The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923, May 01, 1917, Image 8

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EIGHT ATHENS HERALD READERS ARE SUBSTANTIAL C USTOMEHS FOR ATHENS HERALD ADVERTISERS- TUESDAY, MAY 1 WHAT IS LAX-FOS UX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CAS CARA A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fos is not a Secret or Patent Medi cine bnt is composed of the following Last nitfht the Greenwood Shows opened to a capacity house on the Lumpkin street lot and the show jrreatly enjoyed by all present. ras estimated that there were about 1,500 people in the tent when the curtain went up on the first act. Mr. Greenwood announced hat he p oueawrv nw i would have an entire change of pro- U MAY APPLE ROOT gram each evening and that not one W SENNA LEAVES I of the shows would be repeated dur ing the stay in Athens. There aie only a few of the old members of company with the show this _ and Bumps Dalton was missed cara,and thus the combination acts not j by all of those people who saw the onlvasa stimulating laxative and cat bar- show last year. tic but also as a digestive and liver tonic, j It will bo rememberer that Bumps Syrup laxatives are weak, but Lax-Fos ! Dalton and Boots Walton worked to- ©ld-fashioned roots and herbs CASCARA BARK C BLUE FLAG ROOT l RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN In Lax-Fos the Cascara is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi ents making it better than ordinary Cas- GREENWOOD SHOW PLEASES MONDAY EVENING combines strength with palatable, aro- tnitic taste and does not gripe or disturb tile stomach. One bottle will prove Lax*Fo9 is invaluable for Constipatioo, Indigestion or Torpid Liver. Price 50c. Gcorgia-Mercer baseball game in detail Colonial, Wednesday, 25c. EAST ATHENS BAPTIST CHURCH REVIVAL BEST I • HELD IN THIS CITY The revival being conducted at the Bast Athens Baptist church by Rev. W. H. Lord, the pastor, and Rev. W. H. Faust, pastor of the Winder Bap- tist church, is proving to be one of the best meetings that haa ever been held in the city Of Athens. All of the services to date have been excep tionally well attended and a larger attendance is expected during the balance of this week than ever be- fore. ■Rev. W. H. Faust has preached Borne of the best sermons ever heard in the city and ail of those who have heard hint say that he is one of the best preaehera that has ever dci livered a sermon in the city of Ath ens. He will be with Rev. W. H. Lord until the revival closes and it is expected that there will be even more people attend the services to hear him' for the rest of the time than has attended during the flrst ■part of the meetings. The subject for the sermon to night will be "What Think Ye of Christi” and it is thought that there will be an exceptionally large num ber attend the sendees. The. song service begins at 8 o’clock and the sermon at 8:30 o'clock. Georgia-Mercor baseball game in detail Colonial, Wednesday, 25c. gethor year as blackface come dians and were about the best that have ever been seen in Athens. Bumps did not come with the show this year, but his place was auly taken care of by one of the new men, Boots Walton had everything his way last night and was brought hack to dance several times. Th< rest of the company is the best of its kind ever seen in this section of the city and it is expected 4hat there will be muclf larger crowds at each of the performances. The girls are all young and exceptionally pretty and arc not the tired^ worn out kind who usually take up work in a tent show. of the girls have unusually good voices and they sing all of the latest and most popular songs. The work of the entire company last night was about as good as any that has been shown in Athens for twice the price of admission charged by the Greenwood Shows and most of those who attended last night were high in their praise of the perform ance. The big show opens every evening at 8 o’clock and is over by 10:30 in order that those who attend will have ample time to get back to their homes by 11 o’clock. There is always a special act put on after the big show which is over not later than 11 'clock. wJor B3X Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcere of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxi cation, Yellow aJandice, Appendicitis nnd other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete recovery to Mayr’s Wonderful Reme dy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by H. R. Palmer Sc Sons and druggista everywhere. FLUKEfc CIGAR CO, Distributors, Athens, Georgia CHILE IS POWERLESS TO DECLARE HERSELF (By Charles P. Stewart, United Press Staff Correspondent.) Buenos Aires, May 1.