The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923, May 01, 1917, Image 2

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TWO ATHENS HERALD READERS ARE SUBSTANTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR ATHENS HERALD ADVERTISERS. TUESDAY. MAY 1. “Come on Over, See PRESIDENT ESTABLISHES My Corn Fall Off!” “I Pul 2 Drops of ‘GetM-It* on Last Night—Now Watch—” “See—all you have to no is to use your two fingers and lift the com right off. That’s the way Gets-It’ always works. You just put on about 2 drops. Then the corn not only 6hrivels, but loosens from the toe, without affecting the surrounding flesh in the least. Why, it’s almost a STRINGENT CENSORSHIP Proclamation Includes Cables, Telegraphs and Telephones and Leaves It to the War De- Department and the Navy De partment to Work Out the Regulations—Rules Complet ed and Censorship Ordered Into Immediate Effect. DRUGGIST'S EXPERIENCE WITH KIDNEY MEDICINE Wc arc very much satisfied wit the demand we have for Dr. Kilmer 1 Swamp-Root. We have been carry ing it for eight years and have SUNDAY SCHOOLS TO MEET INJAVANNAH 1 Many Special Features Will Mark the Stale Meeting in the Forrest City. Among other special features at the State Sunday school convention which will be held in Savannah, May ver i 8* ^ and 10, wil! be a county Sunday heard of a dissatisfied customer; they all speak very favorably re- Cora Had With •Cieta-ltV* pleasure to have corns and nee how ‘Gets-It’ gets them off in a hutry and without the least pain. I can wear tight shoes, dance and walk as though I never had corns.” “Gets-It” makes the use of toe-ir ritating salves, bundling bandages, tape, plasters and other things not only foolish, but unnecessary. Use this wonderful discovery, “Gets-It,” for any soft or hard com or callus. It is the new, simple, easy, quick way, and it never fails. You’ll never have to cut a com again with knives or scissors, and run chances of blood poison. Try “Gets-It” tonight. “Gets-It” is sold everywhere, 25c a bottla, or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, Ill. Sold in Athena, Ga., and recom mended as the world’s best com rem edy by Warren J. Smith, Bros., Reid Drug Company, Palmer’s Drug Stores, Athens, Ga. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. * a. the, cannot reach the neat of the dlaeaae. Ca tarrh ia a blood nr rnqstltutlonal disease, *ru) In order to ci it you must take In ternal remedies. Hairs Catarrh Curo U taken Internally, nuU acta directly upon the blood ar.1 mucous surface, (fail's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. If. was prescribed by ono of the beat phy sicians In this country for ytnra and la a rer-tlar prescription. It la < oinposod of (he peat tonlca known, combined with the bear Hood purlRerr. acting directly on the vnucom surfaces The perfect combina tion of the two Ingredients la what pro duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh.*8end for testimonials, fres. F. J. CHENET A CO.. Props.. T-’tdo, a “-•1 by Druggist#, lirlre TOr. * *• u s r* ... .- I garding the nrCrits of the prepara- Washington, II May 1—The * jui|j from the ' sa £ we State* gover.f nent locked i censor-1, __ :♦ * k. .. ship upon cables, telegraphs and tel ephones, afplying the cable prohiM tions to all lines, “but operating telephones Tabs Hall s • Mila for’lee B lack One Who Drinks tion, or prejudical relation, with for eign power,. It conatitute, America’, rint taste' of real wartime iron-clad military TV ilia Wifa of censorship and tho regulation, are 10 lilt. . T 111. Ill t sufficiently broad to give the govern ment censors the broadest power, of deleting or withholding meeiagee. Commander D. W. Todd, director of naval communications, will be In charge of the cable censorship with Commander Arthur R. Hoff controll ing the New York division, while 'Brigadier General McIntyre will di reet the telegraph and telephone iu pervision on the border. DANIEL’S Famous Mineral Water Union Point, Ga. Delivered anywhere in 5 gallon container* for $1.00 DANIEL SPRINGS, . Union Point, Ga. * ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL CHELSEA We»t Twenty-third St, «t Sev- f enth Ava., r NEW YORK CITY EUROPEAN PLAN 500 ROOMS. 