The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923, January 29, 1923, Image 1

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wm- . Athens Cotton: rBEviol s CLOSE .... 27 S-4e territory. WEATHER Fair in Attan. Daily and Sunday—10 Centa a Week. The One Paper In Most Homes—The Only Paper In Many Homes. Full AuocUted Press Leased Wire. Setrice. ATHENS, GA., MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1923. Single Copies 2 Cents Dsily. S Cents Sunday. league may take UP RUHR MATTER • Ruin of Religious Warfare Railroad Strike Along Rhineland Is Still Effec tive and End Not in NOT Workers Will Not Resume July While French For ces Are Present, They Declare. OAR Twenty-Three Others Named in Blanket Charge By Grand Jury. CHICAGO—Fred Lundin, former j 'ngressman and known as tBei Whether the occupa- siIe “ t , p °wer- behind the political, lf the Ituhr would be men- “* cWne of Mayor William Hale, th, meeting of the coun Thompson and 23 others were] named In a blanket indictment re- i. turned ia court Monday by the! special grand jury which is in-1 vestigating school board affairs. ' Virtus Rohn, Ludin’s nephew. • also was among the indicted men which includpft a number of whom were indicted previously by the same grand jury in connection with the administration of school funds and property. During the eight years of the administration of Mayor Thomp son, who recently announced that ho would not be a candidate for re-election, Ludin has been known as the “silent Boss” for the Thomp son political organization. •I of the League of Nations was .•ill a question as that body met M-*ndnv morning under the presi- dt-ncy of the Karl of Balfour. The announcement by Premier Hunting, of Sweden, that he would not bring the question up, is ho said lie would do if he found th- discussion disagreeable to any of those interested countries, was taXen to mean that France did n „t consider that her reparation dispute with Germany should be discussed by the League. Premi er Bmnting made this statement after a talk with Premier Poin- Howevor it was thought that the qu-stion might be brought up hv some member with a view to making it known that although the council could not go. into The Question without being asked to do so hv the powers Interested, it u s readv to take active steps the never those nations said the The Mosul oil dispute between Great Britain and Turkey which has the cause of so many differ ences at Lausanne, will come be fore the council at tomorrow’s »^sion. and the Earl of Balfour *ill make an address setting forth' the situation and asking the coun ril to accept the task of solving tie difficulties. WO MEN KILLED AND OTHERS HURT IN INDIANA RACE CLASH JOIN WAR PACT WITH TURKEY Sheriff Among Those Wounded in Early Morn ing Affray Between Ne groes and Whites. SMALL MINING TOWN IS SCENE BELGRADE.—-The government newspaper Tri- iiau says Monday that Foreign Minister Tchit- erin, of Russia, and Ismet Pasha have made a ecret agreement at Lausanne by which Russia and ‘urkey will give each other military support in the fear East in case hostilities are resumed. The agree- lent which is said to have been accepted by both the ;i oviet and Turkish governments, stipulates that Rus- ia will send several divisions into Mesopotamia hould the British and the Turks take up arms. Only these .smoking walls remained of the beautiful Notre'Dame Basilica of Quebec after It had been swept by a Ore alleged to have been started by a religious fanatic. Paintings by Van Dyke and Maratta were tost along .with other, priceless art treasures and historical documents tot I i TOWN OF BERCLAI 1 Woman, Estranged From Husband, Found in Field; Late Sunday Afternoon, BOTH KILLED BY PJSTOL BULLETS Refusal to H^nd Over Negro Assailant of White Girl Caused Row, | Robbery and Jealousy; t„ , Among Theories Ad is Claim. 