Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, March 10, 1891, Image 1

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THE ATHENS BANNER. _ .... i*.t4 555S%k«"* I (lABioIidiitcd with the } Athena Banner, Bat. 1832. ATHENS, GA. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1891.-8 PAGES. VOL. 59-NO. 86 Y*sTt« .pay was TllK Democrats now na the worst day of all. have a smooth . lhe schools of Athens are pros- At'- oM r.:. never prospered before. ^ast^everp arc men and men, but never man with audacity like There i ^(THOMAS B. RKEP. wn ^ ABD want8to .“xhersex. This is wrong, dear ri .vwTsnsod free coinage seem to "been forgotten in the excitement lTer the last daysjrf congress. T HE rain yesterday was such as ^arly washed away the mud from Ato ms’ streets. T ai weather maps from the war de triment ihdicate no change in the eeatber for the near future. It has been left for an Alliance legis lature to endow the State University. Vow, wait and see. * Ton Reed will he put on the com mittee on ventilation in the democratic congress. St cii weather as this is seriously in terfering with the farmers iu the prep aration of their lands for planting corn. Thk census was a fraud and every thing else that came under the guidance of the republican emigres aDd a repub lican president. ^ ■ — Thk Geological board and the Geo logical bureau so to speak have made peace between themselves and things art very quiet both in the board and bureau. \ cry quiet. Hon. Andrew J. Conn will do the state a great juslice if he does succeed in securing a means of sending a great exhibit to the world's fair. That was nothing but speaking out In meeting when the Democrats voted against the resolution of thanks to Czar Rent). It was fair if it w as not Cits loin ary. According to the law enacted by the city council, if a dog tears away his muzzle for a minute only, and comes Id the range of a policeman’s pistol he shall be shot in cold blood. If this prove true, the cold weather of the Industrial Home, and it ought has beeo a Godsend to the Southern I to receive the hearty support and as States, coming especially when it I sistance of every business man in the did come. city. Further than this, the cold has I The indomitable energy of the wo* killed the germs of disease that have men who have under their guidance been lurking around over the lower the affairs of the Industrial Home country safe in the warmth of the has been proved to the people of mild winter. The good done in this Athens more than once before,and the way is incalculable. truly wonderful successes that they Perhaps the only disadvantage the have achieved are a sufficient evi- weather has brought is that befog I dence that the coming entertainment for the most part rainy and wet, the will be all that it coold be. farmers have not been allowed to ac- I These women are prompted in their complish much towards preparing untiring labor for the poor of Ath<* their lands for spring planting. It cos by the noblest of impulses and IS HE THE MAN? V. T. REEVES ARRESTED FOR SHOOTING DICK SAULTER AND. WIFE. going to knock me on the head. They ] I tried to get me to go to Cobbham hut II refused as soon as a friend told me [ what they had said. “Finally I decided to slip' away from I | them and did so, with a negro named UNCLE REMUS TALKS. | ALL1ANCEMAN GORDON- WILLIAM HENRY. HIS GRANDSON. THE FAMOUS SENATOR A MEM GETS INTO TROUBLE. | BER OFTHAT FAMOUS l£>Dv! The Evidence Against Him Is Pretty Reid * Both of us % went to Caroline I Plantation Talk as It ib Talked oh The Initiation Was Secret-Cordon is Strong But he Tells What Seems Straight Tale—What he. Says. will soot be the season for the plant- sorely theirs is a task that deserves JgSjjJJ* “ d h ® “ D ° W *“ ing of corn and the lands should have more friendly recognition from the already been pat in good condition merchants than it has received hith The work has been orto. It i. the aim of tlm women J V. T. Reeves ia a young mao, ap,». for the sowing, ionsly retarded. has brought much to be thankful for, I °°w used by the Home. Until this I anil curly aud his moustache light, he and little, very little to regret. Let can be done they desire to fit up their has light blue eyes that look at you us be contented. | building