The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923, December 26, 1922, Image 1

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ATHENS CO’fTON: MIDDLING 26 5-8e FRIDAY'S CLOSE 26e Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week. The One taper In Most Homes—THe Only’Paper In Many Homes. Daily and Monday—10 Cents a; WeetT" VOL. 11, No. 91 Full Associated-Press Leased Wire Service. . ATHENS, GA„ TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26, 1922. Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cento Sunday. 4—4 4-4 4-4 4. 4* i » *i* *1* *1* *1* *-* •I* *1* -T- .T. * V .V. . v. y . * i 1 V -V- V V Former Savannah Man Held in Baltimore on Three Arson ^ —4 4—4 ^-4 4—4 ^-4 4—4 4—4 4-4 4—4 4—4 4—4 4—4’ 4—4 4—4 4—4 4—4 4—4 COLUMBUS MAN ANOTHER STAGE ROMANCE SHE SLEW VICTIM After Watching His Body All Night, Mrs. 0. L. .imies Goes to Court Vol untarily. v\YS SHE KILLED IN SELF DEFENSE hlack Feared Mrs. Jones Would Go Back to First Husband, She Declares on Stand. ton Beauty to Wed f itawy* * m When Testimony Is Intro duced in Court in Janu ary, Solutions Will Be Reached. 2 OF 5 MEN TAKEN WERE DROWNED ! Old Man Who Gave Drink to Masked Band Will As sist Courts and State in Probe. New YORK — While police re- ccfdB show Monday was the “dri- j eii*’ Christmas in New York’s his- j tory. six deaths were attributed by-police'to bootleg liquor. • ! . Autopsies will be performed on Dillard Owens 111 SWOHI thp bodies ot the Six-five men I g tatement to Court De- .oiTSVlLLE, Ky. — A woman’ rv »*f a quarrel, a shot and her il from dusk to dawn over the ly of the man she killed was be- checked up by police depart- nt investigators here .Tuesday. I killed my friend" Mrs. OliVe L. • years old pretty divorcee nodriced' when she u \ v headquarters *3ust after day- ■ ai Monday. This was the first timatioB officfals had that O. sHles manager for a Louis- H, automobile company ha<l been -——— y Sunday otternoon in Mr,. e 0 Wet n , a .■ >on 1 -innrimpnt. 1 . . . .. . .. . .. ‘.lo^Tsiw she fired in sell] laborer in a Chicago packing plant .se. Black, acording to her ~~ BASTROP. La. — That tne state will be able to establish eye wit nesses to the identity of several of the masked mob which last Au gust kidnapped five Mer Rouge residents Including Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, whose de capitated bodies were taken from a nearby lake last week, was the » statement Tuesday of inveatiga-’ I tors who have been working on 010 ■SSgeJSI'Severgl.months, jnno, ,.,o„ou. | The Identification will ba ■ever, Wetmore is Just learning the I the sw . rSt servlCo mcn saldi packing business “from the ground j testimony at the open hearing or- 1 up” at present, as some day he . per by Judge Parker to begin here I inh " u the millions of his . January 5th of a farmcr whoso i f “ ther ’ Frank °- Wetmore, Chica- home ls near oakridge. in the go banker. Pictures show the en- I southeastern part anfa one woman Tuesday. th> bodies were taken to the mo r- gde pending the medical examina tion. ^Threat of prohibition authori ties to make the .city as dry over- the holidays as the eighteenth amendment contemplated for the whole .year had its effect so far as public drinkiDK was concerned, police reported. For the first time within the memory of oldest at taches of the West Side CoU r t, not a .defendant was brought to bar there on* a charge of intoxication. . Bellevue hospital reported only 12 persons suffering from alcomol- fsm : were treated there Monday. That is the lowest number for Christmas day in the history of the Institution. . 'j Minor raids were made by pro hibition agents, liquor being con- ted in several of the places ed; ' dares That Hg Killed Perry Owens. TRAGEDY OCCURRED AT DRUNKEN BRAWL DETECTIVES NAB HIM REFUSING TO ALLOW HIM BAIL Joseph Hart Faces Three Counts For Starting Blazes. More Charges Are Likely. Four Others Arrested, In cluding a Woman, Who Face Trial on Lesser Charges. AS WARMEST VET COLUMBUS, Ga.