Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, August 05, 1890, Image 5

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I | j^| mis Aimias aASsseL^ Tuesday Mohnino, august*, ism. SSSE? PR9 m ^OUVE SWAPS. THS SUB-TREA8- y RY bill FOR GREENBACKS ThkBa»w*b bas always charged U, n t, at heart, Mr. J. T, Olive was ot in sympathy with the Sub-Treat?.. , b iU, and he only Hopped over on this vote. i89Ue to capture the Alliance In Mr. Olive’s speech at Athens, last Friday night, his organ, the quotes hitn as follows : ,.q r . Olive thought if by different '.-*9ures the greenback issue could toivlleclod he, uid not think a gen- 4 1 resort to the sub- treasury scheme would be necessary.” jj ow how does this position touch those of our Alliance friends w|io ] iaVt . been endorsing Mr. Olive be*- esase they thought he represented -their views on the Sub-Treasury.bill? When lie is addressing an audience „f farmers, he is for Sub-Treasury first, last and all the time; but when he strikes the classic precincts of Athens—where this demand of the Alliance is unpopular—he changes front and developes into a full— fledged Oreenbacker. When Mr. Olive speaks of the Sub-. Treasury bill as a “scheme," Ite'lb- sults the patriotism of the Farmer’s Alliance. ’J'his noble organization i» not a set of schemers, or trick** (Uts, as the gentleman would make his Athens audience believe—for no other interpretation can be placed- upon bis description of the Suli* Treasury bill—but they are a highly respectable class of our people* who a*#'! J- U <i mo# j demand, in an open and courageous manner, the paffiuge of a law that they believe will secure their eman- ei|>aiion Irom the tyranny of com bined capital, like to nnunced as a “ scheme Y . We will say to the gentleman, that if li e Alliance must organize tliein- II(»w would Mr. Olive have hit farmer’s bill d e- stives into a band of ‘'schemers” to secure their righ s, that they will ac ci cl defeat. It is generally under stood that this characteristic is coh» fuel to lawyers and politicians. The Adianec hold themselves above such a practice. ii is a well-known fact that Mr. Olive is at heart a Grccnbacker—the party with which 1 least Butler tried hi defeat Cleveland —and greenbacks t .uebed, with no gentle Hand, cer tain prominent citizens who saw fit to endorse Matt Davis as postmaster, and it tfrould be a sweet morsel to roll under their tongues if they could overthrow us in Clarke county. Taere ate other “conservative citi- z job” who think we do wrong in pros testing against the insolence of ne groes to white ladies and children, as they charge it will injure our city. Our position is, that ir Ath ens must be populated and built up by quietly tolerating such outrageous conduct, the sooner we demolish it to the ground, and build up a while man’s city upon its ruins, the better. Now, these opposing factious are being gathered together and organ* zed by the Rus&ell-Tuck-insoIvent- cost8..c<>mbination, under the delu sion that to carry Clarke county for Mr. Olive would be a vindication of the nltemped raid upon our treasury. Again the legislativeconteatls'ibe all-absorbing issue, and all manner of tricking of votes is daily made In view of this state of affairs, it is impossible to predict how Clarke ley or Lawson have a single friend at work for them in the county. So far as Tub Bannku ydiloc is concerned, he is serene and happy. For Clarke county to go for Olive is uo rebuke to us, but will prove io the Alliance of the 8th district that Mr. Olive Is only their pretended friend, and is truly the candidate of merchants, manufacturers, Capital ists and lawyers. It will/open the eyes of our farmers, and show to them that Tiib Banker's opposition to Mr. Olive is well taken, itriet WILLGEORCIA HAVE A