more creditably. To do I ^uarely when he talks. this they piopose to have an enter tainment in the near future that will be a source of revenue for the Indus- CLEVELAND AND FREE COINAGE. It is true that Mr. Cleveland has brought criticism upon himself for I jj ome UU anliQiree co i“*8 e viewe ; il » That entertainment will be such tiuethat free coinage of silver is going to be urged as a plank in the platform of the next democratic plat form in ’92 ; and it may be true that such a plank will be nailed firmly into that platform ; but it does not necessarily follow that Mr. Cleveland I capitalist alike, will not be the man to stand upon it after all. | GEORGIA PEOPLE. Now. The Banner has always been an advocate of the free coinage of | s“ m'ltaJdS Maj. J. B. Gumming, of Augusta. He was in the city attening court this week.—Madisonian. A/'ikns can easily find capitalists to buy up her bonds if she decides to float them. The Classic City has always paid its debts promptly and the capital ills have their eyes on her already. Thomas’ and spent the night there. “I paid the bill for both of us. “That is a plaim and truthful state ment of where I was Monday night and a brutal | how anybody can say I was anywhere else I don’t see.” HOW THE CASE STANDS. A Bankbb representative late in the night called upon every person Beeves had mentiond and found that his tale the Southern Farms—A Good Btort | of the Old Man. Now an Alllanceman In Name as Well as Principle. Arrested and jailed. Charged with attempting marder. Charged with shooting B. R. Saulter, an old man and his aged wife. Charged with robbing a store-keeper of$280. } All these charges have been brought I had been fairly straight. Advanced Proof from Constitution. “Mias Sally,” said Uncle Remus, as he came around the corner of the bouse, lead ing William Henry, his grand-son, by the coat collar, “is Mane John gone down town >i;f” “Long ago,” arid the lady. “Why, its after eizht o'clock.” “Now, ain’t dat too bad!" exclaimed Un cle Remus. “I bleeze ter see Mane John, build a more spacious and a,more rently about twenty-five or thirty years old, rather a fair looking man. His | There are about two hours though I but ef 1 starts down town wid dish yer unaccounted for. The life of the pris-1 y« u “B Yilyun, dey’ll take »im away fum oner may hang on the way he disposes 3?~t'Sri«5i?de of that time. | »j m D0W —£ de8 knows dey is. Dey er He was at Heard’s about 10 o’clock p. I bleeze ter be atter ’im." m., and came to Caroline Thomas’ after I William Henry was the picture of des- j i - r — | old, ratner a lair loosing man. xiis i —» . All he could do was to wliimner All in all, however, the weather comfortable building than the one face is round and ruddy, his hair black 12 m., presumably about 1 o’clock a. m. K nd cry, “Don’t let ’em git me, daddy- silver, and when the democratic con vention of ’92 meets it will be found that we will still be urging Ibis I principle as a part of the party’s platform. We shall strive to see it | adopted by the convention. He runs a blind tiger on the Elberton road a few yards outside of the city limits. He is not married. THE CHASOE AGAINST HIM. Last Monday night B. B. Saulter, an as will furnish enjoyment for every I old man, was shot down in bis store, his body who attends. It |certainly wife was shot too. He was robbed of $280 as well. His assailants were two men, negroes, or white men well blacked. They were not adepts at their work but did it well and disappeared after | the crime was committed as completely though the earth had swallowed them up. There seemed to be no evidence against any one who was known and it looked as though the authors of the crime would remain unknown for I ever. THE DETECTIVE STEPS IN. A detective was on the track though. Between these hours he could have I gone to Saulter’s, committed the crime | and come back. Where was he? Upon the answer to that question great deal depends. His alibi is almost perfect if he can | fill in what promises to be a fatal gap, he will be safe. If he cannot 1 don’t let ’em git me. “What is the matter with the ohild?” asked the lady. ‘You call ’im chile, Mias Sally?” ex claimed Unde Remus. “He older in sin dan ole man Methnselmn. Miss Sally, yon don’t know nothin’ ’tall ’bout dat nig ger. He’s rank pizen. He des got enough er de new issue nigger In ’im fer ter sen’ im’ fum de callaboose ter de chain- ;, en fum de chain-gang ter de gallus.” Atlanta, Ga., March 7.