—Preparations wefe going forward here Tuesday for the preliminary hearing Wed nesday morning of Dillard Owens, whose sworn confession as having been the slayer of his brother, ,Perry Owens, made to city detec tives Monday afternoon exonerated j the other four arrested at the time I of the killing. Perry Owens, was killed Sunday ' * J ^hui* in wfrnt.hls^ brother Dillard [•T store in the"Hbrthehi section of the city. Another brother, John The beautiful Hon. Joan Alice* Katherine DIckson-Poynder is soon] to marry Lloyd George’s former! private secretary. Lieut, dol. Sirj Edward Grigs. Miss Dickson-, Poynder is the only child of Baron! Islington. Sir Edward was private 1 military secretary to'the Prince oC Woles when the latter visited tht United States. _ MANY LIVES WERE THREATENED, SAID Man Had Just Paid j)i Fine For Disorderly Conduct When Re-ar rested. ' / Iff BALTIMORE, Mil. — with three charges of arson against him, and other mysterious fires unaccount ed for, Joseph Hart a mechanic, 34 years old formerly of Savannah, Ga., was held without bail for '< grand jury action by Magistrate Stanford in Central police court. Hart was arrested Sunday on a charge of dirorde r ly conduct. HQ was fined $10 and costs. As he left the court room he was arrest ed by two detectives. Ho was identified by a number of persons .who the detectives say saw him In* I Jhe rooms and houses- where a number of mysterious fire? threat- :iC.b$VjLAND, Ohio.—A vigorous, j etyjd the lives of occupants, search for the tug Cornell, which Hart is accused of firing three gaged couple. CHICAGO — Throughout the United States* all previous au- Mo re house i thenic records for warm tempera - # vwaa „ disappeared Thursday, was contip-1 houses in North Calvert street, ah Owens, a soldier and a woman were ued Tuesday though the vessel with j within a block .of etch other. His arrested along with E. T. Sykes,! its crew of eight, practically was j wife and child now live in Pitts« proprietor of the store where the! given up as lost Monday'night. H. j burgh, Pa. killing occurred. They will be tried B. Shaver, superintendent of the Wednesday morning also, on minor [ government flying field, planned police charges. j to assign at least one airplane to Deep regret was expressed for i fly over Lake Erie Tuesday. The Parish, who they declare told them j ture for Christmas day were brok the killing of his brother in the j tugs Tennessee and T. C. Lutz, .lint of the Lagedy became angry iiun he vearned her daughter ■lara 17 was with her and her ivoiced husband, C. H. Jor.cs, of iminnati, a Louisville & Nush- iII,. maggage master, wos to visit ier daughter. Black feared Mrs. declared, that a reconcillia- i, m between the divorced couple upild he affected through the isits of the father with Clara. \\he n Black reached for r- Pistol j he witnessed the seizure and spirit j ins away of the quintet and re- 1 cognized some of the abductors | when they lifted their hoods to ’ drink water. SAYS HE RECOGNIZED MEMBERS OF PARTY weapon first and fired, she fc»M. All night long sbo kept the death wairh. Clara returned from a pic- tui. show and Mrs. Jones had the u. r l sleep with her, unaware of thu presence of the body in tire i* cm, tho motlier said. Jones it WHS said here filed suit for divorce lour vears ago naming Black co- lvspnndcnt. Later the petition was withdrawn. Mrs. Jones then iile«l suit, charging cruelty and lion support. By consent, it was said ^ UIU *. v - not^ Contested^ Jones j jj ve ^ Moon’s^ house, close to the *'**’*• store, and Moon’s mother alleges' One murder featured aboqt the SEATTLE, Wash. — The coro- " Christ- j Tier's office here *Wan seeking Tues mas day. Charlie Moon, who operates a smell store on east ! tory of Emil Neur^er^a feiryboat Broad street, near Elberton street, *' w “ '* J was found dead in the middle of his store room about 10 o’clock Monday night. He died from the results of a gunshot wound in his left breast end had evidently been dead for two hours when found. Police believe that Cliff Early, a young negro who iip until Satur day night was delivery boy at E. H. Dorsey’s, did the killing. yesterday N he would do any- possible to help his former Mrs. Juries was Charged murder. To Photograph Every Drunk Man Brought To Trial I >KS MOINES, la.—johp B. Ham ''ill. chief of police, announced I’uesday every drunken maxr*who v brought into police headquarters i- >e;.fter will be photographed. W hen the offender has become > er again he will be presented ■vith a picture of himself so be nay know just how: he looked \ lie was the jail. . Hammond hopes ths "pbture are" will . be A. Potent’ weapon ■ gainst drunkness, ; 1 Eighty intoxicated men ' spent »’hrjrtinus eve in the city prison. that he came to his room between 8 and 10 o’clock' Monday night, packed all his things as if legating and then came back in after a few minutes. Moon was shot with his own shot gun which was at the house and. it is believed that when Early came back to the house ne procured the gun with which the dead man way killed. Moon's mother heard the shot but said there was so much Christmas shooting .that she didn’t pay any attention to it. operator, who Monddg^ttnvatled the home of D. C. Engel, a woodwork er with three pistols just as the The farmer according to informa tion the Investigators declared