The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923, April 30, 1917, Image 2

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TWO ATHENS HERALD READERS ARE SUBSTANTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR ATHENS HERALD ADVERTISERS. MONDAY, APRIL 30., CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OB CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If tongue is coated give “California Syrup of Figs.” Every mother realizes, after giving her children “California Syrup of j Figs,” tha. this is their ideal laxa tive, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bow-* els without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless “fruit laxative,” and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile,and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic— remember, a good “inside cleansing” should always be the first treatment given. Millions_of mothers keep “Califor nia Syrup of Figs” handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick cljild tomorrow. Ask your druggist MIDDLE AGED CLASS AT Y, M. C.A, WILL START ON MONDAY There Are a Large Number of the lluniness and Professional Men of the City in This Class. Class Is Limited to Business and Professional Men Only. Work Will Be Under the Di rection of Physical Director Jones. S THIS SMS HE COULDN’T RAISE HIS FI for a 50-cent bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,” which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here, so don’t be fooled. Get the genuine, made by “California Fig Syrup Com pany.” TO APPLT SAGE TEA Look Yoons! Bring Bock Its Notural Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. Common garden sage brewed into u heavy tea with sulphur* added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a reve lation if your hair is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get a 50-cent bottle of Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store alt'Tesd; for use. This is the old time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. .... While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, wo all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive ness. By darkening yobr hair with Wyeth’a Sage and Sulphur Compound, no ona can tall; because it doea it so -naturally, so evtniy. You Just damp- p | ona hi p by the score of 338 to 288 en a sponge or soft brush with it and ,' oInta> u „ mult of Same, the draw pil* through your hajr, taking ™ ■- -* ---■* your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and. luxuriant. This preparation Is a delightful £ *t requisite and is not intended for cure, mitigation or prevention of ase. LODGE DIRECTORY St Elmo Lodge. K. of P.—St Elmo Lodge, No. 40 Knights of Pythias, meets every Monday night at 8:30 o'clock at its Castle Hall, in the Jes ter Building, Clayton street Phone 1126-L. Visiting Knights cordially invited to attend. H. ABIT NIX, C. C. HOWARD T. ABNEY, K. of R. & S. Williams Lodge, No. 15.1.0. 0*F— Meets every Monday night In Odd Fallows’ Hall, Max Joseph Building. All brethren are invited to attend. C. A. VON DER LEITH, N. G. J. A. MEALOR, R. S. Glenn Lodge. No. 75. L O. O. F.— Meets every Tuesday night in Odd Fallows’ Hall, Max Joseph Building. All brethren are Invited to attend. H. D. STEVENS, N. G. ^J. T. GALIIIER, R. S. Athens B. P. 0. E., No. 790.—Meets every second and fourth Wednesday nights, 8:30 o’clock, at lodge quar ters, corner Broad and Lumpkin streets. HOMER STARK, E. R. C. H. PALMER, Secretary. ML Verson Lodge, F. & A. M.— Mr. Vernon Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M.‘ meets in tegular communication every Thursday night in each month at Ma sonic Hall, third floor Max Joseph Building, Clayton street. E. C. PAINE, W. M. JOHN C. QUINN, Secretary. George & Daria Camp, 292, W. O. W.—Meets every Wednesday evening in Woodmen Hall, Max Joseph Build ing at 8:30 p. m. The first and third devoted to general buainesl, the sec ond and fourth to degree team and Uniform Rank Drill. Visiting Sover eigns cordially invited. W. W. BEACHAM, C. O, A. D. WOOD, Clerk. CLEAR AWAY THE WASTE. Bowel regularity is the secret of good health, bright eyea, clear com plexions, and Dr. King’s New Life Pills are a mild and gentle laxative that regulates the bowels and re lieves the congested intestines by removing the accumulated wastes without griping}* Take a pill before ratting and that haavy head, that dull spring fever feeling disappears. Gdt Dr. King's New Life Pills at your druggist, 25c. The special classes for the middle- aged and the older lousiness and pro fessional men of tile city in pnysica' education and recreational games will be started at the Young Men’s Christian Association today under the direction of Physical Director Jones. There are quite a number of our fbusiness und professional men, who now hold membership in the Business Men’s club of the association, and tiiey are to be grouped together ill regular class work—to meet on Mon day ami Thursday afternoons at oil5 snarp. This class will he limited to the business und professional men', who ure members of this club, us it is nuc- fessary to give a line of work that is adapted to the needs of the older business men, and these men will he grouped separately from the lyounger members of the association Mr. Jones has had considerable ex perience in handling work along these special lines for the matured men, und with the wonderful equip ment ut the association, combined with the beautiful and attractive swimming pool, which will be fen tured, an efficient and comprehensive work will be conducted. Those business und professional ...en