GREEN BACKER IN CONGRESS? If Mr. J. T. Olive is elected to congress from the 8th district—of which calamity we do not entertain the least fear—our State will have one Greeuback representative. The Alliance will find that all of Mr. Olive’s promises about the Sub- Treasury “ plan” will merge into the platform of the Greenback party. In his Athens speech Candidate Olive declared tliat wnat he meant by “something better” than the Sub- Treasury bill was greenbacks. We are glad to know that this ex posure of Mr.. Olive’s position was made in time, for many Alliancemen might have bteu deceived into sups porting him by bis professions of sympathy with the Sub-Treasury bill. Now; let us analyze Mr. Olive’s proposition to swap the Sub-Treasu ry bill lor greenbacks, and see how how it will work. What the Alliance demands is the passage of a law that will render them independent- of trusts and .•onnty will go. Nither Messrs Col- speculators, and enable them to hold their crops and force the consumer to pay them the profits now going .into the . pockets ^of others. This end can only iBe second'•by the pas-! sAge of the Sub-Treasury bill. When the speculator reduce' l^ic price of cotton below a fair and! reasonable profit to the producer, the farmer c an store his crop in a government *a rei house, draw 80 percent, on the {a ue thereof, and by thos reducing re ceipts, force the manufactarerto j ay him the profits now reaped by he speculator. Every paper in the district that We would ask ~Mf. "OHynj, ffitfrjr < has fought the Alliance and t^ie Sub- his greenback proposition possi >1 y Treasury blit is warmly supporting accomplish this end ? If there^ is Olive, while certain men in Athens any relief in it for the oppressed fir- who hate an Allianceman more than Satan does holy water are canvassing the streets for him. ,. Now, does , not this, conclusively show to the fnrtaets of our district that Mr. Olive is neither their friend or candidate, but Is supported by the very class ofmen who arc fight..- 'and desire to carry Clarke coiraty, is the ’* something Ikitteil*’’than th< Si b-Treasqry bill that he meant iw bis announcement. Well, iron-ribbed democracy and the Sub-Treasury bill are good enmigli for the Alliance of the Eighth dial rid, and they don’t care about being switched off' on the Greenback side-track. Had they thought that this would be ‘‘something belter,” * tin* Alliance convention would have endorsed the Greenback party in sicmI of rccoiunqnidip"j; l)p Sub Treasury hill, Mr, Olive certainly showed |iis true colors in that Alliens speech »nrl tlircw a llood of light upon bis cun.liilacy lliat will open the eyes of tbe Alliancemen of this district, They arc not rfiiyly to c »n itress a straight frtit- Greenbaclier, sugar-coated with Sub Treasury ptouiwea, i it Mil u* jo. i mu ox Tut: Banner editor lias proved his devotion to .the.. Alliance and but,-Treasury bill’; r.nd he knew Uietiine that Mr. Olivws^as < nly riding this hobliytocapWfe the ® cr ’ 8 vote. We are glad of this ing their orgaWization the hardest ? We will' not consider it a defeu( to The Hanker for Mr. Olive to car ry Clarke county ; but it would only show to the Alliance of Georgia that an indirect stab is made at its editor because he 1ms stood by the farmers and the Sub-Treasury bill, and thus incurred the enmity of strong and- inlluoutial meu and politicians in Athena.' ■ ' A. >nnA. JmL Ji-vJ and knew that he could, not secure the support uf our merchants, cot ton men and brokers if hj; did not dismount from his Sub Treasury hobby. This lie most gracefully did, and proclaimed the principles of the Green ijack party as prefcrublo to the THE ALC1ANCE VICTORIOUS- The Farmer’s Alliance will sweep the country li,ke a tidal wave. In Georgia, everything is going down