Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, August 19, 1890, Image 3
1HE ATHENS BANNER TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, J89G. haw ,ur ■^.WOMAN'S COODNAME. name is as a snow-flake i)v aiuiuvd, l>ut when . , | ran never * ,K whitened. 11 ", r we cannot Ika loo careful | lien "" , filing tlio good name of a fo- I t in had enou^U lo whisper , U Hpicion into the oar of a t , fi, r like the seed of a thistle, ! j. n cant to the wind, a scandal is • , M attered broadcast over the I . |,,|t there is some hope of rc . n ,, « glnttderwi reputation bo , , lS jt is circulated in so narrow . h iiuiel, for no one car., to have the authority of the calumny fixed „j |( m himself. lint wlicn lliecoluuina of the press |(J 0 |n ned to spread a filthy acan- i l it Ini I hettor he proclaimed from kiiiiHctopu, fr»t the Blot)’ at once public property and is given circulation tlmt no othsr sonreo , iM r,,i(,|iiy. Not only is sucli a scan-* > | p.ih-d as a sweet morsel tinder • |, toagniH of profligate sligM-cor- r loafers, but is the properly of tVl n depraved and insolent negro, wl„) greedily hoI/.sb upon the same lo l„,|,| the name of a white woman up • ,,, lOiteinpl and ridicule. In our own Southland uapsGJall}’— »|i, re it requires every care and vly- i I a ,.«*■ l" keep tho good name of our „|iite ladies free froui the leprous cv,.* and sciindnldoving lips of no- „ r „i-p—we cutiuot bo looeatuful. Un- j,..H m woman is lost past, redemption, 1,-t «i threw a mantis of the cltari-' n ,,i' sileneo around her name. Give ,accused tint benefit of every ,| 1 „ii,i, and keep hid from the eyes of tin- w rid even vile story, that, if 11 - ft alone, will pcruli in Llm foul uni. ft mu which it springs. It should lie the aaered duty of a gentleman lo use every effort to shield flie good name ot tho females el Ins rare from the lips ofcalumnj. Show to the world that a Southern v.nil'll 1 , so long us she keeps within the hounds of propriety, has thrown •imund lo r an armor formed of tin lieaila of our t-ldvnliy. I*et the ton gue of slander wap, hut teach itanu tliors that they must not approach onr women. H e caii not. conceive a more degra- limp spectacle than a crowd of ne— pioes reading from some paper a dir ts apainst a Southern white hi ly. \V« ail know they feast and fallen on such a diet. It encourages in this race insolence and outrages ; it deprives our ladies of that vener ation and respect from their infe riors they merit and must have ; it aims ilia lustful lirute, and incites erimes too horrildo lo nientiou. If there is dirty linen to wash iu a Southern household, let it he done iu »c itc\ and in silence. There is iiuthing to he gained by the publicity "I scandal against our own women, unless it lie lo feed the depraved ap- I,elite ot a class that is uo credit l<> man well knows. A conspiracy h as been formed to once boycott and break down onr paper,, and drive ub out of Athens, for the only reason that we stood by our people, the fanners and the Sub. Treasury bill, and refused to support Mr. Olive on bis vascillatlng plats form. But The Banner and Its editor have bean vindicated and sustained by the Alliance of the 8th district. Mr. Olive will admit that all of Ida hopes and work arc centred on car rying Oconee county—and even if he auecceds„it will only give him ten votaa. Ho has no possible chance of receiving tho nomination for con gress, as the opposing delegate* were elected on tho issue of Olive and anti-Olive. If he carries both Han cock ami Morgan --and he is not known in those comities, so Alii- ant'Ctnen tell ns- ho would still lack votes enoagh to receive the nondr ■ ••ob. Wn have made our fight, and are estlsfiod with our victory. The se lection of a congressman witj red with tho convention. We will now turn our entiro time and attention to battling for tho rights of the Alli ance nnd tho up-huiiding and pros perity of Athena. It Is a waste of spaco lo longer oppose u candidate who has already defeat written upon hit brow. We have information Hint this cry of persecution 1ms been raised in Oconee county by a curiidu mer chant of Alliens,who I* a well-known enemy lo the Suh Tr, usury bill, ami in supporting Mr. Olivo becauseTiik Manner has been lit lo oppose him. The farmers of that county .can mm their judgment aa to who is the safest adviser—an Athena merchant or an editor who has stood by the Alliance and the iiub'Treasury bill through thick and thin. WATCHING DRUG STORES. BOTH SIDES INTERVIEWED THE BANNER. BY Chief Oliver Says He Will Make Con victions—The Druggists Say tho Spies are Ruining thetr Business— That Licensed Drug Stores are Not Blind Tigers. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Moroury. As mercury will surely destroy the acme of smell and completely derange the wlu-h: system when u, tering it through the mu- cous snifacuS. Such articles should tiev, r tic used except on presc, iptnuia from repu table physicians,its ihe damage they will tin ten fold to tile good you can possibly leiivc nun them. Hail’s Calairb Cure, manufactured by Cheney it Co., Toledo, ., contains no mercury, hi d is taken in itially, and acts din cuy upon the blood nd mucous surfaces ot the system. In dying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get iu genuine. It is taken internally, and made iu Toledo, Oliio, by F. J. Cbeuey it Co. (4f~Sold by Druggists,Price 75c. per bottie A llounx Moved.—Tito stately rosi- 'iiee of tlcn. /lowell Cobb lias been novel to tire opposite side of the lot, and will tie occupied as a home by mlgo Howell Cobb. This building as rolled from Its old site without any lijttry or even tearing down the chim neys. Tho work cost $500. any community. Besides, no fat her desires for such a paper to enter Iris home. It is not mi this class or literature that he would regale Iris sous or daughters. It is sometimes the unpleasant duty of a paper lo give news that it would lie best for public morality i( Irll uiipt inled , but do not let us rw- anti to vague ami uncertain report* to seek it out. Bather let its R#o our every endeavor to shield oijkd pre serve the name of a slandered wo man, until by her own public acts site throws herself buyout! the pale of social recognition. It will lie the mission ofTitR Ban nik to give its readers all the legiti mate news of thu day ; but wo will not, sloop to fill our columns with l'etiy local scandals. at Tho Louisiana State. Lottery Compa ny ia peculiarly an institution of Louisi ana. Its interest in ita charities, and the popular appreciation of the compa ny’* efforts to advance tlio interests of lie Stats,aro too well known to bo con troverted at this late day. Tho legisla ture of Louisiana before adjourning on the 10th of July of this year, ordered that an amendment to the constitution of the State la; submitted to the people an election in ISD2, carrying the barter of the company up to the year tilt). In the meanwhile the present barter does not expire till the llrst of lanuary, 181)5. There will not be the slightest change in the jiolioy or meth ods of tho company which, under the management of Generals Beauregard and Early, will bo characterized by the sains regard for equity and fair busi ness dealing, which have made the name of Tho lamisiana Slate Lottery onqiAny a synonym of honesty all the . .. _ I 1 M XT /V .. f tnl.kU llil 1 Cl V f 'ill* ' PERSONAL ABUSE OF MR. OLIVE. We learn that certain parties are endeavoring to make capital of the ®biry that Tiik Banner has waged a personal and abusive tight against Mr. Olive, in his race for congress. J Ids charge we deny in toto, and we Believe that even Mr. Olive himself vv ill hear us out in the statement that ri "t a line has ever entered our edi l " r >al columns hut was legitimate a, *d proper. One communication and 0:10 ‘sttrview -for which we are in no banner responsible—appeared ' mt a8 Mr. Olivo and his friends well know, we closed our columns against SU( 1* articles, and refused to publish ( "■uinuuications that might have in jared and mortified him. We even declined to publish an allidavit SWoru to by responsible men, tha H(, uld have explained the communi Nations alluded lo—as wo could uot f ’"'that it would have any direct he a test. 0 r, »g upon the congressional con this 11 the other hand, the editor ot pnper has been made the victim ,,r *he vilest abuse and threats from * , ' Wc nf Uio supporters and friends !' ‘^ r ' Olive, and this statement can substantiated. All the abuse and *rsonalities indulged io came from e livo side, and this the gentle* For a week past, Chief Oliver has sta tioned men in front of the doors of tire drug stores in Athens holdin&n.lice use from the city to sell liquor for medici nal purposes, and the name of every customer that enters the rear room is taken, and he will besummonod before the Mayor’s Court on Monday next as a vvltness. A large number of leading citizens are thus enrolled. Public ion differs as to whether a conviction can be made against these drugstores. While they are licensed by our council to sell spirits ‘‘for modiciual purposes,” it is asserted that tho burthen of proof will fall upon the city to show whether or not