About The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1913)
rwo ATHENS DAILY HEBALD, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1915. PAINTING For Exterior and Interior Painting and Wail Tinting, see E- C. Gordon, or phone him at 558-11. M3c I have a few Stock Awning* • left from Miller Furniture Com pany’s stock which I will close at a bargain. G. W. FARRELL, ELECTRIC WIRING Lamp':. Supplies and Fixtures, Electric Irons, Grills, etc. MANTELS.GRATES.TILE Everything Electrical. Everything for the Fireplace. ATHENS ENGINEERING COMPANY. Joel A. Weir, President. O. M. Roberts, Secretary-Treasurer. 186 Clayton Street. Phone 711 EPPS GARAGE HUDSON AUTOMOBILES Service cars any where, any time REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. 392 Washington St. Phone No. 497 INFANT MORTALITY; ITS PREVENTION Terrible Responsibility of Dis eased Parents Explained by State Board of Health—Dis eases of Childhood. Atlanta, Ga., July 1.—The terrible responsibility of parents who are suf fering from some constitutional dis ease and yet dare to bring children into the world, is strikingly set forth in a statement just issued by the Georgia State Board of Health, ex plaining in plain words the influence of heredity on infant mortality. People who refuse to face these facts, says the Board of Health, are deliberately laying both themselves and their offspring open to untold mis ery and suffering. Parents afflicted with tuberculosis, hear disease, syphi lis, kidney disease, epilepsy or other serious constitutional diseases, cannot expect to produce a child with normal resistance to disease and unfavorable environment, any more than a dis eased plant can be expected to pro duce a perfect flower. Of all hereditary diseases, syphilis undoubtedly the one which works the greatest havoc. The child may never come into the world alive at all, if it does, it may be hopelessly af flicted. Rickets, monsters .blindness, hydrocephalus, insanity, are only a few of the evils that many result. A healthy, normal child can be pro duced only by health normal parents. Even then it is extremely necessary that prior to the birth of the infant the mother be freed as much n EVERYBODY’S DOING IT :S0 IS THE: ATHENS VULCANIZING CO. Retreading a Specialty, Give us « triaL 169 WASHINGTON ST. IN FRONT OF BOTH GARAGES WHITE SPACE WILL attract attention to an ad which otherwise might be overlooked by the very person you wish to reach. Ifa inexpensive and very effective. Ask about It Sbaftto*. Pulleys, Belts, Mep.tr. m* riles. Testa, Looks, Etc. LOMBARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA, Oft, Cil mi circular before you buy. FREE WANT ADS No charge for advertisements of the following nature not ex ceeding eighteen woida: DOMESTIC HELP, MALE OR FEMALE; BOARDING; EX CHANGE; FOUND; ROOMS FOR RENT; SITUATIONS Use our free columns as often as you please. We want the ad vertisers to feel that they are not imposing on us by using our free columns frequently. One Cent a Word For the following ads: FOR SALE; LOANS; FOR RENT FLATS; FOR RENT HOUSES; AGENTS; BUSINESS CHANCES; PERSON AL; LOST. If your name appears in phone book; yon can telephone your ad to us sad have it charged. Call WANT DEPARTMENT. HI*. Answers directed to initials only are not allowed through Ute postoffice. If initials are used they should be directed to tht care of some person, Urn, p*stoffice box, or number of hoOML advertisers who place “till forbidden 1 * orders must notify us in writing when the adver. tisement Is to be discontinued. DR. DEW PAYS HIGH TRIBUTE TO MISS MILLIE RUTHERFORD scarlet fever, chicken-pox, whooping cough, mumps, diptheria, etc., should be isolated, quarantined and attended by a competent physician. Sanitary Precautions. A light, airy upstairs room is pre ferable. If possible, the bed should n iron one. The single, firm r .at- tress should be entirely covered with rubber sheet or oil cloth, and on top of this the sheets, blankets and coun terpane should be spread. Quilts should not be used. The pillow should also have a rubber or oil cloth coveming under the slip. Carpets, pic tures, and all unnecessary furniture should be removed. All clothing that goes from the room should be soaked in a disinfecting solution before it is sent out to be washed. Your physi cian will tell you how. All other san itary precautions should be taken, such as separate dishes for the sole use of the patient. All dishcharges must be thoroughly disinfected bo- fore they are taken from the room. The nurse and physician should be the only persons allowed in the room, and they should cover their clothing and hair with washable cap and gown, Hands should be washed and disinfect ed. When the child recovers, it should be bathed, disinfected, wrapped in a sheet wet with disinfecting solution and carried into an adjoining room to be dressed. In event of death, the body should be disinfected, sealed in a coffin and given private burial as soon as possible. The room should be sealed up, with paper pasted over fireplace, cracks, keyhole, etc. Hang up bedclothes; j open drawers. Place tub containing water in center of room. Place pan in water. In pan put crystals of potaassium