—Senator John B. Cordon ie now a ffnil-fiotignrl Ailing He was initiated into thr myeter- k* M the order last Friday night. The i took place at the Alliance hal, at Mayeen’e crossing in DcKalb oeuntp. The hail vras crowded with members <tf thn Alliance and a few prominent vfetit- «*• Governor Northen was to bane bean present, bat he was anavoidatfiy I by an engagement made anew ttoae ago that cnM not be broken. OeL J. O. Waddell, president agriMdUnal society, and Col. S. Brad well, stale school oocnra iseiet were among the prominent man pucceaL Alter the initiation. which was eC oenree secret, Gen. Gordon made one «f his ectempocaneeus speeches, which was 1 to the echo. It was a eon- sweat ito speech, and came direct ban the heart of this great man who is so weil laved by Georgiaua. *<-L he*. He declared that the objects and A FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. ought for this reason and for the worthy cause which it is intended receive a liberal patronage from mer chant, business man, laborer, and Mr.. Tom Tuttom, of Wlntervllle, Shoots Himself With a Pistol. News of a very frightful accident down at Winterville reached Athens yesterday. It seems that while Mr. Tom Tuttom was oiling a double acting revolver to put it away in its case the pistol acci dentally went off, the ball passing Tbto Wik&Ztf to “But what has he been doing?” the lady I , . , ii.quired, with some interest She hadn't l.B* felt peefectly at home among seen Uncle Remus so tborodghly wrought I . »®d pledged himself to op io many a long day. “I declar* ter gracious, Miss 8ally,” said the old man with emphasis, “ 'twixt what l koowa, en dat wbat I 'spicious, I could set right flat on de groun' here an' take up yo time fer mighty nigh a whole week tellin’ you 'dont de doin’s er dish yer nig ger. I done teed all kinder niggers eu durin’ er my day en lime, but dis is d, moe’ outdoinest, owdacions nigger wbat 1 aver is come 'croes. Slraignten up here you wall-eyed Afflkint fo’ I jump on you Nunnally.—A writer in the Chris tian Index regrets to say that Dr. Nun nally has not had the co-operation from the Mercer college faculty he should have had. They, instead of aiding him, through Mr. Tuttom’s leg below the knee inflicting a very painful wound. Doctor Carter and Dr. Thurmond were called in and dressed the wound. The bone was badly Bhatterred by the ball, and while it is not thought preba ihe shrinking and penitent William Henry. “Turn him loose and stop jerking him around,” said the lady. Can’t you tell me »kat he has done?” The serious, almost severe, tone of the lady subdued Uncle Remus's violence somewhat. “Well, you know, Mlsi Sally, when dat He was working quietly and slowly I ble at present, amputation may be nec-1 %£!tfSm&Vbr£ awaj“fum tohoS I 2?**£*&*■ .A — I i M a.1 .... 1 I W ! . - . . . .• _ I mATt that tlia A llmnna krori enonverf Mm * all that was in his power to better toe esodiUoa of the men who epeof their Kvee in toiling on the farm. President J. R. Mayson said that bo had known Gen. Gordon from has boy hoed, and be fie rod that Senator Gorton would be trae to the cardinal priasiptas of the Alliance cause. He oongratodotod the Alliance upon having each a member as Bnator Gordon, who was in a poao- tkm to render so much service to the toiling masses of America. Vice President H. M. Smith oongrato- latod the cause upon the accession of such a member. He had known Gen. Gordon for years and bo felt that he would prove a great champion for Che Alliance cause. Got J. O. Waddell was the next speaker. He said that he knew Gen. Gordon to be a man on whom the farm- But we shall not cry Cleveland out I have been incliued to antagonize. It . . ■ ... ,, , - _ does not take a miscroscope to see this ot the party like some so-called dem by a c i 08e observer. Certainly it is not ocratic papers just because he is op- I Dr.Nunnally’s fault. posed to the free coinage of silver in his own personal opinion. When the platform is made, then will be time enough to test Mr Cleveland’s devotion to the party Hemphill.