The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923, January 30, 1923, Image 1

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Athens W- A rpT 28c pp£VlOtIS CLOSE* :: 28c WEATHER ssrat-as:- v * ? h k : : Daily and Sunday—10 CenU a Week. The One Paper In Host Homes—The Only Paper In Many Homes. voi. n. No - 16 *1* Associated Press Leased Wire. Service. TheHOME NEWSPAPER ATHENS, GA., TUESDA^f EVENING, JANUARY 30, 1923. Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sunday. EFFORTS MADE TO WRECK THE TUF 8EATFAIT1IN FUTURE HELB BY HOUSE Fundamental Bus i n e s s Conditions in This Dis trict Pronounced to Be Sound and Firm. ROBBERY SEEN IN DOUBLE MURDER ]Her “Ideal” Smile Wins Beauty Prize FA “Shimmy Queen” Gets A Divorce ENOUGH work to keep labor busy Conditions Nearer Nor ma! Than Since War Re ported in Wholesale and Retail Circles. ATLANTA—(By die Associated *«,$> — Improvement during Do- trmbt'r. with a steady increase in confidence and faith in the future beginning of the new' year less conditions in the state* coaprising the sixth fedoral re district. is reflected in the monthly business review issued by officials of the Federal Reserve ink in Atlanta. The report covers buslnnss end gricultural conditions in the dis tiki composed of the states of Alibiin'.a, Florida, Georgia, Loulsl- m, Mississippi and Tennessee. • Fundamental business conditions i the district are . pronounced oend with no indicafioh at pres at of any tendencies which would bring about adverse developments. Building and constructions pro rates including highway- projects iv? gone forward steadily and employment is seen sufficient to large amount of labor busy tor months, according to the sum- wry of conditions. NEARER NORMAL CONDITIONS Conditions nearer normal than the outbreak of the world *r are reported in retail and hol.sab* circles and merchants * maintaining a very optimistic it is pointed out. TL transportation problem, »hiih has been showing improve- »id still not to have at- WuhI satisfactory proportions, CHANGES WILL BE IDE Viola Dana to Be Operated On Branch of Rosemary Fun eral Directors to Be Opened in the Old Marks Residence. NEW GROCERY CO. FOR BROAD STREET Miss Maria Price Will Run a New Tea Room. Februay 1 and March 1 to See Several Changes. Jk? lumber shipment situation is “Proved while manufacturers re- w a tendency in their line for waning during the holidays, al- in comparison with the period in 1921, the output ,iovs an increase. Agricultural conditions through- ?* ,he entire district are shown “proved with the farmers recelv- larger tlnancial Teturns from wir crops, this situation causing “Pavement in the financial stand of the district. J a summarizing the conditions “jrvvi w shows the following: .J ht ‘ volume of retail trade in w district was reported nearly *I* r vent greater for December }’**• Savannah being among the * cities showing a decrease. ftRgtegate sales of whole- groceries firms during De- is SLrsysri? cWch. -a 5e EC/t‘S^Vd'rS Many business changes, em- * racing several new enterprises, will become effective hare Febru ary 1st and March 1st. one of the largest oi Chese Is K^e. opening of a branch >|ere flf the Rosemary Directors, a large corporation with headquarters in Wilmington, Del., and distributing points in Atlanta and Savanbah j for Georgia This firm has leas- ; ed the old Marks home at Abe \ western extremity of Washington street and it is now being put in shape for their'occupancy. The company expects to have a lull line of equipment here and the ' parlors opened up by March first accoiding to M. G. Dearing <of Er win and Company who is handling the Athens end of the transac- action. LOG ANGELES. Cal. — Viola Dana, motion picture actress, ex pected to undergo an operation for appendicitis in a hospital here Tuesday. MONEY ID JEWELS HEATED CONTEST AS Y. W. DIRECTORS Police Find That Dead Man Had Big Roll and Woman Wore Jewels Very Valuable. ALL VALUABLES HAD BEEN TAKEN “Th. battle of the ballots- is on | Bodies Were Found in Tuesday at the Y. M. C. A. wher»» a heated election of membership on the board of directors is being conduced at tbe “Y* W,” offices. Tho balloting began ini the morn ing at nine oclock and will ccn- Counrty. Both With Bul let Wounds. Woman Thought Attacked. MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Although I inclineq more strongly than ever General Weigand and Minister Le Foucher Saved When Engine Makes a Trick Stop.. GERMANSDENY 1 WRECKING MAN Coal Shipments to Inter- Shipm ior of Germany May Be Stopped Feby. ; l. More Germans Deported. PARIS — (By tho Associated Press).