Newspaper Page Text
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I To be a successful retain the love ?
and admiration of her husband should be a
woman’s constant study, f Mrs. Brown and
Mrs. Potts tell their stones for the benefit
-.of all wives and mothers.
“Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
nound will make every mother well, sttQDi, healthy and happy. I dragged
through nin» years of miserable existence,’.tern out with pain and weariness
I then noticed a statement of a woman trowled as 1 was, and the wonderful
results she had had from your Vegetable Coirpound, and decided to try what
would dq for' rate, and used it for three mfntbs. At the end of that time 1
a dftferent woman, the neighbors renArked it, and my husband fell m
love with me all over again. It seemed likf a new existence. I had been suf
fering with inflammation, and falling of tie womb, but your medicine cured
that and built up ray entire system, till I Ayas indeed like a new woman.
Sincerely yours, Mrs. Chas. F. Brown, 21fcedar Terrace, Hot Springs, Ark.,
Vice President Mothers’ Club.” ’ I
Suffering women should not fail to profit by Mrs. Brown’s ex
periences; just as surely as she wasjeured of the troubles enumer
ated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkham’s \ egetable
Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubles,
inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability,
I and nervous prostration. Bead the story of Mrs. Potts to all
I mothers:— /
|k “ Dr* n Mrs.
nr*—» inaKfW life I was very delicata
’ y 4-4‘’ ** y•' ’ m'Wn<h.' I miscarriages, and both
1■ W W 'IHV lur< and felt very badlv as we were
WflZ- Ir-'w’g
-• i Wr
ham, Lynn, Mass., and you will be ad fr3e charge. Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
of cases of female troubles curing th' l inexpensively and absolutely.
Remember this when you go to your (riS£’-' ; t- Insist upon getting
® Spr jra., imn raja ,
■ A Large Trial Box and book of in*
fl structions absolutely Free and Post®
fl paid, enough to prove the value of
',A A -
I'mK j*<_ <
| The formula of a noted Boston physician,
r and used with great success as a Vaginal
* Wash, forLeucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal I
jL Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
M irjd al! soreness of mucus membrane. I,
gji jln local treatment of female ills Paxtine is ”
S Vsed as a Va K>nal Wash we]
revolution in cleansing ■
power; it kills all germs which
gM catKe inflammation and discharges.
-Ap leadingdruL' r , r ist3 keep Paxiine; pricA.SOc.
ah'**; if yours does not, send to us for it. Don’t I
asubsm tkcre is nothing like Paxtine. 1
Write for the Free Pox of Paxtino to-day. ,
PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mhss.
|g> Oropsyil
■Hi f f'r ov-c al! nwelliUK in
IX* ( ? a M effects a permanent cthp I
NMI -<K !,1/ to ,iav; : Trial treatment
MflHI & B \- r Z n ßcan be fair
Dr. 11. t: iirM«’aSoM TL
. St .c.V *. Box da. [I
HS „ Lm:Tj ;_MI Fl SJfJFr, f'
MC Le * ' "- ' rup. Tuxes Good. Um Hl /I
FkJ •. 'WUU 6 m i '
* iff a if? doso. I soon felt tnut
,^WijF'Rp< a ?£ headaches
gradu v oer I I ia'fliJMMTy’fltßapjteitred,.
i and m general health improved. I felt as
if new OO< l coursed through my veins, the
sluggi ?ired feeling disappeared, and I be
' came s (t W and wcll -
k Wi an a year after I became the mother
of a strio? healthy child, the joy of our home.
Youcel in ly have a splendid remedy, and I
wish e’ r y mother knew of it. Sincerely
yours, f‘ s - Anna Potts. 510 Park Ave., Hot
Spring? Ark.” _
jf yc/feel that there is anything at all
unusu£pp r puzzling about your case, or
if you dsh confidential advice of the
most e> erienced, write to Mrs. Pink-
Paxtine is in powder
form to dissolve in
water non-poisonous
and far superior to liqu id
antiseptics containing 1
alcohol which irritates |
inflamed surfaces, and
, have no cleansing prop- !
i erties. The contents
5 of every box makes ,
I more Antiseptic Solu- ■
tion lasts longer— I
g goes further—has more
| uses in the family and
I doesmoregood thanany
antiseptic preparation i
you can buy.
i ,!I ■ THE BEST
i our waterproof
IL_ //jUJ <oats . suits and hats
I tor all kinds of wet work.