—Col. and Mrs. Wm. A. Broughton will attend the china wed ding of Mayor W. A. Hemphill and lady, of Atlanta^ on next Saturday night. It will be one of the grandest entertain ments of the season. Glessner.—When Georgia creates Baseball fever is again taking holil of Georgia and it seems that a State lfAgue is sure to be organized this year. Athens. Rome, Atlanta, Columbus, Ma con, Augusta and Savannah are talking the matter over “Canada watts reciprocity and wants it Bail,” says a Georgia weekly “ami though we have not been reading the papers of late and don’t care to take •ides one way or another no'uow, we reckon she ought to have it.” — to »♦> The New York World will send man to Athens soon to write up the town provided the eity shows a willing- • Ms to defray the excuses of such an artie’e. Come, now, city fathers since you have passed a dog law that will make the city conspicuous give a little more attention to advertising your city 8ata the McDuffie Journal: The re^ markable decline in the price of cotton for the last few weeks has astonished everybody. August cotton has gone down to 8 85. a fall unprecedented in the history of cotton futures. About a month ago when August cotton declined to 9.32 it was thought that it would not go much if any lower, but it is still de clining, for the crop of the present »c»‘on was an enoimous one, much of which was held back by the farmers during the first of the season, and has recently been thrown upon the market. The New York Herald thus sum- trE-izea tha work of the Fifty-first Con gress : More than one thousand million dol- In exact figures the appropria tions of the Republican Congress foot JJP 11,009,270.471. Uncle Sam will be a piuper July ^ 1892. On that day there J, ** a deficiency in the United » &te t treasury of fOS.OSO, 688. Availa e.un-plus in the United States treasury iMt night, $18,(508,046 51. Available rplus m the United States treasury te «‘ght, 18,931,217.31. Uuse— Pensions. He is a strong man in his party and the office of state immigratiou comrais il he i. willing to le.der aed I ^i^” for^th^'place," Maj'°lv\L’ will pledge himself to the party’s | Glessner, of Americus. platform he will certainly lead the democracy of this country on to a iriumpbaut victory in 92. NORTHEN AND NOBLE. The Banner thoroughly concurs with the Columbus Enquirer-Sun in what it says about the conference be tween Governor Northen and Secre tary Noble. And this is wbat it says : “ If the establishment of a State colored university in Georgia is in- Branham.—Editor Branham, of Rome, says Rome has not bowled be cause Macon got the encampment site but because of those mysterious condi tions. but very surely Yesterday evening he arrested Beeves and put him in jail. The evidence against him is very damaging. And B. O. W. Rose is the man who did the detective work. the detectives story. | “How did I happen to think of Reeves? Well, it was this way. “I heard a few things here and there putting them all together I could hard ly help lighting on the right man, whom I am pretty sure is Beeves. I have been working night and day, riding hard and walking fast. I can tell you it is not an easy thing to do, to essary before the wound heals. I Dat bin mo’ dan a fortnight ago. I tnck Mr. Tuttom has hosts of friends who dat boy out dar te’r side er Wes’ Een’, out hope to see him recover at an early dar Baxter krep a dairy, en y | f got ’im in dar. Mr. Baxter say be look like he’s a likely boy, en ha say he'll take day. The sales last week at the Ten Cent Store were immense. Ask your neigh-1 bor about the low prices at the Ten Cent Store. Everything must go at | cost. UP IN HARMONY GROVE. ’un in en gin ’im a sbowin’—much on ac- 1 c mnt er knowin’ me so long ez on ac count er waatin’ de boy. “Wellum; dat sorter sot me up. Dey wuz land dar whar he could plow an hoe, en room enough out dar fer ’im ter l'ain mo’ sense in a weak dan what he kin Tarn in deze yer nigger schools in sev’m year. He had ere’y thing ter his ban’—ash-cake en dnmpiin's ter eat, en pot-licker, en but termilk ter drink. I com off en lef ’im dar; an it make me feel mighty proud dat he wuz dar. 1 look like de place wnz made ter fit im. I wuz gwine ’long ’cross town, en 1 bear some body boiler at me, en dar wuz SOMETHING TO LAUQH AT. An all-round remdy—pills,—Phila delphia Inquirer. “That was a crack shot,” said th* boy as he difigured the show-window with a pebble.