The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, June 17, 1921, Image 6

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SIX THE ATHENS DAILY DANNER FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1921. CLEARANCE SALE Wool Jersey Sport Coats Clear ance Price $6.45 Garden Hats, ance price All shades. Clear- $1.00 CLEARANCE SALE Silk Fiber Tuxedo Sweaters Clear ance Price $6.95 A special table for clearance at 25c each which will include slight ly soiled and shop worn Middy Blouses, Children’s Dresses, Boys’ Wash Hats, Boys’ Trouers, Ladies’ Shirt Waists, Boys’ Middy Tams, and other small quantity of odd stock. Your choice, clear ance price 25c 100 Fine Garden and Artist Smocks, sold up to $5.00; clearance price $1.25 Silk Hose in black and white with clocks; regular $3.50; clearance price $2.00 Ladies all Silk Lace Hose, regular $7.50; clearance price $3.50 ..Garden Hats all shades, clearance...$1.00 Barnyard Sailors, clearance price $1-00 Children’s Fine Hats all shapes with stream ers of fine Grosgrain, values up to $3.50, clearance price $1.00 One table of fine Banded Sailors, sold up to $5.00, clearance price. $1.95 Ladies’ Trimmed Hats, up to $0.00, clear ance price $2.45 Ladies Trimmed Hats, up to $12.50, clear ance price 1 $3.45 Cabel Edge and two toned Sailors and Sport Hats that sold up to $0, clearance $2.45 1-4 off on all Boys’ Serge and School Suits. 25 Boys’ Khaki Suits, sold up to $6.50, in sizes 9 to 18 years, clearance price $2.45 Boys’ Odd Pants in khaki, sizes 7 to 18 years, clearance price 85c Mothers’ Friend Brand Boys’ Blouses and Shills, sold up to $1.75, clearance ..75c Shirt waist and Smocks in Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Tricolette, values to $8.50, clearance price $3.95 One lot Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Pongee and Tricolette Blouses and Over Blouses, valus to $5.00, clearance price $2.45 One lot Waists in Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Wash Voiles, values to $7.50, clear ance price $1.50 All Voiles and Lawn Waists values to $3.50, clearance price 75c Wool Plaid Pleated Sport Skirts, $6.50 val ues, clearance price .$3.45 Children’s dresses in Organdies, Lawns. Voiles, Twills, and Ginghams at onq-hall less than cost. Ladies’ Taffeta, Georgette, Satin, Gingham, Organdies and Voiles at Special Clear ance Prices. All Boys’ Hats of fine Milan Straw at Clear ance Price ^l.OO Mothers’ Friend Brand Boys’ Wash Suits, values to $5.00, clearance price...ffl.OO Sport Skirts at Clearance Prices. Boys’ Wash Tams, $1.50 value, clearance price -SOc HENRY’S, 426 Broad St. HENRY’S, 426 Broad St. HENRY’S, 426 Broad St. HENRY’S, 426 Broad St, ? j SC1LLE SISLANDS OF PIRATE TALES AND MID-WINTER ROSES (By Associated Press) Washington. D. C„ June 16—The Prince of Wales now owns the Bower garden fit the Drlttsh empire, the -Scilly Islands, newspaper dispatches say, and Boon they wlli welcome him to their shores. “Like Scylla of classic fame, after ; whom tt has built said the Islands were named, the rocky shores of these Islands have proved hungry monsters of the deep for mariners who dared to guide ships through their treach erous waters." says a bulletin from the Washington, I). C., headquarters of the National Geographic society. “In 1707 Sir Cloudesley Shovel's fleet was thrown upon the rocks anil two thousand men perished. His flag •hip was lost nnd two men-of-war sank beneath - the waves, while two fireships of his squadron ran aground and the remainder barely escaped. There Is an eld saying that nine out of every ten natives of Scilly perish In .the sea. but thin Is no longer true, ~ since the building of the lonely Bishop Light on an outlying rock to thin southwese and numerous other light houses and lightships in the Islands. Wbtn Phoenicians Bought Tin In Britain. “The history of the Islands has al ways been tinged with fascinating ro mance. Though the theory that they are the Caulterldes, or ‘Tin lalanda,' of Perodotus has been abandoned, they