=52 ' ft is often imitated but
i for sE M all Pf / . er equal led I
PEalerx rlnde in black or yellow
i vrira’O THE and fully guaranteed by
sir w’THE FISH Tower Canadian a>,
I -1 ' ■ i
is an essential plant food I
whP£ ust be add( ‘d a s a fertilizer |
or the soil will g
€ become ex- R
I' hausted, as is I
IM true of so S ’
I ''W many cotton u }
6elds * I f
■ li I We have books | :
I i j
|fc J ers. We will send
F*° » - >r farmer who asks .s for them. |
I S«» ♦ “Kaa... MreeC w
rats their own qffT'XfiON.
' _.. ■ 3®
Cicver Man Found a Way to Rid Hie
Warehouse of the Rodents.
Owners of grain warehouses suffer
;reai ;•-s i by the depredations of
i .:ts. A firm of warelouse-men In
.1 >i he.-: r. N. Y.. in wlose of
business the rodent fanviy haveXteen
r-r ic it lady destructive, has demised 1
•_ method of getting rid of them .that I
;-.-ov ■:! successful. Since the in- J
t rochu tion of this method 1
l .e. e’c. n killed st rapidfy that | a short time tltrywill be prac- I
tically extinct. I
When the rats began ’a overrun this .
particular warehouse He aid of their I
i :ne honored enemies, tats, was first [
' called in. The cats wire energetic, i
j but could not follow He ratA dow'nj
their holes. It was soot evidelt that
eats could not splve t e problem otl
getting rid of them. I '' ‘
Traps were then trid. M
they worked well. Buf after a tint J
the rats came to avo| them, rhe
j same proved true of lOison. In thfc
! meantime the rats whch first selec
ted the warehouse<as a place wheie
i an easy living could b) obtained ht}d
1 evidently informed thlr friends and
these called in others intil jt seemed
as if most, of the rat > n tbis part (
of the state must hA T c established
headquarters in the sirohouse. wiiws
the Rochester (N. Y correspondent
of the New York Tele ram,
, Then a clerk with a: inventive turn
of mind tackled the uestion. The [
warehouse is lighted with ineande- i
reent electric lights, v>ich are seldom I
u.-eil at night. The • ierk placed a ’
fl:;t piece of copper onthc floor in one |
corin'! - of .the building l '' l '! a wire was i
run to it from the light .
circuit. On this cop l ' 1 ’ plate was
placed a large piece * cheese. Then
a second copper plat' waS pl ace( l on
the floor almost, but ot finite touch
ing the first, copper. '!>« return wire <
of the incandescent ?ht circuit was
connected with this jeond plate.
The cheese, of co iSe > was ib
view ou the floor-.nd nothing could
have lifted more innocent. Hii| to
reach i|t rat would first step on the j
copper Jlate connected with th< ? re
turn wij: So f ar nothing would hap
pen toltisturb the peace of mi,id of
his ratffcip. His nexl move, however,
would ft to place hit forefeet cn cop-
I per plat No. 1, on vhich the iheese
had bcel placed. Th< Instant th< front
feet of |he rat toicned of
copper, $ Ute Mn} feet woj«illbe .
on the lecond be
‘ plete tie electrfo circuit. Th cur
, rent woijld shoot ihrtugh his bdy and
> he wou'd drop peal before ie had
i' 1 t!m3 r to*' itter Vh’T*srr
Tftwafliil fit .Ufl trail W 1 'Lua
trivance to indicate a trap, e’ W to the
oldest :o a wise:. rat. The) cheese
was m plain sight,ana apparfifipV easy
to get; Ind by its smell attracted rats
from all over the warehouse. The ar
rangement looked so innocent that
even tlfe sight of the bodies |?f their
1 predecessors did not frighten!' away
the huigry rats. On the moriing af
ter the “rat electrocution was
first sot a score of dead rats were
found.) The next evening half a doz
en smaller traps were set, all neeting
with tie success of the first. 11. was
plain that the rat. question was set
tled, L far as thgt warehouse was
“I 1 link I ought to get out a pa
tent far my electric chair for thiev
ing r.'ls,” said thf) inventor of the
trap, jiroudly. “Andi, besides any mon
ey w/. ch my scheme might bring me,
I tfrin’f I am entitled to a large medal
from the Society for the Prevention
of Criti Ity to Aniq als. For the rats
don’t suffer the leqst pain. They are
dead before they Ip'ow what has hap
Danger to Ba cteriologists.
