The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, January 31, 1893, Image 1

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THE VIENNA PROGRESS. Fl. Per Annum. Hew to the Line, Let the Chips Fall Where They May.” T., NO 27. VIENNA, GA., TUESDAY. JANUARY ]89o. HONAL HALLS. M Cigress. | i ll:, >!efi III against ll ) c Dg made i I friend- of the bankruptcy hi t, the r»l stood : # Veas 107; rajs 130. Then f> _ , mark r-f re.«| eot to tile memory of Ibe Houses 1)1 IH0 i - a,t ' Ju-tice Lamar, the houac»dj«#rned The house got into a parliamentary i tangle soon after its meeting W/rnesday ; morning and succeeded in doirg nothing ■ during the day. Sir. EJ!gr re/of Texr a 1 ten L*ntnfW III i 1 (IP Fussed ant] Ellis Passed ational Lass-Makers, Lhk senate. It 12,4d o’clock, Monday, 'consent, proceeded to the ’of the anti-option bill, the on the amendment offered Tto Mr. George's substitute, continued bis speech began ay. He spoke for exactly one Iwben he took his seat a propo- ade by Mr. Washburn to have aken Thursday next. This ed to by Mr. White, who Ihe senators from New York re, Hill and Gray, desired to senate and were not present, Iggested Tuesday of next .ime for taking tbe vote. Af- jrloquy Mr. Washburn consent- fcVhtte’s proposition and the ar- was finally mode that at 1 esday of next week the vote aken on ' Mr. George’s substi- aot later than 2 o’clock on the Mr. Chandler expressed a to have the vote taken at anti option bill and spoke hour on Ihe subject. The bill went over without action j>kee outlet bill, which had Lthc house, was taken up. The amendments of- jjjding for the appoint- |for the extioguisb- _ tribal title to (•as agreed to futther the 6e ^ Fu riled Resident laid ation 'from tracing the ler eulogistic all and Gor- of Iowa, respect to the The republi- -went into lale «r r to the Eiog the Fine bat- hcement, sels, ten jdisplace- "o boats, tc the Mr. the ad it was ee on territories. Jay, on motion of lint was requested J the act to provide |f officers on the ■concurrent rese lling of the two the hall of the lives Wednesday, i o’clock in the »f- Ihc requirement of ne law relating to lent and vice-presi- Ind concurred in. Educed and referred Jiving a pension of $50 n fidow of Dr. Elisha Kent Me explorer. Mr. Gorman rfion for the appointment Pe of three senators to make ‘ arrangements for the ioau- I:he president-elect on the kh next. - Agreed to. Mr. that Saturday, j o’clock p. m., he tns in relation to (colleague, Senator pis of Henry Cabot the state of Mass- J March 4th next, |aced on file. The oy Mr. Gale to re- |.to supervisors of Isputies was taken |red (o the judici- Candter offered was referred nmittee, instruct- | to inquire into oses of the whisky bvoted to the dis-_ I bills .,on the cal- thc anti- were not during the lycseut wit- Ftances of n Mills, of gainst the Itained by Tk, of New (the ab- Kor a roll a Snate, at is opposed to the 'jgDkrupjjp bill and bogau fi.ibusteriug n^i ist ! T considera tion. He mtjeicn /following to oocsume the day to' thu«,willed the bill, at least for the preint. Th» house jotirrri wrjq read Thur,day morning in an ab.dged foim as usual, but Mr, Kilgop Altinjuded that it be r<ad in full, 'J the spenkei 'iirected the clerk 'o < fpiv with the demand. Mr. Kilgon ■Jtyaf.aid the committee on i tilts wouM i|W<rt the special order for conddi ra. onfLbe bankruptery bill, but he (videnj'y received private intelligence that thi» i uald Dot be done, for in a few mom nil'*! withdrew his demand, re- markinp'Mat he did Dot wish to inter fere wit Fthe appropriation bills if the housa d /ired to consider them, as it did not see /to do Wednesday. Mr. McMil- the committee on rule 3 , report- tjie Dockery resolution for the |nt by the speaker of ti e 52 1 a commission of five represen- tbe 53d congress to inquire lcs of the laws establishing the executive departments^jijisL* bureaus in Washington city. This was accom- paniec by a resolution referring the Docffery proposition to the committee on appropriations. with