—Germany and Chile negotiated.a secret treaty guaranteeing Germany a fooihold ig South America in 1913, when Prince Henry of Prussia visited Chile, cording to an article published in Revista today by Jose Molins, one of the foremost authorities on South American relations. Molins declared Chile was thus powerless to sympathize with the United States or Brazil on account of this pact According to Revista’s article, the secret agreement between Chile and Germany guaranteed Germany influ ence in South America “regardless of future developments.” In return Chile was pledged German aid in maintaining her supremacy in west ern South America, including an am bitious plan for Chile ultimately 'to seize Patagonia and Argentina. “Chile is powerless to express her views with the United States, lest Germany reveal this treaty,” declared Molins in conclusion. I lf the kaiser’s job is contingent upon a German victory, we wouldn’t give fifteen cents for his chances. The Luzianne Guarantee: If, after usind^hc con tenia of a can, you are not aa tie fled in every reaped, your /fro- var will refund your money. to Top -off a Fine Meal What could be better than a cup (or two) of good, old Luzianne? The aroma will tickle your nose; the taste will tickle your palate; the price will please your purse; and all willlive hap pily ever after. Luzianne tastes all the way down. If it doesn’t taste better and go twice as far as any other coffee at the price, go get your money back. NOW —get a can of Luzianne and make it do what we say. Do that Ask for profit-sharing catalog. feoffee The Reily-Taylor Company, .NewOrleans nmanBBi READ THE HERALD WANT ADS rnrr Women Now Have Beautiful “Form Divine” I- II L L and Men Strong, Robust, Vigorous Bodies by simple new treatment. Men at 65 look 35 and have youthful Vim, Vigor and Vitality after taking 5 grain Tonoline Tablets 50c Box Free > * # This is a remarkable offer and we could not afford to give you this free if we did not have an exceptional remedy, ' T " ' * This advertisement will likely not'appear again in this paper so you should take advantage of this most liberal offer NOW. Cut out the FREE cou pon below and mail at once. Many increase a pound daily. POSITIVE PROOF OF WHAT TONOLINE HAS DONE FOR OTHERS, LET IT DO THE SAME FOR YOU Gained 50 Pounds “I have gained 60 pounds since taking Tono line and am now at just the weight I desired to be. I can recommend Tonoline to any thin per son.” Prof. F. J. B. Gaines 10 Pounds, Looks and Feels Better, Weighs 182 Pounds Now Won’t Need More Tonoline I have just commenced using the last box of Tonoline I received froip you and don’t think I will need any more as I weigh now 182 pounds. I have gained 20 pounds the last four weeks. Thanking you for advising me to try Torlbline I am Yours very truly, Mrs. George Bridgman, Pittsburg, Pa. Looks 10 Years Younger I wish to tell you that I am just delighted with the Tonoline treatment, I am gaining so in every way, not only in weight, but am feeling so much better and looking so much better. I was simply starving before, but now my appetite is getting hearty, my complexion is wonderfully improved and only yesterday I was told tbat I looked 10 Mrs. David Board, Hartford, W. Va., says, “En closed you will find $2.00 for which please send me two packages of Tonoline. Have gained seven pounds with the sample box.” Mrs. E. L. Coffman, Ontario, Cal., says, “Re ceived your sample box of Tonoline Tablets and years younger. I shall continue the treatment J 1 is satisfactory. I have been greatly benefited, and never be without Tonoline so long as it con- ^.® u ^. ere ^ from ulcers of the stomach in the right tinues to improve my health and appearance. I have found it to be all that you claim. Yours truly, Mrs. E. B. Corndon, Boston, Mass. side, in the region of my kidneys, and it always pained me, but Tonoline gives me relief. I have always been so constipated until I took Tonoline and I find they are helping me so much that I enclose $1.00 for another package.” Don’t stay thin and skinny like this but send for a 50c. box of Tonoline and have a plump robust body, It’s Free. TABLE OF NORMAL WEIGHTS The following condensed Table is from official records such es are used by Life Insurance Compa nies, etc., and these weights may be accepted as a general average of what you should weigh. The figures here given are with clothing in each Men Women 5 ft. 0 in. 121 113 S ft. 1 in 124 116 5 ft. 2 in, 129 ..121 5 ft. Sin...... .......185 127 5 ft. t . Sin...... 139 131 ft. 5 in .......145 138 5 ft. 6 in 146 141 5 ft. 7 In. .......149 148 5 ft. 8 in ...V...156 153 5 ft. 9 in. 101...... 158 5 ft. 10 In .......106 163 r. ft. ll i:i ,176 168 Ci ft. 0 In....... 182...... 174 They Used lo Call Me Skinny but Now They Call Me Fatly I Gained 27 Pounds I am pleased to express my opinion toward you for what Tonoline has done for me. Every one was saying that I was going into consump tion and I thought I would try a box of Tonoline which 1 saw advertised, and therefore commenced taking it according to directions. After I had taken Tonoline for a few days I felt much better and kept on ordering until I had taken six boxes. I was so thin and bony that I used to be ashamed of myself. When I first took the treatment I weighed about 125 pounds and I have now gained so that I weigh -117 pounds. I cannot go up and down the streets noy without everyone saying “What are you doing with yourself? You are so big and fat" Of course I laugh and say noth ing, but will say to you that Tonoline is just what it is recommended to be and it will make a new person of anyone who is run down and under weight. I would not make oath to this if it were not true. George Deshore, Woonsocket, R. I Two Boxes of Tonoline Made 15 Pounds of New, Firm Pleah / My weight before I took. Tonoline was 125 pounds and now I weigh M0 pounds. I only took two boxes, this is the second one and must say ih*.