The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, May 20, 1921, Image 2

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PAGE TWO ATHENS BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 20, 1921, A Events in Athen’s Social Lite and Realm of Women Phones: Home, 832; Office, 75 By Mrs. Alice Adams THE NIGHT ROAD. i £ I have Kft M '• mid to happiness— I Does • ». i<iw it. pray? 1 was tl\v• *:I ni lore when the morn Judge . K OCIAL C*! CMDAR. •otiHtlnn’. The hffght decora jOH£-ELEVEN) mjc igareite*J lisie fci. Du* wand i •d away. | to show the ladle •sav in nf; Benefit day at f hr Elite Theater. RSU’ 1 And pursue them, win I had lo t the path f-» happine Oh, who w!l! l^ad me hack? Turn olT fron 1 flie highway of ? ness i curing thi rr more r t lerefore. this moat rthv he if *o were profusely usod in nil t Ht j tive moms. I A memory hook was fill • ' fcrtlonoto gooll wishes an “ | r :d game wub an cujoyahh n 'J iudir'oiia rofrcshmofita w« r ’ j during the afternoon and tl l l n,| p:rty was one of the w •; I table iocIr 1 events. To the rJe'i Keep straight w ran r,. Dor an run The fair hr t uo duty s tr.*u ^long, and you hi 1 ou live. 1 s. Ida of happine d that wnj FIMir.J-I YOUR TASK. Il*r, ra y emu ^h to begin a task. Cut to finl.ii It- that’s the tiling; T'uc oomph ted work Irdda the honey j M. II ct ved. In tii- Atlant , That u most hi Ills movement and urge send th* Ir c*otit**iImtion; KnvJnga hank, Athens, Will, tl urged that eve: , a dollar for this cam e Athens. Thornton tlinnlu for th Constitution. tilv LEE CLUB BENE? TOR ANNUAL. IT pit able McWhorter home today at noon, when Mr. 1 hurmond McWhorter will he the royal host in honor of the Cojrg'a baseball t»»an 'i he table will h 1 most delicious meats inerts, and n feast under ti»e beautiful * nliduresquc grove mu Covers will b f la tour and the guests i ✓< nuin * old fashion'd and ifh the unpani- spread ik trees in the • the house, ed for twenty- ill he served a A. S. rarkcr as chairman, Mrs... J- L. Hendren as secretary apd Sfr?. (loorge Mi ll as treasurer, promises tp tie realized. Miss Roberta Hodgson was a dele gate from Athens attending the state <onvcntion In Augusta and will give a report of the convention at the first meeting to he held next week, when a pertnanent organization will he perfected. . I . t The constitution will bo* adopted ami permanent officials elected. Huns w ar© being made to have the honorary state president. Mrs. Emily McDougald, of Atlanta, who will visit j her daughter. Mrs. Frank Hardeman Local leaguers are doing fine work , in Atlanta. Savannah. Augusta and other (itRb in Georgia. Athens should I organize for efficient and much-needed I civic activities. Miss Roberta Hodgson is chairman of our congressional district. The public meeting will be held at Urn city hall. All li.tere:ted arc In vited to attend. ‘d the com While th** undone yields a sting. Oh. the let will lag and the h art grow fair t Oft t inea ere the stunt Is done; Hit what jo> la yours, as you rest at la?t, With the hard fought battle won! Then here * lo the lad who will see It through Whatever the task may be. For my heart goes out to the l#»y of pluck; But no h i. done toy for me. —Flo.cnee Jones Hadley, oting who 1 Tin* Lil'W Cobh Glee club will nro tho i / nt a i art stir program tomorrow 1 •Vfiihi at tency Stov »ll clinpcl, un voill- [ lor (1. •lire tLin’of M a. Fred Jones, Mrs. • if Mo if Cl ir. N. J. so pleasantly .ol-i-. mown li-re 6 Mips Kat herine Tift, an ••-nor radti: te of Luey t ohb. now via ible; t'liq h the inHtitcle. i Many will lonitinhor Mrs. Jones ns lead *r of mni5iiai a illity and her j ■<‘<ni('nt vi t to Ather (1 a! The ;ie.