the authority to that commiteo to incorporate it in one of the appropriate bills. It has already been incorpcated in the legislative bill with a modifiation making the composition of ihe emmissiou three senntors and five re*ysenUtives. This ae o n taken will prei ude it fre m being struck out on a j ji t order. Tne resolution wa3 adopted. M. Dockery reported from the con rait- te on appropriations that the legislative ixecutive judicial appropriation bill had i^cn placed on the calendar. The house fheb'',resumed,iu committee of the whole, the consideration of the sundry civil ap- propriatumbiTn—'§Qme few obstructions weie placed in the tracked ’be bill, but none of them proved disastrous, and it made fair progress. The item of appriipria- Thc d p< edition of the treasury department, re- , , - , ceived a statem ut frum the secretory of ion for .he survey of public lands treasury Tuesday afternoon. It the chief object of attack, but Holman ^ry^milar tf&he annual re kept bn men in line, and amendments looking to an increase of the appropria tion for this purpose from $100,000 to $209,000 and $869,000 were cleared by the appropriation committee cowcatcher. Without disposing of the bill the house adjourned. ay morning c ntinucd Jatiou of the quarantine bill the amendment • by Mr. Loci at from New York,) < x- luarautine to land bounda- endment prohibiting inter- migration between the ejected. The amendment ilrosius (republican from giving national quaran- in caBes where it. exists at vith state quarantine, was J1 was then reported to the pmmittee of the whole. found itself in a tight igle, and every member [to disentangle it only firmer. The bill as e committee of the (itute for/the original Mr. rfayner, and as was reported as one ugh it had itself re- Jendments. The com- ist this was not the If the bill, but firm in his fas but one amend- |te—pending. The p8 ordered on the the committee of l-and the substitute leame the vote on hill. On a divi- i 49. Mr. Mal- korum. but on Lstood 138 to No rffoi CAPITAL GOSSIP. Mr. Enloc. Tennessee, is thirsting for the scalp of Pension Commissioner Raum. He will make a speech reviewing the evidence in the case and insist that the house pass a resolution of censure. The senate finance committee Tuesday decided to iepi rt adversely Senator But ler’s bill providing for the distribution of the balance of the fuud of $500,000 appropriated for the payment, of the di rect tax collected in South Carolina. It has been agreed by both factions in the house that a bill to rep- a! the Sher man silver law will be considered on the 9th and lOtli of February. Several of the free coinage men announced that, while they were willing to debate it, they will filibuster agamst i s passage unless it can be amended to suit the views of the free coinage democrats. The senate spent four hours Wednes day in executive session discuss’ng the nomination of Louis McComas, ex-secre tary of the national republican commit tee, to be associate justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia. When It came io a tote IK re was no atiempt to filibuster, the vote Et Hiding 34 for con firmation to 13 for opposition. Because of the failure to adopt the usual lesolu- tion notifying the president of the con firmation the result was not formally an nounced at the conclusion of the senate. The republican caucus Tuesday after noon decided by a majority vote to take favorable actioD upon the admission of the territories of Oklahoma, Utah and New Mexico, but left Arizona out in the cold. This result was not attained until aftir a prolonged discussion. The cau cus was called in pursuance of a request signed by Senator Dubqis and several others of the northwestern seuators, and was devoted entirely to a discussion of the proposition to admit these territories to statehood. Secretary Nob'e, after ten days’ con sideration has sent in his answer to the resolution adopted by the house calling on him for an explanation of the cir cumstances under which the