1 ITCH; IS H CRISIS ARISES “We’re Engaged” Chaplin - Admits PAPER Comedian and Pola Negri i LONDON — (By the Associated to Marry He Tells ! Press) — What is described by Newspaper Men I the Evening News as an attempt to I assault King George was made Mon ELECTION TUESDAY COTTON INDUSTRY l That Athens women arc keep ing abreast with the times is be ing demonstrated in the elections Cf the Y. W. C. A. which are be ing conducted along strictly con ditional lines. Elections , will b^by ballot. ; A ,^.9^-Jwe)vei)! ^ i* pared from which six members T ~ .. . iwill be chosen for the board of LAUSANNE — (By the Asso- (directors, elated Press) — The situations! The list of candidates is com- that have surrounded the Near posed of prominent and well- East conference since soon after known women in the city. The Control of Boll Weevil Will Be Principal Sub ject For Discussion By Ag. Workers. BLANFORD, Ind.—An investiga | tion into a report of an outbreak j of the race troubles existing here | resulted in riot Monday during which two unidentified men were shot to death and Sheriff Harry Newland and an unidentified man were wounded. Acting on a report that persons had fired on two negroes, propriet ors of a store. Sheriff Newland gathered a large force of deputies and visited the section near the store. The officials entered a dance hall near-by where a cete- bration was in progress by a crowd | of people, mostly foreigners, and the celebrators set upon them. In the fight that followed the shoot ing became general. Two of the dance ball patrons were, shot to death by the deputies and anoth er wounded. Sheriff Newland re ceived a bullet wound in the shoulder. Most of the men in the hall, according to the deputies ap peared to be Intoxicated. vanced. Diamonds and Money Missing. - - shtngton has been nre- *!?■ ?( a uniform program to,- a call for help baa been sent to ■ ~ ~ ~U-e'deYHopment- of-'tM'cottob iii> -glHcUla Jif ■ neighboring towns. DEL MONTE. Cal. - By saying j day by a crippled ex-soldler when, its convening more than 2 months ^omplete^ist * “Jolley ^ ^ ^ dusiry, especially with reference to 'notation from the boil wo. nil ,r\ c.uticd. to be made at a con- fei«;ncv of the Association vf &u<>thi-rn AgHcultur al workers at Memphis Feb. 5 to 8 which will “we’re engaged. Charles Chaplin.! King George and Queen Mary arriv ago still pursue it as the time film comedian and Pola Negri^Poll e(1 at st p a ncras station from [draws near tor officially present- [Lon Dudley^Mre^Frank^Harda- DIESSBLDORF — The Ruhr «rrupatlon officials turned their attention Monday to extending iLir control of the railway lines. Thi? operation is being hampered by the refusal of the German «<>rkmpn to take orders from the French. Th* rail strike is completely ef- fff tive in roblenz, but two bat- tilions of French engineers have token over the lines and placed Vavy guards at important points. workers have served notice that they wilt not resume their W* while French forces are pres There is no communication Hwren this city and Duisberg »r.<j Essen while Sunday only one operated to Mayence. *BLE to R UN trains ish screen star Sunday confirmed i g a nderingham this morning, persistent rumors that they were ; The newspaper says the soldier to be married. But further than to | who had been hiding dashed to- announce their engagement neith- ward the Royal COU ple waving his er would divulge futur,e plans al- j rrutch threateningly and got with- though rumors current in film and in a few yards of t h e King when newspaper circles indicate the| stopped b J the police, wedding will be soon. . other accounts by news agencies When the film stars granted an . descr i bed the incident merely as interview to newspaper men Chap. an at tempt of a soldier tc attract lin bluntly said: “We’re engaged the King * s a ttention and the soldi- whereuppn Miss Negri affirmed - • Chaplin’s announcement. Then according to correspondents they terminated the interview in a typi cal “up and fade away.” er himself placed this construction ARMENIANS partment »*f agricull _ mol of the boll weevil will ing the Allied treaty to the Turks. |Miss'Mary Lyndon, ’ Miss) te t t* particular theme of the A new crisis arose over the week T ee Kamensky. Mrs Julie Hodg-< conference . Plans have been laid end through the insistence of Is- son McNeil Mrs G M Ma'-Ni-* lt> divide the subjects into sepa- “«* F “ h “ “ n l5i r ?? y der, ‘Mrs. ’ Robert ' McWhorter/" - “ that the store failure - of the con- m ference depended on whether the Mrs ’_ J ’. Warren Smith, Miss Fran- Allies would recognize the com-i ce ®, ial ?