^ luh. under her dirsctlon. .ill he one if the nota de attract’ons T. A. t . • chlent to the coinin'' The evening proceeds will go for bo benefit of the Lucy Cobb Annuii ATLANTA FEDERATION OF CLUBS ENDORSE MRS. CEORC.E M ELl.'S MOVEMENT. "Resolved. Thnt the City Fedcm ton r,f Women’s clubs endorse th' action df th. Georgia Federation In Introducing a hill in the legislature to build a dormitory for women student* at the Fnlvcrs’ty of Georgia and pledge nu/ earnest support and o»- operation.—Mit. Howard McCall. norolvcd. Thrt the Atlanta City Federal'on of Women’s clubs endorse th^ drives lor funds for educational ndv.imemoi t now being carried on by ! P. T- A. BIRTHDAY. ! The Baxter Street !• j very Interesting hirthdi Wednesday afternoon. The report from the convention iu Atlanta laid much stress | upon cooperation of parents and t.achers in preserving unity of pur-] po-e. I MRS. DAVENPORT’S I The graduation exerciser of the LOVELY PARTY, [seventh grade were arranged for and y r.tcrday aflcrnoor j will be held on Wednesday mom Inf 1 Davenport opened her att »nt 9:30 o’clock. For lack of an au-| l|)r nn «, n f die scason'r. Ion J ditorlum the second grade room will h»* used for th.* assembly. The officer* were elected for the rirxt year and ard as follows: ' President. Mrs. Hudson. Vice president, Mi. J s Anderson. .Secretary, Mrs. Pond. FASHION SHOW AND VAUDEVILLE PALACE 1 HEATER TUESDAY. Th.- Fashion Show and international Vaudeville will he the greatest attrac. t!;m offered at tin* Palace do Luxe The .Ter next Tuo day afternoon and T*. I it n ement nclivi occasion of flu benefit day lo C. A. t eighteen soch odds for the V: »fold attrac- • University a drav ng tv girls will he :hion Show will While this fea ture for Athens, illy received by I will he a great Mrs W. II. Ivo homo Ft bridge mb led five tables of (harming occasion per ties, which I layers fer a Tlio lower Itonr. thrown toe tiler. [ ", "bt -Pi-st ov v...r, radiant In (Hr .oxgiliMlc decora | U)e nty ta ns nf awnetpraa banked everywhere | _ flllfjiK baskets and vases in artlstr arrrngemert Til lure will he a new v< it will he enthusiast the public, a drawing card. Tiie vaudeville promises to be ex ceptionally fin.*. The splendid can c will be para mount .and everybody will be eager to help tile boys. Tile lovely Paine c Theater will make ag setting and plans for one is ever staged in il be put on. tfca University r f Oeorgla and the | and Christine Hood the thimble. Cicorgta 3.-honl # nf Technology.—By , The sixth grade had a beautiful din Rtsoiuilcn Committee. Play of sewing on exhibition. Flora Hesalvcd, That tho City Federation ! Ur It a and Ona Bedford won tho prises cf Women's cltibs endorse an act ere- j lor tho best work, although th - Judges htlng a rtiildr, n a code commission to ' "re piizsIeB for sometime because bo Introduced by tile council of social j tho work was r.o uniformly oxcollent agencies.-Mrs rimar F. Elder. | Choice of material, trimmings and . Resolved. That the City Federation i workmanship all showed good Unto ef Women's clubs endorse tho work! : much csro. of tho stot herd of public welfare.— j The association adjourned until next Mrs. Cmar F. Eider. d’ptcmfcor. Whereas. t'.t> mat legislature failed' MBS. E. B. HUDSON. *,p mul.c reccvt.'ry provision for' the i State Normal school at Athens; and I * ; P. STEPHENS’ SUNDAY Whereas, lb's school Is cngigcd In! 