lands of the Navaj a Indian reservation in Utah were thrown open to set tlement. In brief, tbe documents sub mitted show that the lands were restored to tbe public domain at the instigation oj|George W. Peck, attorney of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad and other officials of that and the At lantic and Pacific railroads. The legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill for the fiscal year 1894, as reported to the house Thursday, makes an aggregate appropriation of $21,677,- 998. beiug $222,134 less thaD the amount carried bv the bill for ihe current fiscal year, and $947,817 less than estimated. The bill specifically provides for 10,616 salaries, being 118 less than the number provided for in ’he law for the current year. Department clerks who now work from 9 to 4 o’clock are hereafter to work 8 hours a day. The old fight between the house and the senate over clerks to sena tors at $6 a day is to be renewed, the committee leaving this appropriation out of the bill. Money for Pnblic Building*. In response to the house resolution calling for information as to what public buildings, appropriated for by this con gress and preceding congresses, having been in parr or in whole contracted for, I'n.inim-r Bill Heady. e ((mmittie on jios'.orticea il- has tomp'rted ihe pust- ffitv »pp;j>pii ,;i n bill lor I In* fiscal year ending June 39, 1S94. The bill, as agree 1 npo", cirr.cs an appropriation of 483,869,857, .an ii.crease of $3,538,081 i ver the appnq riution for the current fiscal year. The estimate submitted by. the postmas'ir general was $85,203,243, not including an item of $196,014 for -p cial facilities for trunk Imes, which was inserted in the bill for which no e‘timnle was submitted. This item is (■ r the fast mail service between Spring- field, Mass., and New Oilcan 3 , via New Vork. Washington and Atlauta. Hereto fore th's appropriation has gone to the ltlantic Const Line below Washington and the route has been via Charhston ai d Tampa This year the Coast Line made r.o claim or bid for the service and it will be awarded to o her lines that have pressed their claims before the com- mitt- e. T\tb luquirir* on Tnpi*. The democratic inajo lty of the com mitter on iti'cs bus de< i led to roport back Mr. Fellows’ resolution providing for an investigation on the Panama railroad and cacal matter, ' with an amendment limiting the inquiry to the effect of re cent operations on American commerce and providing for an examination of traffic agreements made between the Pa- cific Mail Steamship Company and trans continental railroads and their bearing upon the stc mship subsidy act. All the pepers relating to the resolu- ' i r, offered by Mr. Burrows, proposing an ii vestigation of the whisky trust, have bceu referred to Mr. Reed, one of the republican members of the commit tee on mlcs, to look over. The demo cratic members are not inclined to re port the recommendation for bd investi gation, preferring simply to refer it to the judiciary committee for considera tion; but }f Mr. Reed states that he be- ves an investigation will lie ordered, is likely that this course will be adopted. It will be conducted by the judiciary committee if ordired. The Treasury in a Bml Way. The subeommiitee of the ways and means committee investigating the con- JAMES I BLAISE IS DMl^Si'S'.S'SK Tbe "Plumed Knight” at Last Answers file Dread Summons, Surrounded by His Family He Calmly Breaths His Last, A Washington special says: James (J. Blainedied at llo’clock Friday morning. He passed a nstleis night and when the morning came was very weak. e'rygurnjtar tolUie annual report of the treasuryTsyjdTdiows a veryHsad atr.te of : ft irs in t&b^iensury deportment. As a matter of fact, thtgaffai's of tbe govern ment basic gotten in sucirsfedtP® that the ( xpenditures are in excess of thcflK-cerpts. In oid r to. provent a complete depUlHo 11 of the treasury. President Harrison if held back the contract ou about fifty public buildings, and has, up to