—Washington Post. It is not a good time to read the Bi ble while your wife is out in the rain cutting stove-wood.—The Ram’s Horn. It is easy to gain a great reputation definitely delayed, the colored people I for truthfulness by always speaking ill will be indebted to the g. o. p. for the ot yourself.-Indianapolis Journal, m. . I There are about ten years in the best circumstance. The action of t>It*' l man’s lif e in wbicli he l 0Ve s women legislature in providing for such an ter than woman.—Achisou Globe. institution was based, in a large mea- The merchant may knowr nothing of .. j . . . the pugilist, but he has daily struggles sur6 9 on the expected receipt of tb© I with the price-fighter.—Boston Cou- Federal agricultural appropriation. I tier What Is Transpiring In Our Neighbor ing City, Harmony Grove, March 7.—[Spe cial.]—’Squire Rube McGinnis, of Po- cataligo, was in town yesterday. Col. P. M. Edwards, a prominent at- to catch a man or even “spot” a man I torney and editor of Homer, Ga., passed I WHiiam Henry a^drivin~ de milk ~ waggin” when a crime is apparently shrouded I through the Grove yesterday morning I £ uy ter myse’f dst he done fix sbo. mystery. It takes a great deal of en route for Athens. j £ went along dis away twetdis Homin’— bard work “and Mr. Bose stroked bi Mr. Morgan L. Chandler, the mer-1 en dar de town nigger Showed off agin’. chant prince of Grove Level, Ga., was in our town yesterday on business, Mr. B. S. Bohannon has recently completed the painting of the interior of the Methodist church at this place. Mrs. Prof. J. H. Walker is visiting that the Alliance bad secured him. as a member. OaL S. D. Brad well, state school oorrv- ; said that he wae rejoiced to gtoe the right hand of fellowship to a whom do had always esteemed aaa brother Alliance men. After tlae meeting adjourned. Senator Gordon received the congratulations of ovary member present. A StTlUo Settled. Joliet, HL, March 7.—The employes of the steel raids have accepted the propeetMiuu of the money?meet m regard to wage*. It is open a chdtng scale, based apea the prices paid last yean. the noth ballot toe Democrats in is Wroots legislature, for toe first tfaso, awrod io adjourn. HOPE FOR1BRS. MAYBRICKi beard meditatively. THE EVIDENCE AGAINST REEVES, “To state the evidence correctly and concisely 1 will talk in short sentences, he continued. “Here is it.” “Reeves once worked for Fowler, who keeps a bar a short distance from He flung all de fat la de fler, en I wish ter de Lord he’d a jumpt in after it. Stan’ up | dar, ear, en tell yo Min Sally what you tol’ me, ef you got de face ter do it, en 11 know you is, kase yon er town nigger, bora en bred." “Tell me about It, William Henry,” said I her auut, Mrs. Dr. R. R. Halden, of the I the lady, in a tone at once kind aod reas- Gate City. I soring. “I hope yon haven’t killed' any- Mr. Crogan Shankle has been teach- j bodv ” A Claim to be Made That Judge Ste vens Was Insane When he Heard Her Case. London, March 6.—[Special.]—Jus tice Stevens continues to give evidence of insanity. His proceedings on the bench are, to say the least, erratic. His condition gives the friends of Mrs. May- Sauiters, he was familiar with Saulters I ing this week in the place of Mfss Liz-| “No’m I aioL Daddy done got me | brick, especially her mother, the Bar- way of keeping money in his house ^"unt of’the^lln^o^Ltr m”her°. n fSb’app^n ’long^^mtty Roque, hope that Mrs. May- best “Saulter was shot Monday night. Farmers reDOrt their work fix it up on me. 1 done hurled a white {brick will be released from prison be- bet- I Reeves has told a supposed friend that I account of the recent rains m** 1 ’ 8 filin’ 8 ! I speck Mr Baxter milk | fore the termination of her term. Mrs I a _ii al.a -La I . ^ . .« • _ I wfiuirin done fill briika. hut dt* Tanrd knows I i s—1_ i*. :n t —u j - This fund was to be prorated be tween the whites and blacks in the prep >rtion that, in the wisdom of the Stale authorities, seemed fair and equitable. While the proposed di be was out all that night. “Saulter was shot by a full faced, well dressed man. Reeves fills the description. “The man who shot Saulter wore a red cravat; again Reeves fills the bill, “The man who did the.shooting wore a gold breast pin, not a scarf pin; again Reeves fills the bill. Fair Client: And is this what you call a deed? Real Estate Lawyer: Yes. Why? Fair Client: It locks more like words.