} a , e * tt j . . plete Sovereignty of Turkey, • Mrs - Frank Hardeman as chan- abolishing the capitulations and! 1 ^®* 1 the finance committee, it agreeing upon an equitable dis-|will be remembered, conducted tributation of the Ottoman «debt. two successful campaigns and has A sweeping investigation into the shooting is expected to result, Prosecuting attorney W. A. Saer- lee was expected - to arrive here Monday* morning from Clinton in time for the coroner’s investiga tion into the deaths of the two men and probably will take charge of the local investigatfon. (The negroes who were fired up on were two of the few who did not leave town last week after the race trouble which is said to have i been a result of an attack on a MEMPHIS, Tenn. — City and county detectives still had before them Monday the task of establish’ ing the motive and identity of the slayer of Mrs. Ruth McElwaltt Tucker, 20, estranged wife of Ellis Tucker, of Franklin, .Tenn., and Duncan Waller, 19, traveling saleb man of Mayfield, Ky., whose bodies —that of Waller crumpled up in the seat of an automobile and the young woman in a , nearby field, were found early Sunday near the village of Berclair, a suburb of this city. Both had been killed by pistol bullets which entered their heads from the rear. 1 *•. , Robbery and jealousy are among theories - advanced. Disappear ance of ninety dollars in money which the young man is reported to have * had and two * diamond rings worn by Mrs. Tucker is tak en, however, as establishing that robbery was at least an after IhoughtUI not the impelling mo< tive for the slaying. OF AUTOS “ vv “ “ ui ail auaUK. Oil cl i young white girl by a negro. The p nnAVI i ftl , white residents informed the ne- I AGCOTClCr on the affair. Student Dies From Excitement After Frat Initiation TO CLEAN UP (NOOGA) CHATTANOOGA. Tenn.—United States prohibition commissioner Hayes arrived here Monday morn-1 TUSALOOSA, Ala. — The tna from New Orleans and was funeral of Glenn Kersh 10. Univir . _ . ..... , — , — — _ _ _ 1 2. f t 1,, l.n m n otll/1 AVI f Ililln HI A# , debt ACCEPT OFFER If the week end brought another serious situation, it also saw the Armenian acceptance of Russia’s offer of asylufn, thus removing t.he troublesome item. The propos al of Moscow government is re garded here as a shrewd piece of put the local association cn [free footing. Another well known member of the board is Miss Mary Lyndon, who has served as secretary of the board of directors ing from New Orleans ana was iunerai 01 uieuu ivcio.. uu.. , bv eivine ROn : ft ok 0 . met at the station by a large re- sity wtudOTtwbo died 000 Arraeaians homes in the Don ceptlon headed by Mayor Cham- early Sunday, shortly after he had Kuban valleys of Southwes- bliss and escorted to his hotel. I been InlUated into,m Greek letter | Tn return the Amen- He will hold a conference with , fraternity, was held the ^°” e ians become Russian subjects and prohibition enforcement officers, of his Parents. Mr and Mrs. M. | mugt provide , helr own transporta city, and county _ o_fflci_al8 __ and j JJersh^Snnday.afternoon.^,^ | t|Qn . They wU , not own the p Ian(1 ministers of the' city, to discuss The death of Kersh I on whichThey seUll yor it ^tinas means of law enforcement and to a coroner's Jury -id death waa ™ t h“ atate? neltter ^11 they be general conditions In this section. | due to excitement lncident to his j oermltted to have an autono y ous «OBLENZ - As a result of do- jwstrations in Rhinolaud cities »nndav evening, the restaurants ordered closed at id - , o’clrck. . railroad strike in this area !' st 'H “ffoctive and there Is no •tuition when it will end. The , me ible to run n few trains '‘‘tli the aid of the troops. induction into a fraternity an autonomous Trapped in elevator YORK — A score of flre- rl en rushing to fight amenacing “■uzf on the 27th floor