400 BATHS Room, with adjoining bath, r 11.00 and $1.50. Suites, parlor, bedroom and ft bath, $3.00 and upward. Club Breakfast, 25c up. Special Luncheon, 50c up. Table dHote Dinner, *76c up. Cafe attached. To Reach Hotel Chelsea. Prom Pennsylvania Station, 7th ' Avenue car gouth to 23d # Street: Grand Central, 4th Avenue car -south to 23d street; I»cka wanna, Erie, Reading, .Baltimore and Ohio. Jersey * Central end Lehigh Valley R. R. Stations, take 23d 'Street crosstown ear east to Hotel Chelsea. Principal Steamship Piers, Foot •West 23d Street, take 23d Street crosstown car. WRITE FOB COLORED MAP OP NEW YORK against telegraphs a only along ..he border. President Wilson ordered the cen sorship by proclamation and left to the war and navy departments to work out regulations. These regula tions were completed and the censor ship ordered into immediate effect. The Wilson proclamtion reads: “Whereas, the existence of a state of war between the United States and the imperial German govern ment makes it essential to the public safety that no communication of a character that would aid the enemy or its allies shall oc had, “Therefore, by virtue of the power vested in me under the constitution and by the joint resolution passed by congress April 15, ID 17, declaring the existence of a state of war, it is or dered that all companies or other persons, owning, controlling or oper ating telegraph and telephone lines of submarine cables nre hereby pro hibited from transmitting message* to points without the United States and from delivering messages re ceived from such points except those permitted under rules and regula tions to be established by the secre tary of war for telegraph and tele phone lines and by the secretary of the navy for submurine cables. “To these departments, respective ly, is delegated the duty of prepar ing and enforcing rules and regula tions under this order to accomplish the purpose mentioned. This order shall take effect from date. (Signed) “WOODROW WILSON.” NEWSPAPERS AFFECTED. The censorship naturally hits news papers and press associations chief ly, but it also involves messages in coming and outgoing of American business concerns ond individuals. The objects of the censorships are officially designed as being to pre vent military information reaching the enemy, to prevent the spread of information prejudicial to the inter ests of the United State* or of in terest to Germany; to prevent cir culation of false report* And reports prejudicnl either to military opera' i ‘ have on it it must be a splendid 1 medicine for .he troubles for which it is so highly recommended. Very truly yours, ZEBULON DRUG. CO., K. C. Daniel, Mgr. tfept. 21, 1916. Zebulon, North Car. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton. N. Y. school officers’ supper and confer ence, an adult Bible class parade, special music, an exhibit of modern Sunday school books, helps and equip ment, two afternoons of the conven tion are given over to departmental conferences, one afternoon the con vention goes on a special train to Tybeo beach. Hie county Sunday school officers’ supper and conference is to be held at the First Baptist church Tuesday night. May 8, when the county pres idents, county secretaries and divis ion presidents from all parts of the state will have a supper together, after which .they will discuss their county affairs, how to hold county j conventions and division conventions ' etc. Prove W’hat Swamp-Root Will I)o For You | Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & I .... Co., Binghamton, N. Y„ for a sample ™ e i-lv' 1 . Bible class parade Ucd- «i*e bottle. It will convince anyone. ? e " lav nl ?, ht '» ^ lnK fea ‘“ rM anrt You will also receive a booklet of val- fullv onc thou * and men from uable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure and mention The Athens Daily Herald. Regular flfty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. War Tabloids (By United Press.) London, May 1.—Final returns in nationwide census of horses, mules, cattle, pigs and agricultural instru ments arc due in Great Britain to day under a war department order. New York, May 1.—School teach ers of New York are completing to day a census of vacant lots in Great New York available for use in the home garden movement. Steclton, Pa., May 1.