permanganate and over this quickly pour formaldehyde out of larger mouthed vessel. Leave room immediately. Keep it locked and sealed up 12 to 24 hours. * Against such diseases as small-pox diphtheria, lockjaw, meningitis, ty phoid fever and hydrophobia the State Board of Health furnishes free of cost a vaccine or serum for their prevention; and the Board strongly advises their use where circumstances indicate the need. TALLULAH FALLS AND RABUN GAP In his sermon to unmarried wom en on Friday night Dr. Dew insisted that every young woman should fit herself by the highest training and culture to make the most out of life. He declared that some of the world’s ■greatest workers were old maids. Among them are the following: Queen Elizabeth, in whose reign England reached her golden age. Florence Nightingale, angel of .... . , * | mercy, in the Crimean War, and es- sible from worries and cares, that . ... / - _ - . , .. . tablisher of organized nursing in her surroundings be sanitary and | w times cheerful; and that her diet exercise I ’ . . and clothing to proparly regulated. |. Dorothea Dix, pioneer of reform Important of Proper Feeding, j ln pris ' But even after the healthy child Clairvoyant and Scientific Palmist has opened its little eyes to the shine, the responsibility of the par ents is equally great. No hothouse plant is more susceptible to unfavor able influence than a newborn child Proper food, fresh air, bathing and proper clothing, are the chief essen tials. Improper feeding is the greatest single cause of infant mortality. For information concerning the proper feeding of infants, the Georgia State Board of Health has issued a circular, No. 12, entitled ‘Keep Baby Well Dur ing the Summer,” which may be had for the asking. Above all, says the Board of Health, do not get the erroneous idea that there are some diseases of childhood which the child is bound to have, and which are so trivial that the sooner they are over with the better. This is altogether wrong. Practically all the diseases of childhood can lead to serious complications and permanent weakness or death. Children should never be exposed to contageous ail ments, if it can possibly be avoided, and those suffering from measles, MILD PATTERNS Address Pattern Dept, The Athens Herald 964s 9645—A Splendid Style for the Growing Miss—Girls Dress With or Without Added Yoke Portions. White linene with a contrasting color on collar, cuffs and belt will de velop this model effectively and inex pensively. It is also attractive in gingham, chambrey or linen, and will look equally well in voile, cash mere or serge. The pattern is cut in 4 sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. It requires 4 1-2 yards of 36 inch ma teria! for a 10 ye_r size. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10c in silver or atiunpsv—adv. and reformatory methods. Frances E. Willard, founder of the temperance movement. Rosa Bonheur, who opened the new artistic fields in the representa tion of animal life. Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross Society and savior of thous ands from physical death and suffer ing. Joan of Arc, one of the important factors in French history. Susan B. Anthony, pioneer in ef forts to procure more, equal rights for women. ' Z ’ Charlotte Bronte, whose novels are among the best in English litera ture. Jane Austen, whose pen pictures of English village life promise to be immortal. Jane Adams, head of the Hull House. Julia Lathrop, chosen from among the-women of America to lead in preserving child life and happiness throughout the country. And last, but not least, Mildred Rutherford, first citizen, of Athens, educator, lecturer, gentle disciple of the Christ. Read the splendid book offer in today’s Heralti. “The Ameri can Government” should be in every home. Clip the coupon on page 8. Col. Roosevelt is nominated by a London newspaper as candidate for king of Albania. For that office he would probably be able to poll the solid Democratic and Republican vote this country.—New Orleans Times- Democrat. Clairvoyant and Scientific Palmist Has returned to Athens for short while. Can be consulted on all af fairs of life, such as business specu lation,- love, courtship, marriage, di vorce, in fact, everything connected with your daily life. Has helped others, why not you? Remember, the Madam is no for tune teller, but one endowed with the gift of prophesy, spoken of in first Corinthians, twelfth chapiter and tenth verse. Everything strict ly confidential. Office hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m., daily except Sundays. Located at.298 West Clayton street. —adv. Phone 1216 and say: “Send me The Herald.” The Herald ieads. 