of the 31 White Hall building at the •stalled in two of the battery skv Additional elevators were . Pssef l into service and the flre- r| en * attaching their hose to stand : pot the blaze under control ‘t^r au hour's work. yilOSPERlTY Kvvr V,A THE “WNER-HERALD ROUTE . >™r is YOUR yesr. If yon "• Me. Merchant. , r: / an Jour advertising pro- number among yonr Th „ ,,RerK ,he 9.000 buyer* of fa miii.. t!i ' nner ‘ Herald—and tRelr 1.J/* enfumns of The Banner *hk .L ,re *Se s “re road to favor Ihes, :,,noo—and their fami- ■" Athens and its trading SUPREME COURT RECESS | was one of seventeen initiated. WASHINGTON — The supreme 1 Doctor’s who performed autop- conrt recessed Monday until Feb. | sy said no physical "larks were found on the youth’s body. MOST OF BRITISH NEWSPAPERS FAVOR U. S. DEBT FUNDING PLAN; HARVEY PRAISES ifoR. BALDWIN T nwnfYN — (By the Associated Monday expressed their opposition. LONDUW ’ otvvx Thn Tifxmlil T.nhnrs’ mihlicntlon. LAUSANNE — (By the Asso dated Press) — A draft of the pro posed treaty of peace which is to be submitted to the Turks on Wed nesday was distributed and semi officially to all delegations Mon day. The document contains 160 heads and a specialist will beinK together and correlate all ... ... -. - - allable material on this partlcu- , 2jP“S® _* nl JSC. ~ mote maieuai on uus paruou- i j- ° subject from both state and ^ e f“ es ft day * ^hen the time limit federal forces. The committees « ast it is planned wil\ then) make -cheir residents informed the ne- ,J ^ ec :oraer May Increase Stoes they must either produce Fines For “No Lights” eport to ’ the conference which will determine ui>on a uniform pregram to be recommended. Governmentt cotton speciailtis Lav? been at work sometime pre paring for <i\he confereJ|ife. and lime than a dozen will attend the Memphis meeting. These will - , i , • uicciuig. i iicoc mu Tuesday the annual elections include Dr> K . D Ballf director of will be held and members eligible to vote may cast their ballots from 9 a. m. to 7 p. in. Eligibility consists in being a church member, above sixteen years of age and Y. W. member ship. An interesting event of the year is the dinner to be held Tuesday night at the Y. W. club rooms. The program opens with “The Hymn of the Lights,” the associa tion song, sung ensemble. Rev. Mr. Hill of the Presbyterian church, will ask the blessing. Then three minute addresses by former presidents of board who are, Mfs* Frank Lipscomb, Miss Millie Rutherford, Mrs. Watson. Mrs. James White, Sr., Mrs. T. J. Woof- articles to which the conventions j ter, Mrs. John R. TVhite. are annexed. There were no developments Monday to show that the Turks were more favorably disposed to ward signing. im/ ranrrs elevators Monday Tuesday’to hear I while non-committal reg; - - f0rcp< 1 to sma8h doora e «- Stanley Baldwin’s re- the accepUnco or rejections financial | “What ironic laughter there must | and discuss Stanley Baldwin’ port on his American Uni j b0 , n the Kremilln. Great Britain “ The division of opinion general- nant France at Genoa waxed Indus I 1. attributed to the cabinet mem- nant about the sanetty of in- her* 1 on the question of accepting ternational debts and now Great America debt terms .is. not con- j Britain _ makes. tojwwd lDiicauon, m «• « regarding Ladies Free At sayB | W. O. W. Bazaar *™2d by any ministerial state-:half her pledged interest a favor. Armed W minister except i while France announces blandly w Sj.ilfwfn has dlsensstd the ! that she has not the least inten- ?or "publication. The ition of paying at all. until she se- MMlir hop? that terfhs may yet!cures full reparations from Ger- midrated based on the assump; many. don^that further efforts will be’l 1,011 ? l jininmat PTrhanc irea. buy The Banner-Herald •.SvnrJ Want the news ’ T,wy -' 0l - n * w,, if 7°" Mr* any ■ Jo: L - yon have i , . wn rth their attention, i™ you have. Wui. "ore. Herat, 1 ! h * of Banner »o i re *Hers, whatever success M.