The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, July 29, 1921, Image 2

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r -a i f r/. o <- :• FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 29, 1821 -‘itfltHH page sev THE GLASSIFIEO AttVERTtSEMENTS AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Drowning The Duck 3> *1 tlrtl CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISEMEfn* In The Morning Manner anil Evening Herald are two cent* a word. In advance. Special rate* will be made when advertlaementa run for a period of a month or more. A minimum charge of 4 cents made for all advertisements run. THEM! USE THEM BUSINE88 DIRECTORY { : S . j This column Is consulted by numberless people each day who are looking for a special kind of merchandise, or want some kind of special serv ice. professional or trades. Your ad here at s> very small cost will bring big results. THE BIGGEST LITTLE RESULT GETTERS iH THE ENTIRE ADVERTISING FIELD , ", , • ; r . *1 ,■ ■ GEORGIA—Clarke County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Jake 'Bernstein, .sol J. Bolcy, W. T. Collins. W. F. Dorsey, fouls FunkeiiKteln, Hugh Hodgson. Dink Martin. T1..F. Miller, Let- Morris. M. G. NTcliolsoii, 0. A. Trussell and Joel Wler, all of said ’County nrin 3tate, shows: - . 1. They desire for themselves, as roclates and .accessors, to be Incur porated under the name and style JtHWS PUBLISHING COMPANY for the period of twenty (20) years, will, the privilege of renewal there after. 2. The principal office of satu Company shall be at Athens, In the county and Stnte aforesaid. 3. The objoct of the corporal Ipa Is pecuniary gain to its stockholders, 6- The particular business to bt carried on by the corporation is the publication Tif a newspaper or news papers, and to that end to engage in business as proprietor, printer, pub lisher and distributor of newspapers; to deal hi stationery, paper and ma terial for carrying print; to carry on the business of Job printer, and any. other business auxllllary to the manu facture, conduct, distribution atu. sale of newspapers; to undertake and do all kinds of business relating to the gathering of news and Information and‘the printing, publishing and. dts trlbutlon of same; and to do all tnlngs necessary, useful and proper to curry out the foregoing - bject not inconrls tent with the laws. 8. The common Capitol Stock oi the Company shall ho ton thou-anc (810,000.00) dollars, to bo divided Into ■hares of twenty-five (828.00) dollars each; but It Is desired to have the right and prlvllcgo, by u majority vote of the common capital stock, eltnci at a regular meeting or special meet lug called for that purpose to Increase from time to time the common capital stock to a-aum not exceeding seventy five thousand (875.000.00) dollars. f. They desire the right to Issue from time to time preferred stock to an nmount not exceeding the sum of IHty thousand (850.000) dollars when authorised by n vote of a m« Jority of tn.e outstanding com non capital, stock, the holders o such preferred stock to have suer rights and privileges only as may be 'Prescribed In the resolution of the rtee’cbolders authorising ttuLjssue oi such itock. 7. They deetre the right-to sue ana to be sued, to Have and use a common ■csl, to make and change by-laws, U do any and all things authorised fij law necessary and proper to carry or the business of the' corporation aun which are usually conferred upon cor ha chartered by the Superlo: Court. .. jffi* ihey desire to have the right to acquire, hold and sell property Noth real and personal, suitable to the purposes of the corporation, t< execute bills, notes, bonds nnd othei .evidences of debts, to borrow money and secure the payment of any debi or debts Incurred by mortgage, se curlty deed. deed of truat or other In atrument authorised by law. 9. They desire the right to volt ttu County, '-Georgia. I by deed dated January 30, 1914, and 3. The capital stock of the corpora-! recorded In book 19. page 108. in the tine shall be Seventy-live Thousand office of the Clerk of the Superior (875,000.00) Dollars, divided Into j Court of Clarke County, Georgia, shfires of One Hundred (8100.00) Dol-f Tits terms of said sale to be cash, lars each. Petitioners desire thcti HUGH W. WHITE, said corporation' Shtll have the right Administrator of the to Oicleaae Its capital stock from I ; Estate of John Cooper. M to-t|me to any amount not ex- Alias John Lee. ceedlng Two