls, with fresh curtains hang- nV from old brass cornices of antique Ifsigii, so appropriate for tho long rlndows. Some handsome pieces of >ld mahogany, brass candlestick? bung with prisms and several famous detures add perstlge to the historic sliding. Tho pictures donated by the Red !ross. with the handsome rug sent iver by the British Red Cross, Ip ippreelatlon of assistance given by he Americans, are very handsome. Tho tPa room Is a thing of beauty ■nil promises to be a Joy forever. The luncheon was delicious and de- Ightfully served. The china, silver nd all accessories aro lovely and the rngrnnce of flowers In all the rooms ■nve additional charm. The guests Included, besides the harming hostess, Mrs. W. D. Bea ham, Mrs T. P. .Stanley, Mrs. 8. V. Sanford, Mrs. E. R. Hodgson, Jr., Mrs. Jerald Green. Mrs. E. W. Carroll, vlrs. Cobb T-nmpkln, Miss Irma Proc or. Mrs. Rufo Tumor, Mrs.. A. S ’arkor and Mrs. Allco Adams. • Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Pluker, of Union Point, spent yesterday In thi city. . ... • • . Mrs. J. T. Strange, of Winder, spent yesterday with her daughter, Mrs. Carter Daniel. * • • Miss Alice Meadows is spending sometime In Winder • • • Mrs. J. N. Grlffetb, of Bogart, visit ed here yesterday. • • • Mr. nnd Mrs. Gerald Greene spent Wednesday in Atlanta. • • • Mrs. 'Frank Kroner, of Wintervllle. spent yesterday In the city. • * • Miss Georgia Betts spent yesterday In Jefferson. * • • Mrs. A. M. Chandler, of Maysvllle, Is the guest of Mrs. E. B. Wood. • • • Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howard, of Lexington, are welcomed ns residents if Athens, having moved here Thurs day Into the home recently vacated hv Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dudley, on Kenderaon avenue, which they pur chased. Mrs. W. G. Hayes nnd children hnvo returned to Commerce, after visiting relatives In tho eltv. • • • Miss Louise Rogers has returned to Newberry, S. C., after being delight fully entertained as the guest of%I1si Fannie Mae Teat. CHILDREN'S GOLDS . should notbe "doa«d." Treat them externally with— VAPORUB Oner 17 Million Jan UttJ Yearly Rhubarb belongs to the buckwheat family. BETTER THAN WHISKEY FOR ~ COLDS AND FLU Milk Punch Paragraphs The milkman delivers bottles from door to door and since prohibition we're all drinking more. Milk is one form of liquid refreshment which all of us—men, women and children— Imbibe from Infancy until old age. Of fellow who tried to graft a strnwbe plant to a milkweed to get etrawt rieg and cream.—Pathfinder. City Guy; "Tell me, how’s I milkmaidT" Country Lass; “It Is made, you poor nut; the cow git ft."—Cornell Widow. Sound waves can be seen "by pn Chinese use shark fln rays for mak ing gelatine. Daily Fashion Hint Scientific Remedies, U«ed SSKK.'&U 1 „“m j — and Endorsed by Euro-, holding Its own In the home. Most | Whales have teeth before birth, b npon nnd American Amvv 11 » are acquainted only with the j these are displaced by whalebone pean ana /American Army j mIlk of the ? ow But there i 3 tho] the timo the animal is bom. Surgeons to Cut Short a liquid from the cow-plant from Cey- L___ ! el. ~ V nf tho fllZXV fnCOfttUlt HAPPY WOMEN URL SCOUTS HOLD FIRST MEETING OF 1921. SAVE A LIFE IN CHINA. "IN HIS NAME!" Yes, friends and co-workers, we must have our ears keenly alert and sensitive to the call of the One who lias said: "As I have loved you, one another." True, nut* c * hiYt been many, but can you. net al moit hear tbs JC*lls_J)t children and mothers In China? It is no fault of tnelrs that they are facing starva tion and bitter cold, freeing weather "nags, blindness, hunger! 