Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, August 05, 1890, Image 4

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A WHOLESALE FLIGHT. ALL THE PRISONERS IN THE CARNESVILLE JAIL ES CAPE. WOOLFOLK TO HANG. DECISION Ten In All—Two Women In the Party— The Keys Furnished by a Woman of the Place. Saturday morning there were ten prisoners in Franklin’s county jail! Sunday morning there were none! The whole lot skipped sometime Sat urday night between BOpper and the next morning. And have not yet been heard from. News reached the city yesterday of this wholesale delivery, but few partic ulars could be gotten. There were ten prisoners in jail, one white man, a white woman, seven negro men and a negro w *man.' " They escaped by means of keys fur nished them by a woman of the place, and she with the others, left for parte as yet unknown to the officers. _ They left very quietly, nothing being known of their escape until the jail was opened Sunday morning. Officers immediately began pursuit but aLiJbis writing' nothing has been heard «t their success. ’ - It is reasonable to suppose that imme diately on escaping, the prisoners sepa- tod to lessen the chances of being caught, and while some may be secured soon, it is- probable that some time will elapse before all are again safe behind the This is the most wholesale escape that ever-occurred in this part of the coun try, and ail the people of Franklin coun ty are on the lookoutfor the jail birds Who arc winging their flight from the cage which held them captive. — -jjrn 1 $ OF THE COURT. SUPREME A Decision Handed Down In the Case This Morning—The Case May be Carried to the United States Suoreme Court. Special by News Telegram Association Atlanta, July 28.—The famous Woolf oik case was decided by the su preme court this morning, and the deci sion predicted by the Bannkh several days ago was verited. The court refused to grant anew trial to the prisoner, and unless something unlooked for occurs; Tom Woolfolk will be hung. It is said that Col. Rutherford, who has worked so hard for Tom Woolfolk, will carry the case to the supreme court of the United States, and that he will tight for his client to the last. It is probable, therefore that consid erable time will elepse before Woolfolk is hung, if indeed, he is ever hung.; THE STORY Og, THE MUItDER. The horrible murder of the Woolfolk family occurred on August 8,1887. Thomas G. Woolfolk was a son of Richard F. Woolfolk, Sr., by marriage By the second marriage there were six chiidren. Tom Woolf oik’s father, ;iiis step-mother, the six children ahd an old lady, named Mrs. West, who was visiting the Woolfolk family, were all killed the Bame night and with the same weapon, an axe. On Friday night, No liniment is in better repute ridely known than Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcan- I iTpw Ludnient. It Is a wba^erMremedy. STISEMENT. an inso- Postoffice Every suite from ollie, who light in an iW „ i to take an; them delivery window. Tiliwg hafon rffte inaila rare operant gang oL hlacks—who do not ««Mfl : Vht^t i1htterB—congregate in oar , bf- the ‘ * >w,for tile evident purpose iwav and annoying the let before they can buy a stamp or re ceives' „ possession of the office. On Friday last , a modest young lady started to the win dow, when a negro ' insolently pushed Llier-Jteide^. A..wuitn. JUan present, on jseeiifc the outrage, ordered the fellow ;stShd wait until tho,lady was wtVod.' Dri nfe'H-cfiislrig (6 "do so, the party felled the Bconndrel wkl< his cane and then gayo, him a goo^ beating. , If a few WOTe smit lessons as this were ad ministered, there would he a marked improvement in the deportment around our postoflice. And Then Set Fire to the House. Special by News Telegram Association. Berlin, July 28.