Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, March 24, 1891, Image 1

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ATHENS 6A., TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 24. 1891.-8 PAGES VOL. 59 NO. 18 ' ot accidents along the Covington *ud Macon, serve to show the defects of these roads, both with reference to their rolling stock, and their road beds. There has been one small wreck #n the Georgia railroad, tbongh it is - very ^rne that the road bed of this line is is far .better condition than that of the others. The great cause of complaint with the Georgia rail road rests with the shabby, dingy passenger carsHbat have been posh ed off on the Athens and Union | Point branch. What better evidence could be asked than is to be fiofand with the condition of Athens* railroads to urge the appointment of a state rail road inspector? This is a crying necessity in Georgia, and the next legislature should take a step in this direction. . A GHOST WAS SEEN children’s Department. A TERRIBLE CHARGE. States the bloody shirt organs at the North conld not 1st the opportunity afforded by the execution of the Ma fia murderers on Sunday pass with out hitting the South a yap. It made no difference to them that there was no politics in it and that, it was a negro whose willing Arms wielded the ram which battered in the prison door. Here was sn op portunity to raise a bowl against this section with the lawlessness as s text and it bad to be utilized. In deed, in their eagerness to condemn sn action of Southerners they have entirely overlooked, and made no mention of, the insult offered by the Sicilians to the American flag Fri day evening. On Saturday morning the New Orleans papers told the tale of bow, after the aqnittal of Hennes- sy’s assassins on Friday, the Dagos hauled down the American flag from their loggers and tore, trampled and spit upon it and then ran it op up side down obder the Italian flag to show their contempt for America and all things American. And this is the class of people that such ois gans as the Chicago Inter Ocean are i raising a bowl over on account ol justice having been meted out to some of their number who were clear-' ly proven to be cowardly assassins. Tribune-of-Rome lends its sym- , t be Classic City thus: “Ath- mvotved in another prohi- ;t. Poor Athens!’* be the Augusta and r the Fort Payne and be safely said that Ato- And It Was An Indian Ghost—The Story of a Tragic Murder and How the Spirit of the Dead Man Walks on Earth. They Say He Poisoned His Wife but the Evidence Does not Sustain the Charge—The Jury Hung. 4 county in Georgia that c‘\ enterprising weeklies - a ith her Echo sod Herald, *o great trank lioes^now Athens. the Augusta and an l the Fort Payne and •h will he welcomed. about evenly divided for acquittal and for a verdict of guilty. Times and the Recor- rill be nursed into life bower both pretty soon, u Telegraph: Italy has .vr. made up of 238 yes es guns and manned by vo or three of the ves- ■ powerful armorclads Rut however % great v be, it is not at all , f it will be seen on thia antic soon. The Mar- wasobliged to protest, ■ c for compensation for he men killed at New e knows what the Mafia v. in his secret thoughts be mob did a very good rmntdi^e. idly. His sharp nose and small eyes appeared to he points in hi* favor, at h^ttjhqy did not prevent his star from risiijg and biasing in the ranks of heal ers.*! His medical skill was remarkable and patients flocked from tor and near, t He was raeee&sful, very successful, and , weH thought of by all. He promised to be a fixture and the sick clapped their hands for joy. TOST HAXDSOKE Win. The popular doctor was ac companied by a dashing blonde, apparently about twenty-five years old who efipti rated all by her good looks and pleasing manners. The geuial doc tor and the dashing blonde, whom he introduced as bis wife, took np their quarters with Mr. J. K. Skelton and soon ingratiated themselves into the good graces of their host. They were loving and paid their board regularly, ail was quiet and se rene. that esm wax. But a change came over the demeanor of their friends, they became cold and hardly spoke to the ungainly disciple of Esculapius and his beautiful companion. What caused thia change? Nothing hot the simple fact that Glover bad been taken back to Jeffer son county, mind yon, taken, he hsd to go for he was arrested. He arranged the matter in some way and returned, but confidence in him was shaken and to crown all this the rude officers of the law seized his fair