might well have been the trad ing center where the Phoenician* met the early Brltalns and bartared for tin from the mlnea of Cornwall. At any rate, they were Inhabited In pre historic times, for the inhabitants have left numerous barrow* and Klst- vaens, or sepulchral chambers of stone, to tell of their existence on the Islands. “The Sciillea are generally accord ed to be the legendary country of Lyonnssse. the scene of many Inci dents which figures In t$e Arthurian romances and the Cornish folklore, , as well as the land of the fervid and tragic Tristan and taeult. AtbelsUn mada a vow before the shrine of BL Burlrn that he would go to tbs islands and conquer them, and upon them the scan* of Sir Walter Besant's novel. ‘Armorel of Lronnesse,' Is laid. Ther* Is an account In an early EngHab . chronicle describing the flourishing state of Lyonnesse and how It sud denly subsided beneath the sea. Once Haunts Of Pirate*. “As a matter of geologic knowledge the islands are merely the ragged summits of the same granite ridge that forms the backbone of Cornwall. One old family bears on Its coat of arm* a horse escaping from tta sea, commemorating the fleetness of the charger which saved one of Its an cestors from being swallowed up by the wares when this part of the coast sank. In ancient times the .Reillies are supposed to have been the haunts of pirates and smugglers, and the forty-mile trip from them to Pea ranee makes the traveler feel that no one leas hardy than the Gilbert end Sullivan product of pirate at least should attempt It. “Today the Sciillea have tome of by the Prince of Wales, they have been governed by a lord proprietor ■Ince the time of Elizabeth. Though the inhabitants of the Islands have been greatly benefited under the sys tem inaugurated by the last family of proprietors some peculiar Incidents of their tenure have been told. It seems that at one time there were people living on the Island of .Bumson, but In order that the Scillles would not have to furnish sustenance for many people, he transported all the Samsonites, as well ns the poor of the other Islands, to the mainland, and It Is said that his tenants were al lowed to keep only one son with them. Consequently many of the children had to be Bent to sen or to the ship yards, but those who were left be hind grew In wealth and the Islands generally prospered as a result of the intelligent despotism." COMPLETE IN HIM. The King of Eton and His kingdom came down from God out of heaven; every principle of divine grace that qualifies men upon earth to love, wor ship and serve God dwelt bodily In Christ; for it pleased God that In Him should all fulness dwell, and the God head dwells bodily In Him. And every sinner of Adam's race that was chosen la Christ before the founda tion of the world and embraced In the everlasting, covenant «f redemp tion was represented by Him on the Cross and In His resurrection, and He now Intercedes for them before the throne In heaven. These redeem ed and regenerated sinners belong to' the royal army of their Sovereign King, are made complete by the cleansing, healing and life-giving pow er of the Holy Ghost. J. N. HUTCHINSON. WEATHER Athens and Vicinity; Partly cloudy Friday, . For Georgia; Partly cloudy Fri day; little change in temperature. Weather Condition*. Some local showers occurred dur ing the past 24 hoars In the eastern portion of the cotton belt, but there la no special disturbance evident In the east. The atmospheric pressure remains low over the entire western portion of the United 8tates, with scattered showers also In that sec tion. Temperatures remain about the same In the central valley and south ern slates. Fair weather la predicted for Athens and vicinity. Read Banner Want Ads for profit. Paine and B. F. Hardeman shows: use for results. { 1. Petitioners and their associate-, | and successors hereinafter referred to NOTICE I desire to he made a body corporal aud politic under the name and style GEORGIA—Clarke County. . j