1ST ENT) Rev. J. W. Shaw preached at Al- cova Station on the Georgia railroad last Sunday at 11 o'clock. Rev. G. W. Sorrow, of Rutledge, Ga., preached at the Pentecostal Mission last Friday night. Mr. Ed Carter has returned from ‘Macon .where he has been for eral weeks, employed at one of the cotton mills. Miss Mamie Shaw, of Princeton, visited relatives here last Saturday. Rev. L. P. Shaw preached at the residence of Mr. Dave Burgess at Princeton Factory Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock." ; Mr. J. Hi Raiden, of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Rawson, and family on Nacoochee avenue. (Special to The Herald.) Atlanta, Ga., July 1—To exploit the scenic beauty and other attractions of the Tallulah Falls and Ruban Gap country for tourists,and the opportun ities for agricultural and horticultur al development open to settlers in this section, the Tallulah Falls Railway has just issued a handsomely illustrat ed folder which will be given a wide distribution throughout the South. The booklet contains views of the principal waterfalls and points of scenic interest, pictures of hotels and boarding houses along the Tallulah Falls Railway, and in the center are large views showing what the thirty farmers along the line are producing in the rich valleys and along mountain sides and slopes of this favored section. The text has been carefully arranged with a view of giving authentic information in re gard to the section, a detailed descrip tion of each resort being given. The entire stretch of territory along the Tallulah Falls Railway from Cor nelia, Ga., to Franklin, N. C., is rap idly gaining favor as a summer play ground and health resort and is visit ed every year in increasing numbers by Georgians and tourists from all the South, and the Tallulah Falls Railway is now devoting itself tively to the task of increasing this popularity. The Herald’s store news and business annoucements have a real value. Read Her ald ads. ATLANTA BANKERS HAD TRIED WILSON CURRENCY PLAN (Special to The Herald.) Atlanta, Ga., July 1.—The aston ishment expressed ever the country at the haste with which the Atlanta Clearing House Association endorsed the Wilson currency reform measure the daj after it was announced, will probably subside in the face of an interesting explanation. Bankers in other cities wondered that Atlanta should endorse the measure before studying it. The answer was that Atlanta already knew all about it. “We endorsed it immediately,” said a leading member on the clear ing house association today, “because it embodies exactly the same princi ples in accordance with whi;h we is sued our clearing house certificates in 1907. We had tried out the plan, and we already knew its merits,” Miss Mary Bartelme is the assist ant to tile judge of the juvenile court for delinquent girls of Chicago. Miss Bartelme holds the unique dis tinction of being the first woman judge, and she presides over the only woman’s court in the world. Mallory’s Oxfords an i Pumps Gun Metal, Pat ent, Tan, White in the late styles, suited to your individual taste. Call in and look them over without any obligation to buy. JUST AS HIGH IN QUALITY-LOWER IN PRICE MALLORY SHOE CO. 251 Broad St. Telephone 1041 1 Lot 75x220 1 Lot 75x220 In Desirable Section of the City. Apply to W. S. CALLAWAY, 846 Hill Street, Athens, Ga, Phone 1216 and say: “Send me The Herald.” The Herald leads. THE “HELLO GIRL.” Washington, July 1.—The “hello girl” is an institution of the age, but the individuality of the sweet voiced creature who is always on the job is almost as much of a mystery as that of the Delphian oracle to whom the wise and the simple of a bygone age went for a revelation of the future. At the San Diego Ex position the “hello girls” will work at their switchboard behind big plate ■glass windows and everyone will be able to see the workings of a tele phone exchange. i Phone 1216 and say: “Send me the Herald.” TnUsGIVEYouj A 65 Piece Set of THts Silverware I V ALUABLE Free Silverware Coupons are packed in every sack and barrel of Flour milled by Igleheart Brothers. And these coupons will bring to your table, additional Vis upo: . , Teaspoons, Knives, Forks, Butter Spreaders and other pieces of this lovely Chester pattern. So don’t just say to your grocer, “Send a sack of flour, ’ —demand those brands by name—the kind of - flour that bakes delicious, white bread and biscuits with anut-brown crust! Swans Down Flour Diadem Flour •/tax buttmd—never bettered for biucuiU. bread and cracker* And when you want aalf-riting floor order one of the following by name Perfect Biscuit Floor the "qulkk at a ulnkk” telf-titiiifi Kata’ "culkk a* lit*"-ready foe intfaHl aem poetatc, packing-,« These four brands, and others, are all milled by Iglmhmart S Brothers, and all contain free valuable silverware coupons. • * 8 GEO. H. HULME COMPANY, Distributors Athens, Ga. THIS FREE COUPON BRINGS FIRST TEASPOON . m* (enWhM/M SPARKS VULCANIZING CO Sfric ly High-Grade Tire Repairing ALL WORK DONE AT OUR RISK FOR SALE One lot on Milledge Ave, 70x190 Price, $1,750.00 This is the best bargain in real estate in Athens. HARRY HULL G.F. O’KELLEY Buggies, Wagons, Harness -AND FULL LINE OF- John Deere Implements Comer Wall and Clayton Streets, ATHENS, - - GEORGIA Brick Land to Lease. I have in the corporate limits of Liiburn a body of clay suitable for the manufacture of high grade brick. 1 desire to lease for a term of years said land to some re sponsible party with means to establish a plant and operate the same. Terms very reasonable. Address, or call on J. C. COLE, Liiburn, Ga. ♦ p f B+B4 ■ ♦H ♦H ♦! ■ HOME RAISED Water Ground MEAL ■** W. J. BARRETT, Phone 788-L Athens, Ga.