— The Trench'foreign of fice declared Tuesday there was no truth In the report (printed Tuesday morning by a Paris news paper) that twenty Germans had been killed by a clash with French troops at Boppard near Bingen. There had been np such trouble at Boppard as reported it was stated, the Burgomaster was ar rested for resisting the orders of the French military authorities, but there was no rioting. ✓<; BERLIN — (By the Associated { Press) —• Germans beyond the • Ruhr. Tuesday had the assurance . of their hero Fritz Thyssen that NEW YORK — A “smile con- their brothers -in- all* hut isolated V Another new business that j opens on Fefruary first is tbe W. I. and George M. Abney 1 Gro cery company. This firm will be located on Broad street, occuriy- ued Gilda Gray, shown here, known testified she received $1000 as the “shimmy queen” of a New week when playing but only $1 a | store formerly occupi as iuv Du*u*u..jr '1 r ... _ . T, 'by the Sol. J. Boley and company. York musical review, was sranted week from her hubby. John Cor-1 Xhe stock ia n „ w an „ the a divorce In Milwaukee -when she ecki. when living with him. PRIEST HELD AFTER TEEGERSTROM IS ON IS HE UTS IS SHOT TD DEATH FOR KIDNAP TRIAL •loots of the bu fines will i.e opsn- J on th ? nu>rrl*.g of lebtuary first. A linek of groceries and- heavy feed stuffs for retail and be carried N ln stock- tfnue up until 7 in the evening. | (Q the be)lBt that rel)beIy waa the test .. waa j, eld here recen tl y and | occupied' zones do not Intend'to Tho voting all day has been | motive which prompted the shoot- c-inrenre MeOali-e of tho cast of lT!p '' , *° French-Belgisn pressure; brisk. ing to death ot Mrs. Rttth McEl- ciinrinc Vine ^"Stored 1 , ° 8t8a < 1 ’ ^ey constitute a “com- promjnent Athetfc- wj wain Tucker, aged 20, and Duncan here won the prize ’ , pact unit In Heir determination to rave h«n nominatd ana-V?l»& • 8 ®L 9 ?™M* M.V;, tot fftoanta, write held. Ka.. whose bodies were found d | n „ or a j ready celebrated beauties I .C • "• ta * ei ® 0 ® t made public at on a country road near Memphis cabarets and staco and there tirni! wh, ' n attempts to eon- early Sunday morning, officials ° f er ?a'greatri.anvof to en 7-so T ' , ' !n,< ‘ atfl with Essen werefalling . waited word from Mayfield as to ^ a ?the wtoncrT /ntltlsd tn enn ■ dec,ared that the Ruhr was mani- Wl.ether anyone In that city could “itatale hSStt on "ctore over! mou " In -supporting- the govern-, have felt an enlmltv towards Wal- I meat's policy. Herr Thyssen nues- from this list six will be named on the board. Those for whom bailors many be polled are as fol lows: ; Mrs. Alice Adams, Miss Annie May Bell, Miss Ina Cooper, Mrs. Lon Dudley. Mrs. Frank Raide- tragedv. Officials refused to dis- I effect a customs ring that would UO[ 1 serve thelp mirnnnn aivl aaM that close ,the particular angle on which i named „ eaBen « a i 'narticina- ! 8erve the,r purpose and. said that Hm., ,1-01*0 hoolnv thoir InveoHirfl- .. ... P. ^ < ■ Strancrerfl could hnrdlv tin no fn man, Miss Mary Lyndon, Miss | they were basing their investiga- j tlon In the test It Tee Kamensky, Mrs. Julie Hodg son McNeil, Mrs. 'G. M. MacNi- der, Mrs. Robert McWhorter, Mrs. J. Warren Smith, Miss Fran ces Talmadge. ERI^. Miss Marla Price will scon open a tea room in the place vacated several months ago by the Cooper barber shop on Clayton atreet. Repairs are pow under way ami this new enterprise, should soon be in operation . The Bradberry-Ower-s company Pa. - Sophie S'-ymano-1 MONROE, La.-HaroU; Teegcr- ha9 leased the comer ztore for- wskl. a servant in the parish house strom, timekeeper at the Southern of St. Caslmer’a Polish Catholic carbon company plant at tSpyker. Wi. increases being shown In all ivT” " K 'x-lnts. Jacksonville a " increase of 24.4 per cent I, n m, ”‘ r 192 -’, OTC r the figure "Dw-enihcr 1921. the largest In- u nt any city reporting. The r ° r the district over De- & >? 