partner and himself and put them in jail. Tbi^ wa*.terrible hut some of the friends whom the* fel low bad made stuck by him. OCT ok BOND. These friends rallied to his support and in a short time both parties bade good-bye td the prison walls and were free as air, save for the fact that lynx- eyed sureties were on the watch to pre vent their seeking “fresh fields and pastures new.” THU EEAL Win COWES. About three months ago the real wife appeared. HOW TO GET A PENSION- In the interest of all Confederate widows, The Basses publishes again the information furnished by the State authorities instructing appli cants bow to get a pension. Here are some valuable pointers : The pension is only payable to certain classes of widows. Those whose husbands were killed in serv ce. Those whose husbands died in the army of wonnds or diseases contract ed in the service. Those whose husbands went to the at my and have never been beard from since the war. Those whose husbands were wound ed io the army and have since died from the effects ot the wounds. Those whose husbands contracted disease in tne service, and who after the war died of the disease caased j by the service. No widow is entitled unless she was the wife of the soldier daring the war, and has never remarried. The law does not provide for any one living out of the State of Geor gia, or who did not live in the State at the date of the act. The facts to establish a claim must be substantiated by the testimony I of three witnesses who personally | snow of the enlistment of the hus band and bis death, and the imme.- | diale cause ot the death. | Widows who have married since | the service of tbeir husbands in the I army are not entitled. The payments will be made opon I proper pi oofs presented to the exec- I ulive department,in compliance with I the laws and forms to be furnished I through the ordinaries of the State. These blanks will be prepared du- I ring the latter part of March and I sent to the ordinaries. The pajments will begin about made the Spaniards cease their cruel quarrels with one another, and £pua bag not been so peaceful prosper ous for many years. Would not you little men and women like to peepatuiis royal little man in his home—to know just bow be spends the day? His home is in Madrid, the capital of Spain. The little fellow, only three years old, has the second story of the royal palace all to himself and his at tendants. His own rooms are directly • Trioune like theen- re-pero is j. urtiai that it i» liouor of St. Patrick’s day me -tine of green. Miss ,, tne editor of the Tribune he success that her excel- achieving. THE LATE CENSUS- Like every thing else with which the late republican congress had anything to do, the census tarns oat to be a perfect fraud- It is, ofcourse, natural to hear com plaints against the work of the cen- sus takers in cities and sections that are disappointed in the coant, and every one expects to hear these com plaints aired however careful the census authorities may have been to get a fair count. Taking a census is frequently a thankless task, foi be actnsl figures often do not quite come np to what the people of a city j or section had been led tnexptc- But, the last census caused such | universal dissatisfaction all over the country, io the North as well as in South, and has been denounced s<- anamiconsly by the press of the whole country that it is clear that there ia genuine cause for complaint. The methods panned in many lo calities by the censns department I were at once open to just condemns, -mo. In many instances igc rant negroes were made enumerator’ and ] given other positions in the depart I meat that teqnired a thorough schol- I ar to fill it with any degree of com- The carelessness of the case built from her own bedroom up in to his chamber. The least sound, a cough, a sigh in the siienoe, awakens her- A dozeu times in the night she goes to stand upon the little stairs, and listens to see that all is right. Tbe little King’s bedroom is bright and pretty. The carpet is red. iiis bedstead is bronze; its curtains and spreads are azure blue. A pretty fairy lamp burns at night on tbe table. When he was ill, not long ago, the Queen slept on a sofa by bis side seven nights without undressing. His little Majesty rises at seven. His nurse and bis governess come then to dress turn. The first thing he does is to kneel on bis little bed, and repeat word by word after bis governess, tbe Countess of Peralta bis morning pray er, for his dead papa’s memory, for his vftjng item appears this