The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, July 22, 1921, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT ATHENS DAILY BANNER, ATHENS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY CORNING, JULY SS, 1921 There's only one •Zj*®** ttvlUASl Awscif HARDWICK’S HOUSE CLEANING EVIDENTLY FAILING; ATTACKS ON STATE DEPARTMENTS BREAK Gnupyiini'’^ Atinnim^Pf] Poll- "bl/'h I* III® lowest record of .in} uovenior s Announceu ron- ,. t „ to h | Khway departnient ln u „. cy Basis of Activities ot j country, with one exception. Critics of the Highway,! Agriculture and. Other! FOR CONFERENCE (Sociology Students j Coduct Recreation 'Hour at Beth Haven EP Bodies. Atlanta.—Governor Hardwick in his campaign last .year gave the people to understand that he would Institute a general house cleaning in th^ state eapitol when he took office. After a manner ot speaking thtfse campaign speeches made by Mr. Hardwick, who is very effective on the stump, were like the smell of 14W meat In the nostrils of hungry lions. Candidates for the legislature ran on “sweep ’em out" platforms which further aroused their constituents to a thirst fdr blood. At the Democratic state convention in Macon last Octo ber, when Governor Hardwick was nominated, a gift of a broom was pre sented to him with the ominous in scription “Make a (Mean Sweep.’* AI similar broom was presented to I1T11 when he was inaugurated. Under these circumstances The proposal to abolish the depart ment of commerce and labor was kill ed at the outset by adverse aetiog of the committees to which the bill was referred. The abolition of the board of pub lic welfare may be forced through, since it is small, its work Is misunder stood or not known of, and It has no political influence and only a J6w friends, a group of men and womfen who are interested Id welfare work> The board of public welfare may go into the cage, a small piece of meat, 'to satisfy (he roaring of (be lions in their thirst for blood. SHORTLY FIXED Half Billion Is Lost In Wages United States Government Will Lose No Time In Calling Powers. New’ York —One half billion yearly 1 wages is being lost In the building j industry through unemployment, de clared the report made public Friday by the committee on the elimination and waste In industry of the American with his constituency whetted to a engineering council, keen appetite. Governor Hardwick’s! The committee wu« appointed by administration was launched with all Herbert Hoover when ho was presl- departmeftts and institutions of the dent of the council and asserted la*k state more or less on the defensive, of work was the outstanding fact in Wherever a flaw could bo detected.' Nils industry, whose critical condition Washington. 1) C.—Unless cheeked by unexpected developments at To ll !o, the United States government. It w’as believed today, will act without further loss of time in perfecting its plan for a conference of the principal powers on limitation of armaments and Far Eastern subjects. The extent to whic h Japan is will ing to participate in the discussion?! Ik understood to be under considera tion at a meeting of the advisory council and thero appeared reason to believe Japanese statesmen wiS reach a decision favorable to a discus sion of Orlentu.1 problems, perhaps with certain reservations. Conolly— I’ittard. e. M. Conolly. : M. Hodgson. Dope, lb. The class in sociology at the Uni versity of Georgia Summer school conducted its regular program in Hi" Both Haven community on Thursday afternoon and evening. Miss Miix-i' 1 O’Neal and Miss Della Dayne were in charge of the story hour in Hu* hirh was conducted at, •en school building, ning a committee, corn-, I*. Tolar. Miss Klva Me Nell Gilland and Drof.l afternoon the Beth In tile posed of El van, M (inner Swamps Conolly 11 to 0, While Latter Beats Lanier 11 to -”>—Triple Tie Now For Second Place in League. The woman who didn’t get many clothes should save her money and go to the seashore. Do you really wAnt a job In which there is lots of “dough?’’ Why not try a bakery? J. L. Sibley, of the Sum conducted the retreat la consisting of songs, f. stories. There were soi live young people and th present during the owning. At the meeting next Thursday evening Prof. It. W. Itainirez. of the University of Georgia, will give his illustrated lecture, “ruder the Amer lean Flag in Porto Itico.’’ Rehab Ball Team Enjoys Picnic or the semblance of a flaw, leKisla- tors seized upon it as an opening to break through nml show tile public their 'sweep ’em out” proclivities. Hence an attack upon the depart ment of agriculture, with demand tor a probe of thp administration or Commissioner J. .1. Brown; an attack upon, the highway department, with a demand tor an Investigation ot the overhead expenses and ot the depart ment’s distribution of the motor ve hicle fund; an attack upon the depart- S ent of commerce and labor, with a imand .for its abolition; an attack upon the board ot public welfare, with a demand tor Its abolition. One Attack Collapses. The attack upon the department ol agriculture seems to have broken down. Senntor L. C. Brown's failure to appear betor? the senate commit tee on agriculture, at Its meeting yesterday afternoon, and present evi dence substantiating his