before the nmrch of this new power, while ihb.jfarmcra of South Carolina met jrud vanquished the com lined power and intellect of the State. Not ouly throughout the South, but, in the West, this Alliance movement iqmaklng wonderful strides. The old’politicians, that have ruled tlu* l&iple for years, are dnmbfou filed at their overthrow. first an attempt was made to cribs the impression that the Alli ance was a political body started out to t^fiak down the democratic party. But ttia falsehood was soon vans quishw/for the Alliances so lar from breidftyg down the democratic (jbr^qnimplyjMillowed it and moved he isl rgia llir i*nlycra«t a majority mcD(^bpW- control Abe next J«gW Wrt. and sedfiVa Successor tbfiGe inor, we are unable to discern it. It will only give the speculators more tools to work with. /; ! sir'V'it is the Sub Treakiry I II I umi .... ^ . j , \ It Is saitd tliat even water was i bill i Imt the Alliance demands, and i ihein > *nd their appeals for tlifft nothing leas will satisfy them. | pensive,, find easily-gotten , iioi Mr. Olive has a great ambition Alliance bill. This IuaL.Uop.may possibly secure the gentleman Clarke county, but it unmasks bim to the famous of our district, and shows that he is a Sub** Theasmy advocate for Alliance votes only, ancl as he ti-elected to congress will allign himself with the G reen back ero-f V'ttA Now, after thii^.'dccl aroiwn Irom Mr. Olive, no conscjgniious Alliance- i«f? I ° A HORRIBLE DESCRIPTION. CRUSHED INTO A STEAMER. Excursion JO. C- BERNARD. OF tHE FRANKLIN COUNTY JAIL IN CARNESVILLE. A Siberian Prison in Georgia-No San itary Precautions Taken—Prisoners Left to Themselves—And Often Pit eously Cry for Water—Too Disgust ing ahd A bhorrent to Give all the Facts. A state of affairs has been existing in the jad at Carnesvfllo, which is so hor rible as to rival only the vivid ami piti ful tales which are brought to us from far-off Russia. You, who have so often felt your hearts melt with pity for the unfortu nate victims of oppression in that dis tant land, can now look closer home, and while the parallel may not extend to the innocence and guilt of those in carcerated, yet even if these consisted of the deepest dyed and most blood thirsty murderers, their temporary home should at least excel those of the filthy beasts of the held. Think of it! Human beings, women among them, have been compelled to live in a man ner so disgusting' and loathsome as to require a Kennan to import the faint est idea of how horrible their condition; has been. , And this not far from the Classic! City of the Umpire State of the South li Our readers will remember the ac-; count in yesterday’s IUn>ku pl the escape of the prisoners, from tliit^ jail^ This fact caused a Bannku correspond ent to investigate the jail for particu- Isrs,. and to discover the filthjest dun-! geon which can be depicted by tbe| wildest imagination. In-bis account of it, after giving some particular** he says: “Tue situ ation will’ have to be pictured by you; it is tod 1 disgusting to describe.?’ On entering, the nauseating effects of the sight and odor were so over [ powering as to stop some before going far, and preventing all from umkifig it complete investigation. It appeared to have received no.aU tention whatever since its erection, and eerttiinly not for years. . .. h j No sanihyy arrangements seem to have been toougllt of, and the pris oner* were-left to their own devices. What 'tortues of the damned must have beeu-suffered. by the inmates of this pen? .HFSHATAD It is said that even water was denied ein, imd t^ieir appeals for thif* inex pensive aqd easily-gotten nocdsslty were so piteous 'as'to cause passers-by vyliW heard theiit to stop their ears. J Arid here were recently kept a whitje woman, a. white iiiaii, a negro wmiian and^ViiVen negro iiien. Tonsihly son o. were inlprfsoucd for minor crimes, hi t supposing nil to bjs 'of the most huirioi s kind, no worse ■ torture than 'th £ Could llKVi* been ndhiinisteri'd dttriilg f.he the horrible Hugn of tlie ’ inqusl- tioii. 