the parties wore actually In reed ol stimulants. There are regular phy sicians employed in these drug stores, and it is their business to prescribe. ’ Capt. Oliver was seen by a Bannbh reporter, ar.d this ollicer stated that he had positive evidence to mako a number of convictions; that men were readv to swear that they bought both liquor and beer without oven consultation with a doctor. Tho Chief was asked why ho did not raid the blind tigers as woll as the drug stores. He replied that ho would first see what could be done with the drug stores be fore tackling the smaller dealers. A gentleman who hat one of the liq uor licenses from the city says this sys tem of spies placed by the police at hi* door is seriously affecting his business, as parties will not even enter to buy drugs or other articles not spirits, when they sac liable to be summoned before a court sis witnesses. So soon as the eases are tried, he will bring a suit against the city for damages done hi-- business by it's officers. Drug stores cannot be termed “blind tigers,” n» they hold a license from tho city to tell and it is a recognized fact that they have liquor and beer on salo. This druggist, says if the city desires to know whether or nut ho is complying with the law, let a detective bo employed to watch him, and not break down his business by driving customers from his store with a spy stationed in front to takedown every than that enters. Sev eral parties, ho says, who wanted medi cine, went elsew here, lt*L they he sum moned as witnesses. Clarke county has declared iu favor of prohibition, and at tho last election the people again sustained it. Wo be lieve that this system of licensing drug stores to sell liquor is doing a great deal to break down the enforuerneiT. of the law. it legalizes the traflie, and we doubt if a conviction can be made, \\ here a license is thus granted. Let us have our local hill amended so as to establish a dispensatory in Athens, patterned after the otto in Oglethorpe county. Then let the city refuse to grant licenses, and break up the blind tigers at any cost. So long as a d; ug store holds a license from the city, they can sell, and we believe the courts will sustain them. There is no doubt about the people of Clarke favoring prohibition by a de cided majority, as evidenced by the re sult of the last election. Their v ill should be law, and no stumbling-block should be placed in their way. When these drug store licenses were issued it was understood that the money was taken in exchange for the privilege of selling liquor; and any reasoning man well knows that it would be a losing business for a doctor to pay ids govern ment, state, county and city licenses just for the privilege of selling liquor in Athens for medicinal purposes. CULMINATED IN A MURDER. FOUR WOMEN OF A FAMILY ELOPE WITH FOUR ITALIAN LABORERS. The Husband of one of Them Pursues the Elopers and Is Fatally Shot. Hpecial Telegram to Tits IUnnkb. Wilkesuarkb, August IS. A sensational elopement took place at Ilaneock, N. Y. late Friday night. The affair culminated in a murder twelve hours latci. Mrs. Benjamin Hallstcad, and her sister, Mrs. Peter Lavan, with another member of the farnilv were, un til Friday evening, respected residents of the town of Ilancook. Mrs. Benjamin HalDtcad kept a small store and had for her customers many of the Italian laborers who are employed in the construction of a now railroad. An Italian named Joseph Murray transactor! considerable busi ness with Mrs. Ilallstead. Ife was a kind of a leader for his countrymen and transacted nearly all their business. Friday was pay day on the rnilroad and Murray received over $500 in cash. Hi.oran wrrn tiik itai.ian. lie suggested to Mrs. Ilallstead that she elope with him, but the woman would not hear of it. Ho made tho same proposition to Mrs. I<ovan, who expressed her willingness to accompany tho Italian to Buffalo. Mrs. Jxjvan thought it would be a great idoa if tho other members of her faintly could go on a jannt. Murray said ho could got all the mon wanted if they would con sent to go. A hasty conference was thou held, and all the Hnllsteads agreed to eloim. Murray went out to tno works and brought hack with him three country men. Tho party packed some baggage hurriedly and took the first train out of tho placo. Murray and Mrs. Lovnn stopped off at Sterling, where they put up at the house of a friond for the night. TUACKBD BY Tint nUSBAND. Mrs. Lovnn’s husband returned home from work early yesterday morning, and when bo heard of his wife’s doing’s ho purchased a revolver and