they have in hand, was held up by tho band on the Mer Rouge-Bas- trep highway the night of the kid napping and commanded to go to a nearby and get a bucket ater for the thirsty band. He celebration of Christmas day was | obeyed and when he retU rned he starting, slew three of Engel'i children and killed himself. was directed to take a seat on log. He is said to have declared The only light shed upon the . he rec0 g n ized several membeis ot holiday’ tragedy was given by Helen Engle, 16-vear-old, sister of the victim of the suicide who said that the 40 year old slayer had made love to her last, spring, had shot at her when she repelled hts advances, and afterward had writ ten letters threatening to kill her and her family. Funeral arrangements were be- IrJ^ made for the three Engle child ren. The surviving members of the family are the parents, Helen and a brother Eme , 't 15. who escap ed with Helen through a window, after Neuiter had announced his intention to kill Helen and “you all.’ Ruhr Affected By Money Issue Sarah Bernhardt Is Doing Nicely ARIS — (By the Associated ss> — The condition of Mme rah Bernhardt showed further movement Tuesday morning i her physicians Bald they ten- ively considered her out of dan The asserted that if the • ac- remarkable recovery con tinued there was a possibility She •night appear in the new Guitry I'lny as planned/ . Mme. Bernhardt was taken with J fainting spell during a dress re- nearsal of the play several days :,u, ‘ and suffered a relapse Sun day. ; - Moon was found by Jere Fields, negro, who went,to the store to buy some smoking tobacco about 'clock, r.nd tho dead negro was sprawled out in the middle of the floor and Fields, thinking he was drunk, kicked him to awaken him and upon finding him dead rushed out of. the house -yelling and the police were, soon notified. Moon had a 38 caliber pistol 1n his pock et. In the stove room was found automatic rifle while the shot gun' with which he was killed was standing in a corner neaT the door with a blank shell in. it. Almost gallon of Corn . whiskey was ifound under a counter. / The police are looking for Ear ly and it. is believed that he did the killing and has left the city entirely. FRENCH BLUE AND BLACK A three-piece costume designed fbr a proplhent motion ^picture ac PARIS.— Ono of, the questions attendant upon possible action'in the Rhineland is that- of the mon ey supply says The Matin. The experts are at aMoss to decide hether in the event that the Ruhr basin is aeparated from the rest of Germany by a . customs barrier, jt will continue to receive paper money fro** 1 Berlin. It Is ad ml tied (hat the' introduction of foreign money: into France would raise serious difficulty. Delibera tions on this subject, are continu ing the newspaper adds. the band when they raised their masks to drink from the bucket The investigators declined to dis close the present whereabouts of the farmer but It was intimated he was somewhere in Mississippi un der the protection of a government officer. It was ptated he would be produced when wanted. callable signed statement given to the city which put into Ashtabula harbor detectives at the county Jail Mon- 1 after»Working along the shore ' .. . ... . - fsnn, Pein , Santa Claus returned to his my- , day afternoon by Dillard Owens, thical home in the cold north with I Earlier •- the day Dillard gave a out experiencing zero weather in > verbal confession to the authori- any part of the country. ties which differed but little from The highest reading Monday was , the signed document of the after- recorded at Ft. Worth Texas, noon, where the thermometer register- j ed 78 degrees. Kansas City re- SAYS WHISKEY ported a temperature only 10 de- • CAUSED ACT* grees lower, the warmest Christ- j mas ever officially recorded there. | ‘‘It there had not been whiskey Residents of Chieagoj were givenj in us I would never have got in the hottest Christmas in years this trouble,” the statement says. “I with the mercury reaching five o’clock in the afternoon. Ex ceptionally high temperatures pre vailed over the entire state of Illi nois, «Missouri and Kansas. NORTHWEST WAS 'WARMER never thought of killing anyone in my life, much less my brother, and I would not have done it for any thin^ in the world if it hadn’t been an accident. I had rather be in his fix than mine.” Iff his signed statement Dillard Owens never makes the definite statement that he fired the pistol, hut asserts that ‘‘in the scuffle the trigger was pulled somehow.” - /, . In his statement the prisoner at the county jail said that whiskey was the cause of an argument be tween John and Perry Owens. Ac cording to