—News of a terrible crime, committed by a beautiful young girl named Klioda Erfeld, reached here from Wesserling. It seemed that the giri had been accepting the attentions of a young man to whom her mother objected. The lover was finally forbidden the house and the girl was that she must have nothing more to do with him. This preyed on the girl’s mind until she became erazed w ! tli grief. Creeping into a sleeping apartment, where her mother was asleep in tied, she killed her parent with a hammer, and then set lire to the house. No one else, so far as is known, was in the house at the time. The body was cremated in the ruins of the building. The girl escaped, and uo trace of her has yet been fouud. - Pimples, boils and other humors, are liable to appear when the blood gets heated The best remedy is Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla. FIFTEEN HUNDRED HOMELESS. A Disastrous Fire at Wallace, Idaho— The Loss $200,000. 1 Special by News Telegram Association. Shokanb, Falla, Wyoming, July 28. —The town of Wallace, Idaho, one hundred miles east of here, was bin ned yesterday, and it is said only two-build ings have been saved. The loss will probably be $200,000. Wallace is the leading miuing town of the Coeur D. Allene district, and will undoubtedly be rebuilt. Private dispatches report fifteen hun- d.ed homeless. ReceivesThe Praise of Senators. Special by News Telegram Association. Washington, July 28.—Senator Col quitt’s speech of last - Saturday, upon the tarill, made a tremendous hit. It is probable that it wa3 even a greater suc cess than his celebrated tarill speech of two years ago. It is impossible to giTe a. synopsis of the speech by telegram, but the people of Georgia should know liow fully it was appreciated. Immediately after its conclusion the democratic senators and a number of representatives that were in the cham ber gathered about Senator Colquitt and heartily congratulated him'. Senator Coke said: “The speech should be circulated in the west. It will pro duce a revolution.” Senator Reagan said: “It completely crushed the <epublican fallacy of the home market for the farmers.” Senator Call said: “There Was never a better speech delivered in the senate.” Senator McPherson said: “It was sim ply unanswerable.” Senator George said: “It was full of meat,- and a text for a dozen speeches.V Senator Yoortiees said: “It was a speech which should make the whole state of eorgia proud.” Senators Morgan, Yanee, Bates and others were equally prononneed in their praise, ' ,* V Representative Crisp, who did not hear the speech, and while expressing his regrets that he was unable to he present, said that an Illinois representa tive hod declared to him that the speech furnished a line of thought that would carry the entire farmer vote of Illinois into the ranks of the democratic party. Piles! PlTesTTtchlng Plldo. Symptoms—Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; woive by scratching; u allowed to contluue tumors form, which often Down .appric 5n the time they had been ca KttaS WooHoltW, b.d feud 6th,jl8S7 Tom Woolfolk was seen with the axe which the killing was done. Next, it was not in its usual place. while, before daybreak on Saturday taorning August 0, some ne groes who lived near the bouse were summoned by Torn Woolfolk and told to notify, the neighbors that somebody had broken in and killed the whole fam ily. These negroes testified that up to been: called by Torn no noise. A negro woman tqsUfled that Tom Wool- +h~ folk told her that his family were “dead as hell.” Other negroes testified to having hbafd screams in the direction of the WoolfoUfrAPWBfewtitgU&X Tom Woolfolk tola the neighbors that he beard somebody beating.-his father and brothers, and that be junip- j;4 ed out of a window and ran away. lie was a>ked how he knew they were dead if he fan away, and he explained that he went back and felt them. Nine dead persons were found in the bouse. In the bedroom of Richard F. Wool- folk wore six—himself, his wife, his iSnugbter Pearl, his sons Richard and Charlie and a babe- Across the hall in root Sick headache is the bane of many live*- This annoy log complaint maybe cured and prevented by tint occasional use of Dr. J. H McLean’s Liver and Kidney Fillets [little pills. THE ALLIANCE WAREHOUSE. Being Put In Condition for the Season. The warehouse of onr Allianeemen is an immense building, aud