2 » '« 10-4. The largest in wholesale drygoods of vhp." as teported by Atlanta, [ ”'t 'hms claimed 77.7 per |ii„. Kr epter lnisiness. the average t 41-a over December 1921. I?s S A R c, ative buying " h ARDWARE ^Porting. 4 r ’ P ° rcent » flnnS Ra los by eleven whole ^ firm, Rhow an , ncreaBe of fceEr T" 1 over the preceding ••Is, by-c S ' le “-' whil ® *®v® lture **' 1921 . r *-m '• 1982 ; wholesale firms in Decern ar< . increased by 30.4 per rn rs nroduced in Georgia r " estimated to bo worth •tease' i, l y 211.609.000 an In- Uif 15,," f sbniit 334.000.000 over than Considerably more >» 4»e .?.1°' 000 ° f thte increase fcrrrnJ L h ® ootton crop acreage On, Sr' 169 eorn cron and peach 1» R,l0 " , !ng increases, i movements. Savannah 22-090 hales in December, 58,836 bales in 1921. nts fo r Savannah were 31,- .uum to page eight) iched roe Douaiog ,u | agents and state authorities follow ning to move -across 4he street on with Mary wojewock, the j n hj3 disappearance on the night Clayton, to the old New York cafe approached the building in com pany with Mary Wojewock. th, housekeeper, Monday night arid the Rev. Father Dambinski Is be ing held In the police station await ing the result of an Investigation. The girl was shot three times thru ^Farther. Dambinski was taken in to custody shortly after tho shoot ing. The police say they found him in bed and that while at first he was unable to give a clear ver- slonof the shooting, he afterwards told them the girl had been killed by accident. . _ According to tho housekeeper, she and her assistant returning to _ J search Svas .instituted by Federal the house shortly after midnight found the front door, wide open. They entered the darkened hall way and saw the form of a maa J - -» 4i—*" from the moving toward them nearest room. She screamed “burglars” and ran to the porch. Immediately, she said three shots were fired. The 'police^ declared they had found a pistol in a desk near Fath er Dambinski*8 bed. The empty shells war* found in the front room - on the first floor. mystery in an ad appears in the “agony co London ^ .'newspaper.* ".Tanf—- eld riot wrt ndr lwys thnkng t u. Mt m 6:30. of December 29, was 'back on his old Job Tuesday. He was arrest ed late Monday and released on 3500 bond for his appearance as a material witness at the grand jury Investigation in March into More- liousu Parish kidnapping activities which resulted last August In the death of Watt Daniel and Thomas F. Richard. iMer Rouge citlzenB. Teegerstrom was taken into ens tody ut Spyker after he had sud denly appeared in Monroe earlier in the day in almost as mysteri ous a manner as. he departed from his bonk house at the carbon plant shortly before the. beginning of. tbe open hearing at Bastrop. When he arrived here Teegerstrom told of having visited Elderado, Ark.. Alexanderia, Baton Rouge and other places -h>.. Louisiana which he would-not nhriurT He de clared that he was "not kidnapped and not forced to leave Spyker, but left “beeanse I felt I ‘ ( -#as doing the right thing. I did it for my .friends.” RAINBOW BY MOONLIGHT CROYDON, Eng. — John Chi says he saw a brilliant rainbow in - -• - Plfl .. Figure Jn Scotland in a year. Four were Vry lvng wsh. Pin. r « ul „„ rl 513 were IS. it out for yourself. -BOYS AS BENEDICTS . _^ASGOW J— Marriage 0 hoys under 19 have heen^ recorded jn Scotland in a year. 16. 52 were 17 and 313 merly occupied by thd Peoples' Bank and will open a retain and wholesale place there. Patrick’s Pharmacy Is plan-* stand arid this place is being fix ed up for drug store pusposes. On February first the Central cf Georgia commercial offices will be moved to the new place on Washington street In the White White Filling station. Other busines changes, includ ing several new enterprises, are being planned for Athens and many of them will be made during Following 4ho close cf the ballot box a dinner will be enjoy ed by the membership of the or-, ganization in the club rooms and the affair will be one of the bright est features of Y. W. C. A. aco (Vivifies of the year. An interest