Dillard Owens he and westward from Erie yesterday and several other tugs also were ready to resume the search. The cause of the disappearance remains a mystery. No report of any defect in the boat has been made within recent weeks, accord ing to Captain Thomas W. Gould, United States inspector of hulls, who said the boat was pronounced seaworthy last August. Repairs were made to the fire box last Wednesday, according to Captain Thomas Johnson, mechan ical superintendent for the Great Lakes Towing Company, former owner of the tug. A small' leak de veloped, he said, but it was prop erly repaired. William Nantell, of the engineers of the tug worked until late Wed -! ocrats BE WASHINGTON — Senate re publican leaders conferred -Tuesday changes they will seek in the pyu- changes they will sek i n the pro posal of Senator Borah, republi can*, Idaho, for an international economic and disarmament-con ference. The proposal is embodied in an amendment to the nival-ap propriation bill w’hich - is ti> come before the senate Wednesday, when it reaasembes after ther Christmas holiday. A large part of the rspubllcan membership and a number pf jdfjim- understood luiuiug iu utiiaiu uwoua tie auu : - ... _ Mrs. Perry Owens hid the liquor j have reached Buffalo Friday, a e and Perry and John attempted to weather was clear with but mu find it. It is stated that John ac-! wind. In the Northwest, visited recent ly by cold waves that sent tho mer cury to 36 below above zero temperatures were' maintained. Towns in Montana and North Da kota that reported temperatures fr^m 20 to 30 degrees below zero during the cold waves, yesterday recorded readings above freezing. In Birmingham, Ala., weather officials said all previous records cused Peny of hiding it and the in New Orleans next Thursday of ■ f or wa rmness on Christmas day altercation followed. The statement those conducting the inquiry. The • we re broken. says that John asked him for his coroner’s inquest over the bodies j Highest temperature readings eun but tha * ho w °uld not give it of Daniels and Richards and the • Monday in the Eastern states rang to hlm * Di *lard tried to separate tho . — ~ ed from 40 degrees at Boston to 66 i b r°t bers » according to the state- at Atlanta. Ga. Gulf States an- ment * u being asserted that he nounCed high readings from 66 de- » was hurt at the time. The confes- grees at El Paso and ^Galveston.« 8ion then tells of the scuffle be- Texas, to 78 at San Antonio. Texas I ‘'V, een Dtltart and Perry and the and t New Orleans. Tod readings I Bring of the pistol, for the Hast Central states were ’ , , . , “ , , reported from 34 at Escanaba. Ebert Acknowledges Mich, to 68 at Memphis, Tenn.. 'A moriesn Present west central states from 34 above American i resent at Devils Lake, N T>„ to 72 at I Oklahoma Glty, Okia, mountain I ^ BERLIN.—President Ebert, in l states from 34 degrees at Salt Kale Christmas communication cordial- City, Utah, to 68 at Phoenix, Arlz. *” —’t-o-UJ—A Pacific states from 42 degrees at Spowane, Wash, to 62 *t San Die go. Calif. Canadla weather bu- reaus announced from zero at Winnepeg to 38. at Toronto a nd Calgary. . nesday night making repairs to against the Borah amendment iu get the boat in readiness to sail its present form. The vtews of - ’ v Prr ’ ‘ The tug left Thursday ! IIu Shes and otUr administration noon for Buffalo where it was to be j officials nas been sougnt but senu delivered to representatives of a j ( ors who ^ avu talked with them c tls.*v> intended tO * ^ Syracuse firm* which intended to use it on the Erie should report of the New Orleans patho- ligists who conducted the autopsy will be discussed. Christmas dinners were served Monday to the troops stationed here and at Mer Rouge. Officers of two companies of militia here v and newspaper men were enter tained at a ‘ dinner given by the chief of the department of justice conducting the investigation here. ANOTHER WITNESS WILL .TESTIFY Women Invited To Convention WASHINGTON.)