startod in pursuit of tho runaway couple. lie got track of them at Sterling, nnd going to tho house whore tlroj were stopping, demanded admission, but was refused. IIo then broko in tho door nnd started to go through the house to look for liis wife. Murray entno on behind him. and without any warning shot him hree times. Tho unfortunate man died an hour afterwards. Tho murderer was arrested and is now in tho Hones- dale jail. Mrs. Lovcn has live children. \V hen she eloped she took liur youngest child with her. Thoro is great excite ment over the allair, and Murray is threatened with lynch law. The where abouts of tho other elopers is unknown. Pimples, boilsui,il other humors, are liabl ■ to appear when the blood gets heated The bjst remedy is Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. SCARCITY OF MECHANICS. world over.—New Orleans (La.) City ltwin, AugVst i. * A Wmll-Mbbitkd Kbbt.—Matt Mc Queen, ool.. has been in the employ of of the Southern Exproes Company at at Athens for about 510 years, and has nevor lost a day from business. In recognition of his faithful sorvicee, the company yesterday gave him a month’s rest, on full pay, as also a free excur sion, w ilk all his expenses paid, to Sa vannah, Charleston, and Columbia. Ww wish Matt a safe and pleasant trip. l!o has won tho respect and good will of all tho white citizens of Athens. Every tissue of the body, every norve, bone and muscle is made stronger and more healthy by.taking Ilood's Sarsap arilla. CoLl.KY in Oconkk.—A gentleman in tha city from Oconee cot.oty tells us that Mr. Colley is gaining ground very fast, and tho victory is now conceded to hirn. The abuse and slanders which Mr. Colley has hoeis^ubjoct and the gentlemanly manner in ho has met them, has madc|him Jjiany warm friends and supporters. At rank Colloy is a man who improves Altlt ac quaintance. If the election J county was held over toda defeat Mr. Olive two to ono. A Croat Demand for Carpenters rnd Brlckmasons In Athens. One of our largest contractors was seen by a Ban'nkr representative, nd asked about the building outlook for our city, lie replied: “There is a great deal of work nov to do iu Athens—more than I ever knew before—but we are. all behind, owing to a scarcity of mechanics. There seems to 1h) a building boom all over tho South, and more work to do, than ? iun to do it. I urn offering $3.20 a day to bricklayers, and can’t liiro them at even that price. Common plasters, that were a short time since paid $1.60, aro now getting $2.50. The wages of car penters have gone up in proportion. If there is an Idle mechanic in Athens it ia his own fault. Within the next twelve months, when the building boom st.-kes Athens in earnest, wo will have to *end North for skilled workmen, as tho nip ply in tho Soutli is exhausted. Our prices are too Itw in Athens for tho prices we pay for work, as there i- no city in the State where houses are erected so cheap. We need nioro h> uses for new citizens, but it seems impossi ble to get them limit.” Every manufactory in Athens is now run at its utmost capacity, and there was never such a dawn of prosperity upon our people. Clarke ho would Naw CrriZKNS.—Mr. S. II. Stokely, of Crawford, has recently bought a beautiful home in our uitv. and will move hero next winter. Mrs. L. M. Johnson and J. L. Jarrell will also probably become citizens of Athens. Mr. John W. McCalls, a wealthy plan ter of Elbert, also contemplates invest ing in our city, If he does not mako it his home. Card From Mr. Henry B. Lyle. Mk. Bditob:—I notice a little squib in a little paper of your city—hoping the next Commissioner of Agriculture will not import an oil ,n W; ct %, Athens to settle a political debt rhert aro nine counties in this oil |distnct, Oconee iaono of them. Athens has had the inspector for eight since tho office was created. I live in Or»noe county, therefore inThis‘©il dis trict, and not Imported. That Com missioner Henderson appointed roe to pay apolitical debt I say ia au unmiu- gated lie. I live in Watkinsvihe, Oco- .. county, Ga., and am °Bj; n i 'i Ali ens. HknuyB.Lylk. IcELRE S WINE OF CAKOUl for Weak Nerves IHstrsss after eating, Learltmrn, sick tiea<t- nohe.ami indignation ar« cured by «)r. J.II. McLcau’s Liver aud Killuey fillets tittle pills. JUST FOR FUN. A Girl Throws Arsenic In the Coffee Pot. Special by Now* Telegram Association. Bai-timokk, August TJ.