The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, February 18, 1921, Image 2

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• ~r: .!■ - v*r~r-.ivt -w w,. • «.; PAGE TWO ; ••.: ^pM > j.! ; ‘' > ■ • ■ THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1921 I; f P'-i > ; E* i'M:ft ’ Legal Advertisements ti GEORGIA—Clarkn Comity. On the first day of -Man lt, J!• l». 1C. M. Howell gave to Sirs. G. .V. Alexan der a certain security deed lor the purpose of securing u note of *2.500.110, due by the said E. M. Howell to the ■Ad Mrs. Alexander on March 1, 1922. with Interest due on said mile at s per cent payable every elx months. Bald deed Is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of said County, In record of deeds, book 2d. (Olio 400. This deed and note riovlded that on thirty days' default ,n the payment Of interest the entire indebtedness j named street, said lot containing one- coald be matured and collected at the -* — — ■— * option of the said Mm. Alexander. Da- "(nit has been made since .September 1, 1920, In the payment of the six months' Interest duo on said note, and ■aid Interest remains unpaid. The River, In said State and (\iiinty. and more .particularly described as fol lows: llpglnnlng at a rock on the south side of vine Street and run- nlne east along Vine Street to lot of Professor Campbell Sp foot, • thence south along said Campbell's line 200 feet to lot of Annie Smith, thence alcng Annie Smith’s line west .10 feet to lot of George Hunt, thence back to beginning corner on Vino Street. Fifth - Til at tract nr -pared of land, ■with all Improvements tljerf6h,-tying and being In Hie City of AtbeB*. said State ami County, fronting on Nellie E .1, CRAWFORD, ' Clerk Superior Court, Clarke County, State and County, fronting on Nellie efijjjcrd Company Tor Hit il Avenue, In said City, bounded ad oftwetAy;<|<T) years, :Wfth callows: On the nest hv Vine Street, • n Hie north and cast by Nellie B uue, and on the south by an ■ un said Mrs. Alexander has matured said note and under the Power of Sale con tained In said deed will sell to the highest bidder for cash, before tho Court House door, in said County, on the frit day of March. 1921, be tween the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described property, lo-wit: First.—All that lot of land. In the City of Athena, Clarko County, Geor gia, lying on what is known as tho Old Hull Road, beginning at a Ktakn mod running thence 10(1 feet on the wost side of a branch, thence 210 fee', north to slake, thenco west 100 feet to a stake, thence south 210 feet to center of road, thence "00 feet with ■aid road to beginning point, contain ing one-half acre, more or less, being hounded on south by old Hull Read, on east and north by lands of E. J. Crawford and Mrs. J. R. Crawford, and hounded on west by a lot now owned by E. J. Crawford, formerly owned by Emellne Smith: said herein GEORGIA—Clarke County. To the Superior Court of Said County: Tho petition of L. F. Edwards. Ju lian S. Goctdlilus, J. H. Mapp and W. A. Fowler, all of said State and Coun ty. respectfully r.liows: . Jn That 'Petitioner!!, together with thgljf associates, sucreseprs and an- siffia, dcsiMutlo be ipcorp6nto<t under tnApame afhrf style of M^llihpn Braid ed [Cord CgttVitny for tlif (ull period .veils, -With the KtJKl* lege of renewal ns provided by law, 2. The object of said corporation is pecuniary profit and gain to itself and Btjpeklioldefs.' +» \- 8. Tho particular business wliTcii said corporation proposes to engage GEORGIA—Clarke County, I. E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Clarke County, Geor gia. do hereby certify that the fore going is a true copy of the applica tion of L. F. Edwards, et al. for in corporation of Malllson Braided Cord Company as the same appears of file in my office. Witness my official hand and seal hhjs-the 26th day of January. 1921. I v i. E. J. CRAWFORD, vjs., _ Clerk .Superior Court, Clarke County, Georgia. half of an aero, more or less Sixth— The following lots of land and the Improvements theroon lying hi Athens, Clarke. County, Georgia, :md nach being a part of Lot No. SO _ of Bumpkin & Brown lands, as shown i rope, cord, aid twine' of different by plat ef C. B. Danlek.of record in kinds, and other cotton and Jute Hi- office of Hie Clerk of the Suporlor I fabrics, as well as such other bust Court of said County, to-wtl: J ness as may be Incidental thereto. 1st—A lot bounded west by Eat. No. s Tho principal offico and place 73 of said plat for 100 feet, on thei 0 f business ~of said corporation shall -irrtli by Forest. Avenue, alley for 60 be In Clarko County, Georgia. feet, bounded on tlio east by another pint of Lot No. SO for 100 feet, and on Hie south for 60 feet by Rot No. 71. 