Hundred Thousand —— 1 (8200,000.00) Dollars by a majority ! GEORGIA—Claike County, Vote'of t)Ve common esr’tal ftOcY out ! To the Superior Com of Said County to contract nnd be contracted with, to have and to ubo n common seal, and to make and adopt a constitution and by-laws, rules and regulations neces sary to carry out the objects of the corporation not In conflict with the laws of the State and tho United States, and to alter, amend and re peal the same. j 5. That petltinuers desire that said corporation have power to receive, : ' rent, lease, imrehnse nnd hold such Rowe, A. ('. Erwin nnd J. B. Joel, of ! poratlon, with powtr to dispose of Clarke County, Georgia, respectfully 1 some, to Issue mid negotiate notes, shows; , bonds, stock or other evidences of In- 1. Petitioners, togethen with their associates, desire to be incorporated under the name of the Athens Pub lishing Company for the period of standing lit the time; such Increased- TIM petition of Bowdre 1’hinlzy. of | realty and personalty aa may be nec- f-apltkl stock to be f-otnmon and pre- [ Richmond County, Georgia, nnd H. J. ! dssary for the purpoae of the cor- ferred. either or both, and in such proportion a« the votlhg stock of the company- may determine. Petitioners de.lre that said corporation shall also have decrease Its eapital stoca by n majority vote of the coni- mon stmfk'of this edmpany from time to time to any amount not less than Tweoty-Ate Thousand" (825,000.09) U °« ,al The object of said corporation 2. The principal ofllce or said com- la neeunlbrV profit and gain to Itself I puny shall he in the City of Athens, ■ind stockholders. j st: " c 31,(1 County aforesaid. 5 The partteular bualnese that- 3. The objoct of said corporation ^sald corporation proposes to engage ] is pecuniary gain to itself and its In is that 6f holding, buying, selling. , shareholders. renting teasing building upon, im- 4 The business to be carried on Droving' nnd otherwise dealing In real by raid corporation Is to engage In eatate of every kind and character, business as proprietors and publish- and nlsrr buying, selling and other-1 era of newspapers, to he printed In wise dealing tn stocks, bonds, notes, the City of Athens, Stute of Geor- twenty years, with the right to renew (825,000.00) - the charter at the expiration ol. said 1 time. The principal office of said com- government of the corporation In a Board of Directors, to be choaen b) the Stockholders, the mode of selec tlon and number of such Directori to he determined by tho Stockholders aad tuch number to be Increa'sed oi diminished from lime to time aa tn* stockholders may determine: tr choose such other offleers as mat bv necessary for the pnrpdacs of the cor poratlon. apd to provide Tor the elec lion or appointment of the same. 10. They desire the right to en large or change the scope of the busi ness whenever so determined bv n vote of the majority nf the common capital stock', outstanding nt the time 11. Ten (10) per cent of the mini mum common capital stock has been actually oald tn. Wherefore they pray to be Ipcak- porated under tho name and style above rtsted with the powers, privi leges and Immunities herein set forte and all auch ns are now or may be . herealtcr allowed a corporation ol . similar character under the laws ol this state. COBB & BELL. Attorneys for Petitioners. -GEORGIA—Clarke County. I do certify that the foregoing Is a correct copy of the application for charter for NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY as the same appears of file In uiy office. Thla 27th day of July. 1921. E. J. CRAWFORD. Clerk Superior foiirt, Clarke County. Georgia mortgages and all kinds of securities, j Kin. and In connection therewith to «. Petitioners desire that said cor j carry »n the business of Job printing. (-oration shall have the right to sur render Its chsrtvr and liquidate Its business by a mater"* of the voting stock of the corporation. ,. -i ..uiiunti» oesire teat said cor- -Miration ahall have tho right to con tract and ho contracted with, to sue m-i he sued, to make all necessary by-law*, to execute and deliver Us notes, bonds or other obligations and -ecure the payment of the same by mortgage, deed of trust, or otherwise, and generally to have all other rights and privileges that may be Incidental to or necessary or proper In the transaction of Its business. Wherefore, petitioners pray that they, together with their associates, successors and aa -tgus, may be In