'CHOOL CLA13 ENTERTAINS the very ImcUant work of tralnlag j rc, >J MRS, WEATHERWAX. more than lrht hundred studenlx to; Yesterday afternoon, at the lovely be tho fetus.' iricher* of Qoorgla; and Whoreen. the work of the school la greatly cnh'.rraxxed and crippled for lark of fundo: anil , Whereas, an appeal Is being sent Yr usurer, Mrs. Carter. | top score prizo at each table! Recording secretary, Mrs. Johnson.) ,v,-,s a beautiful basket of tweet pea v. j The association had a birthday gift, | Fcdlowlng tho spirited game very dc ! a beautiful gavel, a souvenir from the | ihious and elaborate refreshments! ■cme of Joel Chandler Harris. ' v.cro served. Mra. Heaves gave the birthday cake,) Mrs. Davenport is always a graelbu- wilh one real candle In the middle. hostess and entertained yesterday! Mrs. Pond cut the first piece and | with her usual lavish and happy hos won the dime. .Mrs. Ramirez cut tile I pitality. | wishbone, Mrs, Porter got the ring | H'GH SCHOOL RECEPTION MAY 25. the following invitation has been issued: > The faculty and the Junior c of the Athen' High -chool request tho pleasure of your company on Wednes day evening. May Jf.lh. to meet the fines of 1921, 9 to 12 o'clock. JUNIOR B. Y. P. U. PARTY THIS EVENING. Tiie Junior B. V P. U. of (be First Baptist church will enteitaln the boys and girls of tile Sunday school with a prom party tonight at 8:30 o clock at tiie High school. All the hoys and girls of tho Sun day school arc cordially invited to come and have a good time and get romethlng good to cat as well. PLAY AT LUCY COBB. An abridgment of Shakespeare's "Midsummer's Night Dream" will be presented on Muy 28tli at 8; 15 p. in. on ttic lawn of tiie I.ucy Cobb liistl- tntc. Mrs. Anbury Hodgson. Mrs. K. B. Cohen returned to Dillard yesterday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Alllu Anil and Miss Isaboal Talinadge. Mr. and Mrs. K. \\ lunpht r, Matlnlinc. a Mre. A. V. Ginn. Ginn an4’fluid <! the gi tstij of ». Parker, of .lackuonvllto,| amour, tho visitors' hero j AT THE ELITE TODAY. Have you heard of the unujunl op port unity >oit will hnvo on Friday. May 20th, at tho Kllto Theater, to rot. a b nutlful and perfectly moral I ift’ire play lind kt thef anno tlino get all the plftnta, flowrer* and bulb.. >ou liavo been longing for? The ch’olreat home-made onndle; will ill o be a feature of the occa.slon Friday. by MGeorge Mdll. of Athona, " J I UMPKIN STREET NEEDLEWORK CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. L. C. BROWN. The Lumpkin Ktroet Needlework club will h entertained this after noon hv Mr*. L. Brown, whicn happy occnniou will uHiicnihlo the harm ins racetlng. PLANTS ?OR SALE. At tlw unite Theater May 20th, there will be a onto of ) Ian la. The following; 1h a partial lint (.f what will ba on hand: Snap dragonj Verbena Zlnria* Mirigold ! • Cannaa Giant r.osraog Lrnce’3 feather Straw plants Kverlarting plant Sea bioafs Petunia:; Iri. now home of Mrs. Max Hubert, on | members for North Mllledge uvenue, I)r. It. f S to pile tie’ Sunltiy nrhool cdanH gnvo j MR. THURMOND McWHORTER’S a henitlful Ion in honor of Mrs. I BARBECUE FOR GEORGIA BOY3. Weatherwax. who Is returning *hext | * An annual event of more than pan with her htnbnnd to Indiana. | leg IntrreBt In college circle* will In Aster* British soldiers Tomato plants Bulbs. ftcr mukinU Atii-ns their home for I the .sumptuous barbecue at the hos MRS. M. LINK ENTERTAINS VISITORS. Mr*. M. Link entertained most do- liphtfully cii Wednesday afternoon at three table* of bridge and one of whiHt at her attractive homo on Hampton Court, compllmuitlng hor two popular guest*, Mr*. Hipko, of Bc**emor. Ala., and Mis* Brownie '‘Vltoa, of Albany, N. Y. Spring flow' * elaborately decorated the rooms *ry effectively. The game w ih followed by d llciou.i and ice couraoii. Mr*. Abe I ink’* scored the highest ii luidge and .Mrs. (jurHie Morrin In iliiKt. Mr*. Ripku cut the guest prize ml Mrs. \\. Gold tho conrolatlot*. Mrs. A. F. Smith, of F.lberton. an(! Mrs. W. A. i^ee. c»C Abbeville, S. C. were shopping in the «ity yesterday ♦ ♦ Col. and Mrs. 13. T. Mo*ely. of Dan- ielHville. spent y.stcrday in the city. Mr. It. (’. Stevens, of Carlton, vloit •d here yesterduy. ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gupter have re turned to lsowremrevltle, after visit !ng Mr. and Mr*. Victor Haygood on Dougherty atreet. i ♦ 4 * ' Mr*. If B. Knirseon ;*iul .Mul.F, Q s Young, bf Orawfordi woi# among*the visitors hero yesterday. .*• ! ♦ ♦ . v - Mr. and Mra. L. N. McWhortor and Mias Mildred McWhorter, of Boynton, .pent yesterday in tho city. ♦ ♦ Ml** Bis m ho lienderHon. of 1 larkogville, Is the guest of Miss EuU Henderson, of the Y. M. C. A. f ♦ The friends of Mrs. Anno C. Prater will ics;ret to hear of her continued Hines* at liei homo on Prince avenue. Mi*. It. H. Johnson bus returned to Atlanta, after a visit to relatives. ♦ ♦ LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS to nr. permanent ORGANIZATION. The u mporary orsaniratir.n of the League of Women Voters, with Mrs. Mis* Irene Gregory ha* returned from Winder, where . lie visited .Misses Thomas. ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mr*. II. A. Fendorgraph have moved frpm tho Varner home to- 623 North Millcdge avenue. ♦ ♦ Dr. and Mr*. J. G. Warn°rmaker. Mrs. L. D. Du'***. Mins Marguerite Dukes, Lucy and Jack Warnermaker of Orangeburg, S C.. are tho guests Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Roberts. 2 qt. Percolator (’ qt. Covered Kettle I qt. Covered Kettle 6 qt. Preserving Kettle A qt. Preserving Kettle •1 qt. Covered Sauce Pan 3 qt. Covered Sauce Pan o qt. Lipped Sauce Pan ! qt. Lipped Sauce Pan 2 qt. Double Boiler Every Piece Guaranteed. Your Choice Monday at $1.28 No Deliveries. IP Dorsey Furniture Company Quality Furnliure Since 1884 Hfi .. Wait For Our SACRIFICE SALE McGREGOR & CO. Ts&SftasTUnc •it.r tl*., iUi. Swm T,/ • n nu bo» u m. fiat; REID ORUO CO. FRIDAY AT MICHAEL’S -kS; Is A Sale Day Extraordinary i Vi . i ft f, foty’s face Powder 74c Box Of this is for today only—and it must be, for no supply would last longer than one day at such a price. The Parfum is I/Origan, the colorings Natlrelle, Rachel a n d Blanche - . . r , , 1 ' » e -rk v, 5 k ■ Full Fashioned Silk Hose (PI This fine quality hose is being sold at tP± .Ui7 most stores for $2.25. Our .regular price is $2.00 and we consider it a leader. Ajt the price of $1.69 many of our customers buy a dozen pairs. Col ors. white, blacklCordovan African, grgy and natural i ■ r- ,t« Colored Dress Linens 98c Yard Hero is an oppoitunity to buy most cheaply a very fine cloth. This dress Linen is every thread pure linen; 36 inches wide; already shrunk and guaranteed fast color. Colors arc blue, rose, green, lavender and coral. Stamped Gowns For Embroidery These nighties are made Of. a fine quality Nainsook and are tailored Ed fjt. The stamp ing is in designs pretty and effective, yet simple to do. 98c ■ "A New Summer Blouses $4.98 Beauties they are of Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Pongee and hajidrmade French voiles, i The styles are all lovely ones and a wide va riety makes selection {/‘simple and delightful task. . r- %0Sl3.. The Store! Good Goods Made Popular MILLINERY Just arrived at Mrs. Durden’s. Values that will surprise you. From $2.00 up—you should see these hats. MRS. P. H. DURDEN 459 Clayton street. Self rising flour that you can depend on NOTHING can induce us to lower the quality of Valier’a Pippin Self Rising Flour—not even the temptation which confronts millers today to cheapen quality to cut price. Valier’s Pippin Self Rising Flour al ways has been and always will be milled from nothing but the finest *oft winter wheat*—the identical wheat used, in milling Valier’s Dainty Flout. That’s why Valier’s PippiriSelf Rising Flour is so economical. 'The tamo high quality that makes it cost moro per sack than ordinary self rising flour prevents many a costly failure. Valie Self Rish Pippin Flour WEB3-CRAWFORD CO., Wholesale Distributers, Athens, Georgia. Read Wantads today