2nd—A lot bounded west by the al nv.> lot for 100 feet, on the north for to feet by Forest Avenue alley, on the past for 100 feet by lot de scribed In No. 4 of this deed, and on 5. Tho capital stock of said cor poral ion is to be One Hundred and Fifty Thousand (*150,00000) Dollars, divided Into shares of the par value of *100.00 each, with the prlvllegs of Increasing the same from time time by a majority vote of the stock to any amount not exceeding Two Hie south for 40 feet by Lot No. 71 of Hundred nnd Fifty Thousand (*250, /aid plat. 1000.00) Dollars. Such Inercnsod cap- 3rd—A lot fronting cast on Macon Ital stock may bo common and pre- Avenue 100 feet, bounded north for 581 frrrcd, cither or both.' and In snch fee* bj» Forest Avenue .alley, on the i proportions as the holders of the coin l by Lot No 4 of this deed for 100 nion stock may determine. More feet, and south hy lands of Y. F. Cash. • th—A lot fronting 50 feet on For- er t Avenue, also running back.In a smtherly direction n uniform width leo feet, bounded west by No. 2 of conveyed lot being sltunted a short < G in deed for 100 feet, on the. east distance from eastern limits Athens, Georgia. 8econd—That lot or parcel of land lying and baing in liarkc County. Georgia, and within the corpora to limits of the City of Athens, and more tally described as follows: Ono-half of an acre (vacant lot), fronting on Barrett Street, adjoining lands of Mrs. C. M. Burton on the south. Jonas Avenue on north, J. M. McEntlre on east, and being a portion of tho T. A. Jonas lands. Third—That lot of land, with Im provements thereon. In Iho City or Athens. Clark* County. Georgia, la that section of the. City of Athens known as East Afhena. beginning nt a point on the east sido of Peters Street, at corner of lot of Manuel Johnson, running thence In a nouth- easterly direction 207kJ feet, thence In a southwesterly direction 64 feet to line of property of D. L Peacock, thenco In ■ northwesterly direction along line of said Peacock property to Peters Street, thence northeasterly along Peters Street 64diaet to the beginning point. “ Fourth.—All that lot or parcel of land lying and being In thq City of Athens, on the east side of Oconee Lot No. T of this deed for 100 feet, and south by lands of Quartermsn. This property will bo sold as the properly of E. M. Howell, and for tho purpose of paying principal, Interest and costs due on said note, and th<4 expenses of this sale, and the bal- o'.'ce. If any, will be paid to the said I - >f. Howell. This 4th day of Februsry, 1921: GREEN & MICHAEL, 4 Attorneys for , | Mrs. O. A. Alexander. LIB? 1 V"OR DIVORCE. " OHGIA—/AaTke County. Floyd L. Garfield vs. Lolls Garfield. Clarke Superior Court, Libel for Dlvorcg, April Term, 1921. T l.olla Garfield, Greeting: Hy order HI tho Court, you aro here- by notified \o bo and sppenr at the Fr.perlor ('oi)rt of Clarke County on the second Monday In April, 1921, to innwer plaintiff's libel for total dl- v< ecu. Aa In default thereof tho ■Cr urt will proceed as to Justice shall M Pertain. J Witness Htu Honorable Blanton E. F' i-taon. Judge of said Court. This the lath day of February, 1921. than ten (10) per cent of said capital stock bus actually been paid in. 6. Petitioners Tleslro that said cor poration shall have the right to bold real and personal property for the proper purposes and uses of the cor poration. to borrow money and secure the payment of the saino hy security deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust, or otherwise, to contract and he con tracted with, to sue and he sued, and generally to have all such other rights and privileges as may be con ferred upon similar corporation*. . 7. Petitioners desire that said cor poration shall have the right to sur render Its charier and liquidate Its business at any tlino hy a two-thirds vote of tho outstanding voting stock of said corporation. Wherefore, petitioners pray that they, together with their associates, successors nnd assigns, may he In corporated under tho name nnd style aforesaid, with 'nil the powers, privi leges ami Immunities heroin specific ally prayod for, together with such flitter powers, privileges and Immuni ties ns may he granted to corpora tlons of this State under existing laws or laws that may lioroaftct bo on- acted. ERWIN, ERWIN & NIX, Attorneya for Petitioners. Filed In office, this . 26th day. -of January, 1921. K. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court, 1 Clarke County, Georgia, *’ NOTICE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Notice is hereby given that after 'Hieilame is 'published according to June ’tolwlt: On Saturday, March 5, 1921. at the court house In Athens. Clarke County, Georgia, the under signed will apply to tho Hon. B. E. Fori fit, Judge Superior Court, Clarke County, for an order to re invest Five Thousand, Four Hundred and Four teen Dollars and One Cent (*5,414dll, money belonging to Eveline Olivia Lyle, minor, in a tract of land located in Jackson County, about one mile from Maysvllle, bounded on the north by land of J. P. Hall, on I he east hy land of E. H. Davis, on the smith by land of J. J. Lyle, and on the west by land of W. F. Morris, being Lot No, 2 of the sub-division of the J. M. Lyln land, as appsars from a plat of samn made by Harrow, surveyor, of record in Hie Clerk’a office in Jack son County, and contains 42 6;’. acres. Tills January 22. 1921. . - LENA STRICKLAND. Guardian for ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary Clarke County, Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, on the fir3t Tuesday In March. 1921. at the court house door In said County, be tween the legal hours of sale, the tract of land lying and being In said County and State, containing nineteen nd three-quarter acres, more or less, mar the Barnett Shoals road, and known as a part of the old Spink3 Plantation, and bound as follows: On the north by lands of J. E. SpInkR. on tho east by lands or J. E. Spinks, on Iho south liy lands of J. E. Spinks, and Oil the west by lands of Miss Georgia Spinks, said land being Iho land described In a deed from Mrs \V. It. McCrce to J. T. Hardeman, said deed recorded In Book 22, page 435, of the deed records of said County, said land being a part of tho property of tho estate of tho said J. T. Harde man, deceased. Tills February 3d, 1921. J. C. FAMBRO, Admlnlct-.itor of tho Estate of J. T Hardeman, Deceased. ^... •>. f , Workman’s Compensation MarcH 1st MR. EMPLOYER: THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. GREATEST writer of COMPENSATION is anxious to assume OBLIGATIONS placed on you by LAW JESTER AGENT t The Travelers Insurance Co. on Compensation Leads All Others —by— Many Millions of Dollars in Premium Income -by- -i * \ ‘ rib-- *• .#-:*!*£ .' Spending More for Inspection and Prevention of Accidents —by— • .... ... . .. ;-**• jT*:*2 '• ■ ■' Writing For Mere Employers Than Any Other Company Equipped from every standpoint to serve your interests , r in a superior maimer. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Pauline Ayers vs. Andrew W. Ayers. ■ Clarke Suporlor Court, April Term, ■1021.V. -J To: Andrew W. Ayers: By order of the Court' you aro re qulrcd to be and appear at said Court on the second Monday In April, 1921, next, to answer petitioner's libel for divorce,, nnd In default thoroof the Court, will proceed as to Justice shall appertain. Witness tho Honorable Andrew J Cohb, Judge of said Court. Tills the 6th day of January. 1921. A. B. COILB, Deputy Clerk. Thus. J. Shackelford, L. Dennis Penny, Petitioner's Attorneys. SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA— Clarke County. Will he sold on the first Tuesday In March. 1921, during the legal hours of rale, before the Courthouse door In said State and County, to the highest bidder for cash, to-wit: A .a undivided one-flftb (1-5) Interest and title In aud to the following tract of land, lying and being In raid County and belli;; the 80 acres of the John R. Tuck homo place, yet undivided among the heirs-at-law, raid tract be Ing tbe tract shown by plat of B. H Barrow of dale February, 1911, cal( Ipg for 112 and 90-100 acres, less the 32 acres cut off from *be east side to A. H. Turk and Mrs. lEltha Harde man, tract of land now remaining fronting north on Lexington road bounded on west bv the Beavcrdam and ‘On. Factory road, pn tho south hy land of Mr*. Dean and bounded On the cast hy part of tbs portluu assigned —-—, one of tho heirs. Said properly levied upon as the rroperty of the detendant In fl fa F. D. Tuck to satisfy a judgment Issued from tho City Court of Athons In favor of O, II. mold. Deed for purpose of Jovy and sale recorded In Clerk's Office, Superior ("ourt, Clarke County. Jan. 3. 1921 Legal notlco given defendant this Jan. 6. 1921. W. E. JACKSON. -Sheriff. PHONE 437 INSURANCE Mr. Ladue, Compensation Expert, at your service, to discuss and explain any feature, of the Jaw. OtdoilGIA—Clarke County. To All Whom It May Coifcern: ' peitrudo W. Clarke having In proper "fQtm applied for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Ivy c. piarke, late of said County. tMs ‘r to cite al! and singular the creditors, and, next.of kin of Ivv O. Clarke to be and appear at my office within the time alldwod by law and show cause. If any they can, why pefmanflibt administration should not tic (granted to Gertrude V/. Clarke on Witnefe niy hand and official signa ture, this the 3d day of Februsry. 