of Masonic Temple Association of After four (4) weeks’ notice, pur-! Athens, Georgia. ^ suaut to law, a petition of which a j a. The corporation is to iSve no true and correct copy is subjoined will | ,-apltal stock, and Is not organized for be presented to tbe Honorable Blan-j th e purpose of pecuniar) gain to Its ton Fortson, Judge of the Superior [ members, or those whom the members Court, at the Courthouse la said j represent, and Is not organized for County on the 18th day of June. 1921. ,h n purpose of corporate profit or In- H. C. KENNEY, | come. Guardian Daisy May Eaves. | 3, The purpose of the corporation GEORGIA—Clarke County. ! Is to acquire and hold title to prop- To tbe Hou. Blanton Fortson, Judge: erty to be used for the purpose of a of the Superior Court of Said j Masonic Temple, and occupied by Ml. County: j Vernon Izxlge. No. 22, Free and Ac Tbo petition of H. C. Kenney shows; J cepted Masons. Keystone Chapter, No 1. That he Is the Testamentary 1 1. Royal Arch Masons, and Godfrey Guardian of Daisy May Eaves under | de Bouillon Commandery. No. II, GEORGIA—Clarke County. The return of appraisers setting apart a year's support to Amozlali and -Stonewall Bowles, minor children of Mattie Bowles, deceased, cut of her estate has beer, filed vrlta tbe under signed. This Is to notify all persons to chow cause, if any they can, on thu first Monday in July, 1921, why said return should not be mode the Judg ment of the Court. Tills June 9, 1921. R. C. ORR. Ordinary. the will ot Elizabeth Jane Fears, late of said County, deceased. 2. That bei desires to sell for re investment at private sale the follow ing property, the same being a part of the estate of his said ward, to- wit; A one-half undivided Interest In a certain lot In Athens, Georgia, said County, fronting on Lumpkin street, known as lot number (3) three of the Fears property—beginning at a corner on Lumpkin street and runulng thenee westerly along line of Mrs. Emmie Kenney one hundred and live (105) feet, thence aoutherly nineteen (19) feet, thence westerly sixty-eight (68) feet, thence northerly ninety-seven (97) feet, thence easterly one hun dred and slxty-flve (165) feet, as shown by plat recorded in Clerk's of fice of said County In Deed Book 23, folio 143, and to which refer, uce la made. 3. That the bouse on said lot Is old aud dilapidated and requires fre quent repairs, and that the repairs consume the rents and being au undi vided. Interest said Investment Is not a desirable one, yielding no Income and your petitioner Is not able to Improve It or control It. 4. Petitioner desires to Invest the proceeds of said sale. In accordance with said will. In Government Bonds, or other boada as allowed by law. 5. Petitioner shows that notice of bis Intention to make this application has been published once a week tor four (4) weeks In The Athens Weekly Banner, being the newspaper in which county advertisements are usually published as required by taw. H. C. KENNEY, Knights Templar. The governing body of tbe cor poratlon shall consist of six trustees. | GEORGIA—Clarke County. • To All Whom It May Concern: j f A. S. Brown having In proper form ! applied to me for Permanent Letters 1 is to cite all and singular tbe creditors I of. Administration on the estate of J. ’ 1 Richards, late of said County. This j and next of kin of J. T- Richards to j bn and uppear at my office wltbiu lime allowed, to-wit: The first one trustee elected by each of the. Monday in July, 1921, and show organizations above referred to, ami vnuue/ir any they can, why said petl- the Worshipful Master of Mt. Vernon Lodge,-No. 22, Free and Accept d Masons, the High Priest of Keystone Chapter. No. 1, Royal Arch Masons, nnd tho Eminent Commander of God frey de BouillonJBpmmapdery. No. 11. Knight emplar. 6. Petitioners have been rack elected as trustee by their respective organizations, tofwlt: W. R Doruey, lion uhould not be granted. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 1st ot June, 1921. R. C. ORR, Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE GEORGIA—Clark* County. Will be sold before the courthouse in Athens on tbe first Tuesday , ... in July, next, within sale hours, at hy Keystone Chapter. No. 1, Royall ,,, .. , Arch Masons, and B. F. Hardeman. pub,lc 1,uctlon ' ,be following parcel ot by Godfrey de Bouillon Commandery, j laud, lying and being I11 said County, No. 14. Knights Templar, and shall j cn public road from Athens to Bar hold their office as trustee for the | „ ett S | ltu | u and containing 34 acres, by Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 22. Free j doe, and Accepted Masons; E. C. Paln '.j- reapectlve terms of two. four and alx , being the home place years, which shall be determined among them by lot. The successors of petitioners, as trustees, shall 'be elected by the respective organiza tions and shall hold office for a term of six years, and until tbelr succes sors are elected. Vacancies existing in the elected trustees shall be filled by election of tbe organizations trus tees for the uncxplred term. The term cf office of petitioners shall begin on July 1, 1921, and continue for tho term drawn by each and until their suc cessors are elected. 6. Petitioners desire all of tbe au thority usually granted corporations created by the Superior Court, and in addition thereto they desire the power to borrow aioney, execute notes, bills, bonds and ether writings, and secure Guardian Daljy May Eaves, j tbe payment of then by mortgage, se- H. C. TUCK. Atty. for Petitioner. Sworn to and subscribed before m- this the 23d dnfr ot October, 1920. LaFayette Daria. , R. G. JORDAN. Notary Public. Bibb Co., Ga. ftaad Banner Want Ads for profit, uta far results. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. In the Superior Court of Clarke County, Georgia. July Term, 1921. Mrs. Geraldine Kaneer Davis vs. Claude Wilbur Davis. To Claude Wilbur Davis: By order of the Court, you are re quested to be and appear nt said Court : to be held ou the third Monday in July. 1921, then and there to answer ! plaintiff's libel for divorce, and In de- 1 fault thereor the Court will proceed as I to Justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable Blantun curlty deed, or other lawful Instru ment. Such Instruments so authorized to be executed In.. the name of the corporation by such officers of the corporation us may be prescribed In tbe by-laws. Wherefore, petitioners pray that I they, their appelates and successors " may be incorporated and made a body politic under the laws of this State under the name and style above re ferred to. COBB & BELL ERWIN, ERWIN & NIX, Petitioners’ Attorney: Clarke Superior Court, July Term, 1921. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Earnest Crawley vs. Ebble Crawley. To Ebble Crawley; „ u , r By order of the Court you are re „ the‘finest gardens 'ln*EngIsnd"“They 1 to . be . a ^? a 5 pear , at “ ld court I Foru’onTjudge'of saidCou'rt, this 25th furnish tbe London market with early , on lhlrd Monda y *» ,*» 7- »»>• vegetables, but even more important anawor petitioner 1 libel for than these products are the flowers ! dlvorca and ,n de,ault thereof the grown on the islands. The air Is l Court proceed nt to justice shall warm and laden with moiature, and ' ,p E?£ talD- .. from December to June most of the ; "110688 the Honorable Blanton Inhabitants are occupied In picking. I Fort »°®. Judge of said Court, packing and sending away tho flow-' This tbe 23d day of May, 1921. art. Great fields of narcissuses are 1- B. COILE, grown, the fuchsias, geraniums and < Deputy Clerk, myrttais are said to become immense CLAUD MAHAFFEY, In tlsc, and roses bloom In mid-win- Petitioner's Attorney, ter. Even tbe hedges are made of day ot May, 1921. E. J. CRAWFORD, ERWIN, ERWIN & NIX, Clerk Attorneys for Plaintiff. ot Susan Mitchell, deceased, and u part ol the Nancy Hanson old place. Said tract Ib bounded on the east by land of H. H. Sorrells, on the uorth by land of D. H. Winter, formerly, and