charges against Commissioner Brown, was taken by the committee to mean that his , charges wilt not he pushed any further. Tha'HIKtlway department’s, critic* Mkritound themselves confronted at evjrrTufn with facts which they can dbt’lpVexeomo or get around. . Al though they charged thnt the over head expenses of the department were extravagant and excessive, they have not been able to show that the department spent over six per cent, was attributed primarily to tho high costs of construction. A certain youth who ran away from home yesterday was tanned so badly that he will not he able to sit down (pi several days. Blit then tB:i didn't do it. The baseball team of tbe rehabilit lion unit went to Center Friday after-j noon for a baseball game with the, team of that place. There will also bo a picnic, incidentally, which the 1 hoys count on enjoying to the fullest. Th» trip was made in cars furnished by friends. By Sam Woods. 'Flic first game on Thursday's pro gram was railed at 4:SO. Erwin and his nine teammates vvro in form. Thursday and by winning from (’on | oily tied him for •third place. The score was 11 to 0. (’onolly’s error off of Hightower in second let two runs in. Owen led In! lilts for Erwin, getting three hits. Williams and Head got two apiece. Hightower robbed Hodgson of a pretty hit. Head stopped a beauty off the bat of Doc Clark. Williams hit for two bags twice and Owen once. Tills game, ihe first ot a double-header in Thursday's menu, was one sided, and so was the see- end affair. The box store follows: Erwin— II. It. E. Erwin, p 0 1 t* Holden. 3b 0 1 0 Smith, s* 0 1 1 Brdirood. lb. ...... 0 0 1 ■hnlih only allowed the hauler gang 3 bits and 3 runs while NVibling’s crew piled up 19 hits and 11 runs. Cook, playing second base and short center field for Lanier, worked hard. Sizer hit for t|, r twice. Price caught a pi, tty of Bradberry's bat. The .Wilding hitters were V ter, Neibljng, .Smith nn,| with three each; BraiJwi-n p r Sizer, with two each, y’„j||j Hopkins and McWhorter a tiled to tie up Friday afterno kins is leading the |,agn,> Whorter is tied for soniml About time for you to prni sign election petitions. tj,p •andidates is said to he lare ever before. Read for profit, use for sure Banner Want Ads. Phone 7 Hightower, cf. ...... ft 2 William.*, cf 2 l Head, rf 2 0 Totals 7 11 We Go Anywhere—Any Time. We Meet All T Georgian Baggage Transfer Co. HAULING AND MOVING Office—Georgian Hotel Trunks A Specialty Taxicabs Phone 7, DO NOT ENDANGER Your property with “gprlng cleaning" fire*. Watch IB, tr pllog or better mill call the City Sanitary Department and let th remove tiio old rubbish. THIS YOUNG MOTHER Childless Women What it E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Did for Her MQlrton, Wl*.—“I want to give you 'for your wonderful medicine. We are very fond of children and f< 'or a consider able time after we married I feared I would not have an' e any owing to ta^wnk condition, l began taking Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vege table Compound and now I have a nice ■trong healthy baby girl. Icanhoneatly did sot Buffer much more bale- was bom than I used to -.-ih my periods before I took E. Pink ham'a Vegetable Corn- year* ago. I give all the credit to ‘ shall yourmcdicine and shall always recom mend It wry highly.’’-Mr*. H. H. Janssen, Mills ton, Wisconsin. Can Not Wig gle, Wabble Slip or Slide The genuine Rid-Jid Iron ing Table folds up with one motion. Only 2 l /> inches thick when folded. Can be stored in any space that will hold an ordinary ironing board. It will increase your en- joyment of your electric Come in and see it. Price $5.00 Sold on easy terms. Your $1.00 card is good. How can women who are weak and sickly expect or hope to become mothers ! cf healthy children? Their first duty is I to themselves. They should overcome ' the derangement or debility that is ! dragging them down, and strengthen I the entire system, as did Mrs. Janssen, j bv taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound and then they will De fa a position to give their children tho I Messing ot a good constitution* Railway & Electric Co. Where’s Pardner? You’!! see them every day in Athens Banner *0ri»AU3 Consult Us About Your Insurance. ERWIN & COMPANY, Fleetwood Lanier, Manager Ins. Dept Phone 3-4-5. Phone 3-4 J more satisfying than a cold bottle of Jax— that’s two cold bottles. Jax is brewed the old way from barley-malt and hops. The lager everybody likes. - BOTTLED ONLY BY JACKSON BREWING CO.‘ NEW ORLEANS W. F. McELREATH, Dist. MUTT and JEFF That’s all you can expect from any pilot (Copyright 1921, By H. C. Fisher. Trademark Reg. U. S. .Pat. Office.) By Bud Fish< WELL, I'M FAM'LIAP WITH THU RlVEfc, Bur wHew You TALK ABOUT SNAGS 1 DON’T Know €KACTLY u/Htfise THey AP«s! I yAdmct THAT*. J blub: '^MvTT, T WANT A JOB AS Pilot PROVIDED You’Re LOOKING Folf A MAN MY SIZE /AND Build 1 . fYouR sue and"\ Build ARC O.K, Qi/r wHAT Do You kw'w AD out THe RweR - wHeft® THe SNAGS Afce well, r may n»t know ou'sT uortc-ac- th<? BAJA6S ARC - / f But you CAN Depewb ON me FoR KnoujiNG wHeRe They /Ain't, ANb THAT’S. WHERE i" C AcuL ATE TO £>o N'T bailing' ( DON'T KNOW V/UAE-KC \THSe. SNM6S ARE? I THEN How bo You expect to get a JoB AS Pilot ON THtS I?IV£R.