The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, April 01, 1921, Image 2

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JUT);; iussj j ■ fK !.Ni ' i'i ATHENS BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1921, Legal Advertisements GEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Whom It May Concern: C. D. Flanleen, of said State, having in proper form applied for permanent letters of administration on the eatat.' of Mrs. Mary Nevitt Flanigen, late of said County, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors an' next of kin of said deceased to ho ■nd appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County at the April Term, 1921 and show cause, if any they have or can, why' permanent letters of ad ministration should not be granted to said C. D. FJanlgee on said estate. Witness* my olllclal signature this the 9th day of March. 1921. r. c. nmi. Ordinary, Clarke County, Georgia late Annie B. Gaines, deceased. HENRY KEY, Administrator. SUIT FOR DIVORCE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. All creditors of the estate of Jno E. Talmadge, Sr.. late of said County, deceased, are hereby notified to ren der in their demands to the under signed acrording to law, and all per sons Indebted to said estate are re- nuired (o make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This th* 21st day of February, 1921 C. A. TALMADGE ami JNO. E. TALMADGE. Executors of the Will of Jnp. E. Talgtadge, Sr. Deceased No. 39SS—April Term. 192L Clarke Superior Court.* Lois Kaczenski vs. Max Kaezenskl. To Max KaCtonski. Groetlngs: By order of the Court you are quired to he and appear at the Su perior Court of said County on the second .Monday In April, next, to an surer Petitioner's libel for divorce, nr. n default thereof the.Court will pro- ceAl mi to Justice shall apportaln. Wltners the Honorable Hlnnton Foltaon. Judge of said court, this 7th flay of March, 1921. E. .7. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court. • Clarke County, Georgia, "i M. RYI.EE, Atty. SHERIFF’S SALE. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Paullpo Ayers vs.^ndrow W. Ayers Clarks Superior Court,-April Toro 1921. To Andrew W. Ayors: By order of the Court you ate re quired to bo amt appear at said Court on the second Monday, Iri April, 1921 next, to answer petitioner's libel for divorce, and ’ In default thereof the Court wilt proceeds to Justice snail appertain, _ Witness the Honorable Andrew J Cobb, Judge of said Court. This tho Gth day of January ^921. Deputy Clerk. Thos. J. Shackelford, L. Dennis Penny, Petitioner's Attorneys. . LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Floyd L. Garfield «, Lcl!a Gn r n e ld Clarke SuperlofiC 'jurt. Libel for Divorce, Apni T*rui. 0921. To Leila Garfield, Greeting: A *■• By Ol d. r of tho Court, you are here hy-notified to he and anpear at thi Supericr Court of Clafko County ot the second Monday In April, 1921, t answer pbinltfl's libel for tptal dl rofce. An In default thereof tn* court will proceed ns to justice shal appertain. witness tho Honorable Hlnnton 1. Fertson.'.ludre rf said Court, this the 12th day of February. 1921 K. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court Clarke County. IFORGIA—-Clarke County. Will he sold on the Orel Tuesday u April, 1921, before the Court llnua loor in tinI>1 State ami County, dur ing the legal Ilnurs of sale, to the highest bidder for’eadh, life following inscribed property, lo-wit: One Ford coupe automobile, motor number 3726213. Said property 1,vied upon as the property of Carlton Johnson, deceas ed, to satisfy a tax U fa from Tax Collector's" office. Clarke County, Gcor gin, for state atlil rounty taxes, the »rar 1920, against Carlton Johnson. This Match 9th. 1921. ,\y. E. JACKSON, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Whom It May Concern: G. A. Booth, of said State, haring in proper form appllfcd for permanent litters of administration on the es tate of Geo. M Booth, late of said County, deceased, ibis is to- rite all and singular the creditors and next of'kill of said deceased to bn and ap- near at the Court of Ordinary of Paid of February. 1921. I quired to bo and appear at said Court ] appertain. ,, on the second Monday in April next, j witness tlic Uonorabto Bull to .answer petitioner's libel for divorce, f Fort-on, Judge of. sail) Court, anil in default thereof the Court will This the 2f>tb da proceed as to Justice shall appertain E. J. CRAWFORD, Witness the Honorable Blanton I clerk Superior Court, Fortson. Judge of said Court. I Clarko County, Ga. This the 25th day of February. 