date, declined to. pay an appropriation of about $3,000,000 to the Choctow Indians for the purchase of their land in the southwestern portion of Indian Terri tory. As matters now stand there is only about $8,000,000 of available cash iu the treasury department. Should con- Irocts have treen made and matters rush ed there wou'd have been no money w hatever in the treasury at. this time. I.ooka I.iltf Discrimination. It is probable that there will be a gov ernment investigation in regard to the purchase of marble for the new govern ment library building. Six hundred and thirty-eight thousand dol ars worth of marble is to be used in the con druction of the building. Of this am unt $600. ’ 000 worth has been contracted f‘‘ lr abroad, while contracts for only $38*°®^ worth have been made in this cour^T- Of this amount, through the influent*® Senator Proctor, contract 3 have been made for $30,000 worth of Yerr'^f 1 ' Inar " ble, while the remaining $8,000 i*. to expended in the purchase of Geor4 :a au< ? Tennessee marble. 'J'h Geort:' 3 anc * Tennessee congressmen do not .,’ lke tijis way of being discriminated aga: 11 ^, es pecially r,s the marble from ;?/ csc two southern states is said to be equally as good as either the Vermont or thi’ f (,re! g n marble. Either Mr. Huuk or Jlrk Enloe, of Tennessee, will introduce a rei 0 ^ 1011 to investigate this matter and aef -‘rtain why $60(7.000 of this money is be spent abroad instead of being exp ?n ^ et ^ in this country. \ GROWTH OF THE SOUTH- he began to write his historical work en titled “Twenty Yea-os of Con gress,'’on which be labored four years; w-s nominated for the presidency- in 1884. but was defeated at the polls, and retired to his home in Augusta and con tinued writing his book. In 1886 he took an active part in the Maine cam paign, delivering a series of speeches upon the fisheries question. In 1888 he went to Europe in poor health, and had an attack of illness while in Florence. He sent two letters from Europe saying he would not be a candidate under any circumstances. He returned in the fall and delivered several speeches in favor of General Harrison's candidacy. Harrison appointed him secretary of state io 1889, and began to interest himself immedia'ely in ihe Behring Sea and fisheries question with Great Britain, and other, interna tional i-ffairs. In 1899 he formulated bis reciprocity ideas, which were incorpora ted in tbe tariff act this year, and which le i to commercial treaties with several countries. In 1892 he resigned as secre tary of State in June and spent tho>-auin- mer at Bar Harbor. In October lie made a speech at Ophir Farm on his way to Washington, where he has since re mained. TELEGRAPHIC GLEANINGS. JUSTICE LAMAR'S FUNERAL Beck. „ The revi w of the mdiistri&l situation in li'® South for the pas! week shows that the contiiA ued cold weather, and the con-eqnent inter-, feic-nce with river navigation and with railway traflic, has caused an unprecedented degree of business »taonat on. Ir.dustr ai development, though somewhat lessened, has made progress, as is shown by the o -ganizati- u of the Coving- ! ton and E longer Company, at Covington, Ken tucky, wiih $100,030 capital: of the Louisville Smhurban Laud Company, at Louisville, Ken tucky, Sfn.OOO capital; and by the form.ati n of a $50,000 cool company at Southport, Norta Cotton mills at Jacksonville, At- ta ia and Sycamore. Alabama; Rome and Ta- uola, Georgia, and Bonder on, North Caroli na; and knitting mills at Jacks nvil'.e, Florida, and Enterprise, Missis-ippi; electric light com- pani-.s at Stilus Alab ma. Waynesville, North Carolina, and Cu rj, Texas, hare been organ ized, and a tobacco manufactory, with $5t),f»00 cap.t&l, chartered as Louisville, Kentucky. The Montgomery Cooperage Company, capital 550,000, of Montgomery. Alabama; and the Wheeler Furniture Company, with $100,- 000 capital, of Houston, Texas. are among the wood-working plants repormd for the week. Thiriy-three new industries were established or incorporated during the w.ek. together with 4 enlargements of manufactories, and IHmpor- lant new buildings. Among other important no tv industries as reported for the week aro brick works at Richmond and Lexington, Ky„ a cm factory at Selma, Ala., flour »nd grist mill: it Dixie, Ga.. Advance and King’s Moun tain. -X. C., and Alley, Turn., a foundry is re- p..i :cd at Chattanooga, Tenu., and locomotive and ear works established at Selma, Ala- A power company was chartered at Belion, Tex., ami a b.