•» at. best only part of foil could do. n. nne 73 f or our Ad-Man. ne has an idea for yonr 1923 selling campaign. made through diplomadc exchang influence the UnBed States Knt most of the press opinion takes Mr Baidal 0 ’ 15 Southampton state- * * * its face value and does not build eerionsly upon such ef- COUNTING ON RELIEF U 1? regarded^ certain thaMt JlrnT* are not modified the Kxpaye-. whffi relief frorti taxation f budget,’'SBfWfe *D8iiyMaii and the Graphic SOUTHAMPTON, Eng.—By the On February 5th Ladies will be admitted free to the- W. O. W. bazaar on Monday night, February the fifth. The bazaar will show to the peo .pie of Athens for their time a real indoor circus. , . > This kind of amusement is now the folding attraction that is pleas ing the amusement seekers and they will have all kinds to suit your personal fancy. The native Hawiian act is a special feature Associated Press). ■— Ambassador 0 f the bazaar and there will be George Harvey declined to discuss the debt situation or other public questions upon his arrival here Monday on the America after his Visit to the United States. Mr.-Harvey, however, took oc casion to say that Stanley Bald win. chancellor of the Exchequer made a good impression in Ameri ca 'and asserted that England conld°h‘ot bavfe 'setat a better man. have’N6t ^sibeT^tbd 1 days of Viscount BmceL T/ the‘Ambassador said had a more favorable opinion been created in the United States by any British statesman. ninny other attractions, elsewhere in this issue of The Banner-Herald will be found the results in the “Ugliest Man In Athens”* Contest. Miss Elberta Roelofs. the tional town secretary of the south ern division of the Y. W. C. -A., will give a short talk. Miss Roe lofs has but lately taken up her residence in Atlanta where the southern headquarters are now lo cated. Miss Nora Fortson will give a talk, “Our Camp,” and Miss Frances Forbes a talk, “What the Y. W. C. A. Means to Us Girls.” Mrs. John K. White, the presi dent of the board, will preside. The annual report of president and secretary will be read and the report of the result of the election will be given at the end of the dinner. Follow the Gleam” will be the closing song. Great interest is being shown in the Tuesday evening’s program. A large number are expected to be present at the dinner, about a hundred places have been reserved. Those desiring to vote may get the membership blanks +he club rooms and should havi r. sign ed up in time to be v Ae. scientific research. Dr. H. C. Taylor , bureau of agricultural economics and specialists from the bureau of plant industry bu reau of etomology bureau of chemistry and states relation service. Some of these experts and ad ditional representatives of the de partment qf agriculture also will attend the meeting of the Associa tion of Southern extension work ers which will meet in Memphis ati the same time. ATHENS WOMEN TO MAKE PAJAMAS FOR VETS SAVANNAH MAN KILLED SAVANNAH — Smith Dayton, sign painter, was killed and L. S; Barber injured Monday' - morning when the auto in which they were' riding was- struck by an electric car on the Montgomery line. Day- ton died shortly after reaching the hospital. Organize Sector Of Army Asso. Here Tonight DISCUSS NEWSP^ERS CHATTANOOGA. Tenn. — The board of directors *of the Southern itewspapere publishing association met here Monday in executive ses sion to consider matters pertain ing to the welfare of the Southern newspapers and decide on a meet ing place for the association to be held in July. _ . \ _ expired practically all of the ne gro copulation had fled, only a few of the better class remaining and it was thought that the latter would be permitted to stay In town. Colonel Watson Visiting Friends The regular army officers sta tioned here in connection with the University of Georgia, the Re serve officers of the county and those who are contemplating be coming Reserve officers in the ar my will gather in the faculty rooms of the academic building on the campus Monday night for the\ purpose of organizing a Sector of the Association of the- United States Army. The meeting is at 8 o’clock. Col. D. W. Ryther, commandant at the University, will preside at the meeting and explain the mean ing of the Association, its