—New York Sun. Somebody says that nobody can tell what they don’t know, but the world is full of people who do a great deal of vision of the fund is not inconsistenl | tr y in 8 in that direction.—Ram’s Horn. I satc hel full of silver and a pistol; be Baglcy: Did you never have a horror I no t do a big business. Where did ?e^m n e^t U er i rli^ i nUdI e ii ; ttje t while I silver come from and then when in Philadelphia.—Brooklyn Life “Mr. Tawker is a brilliant controver which Saulter was shot, and bad weather generally, The sale of crockery, glass and tin ware will continue at the Ten Cent Store next week, the same as Everything mnst be sold make' room for the dry goods that are coming in. waggio done all broke, but de Lord knows | it want me done It myse’f.” » >.<a “Tell me abont it,” said the lady. 'Wellam, Mr. Baxter, he ax me kin last week drive de milk waggin, an’ I say yasser, 1 speck I kin, ci-ppin de mule run’d away, . ♦»»n’ dey want nobodycnnld drive a mole dey want nobody c«i whilst he rnnnin’ away. FOR THE CONTESTEE THE WEATHER ON THE FARM. Inere never was even in the memr. or y of the irrepressible oldest citizen *uch a long continued spell of bad feather as the month? of January, ebruary and March have brought forth. of the winter that we have had >n the Piedmont section of the South- ern seems to have been con - uentrated and confined within the narrow limits of the past six weeks. n there has been some genuine Winter l, 0 . Snow, sleet, rain, and riving winds from the east aod the northwest have brought cold weatb- r < freezing over the sunny South 1 1 8 thick crust of ice,and it verily that it all is not done with yet bv »ny means. l ° ^ ,e ‘ l *‘‘‘ 1 l be cold weath- tre nee d be no alarm. It came to kill the fruit crop, so ruit growers say, but on the 8 tary was just in the nick of time lh * bloo,ns fr <>“ the trees lifet bb)88om with more y iB * seasonable period. with the provisions of the act ol congress, it has not commended itselt to Secretary Noble, one of the emis saries of Harrison’s administration, who, unfortunately has control ot the matter. Secretary Noble is no toriously pig-headed, and, having decided that this fund should be dit. vided to suit him, without reference to the Georgia view, he cannot be turned from bis position. He is fully aware that the establishment of the colored university depends npon this land, and hangs now npon bis official action. And Governor Northen will abide his own decision in the premises. He has dropped the correspondence with Noble satisfied that there* is Beeves was seen Wednesday with a | The Election Case from Morgan Coun ty Decided Atlanta, Ga., March 5.—[Special.] The Governor today decided the con B the silver come irom ana tnen wnen The Governor today decided the con- switch bis tail an' go on. Look like 11 yesterda] I you think that the pistol he had Wed- I Seated election case from Morgan coun-1 “ tv * r hav ® *°, much fan—-up dai I Q reen> a - nesday is exactly the same kind of a ty in favor of p at Burney, the contes- f ’ R “ 10 h ° d * oulty arc sialist.” “He is an intolerant bigot.” I pistol with wmen oauner was »luv, i tee> You think so?” “Of course I do. He u bave an other link in the chain. I Three precincts were thrown out. . never agrees with me in anytnmg. — llW , t>„ pv „ h was heinir carried to I wi»i, tio/i a ftf I wuz bekase wecome out sooner, er wher- Cape Cod Item. When Reeves was being earned to two of these High had a majority of I it8 ^^e iia so cloudy, but ’fo’ we , First Broker: What has become of the jail, he said, speaking of two men forty-six, in one Burney had a majority j g 0 t ter whar de street Umps wuz 11 with an axe in his hand. Baringer drew that messenger boy of yours ? He is I whom he refused to name, ‘If they don’t I of seven. High’s majority as returned (couldn’t see de mule’s tail, en de fog dee I his rifle and shot him between the eyes, T—i big chunks. We I kniing him instantly. Maybrick, it will be remembered, was a year or so ago convicted of pois oning her husband. She was given a life sentence. The claim will now be made that Judge Stevens was not in Mr. Baxter say | soun d mind when he sat on the bench all right, an’ de fust tnoroia’ er two be I to try the case, and by this means it is went’long wid me. De mule wuz done | hoped to obtain either a pardon, com-. trained. Time he struck town, he know I de way he oughter go, an’ eve’y time he | mutatl °n of sentence or a retrial. stop, <tar wuz de place ter ring de boll, an’ I He Killed His Neighbor, de folks would come out an’git de milk, I ... an’time de mule ’ud hear me hang del Montgomery, March 6.