-tidtng company and aa oil mill jlL Wrco. Texas. A Tobacco fact: ry is to be -wll' iider- scu, X. and among the w- o-i*'’ 1 ln " Plants reported for Ihe week :.r- «», p.icing «nd Bungle mills at Mobil--., • 1 bin. Shortly before 9 o’clock a change for the worse occurred and both the physi- j cians were hastily summoned and "re- ! mained at his bedside until be died. His j death was quite and peaceful and he re tained consciousness until a few minutes i before his death. His entire family,Miss I Dodge and the traiued nurses were at his bedside. ' Dr. Hyatt^id that Blaine's denth was due to sheer exhaustion, He was un willing to make a statement regarding She exact disease of Mr. Blaine until he received the consent of the family. The hews of Blaine’s death spread like wild fire and crowds gathered on tbe cor ners and visitors flocked to the house. Mr. Hamlin, who was passing the house when the announcement of his death was made, at once entered and remained with the family for some time. Word was sent to the president imme diately after the death. At 11:25 o'clock President Harrison, accompanied by Private Secretary Hal- jgrd and Lieutenant Parker, walked oveY-febjhe Blaine mansion. The presi dent ahowec?Siy lr ked signs of grief. Pestmaster-G^n®™'. Wanamaker fol lowed the footsti?!- 6 the president. The presider 4, been waruod of Air. B nine’s approaching end tbrc,u<;h the press bu’-’- 1 ' 11 'which iDfoimed him that Mr. B ,aine could D °t live through the day. -A few minutes later he re ceived tt-e announcement of his death. The ci ,Dinft was immed'ately notified. Secret JT 7 Foster, of tbe statedeparlment, was at borne preparing to le-ave town pen he was notified by telegraph of Mr. giaine’s death. He postponed his trip and ordered that the department be closed. The president issued a proclamation announc ing the death of Mr. Blaine, and direct ing that on the day of tbe funeral all the executive departments at Washington be closed; tbat on all public buildings throughout the United States the na tional flag be displayed at balf-mast. and for thirty days the department of state be draped in mourning. At ] :30 p. m. it was stated by friends of the family that the funeral arrange ments had been so far determined upon that services would be held Monday forenoon and tbe remains would be ai least temporarily interred in Washington CONGRESS ADJOURNS. The senate adjourned ss a mark of re spect to the memory of Mr. Blaine. Mr. Hale made the announcement and Mr. Cockrell moved tbe adjournment. Tbe bouse also ad journed ns a mat It of respect to the memory of the late James' G. Blaine. His Remains Laid to Rest in Riverside Cemetery, Macon. With Impressive Ceremonies—A Vast Funeral Procession. ! De Ftiniak , pr « R 1 igli. N. \Y, lli., an>l 13ar ff a lUhecl a: Cres- Ga. TJie en- a i •. v : r^omems iiK'.nle n fi jurin^ mill at, and what other builmngs have been ap- T. xas. ,i»-ic . Jul-kts- at Vt. sbnrg, Miss., a propriated for without any steps being, taken up to ihe present time to at" s ' " law into effect by awarding conti-r^j^ j . ® rather startling figures are su”Jg t3 bare the treasury department. Cor w ‘ 0 _^ 0| . f ^ been entered into for parti*i uildiDes to the completion of poblj l '' qtlartsr n 7 illion the amount of two and dollars. , „ • mnr-» .Suece*?»or. wit? tZ 'Harrison appoint Jus- Will Prjsidey tces60r or w jjj Qe have ice Lamar’s deli t0 , ea?e . h tbe gracef-. to President - - ’’ 1 :,i m»ll at Uiifaula, A an l a carpet mill ut Cairo Iton, Ky. Among the new buildings rtp rted are b;isio< s* liouYs at Houston and Tnupaou. Tests, a ball at Conyers. Ga., re*i- n « os at Aij£na*a. Ga., and Richmond. Va.. a:.d a warehon eat Waithourville, Ga.