ing program has been! arranged. The program opens with “The Hymn of Hie Lights,” the associa tion song, sung ensemble. Rev. Mr. Hill of the Presbyterian church, will ask the blessing. Then thfee minute addresses by former presidents of board who arc, Mrs. Frank Lipscomb, Miss Millie Rutherford, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. James White, Sr., Mrs. T. J. Woof- ter, Mrs. John R. White. Miss Elberta Roelofs, the na tional town secretary of the south ern division of the Y. W. C. A., will give a short talk. Miss Nora Fortson will give a talk, “Our Camp,” and Miss Frances Forbes a talk, “What the Y. W. C. A. Means to Us Girls.” Mrs. John R. White, the presi dent of the board, will preside. The annual report of president and secretary will be read and the report of the resuli of the election will be given at the end of the dinner. “Follow the Gleam” wMl be the closing song.. the early spring. 2 HAVE SAME FIANCEE LONDON — Two men called at the registrar's,.office within 24 hours and secured.licenses to wed the same girt. Though she’d. Men engaged to No. 1 two years, she married No. 2. No. 1 has the li cense for consolation. FIND L08T TREASURES LONDON — Janitors cleaned a lot of rubbish 1 from a forgotten corner of the basement of the British museum. They found It was art treasures dating from the first century, A. D., worth,thous ands, r NO CHICKENS FOR HIM LONDON — Thomas Holmes, 80 advertised for a wife. Replies from women and girls of all ages overwhelmed him. He selected a widow of 70. They’re married now. WHY DAY & MARTIN ARE QUITTING BUSINESS If you pick up Dickens, yon re call . that Mr. Pickwick had bis boots polished with Day & Mar tin blacking. Day &. Martin was a real company, famous for gen erations. Now it is selling . out---anitting business. Its managing director, with a* troubled look in his eyes, explains: “We failed to keep up our advertising.” It was advertising that “made” Day & Martin. But, like many other concerns, it thought that) once established, it no longer needed publicity. The public dies off and new public is forever com ing on the stage. This new public naturally has to be reached by ads, else it will not know of the adver tiser. Even when it knows. strangers could hardly hope to ■ operate the mines or railways suc tion at Mayfled, but declared that i tv’ot*the**smiTeon whTrff th«f Indies I vf”'” 1 ” w they were skeptical of toe result | wer0 p i e( jged to base their declsi- ce9stu * ly ' Locally toe officials, baffled at; on not on , h which ^ • every turn declared they based Nevlr?helere.^is eIsy 2| R B M _ A ^:" I ? p O R T E D toe r principal hone for a solution t0 se0 wha t an advantage a pretty f T0 BE 8LA,N in the sifting of the robbery the- contender naturally began with. | ... i At any rate, toe picture shows P „ A ? I L'~. (By ‘J? e , As ”°i^*!3 a comnetent board of experts’, A,Jl eI Uw idea of what the ideal smile is.j i U » I ia B ha^he«m 1 btnte,H t in W » I !. t ^iS5^ It might not be uninteresting to ™, 3 ^ 8 ^ench troons at ewirt • trv a comnarison with it in a mlr- * w . Franco troops at Goppara When last seen alive in public,; ror lust ?„ see i, ow maI , ot h e r 0T, ' , f1 ' B "®®®>'®cement that Gen- nt a Ruhurhnn candy store late | ^1,' J K**° 888 h °h 0 ?hi nk ihnv i 8ral We| W®<l and Minister of pub- Raturday night, Waller is said to j co uld have performed ■ creditably' lic worIt8 Le Troucher had gone have produced a large roll of bills agalnst h Miss P McGuire if ^tey'd Xatton e |rf»h° thlfTL th ® H ° hr in payine for refreshments. The been entered in the competition. w,,h couple then drove away in an auto T “ money they carried and CCJin MTin riPT jewelry Mrs.. Tucker was knownj| riln JUr 11rjjn I to have had in her possession were : missing when the bodies were', found hy a milkman Sunday morn j ing. Each had been shot in the back of the head. Waller’s body was in the automobile while that! of the voune woman was lying in a field twenty feet from the car. A discharged cartridge was found in the tonneau of the automobile \ and is being held as the most lm- \ portant clue. j There was some evidence that Mrs. Tucker hsd struggled for her j ciat^TprcR's)' — Fea’r "of 