1 '■■ " "■ ••• • : - ' 1 ' 1 Further‘details could' he given, hnt old of respect Tor our readers we tefruiu from going ihto particulars to a greater extent. . Kiiough is brought to light to cause all to be shocked beyond measure, and that such a t -rrible state of allni rs siimitd have been in existence without the kiiowiege of the people is the sirangtist tiling of ail. ' i It is hofribld torbnfeniplate this t^n- : dition of affairs existing across the teas, am) when brought so near home, itis so abhorent ns :d only find its why intooiir columns to publish the -truth to Uic proper authorities and have the vil remedied.- Terrible Accident to an Boat. Special by News Telegram Association. Bai.timork, Md., July J'J.—A crowd- , ed excursion steamer, the Louise, re turning from Solchester beach with 1JXK) souls on board last night, crushed in the Bay line steamer, Virginia, bound for Norfolk, at Fort Carroll, in an instant the merriment was changed to horror. Mad shrieks filler! the air, children were trampled; under foot, strong men rudely pushed aside weak women, all in an insane endeavor to get away from danger. Three persons were almost instantly' killed a number were badly injured, and ten persons are still missing. The dead are: Mrs. Ivatarine M. Keyser, Charles Granger five years old, Daniel Ivoop ten years old. Among the injur ed Adolph Miller cannot recover, and some others are sure to die of their inju ries. It is believed that those reported as missing jumped overboard and were drowned. A search lias been made all the morning for bodies, hat none have thus far been recovered. 3. P. WILSON^* ut JO. C. BERNARD & CO Grocers and Commission Merchants, Will guarantee highest prices for Chickens, Eggs, &c., or will sell foi you on commission. JO. C. BEENA.RT) & CO., mayao-dm " Athens, On. W.MeKINNON, Blacksniithing and Repairing of all kinds. Gunn and Pivtcls Re paired. Cor. Washington <fc Jackson Sts., Tnayfily Athkns, Ga. To Nerroa* Debllltnled Wen. . If you will neml Os vom address, wo ■»!! •end you Or. Oye’s CAellniteO Voltaic Belt and Appliances on'a trial. They will •luii-kly Ieb25dAwlv Mrs. Langtry'Says Cood-by Gabhardt. LoNbox’/Jaly 2!>.—Mrs. Langtry tyas at the Waterloo station this morning to see Fred. GehhardFoff. J list before the train left there was an affecting' scene between them, tiebhardt will sail frorn Southampton on tbe Elder for Amer ica. The Vienna Beauty Show. Viknna, July 29.—The following di rections have been giveu for those ladies who Wish to compete in the in ternational beauty contest: MA11 competitors must send,,photo graphs with their addresses to the com mittee. v ‘ “Those who are admitted must attend in ovening vlriiss or costotoes repre-t aontativc of the country from which they qairte,” ■ : * | The committee says that,' Should the competitois desire It* . traveling, .exi C0S V bf living hero Toi five.days will lie paid out. of the fundi at the disposal iiftliC mniinijers. • * ; Each Hidy ' whOis in the competition will receive a souvenir of tlie occasion. The:total snmi to he,awarded to the win ner i8.fci.2ix)., -; fi ; 0E0R08A SEEO CO., MACON 9 l»il4 (SUCCESSORS TO S0U1HERN SEED COMPANY.) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Farm and Garden Seed. We are sirictly in the seed business and notbine else. We handle only tlu; host advertise do goods which we do not keep in stock. » K<.RGIA Ci..\bkk <ya-n - .