1 ’ Oh what a trio! Fellow Christians, can wo face our Saviour with a clear con science as we cat three hearty meals dally, heedless of the cry of starving end freezing China—"Come over and help us or we die?" We have th< poor and suffering with us always, but with them there comes a blessing tc ••Blessed Is he that consldereth ‘ will deliver him Tho Girl Scouts held their weekly nooting Friday, January 7th, at 4 p. n„ the first meeting In 1921. Twenty mo of the members were present, only twe* being absent, tiemhgfs were Initiated. iuveu ,vu, ,-OKccts for tho year of 19zl were True, our cnjllf derted ns fellows: secretary, Esther Bush. Treasurer, Callle McWhorter. Assistant treasurer. Emily LaBoon. Leader first patrol. Louise Smith. Leader second patrol, Mary Wood. Leader third patrol, Amelia Dorn- ilatt. The Girl Scout organization Is plan ting to accomplish big things this -omiiig year, nnd extends an Invlta- lon to all girls between tho ages of '.0 and 18 to Join us. ESTHER BUSH. Secretary. vs: the poor; the Lord in time of trouble." Who knows how great will bo our gain If. with earnest prayer we give enough to save even one child from starving? The sincere prayer with the offering will he remembered by cur Father and He may wonderfully bless the gift by saving that very ■ouL and some future day when we •re startled with the brilliancy of a gam In our -crown we will be told. "You consldefed It,a privilege ono dar to teed a starving Chinese child In -My Name, and this gem represents the soul you brought Into my king- dpm f. W. C. A. QYMNA8H/M '.LASS. ' ■ ' ■ ’come. Friends. Christians, all who love your Saviour, let’s reach deep iiown lilt > our pockets and a* v-c ,u a ctd. draw out in proportion os we’ve haei ’ The joanoera blsa.'ed uav "Fere, Lord, I givs tl ring their du«e, *11 to Thee; blear and save at least .nee I? desired or.o oraclc-UB soul.” — Fellow Methodists, last Sunday one of our worthy and faithful Chrlstlar Chinese rtudents of the University of Georgia fnve to ns an earnest and most excellent tslk. then an oppor tunlty was nlven to help China. Many were unprepared, so we were prom Ised another opportunity to reepom on next Sunday morning. Will wc not come with our children, teacblnv them bv our example what a prlyl lege It Is to give? The amount rats rd will be cabled td China on Mon day bv our faithful and efficient dl vine Dr. Beacham. It must be sent In haste, so distressing are the needs Come, true, loyal Americans, let ui ■how Chinn what true Christianity means. This Is truly America f great opportunity. 1 pray you tun' not a deaf car. Let them see an. know that our nearts are pure and true; hearts that realty love God and humanity. Your writer has faith to believe w. will'have a generous response, know ing, as of old. what noble, kind-heart ed people Athens is made up of.- Contrlbuted. ■ - i» ■*: —-=» irwwif MRS. C. M. SNELLING HOSTESS TO EXECUTIVE BOARD. Yesterday, at noun. Mrs. C. M Snellins, president of the Woman', dub, entertained the executive board •t luncheon at the lovely club house Tho Y. W. C. A. gymnasium classes or women will begin Monday night t 7:30 o’clock at the Y. W. C. A. rymnaslum on Hancock avenue. All those who arc Interested aro tread to be there on time. I. O. C. MEETING MONDAY AFTERNOON AT LUCY COBB, 4 O’CLOCK. The Laura Rutherford Chapter, U. 1. c„ will meet Monday afternoon vlth tho president. Miss Mildred Ruth- ■rford, at I.ucy Cobb, at 4 o'clock. Tho ’liil.lrcn' of the Confederacy conven tion to bn he'd In June will be rtls- Plenty of Them In Athens, and Good Reason For It. Wouldn’t any woman be happy, I After years of backache suffering. Days of misery, nights of unrest. The distress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom, _ Many readers will profit by the fol- Two now low|n(? Mrs. J. 0. Power. 193 Hancock. St.. Athens, says: "It has been some »lmo since I took Doan’s Kidney Pills but I won’t forget how they helped me. I was In awful misery with kidney trouble and was so bad T could n’t sit down and get up again with out being helped. My back pained se verely and I also suffered from neu ralgia. My eyes swoHcd underneath and my lower limbs would pain and ache, too. Often I could hardly walk on thli account. A friend advised me ' to try Doan’s Kidney Pills nnd I did. After using them tho trouble disap- j large. Price peared and I waa entirely cured. I j 9126. Sizes, have recommended Doan’s on many dccaslons." ) 60c. at all dealers. FostoriMIlbura Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Adv. I and tho sap from tile fig tree. Then. Cations. i also, astronomers rave over the I Milky Way with its countless mil- r . . 