The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, April 29, 1921, Image 2

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mob two ATHENS, QA., FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1921. Home Phone 832 CONDUCTED BY MRS. ALICE ADAMS Office Phone 75 LOVE MUCH. Love much. Barth has enough of bit ter In it; Cast rwccts Into Its cup .where'er you can. No heart mi hard but love at lasc win It. Love Ip the grand jrlmeval cause cf man; All bate is foreign to the Qrst great plan. Love much. Your heart will be led out to .daughter On altars built of envy and deceit, Leva on. Love on. 'TIs broad apon tho water; It shall be cast in loaves yet at your fret. Unlcvcrr-l manna, mostly divinely sweet. Love u'ic\ Your faith will be* de thron'd and shaken, Voir fruit hr frayed by manyjt fair, fclse lure. ...: remount your faith, and Jet new tvurts uwaken. Though »loads obscure them, yet the stars are pure; Love is a vital force, and must en dure. Love much. Men's souls contract wRh <cld suspicion; Shine on them with warm love, and they expand. 'Tir love, not laws, that from a low condition Lords mankind up to heights ft: prone and grand. Oh, that the world would see and understand! Lovo niur'\ There Is no waste In freely giving; More l'dcs3'd it Is, even, then to ,; receive. Ho who loves much, alone finds, life ' worlh living; Lovo’ cn through doubt and dark- • ; nops. and believe there in nn thing which lovo may V. not jchlrve. MRS. AKA THORNTON AND MRS. H. W. SAUNDERS JOINT HOGTE88E8. ■ . Opo o' the most brilliant and happy social- nttnIrs of Wednesday afternoon was thn ohsrmlngly planned rook party *t which Mrs. Asa Thornton an# her dvebter. Mrs. H. W. 8aunder», were joint hortesses at the lovely new hemr of the former on Mllledge avenue. The lower floor was thrown together end was elaborately decorated with spring flower. The hall and drawing room were banked with yellow and wblts roses and other fragrant flow- era In the same shades. Pink and white roses were effective ly used In the handsomely appointed dining mem. The tea table was cov ered wl’h an exquisite lace cloth and entered w't’t a Dresden basket of the br!rh< lo vers, with allver candle- rt'otrs holding the pink tapers, Threurhoiit the beautiful rooms rnfl shaded Poor lights and burning t-Tiers added a radiant .glow. Blah; tables of players enjoyed, tho happy hospitality. Several pfistty nrlios were awarded—a crochet eon- terplore for the top score, a hand-made handchtef for second prize for pro gressions and half a doien Ramtklna for the booby prise. Evcrv d'ltatl wug charmingly plan ned. Dellclons punch ' was served during the afternoon and an elabo rate salad and Ice course followed the panic. The Invited guests were Mesaamea Buscey. L. C. Iji-own, M. M. Arnold, Alec llargrovo. p. T. Botts, Georgs Collins, T. N Hudson. -8. C. Reese. W T. Collins. S. A. Gaines. Lester, Thos. Eldrr. Harry Elder, Richardson, U C. Crook. Horace Malphurs, Golden Michael. Victor Oliver. C. Owen, Al bert Harper. Hawkes. Henry Patman, Whitehead. Mcrcor Broach, Burson. Nichols. Dickons. Frank - Thornton, Puckett, Ben Thornton. Lauren Mit chell, Joel Moans. Addle Jones. Misses Kva Mae Thornton and Beatrice Richardson. LECTURE BY DR. KERR BOYCE TUPPER TONIGHT. In the Lucy Cobb Institute chapel, •at 8:3o o'clock thle evening. Kerr Boyce Topper. Lb. D., of Philadelphia, will deliver a lecture on "Optimism v# Pessimism”—on seeing the bright etde of things. The lecture will be free to the public, bnt at its close tbero will he nn offering In apprecia tion of the work of the Institute. The chapel should be crowded by an ‘audience which can appreciate a ItnnP) presentation of life and will be both helped by a radiant philosophy and entertained with home good story. PHf MU RECEPTION AT WOMAN'S CLUB. . The Phi Mu reception st the Worn- sn's club on Saturday e"enlng will be a lovely social event Lorn 8:30 to 11 o'clock. All members of the Alpha Alpha chapter and the national officers will be In the receiving line. Local Phi If ns will assist in entsrtalnlng. The beautiful decorations In pink and white will carry out the frater nity colors end will he emphasized In the refreshments. Morris’ Orchestra will tarnish the The national officers are Mre rles G. Eid«on and Mrs. Ralph b'. Bailey. | Alpha Alpha.—Missrti Stella Sparks, Alice Walker, Adelaide Rtlgc, Mary jllchards Colvin, Ida Pound, Anns Ruth Moore, LmcIIo Chumbley, Iris Jarrell, Mildred'Slack, Gertrude Slitli. Alumnae.