corporated under the name and style aforesaid, for tha period of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal as provided by law, with all tho rights, privilege* and Immunities herein prayed for, and with such other rights, privileges and Immunities as may be conferred upon similar cor- noratlons under existing laws or laws that may hereafter be enacted. ERWIN. ERWJN A NIX, Attorney* tor Petitioners. Filed In office, this 29th day of June, 1921. E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court, Clarke County, Ueorgia. "■c-ct—Clarke Cnnntv. t, E, J. Crawford, Clerk of the Sn ail .or t.ourt of said County, do cer- <fy that the foregoing Is a Irua copy -f the anpllcatlon of Mrs, M. L. Burke, et al, for charter for Lyndon- ».» > i<«. mu same appears of Ale In my office. witness my official hand ana-seal, at 1,10 llme his the 29th da- o' ,T«~. vs»i Dgj B. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk 8uperlor Court, Clarke County, Oeorgta. engravers. publishers, lithographers and electrotypes. 5. —The capita) stock of said cor poratlon shall be 182.800.00, of which amount 860.000.00 shall ho 8 per cent preferreil stock and 822.500.00 shall be,* common stock, with the right to Increase tho amount of cither said preferred or common stock, or both, tn an umount not exceeding 8500,- 000.00. Petitioners desire the right to have said subscriptions to said cap ital stock paid In money or property, to be taken at a fair valuation. Ten per cont of tho amount of capital { slock to be employed by them has been actually paid In 6. Petitioners desire tho right to su<* and be sued, to plead and be im- pjemled. to have and use u common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do nil other things that may bo necessary for the successful carrying on of said busi ness, including the right to buy. hold nnd sell real estate nnd personal prop erty suitable* to .the purposes of the corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness in curred, or which may ho Incurred, in tho conduct of the affairs of the coi- porctlon and to secure tho same by mortgage, security-deed or other form of Urn. tinder existing laws 7. They desire fur said Incorpora tion tho power and authority to apply for nnd accept amendments to Its char ter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of Its stock out standing at tho tlmo. They also ask authority for said Incorporation to wind up Its affairs, liquidate nnd dis continue Its business n* any tlmo It mny determine to do so by n vote of mnjorlty at its stock outstanding debtednes* and secure the same by mortgage, deed or deed of trust on any part or nil of Its property. 6. —That the membership and stock said corporation shall be sub- Joel to transfer and assignment under eu-.i cuies aim regulations as may be proscribed In the by-laws, and tlmt no right of transfer of membership or stock shall exist except In accord ance therewith. 7. —That the capital atock of said corporation shall be 810.009.00, with tho privilege of Increasing the same to the sum of 82O.000.0O' by majority vote of the stockholders, said stock to’Vo divided In shares of 8100.00 each, 10 per cent of the amount of capital to be employed by them has been actually paid In. 8. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they, their associates and suc cessors be Invested with the corpor ate authority aforesaid and such other corporate powers as may be suitable of said association and In accord ance with law, and your petitioners will over pray, etc. TATE WRIGHT, Petitioners’ Attorney. Filed in office this 7th day or July, 1921. E. J. CRAWfORD, Cferk. GEORGIA—Clarke County. J I, E. J. Crawford, CTerif of tho Su perior Court of said County, do here by certify that tho foregoing Is true and correct copy of the applica tion for charter of "West Lake Club” as the same appears on -file In this office. » . This 7th -day of July. 1921. E. J. CRAWFORD, - 401 Clerk. Superior Court, 'if Clark* County, Georgia. They desire for the said Incor poration the right of renewal when and ns provided by tho laws of Geor gia, nnd that It have all such other rights, powers, privileges nnd Im- OB0RGIA—Clarke County munition ns nro incident to like incor- Whereis, Mfa. Carrie H. Chandler, 1 Poratlon. or permissible under the - laws of Georgia. > Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in- A SUMMER SCHOOL ROMANCE, A very romantic wedding was teat of MIsa Lila Mae Gresham and -Mr. E. W. Iluckaby on Thursday after noon at 3 o’clock at the rtpKWdce W Itev. Anthony, .'