11 e x lions of stars. Every now and then Every Druggist m U. S. In-' wo i aug h with delight at tho subtle Structed to Refund Price! comments about milk made *1/* mm mmm , p . i of the Day "flliiifl on the screen at While You Wait at Count-! local theaters. Undoubtedly a milk er if Relief Does Not Come! train of thought is of “»«™s»i ap- : peal. So, readers of The Athens Banner, wc have condensed for you j the cream of milk witticisms as a | "dry” drink In keeping with the | times: "Mother. Dear, will our cow go to | heaven when she dies?" "No, my Then, v/Mt we have to go to Within Two Minutes. Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. As One Raised From’Dead StOBltli PllM floss Estonia Math Him WeH suffering Ira loaf months ’ itch pants, I hsvs ttktt; md sm now without say, child.’ u- l-eciiluisil to ,l full llUeod’ Judge and 'Mrs, Waive.’ Hedges, llss Frances Hodges and Mrs. A. G. tcCurry, of Hartwell, ore the guests f Col. nnd Mrs. J. U. McCnrry. • * • The girls’ auxlllnry of the First laptist church will meet at Mrs. Pen .’ergrass' this afternoon at 3:30 I'clock. All members arc urged to he present. • • • Miss Luclle Kinnebrew has return' nd to McRae, Ga„ where she Is teach- 'ng voice In the South Georgia col lege.-after n visit to her mother. » « » Dr. R. A. Torrey. of Los; Angeles, ’aL. is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Parker, at the home of Mr. md Mrs. A. 8. Parker. • • • Rev. and Mrs. W. 11. Faust, of Win- ler, visited here yesterday. FASHIONS OF BABE BEAUTY. An overgarment that suggests both a surplice blouse and a cape Is one of 'he latest ldei« for using furs or materials having a pile The 'long collar of the model pictures, Is gathered to the neck at the back. The wide sleeves are In dolman shap ing, Medium size requires 2% yards G4-lnch material. By means of clever lines and sim ple trimming the onc-plcce frock of brown tricotine achieves smartness. The sleeveless blouse closes oti the Soft shoulder nnd under tho left arm the sleeves being set Into tho arm holes of a front-closing underhody. Medium olzo requires 3% yards 54- Inch tricotine. 8 yards narrow braid end % yard georgette for vest. First Model: Pictorial Review Capo No. 9«:< Sizes, small, medium, 10 cents. Skirt No. to 34 inches waist Price, 30 cent Second Mo 9114. Sizes, 34 to '.. inches bust Price, 35 cents. relief. Thslr trouble' dlty usd |u Jrtilon tikes np and «w if tho stomich to BJ condition. jLlwayr, .•'After with stomach Katonie and pain whatever. Am tram the deed,” write* A. Petelfle] The sensation of the year In the I H“|j"' for oiir" milk?"—Greenville” (B. 1 atoPidljnfhtoW drug trade Is Asplronal, the two-mln- r , piedmont P 0 '* wonderful rellsf. uto cold and cough reliever, authorl- We won der If every time there’s Eatonto^u’eklv^t 1 ' tatlvely guaranteed by the laborato-. an earthquake tn California the cows j S e , restoring rlos: test'd, approved and most en- K | vo m iik-shakes.—Cleveland News. I healthy, active condition, Always thusastleally endorsed by th# highest y 011 noticed the difference In y° ur ; carry a few Katonlci, take OO* after i authorities, and proclaimed by the bottles of milk today, of course. More »»tlng, food will digest will—you Win, common people as ten times as quick | price at the top—Detroit Freo Preen i ( M | fine.*.Big box oosts only a trifla ; and effective as whiskey, rock and rye,: Senior: "What makes you so lit j with your druggist's gusranies. or any other cold and cough remedy I tie?” Freshmen: "My mother fed they have ever tried. I mo on canned milk and I’m condens- ■ -— ■ ; ■ 1 - — All drug stores are now supplied! cd."—Washburn Hevlew. I / » \ with the wonderful new elixir, so all I The price charged for cow’s milk ycu have to do to get rid of that cold nowadays la enough to "get your is to step Into the nearest drug store, t goat."—Rutgers. hand the clerk half a dollar for a bottle In those days of adulteration, first of Asplronal and tell him to serve you thing wc know they It be running two teaspoonfuls with four teaspoon trains without a cowcatcher, fuls of water in a glass. With your North Adams (Mass.) 1Iferal.