1921. R. C. ORB. Ordinary. -. ..-.Ts-tl GEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Whom It May Concern: Jennie L. Davis having in proper form applied for Permanent Letters of Administration on tbs estate of Clifford L. Davis, late of said County, tbla Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Clifford L. Davis to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law ■bow cftisCjjf ^ny they can, why P'Ttnanent administration should not be granted to Jen ale L. Davis on said Clifford L. Davis' estate, said Ivy C. Clarke's estate. Witness my hand and official signs-1 your bowels clean, by flushing them llthia water drink which everyone ure, this the 3d day of February, 1921. with a mild, harmless salts which re- should take now and then to kcop ture, this the 3d day , _ .... . ... _ II. C. ORR. moves the body's urinous waste and- their kidneys clean and active. Try Ordinary. : stimulates them to their normal ac-' this, also keep up the wafer drink- (fvlty. The function cf the kidneys Is Ing. and no doubt you will wonder to filler the blood. In 24 hours thcyi what became or your kidney trouble strain from it 590 grains of acid and and backache.—Adv. waste, so wo can readily understand I —_ the vital Importance of keeping the A Good Medicine For the Grip, kidneys active. • George W. Waltt, South Gardiner, Drink lois of water -you can't drink, Mo„ relates his experience with the ton much- also get from am- plutr-' "■ had the worst cough, cold too niucit. a so gee m * trip and bad taken a lot of trash ! nwicist About four oiim cs or J« l( J * • • j ,>f u 0 account. ChambcrlalD'H Cough ——— take a tablospoonful in a 8 a ** s ^ i Kemody Ik the only thing that hfts If vour Back Hurts or Blad-j *® te f r bcf “™ ,lono m « a ">' k°«<i whatever, i have W Of suits IMS KIDNEYS der bothers you, drink lots of water. Ing for a few days and your kidneys, uw( , ; t and t h e ' co | d and When your kidneys hurt and yout will act fine. Tills famous salts ls| made from the acid of grapes a lemon Juice, combined with. Hthia, and has been used for generations to tloau and stimulate clogged kidney j grip have left me.—Ad.v. back feels Rore, don't get scared andj *° neutralixo (lie adds 11 r n [ 1 proceed lo load your stomach with si n " longer Is a_ source of irritation, lot of drugs that excite tho kidneys thus ending bladder weakness, and irritate the entire urinary tract. Jad lYilts Is Inexpensive; cannot In- Keep your kidneys clean like you keep jure; makes a delightful effervescent Headaches from Slight Colds GROVE'S Laxative I1ROMO QUININE Tablets .'ellevo the Headache by cur ing the Hold. A tonic laxative and norm destroyed. Tile genuine bears tno signature of E. W. Grove. (Bo i lire you get BROMO.) 30c.—Adv. Radiator Repairs And Auto Top Service Progressive ideas control the policy of this linn, and satisfactory service is the basis of our claim on your patronage. We believe in meeting, if possible, the demands of our patrons, and since we have been making Auto Tops by the hundreds, we have been repeatedly asked if we could not also repair Radiators. Until recently we have been forced to say that we could not ac commodate this demand, but we arc now in position to do so. Wc have installed the necessary equipment and have employed the BEST RADIATOR EXPERTS AVAILABLE And now invite you to test our service. You’ll not be disappointed. IT’S UP TO THE MARTIN STANDARD. Martin Bros. Auto Top Place RADIATORS REPAIRED 455 Clayton St. W E BELY solely upon the merit of our work to establish the proof that we are not only equal to but far ahead of any repair shop in this sec tion of the South in turning out high-grade SHOE FIXING and RE PAIRING. We have increased our force of expert workmen and are better prepared than ever to serve you. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SCATTERED ALL OVER THIS SEC TION, NOT ONLY IN GEORGIA, BUT IN NEIGHBORING STATES; THEY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF UNCLE SAM’S PARCELS POST TO GET THEIR WORN SHOES TO US AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EXPERT AND MODERNLY EQUIPPED SERVICE TO SAVE THEMSELVES MONEY ON THEIR SHOK EXPENSE BILLS. There is always plenty of good wear i n a shoe long after the soles are worn through; the heels run down or otherwise injured—PROVIDING you can get them repaired ty FACTORY methods with good material and in a way that still leaves style and service in them. If you have a pair, send them to us and let us prove what we mebn. \ Martin Bros. SHOE F1XERY 455 Clayton Street