1921 K. J. CRAWFORD. County at the April Term. 1921, and | THOMAS & THOMAS, show cause. If they have or can, Why j Petitioner s Atto permanent letters of administration j ,ntcd to said G. A. ; Clerk. YOUNG DAVIS, petitioners Atty. .... , torncys. permanent let SSShAutSESSt' “ * DIVORCE. .Witness my ollU-ial signature thfi i GEORGIA Clarke (omit}, the 91h day of,March. 1921. I Clarke Superior Court, ■ R. C. OKU. | Ordinary, Clarke j 'i County. Georgia.' Europe all lines GEORGIA—Chirke County. Arthur J. Palmed -Vs. Mattie I no Al len Palmer.—Clarke Superior Court. April-Term, 1921. - • To Mattie Lee Allen Palmer: By order of tho Court you arc re- April Term. J921. Ellen Wood Jackson vs, Fred Jack- ami—DivoFee. To Fred Jackson: By- oilier of the Court you are re quired to 'ie millappear at said Court on the second Monday ill .April. 1921. rext, to answer petitioner's libel for divorce, and in default I hereof tiie Court will proceed as to justice shall South America, China, japan and all parts pf the world. TRIPS—TOURS—CRUISES Make Reservations Now, JNO. M. BORN, S. 8c AGENT 1108 Candler Building/ ATLANTA "USE GEORGIA PRODUCTS” PEACE OF MIND C-3-, IFORCIA-'-Clarko County. Wherehs^ K. -L. Dunaway, Admlnls trator of Mrs. Am Amin M. Dunaway, -"presents' It. the-Court In his petf- •‘on, duly fllMkrtdVrftered on record,' thht lio (ins fully Administered,her ps-- ItU. Thin 'Is therefore lo cite all aersoits concerned, kindred and credl torn, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be llschnrgcd from his administration, tnd receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in April. 1921. This 7th day of March, 1921. . n. C. ORR. Ordinary. What is it we want with MONEY, after all? We want PEACE OF MIND. Unless we, get that, all the other things we possibly can buy do as no good. When your money is in this biink, you have cleaned the WORRIES off it. You get PEACE . OF MIND. ‘C’ , I V i - '"•A *- * M rnfiiMB - f-l. 3V(»-. t-IT vap i-i bryjut • t mi i;> r. r.. f , ml 71a jjq .!< if i t I , ' wilt 1 -•»«»,l. I,A ■ )•:, -j't , \ -t . it NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS JOHN WHITE MORTON, President C. H. Fhinixy, Vice-Pres. W. F. Bradshaw, Vice-Pres. CITATION—YEAR’S SUPPORT. IFORGIA—Clarke County. The rclnrn of the appraisers setting ’part twelve months’ support to Mrs ’farthn A. Willingham, widow of W Willingham, deceased, having been On Men’s, Boys’ and Youth’s Boyden’s $15.00, now $8.00 Steadfast $15.00, now $8.00 Arnold’s, comb. $15,00, now.. $10.00 Arnold’s, ccinb, $12.50, now $8.50 Thompson Bros. $14.00, now .. $8.00 ' e?a.i o- Just Wright $14.00, now 47.50 Other values $10 to $12.50, ; • -p ; \ vI Boys* $7.50 to $8.50, now...;$5amJ $6 Youth’s, $6.00, now ....$4.50 Stacy Adams, $16.00, now"1.00 All Styles and Leathers -- led. In lily office, all persons concern ’ll areVlteif th show Cause by the 4th ’ay of April.-1921. why said appllca- hm for twelve moqtha’ support should ’Ot be granted. This 7th day of March, 1921.. R. C. ORR, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. V. SHERIFF’S SALE. OFOROI A—Clarke County. ' Will be sold before thf eniirthons door of mid State and County, on thi flrst In April, 1921, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cxr.h, the following descrlb edjiropfrty, to wit. That bouse and. lot In the State o’ Georgia, Clarke County, In the City H’ Athens, located on the northwest cor ner Of willodge nvenuo anil Spring date stre-t, fronting one hundred (100) feet on Milledge avenue, and running along Springdale street twr hundred (20ft) feet, and being rec (angular In i-impe, and being the samr land cnnvcvod by A. E. GrlflUh nnt Anna Hamilton to Mrs. Mary M. Mor rla by il*pili dated 25Ut day of March A. D. 1901, recorilot In the oOlce ot the*CIerk of Superior Court of Clark’ Countv, Ccorzla, Book XX. folio 44W4#. ; , . , Bald prorerty levied unon and to bf fold as the proporty of the Def-’Pdant In #. fn.. J. M. Hood, to r-itisfv m execution ismted from the Citv Cone of Athena. February Term, (921. Ir favor of Louise B. Morris, and ■> gains’ J. M. Hood, and said descrihed prop erty. D'eil for the purpose of lew and sale fil 'd a" I recorded In the Clerk'* OIIV*e. raid County. Legal nottcr given to tenant in possession. This first illy of March. 1921. W. E. JACKSON. Sheriff. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Clarke lanmty will be sold, at public outcry, on the flrst Turrdiv In April. 