i Dadnonega Nugget: editor in Georgia who a free pass and his name . cai McNelley, oftheDah- t. During his three years work .n Georgia be has I id ,i pass over his local r.til- u*. one exception, and that from Gainesviiie to At- make this statement for the ] rother Stanton, who, is oft | irowing out his jokes about editors and their free passes. nvnT got the money to we walk. The blamed n't honor our request with and so we have to walk— We are having our bro- .,ed now, prepa ratory to de- tne Georgia Weekly Press . which .wo propose to join ,e us iu. Then if we. don’t -ce it »e cau’t induce oar ors to boycott the railroads, asn’t for Pat Calhoun for t that oughn’t to cause us to k to Atianta every two or population of three hundred and thirty- two thousand, and property valued at two hundred and forty-four millions; yet Baltimore had no regular system of sewers. t In the next place I object to a system Aldermam: 8top! 'You misappre hend the question. Tbe question is nop sewers, or no sewers. The City Coun cial has resolved to have sewers. If you do not issue toe bonds, they will borrow tbe money. Tbe bonds can bo floated at five per cent. The money will cost toe tax-players eight per cent. Freeman: That’s tbe game is it? So we are to be bull-dozed into the is sue of tbe bonds by the threat of a big debt at greater interest, ar.d consequent ly higher taxation? Alderman: Tnat is the state of tbe case, though I would express it in dif- ferent phraseololy. Freeman: What are yon going to do about that provision in toe Constitution of Georgia, which declares “No County or Municipality shall incur any new debt, except to supply casual deficien cies of revenue.” A debt for a system of sewers, would not come under category of “casual deficiencies” would it? Alderman: I don’t know, and care; but I do know that if tbe people refuse the bonds, toe council will borrow to» ; ATr-EsS WILL ONLY ACT. I e 'me. isc’, ’-hat every citi- Athens must see at once if j tr..:L . is given to it. I*,- Midland road must j . ’ from McDonough to Athens* Jur people can hardly realize the ::u j-oriance of the road to the > ar t its future prosperity. The crv ew with Col. E. C. Machen | Uued in yesterday’s issue of iz Banner explains itself. It is splendid argument way Athens ..i have the road. It is only a estion of a short time until the a! JcRoanoke system will seek r:.ruing line from the Georgia, iro.ina & Northern on to New Or- ars. If the line is not secured at th -s. it will be at Atlanta. The road is bound to have a South ■ -era outlet, and at present the ’■’it feasible oue is over the Geer s' Midland by the way of Colum- petence. authorities has caased tbe censns to be so seriously defective that it is useless. And this is bat another failun added to the many failures of tbe re publican administration. She was a sweet looking woman about thirty-two years old and bad with her two fine looking young sters, one three years old, toe other eighteen months old. Her erring part ner was received back into her good graces, and tbe dashing blonde subsided. Then the Doctor and his real and loving wife built a cosy home near Strangers court grounds, and all was In a fair way to be forgiven until the Doctor became brutal and said in the presence of several witnesses that be wished he had a divorce from his wife as he wanted to marry the other woman. Then upon various occasions toe sharp noaed fel low rnelly heat his wife, so the neighbors say and in other ways be haved so. that public opinion was aroused about his way of living. to tbe Grand View Hotel, ask Cal. Young or Joe Cart ledge to show you • k. a vi k«.. the grave of Arch Murphey, the IndiaD, and stay there a few hoars and you’l l see this is no fictitious ghost story.— “Pegwood,” in Toccoa News. Shot His Son-In-Law. Special by Neva Telegram Association. Chattanooga, Tenn., March 21.— [Special.]—Joseph Dobbs this afternoon shot bis son-in-law, Bud Gossett. Tbe latter received loo shots in his face. Both eyes were put out and a probably fatal wound was inflicted. Gossett’s wife bad obtained a divorce from him, and the ex-husband had gone to toe has been appointed a member of Ut«- Governor's staff and ex-officio a mem ber of the Military Advisory Board. Bbowk.—Senator Joseph E. Brown, Hon. Pat Walsh and Judge John Brice were elected as honorary members of the S. C. society in Atlanta. Mukfht.—We again take pleasure in commending Editor Murphy’s bright paper, The Augusta Evening Herald, it fairly sparkles.—Atlanta Constitu tion. Cabasiss.