work is now going on preparing everything for the large amount of cotton they expect to receive this fall and winter. A new anil well arranged office in being built, and the yard leveled off, besides other improvements. ' • Mr. Houston, the manager, is seeing that ovcrytliing is being done in the best of style, aud will have everything so arranged as to handle the fleecy sta ple with the smallest amount of trouble. Mr. Chns. F. Baker, of Augusta, will be book-keejier, and is a man who un derstands the business thoroughly, hav ing been i.i it for years. , . Mr. Cb&s. Mell, of this city will watch the scales, and his experience in this line shows that he is a good one. These, with Mr. - Houston, wbo .has another room were the bodies of Mrs. West aful of Rosebud and Annie, two daughters of Richard F. It was thought that Richard F. was killed first, and probably he and Mrs, West were killed without being aroused, while the sous aud probably all the oth ers were killed after being awakened. From the position of Mrs. Wool folk’s body it seemed that she threw berstflf acros her husband, perhaps to protect him from the assailants blow. All were killed by being struck in the head, and on all save Mrs. Woolfolk aud the infant were two to five wounds. Blood and brains were scattered all about on the floor, and even on t' ceiling of the elder Woolfolk’s room, and there was a great pool of blood in the hall, as if some one had been killed there. There were bloody tracks about the house which Tom acknowledged as bis. The bloody ax was found at the door of the elder Woolfolk’s room. In Tom’s room there was evidence of someone having tried to wipe the blood from the floor. There was very little money in the house. A speck of blood was found on Tom’s ear. The print of a bloody hand was found on his thigh. , -slrri* A bloody shirt and a pair of draw ere were found in the well. The shirt- And. drawers worn by Tom were too largi been in the cotton businesss for thirty- ^ .five years,-will-make a- teamTuNlUfl ex-Jinr him evidently belonged to hi*'fa cel, and with such men attending to t.h«r. the business, the Alliance warehouse is hound to be a success. t,, «•# 1 *5 under the Both Mr. Houston and Mr. Raker col have families, and will bri some time between now ing of the season. . .* ^ m Mrs. Wqalfolk ha They will be quite an addit&h .wttfffSUnger. city, and Athens will receive them with In March, 1887, It yon feel unable to do your work, and have that tired feeling 1 take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sar saparilla; it will make you bright, active and vigorous. Jii Picnic Fight. Special by News Telegram Association. New York, Tuly 28.—A special to the Sun from Birmingham, Ala., says: At a democratic barbecue at Day’s Gap, Walker county, on Saturday, a fight occurred in which thirty shots were fired and several people were weunded. no one was killed. McElree’s Wine of Cardut and THEDFORD’S BUCK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in E. 8. Lyndon, Athens, Git. J. B. Fowlkk, near Athens, J. W. Handy, near Athens. R. T. Brumby, <t Co., Athens, L. D. Sludge & Co. Athens. T1LLMANITES ON TOP. Wade Hampton Will be Beaten. Special by News Telegram Association. Charleston, S. C. July *28.—The ther A damp and bloody towel was found N.i testified that To ill his family, aid had stated that her li e ms Athens is already being helped > on the place had a*, -1.— ..ith the elder Woolfolk. i r FROM OGLETHORPE. Crawford’s Ww Paper—*nro Voi&- ^masaESffX:- complimentary remarkff, ,in the paper that we expect to start here about the 10th of Aug., it will be called mm niu il ii ill k i ■ Tom said his father in the interest of Oglethorpe county. A very fine our" 1 Mnri.lf aXKAWU- „ . Et.i?r:Tnir! DUPMOMcuniu ^ r fersoDS advanced iit years feel younger daunger, as well as lre«r from the luBrinilit, ... a^e, by taking Dr. J. H. McLean’s.. Sarsapar- •ITHE STANDARD OIL CO, m » l'»< q si (I (n» a tie “ j • Thl* -Reservoir Completed and the 'I ’• j-" CaftS Rmmilnk.d ‘ The reftejvdjr ofUfe'is?uni lard Oil Compnny. nsar the NDriheaet