The Athens clipper. (Athens, Ga.) 1888-19??, April 30, 1904, Image 4
ijMgr fcS W. “ '"if A B S • P»‘d • fl>”U , to la*t vSdc. jMr W p |UP ™ n. M • pl«««rji| £L“Jk\“ “ f ’ .M™ Ftena Xkff om ** :ta ': es th r. <rjk Mr A hntb vheie she *T l ( >p® nG *4vera yfee*' s ’ I Aj«« ’ Mr/ SKA3W" ' L(JCvA< u ' nn P : d ? ,l> t g ■ visit to jy pnta ■ f<* day- ‘‘R” S«e **hoH»\° rs ”’ t * 1 rUt * Air knffi.o’r &»**"’*• ’ ™ fifth t cT tlBo n oi> tae ,i * s; C l - v reads »j 1(5 CIJPi ,lltK al ‘‘* * iVt ,l J Hippo*'. f . Mt a jj,d \.r«/ k R- H:x >ir »M a lovely Ifomr on Hancock e* • • and Boev®/1 * l ' ■* make it ea'ant 101 V >£j torb . would like to rtnow whether or ntf, tbo<se pretty H iwer- oi h« > Ea’tei'r i,, t got cohl entren the Mirp. Mr| f , Thoma Jarre Is, of B-> ;art. wa* jib thecitt L-t week and tall cd in/ to see us. &he is quite 4in I ,e ' e *lting lady. f Ab ie Epp* i* a i;idl of a t’moaV r emal kable m.s-ionarj tai- I Stic’ never fail* to agitaje the * irk of the B Y P U. ’ J We had a pleasant call! f’om --Jlljitf.ter* : -Solomon and Dav d !«•- elj*, toe two promising -bos o' Deacon Ihotna* lartells. Vfia-,. l<o l »erta M Milner, a teach er at Jeruel zXcadeoi*'. i- >l?'* '-'e l chosen rn-ttiictor of tin- IJ i 1* L at E >en« zer Baptist Mrs I«uC) kV ood, of '\e-t Han cock zXvenue is a ino*t ji tete*ting lady. She is the accomplished vvik of Kev C W V ood. K.ev L II, pastor of Hill s First Bapsist church, is conducting revival service*, and tmy have been added to the church. a Col M B Morton, on< of our cit’-zens and dttsjing poli jcflprrha'. teturned Ironi jtt fcV' Anniston, Alabama, "*W ,:O' ••Vfv ■ tr ■* 'Hair Tonic -I vwh -• H u' rriie 'X iTc X t 1 ,y A VIS, I ’l’“’ >JL- a - V., t ‘M R« j -i ■ ■' •▼ < .111 '•/ ! er DdW. ] rei g 4 ’> i oomo. i shot ’T . f OX I >\- v . ’ ■ .’ < fire ini JU ure >■ who A J ‘ea \\'B regro > V I itry f< ■- opkim „ jj ir “- F / ■r, p'ni * Iroyed *■ ". even r nior«' hi il(lingua ‘‘ erslty i'». r> iblleatl nt ails d’*-,. » j Preside mt Mu V'A.'.-' ininißt r of X»air U wc 4nflKp JRI” ee’s <pdicy inurlnnMV i ■Tapelt VCh ha . oeti. loi« duwn L * M greflv preparation* are being I* tt wrtct a new onJ at an early J P' ”4 At aao wlayton atreet, cleaning £ ’•inf and cutting new work is a Specialty. Ladij-s’ work is * s»uiv»nteed, where A W- Jackson is , o< l jlppriai'or ' B ’’ i F /» ♦ ’vnttMr* C«rrt» Jack«on Davs, the l'-*cu!aip!i*h<nl wife of Mr r.’tnri P \ l() opiavh. n« tUeae street, in a popular ■ K t( aftiber ot the choir at Fbenezeri ihe >]»*. choreh - . . j e kn.H** I H Horton will preach the* • „ d< Fellows’ Anniversary serinoiU . jjhenezer Baptist church, on- ( unday afternoon. Rbv Horton ( ‘’’’popular minister of mis c : ty. •<i, fl , . , , •*-. A serie* o praver; and prmse i '' U!