There can be lit le doubt that bac
teriology, the younp est of the sciences,
is also the most d ingerous to its de
votees. All the w< >rld over now men
are experimening c » themselves with
the bacteria that cause various dis
eases, and every m >w and again there
is a disaster such al? just reported
from Kronstadt. ' ’he bacielus pestis.
the cause of plagt e. is probaojly the
most dangerous op all the eDisease
germs to those wiiA work with lit, and
it already has a IclLg taie of victims.
So at least have seals a dozen \ other
species of these (Badly little ijlants.
Nevertheless bactllriology has ■ /paved
incalculably morefflij/s, both of men
and the lower aniifllß, than hayw been
lost in the study oil it. —London ( hron
ide. 1
Historic Monttrlrs to Be Solci.
The five historifl monitors, Jason,
Canonicus, Nahantß. Lehigh, and Mon
tauk, which are iflfrig at League isl
and, will be sold Aprl 11. 'I hey
were built in of the moni
tors is about 200b febt in length, 43
feet in breadth anK) has a mean draft
of 13 feet 6 in.'ifl Theff dlsjlace
ment is about 2Hfltons. The sidar
mor of each is fifl while the-tu-rets
are 10 Inches thifl-k. The appraised
value of the vetiiUr-ls to be sold fol
lows: Canonicus. Jason, Jlfi,-
000; Lehigh, |10,(fli0, Montauk, b\-
000; Nahant, jlO.lßdO. If the- bid. ,j o ;
not reach the arßpraised sum tpre
will be no sale. S *- I
Tl Know Penina is al Fine ToiiL | : or Hfe
j Worn 9ut System/’ v |M
I a / -1 /
’ An • X fa .
I .Alin . >■ v. A/IA. \9k@H
I' ! ' ' ***•”
////kVv HF ; ? Wk* s Jkh p\i\W ■
/ is WsraMH« l *
7 v 1 * »I'\
sHar dSL ' ■
■ ObW&A •T'”’
■■ ' Mf' A
/j I W A
Ik■ i .
r" - JH3IB 1
w' I
I® Ik I ’ A
®, JHy j IB®
I ffll®. • -rnw I
lion. Xclhoh Titer, of St. Jlcph, Mich., ’enou s of o hi ;-,//■ number 0/
firotcful patients in his eoiity ttho ha re been cured In) Perund. ‘liif*
|0 t~ ' a
lion. Nelson Rice, Mayor c St. Joseph, Michigan, writes: ) J
The Penina Medicine Co., C'olu bus, Ohio: ' .BjflS
Gentlemen: “1 wish to cojratulate you on the kii< of your mlorts to’ atv
win the confidence of the public in need of a reliable medicine. 1 know
i’eruiia is a jlne lonic for trorn out system and a spccijtc in eases
of catarrhal <1 i jjicu 11 ies. on hare ala rye number of ij rat of'at pa
tients in this country ichthave used I‘eruna, and have been cured
by it, and why praise it < eve all other medicines. I‘eruna has ~MOT
my heartiest good wishes. —Nelson It ice.