—In the Congressional pos sibilities for the Sixth district in 1892. the name of Hon. Tom Cabaniss, of THEY ALL LOVE TAFFY. Under ibis beading in anotbei column ofTHS Basses to-day wi i be found an interesting letter fron New York, the metropolis of th« nation. Tbe letter is the first of a scries of letters from Gotham tha' The Empress Elizabeth of Anstrilia is having built on tbe Island of Orfu a palace that "Will contain 128 rooms and will cost nearly $1,000,009. Beverly Tilden, a nephew of toe late sage of Gramercy Park, has been sold oat of bis apartments in London by toe Sheriff. Young Tilden is toe leading American dnde in London. Some idea of toe vastness of “Lucky” Baldwin’s stock farm and vinyard at Santa Anita, Cal., may be obtained Freeman: Well they may be willing to borrow, twentj-five thousand, bat with that inhibition in the Constitution. I’ll be hanged if I would lend them twenty-five hundred. Alderman: How do yon stand on too paving bonds? Freeman: I regard your paring scheme as for more unequal unjust ana oppressive, than the sewer project. Your own street Commissioner, who seems an honest intelligent man declare# that to pave tbe two miles of street with in the fire limits, with Belgian blocks would cost the tax payers one hundred and twenty-seven thousand nine bun- bouse of her father, where be bid him self, first threatening to kill his wife, .... .... . . q q ,|, r return child and father in-law. of Dobbs from toe city he was told of goesipv will be furnished The Baxxek even I Sunday by Mr. John Paul Bocock > I i the gifted sketch writer who ba- aebieved such a brilliant record with the New York World. Mr. Bocock is a Southern man, being a native of Virginia, and bis sketch es are very eagerly sought after by all the Southern dailies. He is *> brother to Professor W. H. Bocock ot the University. In tbe letter which we print to day I Mr Bocock hits opon a most inter esting topic, and handles it in s happy, interesting style. It is quit*, to observe the little weak the sitnation, and given a double-bar reled shot-gun. He called on Gossett to come ont, and the latter did so, bat bnt with a revolver in his band. Tbe old man retreated for a short distance, but finally brought his gun up and Walsh.—Among the distinguished visitors in Mac^n yesterday were Hon. Patrick Walsh, Editor of Tbe Augusta Cbaonicle, and wife, who were on tbeir way home from Savannah, where Mr. Messrs. Morel!, Edmonds, Sherman, Allison, Stewart, Jones of Nevada, Mitchell and Ramson are the only mem bers of toe senate still in service who were fn toe chamber when Mr. Ingalls first went there. Wootton. toe famous'farm of George W. Childs, lies a few miles from Phila delphia. near tbe villege of Bryn Mawr. Tbe estate abounds in magnificent trees, -omt of which are more than three hundred years old. General Mahone is preparing to build a town at the month of Cove Creek, in Tazewell County. Virginia. A branch road will be built from Tazewell Court House to toe point mentioned and char coal furnaces erected. On the 9th of this month his wife Mrs. Mary E. Glover, was taken sick on toe 16th, she was dead. Her agonies at the time of her death were terrible, spasm followed spasm, convulsion fol lowed convulsion and when not in these paroxysims, she was in a stupor. Last Monday evening at 4 o’clock she ex pired. WHAT THE POCTOT DIP. With toe dead body of bis wife in tbe home her bounty bad furniShed, after a painful sickness had ended la a painful death, this man went off and spent the night elsewhere. And the next morn ing he was trying to marry the blonde woman, who turned out to be Ella Mc Dowell, before the body of bis wife bad stiffened in her grave. This made the people angry and bis bondsmen and’ those of the bloode decided to give them op. Tbe doctor heard thk and attempted to get the woman out of the country, but she was finally caught in a negro caoin and she and the doctor both pat hack in jail. where Mr Wakh delivered an address at the Hi bernian banquet.—Macon Telegraph. HALEY COULDN’T WAIT. Two Frankfort Youths Found It Un necessary to Fight It Out. Special by News Telegram imdKim Fbaxkvort, March 21.— [Special]— Pat Haley, aged twenty-three years,and Aleck Turner, aged eighteen years, got into an altercation at midnight last night over a dispute as to which had toe right to dance with a young lady at a ball which they attended. They started to the sandbar ts settle it, bnt before they reached toe designated spot Haley attacked Turner with his pocket knife, and ent him in three {daces across the face. Tbe wounds are pain- 61 ^ mm mm Spotted Fover. Pittsburg, March 21.