< tvices at.’ going on at Ebenezer i n *' baptist chu'Eb, which a>e bemgjl ‘* , ’ ,l kl by the office’s, with the a«siu* ian mice ot tot'jx's.or. Rev J 11 Hur* crsiin. eniovt' Ttj.sir Jet.kins, wile ol Ms* 11 40 an<| 50'i»ny JgjiktHS !s :,t home again,’ > Sitn Yor lg rivi3M^ t leli»ii’h>V-UJ? ,u Blacks • Seoul Mvera.c/co. Willinson, S C, antip / fusa. <■’ * 'here she had al world Jtrodijft e> j •va r l*' time. ! » little L ss v s{{ al \Ve*t D t.oil T ‘ nd thebinitr i.\ most >noettul g ir.irt - A *ts bought mn't.*rd and turnip > N«»rk SunJf Twere n ’ sowed ■> t“' °** d °* e i| °’«uaioutlut a 1 " , v: ' erd ' *; nout ;'l “’rhe proXcttonV “ ’V a \ I nearZ 320.0>L o V'- ’ j- jw J al now thai< o f a qlla d , • ' that tin 4 . be „ 1!(l , hiy „ .. A* die ot,lcr '* An Line, tor Chicago. vLyk only a 1 • spend ng some time| * '*3lo Un i»u “ er P ar<,n ’'- Mr | f A'Per .a' ti AW ? / W Brnii - ai d otmr JA i isa y.v«hdf-.ends M*s B.d.e : > d« 51*..... b»'>’ T.ln*, ju px-ii' accnipativd by Ms K *oxii\ Jo 4jh» I“’°' Ch,c *-’“- 7 ho ca . me “7o- -mv »«' Lb . of y S Io - 1 „ Mule ie»t- sue won ’. VesffUsUlßente % v .heated % 1 un V t' *o st them ! A *CBTk leaves 4 heiA;l s BHRW '1 Mr».oaM<e Baeghn. a popular 1 lady O! street one of ll uhr Hfet nAf er ners. I Mrs Dor* A Murden has been 1 qmtsfcrck this week, nut we are I gladHMay the is better MrtEHa Gant of Ga, in tie city, daughter .%Cs* 7xzie Mrlledge »«■> h. Mr j, 1 Mr* A S Brown have a boy added to their fam ily. &is ve«y young fellow but h||k,ow> how totrr for his ihaniaK/ | nf|- out tr-acription books got loIKh this wee< and it tn*- very u. ich The phra*e notify u- . -oi get re wa rife. r Jenkin*, Mr Rich ard Igßyston. ..Ir Isaac L- v-.s and lohnson v>ne ■ At lanta ■gjjday, where the dty was pleasvs? spent. Re«| lenty Horton. »»f West i | HancKSavenue, i* very ill His are quite .tnx-ous abou Irm. and ail hope f-r him a S ee v tec iVe.y Ms El’Xi Moore, of Atlanta, »pew several weeks in Athens with relatives anti friends, she was ’hr n«’ptila r gu-'t <>f her sis ter, lisa J, z ie Dorsey Wt are sorrv to *,» 'hat Mr* Corielia Hixon, ot West Hancock I averje. i* on the sick list this wee Her friends are eager to . see er out again. RdnA C Power-, of W n er- h , ; I wa* | the c!» this wetk lie is Ij as JiloU a* ever, and made the Clipkk Man smile heartily, by givig him a coin from his purse to kee the paper agoing. 4 ■< e r hen you want any work done alog the line of (gleaning, Dveing ant Cutting, goto 220 Clayton St. r whre you will find Tackson, the tailr, who will plress, cleat., cut • lamaAw voa- ; y les I Vb'-n 'on are hungry, go to tbt n of J S Hdl, on Hui J Aiim get Dork, stewn meal saussfge, *tee.x ‘ap4 ever** ,h- ..'■hi'jffarlo.l- ‘ C 'Tt low A-2«ni ’of Daily ConsVitutirn I > n jthehs., He gives good and P ro: |bpt s<rvfce whaMroakl 'ikr to can do so by ca '’Wf? on ** l,n at 4 :o I ckson ” r -a.. .• a AdtW'fcie McNiel Hernden, ♦he n»ted efftcutionist. of Atlanta, I s ,n Jtbe C’ty. and gave a fine enter l>‘ at Fierce Chapel A M E Monday night, which was t>v an aopreciative au- s «eho are troubled with Etching in nead or scain stuhhv hair, will be w«*t<' el fujlv dienefirted bv using nic. the best thing .