—Trades man (t ha tam'oen. lean). DEMPSEY GUILTY. poiDtmegy was ag ]5i nR and answer j ng a ^ ver yGn similar to the above Tuesday, qug democrats, with few exceptions, be- vve tbat he will not be in a hurry to d another to the fire-eighths’ majarity the supreme bench in the face of the He Was Indicted for Poisoning Non- Union Men at Homestead. re ms ap- A. Pittsburg, Pa., special says: Hugh Cleveland? f J7 m P sv S> district master workman of District Assembly No. e» Knights of Labor, was found guilty asilaicted, Fri day. Dempsey was, iu a treasure, pre-. pared for the verdict, and petraved no s gns of emotion. He left tile courtroom and a crowd outsioe gathered about. h : m ly_approaching democratic rule by an : actt tbc-ir sympathy. II s attor- • vlieltning majority. Tbe democratic P e - Y ‘ tbe verdict was a false oae and options say that it is but right that he “ e w ' >u!d m °ve fur a new trial at ■•nee. lid take all tbe advantages that cir- I _ . „ stances give him. The republicaLs, j Kansas Fopnllst Nominee. but few exceptions, say that he wGl ! A Topeka, Kas., special Hays: In the inly fill the P°P a b" st caucus Tuesday night ex-Gover- I ~o so, ; -j -" John Martin was nominated f J Uniied 8ti k* ballot. lor on the fourteenth AFFECTS THE COTTON MARKET. A New York special says: Tbe death of Blaine is expected to interfere with the taking of a vote on the onti-uptioo bill, which is placed for next Tuesday, and this gave the cotton market considerable strength during the day. 'v. AT HALF MAST IN NEW YORK. Almost immedialely after the news of gx’tSecretary Blame's death was received in S evv Vork, flags were displayed at half P'ast on the city hall, the Federal buildi^?. ’be stock exchange and the newspa^J 1 ' buildings. \ STORY OF iV'AINS's EVENTFUL CAREER ' EPtTOMIZED. James G. pla'ne was born in West Brownsville. Washington county. Pa., January 31, 1^°- He graduated from Washington coilkc^’n his native county, with honors in wus instructor in literature and scieriCe ’be Pennsylvania Institution for the BH"d. in Philadelphia in 1852; removed toN Au g us K Me., in 1854, aDd bee i me editb r aQ d half pro prietor of the KcDn-'bcc Journal. In 1856 he was electid 8 delegate to the first republican national convent on which nominated Gener a ^ Frimont for the presidency; ' n 1858 was elected to the s,ate legislature, serving fojjr c-eccssive terms in that body, "two of whi' c b ss its speaktr. lie was elected to c r.gress in 1862, where, in one br*uch o.- ’b® o ther, he served for elghtsiwrtS^afl. Began ter take a prorn- wfeot part in the work of reconstructing tbe c-mfeelerate states in 1865. During ti e year 1867 he opposed that section of the reconstruction bill placing the Scum under military governmen', and was fin ally sueceesfu! in defeating the obnox ious clause. He also delivired a ] ower- ful epeech i,gainst the doctrine of payirg off the public debt in greenbacks Gho st n speaker of the house of lepresentti- tives in 1869, and w. s rc-ehctcd sp- uket i by the twomxt congresses. In 1874, ] the democrats having gained control of ! the house. Mr. Blaine became the ItadeT : of tbe minority. In 187G. he was the \ most pr- minenf candidate for the | presidenfal nomitation. On .Ttfi.e 11, the Sundry tx/ore tbe coi-ventism, wbs prostrntrd oy the I eat when li ter- j ;ng la.s church. At the convention he \ cniy lacked 28 votes of a majority neces sary to nominate him, but was defeated j by the consolidation of of his opponents. Was appointed to the United States sen ate to fill uoexpired term caused by res- ■gnation of Senator Morrell. During i378 be advocated the establishment of a | teanashinJine to Brazil and urged a mb- | ” K “ ~ m 'n to insure its success. He prominer t candidate for the j .nomination in 1880. Whet, i fleeted The remains of Justice L, Q. C. La mar, as