‘ * is great. Yours truly, Mrs. C. Soule, Philadelphia, Pa. II. R. Christian, Box to, Rt. 4, Covington, Ohio, says, "Enclosed please find $1.00 for andther box of Tonoline.' I nave gained three pounds on the sample box recently sent me and feel fine.” Mrs. DeWitt Main, Fullers, N. Y., says, "En closed please find 31.00 for a box of Tonoline. The first 15 days’ treatment proved wonderfully effective." Mrs. Charles Daris, 54 Warwick ,Ave., Zanes ville, Ohio, says, ^Please send me '31.C0 worth of Tonoline as soon as possible. I feel fine since .taking them and they build up my strength won derfully.” A . Wm. A. Edwards, 1300 0th St., Rockford, III., says, "Enclosed find 31.00 for which please send me a 15 days' treatment of Tonoline. The sample you sent done me much good.” Mrs. Frank Kuba, Victor, Iowa, says, “Enclosed you will find 51.00, please send me a large pack age of Tonoline Tablets, they seem to make me (eel fine; have gained a great deal on the first package.” Mr. Wm. Thompson, W. Brownsville, Pa., says "After trying your sample box of Tonoline, I am convinced that they are of wonderful value. Enclosed you will find 31.00 for which please send me a large box." Can Eat Everything I am praising Tonoline all the time. I was all ran down when I started to take it. Now I feel fine and have gained eight pounds with three boxes. It hax given me a good appetite and has helped my stpmach trouble. Can eat anything now. My friends all say I am looking fine. Yours truly, Mrs. C. B. Daniels, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Geo. E. Lake. Lindenville, N. Y„ says, "Received sample box of Tonoline and it cer tainly is a great medicine and I wilt continue to take it. Enclosed please find 5UN) for a large sixe box.” To Look Healthy and Feel Fine Take Tonoline Mrs. A. K. F., Greencastle, Pi., writes:—“I think your TONOLINE is great. I have taken one box and am on my second one. I feel better amf can cat more than I have for years. I have a good color and some of my friends have re marked how good and healthy I am looking.” Dan Crumf, 1126 Lee St., Charleston, W. Va., says, "I wrote you tome time ago after seeing your advertisement in our daily paper to send me a sample of your wonderful discovery which you call ‘Tonoline’ which I received. Well, I waAt to say I have taken it and it did me so much good I bought another box from C. A. Potter- field and now I am starting on my second box. I have been skinny all my life and had given up all hopes of ever putting <u> flesh. Now I am get ting fit and my own people soy they hardly know who I am. Day after day people on the street ask me what I am doing for myself and I just laugh, but it is your wonderful remedy ‘Ton- oline’ and I wish to thank you for the good it has done me and I hare told many of my friends Nbout it nnd will be glad to recommend it to everyone in Charleston.” BEAUTY FOR WOMEN' Tonoline seems to produce a most remarkable effect in quickly and permanently rounding out the feminine form Aivine. I{ does not dovelop one portion of the figure at the expense of an other, but in perfect harmony, the fnce should fill out to the perfect oval, the neck and bust be come firm and plump, the arms round-out to graceful proportions, and the limbs take on the curves which alone are the signs of beauty. No flesh focjd to be laboriously rubbed upon the body, no mechanical appliances, notice of the tricks and devices of the beauty doctor or masseuse can compare with that perfet development wtiich comes from the harmonious working of the or gans of assimilation and digestion. No longer the need of hiding the shortcomings of the figure .with padding, ruffles, ling sleeves and high collars. Tonoline will work this miracle for any im perfectly developed woman or money back. Be- siderf that, one will feel so much better, will be so much more cheerful and happy in every way. Gloomy forebodings will give place to real, actual happiness. • From Beauty Secrets ■MISS ANVIOUS: My bust-developer formula will increase your bust to plump roundniis a/id fulness without question, even though your pre vious development has been lost. After meals and at bedtime take a Tonoline Tablet. Then massage bust night and morning with rosetone. SPECIAL NOTICE—When hunt development la especially desired, the use of rosetone la highly recommended in connection with tonoline to aid in rounding out ^he figure quickly and beauti fully. 5-grain Tonoline tablet! are dispensed by PALMER’S THREE DRUG STORES Cut This Out FREE—50c BOX OF TONOLINE American Proprietary Cm, Boston, Mass. If you will mail me a 60c box of Tonoline Tab- eta for the 10c inclosed to pay postage, packing, etc., I will try them and recommend them if they help me. Name Full address -