|‘. n .t eve r di«cov £!£»*• itc a bottle it Pavne'* , Thi. re in av cute little couple in of ours, made up J>f ar Ebeneler Bapti»t girl and a PrltiHs Fir|L'Bb'ptist boy. Now she; goes to his church one v. take* her to her! the Rext Sun.lav; hut by-| whetM the cords are nrmlv Ibis heart, he will gcri tn jfcbet ?zer every Sun J ca f r om ReA t, Ph D. of Eiberton| ■ genial man and w® jP*. riig-hted to be in hifl ler Fou-i.h'i •■» r eside*i Wet' ens D *t”c - <>f the .4 ’ *k* '* * :,k cr * n *'’ nu: fl j-wCSbiT umber <>t »• lends f'* d -orct He wfl I l *.’' Get* gra de’ ' Confr-erce wn ch ■" €incag ’ " 'v. orton spent t* e weeO itF* w ie> <■ »• g .^r*u>^ v p i: ” ne * Brv,n ’- ° be Dreached ea<M n .<l It Wheat Street Baptifi crowded bouse. A 2 r w is being carried >n at gyl. cfwtifch. which closed >■ |th more than one htu*» l l re P for baptism SunilJw I motmc— aI’.I were much pleased w '*ll Uliirva Horton, and i eaCß tj • l»s j<*> mot. Km, ’A RY -FIST HICH WITH I WBBAT, BAPTIST CHURCH I 3H BEFORE THE I THIRD SuHrvY 'XE 1904. Vo the as nc<ations. dis : trict attd.bt3f> Sunday School Worn m s Gen era' St»fjp*oLuvenSori.and to Ihe B. Y/*F LTs. of the State: Dear Co Ei»*o«tßS tx Christ: In les/ -e months the an- nual tneetmjAfrj^vur c invention Urill be U P©*>.J|: fi ink of ir. we h'ave bat in which t" w/»ik fAs >w, the state mis been order oi the c<>nvention;„eMfj has been left in the fehtEge g- *r. members of the Execqti in their re spective distric, there- so e has a Btiard of Mana ger*, vmch ftjanS are members or the ex ecu f i The ou. dUslftjr Which the state has bee- th.'sji is two fold: i fiist to actiVfa . r* <>• solicit the attent-ojj > sd>iir.arcial support u‘ the tndi ideally ; sec on<’l» , to eng?, j aettvei; the a - ten tion of uch S aid member, ot in other woro.i. t,' gif- them *otne thing to dv. We believe hat among the Sany blunders, hinder m r wo k is the lack »f individual bntact The time has come tha. big speeches and i constant wdj‘ 11O t d<> 'he i work of 'he . Wr a , e c , upon to g«x itU tj t\ vineyatd and j wmk, not i:i , .k., 4 -,t ie»olve. and no: make speecirest e;e ». It is there - foie hoped rhaiejjg’, mother, who] ' has been appoi»&j as one of the ; managers of the »fco»t .wfct« will >’ do his besß V -J At our last conventioal meet ing a new project was onceived e and born x It.wa* born ifouref forts our desire anil o U r fought, it is l?g:t:rrjate and praieworthy. e Whe/ier we wv. be able to foster ,1 this eiitefpriiej which means so s muc andj umanity. i -tflWlwACfp by whtt we do e al ms n«St •< inad meetifg Ou. 11 Boirr haj> hac *sv<> tneeings thi* <1 • vui. AI- t|ie hrit nice f.»’ <*ver “fl,*- Bit 1 e 1 *•*•*•< n j '4il> rttiji m-’T" -" ■ * * *'W» «• a bundfei. ami *fi>y dobp* were rtftMMfli t T » ?T t ‘tWeivl;iLKmixed ioliars save been >n atrieilAJKe a&r '•* e l 5 > T!