they lsy in state at the Virgin home in Vineville, Thursday and Friday ti:wiling, were viewed by a great many of those who bad known and loved the dead Justice. Many saw him, however, for tbe first time, but even they had Vowe, admired aDd respected him. Mrs. La mar, the widow of the dead justice, was still overwhelmed with grief, but with that courage for which ghe is noted, con trolled her emotions enough to see a few friends and relatives. To her the loss indeed a sad blow—the lover of her youth and the consort of her declining years lies cold in the embrace of death. Her feelings must indeed be sad. TO THE GRAVE. The procession left the Virgin resi dence in Vineville at 11:30 o’clock Fri day morning under the escort of Marshal Wright of the United States supreme ccyic, who had charge of the procession •from the Time it left the residence until the exercises were completed. Marsha Wright was assisted by Captain John L. Hardeman and Captain O. T. KcnaD together with Messrs. Matt. R. Free man and Jfintcr Wimberly from the local bar. The procession moved in the following order from the residence to the church honorary pall bearers; pall bearers; re mains; family of tbe deceased; supreme court of the United Statts; Senator Wal- thal’, Mr9. Chief Justice Fuller, senator and Mrs. Gordon; relatives and friends. The following acted as the honorary pall bearers: Chief Justice L. E. Bleckley Ass iciate Justices T. J. SimmoDS and Samuel Lumpkin; and United States District Judges W. T. Newman and Em ory Speet; Hon. Stephen Clay, presi dent of the state senate, Bon. J. M Terrell, attorney general of Georgia, Hon. Charles L. Bartlett, judge of su perior court, Hon. S. B. Price, mayor of Macon. Dr. Edward A. Flewellen.' AT THE CHURCH. Upon the arrival of the c rtege at the Mulberry street Methcdist church, the honorary pall bearers entered through the center aisle and took seats to the left of the pulpit. The active pall btarers, after placing the remains in position, occupied pews to the right of the pulpit. The family occuoied the front pews to the left of tbe center aisle, while the chief justice and associate justices of tbe United States supieme court, who came as mourners with the family, occupied ihe front pews on the right of the center aisle, the officers of the supreme court being in the pew immediately in their rear. In the third pew on Ihe right was Senator Walthall, Mrs. Fuliir, General and Mr9. Gordon. Relatives and friends occupied the other pewsi Bi-hop Fitz gerald, assisted by Dr. Warren A. CaDd ler, president of Emory college, and Dr W. C. Black, pastor of Mulberry' Street* Methodist church, conducted the servic s in accordance with the ritual of thr Methodist church. The services were leDgtby but impressive. From the church ihe procession pro ceeded up Mulberry to Georgia avenue, thence to College street to Rivirsidt- cemetery, the interment taking place in the lot of Coloin 1 Wm. H. Ross. The funeral procession was the largest ever seen in Macon, Every public, car riage was in line, as were nearly all of the pnvate conveyances. The city was SlIcTi with visitors from all parts of Geor gia. The lawyers were largely repre sented. During the morning before the servi ces at the church the state bar associa tion met sml very impiesslve services were held in bom r of Judge . Lamar. They attended the funeral in a body. Owing to the muddy condition • f tbe streets it-was deciitd to do away with tbe militarv feature of the parade. . . CHARLESTON ISOLATED. Cut Off from Telegraphic CommfinicH- tion with the Balance of the World. Charleston is completely cut off from all telegraphic communication north and west. The only connections possible are south to Savannah and Jacksonville. The "Western Union wires are down from Florence to Charleston, 108 miles, and for miles-along the Sou;h Carolin i roadv From Charleston to Augusta Friday morning tbe regular passenger train on the South Carolina railway was delayed greatly by telegraph poles and wires which were