—More than 100 national organizations of women have been invited to send delegates to a women's industrial conference January IX to 13, the Woqien'a Bu reau of the department of labor an nounced Tuesday. The speakers will include employment managers tress' is'of black velvet‘with a’^ nc ^ women workers, manufacturers’ 'were kidnapped for questioning in ^nneeflon with a crime and again blouse of French blue, ornamented I nn( * ‘ factory inspectors, public with blue-headed tassels. The'' hea,tl1 experts, industrial statists jacket is lavishly < trimmed with i cians - i economics and govornmcht blue fox. * •,administrators. Mrs. Mary Ander son is director ot the bureau. A report that the farmer, who said he had hid in the brush w|th the mob and gave his name as Bery Wheatstone was being secret ed at Baton Rouge alons with an other state witness could not be verified from Baton Rouge Tues day. Another witness is reported as having been removed to Texas to wait the hearing. Those acquainted with the character pf the witnesses- the state will call sure authority the statement they will not fear to testify to all they know. It was this spirit of defiance to f he robed and xnaked men that is believed to have led to the death of Daniels and Richards. Both fought the t men openly between the- time *hey ■in ‘August since when they were Renew Search For Bergdoll FOG HAMPERS AIRMEN ERIE, Pa. — Airmen searchins the far reaches of Lake Hrie to day for the Tug Cornell which has what opinions 5 rill not dl&.:kse were expi eased Senator Lodge of Masachusetts the republican leailer of tho sen ate, was said to oppose the amend ment as it stands, although he and other leaders' It- was said would be wiling to give it been missing for five days with 1; acknowledged private financial relief from the United States 'for the benefit of the German children and invalids and needy, the re ports rcceied to date indicate that the' foreign funds for this cause far outstrips those of last year. The New York Staato Zeitung alone collected $45,000 for Germany and $15,000 for Austria, these sums ___ ed-korr at' widely "separated ** points. her crew of eight were hampered in their work by a heavy haze and fog. Marine men here who have followed the hunt for the boat since she disappeared last Thurs day expressed the belief that the Cornell had burned and foundered, pointing out tnat the tug, which had not been used for two years was very, dry when she was put to sea. The disappearance of the Cornell recalls the fate of the par ferry •boat Marquette and Bessemer No. 2. She left Coueaut harbor on December 9, 1909 with 32 men aboard and was never seen again. A week later nine members of the crew, frozen to death jvere found In a lifehoati Bodies of thp others was wash- SEATTLE, Wash. — Search for Cleveland Bergdoll who escaped lil May 1920, while serving © five year sentence Jor desertion from the u. S. Army, and who had been roponed on a German vessel bound for the Pacific Coast was set afoot here Monday night by ti report he had been seen .In a res taurant. Jj. S. Hamilton, proprie tor told police one of* three- men who ate in his cafe .looked very much like published pictures' 6f- npyer seen alive again, according \ Bargdoil' and. bore scrutiny'un to thofee said to be informed. 1 easily. 600,000,000 marks and 100,000,000 marks. Street collections in.Chica go and Philadelphia netted liberal sums. Other generous contributions were received from South America, Norway, Holland and Switzerland. GRID-STAB DIES YPSILANTL Mich. — Bernard *cirk. star University of Michigan football nlaver, and chosen as an .”11-American end this year, died ■ ■'i-;viiiuiii.ii u. cuu luia jchx, uicu Saturday morning at a hospital here from injuries received in an automobile accident last Sunday. 1 Kirk’s skull was fractured. $200,000 Worth of Bonds Are Stolen PARIS — American archaeolo gists have offered a guarantee ot $26,000 a year for 14 years towards the expenses of excavations in the ruins of Carthage, says the Echo, but acordtng to the Savant, Er nest Babelon, the government has decided not to accept the offer be cause of the. official red tape in volved, - tlieir support if It were limited iu sco"pe. Those who want to see the language of the proposal chans —** Curtis,, of ed included Senators -- .^w.uwvu uuuaiucD VUTUB, { Kansas, Smoot of Utah and- Wat son of Indiana. Most of the-re publican irrecopcillable groups ' were said to be against the amend _ tsmeua ment as written or any similar pto. vision likely in their opinion - to-re *' ~ ' tininl suit in European entanglements. Greeks Will Not - Accede, Reported LONDON — Aq Exchange tele graph dispatch from Athens gives * premier Gionatas as authority for t’ the statement that the. Greek government has no thought f of acceding to the Turkish demand of " wihdrawal or the Greek Patriarch ‘j from Constantinople even) if the - Allied Po'wers accept the Turks viewpoint as expressed at the Lau sanne conference. The premier said his government co-sidered the question a national ore upon which no Greek minis try could give way. CATHOLIC CHURCH BURNS PAWTUCKET, R. I.—Worship pers in St. John Catholic church Saturday discovered fire in the basement and alter the firemen bad fought the blaze for two hours little more than the shell of thq edifice was loft - ' . 8