The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, June 03, 1921, Image 7

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H ' - ~ i — ->* -uf - 4 THE ATHEN8 DAILY BANNER. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1921. No Paris Fashions and Rest and Pleasure Is Man’s Chief Existence. (By Aisoclated Press) Papeete, Tahiti, June 3—Rapa (or Rapa ttl, to give its full nume) an lrland about 700 miles south of Tahati untouched by the corrosive blight of civilization whose native* live I,, a state of primitive simplicity is de scribed here as “undented by Paris fashion or high heeled shoes. Indeed, they have no fashions at all except such of a cast off nature as may be supplied at very rar eintervals by the value being coffee, good people of Tahiti when the ml*-1 cver - worth « oln k a,ter as sufflcienl ■tonary schooner chances to be going! coffee is raised on Tahiti and the i that way. Rapa would be the' Ideal resort for the tired business man. it Is a place where the wicked cease from troubl ing and the weary may find rest If he be of the masculine gender. In Rapa the women do -all the work- tilling the fields; preparing the meals, and even feeding their lords and. mas ters. All the men have to. do-Is to go out on an occasional fishing ex peditlon; and the rest pf the time tc sleep. When dinner time arrive* they are awakened and the women of the house feed them by rolling the food In little morsels and tossing them Into their mouths. The only ef forts thdy are obliged to make is the act of chewing; and when this wcsrlee them they resume their sluttibers un til the next meal time. Unfortunately, Rapa is remote and Inaccessible. There Is no direct com munlcatlon from Tahiti except when the French gunboat makes a voyage that way (once a year or so) or the missionary schooner makes Its round* oven less often. Being well out of the tropics the rocoanut tree does not thrive there; the only product of any commercial This Is not; how nearby islands to supply the demand. Scientists ore Interested In Rap* on account of some mtsalve stohl works situated on the hills that look like fortifications. Who hullt theft and for what purpose are problem* yet unsolved. Representatives from the Bishop museum of Honolulu now In these lands are endeavoring to get to Rnp : In order to study these remains an to solve'the mystery 7)f their' builder! Atlanta To Take In Druid Hills (Special to The Banner) Atlanta. Ga., June 3.—A special com mittee of the city council ot Atlanta Is to be named to make.a survey tc determine whether or,not it Is desir able and advisable to extend the pres ent city limits so as to take In muct of that fashionable residential sec tlon known as Druid Hills, located DeKalb county. The olty limits at ready extend Into the neighboring county, and have for many years. A number ot cltlsens of the Kirk; wood section have been bolding meet ings Istely, the purpose of which la to ! \ This is a“Right Store:” Right goode: right prices: right serviie. It you get anything that’s wrong bring it bach. We’ll make it right. You’re always right. Actually the Best in Town Suits $15 to $45 The price alone is meaningless. Hooked up with the quality suits involved, makes the above statement worth a great dsah Looking ahead to spring and summer days every man with a thought fbr clothes ought--in justice to himselr see our clothes# These are suits of the finer qualities taib oring of the highest type; styles that, are abreast of what vthe best custom tailors” are doing. . - : We ll stand hy the flat statement that these are actually the best suits in town at prices $15.00 to $45^00, Double Breasted Sacks, Club Checks, Sin* gle Breasted Sacks, Chalk Stripes, Sports Norfolks, Herringbone Weaves, English Lounge Types, Plain Effects. An array of models and fabrics that are worthy of suits selling at a considerably greater figure. Chas. Stern Co. Homs of God Clothes HELPFUL SERVICE The officers and directors of the Peoples Bank have always promoted helpful relation between the bank and its depositors. The result of this pol- • cy ^youToo^wi^appreciate the courteous treatment and personal element In fhii hank of *“Safety and Friendly Serivce.” . h,s an d let us talk it over. We are confident that your visit will prove mutually profitable. . — ■— Peoples Bank, Athens» 8. Bernstein, President. J. H. ppxier, Vice President, . Bernstein, . H. Hosier, i. II. Hinton, „ H. Davison, OFFICERS: J. H; Hubert, cashier, L. S. Bray, Aaa’f. Cashier. DIRECTORS ' '"f P. H. conolly, Abe Joel • . H. 8. Crane 0. If. Aitffild, jr. J. D. Trible. seek Inclusion In the city of Atlanta. The survey Is to he completed and the report ready for submission to the city council June 20. Senator Watson To Address Union City Celebration (Special to The Banner) Atlanta, Ga., June 3.