on the south by the Athens new public road uud on the west hy the old roatf leading to Bethel c|iurch, for merly. A full description o( land Is found In Book of Deeds W, folio 410— in deed from Carruth to William Mit chell. Said land to be aold by virtue or an order of Court of Ordinary of said County, authorising sale tor pur pose of paying debts ot Susan Mit chell, deceased, and advertised and to be sold as the property of said de ceased. The land has been rented for tbe year nnd purchaser will not be entitled to receive rent for this year Possession will be given subject to right of tenant in possession to gather crop. There are two security deeds against tho land, but these will both be cancelled on sale day and full titl.s will be given to purchaser. This June 10. 1921. EUGENE MITCHELL, Executor ot Susan Mitchell, Deceased. 1921. Clarke Superior Court, April Term, 1921. OEC -iUIA—Clarke County. Angelina Ogden Vi. Aarou Ogden, To Aaron Ogden; By order of the Court you are re quired to be and appear at said Court cn the third Monday In July, next, to answer petitioner’s libel for divorce. Mtufiva bib uiauo ui , flowering plants. Fishing, the occu- GEORGIA—Clarke County, patlon of the early inhabitants, still! AU P #r80 “* having claims againstJi^d In dYfauit thareof tbe Court wili remains an important one, however, 1 the «*t»te of p. D. Arnold are re- proceed aa to Justice shall appertain, for lobsters must be furlshed- the Lon- quested to hie the same with me, duly ! witness the Honorable Blauton E don epicure. | verified, and all persons indebted to: Fortson, Judge of said Court. “Only five of the Islands are In- “■<* estate will make payment to me.' This 11th day ot April, 1921. habited—8t. Mary's, Tresco, St. Mari This May 26th, 1921. E. J. CRAWFORD. ' ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ MAIDA E. ARNOLD, | Clerk. Administrator of O. D. 1 - — tin’*, St. Agnes and Bryber—and Hugh Town, on St. Mary**, Is the capital. Abort this city towers Star, Castle of Elizabeths* days. “Unto the acquisition of tta Ulan Of. COBB ft BELL, Attonayi. Arnold, Deceased. GEORGIA—Clarke County. 1 To the Superior Court ot Said County: MMPfky The petition of W. F. Dorsey, E. C. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In July. 1921. before the courthouse door „„ j , ... ^ ... of Clarke County, in the city ot Hied In office this 19th day of May, j ^u lenB Darke County, Georgia, be- . „ 1 tween the legal hours of sale, to the A. B. guile, - j||gi leat bidder for cash, all of tbe Deputy Clerk, Superior 1 blowing described land, to-wit: Court, Ciarko Co., Ga. j tract of land lu the city of I. A. B. ( olle. Deputy Clerk, do eer-1 Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, begin- tify that the foregoing Is a true and • ajn „ at t | le northwest corner of the correct copy of the petition tor lu- intersection’of Cobb street and Chase corporation filed tn tho name of Ma-j stret . t running thence northerly sonic Temple Association of Athens,; a , t(le west B |,le of Chase street Georgia, as the same appears of file: a dls(ance ot 170 feet to a ten-foot In my office. j a jj c .y ; thence westerly along said al- Thls May 19, 1921. 1 ley 63 feet; thence southerly to th# A. B. COILE. j north side of Cobb street; thencs Deputy Clerk, Superior ( eastev |y along the north side of Cobb Court. Clarke Co.. Ga. i strof t g0 j ee , t0 t be beginning point; the privilege of laying pipe through the above described lot for sewer con- GEORGIA—Clarke County. | nectlona on Cobb street to be granted To Whom It May Concern; : the owner of the lot in tbe rear of Notice is hereby given that Hugh; thl3 one. W. White, administrator of the estate j This being the home place of F. M. of John Cooper, has filed a petition 1 Johnson, deceased, and being the place for leave to sell lands belonging to j where the said F. M. Johnson resided said John Cooper, as described In at the time ol his death, said petition. I will pass upon the | Said land will bo told by tbe un- same on the first Monday In July j dersigned Executrix of the will of zaid next. Let anyone Interested show . F. M. Johnson, deceased, In pureuauce CITATION. cause, if any they have, why leave •bould not be granted ai prayed for. This 6th day of June. 1921. B. C. ORR. Ordinary, of an order ot the Ordinary of Clarke County, Gaargla, granted at tbe regu lar June term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of said county; said sale be ing mada for the parpoie ot paying debts ot said estate and for distribu tion. g! This June 6. 