The Athens daily herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1912-1923, February 09, 1923, Image 6

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- r ■ rFWBWpmwrxnY^, Bv8i« rAND MS FRIENDS ;,43ACJX MW’S ADVENTURES 'r' h 'It/'rf'l Freckles Plays Safe VDECXLES, VUNWr n VTOUDVOUTAATVOO W1U. MASH NfcOB FINGERS , IF YOU DRNE NAILS? VEAU, J. UNCWJ, BUTTAS'S HOLCIM! _/TU' NAIL! UECE-NCWIYOO TAVE *TH' BOARD AH' SIT ON rr an: THEN HOD.Vtf NAIL. Wl/fr ACE VA 60IN6 r DO mnw bis BOABD, r YOU OUST VNATTAN’ SEE r DOONDSOME IHThO AFTER „ bMILE? j- -The little toy chair was too small to hold Jack and the dolls, and Lut.a great .as ,»v# » it w*=i,‘ Haimi e.cvore into hea r ’. Jar. nfnediately jumped up to see if any dolls, were hurt. Then he saiv jc funny side of it when he found'that every doll was having a great SALESMAN SAM crow urn me--\-wkk \can to, 'too or iiu. NOHOW noadlttfc m«WM SAM" XOll'Rt A KEOUVML SPORT". KNOW TttKT V? TrtK> IS GRtM !»- \YE GOT AOO TiCKETS .> To M DMtCE tor HO PWHEN FOHEMS — GOtst, Via. Have, to-bm mio sell some Of tn OHtrt SM.ET COHHEH SOS l ENt GET SOME. Of W SK.H 6MJK, . rVEHE "TNVE. VOLKS, OHLT ' 2S<t k ticket-wtto uflKis TiV HE1T 0H6.V vOH-( 1. DiDtt V "'t hill •SAY A Dt.TEUnjE.mi VJrtO SM> I CNTT GET AUW FROnTE. eEFOKE' \ co nso-vn seaiawg tkcie Tilkels , becsOsevwteoTiV noat.H soi I cwt*GtT a 1 vuStT&fWMiD susy forth' den vttRJ ?«**•*» Suddenly-the officer doll ap-et:cd. “Everybody out of here!” hr houted, “the doll, dance is over." Then, turning to Jack, he said, “1 rill call a velocipede ard ycu can ride over to where the baby dolls te playing with their blocks.' 1 Jack was soon in the velocipede and mW/M/if/. THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley 'SIT s FEFL HOME , ^ BRUNO' FSg*4noes-Boors OIL STOVES g/t CAN DU the baby crawled n 1M Ti-IERE AMO 1 CANT COAX HIM -TO COME J OUT. VOO'hLHAvE \ | -TO GO IW AND GET"J V HIM • <——^ | Shrill little vpices soon told him that he had reached The spot where toe baby dolls .were playing! He hoppe dout of the velocipede and Jjoino them. “Oh!” shouted several little babies, “will you please buiid •us a block, hedse?” So Jack sat down and started piling the blocks ' «0jpsenfe*iiM«dj. r No-NO- - IMASKM6 Toil WHO L is HE?y 1THEYLL BE ) lookin'for (these bells: NANCY’S VALENTINE A CUTTER. UPSET OM MAIM STREET TO DAY, BREAKING A STORE WINDOW. TWO SLEIGH Bells Were: found in oran potters BEARD, SOME TIME LATER. Q, . </.. /, ELF DAKIN HAD TO TEAR DOWN NEARLY HALF THE FOUNDATION OF THE OLD CHURCH BEFORE HE COULD RESCUE THE. BABY. OUR BOARDING HOUSE P01NGS OF THE DUFFS Tom Gets Out the Old Model BY ALLMAN 8he read It over to herself. “tiooidness!" exclaimed Nancy “Who travels one. dav when she was helping Mr. ’ . to Mars, Stamps, the fairy postman, to sort A-Koeptng order’mongst the stars? the letters In tho hickory tree post Who goes with Nick far out to otflre. ‘ “Here's a letter for mel! sea, It looks like a valentine. Yes, Then back to land in time for Sir; It’K jfot hearts and flowers j tea? all over It Who do you s’pose it's Why, Nancy! from?" Sho read it over to herself and '•Who'll be my valentine, I pray, then called to Nick and Mr. Stamps And come to visit me some day, and Mr. Stridcalong Longstride, And talk about the news rnd the other little fairy, to hear it. weather? Hero’s what it said: * • What splendid times we'U have.t'o- „ gether! ' “Whose hair Is like thrt morning Why. Nancy—I'hopo.". sun? ** •. ; V ' ¥ ' ■ • 1 ' ■ Whose sweet blue dyes are full "Now then who do you s’pose of fun? sent me, that?” wondered Nancy. Whose mouth Is curved like cu- "I'm not as nice as that! My hair \ "uiri’fb hnv? ' isn’t likr. the sun and .*nv eves " IAA-UA - IF THAT’S "Home sueeT Home' VT SOUklDS LIKE THERE'S A COLlPLC MORTGAGES DUE i okl IT, eH 2 / vr TIaT kid \a c j AKl EAR T oR J ■/J SI cr,TL 14K v.dhj A NoUDERTU mUSiciam aJ J ELEP^A' . ’round from Moon / HOW ALVIlJ- \ 1. WAUT Vou To ' Stop LOOKING O.UT OF THE WlklDoW, AxlD plav, "Woke sweet Home" REAL MICE. FOR j i miss Herzog f / HELEN, YOU JU5T-REM1MDED ME OF SOMETHING - I GUESS l ; LI. GO UP AND SEE IF I J Y. CAN FIND IT- OLIVIA, WHAT ISTOM DCJ1NG ? DID HE GO OUT OR IS HE U4 THE HOUSE HERE? J ) I "DON’T KMOVf, I HEARD HIM UP IN THE ATTIC BUT HE’S UP IN YOUR sewing Room now . I THINK- f OH A! THE CHILD \ H^S SUCH A*1 \ CgAR FOR MUSIC= \ MV ullcLE HobarT j USED To PLAVTHE / .VIOLIN 5IMPLV / GRAND BEFORE f -V- HE GREW A / 'VuS^a^ea^dr jL ' AVI AUMtV—\ i DOMT LIKE ' -TVlAYTHIS OLf PIECE AMVMORE • IT ALWAVS SOiJMDS: L TH' SAME’;, ly . i v;- TOM, DO TOO REMEMBER "THE iz'vTZa TIME THAT YOU WANTED TO SELL THIS 0UGGY '^ — ~^ / T/ > OHYES/rHAT WAS f ( The tim e that rannv ' / KEPT ME up FOR \ THREE NIGHTS J r- 7 , \ gtraightI — And helps the fairy fc ;Why, Nancy! STRAIGHT! Qjiei Nine Room House (m Milledge Avenue for E. G. FAMBROUGH . Phone 516 , POPULAR^FOR^CEtlERAHONS" COMPOUND COPAIBA ANOLCUilBSg AT DRUGGISTS. «• TRIAL BOX 6? MAIL ! PROMPLAMTIM *3 HKNKY St. BROOKLYN. ^LV/llJ PLAYS Home sweet Home" all; oar of shape •=-