'what life and the theory 8,10 “ a «. might result from an abrupt ter- neen attacked has not be\;n aban- 1 mi nation of the Nea,r East confer- rjoned. Police Surgeon John R- j ence here Wednesday when the Drake, who made the only official; Allien formally present their treaty examination declined however to to ^ Turkish delegation, is ap- PARLEY WILL BREAK 1L! LAUSANNE — (By the Asso- entertain the belief NEGRO CLERK WAS QUICKLY RELEASED A negro employee of the candy store, where acquaintances of the couple last saw them alive was Questioned late Monday but estab II shed a satisfactory alibi. He was released. No other suspects have been taken into custody. Waller, a traveling salesman, was engaged to be married t< Miss Peggy Wright, a friend o Mrs. Tucker. Miss Wright It de situation with tbe Belgian govern ment. were leading topics of pnllc discussion here Tuesday morning. The Goppard Incident was re ported by the Echo De Paris which asserted that the firing resulted from a demonstration by Nation alists In protest against the arrest of the city’s. burgomaster. \ i-*\ General Weigand and M. Le- Troucher, who Recently returned from a visit to Dusseldorf. have gone to Brussels to arrange for concerted action with, the Belgian government, it is'said before talk ing a definite step as to the estab lishment of a customs barrier in the Ruhr. This move It now appears will require more preliminary work than has been anticipated. .To make it really effective it is be lieved tho French will be obliged to extend their line to FrankforL The railroad and postal services parently having a temporizing in- ar o^ in be tak n nver immediSSS fluence at this critical stage of art ?rSSrk°to prevent"“wed“s- j ah ^c*rtflcWs ^rin a i"o e ?an P =°tr nt ^ The treaty draft contains sev-j Th „" hn ! oral clauses to which toe Turks . h |_ h .1 “S??’? 1 !?® Have expressed their unalternable IS. opposition. Whether they will SfSJlSSESPftJiStaf take a stand whibh will enable a continuance of the conference among, the experts after a tem porary adjustment remains to be ;seen. ^ | Apart from the unconfirmed ru mors of troop movements, one DUSSELDORF — (By the Asso ciated Press) — An attempt # to wreck the train on which* General Wefgand and Minister of, Public works Le Trencher were l traVel- Dusseldorf from Paris is re- to have occurred at Duern C. Chalmers^ a shipidmz ^erit for 1 .aSSag! evening. Other Incidents a local concern. They did not Uve yenlzetoTis tod .uhiert Son- ! of " ahot ”" e - ®" ch ®« «>e wreck- Si'tsa.^s.'Ciarja: rsr* “ - - i i —'r. ..E,'™:3BKV3SS2“* ***"■'■ * Hn. Tenn.. several years ago. She had eloped with him while a stu dent at a woman’s college In mid dle Tennessee. rr:u ,Xl.rr?nlrnn constantly 1 1,er '923 court year Monday totgcU JIttcMy. unlrea .MQMMtyUy | victory in love sets reminded. Advertisere should keep Mri G A Adam wlu meet s STIFFER OPPOSITION NEW YORK—Mrs. Molla BJnr- stedt Mallory. National women’s tennis champion, who started off ‘ " with over stlffer 3,500,000 INSECTS LONDON — The keeper of toe Natural History Museum here says he.has toe entomological de partment specimens of 3,500,000 Insects, Including cooties. MUSSOLINI'S BIRTHPLACE 7 e ,, ftuuai. Will meet Bimer in.mind the fate of Day & M«™®v|pnooeiUon Tuesday in the second" ROME — Fiscisti of Prei | round of the invitation indoor [where Premier ..BcnitQ. $Hussi If- your patrons need a remind; er, phone 75 and a Banner-Her; ad-man will call. tournament of the heights casino jwas born, will buy the house where in Miss Ceres Baker, of East Or-1 he first saw. light and convert it ange, N. J. i into a national monument. passengers was halted In time to avert striking an obstruction plac ed on the tracks. General Welg- ahd and M. Tetroucher proceeded to Dusseldorf by automobile. German trainmen at Duern as sert the Incident was uninten tional and that the obstruction was a part of a wrecked car which was smashed up In a rear end col lision Monday morning. General Weigand and M. Le- t;rnii6het .had 1 a • long conference Monday 'eyehlrig’ with General De Goiitte. M.‘ Cd£te and other occnna- uph 1 onfctsfls’ and 'Inter the Minis ter left for Brussels to ask the (Turn to Page Three)