depot lias m Hi-ehribii)plated, iinik if mow filled ■with thelMghWrttikihg fluid A tanR-ear^ lioW takes I n tl ^-dispensing standard, oil to o merchants. J i -k o*. .... .This iiagreat-cortveuience ‘ v eeri'as tliriykfo ?iot:'qmt"‘td tl “ df emptying di>irr - latter, bacS,^)|f% “ **££*'■ , m . Tlio price,of (tips ol_. is what |t would be if the. barrel, less tho priceof the bar’ * The cart taakes regular trips to Bli the retailors 1 of oil, besides being upon- the streets a great deal, and ready to supply thosowhoare out. At the reservoir.barreling is done for, ir wholesale merchants, and this work .uires the employment of severalex- neridheed coopers. Tint placing of this reservoir here is a appreciation of Athens as a utre. did not like him, and that he would ns o.thehead ofiinitoH storoa them all in hell before he would stai d' ^itvaue Hampton, u- fi ol .ou«*>. a/ CW the original )>rognttncit(:wai n intended to defeat his rorelettion/nbpt^ since the senator has seen fit to i is tlfb foform movement it is to show that had trouble of the family reti; '1 Je took a bat went to bed and slept until two hou run to bis father’s assistance...H fiiiBiiia Mijj-tiiiM d .tb fpj^as bc entered the door. Defendant — was frightened and jumped out of window and called wwinniipsandAtbtoId, neighbors. He ed for help. Nejgro^^*Hd $ ^».i»» rnrr *' e- haa retnrned to tii ffbns i, county, He heard tl e» dl ..! LJQrAni'j .nsaSlI xU :u A VERY STRANGE.-’: »»mi ■' ■ MvliM9 cvioJ An AShenlan'DrearrisTwice the tatOl^y Capt. Henry Beussc, one of -Atbei u eie^rbst 4M most .reliable citizens, hi d kri- i tbit *< ■ He told several of his friends ol l$s ueh ticket, hut lieliad never l veislifftnl8," and h ad no cft\ dreamy oaity^beiiutd* arnue - iKimlicr -revealed in this solij fs •• i - r -- a p].oHituiciit J and surpri last' ifraWifiL.ti^k' plaUl; to drawn $iw,ow, .. -This is. an absolute fact; And ,caii established by evidence of several gen-, tlemen to whom Capt. B. recounted his dream before the drawing 'came’ off. Many peopl* habitually endure a feeling of IsaaitudS, because they think they have to. If they would take Dr. J. H. McLean a Sarsap arilla thia foe ling o f v eoriueM would give and vitality. heated and very much excited canvass of tiie two democratic factions in South Carolina will probably be brought to a close at Orangeburg tomorrow. 'lViere are tigo other appointments, hut as the county conventions have been held they will be called in by the executive committee. In the language of the in iinitablc reformer 'J’illman, this demo ciatib circus has been on the road for seven weeks: - At every meeting- great crowds haVe attetided. 'lTie excite ment has run high. There 'have been no riots or bloodshed, although this looked inevitable at many times. The great maj< rity of the people at tending meetings had' been so highly wrought up that they carried pistols in their inside pockets, always ready for the worst at any moment. All in all, no such exciting campaign has ever been known in the: state before. The friends of .Captain Ben R. Tilluian are even at this point of the buttle alarmed et the many anonymous communica tions being received daily, threatening his, assassination. -The rumor has just gained currepcy to the eflTect that two villainous ghs have been following the cam- ~n speakers from place to placa bo- ung to get a fair chance to kill Tillman, t is known here today that a proposi- raight tr-faW Against the Tilimanites if they wjlf pledge themselves to do ja»taih things when they get the rein of tlie govern- nient, «mong which isAbeehopping oil' ^ form, bleed and ulcerate, becoming very Wayne's Ointment stops the Itching ami bleeding, heals ulceration, and In most cast a re moves the tumors. at druggists or by mail for ~ - A bon, FUUadelp is cents. Dr. Swaine < BROTHERS ATTEMPT SUICIDE. Thinking They Had Disgraced Them selves They Decide to Die. Los Angblbb, Cal., July 28.