■. p A Cd » “ ape’win Semiaary are >heai|elves in trailing tv e young ’ men and th< yottn* womev t° r fbe 0 lif£, Acaiemv hasp taker|bn qtew Hffc. c-■•■w..■ m r door & doqle; Bypti*t In- , - stit«fl r the S*d| of Walke Baptist , s Assertion F-w a bn K ,eit ' waa|;The Jttnancw High School, the baby stfcool <4 U e ct opera t the»n|B^o f Southwest t Georgia Allot these sell .ots need i our \fii|ancii< *iflppdrt and patron < age. it a chs»q»e was maddheainst} i US for non support and rln nat- j ronage. to pl|h« ’ o»?| v won « 5 e *>ur | best wav Fhi!® s a shame and dear to retain our ' 1 j)BW;->nd -i>M» we inust stand ! ’ 'by our seboohfi It is true that the secomiarv sefib ifrs fcre managed and : j mawtwned $4 thfllt associations.: ' respeejiveiv. y3® * way that is i prai^e^mth'ri’but that is not enoitgjh. Oujrj| convention must * C«fMFyto their wyiciat. first, because '|t!»<y'We our bpsttsr*'; and *ec«»n<l. became they h ' l!, e eter ’ naltie of co'-dcHMfl^n —our watch fe jßHWutir-our r A,Jan | a College and irtagyFder ily hope we rjCTWe*boast ot IgßlLAat stands tor Inh4 higher e<sK|ff!on ot our boys frcwWi?MSapt:st stand ‘ltßrt” t 'bj&sKscrwmsjS-e the product LHflH'drremis. jJiSSfvopic. at Jammtty, greatest m «- and #tMra&o-*d organ zo . the you. as wi.. lotnfr ot vour race i of a ijfewt<fiH : of gratitude IgtQ Gp ;, tor T urn V «« T t upon t Jb Bh'y’ iOu. who * llbr yats sa’vva ' and 7rdr§s< ot the »MSKl’c: e'. **»*; . were, -av they ”W*?e <i me no . jPbu t jnswe# -wit brother, 'bnt _ twrgiW nr at thvl cwu t.’.’ion ;.eJC in AtiantjL, vour doF*ir* youf* *l* Vfe next t< T’Tdqt TTTn 1 11 1 WPUttuWQNI A I L-V A Y‘. 1 ST- J RLD’S Fte' BTilliaaoyt ' IND W-SMkJ o 5 31nt, 130*1. ' lot later than ten days, including ■ ''Z'! ' ’ tiseinent in this paper. For al' HOKE, Athens, Ga * or ’Wri:£; U E CHRISTIAIk- 1 . J. A VON DOHLEN. 4 Asst Grn Pass. AgK A»»ftta, jGa. T. I’. A . Atlanta, Ga. i the New Era Institute Thi> . is indeed the kind ot worfo thfrt th;*s , i >v cad* tor. and is tHjs kii>Hfcof : wmk that ’he |e« pie a$R . waring and calling for. Ito do this wotk spccessfwllij, the convention !>?* ?m ploy j men whom she . coivnetent and worth ■,. Ap ’• jtive the t entiie time to this [ readv many New Era ■ meeti os have been held 'ert .iarts of th? state, ver fui ami profitably. *Chu he it strengthened, couraged. deacons day Schools and B. stimulated, arid preachers S-d ltd. it is hoped that these Kf®c t»f meetings will be held in calitv i.r the state, so that aft Wro j name the name of Jesus, nby b< peached and benefitt?d. 'X i V't bate bought fwsdr«y£ I iCres c* land upon • F'-' rnn:<'’v and'gßMneir: tie yew-wr ffot/rir-ir^W'Sa^' WWgfewiL' !,urca -FbaA if other ■; "beve CtnjfeCh icre of that land if no tnofe, ajanyfi Mre wiiLfinly c° st ten To ftcapitula’e: It is lormamrv oo: Home for li.firip Manners. Our EdiAuij^iJ c work hi the schools operative plans of our and Our Missions, HojM»j n< iJ F-.reig’i. and last but not iI New Era Institute work, rMKgo3 s »o much needed in the r wish to call your j At the Atlanta meetin t we ought not to raise } thousand dollars. Let ever : that is worth the name of j do her best this year get it. ‘ Brother, have I reached this letter Yours A. B. \»K Corresponding Secret eral State Baptist Con vent* I Georgia i ‘JERUEL ACADBIte Athens. The Academv begirnr % nex t term of school sth . 