—Ten per cent wage increases in Bethlehem Steel company plants here, at Spar row’s Point and at Lebanon are ef fective today. They effect several thousand munition workers. New York, May 1.—Columbia Uni versity will open a military training camp for students and lumni at Dyl^er Park today as the first step in a plan to add courses in military tactics to the regulir university course. %*. . Eggs are eggstremely’expensivc- Greensboro Herald-Journal. NO MORE GRAY HAIR No Need to Look Old—Natural Color Comes With the Use of Q-Iian, the Great Scientific Discovery—Not a Dye. There is no longer any need for sensible people to let gray hairs spoil their looks or make them appear older than they really are or feel. Now that great chemists have suc ceeded in discovering a way to bring back a natural color to gray and faded hair in a perfectly healthful and pleasant way—without dyes and without likelihood of ridicule—thous ands have banished their gray hairs for good. This way is by the use of Q-Bun Hair Color Restorer, a harm less and efficient liquid, all ready to use. Ironclad Guarantee. Q-Ban is guaranteed by the mak- s to give satisfaction—or your money back. Not a patent medicine, not a dye. Only 50c at Palmer’s Drug Stores and all good drug stores, «r write Heasig-Ellis Drug Memphis, Tenn., mentioning drug gist's name. Illustrated, interesting book on “Hair Culture,” sent free. Try v-Ban Hair Tonic, Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo, Q-Ban Toilet Soap, also Q-Ban Depilatory (odorless) for re moving superfluous hair. adv _ >ys’ Greensboro Herald-Journal. Famous Wash Heals Skin D. D. D.. the pcatett nf akin .»« luce akin sSlkliuM that ha«« tn*d« life a bank — - • - • win - M bade That intolerable itch inf. vour In .... Surnlnr ami riixmnifnrt wfll disappear nnder the of tiiia remedy. It lua cured many ca' 4 p-onoun<t*l inrur.ihle and will reach t .ir ra*e. V.'a f jnm .trt the flrrt bottle te inf jna relict tic, floe and fixe. Bo Bo D. H. R. Palmer ft Sons, Athena, Ga. I have an important confidential message for you. It will come in a f ilain envelope. How to conquer the Iquor habit in 3 days ami make home happy. Wonderful, safe, lasting, re liable, inexpensive method, guaran teed. Write to Edw. J. Woods, 1581 C, Station E, New York, N. Y. Show this to others. FEDERAL AGENTS PROBING CHARGES TOUCHING STRIKE Alleged That Bakers' Trouble in Chi cago la Result of Pro-German Plotting—Gompers to Try to Settle Strike. (By United Press.) Chicago, Ills., May 1.—Federal au thorities today began a rigid inves tigation into charges that the bak era’ strike, which has practically tied up the city’s entire bread supply, is the result of pro-German plotting. Immediately upon receipt of orders from Washington, United States Di* trict Attorney Charles F. Fline as signed several special investigators to the case and union leader* were being questioned today. „ It is known hat several union lead ers ; n Washington signed a state ment pledging themselves not to env barrass the government by strikes during the war, but the striking bakers here assert that the pledge was made “over their heads.” President Gompers, of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, will arrive here shortly to attempt to end the strike. While actual shortage exists Chi cago as yet has not suffered a bread famine. Restaurants and hotels are struggling along on “reduced ra tions,” while retailers have issued “one loaf only” announcements to their customers. The naw 17-cent prices are being demanded. One of the city's largest bakeries and nearly fifty smaller ones employing 1,000 bakers are closed. The Schulz com pany, supplying bread to the Great Lakes naval training station, how ever, is operating enough independ ent workers to fill their contract with rhe government. Strikers thus far have not fnter- ferred with the delivery of bread in trucks marked “United States navy.” The Swainsboro Forest Blade editor hears that “a preacher saya that short skirts are partly responsible for the war in Europe.” And we didn’t know that the kaiser wore skirts of any kind.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Per haps not, but his sisterd makes poor Tino, of Greece, wear ’em.