—Two brothers, Louis and Phillip And natives of France, arrived in thii yesterday from Newhall, and were taken to the county hospital. Louli had three bullets in his head and Philip had one* The wounds are the result of a remarkable attempt at double suicide. Philip is in no danger, but. Louis has small chance of recovery. The broth ers were found on the ground under a tree in Little Canon, near Newhall, on Thursday night, both wounded and ap parently dying.) They went to Xew- hallafcw months ago and took up a quarter section of land. A few days ago a fire broke out in the brush on their place and started another fire pi order to save their house from being de stroyed- by the first one. Instead of doing this, both tires spread rapidly apd extended to the adjoining propert. Seeing this, thobrothers became greatly alarmed, as they believed they would l)h arrested and imprisoned for a long term of years. They accordingly deter mined to save themselves from this grace hy committing suicide. They went to the snot where they were after ward found. Philip book the pistoi first, placed the muzzle to his ear and fired. He fell over on the ground, iinil Louis, thinking his brother was dead then fired three bullets into his oiyn head. They Jay on the ground from Wednesday morning until they were discovered on Thursday-night. Both men are apparently well educated, arid say they have solved in the French army. ter WINE OF CARDUI % Tonlo for Women. Drugged and Abducted. Saratoga, N. Y., July 28—Lizzie Beebe, the pretty sixteen-y car-old daughter of Captain Beebe, the veteran Sandy Hook pilot, was found here hy her brother, James Beebe, aided by the Saratoga police, to-day in a certain bouse at Division street and the Adiron dack railroad. She returned home in charge of her brother on the midnight train. She tells a pitiful and horrible stor of how she was drugged and abducted She says she was taken from home b Harry Lewis, keeper i of a New Yor’ gambling house, to .whffm sheBaysbc was introduced by;Phil Daly, of Long Branch. V , She went, to the club house at the by Harry Lewis on July 10 and wi I taken to the place Where she was found f 1 Johnson, - 'whd conducts - the I ■ professes ignorance of every thii eept that Lewis brought the girl t g Lewis found. “How to Cure a: will come off, a. i. u ull reform dele: T? A Divorced Couple |Kas#a jus w JP nan lias creat ncing the sub-treasu )rother of Boa Tillmai Bebeen ..,endorsed by Edgefie: city, at.jfibe. insiance of Ben M .... . ■ —m— urmNf - _ From ^...dll Cloud—The Damage bone. ^{Special by; New*..Telegram Association. Florence, Mo.., Jlilv 28.— eldctric phenomenon is re- .^.'rom A’niericus, sixteen mlleji taut from this place, From a sm: II d in an otherwise clear sky a single [**»■ trlii aniwgden ■ * nn»n ailt (ToWTAvarfe , , , A number of horsef^Were 1 hifohet! the fence and one was killed and Bey era! injured. . Tfifi sHpck wte^Sir 1 die vll«Ife IIPTIM 111 Ill I Mill 111 f ill 11 ] r II f fHTTii Ijj iitio distan holt struct r-jr while a boy ins from the point was ffh< D^*i ! i techie ( be' co'nnter * ^ .sudden c ■nif- > in ai titutit 'bvaoM miT sli"for the" weiiltf plooe to vigor t is ill adapted to en- atniosliheWj" and 1 mfof temperature, and the least TOhnst are lisnally. tlib easiest yic-v (inis. Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Sarsaparilla will give,tone, _yiUljty, and. srength to the entire body. ' W L I « •; ± - '' I Diatreaa after eating, heartbdrn, sikk head ache, and indigestion are cured by Dr-J.U. McLvau’h Liver sod Kidney Filiete little pilto. Art Overseer of the Poor Attacked by a Man He Was About to Take to the Asyium. Lock rout, July 29.