—The Fourth ot July celebration at Union City, where the principal address Is to be delivered by Senator Thomas E. Wat son, Is to be the annual state gather ing of the Farmers’ Union of Georgia and. says President J. H. Mills, there will be representation at that meeting ,rom every county in Georgia. The or ganisation has, In the past three months, says President Mills, organ ised 106 now local or county unions, and It will be ahown this year that the Farmers’ union In Georgia Is stronger than It ever has been in all past years. = Will Develop Peru’s Railroad Systems (By Associated Press) Lima, Peru, June 3.—An ambitions scheme tor development of Pern’s rail way system la said to be under con sideration by the government. It In ciLdee the building of two north and south lines and one or more railways connecting tho western coast with the navagable rivers on the eastern frontier. There are now approximately 1,700 miles of railways In operation In the country, 1,300 miles of which are said to be controlled by the Peruvian cor poration, a British concern. Engineering difficulties and the al most prohibitive cost of construction have been directly responsible In the ptat for 1 the slowness with which rail way construction has been pushed In the river valleys of Peru, according to Daniel Waters, United States com mercial attache here. 10 WEALTHY YOUTHS And many a man's bravery Is due to his knowledge of the fact that the hther fellow Is a coward. While a pretty woman may not care to be brainy, a brainy woman always Wants to be pretty. LODGE DIRECTORY. ML Vernon Lodge, No. 22, F. J A. ,l„ meets In regular communication econd Thursday night In each month ft K. of P. Hall, Washington street. H. O.^STORY, W. M. JNtt QUINN, Sec.n. Oliver Encampment, No. 14, 1. O. O. F., meets every Friday night at 3 p, m. In Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner Col. lege and CUYton streets. Visiting Patriarchs always welcome. R. L. BRAMBLET, C. P. HAROLD T. TUCK, Scribe. St Unto Lodge, K. of P.—8L Elmo Lodge, No. 49, Knights of Pythias meets every Monday night at 'clock at Its CVastle Hall in the Jsi sr building, Clayton street Pbom 2E-L. Visiting Knight* cordially (a Red to attend. S. B WILKINS. C. C, P, H. NICKERSON, K, of A. * S. Williams Lodge, No. 16. I. O. O. F.. nests every Monday night In Odd Pel- 'ows' Hall, Lipscomb building, corner College and Clayton street*. All irstbrsn nr* Invited to attend. H. R. WATERS, N. O. H. D. 8TEPHENS, R. S. Classic City Camp, No. 293, W. O. W.. meets every Wednesday night at ' 30 o’clock,' Lipscomb" building, cor ner College and Clayton streets. All rialtlng Sovereigns are welcome to at tend 1 . J. P. McCALL, C. C. C. J. WILLIAMSON, Clerk. Clarke Rebekth Lodge, No. 33, I. O. P., meets every Tuesday night Upscomb building, corner Collage and Clayton streets, In Odd Fellows’ HnIL All Rebekabs are cordially Invited. MRS. H. C. BI8HOP, N. O. MRS. H. M. ELLIOTT. Sac. There's No Cracking or Sagging O^Stucco Walls Suilt on BISHOPRIC STUCCO BOARD TQISHOPRIC BOARD bolds f*n Stucco in a grip of stccL Its dovetailed grooves keeping the walls rigidly intact Indefinitely. A permanently at* tractive Stucco borne; damp, proof und tplffvtirffy If amured by its use. * km JS3*2tiT* DIXIE BUILDERS 8UPPLY CO., People Want a Reform of the Army and , Its Cus toms of Selling. (By Associated Press) Madrid, Spain, June 3.—The reform of the system of recruiting the Span lab army, which is htneeforth in prin ciple to be formed of the entire youth of the nation, thus doing away with the drawing of lots, Is greeted with general enthusiasm. One clause, however, ot the bill drafted by Viscount Eza has brought forth sharp criticism In the press. This refers to the selection of reserve officers, who are to be chosen from among the troops not according to their ability or skill, but because their parents are able to pay a premium, which will be calculated on their wealth, those possessing most money being called upon to pay more. The newspaper El Sol protesting, asks: “Is It the intention to make all cltlseps go Into barracks and to Impose on them the leadership of a caste based on money power? This appears to us abominable. “What la being done thereby Is to levy a tax on the vanity of those In numerable youths without a profes sion who aspire to find In the wear ing of the uniform a’ kind of reason for their existence. It Is dangerous to speculate with things referring to the army, despising the really Intellectual class and forming a caste of wealthy Illiterates who are no more than an embarrassment and who actually create irreparable Injury to the room! homogeneity of the army." Churches OCONEE STREET METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. A. F. Nunn, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m„ Mr. E. P, Stone, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the Pastor. God has blessed us with a recent large number of acces sions. All of them are wanted at church, -both morning and evening. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock, conducted by A. B. Bailey. .. . ... . „ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The Paator win preach at both services at the First Baptist churdb on next Sunday. 11:16 a, m. and 8:10 p. m. The morning subject will be "Build ing Natlonnl Foundations.” It wUI be shown that the things that make an Individual strong are the things that make a nation strong. There will also be a discussion of the reason for the -hurcli. Not everyone Is patriotic that protests patriotism. What do you think is the real test ot patriot ism? Ttte evening subject will be “Sins of Omission.” There are some who ■eem to do no wrong and nothing else. We have learned to have a conscience about violent sins of commission. One day perhaps ws shall abhor ibe nega tive soul who la simply good and nothing more. You are Invited to each of theao services and the Sunday school and prayer meeting. In evary case you will find a warm welcome from friendly church membership. THERE’S A ROGERS StORE NEAR YOU Where Satisfaction is a Certainty Some Pick-up Purchases That Enable Unusual Savings on Foodstuffs. Every now and then our alert buying department makes a real pick-up—carlots of distress'shipments that must be turned into money.- Instead of using such a situation to our pvofit, we are satisfied with our customary small margin and ;always pass the saving on to our patrons. A Solid Carload of Red Salmon was offered us at so much below today’s - packers’ cost that we immediately bought it all. You should get your share at the prices we are making, as-when-this is sold it will cost us at least 6 cents a can more to replace it than our price to you. Pound cans, a reg- ular 35c quality... 1 ** 1 Half-pound cans, a regu lar 21c lip quality I IW Six, *1-19 I 2 *2.16 Six cans 57c 12 *1.08 v cans 1 uu 14 Granulated Sugar $1.00 - ■■■ 1 1 i . ■ ■ ■ " ■■ Best Cream Cheese, lb. 181-2c Benson’s Delicious 1__ 1L Qf|^ Pound or Layer I'SKe ID. OUC Creamery Butter lb. 3lc Qualify * Bread 3 Loaves loaf 9c 17c 25c FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rtv. E. L. Hill. D.D, Pastor. Usual services at 11 a. m. and 3:30 m. Morning subject, “Slgnlficanoe of Real Consecration." Evening sub ject, “Dealing Squarely.’’ Sunday School at First Church at :45 a. m., J..A. Morton, Supt Lane Chapel at 3:20 p. m„ Howard Scott. Supt.; at Hoyt Chapel at p. m„ E. A.-McWhorter, Supt Prayer meeting on Wednesday aft- rnoon at 6 o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is estended to all ot these services. * CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Samuel J. Cartledge, Paator. Mr. J. T. Dudley, Superintendent of Sunday School. Mr. Hugh L. Hodgson, Organist and Director ot Music. Sunday school at 9:45 a. Preaching by the Pastor at 11 a. ra. end 3:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor societies at 3:30 and 7:30 p, m. - A special Invitation to strangers and students. EAST ATHENS BAPTIST CHURCH. F. P. Colie, Pastor. 8unday school at 9:45 a. m. Song service at 10:46 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the Pastor, immediately following the sermon, tho Lord)* Supper will he observed. All members of the church are urged to attend this service. Both Junior and Senior B Y. P. U. will -meet at 8:30 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. by the Paator. Everybody Is cordially Invited to at tend these services. When a woman doesn't know her own mind it-is time she sought an Introduction. 18 lbs. best head rice $1.00 9 lbs. for - 50c 4 1*2 lbs. for 25c No. 10 Snowdrift Lard • $104 No. 10 Cotton Bloom - 99c We are holding ■ 4 down the price of FLOUR Tho’ wheat is advancing daily And this mean* a corresponding ad vance In th ecoat of Flour. But we sensed the upward trend and pro tected you by a large purchase, thus giving you prices less than today’s re placement cost. No. 37 Self-Rising, 12-|bs (6c 24-lbi. ; .$1-22 La Rota, 12-lbs. S 66c 24-lbs 91.22 Whits Lily, 12-lbt. 76c 24-lbs. 91.46 Richland Lily, 12-lbs 76c 24-lbs. 31-49 Plllsbury, 12-lbs. 76c 24-lbs. $1.44 Bull Head <f Era Tomato Catsup... * Underwood’s 4 Red Devil Sardines ■ ** Clymer’s Assorted Flavors Jellies 6*/ic Wilsco Fresh 30 C Fruit Preserves... Kraft IEr Cheese Libby’scan 9Q#» Dill Pickles COC Pint bottle Red QA £ Wing Grape Juice.. Quart bottle Red CCa Grape Juice. WH# Small bottle Blue 4Ca label Chili Sauce... “Wff Uneeda Biscuit er Uneeda Lunch Biscuit 7Vtc Campbell’s 1 flc Beans I M.w Libby’s 9K C Veal Loaf........ Libby’s Lunch 9ft g% Tongue OUC There’s a Rogers Store Near You A man always makes allowances for his wife, but not alwajt in the form of s weekly stipend. Love is blind until it bumps into an eye-opener. Where Satisfaction is a certainty