—[Special.]— JI mud jin’ cup back on de can, he’d des I M. T. Baringer, liviDg near Greenville * I switch his tail an’ go on. Look like 11 yesterday shot and killed' William tenant on his farm. The diffl- ely. | uuity arose between the two men over “Well, dis mornin’when we start out, I the right or way in passing each other In I it wnz plum dark. I dnoner wberrer it I j n the public road. Green got ont of I wuz bekase we come out sooner, er wher-1.. , „ . of | u . u. „ im I his wagon and started toward Baringer slower than death. Second Broker: I m j n( j £ w m bring some one else into it.’ I was twenty-four. So the change gave I rolled aroun’ in great b I overtook M . fri . na , Bureeyo ^ ori ,S5i?5f AT LAST. chunks. mos’ done, and , . . J bimely we got to de 'place whar dey’s a who it was 1 won’t say, when the I a commission as treasurer in favor of I great big fat cook, an’ she come ont an’ I shooting was mentioned, and he was I Morgan was issued today. J got her milk an* weal back growlin’ like The Extension of the Georgia Mid-1 laughingly accused of being one of the land Is a Certainty. I men w ho committed the crime, 'No, I Athens should he happy. I didn’t shoot him but I feel d d sore Because the Georgia Midland is com-1 0 y e r it and would hate like h—11 to tell ing sure. what I do know about it.’ There is no doubt of it. Itisacer-I “There is my case and 1 is a tainty. I strong one, don’t you?” Athens has cause to be happy. I what reeves says, The Midland is one of the most impor- | ^ night & Banner wporter went the county jail and saw Reaves and this is what he said: she always do. “Den it look like I bear somebody talk in' on de yuther side de waggin, an* 1 'roan' an’ dar I see a white mao holdin* up a tin pitcher er amupin’. I ax him how Antagonism on the Stage. Lima, Ohio, March 6.—[Special] — Warfare has been commenced by the I Ministers' association against the stage, and at a mass meeting held last night resolutions were passed denouncing the nothing further to be accomplished tant roads imaginable for the city, by it. Thus the matter will end, for I It means wealth and prosperity for the present. Georgia will not get our merchants. “ r . . . .. _ .... It means everything for the town, the agricultural appropriation dur- 1 following telegram received late ing the present republican adminis- lMt night exp i a ins itself: Iration, unless Noble abandons his I Atlanta, Ga., March 7.—[Special.- present position, or the Georgia legs there is no doubt of the extension of | "J^Vb12rin«£ bJt where ww“l? i.i.tiiM mof-fa Ilia torma. Neither I the Georgia Midland to Athens. I have | you “Monday evening I came to town It will pay merchants handling this line of goods to call and see tne low prices at the Ten Cent Store. They can buy them twenty*five per cent . ..... cheaper than they can get them else-I mnch'he want, an’it look to me like he I stage as being immoral and requesting where. [say he want a quart. So 1 d rawed de I a fj the church members to refuse to at* milk an’ retched over an’ poured it in de MAKING RUM FROM MOLASSES- I ** ““ W “ h0ldin ’ “ United States Officials Make a Raid “Wellum.datar white man jump up on Stills in Florida. j an’down out dar in de road and squaD „ ., „ . _ ra __ 1 des like Bumpin’ n’er hurting him. 1, Montgomery, Ala., March 5. [Spe- I foot bim right eloete, an’ I seed 1 done cial].