1903 Courses of insfruettort eovy jji) eleven years and P r ®ft®|®FOUr.g j men ami young womenMMß.ege Thoroughness is great ’ ! a,ms - instruction in sew:r ß^ , 3Bj? fc ’]K { ; .and music i< given / Students under tflMMMflnate cue and control of . | Go<>d accommodgiiQ'll tie . jeampu'. Instructors »>e •mF4^VTttpe f ’ ’ent and from the »e*t in pi the South. Board— >4-00 pf’sOßMn Q Tuition —50c, 1 e jjm.nth j- jHgS Forlurtncr !l— lr»r f Xl vuu want l dry goods, cad a -V.e <• Ree*e street. \ s DEATH ROLL j MRS. GEORGIA FEW. Mrs. Georgia Few departed t l ii> lite Saturday night. April 23 at ; the home of her daughter, Air* Hattie Lavers, on Valley strA She had been very sick for man : weeks; but through all that, sh ■ continued to grow strong in th* f faith once delivered to the ; and lived ;/a cJriKistartr I the Missionary Baptist cfiurch. A ’ Mis Few was also a member of " the Mt. Zion Lodge of Good Sa < ij mantans, and was laid to rest with j their honors, in the Gospel Pilgrin • cemetery. Rev T. B. Mattox, as -1 sisted by Rtv, Willis A. Jones, con ducted the burial services. The ’ideceas d Jesvet many relatives and Hfn nds io iam< nt her death F t **’ ation. He confessed a strong and aitnTuT kropfe In Q|prist, and it is ;vell with his soul. 1 The funeral services were held in Springfield church *nd conducted by Rev. H. Horton. The remains wen laid to rest h the Gospel Pilgrim '.emetery. Mr. Smith was a brilliant ?r< promising young man of only 23 years, and was a barber by trade. He was the son of the late Mr. Perry Smith. He leaves a heart rendered mother, everal sisters and bi others, and other relatives and friends thatwsre dear to him to mourn his untimely absence. The ft.mily have the sympathy ot all. TAILORING DEPARTME .T 220 Clayton Street, : Athens, Ga. A. W. JACKSON, Proprisrcr. I have just opened a Tadrring Department at my New s-nop, 22Q Clayton street, where I am pre pared to do all kind* of work it the tailoring line: such as pressing, cleaning, dyeing, etc. New wrr* a >peciaity. All work done in the latest sty le and satisfaction guaran teed. A. \V. Jackson, Proprietor. 220 Clayton St., Athens, Ga. IT . For bALE—A tract »&- Farm Land —Just the eiiergetic Colored and farm —About 20 t state of Cultivation. W' minutes wa.x ot t : e Comßu/ Wil! sell cheap on right party. For e or. Sam B. Davis, /-vTfriMHBRb 1 per Office. 1 Breeder of Thor I ■ trv, Pigeons, Birds. scdffiS 94* pjinte; Egg* 1 E 50; Barrec -''*. v t R VJTn te Wyndotr*. < S/Pekin Ducks Pit G vW’*™ ■ lon Separate Farm. « , Brooklyn e. f x