1921. MRS. EMMA L. JOHNSON. Executrix of the will of F. M, Johnson, Deceased - CITATION. GEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby gtveu that Mattie S. Eberhart, administratrix of the es tate of William Eberhart, has filed a petition for leave to sell lands and realty belonging to said William Eberhart, as described In said petition. I will pass upon tile sunte on tbe first Monday In July, next. Let nnyono In terested show cause, it any they have, why leave should not be granted as prayed for. This 6th day of June, 1921. II. C. ORR, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Whom It May Concern; W. T. Broxton, of said State, hav Ing applied to me for letters ot ad ministration, with will annexed, on tbe estate of A. C. Quilliau, late o( said County, this Is to cite all and sin gular tbe creditors and next of kin of said A. C. Qullllan to be and ap pear at the July term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of said County, and show cause, If any they can, why let ters ot administration, with the will annexed, should not be granted to said W. T. Broxton on tjie estate of A. C Qullllan. Witness my official signature this the 6th day of June, 1921. R. C. ORR. Ordinary. door In said State and Count, dur ing the legal hours of sale, p th i highest bidder tor cash, tbe allow ing described property, to-wit. All that tract or parcel of land lylq and being in tbe city of Athens, larks County, Georgia, being Lot hi. Is In Block D, of the sub division liowu as Oconee Place, as shown byplat of record lu the office of the lern of the Superior Court of Clarke bun- ty. Georgia, in Book 11, Page 63T*nd being the same property conveys to Tennie, Thomas by deed of Amecsii Land:Co., recorded in Deed Book24, Page 304, In Clerk’s office, Supetor .Court, Clarke County, Georgia. Said property levied upon as h* oroperty of the defendant, Tents Thomas, to satisfy a Judgment lias I frrin the City Court of Athens in(<- vor of John Ollle Lay aud again fennio Thomas. Legal notice given defendant tij lune 6, 1921. W. E JACKSON, DheTIl SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Will be sold on the first Tueadr in July, 1921, before the courthoui door, in said State aud County, dt> -ng tho legal hours of sale, t<* tt highest bidder tor cash, the followin described property, to-wit: One 1 si: -ylinder National touring car. Ct No, 24336 No. A/ F. 2. Motor N, 3N4768. Made ^22-1918. . Said property levied upon as tb property described in a fi fa Isluti from tho Superior Court, Frackil. County, Georgia, In favor of the Firm era Bank, Canon, Georgia, aud agfins SHERIFF’8 SALE. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In July, 1921, before tbe courthouse C. J. Culpepper, principal, and E Bower and J. A. Duncan, endonfrs. Pioperty found in W. H. Chafln'i session. This June 1, 1921. W. E JACKSON 8h4r. The Better Paid Employee The better paid employee is usually the one who stalled a Savings Account years ago and built it up month after month with regu lar deposits. He became a manager of his personal af fairs. If you have this ability there is a possibility of an opportunity being presented to you for managing the affairs of your employee’s business—at more pay. Follow that inclination you have today and open an account at the Commercial. The loose dollar in your pocket is all that is need ed to give you the start. COMMERCIAL BANK OF ATHENS ’m-narW,.*. - ~