. • ' . : 1 The ceremony whs performed by Rev. Anthony in a very ImpryStjlvo manner In the presence of a »* friends of t|te contracting .parties ' Mra. Iluckaby fo the youngest iMnfth- »— nf Mr ana Mr*. J. A, Gresham, of Washington, Oa. Sho la charming tttLUu.yl.diau Biiu (HtdOLooUd sunny disposition .with a true, nohle. Christian character. * She Is a former student of the State Normal and is u fct-teept of ten n B |»,r,CI* n' Mr. Huckaby la tho son pf Jlr. png Mra. tv. u. i.ui.uu, Idleness Causes Teriffic Losses XBy Associated Pre**); New York.—Idle men and machin ery are causing n loss of nearly one blftfin yearly in the metal trades In dustry, says a report Issued Thursday by the committee on the elimination of waste in industry of the American engineering council. This estimate docs not Include the value of materials that will bo utilized if productivity la increased. Call 1326 for all Herald Circulation matters. SUMMER EXCURSION FARES 1 GEORGIA RAILROAD offers reduced round- trip fares to points East and West. Let us plan your Vacation trip. Tickets on sale daily good for stoprovers. For full information communicate with * J. P. BILLUPS, General Passenger Agent, ^ • Atlanta, (*a. Herald Classified Ade Bring Results Administratrix or J. c. Chandler, rep- ts to tha Court In her petition, siul immunities herein set forth, and as are now, or may hereafter be, al- No. ——, Libel for Divorce Clarke Superior Couit, October Term, 1921- Jobn It. Ecti-r va. Nora Hollln Ector. To Nora Hollln Ector. Defendant: Pursuant to order of said Court, granted at Jply 4Term. 1921, ordering that service be perfected on you by publication, as required by !;», vou ate hereby notified and required to be and appear at the next term ot eald Court to be held on the second Monday in October, 1921. to answer . petitioner’s complaint. Witness the Honorable B. E. Fort son. Judge of said Court, this 26th day of July, 1921. ' E. J. CRAWFORD. Clerk of said Court. GEOROIA—Clarke County. To the Superior Court of Said County; >4 . The petition of Mrs. M. L. Burke, ; of Wilkes County, Ueorgia. Lamar ^ Lyndon, of the City of New York and State of New York, Edward Lyndon, of-the City of New York and State of New Tort, and Thomas A. Burke, of Wilkes County, Georgia, 1.1 Tfcat thv * desire for themselves, lelr aisot-tafe*. soedeksor* aad a* td b« Incorporated udder the Mid «tylfl «g. Uynflon-Barlte Real tr Corporation* for Use full period qt twenty year*, with Urn privilege of re new*; -a* provided by taw. The principal office and place i.f <o,1-oration ty of Atbcn duly filed and entered on racnVd. th-r | <""n>orated under the name and style she baa fully administered said J C af0, ■ , ' sal(, wl,h ,hc Powers, privileges JIT'ijTT *• *--> In-ninn it l,tu liaroln ..I fnrth Chandler 1 * estate. This Is therefor- to cite all person* concerned, kindred a nd creditor*, to show cause. If any lowed a corporation of simitar chap- they can, why- said Administratrix,; acter under tho laws of Georgia, should not b# discharged from her! GREEN & MICHAEL*, administration, and receive letters of 1 Attorneys for Petitions?! dismission, on the first Monday lu Filed iu office this 6th day of July August, 1921. 1921. . R. C. ORR, j a. B. CQILB, ’ ‘ ' Ordinary. | Deputy Clerk 1 •* . —-— Superior Court. GEORGIA—Clarke County. GEORUIA—Clarko County, To the Ordinary of Shid'County'. ., A. u. Colic, Deputy Clerk of tho All persons are (lereby notified that Superior Court of said County, do James Willie 1 Arnold has filed with ! hereby certify that the foregoing la a the undersigned his written applies-; true and correct copy of the applica tion to be appointed permanent Art- tlon for charter of the Athens Pub- mlnistrator of the eatate of George 1 lislilng Company as the same appear* Dye (colored), late pf said County, on file In this office, deceased. I will p*** upon-said ap- Witness my official signature and plication-and grant letters to said ap- the soal of said court, tbta 6th day plicant ln my office on the first Mon-1 of July, 1921. air*, tv. u. iiUcaUu/, u. . one of Pike.county.’