- 1 To,»U wiuun ij may ouncern: Jacob Fliinlzy, cXeeutorot the last will ef Ktrdlnand I’hinlzy.deeiased, has ie due form applied to the undersigned for leave This 2d day Of June, ISO' S. M. HEKiiXNGTON, Ordinary 5-t. Notice to Debtars and Creditors. A I i. person* Indebted to the estate of Harry H. Hitnlty, deceased, are hereby entitled to ltnlzy, _ make Immediate payment, and all porBons hav- i k claims sgainst said estate arc notiiled to pre sent the sasw, prope-ly proven, according tb la,w, to the erslguoi . JAOOB PHrNIZY , . BlLl.UJfS FHJNJZY, , Kxecntors of Harry H. Phlnixy, duc’d. \ June loth, lSSO w. 6- t. | , ~ " j /a EOltlUA, Claukb COiTXTY.-'-To the Supo- u yJtfCourl of said tlie ParmerV AUlannw l ‘ebdtttJW The petition of -,s: Wsrenoure and Commis- inan can support hi “.Sulv-Treasury plan—if nothing but ler is’proposed,” has at Hast conic out. In his Athens 8f*eecft^the g^n- i Ionian thinks the Greenback pa|rffy “ something better’’ than Sub-Trcas* ury, MORE FROM Concerning the Recc • The latest news confirms the truth port yesterday. It seems that Sheriff [gone to darMviin; oij “ay to. furnished \ the woifir iv them "as toe wife of one I uadlkiiipjl wltlthMill ILLE.i 1 Delivery. a Carncsiluie Banner’s irqr null hjiff, and busi jess; i>r the io furn nnuUey; llSHULUl \U. 1 nnesota, Iowa, Illinois, AVis- consffi* Either Western States, the Alliance is assuming formidable We ssrftat raent ! a opito -of the- Force toe tyrants-are trem** ,cry thrones, -axul their for »«n meant when be declared "wnething IrntteF’ in tils opening tonoubcement. That “ sotkei -latter” ia greenbacks. l«uh« thing go the "H rrnnfa^ffr 1 CONGRESSIONAL CO^ CLARKE- ",. TI'its are about J,&00 win-e voters 250 rint in CuA,. county, and less ^han °f the number are Altiancemeir. This '»* commer^ °"nty, and hchce tlie farmers “ * * u *!*eles8. minority. yJ T|ie Bannke editor has earn* t. !"‘ m 5 y ofman y «»»’pn j g mi<$* inf lien classes, trod tliev .have qomt ined ,0> mke him by carrying the toun V for Mr. Olivo for congress 4-anff J J “ sue-' i || 1UUU VI me. ‘ nl *re8ied‘in breaking u anft, idefekiadim ^asi^y bill have giiiie' ov 1 ta*'*) 8 s °i , I M> H—-for tjicv j, 18 l«t in sympathy with 5 r * hearv“ His f^nhacksasa “treasury i lUjiji ^ to bis 8U Ihcf Sub "’Iw, ▲a yet none < started e aftbr Bnt for. Merit Wins*. ■ Wi' HWim tf/Vav bur VMfi (for ywi we litve l» : Wn'sclling , I->r. King’* New i)i#cov**'y-h* ConsuApium,/ Dr. Rule's New Lit* PjlU, BiKklep'* Arnica Salve hi El«-cniid OuU‘;8, an fkilt/tfiAtiVki hand- d rciiiVdiVtliai ■ell as well; or (bat - have i»iv* n sucli nnivortaWEilsfac 1-n. 1W« I do iiot hesitate to guur.aaee ibemevery, time . d w** stand r» ! ,dy:tor»fu.‘dtb« i purci|q*i i *iow o l iaiTuouahlM -mt * 1,111 Over Two'Million of Dollars. The Grand 8cmi-Ammal Drawing of tlw; jAinisiaim State Lottery plai u at New Orleans',‘Jifnc tj, 1890, wlieii ovbif’ISr.OOW.OOrt Was scattered broadcast. ' ioket No. 69,ffi-l drew the Firah Capital Prize ofJpKKJJlOO^ »it*waa auld. in f*>rtt- eflis at J1 ead,—one .\yenr-to Mttriin i( Simoie-oii, -tlJ 1 "'Vew York GitydiffUi-’sV> M 1« Anderspn,, 2f>9.1);. Ri le St., Chicago, Ilw^fiietoM. Ai. V'eL- ;oy, Stamford, Conn.; one to Herbert 1C. Todd, byiiH, Mnis.;'ofie to Morris Rdscnthnl, Houston, Tex.': one to Hous ton' National Bank, iiouat/m, Tex,; oue to Wilson (J. Rich, Boston, Mass.; one to Wj -E. Spangcnburg, 200 La Salle St.. (jhioago, Ills.; one to Jos. jtluggarii, Bii*lge|M>rt. Conn.two to P. ll." (ii!- liertj i-oL Eilimin and Prutt St., Phila delphia, Pii.; two to K. Mitchell, I t Main Ht., E»st, Hamilton,Ont., f aii: - da; one collected for a patron of Wells Fargo «fe Gu.’s Express, etc., pte, Tick et No. 92,201 drew the Second Capital Prize of $200,000. Ti' Viet No.lKi.2fff ur<jw tlie Third CapitulHPme of $100,000^ c |;: Court of tlie Lffitod .