of our community who have been thinking about uniting with the associationaand taking some exercise for health conservation should come in at this time, so as to get the full benefit of what is to be done. The class work will start promptly ut 5:15, therefore the members should he at the association not later than 5 o’clock. They will be out by 0:30 to 6:45, in ample time for sup- per—with an hour’s daylight for other things. • The flnul volley ball match game between the pickeTl teams from the Business Men’s League and the Se nior Night League was played off Friday night at the association, and the business men were winners by the score of 102 to 38 points. The Bus iness Men’s -League won the chant- CONSTRUCTION WORK ON WOODEN SHIPS IS STARTED young men will don aprons and wait on the older fellows at the banquet to Jae held next week. GREAT SWIMMING DEMONSTRA TION. : At the close of the volley ball game the large crowd of spectators went down to the swimming pool and there witnessed one of the most at tractive and interesting water dem onstrations that the citizens of Ath ens have ever had the privilege of seeing. The plain and fancy diving by Die team composed of Messrs. Morton H°dK*°n, Quillian, Edmund Price, Sellars Rogers and Physical Director Jones did some excellent wbrk and received liberal applause. Then Mr. Jones, who is an expert in all water sports, demonstrated the various strokes and styles of swim ming, which are being taught all over America. In the clear waters of this pool, where every joint in the ce mented tile could be seen on the bot tom of the pool, the movements of Mr. Jones were clear to all. This demonstration of his was remarkable, and proved conclusively to the large crowd of ladies and gentlemen pres ent that ia him Athens has a wonder ful instructor in water sports, and there were many who came to a de cision last night to take advantage of the warm weather and the attrac tive waters of this exquisite pool, which all, who have seen, declare to be the omit beautiful one in . the southern country. Special swimming classes will be conducted for expert swimmers on Tuesday nights at 8 o’clock and on Friday night for novices and begin ners. The boys have their swimming les sons after each class period during the afternoons and on Saturday mominffs. The association is showing steady growth, its activities being increased from day to day. and man* new members coming in during eacl month since the building has been opened. The management is expect ing a membership by the end of the first year in the new building of 760. _ Cut This Out and Keep It. Every mother of young children should cut this out and keep it, that she may know what to get,when her children have whooping cough. “We first used Chambe^ain’s Cough Rem edy in our home about three years ago when our daughter May had whooping cough, and it proved to be such an excellent medicine for this disease that I willingly recommend it. It never failed to relieve those whooping spells, loosen up the phlegm and give immediate relief,” writes Mrs. Ethel Price, Mattoon, in. If every man who hung out a flag would make an effort to get one re cruit to enlist, this volunteer sys tem would be a success.—Ex. Life is up to anything, even tell- Ached From Head <u Feet With Rheumatism — Suffering of 32 Years* Standing Overcome. “Rheumatism had me in its clutch es for thirty-two years, but I haven’t had a pain since Tanlac relieved me .twelve months ago,” said B. N. I)un- juvpnt, 934 Johl Place, Memphis, Tenn. “When 1 was only seven years old,” Mr, Dunavant continued, “1 was taken down with rheumatism and for two years 1 was unable to walk and had to be carried about by a nurse. I had it in three forms, mus cular, sciatic and inflammatory, ami I ached from the top of my head to * -I V feet, and I simply suffered agony. “I was down for two and three months at a time, unable to do any thing, and my left arm got so I couldn’t raise it from my side. When Fi I would have an attack of inflamma tory rheumatism I would have to lay my arm on a pillow and many a night I suffered so I couldn’t sleep a wink. And when the sciatic rheuma tism was at its worst the pain was great I couldn’t lie in bed, I 'would have to get up ami walk the door. I tried medicine after medicine and took two trips to Hot Springs, but nothing gave me more than tem porary relief. Some of the medicine i took was so strong ic got my stomach all upset. After taking my second bottle of Tanlac I noticed I could raise my left arm without it hurting me. I kept on taking it un til I used six bottles and I haven’t had a rheumatic pain since I finished my last bottle about a year ugo. 1 have even gone through the past bad winter without a pain. Tanlac helped my stomach in place of tearing it up like other medicines. It gave me a fine appetite and I gained eight pounds. The change in my condition has been so great that I hardly feel like the same man.” Tanlac is sold exclusively in Ath ens by Citizens’ Pharmacy, and at Winterville, Ga., by the Kroner com pany. (adv.) United .States to Produce One Vessel Every Ten Days to Carry Supplies to Allies. First Ship Scheduled to He Launched Ninety Days After Her Keel Is Laid—Plant to He Systematized to Highest De gree. # (By United Press.) New York, April 30.