—Mary Metz- dorf confessed this morning to having poisoned Miss Louise Broadwatera, her liule brother James ami her mother, Catherine. She said she put arsenic in tho coffee pot with that intention, but did it “just for fun.” Though not quite seventeen years old, she bears herself like a hardened criminal. Miss Broad- waters died almost immediately after drinking of the coffee, and James, her six-year-old brother, expired last night. Mrs. Metzdorf, tho third victim, is still in a critical condition. She was slightly improved yesterday, but the death of the boy caused a relapse. It is now prob able that she will also die. Tho coro ner’s jury this morning came to the conclusion that the girl was guilty, though, according to Maryland law, her confession eannot ho accepted as evidence, the court of appeals having recently decided that a confession to a police officer by a prisoner while con- lined is presumably obtained by other than fair means, nnd is therefore not valid. Aside front this, howovor, the evidence against her is conclusive, and conviction almost certain. An Awful Sore Limb. Flesh a Mass of Disease. Condition Hopeless. Cured by the Cuticurn Remedies. For throe years I was almost crippled with nn awful s-ote leg fro e my knee down to mv ankle: the -kin was entirely gone, and the flesh’was one nia-s <>f disease. Some physicians pronounced It incurable. It had diminished alauit one third the size the other, and T. was in a hopeless con dition. After trying hit kinds of remedies and • pending hundreds of dollars, from which I got uo relief whatever, I was persuaded to try votir Cuticura Remedies, and the result was as'fol lows : After three days I noticed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two mouths I was completely cured. My ite*h was purified, and the bone (which had been exposed for over a.vear) got sound. The flesli began o JO. 0. BERNARD. J. P. WILSON, Agent. JO. C BERN ARD & CO Grocers and. Commission Merchants, grow, and to-day. and for nearly two rears, my leg ts a* well as ever it wns, sound tn'every re speet, and not a sign of disease to be seen.' Rev. 8. G, AHE^LRX, Dubois, Dodge Co., Ga. Bad Eczema Cured. The Cutlenra Remedies wrought a wonderful cure on me. I \va. troubled greatly with a.e- vere ease of eczema, and after receiving little or no benefit from the treatment of some of the leading specialists here, I procured a set of them and before they were aft used the disease had toft me. I recomme-d the Cmicura Reme- dlw as the best and surest cure for all diseases o. tho skin. W. NELSON CHAMBERLAYNK, Concord, Va. CuGcura Resolvent. The new Blood and akin l'arlfler.snd purest and liest of Humor Remedies, cleanses the blood of nlllinpnrlttea amt poisonous elements, and thus removes the cause, while Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Purifier and Bcautilier, clear the skin of every trace of disease. Ilenco '.he Cuticura Remedies cure every disease amt humor of the •ktn, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c; 8 ap, 25c.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. Son.l for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,” G4 pages, 50 Illustrations, amt too testimonials. ^>IJ^JPLEs, black-heads, red, rough, chapped ■ and oily skin cured by Cuticura Soap. HOW MY BACK ACHES. Back Ache, Kidney Pains, and Weak ness, Soreness, Lameness, Strains, and and Pain relieved in onemt.nte by the Cuticura Anti-Pstn Plaster. Tho (frat and oulv Instantaneous patu-Uttlcr. //NPRECEDEHTED ATTRACTION! (/OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y Incorporated by the Legislature, for Educa tional and Charitable purposes, its franchise made a part of the present State Constitution, in Is.'.', ov an overwetuilng popular vote, nnd To continue until January 1st, 1895. Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take place .Somt-Annualtv, JunenmfDoccmber. amt its GRAND SINGLE N'L'MBElt DRAW INGS take place In each of the other ten months of tho year, and are all drawn In public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. T , FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For Integrity of its Drawings and prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested as Follows: “Wo do hereby certify that we supervise the o Monthly and Soml-An- arrangonients for all the _ .... . ual Drawings of the LoutiJaim State Letter* Company, nnd In person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness and In good faith toward all parties, ami we authorize the Company to use tills certificate, with lac-ismilcs of our signatures attached !u its advertise meats.” Will guarantee highest prices for Chickens, EggR, Ac., nr will sell for you on commission, JO. C. HEttlSrJLllD & CO., may20-Gm Athens, Ga. W. MeKINNON, Blacksmithing and Repairing of all kinds. Guns and Pistols Re paired. Cor. Washington & Jackson Sts., maytily Athens, Ga. GEORGIA SEED CO., (SUCCESSORS TO SOU I HERN SEED COMPANY.) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Farm and GardeF. Seed. Wo are strictly In the seed huilnesa and nothing else. VVti handle only the heal. Can furnish any quantity South Georgia Ryo, Barley, Stvd Wlmt, Red Bust-proof Seed Oals, California Burr Clover, New Crop Turnip Seed, Cabbage, Spin sell, and all varie ties Clover and Grosses, Onion Sots, stc. Ws pav strict attentiou to freight, rates Wo Advertise no goods which we do sot keep in stoos. COTTON GINS, ENaiNSS AND REPAIRS, -AT- Bottom Prices, WR1TR TO Goo. R. Lombard & l'o. Wo r* Ga Foundry, Maahine. Hoiljr and (Jin and Supply House, Augusta, Uch7 d* NO MORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELL’S Eye-Salve A Certain, Safe, and RfifeeMve Remedy for SORE* WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightedness, & Restop- • ing the Sight of the Old. , t Cures Tear Drops, Granulations, Styo - Tumors, Red Eyes, Mailed Eye Lashts, ASD FRODimG QUICK RELIEF AID FTTJUIKST CURE. on* when u»ed in other Also, equally efllcacto maladies, such m t! Tamara, Knit Rt whereverlnflammatt Salt. VS may b. u»ea to advantage. Sold br alt Drutbu at 'Mi Cents. 7 efllcactons wfienuoed In ether Mji V.l'lcera Fever. Serea. lalt Rbcnm, Burn*. Files, or HammatToo exUta, dktTCaBLUQ Commissioners. Wo the undersigned banks and bankers wll pay all FrlzcsOrawn In the Louisiana state Lot teries which may be prcecnted lit our counters R. M. WALMSLtY. Pres. Louisiana Rat. Bank. PIERRE LANAUX. Pres. State National Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans National Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. BLOOM GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING. At the Acmiamv of Music, New Orleans, Tues day, September y, 1MX). Capital Prize $,300,000. 100,000 Jlcets at ^$20 Each; Ijajies $10 Quarters $5; Tenths $2* Twentieths 1.1.Vi’s OF PKIZKS. 51. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve la tbs world for cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Balt Rhenni, Fever Bores, T.tter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Coras, and all Skin Eruptions, »nil poa- tivoly curt* Piles, or no pay required, is is guaranteed So giv* perfect satisfaction,or monuy isfundsd. Pries 28 cunts per box. For sals by Johi Crawford & Oa,Whole sale and Retail Druggists. AN AERONAUT KILLED. He Loses His Hold of His Parachute. and Falls 200 Foot. Speoial by News Telegram Association. Portland, Ore., August 12.—Charles Cosgrove, an mronaut, was instantly killed wliilo making a parachute de scent. Cosgrove made a successful as cension in a balloon to the height of about 1,000 feet, at which distance the parachuto was loosened. When about 200 feet from the ground lie lost his hold and foil, landing on a paved street, is mangled almost beyond reeog- THE BANNER ABROAD. tow Our Subscription List Gr South Carolina Appreciation. 4 /lo wat /iiition. Tub Banner ia making a great name and adds to its subscription list d;.ily. This is not only true of this immedi ate vicinity, but also of counties in the State at quite a distance from us and in other states. Rev. T. A. Harris ia now traveling in South Carolina on tho lino of tho G., C. & N. In the interest of the Bannk*, and sends us in a batch of subscribers nearly every day. He reports the most gratifying success, and says our paper is very popular among the South Caro linians. lie was iu Lowndesville, birth-place of the Bannkk editor, the other day, and here the paper is read with espe cial interest. We have a good number of subscribers already in the Palmetto State, ex pcct to add many more. A Prohibition Lbaoite.—A strong prohibition league, of responsible members, will be organized in Athens. Tho business of this body will be to see that prohibition is enforced, and no bill passed by the legislature looking to a change in our present laws. ggr* WINE OF OAR DDL * Tonic for Women. It yon feel unable to do your work, and h*Te that tired fee ing’ take Ur. J. il. McLean’s Sar saparilla; it wiirmake you bright, acuve aud vigorous. To Norrnna Debilitated !Tlea, If you will send ua vour address, we v 11 Bend voa Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaio Belt .and Appliances on a trial. They will quickly restore you to vigor, manhood and health. Pam phlet tree. Voltaic Hkl Co., MaiohuU, Mich. leldGdAwly MONEY TO LOAN. 1 1’ltIZK OF *800,000 u *300,010 1 PRIZE OF 1TO.OOO is 100,000 1 PRIZE OF 50,0001£ 50,000 1 PRIZE OF 25.000Is 25,000 2 FRIZES OF )0,000 are 20,000 5 FRIZES OF 5,000 are 25,000 25 FRIZES OF 1,000 are 25,000 100 FRIZES OF 500are 60,oO*> 500 FRIZES OF 300 are SO.OOn 500 PHIZES OF 200 a re 100,010 AFROXiMATlON FRIZES. 