-.hates has (leeided that the J.oqisiapa .tjffy,,;,, Lottery tyiu- pauy hiis a coiitrjtct with the State of LouiSiaha which'xliiek not tfxt«to until the FiVstof January, >1 i!)iV The* next Drawing will take place on August UtU„ ami all information can be uhtiuhed from AL A,, gpiphiji. New Ori^v^i -QflthsciSU^M figrlpulturai ?Pfiletv."^ ' Hiifthfl'fdVDr.Neivtbn! ; **«*uti-* J ' AtWns’ pbpiihtT''pieStdent: *lf {the Clarke fiounty FNiVniers’ Clttb' stands' W splendid chance of being elected sepfe-i ’taryoftbC»«rtJ'!Agrkailt»HWl! Society. f>r. NeWton is^onc of our most > pro- gfcsstvc arid enterprising citizens and i , JdSi twif wtfclrtm -dte res. of ) wA.ff ’-rtittlhiiAvIH flll the place well ih- prd- '.rrd^htvi YNfcjlif Mfialfeir- laldet}<I and' fid bOtie rUiM Ms40u0dtdojwv:ber*tf **.*£*{ The race IsE' hot oiiej huttt* Hboks as: if ont 1 mausmygi^tlii.i.ashe usually doestdqcG en jnT/l. not,M tooR l-Ther^RilluitCilS»u«nbev.wiin>«ng the poaitiOtUdRiintif 5Ww -i »aiif-iio.Hy iBcsidesiD.r. Ncwtpn-thcre js M,r toVy fot* th^ prifafiiples nf 'detnocrhcy. in the country and greenbacks in the Mr. fav The triumph of tlie Aliiauce means the triumph Of the people, and a Vie- in the country and greenbacl , Affhew- ‘nS$«'aw i *N*Ms ! 8 ; '• r Vk& ^uir, Jeinison.and D.r. Bush Lumsden, and Bucklen a Arnica Salve. <JV*I iDx. L.iFjClifton. . Isn’t rfiat .a gdodly mIt i*umber of them?. ; .,1 om. HiJ VV The work or the secretary is not con- the Mac leoq -stant/.bat varies with the Koason, For ys. about three montlii preceding and for /s* odw ^bom three montiii preceding -and nrllardshe' 1b of fihrec monjha after a.^foir [ hy; has in the city, and hands pretty full. During the. ; ;#ii C. HON. J. ]C r! 9LEMENTS. He Too, Withdraws From the Ralce. Speciul by*WaWs i’elegiam Association. ] * Ga.j itj'ly 29'.—Hon Jiulson words "actually pa** 1 ‘n’^he e^li gtfic'&Sh'fi ■ ‘-■'-r,-Idiil'in IWii ilieifeOf thiA flifa WPfl* tin roi i n»T*.1 (petition an't'orSer, and in IWif thcifeof tllut heiotlSlvin* clanse be Inserted- and beoome iwrtiif HiStrCharter: i • i ■ f .. - -- .i-w;. I “The capital s ock of said l aimers’ AUtance Wareiiuose and Commission Company shall be three Ui"Usaart dollars, divided into shai ea qf live dollars each, wbluh^sai Jtal stapk urovidcil.llie Kaiue sliall'iib said dollars. Said Com l iny shall be authorized to beta** business na aeon as die- s*aa of t.wepty- ftve huiidroil dollnrs si-all- have boeu actually uaid * in.” Aud your ' iietitlon'P will e\4r S-Uc. 4 *■ AiBRKwJ.CpWA j r * 1 femiQiiiT h Attorney.' Uj’llbd in effloe this Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. , u -Mmlinsteitf ■ ]M«ik»y. Oak. KaMtuaU*. nnd .il l Vijeni buj lAko Huron Foyta. Every Evening Betweon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Our Illustrated Pamphlets, Bates and Hxonrslon Tiok.ta will a* feminhed by your Ticket Agent, or addroea E. B. VWfffcdM&v Q! VI A., OtrMst, ISted., THE OtTHOiT » CLEVELAMD STEAM KAV. Ctt hind—ulii ill ■ 2. ii~m)l.r ■ ■. ■ A li ne' extract from t- e mtnutes of Clarke Superior OottXT. C- H- YtXCt-.XX, Cierk.l jnion-wj* . .. RUMS EASY. CINSJFAST. Cleans SEED PERFECTLY. Makes FINE SAMPLE. NEVER BREAKSTHEjtoLL /iEViffol A, Cla' ki- County—Oidlnaiy’a; oflipa •X.lukie -J&, MO- J* W. Boanleu ha* applied, b)£ linaors of .idxnluUtiyaion, do bouts non with t|ie will annexed, oil thp estate of Aaron llearden decaesedThis is to notify all coii- i-erne, to Sl« their objections, if any th.y have on or defore »L6 first. VUimiay Jli An ust next, - - “ * — ‘rabt else letters will then be granted said applicant as applied f >. S. M. Hkhrinotdni Julvl-at , Ordinary. ’office . May 31, lsi*0. J. A. Nabors,adminis- —1 li* ' ' ' itatoi'OI Wlllmn .Tabors, represents ihat jie ; trust. has lullv idsoliurged the duties of his said and prays for letters of dleiuission. ' : Th s is thureiorv to notffy all persons con - earned JO show cause'if, auv thr y quo, ou or be fore tlie first Monday in' September irtxt;- ;yhy saiil administrator should not. be discharged: June'it im-tbr *ii ) ,-D suit no nai*ntj -xff Jim he tints . . _ TIAN“A8SWU. 1051 -Of ATHKNh, GFOR-, GIA,” respoettully shows/Ahat- it wasin-or-' .notated ift the April Terun 1837, of this Co irL !