—Construction work started today on the Founda tion company plant near here, where the government plans to produce one Ten ship every ten days to carry supplies to our allies, for this plant was leased to the for this plant was lease dto the ndution company by Henry Ford ai a nominal sum, after he had se cured it for a farm tractor plant. He turned over his dock and railway tracks to the government interests. About 3,000 men working in day ami night shifts will be employed on the government’s ship building pro ject when the plant is completed. The first wooden ship is scheduled to be launched ninety days after her keel is laid. After that one will ready every ten days. They will be 290 feet long, 46 foot beam and of 17 feet draft. About 1.260,000 feet of green timber will be required for each vessel. They will cost $360,000 fcach. » . The plant will be systematized to the highest degree. One squad of men will work on the hulls, another on installation of 16-knot engines and a third on interior finishing. Arming of the ships will be left to the government WEEK’S WEATHER Washington, I). C., April 30.— Forecast for the week for the south Atlantic and east Gulf states: Fre quent showers are probable the first half of the week, and the latter half will be fair. Cool weather will prevail during the first part of the ’week and the temperatures will be below the seasonal nominal there after. " t Ch«*n are echoing around the world but the loudest and the best of them are In the western hemisphere.—Ex. A FOOL AT 40 It is an old proverb that every man is either a fool or a physician at 40. Well I fooled along for 40 years in the drug business and practice of medicine before I perfected u blood medicine that I thought and knew I could offer the public with impunity. I have perfected Number 40 For The Blood, and to show you that I do not wish to fool you I will send you your dollar by mail if you re turn the front of the cartoon with the statement trat you have tried one bottle withou satisfactory result for any scrofulous disease, for blood poison, chronic rheumatism, malaria, chronic liver and stomach trouble, constipation, or in fact any disease for which it is recommended. J. C. Mendenhall, Evansville, Ind. Sold by Warren J. Smith A Bro. War Tabloids (By United Press.) .New York.—U. S. Grant, IV., on listed us ii private in the United States Infantry, lie is a grandson of President Grant. Worcester, Mm- When a flat: was raised over (he choir loft of the Unitarian church Rev. Utely re signed. He ii a pacifist. New York.—Under new war regu nations every New York cabaret muat cine at 1 a. mi and .remain elo«ed until « a. m.' Saloons mutt do Hire- wise. Midnight frelies are taboo. Aurora, Ills.—Eight high school athletes left today to enlist in the ar- tillery corps of the regular army. None of the old. he boys are over 20 years Chicago.—Crazed by fear that he would be drafted info the army, John Bieczak shot and killed Vasal Golo hour, wounded his wife and beat his two babies into insensibility. LEXINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Joe Booth and Miss Emily Bisson, of Athens, were vis! tors here on Memorial Day. Judge R. E. Maxwell, accompanied by Messrs. E. H. Roberts and Edgar Maxwell, visited Athens last Mon day. * ^ As between marrying ami going to war, well, we would not crave too much war even if marriage has not proven such a beautific existence.— Ex. HOT WATER FOR SUMMER There’ll be a plenty if you are equipped with GAS A RUDD Does the Work Athens Gas, Light and Fuel Co. Holman Bldg. “THE GAS SHOP” Telephone 54 „ r c I int P“P le something Intareating i*src«l Posiif MSirsd Pries U,or# MtU«sfZ.7x I j s ^ oa t 0 f certain spaces because TMB Evans CHEMICAL c<f„ CittONNATI.O. I. 0 f a prohibition law.—Ex. j DRINK THE PUREST and BEST WATER of the land. That’s Linton Spring Water. We guar antee to our customers the sanitary condition of each bottle. Linton Springs Water Company Phone 95 R. S. CRANE, Mgr. 0 Tribute to the Lawyer He argues and Pleads for bis client’s needs He cites and recites till you’re dizzy He’s keen and he’s clean—that’s plain to be seen He’s brainy, he’s bright and he’s busy. Through all his long cases, tho* trouble he faces He’s calm and he’s cool and he’s quiet He says to feel fit there is nothing like IT And by IT he means WRIGLEY’S—Just try it! WRIGLEYS V 9 THE FLAVOR LASTS has won its case — people are for it. Largest selling gum in the world because it’s liked by ‘ more folks. “AFTER EVERY MEAL.” Three of a kind Keep them in mind Ladies’ Pumps Bronze, Kids and Greys at $1.89 Value $4.00 & $5.00 Uncle Max 549 E. BROAD STREET Opposite King Hodgson Co. For tomato plants Phone 87. Service-’Quality PRINTING Ijfe plan and execute Job and Book Print ing of the highest grade at reasonable prices. Let us esti mate on your next or der. Prompt service and satisfaction as sured. TELEPHONE 578 Place your order now for Personal Greeting Cards W. J. GARDNER PRINTING. . STATIONERY S.B. WILKINS & C0. 803 Southern Mutual Building. Athens, Gs. LEADING INSURANCE STOCK COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Among them are Royal Insurance Company, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng. Georgia Fife Underwriters, .Etna Accident and Liability Company, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bonding h Insurance Company. Careful attention to all business placed with os. Administrator and Guardian Bonds Office Phone, 835; Home Phone, 985. PHONE *1 2$ 0 ant * 8ay: "Send me The Herald.” No. Today’s News Today. Pay boy.. 10c Per Week PLAY BALL The time is at hand now for Base ball practice, and we are busy opening up our new spring stock, which is com plete. In addition to Spalding and Reach’s line, we have one or two other good lines and can please you in base- baJ goods. Tennis goods, Gymnasium goods, etc. See the, new things' before making your, purchases. We appreciate your busi ness. THE McGRERGR CR.