^I. watch In your hand, take the drink Some poor dty chIMran visited a at one swallow nnd call for your farm ’ Each was given a glass of milk, money back In two minutes If you can not feel your cold fading away like a dream within the time limit. Don't "Well, boys, how do you like It?" "Fine, I wish our milkman had a cow. ’ —Dallas Morning News. . ..... , , „ , , . , For Sale: Cow that gives five quarts bo bashful, for all druggists Invite you of m | lk a d a]a0 two Br | n( igtones and expect you to try It. Everybody’s | and ono se / of ha rness.-Wlnnlpeg doing It. Free Press. # When your cold or cough Is re-. Mistress: "I saw the milkman kiss lloved, take the remainder of the hot-' thls mornlwr . i„ the future I tie homo to your wife and habtee. for wm take the milk myself.” Jane: Asplronal Is by far the aafest and most, ..j t WO uld he no use, mum. He’s effective, tho easiest to take and the promised never'to kiss anybody but most agreeable cold and cough rem-, mo."—Whiz Bang, edy for Infants and children—Adv. ] our Idea of a scientific nut Is the Mrs. J. T. Plttaril, of Wintervllle, visited here yesterday. • • • Mrs. J. W. Wilson, of Maxey*. wa among the visitors here yesterday, the guest of Miss Annie Atkinson. • • • Miss Lizzie Mae Campbell and Mr. Norwood Campbell were visitors Here yesterday from Stephens. • • • Mrs. Annie Berry and Mrs. E. L. Berry end little daughter, of Hutchins. which was a most dellgbttit! occasion spent yesterday in the city. CONQUEROR OF CONSTIPATION AND SICK HEADACHE The Great Success of Carter's Little Liver Pills is due to the com plete satisfaction of all who use than. Not by purging and weakening the Bowels, but by regulatfogandstrength- ening them. Don’t Hesitate—Get a Bottle— take one after each meal and one at bedtime. They act as a natural laxative to the Bowels, and a regular and healthy con dition of the syitem with freedom from Constipation and Sick Headache is the result They are strictly Vegetable. Small Pill Small Dose Small Prlee — COLLINS ECONOMY STORES Wesson Oil, ORr Richland Sugar Qa pints Com, can Bacon, 1-lb. Golden Age Maca- Ca box roni, pkg Granulated Fresh Cream Sugar, lb v Cheese, lb. 29c .Maxwell House Coffee, lb.,35e: JJ-lb. cans SI .OS Tomatoes, No. 2 can, new crop 7 12c Swift’s Premium Hams, per pound 34c Aunt Jemima’s Pancrke or Buckwheat •! O** Flour .’ Jello, assorted flavors, per package 11c 10 pounds large Irish Potatoes, for 29c Large Roll Toilet Paper, for 5c No. 2 can Del Monte Pineapple, for 33c 1 1-2 lb. net can Tripe for 29c Fancy Celery and Iceberg Lettuce Creamery Butter, per pound 59c Arbuckles Coffee, per * pound 29c Pound cans Salmon for ' 10c California Black-eyed Peas, per pound 9c 10 pounds net Silverleaf Lard, for $1.95 5 pounds net Silverleaf Lard, few 99c No. 10 Crescent Compound, pail, for $1.24 No5 Crescent Compound, pail, for 68c 48 pounds Self-Rising Flour, extra good, for $3.00 24 pounds Santa Claus Self-Rising Flour, for ; $1.50 —TWO STORES— J .— 303 RIVER ST.—M. P. MATHEWS OLD STAND 225 HANCOCK AVE.—Next to Benton’s Bakery Tbe Be* Prool ol the Good Result, of Albert’s Rheumatic Remedy is the recommendation one to another. They appreciate what the Remedy has done for them and feel their friends and acquaintances should share the benefits of Albert’s Rheumatic Remedy We recommend it to any sufferer of Rheumatism. PR ICC * - SI .00 PCR BOTTLg Printing Now that the New Year is upon us, you will be needing lots of printing of various kinds and we are now prepared to handle your business in a sat isfactory manner. Telephone 727 for Representative WE APPRECIATE YOUR PAT RONAGE. THE McGREGOR CO. Printers and Office Outfitters \. y weeping Reductions We have made sweeping reductions in nrices for shoe repair ing. Every order guaranteed and only the best grades of material used. With experienced workmen and a plant equipped with the most modern machinery, we are offering you a service which can not be duplicated. ' ' • -f h 4 : We will appreciate your business. Here are the prices we are offering to the trade: , Special men’s sewed half sole and rubber heels, guaranteed to be the best. $1.85. .: Ar-1 ^*0 ®fflBtlB Women’s half sole and rubber heels, sewed, the best, $1.50. We are making a special price on children’s shoes, according to size and condition of shoes. Call ns at phone 621 and wewill send for your work. Brothers 455 Clayton Street Telephone 621 aifSuansm