* boat (armors. He 1* an ex-service m*n, who rendered h reut service wulle iu France, tie uu longed to the famous 42d, Rainbow dl- tliion, and fought In seven of tko hardest battles. He I* a regular pen dent of the University of Georgia, r Mr. and Mr*. Huckaby will continue their work nt the University Of Geor gia. Their friends extend- to tnem heartiest congratulations and wish for them many years ot happiness ana prosperity. day in August, next, It no valid lections are filed and sustained. This the 7th day of July, 1921. R. C, ORB, Ordinary. A. B. COILE. MR. HIRAM TOI APPOINTED FEDERAL ATTORNEY. Nows has reached Athena, relatives ot the recent nomlnhtlon of Mg. Hi ram C. Todd, of Saratoga Springs, by President Harding to ba federal at torney for the Northern New York dis trict. Mr. Todd, who h*a been associated with former Senator Edgar T. Brackett in the. practice of Utw and ta at pres ent a member of the firm of Brackett, Todd. Wheat * Wait.. j ’ He hag an eUvtatde. w*r record, both in the Spaniah-American and the world war. and while stationed herb during tha former he met and later married the lovely Miaa Scale Lumpkin, the daughter of Judge and Mra. B. K. Li mpkln. a, Their many Athena friends oxtena congratulations foe the high honor bestowed upon ' _ Deputy Clerk Suporiarl UNION MI88IONaRY Court of Clarko ' 80CIETY HOLDS GEORUIA—Clarke County. By virtue of an ord«r from tho Court of Ordinary for ClaTke County, Georgia, will be sold at public out cry, on the Drat Tuesday In August, 1*21, at the courthouae door In said Clarke County, between the legal hours of sale, that tract of land In Allenvlll*. Clarke County, Georgia, be ing a portion of the five-acre tract of land pn-'chased of Britten S. Ware by Courge Brumby about the year 1871, and known as Lot No. 1 of William Rutherford survey. 1871, of record In book 11, pagu 215. said lot of land herein conveyed being bounded as fol low*: Beginning at a comer on old White hall road and a street 33'feet from Shropshire corner on road and run ning south 10 -west 4 chains and 3* links to Bearing’s line; thence along t's line south 9 east to J. K. line; these* along )|n* of J. K. ’D*v|«, Dave Laten. Milos Erwin. C. Bruit by and old Whitehall rood to Hut beginning corner, .containing 3>4 acres, nor* or less. -- by John R. J8 15-22-29 County, Georgia. GEORGIA—Clarko County. To the Superior Court of Clarke County, Georgia: The petition of J. Warren Smith, B. F. Hardeman, C. II. Phlnizy, Julian Ilari i t;. D. G. Anderson, T. H. Dozier, Jr., John J. Wilkins, W. A. Worsham, Jr., R. L. McWhorter, Andrew C. Er win, Wanton Fo'tson. J. !!. Griffcth, MEETINGS. - On Thursddy,' July 71at, -the ladles of the Union Missionary society met at -Temple church, bavin It a success ful meeting, enrolling eleven inew members. . Mrs. c. N. Hayes .explained the va rious duties of the different officers and committees, giving many useful points on how ’to have and maonge a mtsiiouary society. ... » Tha president distributed among Athena, In said State and County, sill to be Incorporated tor twenty lift) years, with tha privilege of renewal as Often ns.allowed by Inw. 4. Th*t_*etltion«rs desire tbxt said corporation have tiro right of me & G AU S W Jbi? ,h hMd CotlnU church.' r tf ;f’. pr’T Joel A Wler Tate Wrieht ind J U- ! *prwaous awterin" imnns ‘ j;: „ , Kt ana the younger members a number ot DB . rne iL re * p !: ctf lly shows. programs representing foreign-fields. 1. l hat they and their assoctetet, which will be rendered at our next desire to he Ihenrnorated and mart* I meeting, a body politic nnd corporate under the laws of Ueorgia witn the corpor ate name and style of "West Lake Club.” 2. That the purpose of the said cor poration I* the promotion of ‘social Intercourse among Its members, ana the encouragement of boating, fish ing, swimming-ond other athletic*, sports and pastimes. 3. That petitioners desire said cor poration to be located In the City SWIMMING PARTY AT UNIVERSITY. POOL. A number of young people front Jefferson enjoyad a Swimming party at the University of Ueorgta pool on Thursday ntahL . Those Wing ovpr were Mr. andMrs^M.L. fiuWey, dtp Mr. T. J. Meldrfm, Mrs. J. R. Flanigan. Misses Oliva WOtta. Mabel Andrew, SyM Alkei ' - ^ — phlnc Good Annlce Trai Messrs. C. B. I Wish I Could IT MAY BE a cow OR A CANDLESTICK, a suit OF: CLOTHES or a used car --IT MAY BE any one of A NUMBER of things h YOU SAID you like to BUY ONE, if you could “PICK IT UP cheap” READ BANNER-HERALD Want Ads, then HERE YOU’LL find many BARGAINS offered EVERYDAY WANT ADS take the “if” OUT OF thrift and-> PUT THE FACT in SATISFACTION. They put YOU IN TOUCH quickly f WITH PEOPLE who want to SELL THE THINGS you WANT to buy Apologies to K. C. B. ' f The Banner-Herald The Great Want Ad Store