100 Prizes of *500 are 50.080 100 Frizes of *300 aro 30,000 100 Prizes of *200 arc 20,000 NUMBER TERMINALS 1’RtZES. 099 Frizes of *100 are 9S.900 999 Prize* of *100 are 99(900 3,134 Prizes Amounting to *1,054,000 Noth.— Ticket* drawing Capital Prizes are not entitled to terminal Prizes. AGENTS WANTED. CP"F°r Club Rates or any further Informa tion desired, WTite legibly to the undersigned, clearly stating your- residence, wltl. state, coun ty, street and number. More rapid return mal delivery will be assured by vour enclosing u*> Envelope bearing vour fulf address. IMPORTANT- Address M. A. DAUF1IIX, New Orleans, he. or M. A. UAurm*. VYaAQinRion, u. c.. By ordinary letter, containing Money Orilei* issued by all fi.xp.-esa Companies, New York Exchange Draft or Postal Notes. Address Registered Letters Containing Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New oki.kans. La. At cheapest rate* ami in amounts of any size upon improved farms ami city property. All conditions as to time, rate of interest, etc., oasy. l’ar ties wanting money will find It groatly to their interest before making arrange ments elsewhere to a call on or address mo at my office, No. 17, Clayton street, Athens, Ga. B. II. Noble, daw—3 mos. Attorney at Law. Remember that the payment ot Prizes !* GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, ami the tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, bcwuTe of any imitations oi anonyinousse hemes. RKW EMBER that tin* present charter of The Louisiana .-tate Loitery Company, which the SUPREME COURT OF THE L. 8. lias decided to bo a CONTRACT with the state of Louisiana and part of the Constitution of the State, DOES NOT expire UNTIL THE FIRST Ot JANU ARY, 1095. The Legislature of Louisiana which adjourned on the 10th of July of this year, has ordered an AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the State to lie submitted to the People at an election In 1892, which will carry the charter of THE LoU JSIaNa state LOTTERY COMPANY up P tho year NINETEEN HUNDRED AND MINE TBfiN. “ Favorite Anodyne,” a home product, is unsurpassed for internal and external pains. Controls all bowel troubles, and is unequalled ns a liniment. L. D. Sledge & Co., Proprietors. b feblCd&wly University of Georgia. REV. W. E. BOGGS, D. D., L L. D CHANCELLOR. Academic Department opens on Wednesday. ITth September, lt90. Examinations for tli RUNS EASY. GINS FAST. Cleans SEED PERFECTLY. NEVER CHOKES or BREAK8 THE ROLL. celebrated iiffiCIN Now is the Time TO BUY YOUR PAINTS If yon nro going to have your Fainting done. If yon do I Will HAVE YOU .MONEY, lor 1 havo thu largest stock of PAINTS,OILS,VARNISHES AND COLORS, ETC. thnt havo ever !>cen kept by Any one in Athens, and can compete with any market. Uome and see for Yourself. for prices, or sem Goods yon r yo«r orders for goods, lor I SHIP all ova r the country. Olvo mo a trial. Yours, truly, JOHN L. ARNOLD, JR 805 Broad street, Athene, Ga. April 22 FOR MEN ONLY! A PnCITIVF Tor LOST < r FAILING MANROOD; HTU0i lilt Oor.eral ar d NKAV0US DEBILITY; B 4 k | m» Li Weakness af Body and Mind. Effects —J - *A) of Emirs nr Exocursin 01(1 or Ynnne. of Errors or Exmssss in Old or Young, Itnlm.l, lokU SiklKHMl full, K'.-ton-d. Ilow )n rnlam .nil Sfraojtifcm nil,tunsviciaikKn oieoanh ft rtnra ..fnon*._ IhKiiutel. IIOJIK TllKtTBKXT-llr.. lit. In » .far. ■mi IssUf/ frwa 47 TvrrlUp-lM, ntitl K«»rclgn (V.Ufilrloaa Tuu (S&Q write them. KooL, full rt |iUn»t ii*n, and t.rooN m«lla4 frtr. itoL, rullotiiiaiiat.iiin, and icall Ml* MEP1CAI CGa.eurrAiO.I ROOFING GUH-KLASTK? UOOPIYG FELT costa only $2.(4i per loo square feet. Makes a good roof for years, umt any one can put it on. Send stamp for sample unit full particulars. ties Elastic Roonxo Co, 89 & dl Wkst Broadway, New Yohk. Local Agents \A anted. Ang 5—w4t Has All LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Including Ratmirs Wheel on Brush which in sures even spood. This feature la peculiar to this make of Oln and Is used on no other. Are rULX.Tr (ifilUXTEEO and Are Rcllvcared FREE OF FREIGHT at any ft. a. Station or the landing of any Regular Steamboat Uo. in tho South. If we have no Agent near yon, i Al address the General Southern Agent, H.W.HUBBARbU UP. SfSSPi? SCALES 'r«lckt paid, fWU/ S OUtiMh^vamuted. Othar liiM m, BAllan iw7 lud <4Mad In* Bilk. - Dallas,Tax* Geol.South'u Ajcni,AUaata,(iff^i £ TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamer*. Low Rates. Tour Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petookc^. Tho^oo. Slarquetto,end ise Huron Purta. Svory Pvs!i)iaB Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Scadity Tri^t d'trin.