—A party of United States officials I poured de whole quart er milk in one ei tend theatres and kindred amusemnets and exert themselves to keep others away. THE HEAVIEST OF THE SEASON man than myself when arrested on this charge. “It is true that I was out all night, Monday, by out I mean away from my , „ , «... ih... ■ Diace of business, but where was I? I slature meets liis terms. Neither the Georgia Midland to Athens. I have change is very probable. It may re- 8 gentleman who has been for * several days in consultation with a rep- main in this attitude until the next re8<>BtatiTe of John Robinson. He administration, which will be demo- g8J>> tbat wbjle not aut h 0 rized to give cratic, when the Government approo Ljiedetails, he is free to say that there , „... „ .. . priatioD »iU be ordered p-d over .« „ d OT b, .iee .re- Cev ^ ‘X p^e hSWSISS.1 the Governor of Georgia. In the | rogton via High ShoaU to Atnen. “After I got there I wanted to stay I Store next week. Be sure and call early meantime the negro college will pro- I Dr £. kw slusskr.—The many friends I but they persuaded me to come back I am * g8t tbe °* tbe ^a^Coleman. h fl hlv waiL unless the legislature, at of Dr. Lew Slusser in Athens and this saying we would have some oysters. I y - rlorvirlpa in n^o-1 8eC ^' on Georgia are glad to see I allowed my self to be persuaded and the summer session, decides to p.o-1 back among them once more. Dr. Slus-I * “There was never a more suprised from Georgia, Florida and Alabama, deze herev«ar trumpets what deff folks I Snow Falling In Boston and Through- is they with two men, it necessary to say who l won’t tell their names. “I stayed with them some time and we all went back to my place have just completed a raid through West Florida, resulting in the capture and destruction of twenty-six illicit stills engaged in the manufacture of rum from molasses, the seizure of sev eral lots of illicit rum, and the arrest of thirty prisoners. The raid occupied ton not I days, and is the most thorough ever were, | ma dein that section. sticks in der yens." Here the lady laughed so heartily tbat I it was sometime before William Henry could go on. “Yrssum. He capered about out dar in I de rood, and he tuck a notion dat I done it on a purrypoM. He dacced tords de | waggin an’ made a grab fer me, but I li< out in de roan, au’ de mule trotted off, an' I come on an’ tole daddy, an’ daddv be I ray its da ruination er de wort* fer ter I pour fresh milk in a year trumpet, an' I out the New England States. Boston, March 5.—[Special.]—Snow began falling here early yesterday morning and continued all day, accom panied most of the time by a high wind. From twelve to fourteen inches fell, the largest fall of the winter. There has been but little delay to I speck it is, kaze Iaint never bear er any- j traffic. body else doing IL” “Cose you kin laugh, Misa Bally,” said j Uncl« Remus In a dejected tone, “but I ’taint no laughin' mattei wldme an* wid dish yer mizerbul nigger here” ' Fiddlesticks!" exclaimed the lady. I “There’s no barm done. Send William | Henry back to Mr. Baxter. Tell him bow it all was, sad tell him I'll take milk from Robt. Toombs DgBose.—Rev. Bobt. vide for it directly oot of the 8UM I I ^ ..or p> ..dlrM u, .J P^“ M °^h!?r.f£dg7ni.“l^ id. If Wlllla. Heo., I. goioel [■natives of lhe Free State. He lett | b „, tpe, had no money I uS^SSS'S "-iSSimP exclaimed Cod. Eemna, on- "’Ain’t dey no harm done, treasury, which is far from probable. I THE LADIES’ BAZAAR* S^Kat timebSV^romroen^ph^ and COD,dn ’ t get them on credit. i ^ any(rteodR in Athens who knew him | thusiastically. S^^n the Stateof Ohio Hrwi^ ii "Th«“ we went to Heards. While we | bo well and admired him so much while | Miss Sally?” , !i»in D in Athens several daysiriW*afte I were there these two men went outside I a s uden' at the old University will be | “Not the slightest,” add the lady. That is a most praiseworthy ef- journey through the Land of I and were heard to say that they were df«gbted at this opportunity to hear| -“WelU thank God fer daL Come fort the ladies are making io behalf Flowers. li* preach, bi»erbojl From various parts of New Ham- shire, Mainer and Vermont a heavy snow-fall is reported, which has badly blocked the roads and rendered travel almost impossible in some places. They Shot Their Officers. Buenos Aybks, March 5.—[Special]. —Advices received from Chili state that three battallions and the fourth regiment of government troops, sta tioned near Fisauga, have shot their officers and declared themselves in favor Of the revolutionists, __ .