—Thia afternoon it about I o’clock a horrible crime was committed at WolcottsviTle, a* small village populated mostly by Germans about twelve miles southeast dt Lock- jort. Fred Schultz, Overseer of the ?oor Brunner, visited the house of a poor widow named Anna Jago, with whom lived two sons, David and Ferdi- nando, both men grown. The elder n, David, wjis thought to be insane, and it was in regard to moving h m to an asylum that the constable and over seer of the poor had called. They were met at the gate by the .Jago brothers. Constable Brunner ami Ferdinando Jago remained behind, while Overseer of the Poor Schultz, followed by David Jago, started for the house door, in which stood the mother. As they ap proached she stepped inside, and Schultz yvas about to enter, when Da vid <fago exclaimed: “See here, mo ther has bought me this spade.” As Schultz turned around to look, he re ceived a fearful blow on top ut his head. He fell almost lifeless at tlie feet of the terrified woman, who looped to >iek up the bloody spade which the naitiac dropped after dealing the terri ble blow. At this iustant Ferdinando Jago ran and grabbed the spade frqm his mother’s hand, and did so none too quickly to save his life and the life of ms pureqt, for the sight of blood seemed to increase the maniac’s passion and he grabbed up an axe and aimed a terrific blow at hts mother and one at his brother, both or which, by superhuman effort ami dex terity,Ferdinando managed to ward off. The nuniac then brought the axe down upon the head of ScIiultz, who lay pros trate from the first blow. Ilis head was literally cut in two. Constable Brunner hod fled toward the village, and tho niother and Ferdi nando ran into the house and bolted doors, but the maniac did not try to enter. He stepped to the well aud drauk a long draught of water, aud then started on a bound for the woods; Word of the terrible tragedy! quickly spread throughout the, country, and* in less than an hour a posse of over a hundred men, with guns, axes, and clubs, were scouring the country for the murderer Many think he Is not insane anti threaten Co lynch him if they con catch him. The excitement in the: village is intense, Sheriff Packard and ten eon- being lyr leaves k wife ahd Several children. I , » OM’t Jl"i ; -in ..j Try BLACK-DRAUGHT*tcTlor Dvapeoalo. TkVwARisoygR.i*lI :i Thein8urre«5tl6rt' Suppressed. Special by News Tflegraja Association, j I: London, July 2P.-r-The- Argentine legatfon has r. ceived the following: Bienos A verb, Monday, July 28. 2:20p m.—^iinouqce |hat the .Jn^tir- n^ition.has b^qn completely siiWucd. The president of the republic and the national cabinet are giving orders from the national government house. Tlie finance minister has bfien set at lif»ertyi fSigi.ed] .Tuan Garcia.. Gareja is prime minister of the Argen tine Republic. ,.‘l- rw' W 1 Castoria is Dr. Santmel Pitcher's prescription for Infonts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* use by - r Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents* vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. • Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea—tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. “Castona Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of Its good effect upon their children." Dr. Q. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. “ Castoria is the hewt remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day is not for distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their chUdien, and use Castoria in stead of tho various quack nostrums which oro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature groves.” Do. J. F. Kincheloe, . .. , j Oonwny, Ark. The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, Near York City, Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior toany prescription known to me." K. A. Annum, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ Our physicians In tha children’s depart- men* have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among onr medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tie merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." United Hospital and Dispkxsakt, Boston, Mass. C. Sarrn, iVea., When Baby was sfek, we gove her Costorln. When she was a Child, she criod for Castoria. When she became Mias, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Population of Portland. Oregon. Portland, July 2».—According to the census just completed, Portland hits a population of 35,861. The two su burbs. East Portland and Albina, to gether have a population of 15.000. —. e» „ A Tornado at Suakla. Loxdom, fritly 29.