1921, at the courthouse door In said County, ho tween Iho legal hoii/s of sale, th:> tract of land In > said county just out side the wet tern limits of tho City of Athens, and hounded bb follows: Bounded on tho north-by an un named rlr*ot and lands of Spencer Lester and Roes Boyd; on tho Osst by lands of Coen-'o.- Lester, Ross Boyd and Davo Stevenson; On the south a"d v/wt by Rachel Itantpls and 1EOROIA—Clarice .County. By virtue pf an Order of the Court ■f Ordinary. Clarko County, Georgia •fll ho sold at public outcry on tho >r?t Ttiesdav In April, 1921, at the ’ourthout'o door in said County, be- 'woon tho legal hours of sale, the root of land lying and bolng in saHI lounty and State, located at tho lotthwoot cornor. of tho Boulevard ;pd Barber Street, In the City -of Athene, Clarko, County, • Georgia; 'renting on Boulevard about one hun- lre<^ and Qvo feet and running about wo hundred and eighteen feet oh Tarber StrecL said' lot comprising two lots convoyed to W. R. Canning >y Mrs. Martha Bullny by two deoils, 10th dated October 15, 1906, and ro- -ordod In Deed Book 2, pages 191 nd 192, respectively, In the offleo of ho Clerk of Clarko Comity, Georgia alii land being a part of tho prop- Tty of tho estate of .1. C. Chandler, locsxcd. Tills 26th day of February, 1921. MRS. C. II. CHANDLER, Administratrix of the Estate of J. C. Chandlnr * " Docram-i. lEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Whom It May Concern: W. R. Brown, as guardian far Mrs "earl MordhOnd,' has applied to mo for otters of discharge from said guar 'lam hip This is to notify nil con "need to flic their objections, It any 'hey havo, on or before tins first Moii lay In April, next, at which time eald pollcatlnn will. Ii<t acted upon. This March Till, 1921. R. C. ORR. Ordinary. Clarko Co. rtre'tl; .containing fo opr- and known as the InmC -Also 131<( Ing' sahl tract. Plat ‘jq law ofTlo-s of . 907 Southern Mu- rms 'of salo: made EORGIA—Clarko County. Lillian Bi'iico Moore vp. Alva Moore. —Clarko Superior Court, April Term. 1921. To AlVa Moare: „ , ' By order of the Court you are re quired to bo and appear at aald Court ■m tho second Monday In April next, to answer petitioner’s libel for divorce, and In default thoreof ,B« Cdqrt will proceed ns to Jurtlfo shall appertain WUpess 'the Hpuorable Blanton .ForjsoH, Judge nf:salil Court, tills the iSth day of March. 1921. rj B. J- CRAWFORD, KlC'-J* Jff' : * Clerk. THOMAR fi THOMAS'. ••• 'Petltlonerti-/lttprn*ys. HOLBROOK, stratrix. Estate ot Wm Holhrook, ln4 , Dtreubd ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF LAND By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Wilkes County, Geor gia. will be sold before tho Court house door in Athens, Ga., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Titos day In April, next, the following two lots of land, situated and being In the City of Athena Clarke County, Georgia, dc-'rlbed as follows; One vacant lot atout 50 ft by 75 ft- (in 1 * so adjoining let with dwelling shoot 15 fL by 75 ft., bounded on east by Savannah avenue, on the north by lot of Mrs. Rotate Paschal, on the west by lot occupied fcy Flem Blackwell and on south by Mack Moore. Said food being sold ap the eetflta fit Georgia-cub* To Whdtn it Ms) Mm T/mlse Sinli erty p eroacb aportti! tlon of the real estate belonging^ to her said wards for the-purpose of Im proving other portions of real estate belonging to said wards and for the support end maintenance of . said wards; that an order was made there on at the. March Term. 1921, for cita tion, and that citation Issued. All persons will, take notice that t. wtll pass upon said application at the April Term. 1921, of the Court, of Or dinary of said County; that unless cause Is shown to the contrary, at laid time, said leave wilt be granted. This 9tb day of March, 1921. n. C. ORR. . Ordinary. .WEST * .WEST, Attorney*. SPRING SUITS Back at Pro-War Price* All Wool Suits To Your Individual Measure $20.00 Levy’s Toggery and Boys’ xShop • Printing, Office Suppliei W. J. GARDNER 2*9 .Lumpkin Street Pearsons-Taft Land Credit Company The oldest, largest and moat liberal farm loan eothfikby in Au«rte* FARM LOANS Y > ^ We are prepared to closo promptly loans on Improved farm land security, at egrrent rates .of Interest, and npoa tho post favorable terms four business will rcceivo our confidential esrefiil am] prompt .attention. W« tavlto rojuo*! for tell particular* .Afpjjr jq THURMOND, Co 7fti Holman Blldg, ,. . Athan^.Gaor^A i\A ATHENS BATTERY CO. 47CMMIWSS* Service on All Makea of BatleTitl Free Battery Inspection Telephone 986 Athens^ Ga. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY R.F. HARRIS, Agent 616 Holman bldg. ..Office phone 228; Res. 1668-W