purposes and requirements for membership. All those interested are expect ed to be on hand. The women of the Athens chap ter of the Red Cross are to make a number of pajamas and sweaters for disabled soldiers of the World war who are in Veterans’ hospitals over the country. Mrs. Victor M. Cluis. director of the Volunteer service of the Red Cross, has writ ten Mrs. J. Lustrat. chairman of production of the local chapter, requesting that these articles be made, stating in her letter that, material will be furnished and that the articles are badly need ed to replace or supplement the lighter ones, furnished by the Gov ernment. Mrs. Lustrat reports that Mrs. T. P. Stanley, chairman of the knitting -committee, has consent ed to gladly see that the sweaters are knitted while Mrs. Ned Hodg son, Mrs. J. M. Pound, Mrs. John Booth, Miss Leila (May Hull, Miss Exum have willingly agreed help with the work. Athens women have always cheerfully responded for any calls of this nature and the articles re- quested will be made and forward- | * WCSUay 1x6111111 ed-’ j I Announce New Members of Legal Scholarship Frat The members to be initiated at an early date into the legal fra ternity. Sigma Delta Kappa have been announced. Scholarship is tbe basis of membership and those to duality are: DeLacy Allen, Gordon Chambers, Cyrus W. Field, George G. Finch. James R. ,Rosr xer. William A. Brown, Ernest C. Hogan. Thomas Glenn, Dave Wis dom. Wallace Eptlng. Thomas Den mark, Carl K. Nelson, R. L. P. Car ter and John Roberts. If Athenians Violations. Continue Athens’ auto owners ar£* agald neglecting to keep the tall:ligl$S of their autos burning and tol-brealc up the practice the recorddiv may, increase the" fines. $2.00 has bebn assessed for this violation hereto fore and for a few weeks following the beginning of the campaign- against all forms of traffic viola tions but few cars were cAUBht without tail lights but oydfiSfe past week end a total of 3&.‘wep» found and cases. docketed tWP nights, Saturday and Sunday^-’-* The war on speeders has brought the desired results and but few Aft rests are now made for this vipla-* tion and the department of police is not letting up any on otheft forms of traffic law violations. The usual fine of $2.00 for. the minor infractions is In force hut, with so much utter disregard for these ordinances the recordet^ay raise “his rates” and go up to $5.00. Lt. Col. J. D. Watson of th©' Coast Artilliary known here, his old home, as "Dala” is visiting friends in Athens, Watkihsville and WinterviUe. Col. Watson is well known here and has hun-‘ dreds of friends in this section who are delighted to see him and learn of his success ini the army and continued promotions. / He is at present stationed jfflT Atlanta with the 4th Corps Area , and is doing special . the reserve corps. Day City Court Troops Avert . „ . , —— ’Z - Tuesday is return date for the MnL VlAlonra February term of City court .Th© t* *ULI V lUlCilLC court begins tbe session ■ on thn RALEIGH. N. C. — Order pre vailed Monday at Whlteville, where state troops were on duty ty prevent possible mob violence, according to a telegram to the of fice of state adjutant General.. . Robert Williams, a negro, charg ed with the murder of the Chief of Police, Bradley Gribbs, of Fair- bluff. who was killed last Thurs day. night, waa /, arreB^e^, Vl laJ^, Saturday night and AMUI& on,j^j ports that. a, mob , attempt, to seize the.negro solicitor Wood- ns Kellum asked for national guardsmen. The Wilmington light Infantry was sent at once. court begins the session / on the third Monday In the month an^Jtt order that cases may be put on the docket for trial they will have to be filed with the clerk of tho court before 6 o’clock Tuesday. ' A number of minor cases ’have already been filed for trial and when Judge Bradwell calls tlio session he expects the cases docketed to be in readiness or eith er a legal excuse offered. [La yju.tx?—~ ‘ ROB SAFE Silvers five and ten cent store was robbed Sunday night. It is Teport ed to the police that $2,000 wa ; { ade. taken. No arrests have been made.