—Superintend ent Baker of the Bureau of Health, has said that be had had five cases of spot ted fever reported to him. They are in a thickly populated district at toe city lying along the Allegheny river. Doc tors say the disease is highly epidemic, kills in eighty cases out of a hundred and is more to be dreaded than cholera or smallpox. Near Colfax Station, on the West Pennsylvania goad, three deaths from the fever have occurred in the family of Samee Remalty. There are also several cases at Cheswick, this county. ot_r euorts. I amusing I* is stated that if Athens willl nesses, and private fancies of all] c -arantee through her citizens the meD and won,Pn; a ° d *° diTt J . ... , . . _ . right into i heir private Ives and - -of-way through Clarke County L S agh at lheir cnuiky i iu ie motives s “ d ^ r °P er terminals in Athens there 1# fon enoogh> to be sure. Be no trocble in having the Think of it, that a nation’a presi- roai built to this place. dent, the Duke of Marlborough Bv all means, let oar citizens Count Thomas Edison, Mrs. James «*•.«. U>U uke U» ■*—■> “’T*. “J r b I m*-n as Grover Cleveland and bnn- e: in hand and work for its sue- j dred(| of olhfT8 crmzed with c * ,i - means a great deal for desire of notoriety that acluh A‘-~ec«. The Georgia, Carolina &, has been formed among them through Northern will be a great help to the which they are brought to see clip tr ‘>> but coupled with the Georgia P^g* each day from the press about \i. i . , ... . . themselves. What a thirst for , * 1 “ *>“ ■»*■■**• pniM this world 1. becoming wX- - . ^creased. dieted with! Wbata vain old world 'tart the ball rolling. Let this | t lt> ; *»tyec'. be agitated and discussed. — — and *ef*el as.nred that it will not ATHENS’ RAILROADS. ** l r n b foi® tbe Geoigia Midland All of the railroads now running be i. nur mid*’. to AUleD • °“* fe ^ fnl and quite ugly looking, bnt it is thought they will not prove serious. A Peculiar Succession of Sudden and Violent Deaths. Special by News Teiegnn AsMdation. Columbus, Ind., 21 —Two funerals today strikingly recall toe fact that there bad been a succession of sudden deaths in tbe Howell family of Clark county, south of this city. Eight years ago, Mrs. Thomas How ell was found dead. Some time. after ward her husband was killed in a rail way accident in California. Tbe father. Martin Howell, was seized by neural gia and died unexpectedly- _ 'i be young Haley is under arrest, and will have an wT.minitinn later. Aa sake tbe angels weep.” Alderman: Why do yon kick so bard? Yon are not a let owner and two-thirds, nearly three-fourths, of tbe paving tax will fall on lot owners. Freeman: What of that! It is none the less my duty to treat all my fellow citizens justly. I vow, before God, that : .l not one of the sous or daughters of toil, who have labored, long and bard to get a shelter for themselves, and those de pendent on them, shall ever be evicted from their homes by a vote of mine. May my tongue cleave to toe roof of my month before it leaves to sang toe mis? erable, selfish son g£ ‘WJiTftfcr mill.UK. T torewysttf Ss child ot 1 hornas Howeil followed, and toe Grove yesterday on bnsiness- - oaraly tic stroke ended toe life of Wil- Our nroenerous merchants are recsiv- liina Howell, then living at Edinburg, ing tbrir nSw spring and summer goods —“ miha. sooth of this city, a few everydav now in car load lots. 2 Mayor T.E.K-y and wife hare re- deS."hby°alocumotive in Louisvilfe? iKSfc^Cito**"* ^ *° Today were buried tbe bodies of Mrs. fr ~ cd8 *“ u >* ? lty - J Martin Howell and her son Robert, Hon.W. A. Quilliaaand son Robert both of whoa died at Colorado Springs. I returned bom^jesterwj from a abort Mr. Howell went to Colorado Springs! riay with their many friends in Banks seeking a restorAtion of health, and ms i county. condition growing desparate bis mother j Messrs. IF. G. Alexander and R. L. was snmmone i- She was taken ill J. Smith left this morning to attend while en route and her death preceled Justice court at Wilmot’s Court ground, “ Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cores piles, or no pay required. It is guarantee I to give perfect! satis faction or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by John Crawford & Co n Wholesale and retail druggist*. dittos. The recent wreck- on the Northeastern, averaging for awhile "Die NORTH AND THE M*FIA- , - _ ‘■Of coarse” saye the New Or lean, tiro each day, ani tb* iar^e number thzt of her son by a few hour:.