*ri«f tlikt'tui ii bjec*. tl AiiU' l>«i i po- os' of: s*id dor- poration era seofolthiii nts chanter appearing S4pw^s£na?si.ia3ii hus't>ecoinBpl'rs(;*s«W'df , H ! vulu’We lotdf 1 i*1*i In' tide City of Atlf’enK, ■ u(>bu which.-it hah] ar- ully ur«ct9S *-T»rtable‘buildingpto*be: Pp] ror,j;ip. nnu printed t.o tha purposes of its iucorpprat on. 'Your petUiohef 'further* stows, that™ pettuoser fnrtner * snows, tuei™ older to complete Mid b'itldui'g; and- to ctrry .bh purposes, it w|l| be necessary to borrow,aioi ey, and it 'hirefore pi ays that ifscharterma; be Hsus note* [u .JSowibis ffiejliaei, . r ch*fterm»; so amended as to empower it to bdl'rowthoiey. issue notes, Bonds of • other evidonccs of < - bt therefor, ahd to secure the ,sam* by mdrtgage of deed of Ufost, and that it may be farther authorized to rent or ie^se^uqh pAftSJif saiff, building as may not be necessary for' Vhfe rnr- I*SseS of the.«iofp<|r*tibn r Sb oHer-.tof,'derifreetip ration with his friends. He 5 nt,to this effect' tv ad, tsrnoon. after eojiSul- .has' had* .this slop.. upder eonsiderntiyff, ftff- n, we^k or longer, lint, as stated,' did not wRpflraw iTrbm (lie' contest uV;il yea tar- - -^‘’rnoon. r' tawu ju-du wanii c to his - past, and for ^holi^attleni suppoit4l the preaent tiin^nih Tghcs out. - Y: This announcement will cause much i iViwHanford, of Rockdale county, wh o isj regret amofigtliS friends of Mr. Clefaii i a candidaWy yjBl'jMglie, JS#oQb -jjuyjsue oti? j". l by u» "invu the; fwjfcliJie! nthii wUHc;it i»*mDi^|r*E8,.t;he^(?retai. S tu uSSedTS *P**“ A ll 1a one BaoBnaTJ^P*”^^ thegwne waanlavekj' ten his labors. Hitherto the salary has i vPromibe first ono that the home tint part of a si playing toget well, and will practice, will be able to shellB. , The Mndisofiians And showed that the > -The Beit Salve: in.the world for ‘cuts Bruises, Boieaj.Uldrm, Salt Rheum;11fev«i lively cares Pile*,-or no pay req la guarasteed.togive perfect satisfiH money iefundod. .Priced cents per Fot »Ue by John Crawford & Co,,V sale and Retail Druggists aradj -yi rido-tWff lft**scs, ami ,wjll/fall Iyi,tJro, g e therhef< ground. -if no woe UdiailMdMM- -mlieW* siieecb^FSWI^ Wi ■■ speech} proposwl Uv swap the Sub ireasurj vet to rnllv under ,im„ Our boys for they rea] a good $1,5000 per annum this. year. t MONEYTOLOAN;S' Vm** 0 * 1 ratCf :iud 1,1 :u,u ’®ff^y A Safo-tnvostmerrt. -- \ ol J > la Ono which is uunruntced to bring y* a * ' imutfti _ ndfiawj you can buy from our mlveri'sed druggist.n bottle of Dr- King’s - New Discovery .-fofi CoriJuifiptinm 15 'IP ia giiarann-td to bring f rofish Mr ? ,5ef iu Mfl wheo U9 ' d f#r “ n y ** f IIow <lo f«c t,on cf Throat, Lungs or Chest, such an * . Coii8umi'’tiQn,; lutl *mm*|ion of Lungs, Broncbiii*, Astluua, ' Wuonpinjf v»Jnff'ncialiou oCtheir demand] XT the ,05kA emo ? r ' & He ’ is "thtlkireporSed: hv this ;f,iA 'Srt&n’W Athdrii,- the 'Evening j we have Ledger size upon improved farms [ and' city pr6pei:ty;a :Allincomlitiona its‘to m r v*?Si ^ l .“/ t i re8 . t > JOY JI In.?’ j Bar,, lu^^ntirig^pBiiy vylj),llnil^jrfeatW tl.nnr intpr*‘>! b-fpremak|ngarrange- menis elsewhere,to .call on or addnss ihe atfuty office, NoFlVliCIay ton street, Athen8jGa. ;:,v , : 'j lul ' J< ‘B.h? Noh daw—3 lilbs.' <r; 1 , “itftffHfeWffi > & T'rttuuti oJ L »Uiyoofiaa >l Bubcqni-to AiitENS.