* Uir.r. Jclr, At^uxl ao4 bc|.t. )UR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, lO ie and nn TlnVidavrUl l*p fwratahad by your TiOitct. A££nt, ofa*ldrci59 E. S. V/HiTCOWB, G P. A., 04tro;t, Mich., r -e nr-f• VT ? t% v«v. Cf J.T. ANDERSON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, No. Ill Broad St., ATnsas, Ga. sale and to rent, aud to rout, vuys i Also city property for ants J»n. T—tf. SKTN-CURA OK CRAWFORD’S ECZE31A WASH. A Specific for Heat department begin on Monday, 15th Svpteinlx r. FRAYEB8 i eld every mot ning and services by the CiiAXCEi.Loit evtry.Sunday afternoon. TUITION FREE. LAW DEPARTMENT opens on same day. Tuition in this department $75.00. For catalogues, apply to the chancellor. LAMAR COBB. Ser’y Board of Trustees. Aug. 13—cls&w&wim. QEOKGIA. ( LARKE COUNTY.—Ordinarj Inai y s ,T office, July 2>th, JS90 —Katharine De W'tt Ransom, executrixo Frank Lutnpkln,deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said de ceased. This Is therefore to notify all concerned tc file theirobjeetious. if any they have, on or before the flivt Monday in September npxt, rise cave will then be granted to said applicant as applied for. S. M. HERRINGTON, Ordinary. July 39. 5-L Perhaps there ia no one thing that Annoys and Tortures Infants and small children daring the summer month* so much as HEAT. You may bathe and pow der them, still the heat ana inflammation re mains, and they still fret and cry. Howevei relief be* at last been found. HKIN-QURA oi CRAWFORD’S EGZEMA WASH IS A SPE CIF1C FOR HEAT, and all Skin affection* caused by Heat. Sponge the affected part* with the Wash, and the Tittle fellow is asletq : n five minutes. No mother should be with on tit. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JAMES A. GRANT, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. I vurea desirablo country property. Call «u i . or write him. 213 E. CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS, GEO. Jan. 21—tf. iorses and Mules. I have on hand and will keep constantlydu- ring the season, a large stock of HORSES and RULES of all kinds and to suit all classes of customers. W. S. Holman. CIHRAHCE SALE onn OUU and Church /Ay -* ABOUT PIANOS. Or gnu* from . Gt&Ewdard mar* X kos, at SPOT CASH FUICKs/AV'y wttbyftOTlopnyin. New plan / WORD of sale-rented until paid /» far. rwOuIr 82 to 83 monthly. Beet Bar- /Av/ gaintnoTcc20 veurn/^. y / 860 SAVED trade. Send quick / 'jr/mfry pnrehnoer. far BARGAIN /*C*V /Wo havo inside track Mbeet. Sale on Pianos. Our 8226 limited to /VkyPUNO ie Hold by the OO Days. /largest dealots at 8276. — and is worth it. too.— No Cheap *ap 'Pianos sola. Onr cheapest uo Perfect A dnrnhla ® R acknowledged the leading remedy for ftenorrhwa A Gleet. Trie only sure remedy for bcurorrhn'r orWhites. I prescrilve it and feel sale in re<‘fimmoiHliuK il ICAtflo. to all stitrerers. 1 A. J. 8T0NEK. M. Dv, Drcatur. I tig Hold by Ilru-giitfc i ICE 81.00. U 1 S*BI SORRELS & SMITH G EORGIA CLARKE COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Office July 28, 1800.—H.J. Adam* Execu tor on the estate of F. V. Adams, represents that he bae fully discharged all the dntios of his said trust, and pravs for letters of dis mission. Tins is therefore to notify all per sons concerned, to show cause, if any thoy can, on or before the first Monday in November next, why said executor should not be dis charged from said trust. 8. M. HERRINGTON,Ordinary. July 29.—018m. pEORGIA, CbABKK Couxty—Ordinary's \J office, July29th 1890.—W. t;. Rosette admin istrator of Harriet Jackson, h:m applied fer ;eaveto sell the land of said deceased. This U therefore to no.ify all concerned to file their objections if any they have, on or before tha .lrst Monday In September next, else leavo will be granted to said applicant ns applied for. 8. if. Hkkhtngtox, Ordinary. G EURGIA. CLARKE COUNTY.-Ordinary’s offlom July 2SOi, lSaO. —C. B. t handler, cx- •Miutor of C. M. Chandler, deceased, lias upplied •or leave to sell the lands of >uid deceased. Thla * therefore to notify all concerned to ftlu their ■bjections, if any tin y have, on or before tha iret Monday in September next, else leave wUt I J»en l>e granted said ajpullcaut .s a- plied for. N M. IU.i.l.ING Tun, ordinary, July 29.6-t. , ^ ^^^hjJdrenCryf6rPltcher|flCastofla^