—Mesdames Lamar Cobb. Murrell, A. J. Lyndon, C. M. Snclllng. U. H. Davenport, ferston Brooks, Wul ter Mallory. Lawrence Parker. Mid Wingfield, John R. Northcutt. Carter Daniel, Ned Cohen, Munro Dearlng, Vernon Hall, W. A. Clarke, Jr., and Miss Mary D. Lyndon. HONORING MR8. LIP8C0MB. Mrs? Frank Lipscomb, of Athens, ■ono Of the loveliest of opera visitors, was the honor guest In a party given by Mrs, W. D. Ellis, Jr. Invited to meet her were Mrs. Bolling Jones, Jr., Mrs. O. W. Connors of Birmingham Mrs. Hansell Merrill and her guest, Mrs. John Pasco, of Thomasrille, Miss Billups Phlnlsy, of Athens, and Mrs. Ewell Gay. Another feted opera visitor, Mrs. Francis Whitten, of Wilmington, was the guest at a party given by Mr. and Mrs. James T. Williams. Com pleting the party were Mr. and Mrs. Tottr Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. MIHon Dar- gan, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Meador, Mr. and Mrs. James Nun natly, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rainc and Homer Hunt.—Constitution. IN HONOR OP MRS. LAMAR RUCKER. Ono of the delightful parties of the afternoon was given by Mrs. John Fitton McDougald In honor of her sl» ter, Mrs. Lamar Rucker, of Athens, the guest of Mrs. Louis Mocckel, Mrs. Reynold Klrby-Smlth, of Sewance, Tcnp.; Mrs. Blanton Fortson. n( Athens; Mrs. Bessie Tompkins Fort- son and Mrs. Michael Hoko.—Consti tution. . DANCE AT COUNTRY 6LUB SATURDAY EVENING. The members of the Country club will give a dance on Saturday even Ing which promises to be one of the happiest social affairs of tho week. CIRCLE No. 4 MEETS WITH MR8. RICHARD PHILLIPS. .Circle No. 4 of the Missionary so ciety of the First Methodist church. Mrs. Sledge; chairman, will meet this afternoon with Mrs. Richard Phillips, 806 Boulevard, at 4 o'clock. THE LOST PRINCE8S BO-PEEP. The little prlncoss was very happy at 4he dairy farm. Here she grew up, nover dreaming that she was a royal princess, but loving Mother Goose and Jack as her own. Jack was her constant companion, lie helped her find her lost sheep and feed the chickens, Laura Ann Fhin- Isy, Rose Wayne. Alberta Booth. Edith Taylor, Edith Conolly, Florence Jackson. MARY DUPREE ECKFORD. MEMORIAL DAY AT WATKIN8VILLE. f Tho United Daughters of the Con federacy of Oconee rounty observed Memorial day In Watklnsville on Tues day, April 26th. The old veterana and their wives were served a delicious dinner on the eonrthouse grounds by tho United Daughters of the Confederacy and their huabands at the noon hour; then the following program at the Methodist church; 8«ng, "America.” Invocation, Mr. Cantrell. Reading. "Gather tho Sacred Dust." by Carolyn FullUove. Bong. "MaBsa's In the Cold, Cold Ground." by Messrs. Arthur Rarwick. Herschel Harris, Andrew Jackson and Monroe Butler. Bestowing of crosses of honor nn the veterans, by Mrs. Arthur Barwlck, president. Song, *'9llver Threads Among the Gold." by quartette. Address, Col. Robert Ashford. Hymn, "Nearer My God to Thee." After the program all marched to the cemetery, tho veterans riding, and decorated the graves of all veterans who are burled In the WHtkinsvIlle cemetery. CHINE8E BENEFIT TONIGHT. Tonight, at 8 o'clock, at tho Parish House, on Pope street, Dr. Frank Watson will tell some Interesting stories of China and will show pic tures that he took while on u visit there. Dr. Watson's stories and pictures of his travels are always well received by the Athens public and at this par ticular time, when public sympathy It with tho Chinese famine sufferers, his appearance will bd of double In terest Good music will also be a feature of the entertainment, as well as the sale of home-made candles and ice cream, the proceeds of alt to go to the famine sufferers. The entertainment Is given under the auspices of the Service League of Emmannel church. A small ad mission will he charged and the pub lic la cordially invited. est pupils of music, assisted by two little pupils of music, assisted by two little pupils from the oratory de partment. will be given In Margaret hall of the Lucy Cobb Institute on Saturday afternoon, April 30tli, at 4:30 o’clock. There will be a short demonstration of the Fletcher Music Method, with Its paraphernalia, by Miss Rivers dur ing the program. All parents of young children, teachers of the lower grades of the public schools and music teachers of the city