—<Macon News. War brides are si joy forever. men Sunday school* are expected to be in line. Many of these will carry pla cards, banners, flags, etc. In the afternoon sessions it has been arranged for the convention to break up into conferences. The Sunday school teachers and officers who work with pupils from 13 to 20 will be in one building, those who work with children from birth to 13 will be in another building, and those who work with pupils over 20 will be in another building. The pastors, superintendents and secretaries will be in still another church. These four conferences on the various phases of Sunday school work held at the same time make, it possible for all Sunday school workers to get just what they want. That all delegates might enjoy a stroll on the beach and spend a cou ple of hours in recreation, it ha» been arranged for a special train to take the convention to the beach on the last afternoon so they will be're freshed and ready for the final cli max session. The music of the convention wil! be in charge of Profe-sor E. O. Ex cell, of Chicago, assisted by hii pianist. Professor Erwin. Both of these men arc of national reputation, It has also been arranged for the celebrated “Rome Methodist Quar tette” to render several numbers at the convention. There will be an exhibit of some of the most modem Sunday school equipment and supplies from pub lishers as well as books on sale for the-'convenience of any of the dele- fettes who wish to get them. All Sunday schools of the state are asked to elect three delegates be sides pastor and superintendent. An delegates will pay a dollar registra tion fee and then be given a package containing a song book, note book, program, badge and other tninjp necessary to make them enjoy their y in Savannahf Then they are rigned homes where they given free lodging and breakfast, the other two meals they get at restau rants down town. BELL SUCCEEDS WOOD AS COMMANDER OF THE EAST (By United Press.) Washington, D. C., May 1.—Major General Leonard Wood was succeed ed as commander of the department of the east today by Major General Franklin Bell who has been com mander of the department of the west, with headquarters at San Francisco. Wood establishes the new department of the south, wi*K head quarters at Charleston, S. C. The transfer which roused n storm of criticism of war department meth ods was the reason for it, reverses a seven year old incident. In 1910 Wood succeeded Bell as chief of staff; today Bell takes, the more important post and Wood commands a new and in popular opinion less important post. Only patriots work gardens. Come around some morning and sec how they do it.—Ex. How He Quit Tobacco This veteran, 8. B. I^ampherc, was addicted to the ex cessive use of to bacco for many years. He wanted ,to quit but -leedcd fcomething to help him. He learned of a free book that tells about tobacco habit and how to conquer it quickly, easily anil safely. In a recent letter he writes: “I have no desire for tobacco any more, feel like a new man.” Anyone desiring a copy of this book on tobacco habit, smoking and chewing, can get it free, postpaid, by writing to Edward J. Woods 1581 A, Station E, New York City. Y’ou will be surprised and pleased, i/ook for quieter nerves, stronger heart, better digestion, improved eyesight, in creased vigor, longer life and other advantages if you quit poisoning yourself. RESERVE OFFICERS CALLED TO COLOR STODAY Washington, D. C., May 1.—Start ing today, reserve officers of the army report to United States army at fourteen training camps through out the country preparatory to train ing candidates for iommissions and to train later the vast army of sol diers the government plans to raise. All reserve officers are required to report to their camps by May 8. MILITARY CENSUS IN NEW YORK TODAY Albany, N. Y., April 1.—Eighty- seven questions will be asked of New York residents between the ages of J6, and 64 in the military census which starts today. The questions will include listir* Af ownership of automobiles, launch es, motorcycles, cattle and other stock, firearms and will collect a vast amount of data for industrial mobilization. Thousands of women have volunteered their services Tot clerical work of the census. PURE BLOOD Twenty-four hours after 3 011 start t« take I>r. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, poisonous matter nnd blood impurities begin to leave vonr body through the eliminative organs. It brings new activity to the liver, •oniach and bowels iij a r.hort time, Iiiis causing sallowncs-., indigestion .ml constipation to di-wippcar. it enters the tiny blood vessels of .he skin, bringing with it fre.h. ”ita- Ized blood; and abiding faith in its vorulcrftil cleansing power has come o thousands, when pimples, tails, car- umcles, rash. eczema, acne and other .kin troub'es dried up and disappeared. Good blood tr.eais good health; gool •caltli strong men and women, ill cf vigor and ambition, with ui.r.di lert end musclcn ever willing. Art ' ledicice dealer will tunply von wl • •pr.-»Picrcc's Golden Medical Discover., !n either liruid or tablet form. Re member it is not a p»tt nt medicine for its ingredients arc printed 0:1 the vrnp- per. It’s a puro glv — roots m^)le without uh What Many Folks Say. Louisville, Ky.—"When I lived at Harilvvill^ Ky., I had rheumatism, constipation, took cold cari'ty* and blood was thin. 1 was 'down and out* so I could not do r.ny work. 1 taught onc tattle of ' Golden Medical Discovery' and was pleased that it overcame my rheumatism, gave me an appetite, acted .13 a laxative, and made me a new man. I give nil the credit to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery aa I took no other medicine at the ttme. ,, —3Ir. V/. A. Hatcher, ao^-qth Ave. Doctor Pi tree's Pleasant Tellets reg ulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sngar-coaird. tiny granules. For tomato plants Phone 87. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH TrlU How To Open Clogged Nos trils mad End Hemd-Colds. You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold In head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dry ness; no struggling for breath at night Tall your druggist you want a small •ttic of lily’s Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it pene trate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swol len, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don’t stay stuffed-up and miserable. For tomato plants Phone 87. Ar °3fl^i£t g naanl c~cy60Q. nunsJ-BDisr. Ladies’ Pumps Bronze, Kids aid Grey* at $1.89 Value $4.00 & $5.00 Uncle Max 549 E. BROAD STREET Opposite King Hodgson Co. Special Train Party U.C.V. REUNION The Confederate Reunion to be held in Washing ton, D. C., June 4-8th, will be of National importance, and the most wonderful pageant seen in years. Great crowds are going. Congress will be in session, and government activities will be at their height at this time. ' We are forming a special train party at very low rates for an all expense paid tour, and have a special offer for early bookings. Several of these trips will be given to influential people in different sections. Write or call for full information NOW. M’FARLAND TOURS, 15 Peachtree, Atlanta, Ga. “Ask the Seaboard Ticket Agent” WATER! WATER! WATER! DRINK THE PUREST and BEST WATER of the land. That’s Linton Spring Water. We guar antee to our customers the sanitary condition of each bottle. Linton Springs Water Company Phone 95 R. S. CRANE, Mgr. S. B. WILKINS & CO. 303 Southern Mutual Building. Athene, Ga. LEADING INSURANCE STOCK COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Among them are Royal Ineuranee Company, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng, Georgia Fire Underwriter,, A5tna Accident and Liability Company, Penn Mutual Lift Insurance Company, Maiuchuietta Bonding ft Insurance Company. Careful attention to all buainess placed with us. Administrator and Guardian Bonds Office Phone, 835; Home Phone, 985. PLAY BALL The time is at hand now for Base ball practice, and we are busy opening * up our new spring stock, which is com plete. In addition to Spalding and , Reach’s line, we have one or two other good lines and can please you in base- baJ goods. Tennis goods, Gymnasium goods, etc. See the new things before making your purchases. We aporeciate your busi ness. THE McGREGOR CO. CORSETS REDUSO FOR STOUT FIGURES Make Urge Upe diuppear) balky wabt-Iineeman Vjward bu.t-linee •malUrand have the -Old Cenet* comfort with fine wearing, lath ■liiew and lew holt *3 M ood *5 °o NUFORM UUn Bi7l3.&50 Fee SLENDER end AVERACE FIGURES r. Style, Comfort end perfectly EttUg Cowe *1-00 te »3-00 WEWCARTEN BROS, Inc, New Yerh W. T. COLLINS & COMPANY, Exclusive Dealer, Athens, Ga.