O 1 J ,-i,— J JHHI
MARCH, APRIL, MAI AII 'Mh e things are especially true of fjflflH
I those wLo have been buffering with ca-JnSgH|
Weak Nerves,
ff . ■ r ! runa does >not irritate —it sM -.• 1
Spirits. does not temporarily Btim.ukfcn- -SksOwUSS
I strehxthe)<. Ji
Gentlemen: “J, wish to corwrai’iate y virile blood, tranquilizesl .
on on the success oi yvwr- eiifrtrta (o win Ivfn and regulates the I J'.MHMfliSip?
the conlidencc oLtlic public, irrneefbf a re “eruna, unlike so many si
"liable mecncme.JF A4 - '.not simply u physic or / . ♦
1 its v ariy trip north. The real (SB u t w 18 *’ - vou not ret ' eivr * tpanjfl
j shilted toward the nnflU xuiaW*?* B ltee, ‘ resi|lta from the-Mae of ¥«■ fl
• Mb* <uei-y dai-. ?\"uTi the reMin of the write at once to Dr. Hartman, givi A MB
sun the bodily ills peculiar te Spring, lull slatenieat of your Clise, and he wi
1 ; With one person the nerves are wi ll * 4 ; an pleased to give you his valuable a< l 8 j
other person, digestion poor;' witij others gratis. .
the blood is out of order; and stii others Addies Hr. Hartman, President of
luxve depressed spirits and ured fer) ln ls- Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. P '
fCTT 113 IHT Sweat, Itelfl ßl,Bter '' ROYAL 1 OOT WASH cun s them. Rem ■*
rrrl r'* II n I odors of tL • nrmjdts. <-u-. siejs chafing. If not at drug 5 P ■
I L. L I lIU 11 I send 25c tJt A TON liRL’G CO., /hi. anta, G.v, for full size. .(U ; fl||
paid ; sample lor2catamp. One apjM^ ent * on pio' tsri, no r . back if not satkijM,
T" - ' l -,. r „Tk7„a„ .ndHlz-of -'. >I. nl.lmr W. i-h Al p. '■>-»«! wtMMMfI
j b*. Jr’*! f , » rf i f ,; *i‘#'’*l'. into the ■> is*l "i •’'t' <r‘‘ I'. V ril< us \» ur | ■■
’Lill IJ iL IJ LI I fnir nI st ifp MiBH-HMiollS Ml<! !-? yl< Ot ll- it Plld wr Will 5H1.,1 } .., 4.1 4.'
It; P KL rJ ’* H MM: Bei-l-rmt Ph.,,, a„d >m, an
l«3''.y A-iyL.L’ luicb ompne ■” •’"I" 11 "'
—[--“IF 'i" 1 ? 32! -az ;i«ti 21 fl—|
,| o';, Tl v.„|. r„ si,,-,' l"r<.„ls. V.o v- ><„, .I > 11, ■-II -f ai, . .a-.' w Yofl.
. , !■ £OUTH ,.Jr?4 FOUNDRY CO., OwemiSoro,
Malsby & |Co.
4 j Soulh I ersyth St., Atla^ a » Ga*
Portable and Htatio^ xr J 1 '
Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mill? ;
Complete line carried in for
IMMKDIA TfK xfiipme^-'
Beit Machinery, l.oweet Prices Terms
.———t-. B
Write us for catalogt^*-P r^ces '
etc., before huvintr £
flisearets” for
Bo ot .tonisch
KI ot i,rslu Is
■ composltlou.
> nuneroos outer V M** ' 1 rcmodiej
but wltnout aval] * Q d j « n s th o ' ■SV"*® relieve in h dar than <ll th® M i«fl! here taken
would In a zea-.o
Jamul McGuae, 1«6 Mereer fit., C,tr ‘ N *
For •
M Theßcw«i»
«.'aA»i.sissSfS&W s ° s
Sterliog Rensadjr Co., Chicar}’ of !'•*
! «WMMU.TajyujM MX»
. Cotten
hiach 1 u q f
wznship. flifiiiill
We uiMic fee motti complete
cuceri, mt) World. We j.w,
. , ec.. ~HI .Ihin;; ner jed a i.'.u MgSAdSt!
Wriie lor I!li:str:rl<-<1
Binningham,r ’
tire Stated of *
tex; }(wi
i ifl£Mlts®|'aJ
No trout,iajto answer d DsHu. flH|fl|
shortest ronfc Hhrevep rr E - ■**. TL'lfl>*:ti
for new took J,,, t»x»h, 'r-Padus, Texas fl
Gsneral Pa*s£g«r Age t, .