—A dispatch from Snakia says tunc a bnrricape swept over that pToce recently. The storin demol ished the chimnieys of the water c'ojt- dehser. causing a great scarcity of wa ter Many natives in the vicinity of Suakiu are dy’iug frbtn famine. HT BROWirslRCN~bitters Cores Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala* and General Debility. Physi lt All dealers sell it Genuine ■mm&inam’ 9K on the face Clear white and powuri tease i by no other remedy. Iik your for SwAYNS’s OiNjpmx. _ H •m -•fhthilv -■-iiilaw'iw »«(■* »>» |i«i A [Turkish. Chief of. Police Dismi Constantinople, July 29.—Kiam Bey, Director of Police, has been • fit wlbissed. lie is succeeded ‘ “ " icbllo, N. Y., July 28.— ago Albert Z. H: . , obtained a divorce ■khc ground of conjugalA < delity and' a general: fi _ hor. marriage vows. She preferred dashing policeman to a plain and coi mon laboring pian, and ,she was afraid to express her opinson. At time the couple were living at Tu: Park, where Hoyt was workiug. J a few weeks of gay life Mrs. Hoyt came tired of her policeman and - back to her first love, who*forgave h| r ■J 'little folly. They have just been, re- 11 married, and are now: enjoying their J second honeymoon: in New. .Xorlcd: |. taviOoB T. t♦.^ 1Aatvdi | ri ai. Have you visited Toomer’s elegant f i I ni tore emporium IR the last fcW inontl If not you have missed ft .treat.U Our Riflemen in Frauertfeld., Frauknvkld, July29.—Several mem bers bf'the Independent New Ifork won thftjocftl gol o >i! first ■■■BlaH buV^'Vou wi what low jSricc I r\ tbusilics: v t6nisheil Fgoodbtwv »The foot ofcfthp; s$B,:Ji>fi. Tooincr is a llrst-class &jMB«ftny«nil lias long since dis carded old business methods. -. Formerly _ JeubdlfoVeS ite ihe ridw7 1 :h”'is-’ to sell a-i great many* ntilow profits;-. The: rpsult canjby sejling ju such «iuan- U>s,aelivfi^'. y&$» the and 1 requent- ; Nit\V York,* Jnly 28.—Mrs. C.: St *cle, tlie eldest sister of tho late Ros 7 coeConkling, is dangerously ill ather homo in Brodklyino udT AAN- ai./iir j MShe is seventy-six years old, and w t* for twenty years inspectress in the New York custom house. P f of fcavhrfo Hur Muarifcfir,' Jhly "29.—While the PHni Regent^yg if)-the snburl moSm*. iwlHBwd. with which tho pibAdentshiul beox-ohlcio .one/, ami such ptlwr oOiccrs-as the boayd *£director^ ;....y X&gSJS&Z-Z. be provided iii the by-laws, and all other: 29.—Kiainli wastfcrpwuout " 'ttfl adl—I—la Ol urn—Tr-Uft-iffn t Xl>od MarveLWlna.- yoipn »oS,' !: irniy 29.-^rdffsiy cVas 7 of tlie Gooilwood me for the steward’s mi oB the day and was wc y and was wo vel. Jiwqimaial vlio tu* OTJ <m!i |.i <1 .III SLACK-DRAUGHT fcfcnjlires ~vcli u ji nuAMwwwfc oln'a A jPerasast :Rstrkat.—Mess: _ Prince Hodgson and C: - B. .Griffeth » lonthsf^pcnding- their nights;in the mostpleas- ' ' ant manner we have yet heard of. CT>lM9*baV*i put up a tent of the be kind out: neite -Mitchell’s bridge,’ ahd » after finishing their day’s work, go out and spend the night there, returning in the morninjJP'Thoi' have fixed everyt thing in fiHe style, and live aS snuglj-, and far moi;c, pleasantlydurjjjg. the hot •ycuther, than if in the city. Thbv •ave a good cook And oat bo.tli^ and breakfast at that place. GrA. _ FIJI Ii and complete lii.e of CAItRf AORS, HURGlBS, etc. ■ Visit the Warehouse «n .A. WashingtWB’StrebVsnd get prices, riee the csele.bratrd Brewster 8idc-lhir Wn^o-.i, llie 0*- |’ui;dfl‘»vp-^piing, 1’haeton, the Itiyersidti U|»rriagc,_ Canopy Top, the I’lcdmonl Carnage, ax- tension Top. kvervthiug in our iine at lowost prices; .... n OaRITHERS & BETTS. .MaylsmSM •dim t .t • *.<:•*/ !•> j J( | (llli ;l -• Jm; - l’i.!l //1--r-. to bn ■ •>. ■> Ij . ’ : L I'.’.l-’- — L, . 