will be most cordially wel comed. Capt. and Mrs. Richard B. Trimble, of Manilla, P. I., announce tho birth of a daughter nn April 27th. Mrs. Trlmblo will bo delightfully remember ed as Miss Coates Benedict, of Athens, and thn countless friends of Captain and Mrs. Trimble throughout tho state will extend very cordial congrstula'- tions. The wireless message was re ceived by Dr. H. C. Wblte yesterday morning. ♦ 4 Mr. and Mrs. John William Flrnr, of Montezuma, fia.. announce tho birth of a daughter. Anno Byrd, on April 24th. ♦ ♦ Mrs. John D. Moss Is visiting Mrs. John William Flror. of Montezuma. ♦ 4 At the home of Rev. Oliver Prathor, 368 Oak street, occurred the marriagn of Miss Elsie Kntherinc Corbin to Mr. C. D. Stewart. 4 4 Mrs. A. G. McCurry, of Hartwell, ts the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mc Curry. 4 4 Mrs. Roy M. Strickland and two at tractlvo little daughters, of Lynch burg, Va„ aro the guests of Judge and Mrs. John J. Strickland. 4 4 Capt. and Mrs. J. W. Barnett, Pro^ and Mrs. U. H. Davenport will motor to Atlanta today for grand opera. 4 4 Mrs. Dennard Hughes, accompanied by her’father, Dr. I. 11. Goss, will re turn to her homo In Danville today. .44 . (Ds.'.-H. C. White returned yesterday from a visit to Savannah, Where' ho was the honor guest of the University Alumnae club. 4 4 s Mrs. C. W. Fclker. of Monroe, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gem -Davis. 4 4 MIbr Olllc Dyche, of Athens, re turned honfo Monday, after a vIbII to her sister, Mrs. M. P. Wood.—Maya- vtlle Enterprise. 4 4 Mrs. M. P. Wood and daughter, Miss Viola, visited Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Lyle, In Athens, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle returned home with them on Tuesday.—Maysvillo Enterprise. 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. EA Jackson. Mr. and 'Mrs. Sam B. Wingfield and son. Joo, of Athens, attended the Memorial ex ercises hero Tuesday.—Maysvillo En terprise. , ♦ ♦ Miss Margaret Bwanoy, of Chatta nooga, will nrrlvn today to visit Mrs. Ernest Hollingsworth. 4 ♦ ' Mrs. E. B. Hudson was callen yes terday tn Demorost to the bedside of her father, who Is critically III. Daily Fashion Hint PROGRAM BY MUSIC PUPILS SATURDAY. * A program by some of the young- OF AUGUST SIMPLICITY Dark blue crepe meteor emphasizes the simplicity of this straight line frock. The gathered skirt is attached to a long- waisted blouse with square neck and short sleeves. The important decorative detail is a soft sash of blue satin Ikied with tangerine atpe. There is a kimono underblouae which may be worn fade- pendent of the plastron front. Medium size requires 4 yard* 36-inch material, with 2ft yardz ribbon. Pictorial Review Dress No. 9000. Sizes, 34 to 46 inches bust. Price, 35 cents. aJBhsnMHfartkMHi Mrs. Jim Nichols left today for Iowa. after Having been the guest of Mrs. Charles Tnlmadgc. 4 4 Mrs. Asbury Hodgson goes to Dillard today to open her summer home there. * 4 ♦ Mr. and; Mrs. Jesse Cobb, of At- ’anta, arrive today to spend some time with the family or Judge Andrew J. Cobb. 4 4 Mr..and. Mrs. F. a. ilyrum announce the birth of a -daught er on April 26th. whose namb&Ts Sara' Frances. Sarah , Tallulah Thieves recently plundered the Wei- mer museum in Germany, taking Rem brandt's portrait of himself add other pictures hy famous Dutch painters, val tied at millions of marks. ammm—m — r Special $ j .69 Hosiery that is regularly $2.00 the pair, and that must sell for $2.50 when our next shipment arrives. McCallum, Kayser and other fine, makes, Colors; Black, White, Cordavan, Sizes, 8 to 10. The Store Good Goods Made Popular TALMADQE BROS. & CO. * Distributors Read Banner Want Ads Today .mm swli Quality that shows in the baking A ^pHINGS baked withi Valier’s Dainty Flour are so good they make your mouth water just to look at them. You can tell at a glance that they were made with extra fine flour. .And they’re even better than they look. Try asack of Dainty—you’ll be surprised at the better baking it produces. Its economy will surprise you, too. You won’t waste Valier’s Dainty Flour in needless, costly failures for it is milled from nothing but the white centers of the choicest soft winter wheat. It’s reliable—you can depend on it today, tomorrow or a year from tomorrow. Besides, Dainty requires less shortening. ' j .4 - • -1 ! • ' . iiSrSf'J WEBB-CRAWFORD CO, Wholesale Distributors Athens, Ga.