—The fiddy of /the negro', Moiiaifield, killeil' in Bruns wick the other day, was ^ejeiypd in Athens Sunday.' »ij.euiijtic;j*jl, is. an old Athens negro. liuJ i. known by many AlgbW-plaee.' “ imryihg grot ttj Speciul by News .Telegram Asuociutiou. Washinotox, D. C.,. July. 29.+-^}ip corriiloa of the house of ropreaesitatives difficulty with Post mas ten Wtthda;, ati promptly ftosJoeai*d'to kJmak Him ;W- Before this pdjlee fcoiiltl stotffHicJffHVay, Wheat ivAkfejid^ iiWil“ up;'' ^Snii a one armed veteran of the late war. Cu'tlippe was dis.eharged. . •'**’ !i *:a)r/il lioii Iftitiuo t srreil ia;the Sunday af- Lonnox'July 29.-A'A'«i5i.sation is*. ppi-tedTroin; LandshiU^in-lower lfavafc na, over the discovery that the eeme- ery keKpfffs have been ' robblbgl bodies tVVtnuo, whioh with, coolribulpms from its ‘ mefiiaers uad.from olhern, Tpff enable \ cessfully Aud vour peti'tioue: *1 >J*ABRWVj#l t. Iff, ■■ ;i- '.<Ui W Attorney) Filed in office, this June W. B. PRUT P- n * r -> ; j Wm k. Jl oerdfj ffii* the forfigdiua ;w f jmj Mm fiprwsw] 1 Clarke county. W. B. PRUITT; Dbp , t , '0ie k.- jWy kr’TM^ t uojii«i'.» tnlok .tl# -04 t° Of ! ■'—■- :g rnir kuri,*.' i'll, ... “ffi tube f > A! omli: * sf'MSWlt" j * rt i; >lill| ‘I0DRT OF; ORUXNAItY;, Clarke .Cj J Georgia.—Mrs. A. B. Phimzy having r applicatidb signifying her elcoiidn to atfjuawAit 1* tooneTFkn neu' of her dowir m ■ ^Htate of b.: Pbinixy, d- ordered that al pe before me, at tl e Pgfpp of said Courb why her ele^P i Approved, in Urmiof the law ,]U I [b ) .*ii uJ S. M, ffKRRHIGTON, Ordm BloiMt ff-TtrW- ot Jijiiv ^rUKat*!*^ 'n THECELEBRATED COTTON i BLOOM Ha* Alf‘LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Including Bnlanre Wheel on Brush which in sures even speed. This feature le peculiar to Gil thte make of Qin and le used on no other. Are r«LLV OVAB1 ASTEEO and Are Drtlrcfed FBEE OF FBEIGIIT ot any K. K. Station or the landing. *or any 1 th^ South. Jfr We have no Agent near you. IIX at any w. B. BtaUon « Regular Steamboat Una I have no Agent near yo- nddreo* the Oenaral Southern Agent, H.W.HUBBARDVa^xae’tox* %^ n «pSCOOD *-3515 raoarrra itanoaro ES & ctiif -J *ul w i It yon are going tv have yonr Painting (tone. If Vonao i vrul SAVE YOU MONEY, for I have the ||*rg^st stock of PAINmOILS,VARNISHES 1 AND COLORS, ETC. tlial haVfc 1 ev?r liefeA kbjit by di ut 1 can c* mi pet fi hi fUuua S, for Yoursolf. ' lees, or send «¥ :>w F'-.etbdids Fffnufilc 7V? t ) r *<M l ff¥iW ikM-S j; *,;j m JOHN L. lABWOLD. i-J R April 4i . -*l*a|ov2 Mt.siLra uo a jiaoxifio «tt c4 Jaacaaoaf) ><pi 4* AN DERSON, .R.W.MA.3 ..-O'BAT ArifEjis, 6a. Call on me. I have always on ha&A farms I * odziof vrtvf ,nt:di x<> jrrji i h *-+44- i-ijtWIES A. GRANT, %.eise.ihsorascessem; QnsaraMdmtruhlo i-.onntgf: property. ICall on l 'UlNtl/l Hi . .Iiflrt io .mi -idj -,'d Mva Yaipitu XAH/Ti’r it «i*!0 11 s W. Avlftib H^N, Tl l-jJrutut bM**v* if MKit? l-iAUiH+a twlJf f ill - ul Miw-j.1 ,tlC .«*“*!■ •fM I k Jnijv*4w.!«|iiA *q JajrUikrt —: toi. W '.'li Grave Robbers In Bavaria. jwrtn.rt'wWowA oant »Wu Children OBf tot Wtcher’* Ca$p.LMt mu Will please convene at Mayor’s Hall, ffeidiW. July lib. tmpor- ttW^vIi! s V? , * s8 ~“^ ar K e request- .«. K. I.i’mpk in, Sec’yv ami llilluiA. mjniZ). executors o : Phinizy *ieeeased,7ln.viug implied for pare to of Harry •ijiatnO td hk*rPa Croup , etc., etc. It is p easant aud able t<> lhrte,-perfeci:V'SHfe,an(lcan be deiiended upon. Trial bullies- ! John Craw lords & Co., Drugstori' ■alu aud Retail. * jperly rfinithom, _ hirliliytiiihtitien; to 1 at th. regular Auyiist-tenn, leyo, of: , 1 of Oi-iliiiaiy 1 • sahl couuly.wliy leave t-htuid not lis gi auj* u, ■ & piayed for. ' ‘, .**.+• r-. *»J. M BhUKIbCnOK I July Mr Culinary FiJk’.S'ai.e.-j-T have for sa’e', at a bargain, a ‘‘ix-liorso. ong'ne, a Frkft gin, ;i ettou pitiss and nil ti e ne- e -. ry baiting. Mj.fl.Tu.a. J. Liarau. wfTxiSlH AV-tl.