1 11 i. ii i.. il in , mSP aTATK Of GKGKGIA, CottS'TY oVOl.AkKK:—• D To tho Superior Oonrt of SaM county s: The, petition of It. K.lUoavef,. A- K- t/luhts, fhoipas Batluy, K. S. Lyu.ion, Alien H . Talmtidgc, Ucp. PpHrightwell, R. «. Husscll 11. II. Wuton, J. »io fh&dbs, Juhn. K; TaUimlscv William , D.. fftureth,;Ve»; s .Myers. Th<ppas.i‘, Vhtceut,. c f), VUnlseii, Clovis (i. Tnlinatlvi', Wfitiain W. Thdidas. Isanc (}. Swift. Jo.eph tl ft-rtiinp,, Billups 1‘hinixy, l*ope Barrow and Oea. Dudley Thopios : espcctiiiliy sh-.w* tluit they .their: associates and »uccces«r? desire to te inhde a l.ody politic and corporate with tlie following jwjwers: - - Kilts’*?; The coriKwaie name of said cuTora- tloii o lie’ ■’THE ATHENS CHKMICAL WORKS" " ■' : ‘Ol n ^TuTupTml |i»U j SEC OSU: . The oh] ct of said association and the particular,I.usiuess wld-di they, propo.-e lo carry ou, will he to engage In the manufacture aud sale of, and der.tintf in ice, fcrtUixers, soap oil and oil products, chemicals and all varieties Of chemical conijamn-is-; al-o the business of oold storaae in nil ita branches; also the bud. ness ollmviug and carrying on a Stock -avd with the rig!it to buv, tell, fatten and deal in cnttle and other animals used for t on. i : THIRD: The amount of the capital stock t»i be ten thousand (H’,000) dollars, d vided Into shaVea-of <j»e hundredySKO) dollare each, with the privilege of increasing tlie same to. any amount pqa exceeding one hundred ' thousun , (S 00 000) dofls rs by d majority vote of the corpo rators at the llrst meeting or by a majority ote of the,Stockholders at any suteequeut meeting; ten GO) per cent, of the capital stock to he paid lii be ore comm encing bustness. • FI..UHT1I : Tlie place ui doing busimv-s to bo In the county of Clarke. FIFTH: In- cri.rnoration to have the.power to Luy sell and lea e such real estate and por- s.rirl property as mav Lc proper for thesuceess- ful conduct of' its business; to have and usd a common >e&l; to borrow money, -ssue notes, bonds and'other evidences of debt, and to s ecu. c the same bv mortgage »r deed of trust, mid to make any and allot per contracts necess- ry and proper for 1 he eondoct of its business i ■' SIXTH; The time for which they desire to be incorporate.I Is twenty (2 0 years, With’ heprivi- ' lego or renewal at tho expiration thereof, il r KVLNTH,: That said corporath.n .hall have. such paws ent, when rnodn in propcbtypln to .fe- ms* m ; 1 ;. The office re of said coiporatlon to fiTprfSSSk'Xfad-'ri* net conflict w hLsVENTII: That such corporation have* c, usual, powers coufprrqi. upon busin. And your petitioners Wm evor pi • JtaMri iiui-Ml U EUllWj* " Attorney s I FI toil In offiiWXittiln mil C.I» VINCENT, Clei I certify AMMO* foresolajttw told copy fi rocords of Clarke Superior Court. • diifT—dt Vliit .a'D-YlNCKNTkffier] 'cVjMl ,lr)2dl ,l»li.v A wxiAlirMJ •H—oHi in-ur .bnniloi] wwft ni ncin 00. YOU* B U y STEAM ENGINE . . - , Q.R ’ , ‘ BOILER SENfD row OUB CATALOGUEAHD PRiCES -mokestaok and .doing, consi other ‘damage to'the building. A’ Eihler was hazily crushed and die. after aud ffve'uthers' \yere seriously in jured or living b'rieks Unit ,tim- ’>ers, but not fatally. Tlie names are Foun Iry, Maffinua prv IVallaee Mexo, Vv iliiiun Wiley, Fein, Ftank Ctffiffl,/HvTinHni ‘V^ilsp ami Cileries Eukort. bits tlrii 'jAT::; n cgijSi ,*J* :jun • ai : WRITE TO 1 *w IwVi»j j! Oeo. II. Lombard & o. vT-idj mi vo i i-airoi v> • KH.on Boiler and Qia Wo and Supply House, August?, Men? (a 1 CQKBSOIi to ; . C9X, Itlii & TllilMM, Importer and Wholesale Dealer ia ."finewines. BRANDIES, &«. * SOie Agent for lo b> i nu; - ' i, Cutter aud Acme Sole Proprietor anil Distiller of THE GENUINE STONE MOUNTAIN Distilled'fW»“ the fn^t twenty >T»r8 ’" l * tHijt, Hilt &‘Tliolnpsor.. Ol i 'ii.. rr 1 it* (•>;..• •••> I SO. ivApril S2-,W3ui; A iji.ri orfian di d Horses and - Mules. .nodje<H in otirbf M node qni*K JiiiisiliMjk! •Jin ft .-41,11(1 c l imMfil: ,a »j tic «tel> ,. i»a^ fidl Xte,wtvi hi mI «4) mi .slili»d_ .HI te U ‘ customers. uol -gni ’ rig liu Blit gtUiG't « ,HK|t‘lll‘l a " .wild l»c , Producing Long-Sightedness. Va ing tho Sight of th6 Old. Ctires Tear Drops, 6 r onufatlon», 5W g Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted EyelR*“^ 1ID raoDBClIB (jl’ICK RKUEkiM) rEU ^ ! metwr Also, equally dOioaclOus wben w “V < «V maladies, such n* Ulcera* FeT* ,i p|| r g of Tamori, Hale Kiieum* wherever Imiammation uxUtff* 11 •AX. VM may b« used to »dvanta«e. j _ br oil •* M 0w ‘ fc