blown across the track, and it was necessary to semi a wrecking train ahead of the passenger train before the latter could move. The Postal Telegraph Company’s wires were also prostrated. Linemen were sent out to repair the dam ages. but the telegraph’s manager says it will take a week or ten days to get the wires on the South Carolina line in good working order again. Mills for the Senate. The Texas legislature met at Austin. Tuesday billot for Unit'd States senator. Roger Q Mills and J. Nugeur. third par’y candidate for governor in the last campaign, wer • the only cacdi a e-. "I"J■ —- b». resulted: Mills, 144; Nugeiu. 3. Hairy, a colored member V.i'-I<1 fur Cunev, .-f ri.,!vc-t- : . D tsDaZiLLE-T.*, a female buildr seed a eeosaoon in ttas Jrai Afagras, TUe News of Hie World Contei! Into PMy mi Pointed Paragraphs. Interesting and Instructive to All Classes of Readers. A cablegram of Thursday from Vienns says: The Rotcbschilds syndicate has borrowed$10,000,000 in gold in theUnited States for the use of Austria io producing her currency reform. Fire Tuesday night destroyed the Bee Hive building and the wholesale confec tionery establishment of Hogan & Co., at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Damage nearly $200.000. A Madison, Wis>., dispatch says: On j the thirty-first balloj in the democratic caucus Thursday afternoon there was a break in the Kjright ranks, Mitchell being elected United States senator. Tr e vote was: Mitchell 46, Bragg 32, Knight 1. A Springfield, III., dispatch says: Tbe democratic majority assembly committee on education reported a bill to the house Thursday repealing the Edwards com pulsory education law. The bill is very brief, containing just enough words to accomplish its object. Tbe Duluth Minn., clearing house and real estate exchange, on Wednesday, discussed and adopted resolutions iu op position to the Sherman silver bill and tormulaled a memorial to ask its repeal. Tbe memorial will be forwarded to the Minnesota representatives in congress. A special fronuCarson, Nevada, says: William M. Stewart was re-elected to tbe United States senate Tuesday by the Nevada legislature. He was the silver party candidate and received a unani mous vote. Ex-Congressman Bartine was the republican candidate. Governor Reynolds, of Delaware, Thursday morning appointed Alfred P. Robinson, of Georgetown, Sussex county, cii'o*' iii'tice to fill the vacancy occasion ed by the rcJ’ement of Chief Justice Joseph P. Come^'_' Mr. Robinson is one of the leading lawyj. of the state. A e; ecial of Thursday from Madrid, says: The queen regent of Spain will be represented at the Chicago ColumJan exposition by Infanta Eulalia and her 1 husband, Prince Antoine. The cabinet i lias sanctioned their visit to the world’s j fair as representatives of Queen Regent ; Chistin-a. A New York dispatch states that Pres- | ideut-eiect Cleveland was initiated into i the Sigma Chi college fraternity Thurs day morning. A badge of the fraternity was presented to him. It was accepted and worn by the president-elect with an interest worthy of the enthusiasm of an under-graduate. Graurt View hotel, at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., burned at an early hour Wednes-. day morning. Loss, $100,000. The ho tel is built on a bluff and projects over the water of the bay. A Dumber of in mates escaped from the rear, by jumping into the bay, whence they were rescued. No ioss of life, but nobody saved any thing. Fire at Boston, M--ss., Wednesday morning, destroyed the upper portion of a building occupied by the Walker & Pratt Manufacturing company as a store and steam heating apparatus factory and warerooms. A large stock of stoves, ! ranges, furnaces, etc., were practically | ruined. Loss estimated at $100,000. j Covered by insurance. Two freight trains on the Sante Fe j collided six miles south of Joliet, III., j Tutsdav morning at 11:20 o’clock. ! Ihrec of the trainmen were killed and i two others fatally injured. The survi- j vors walked into Joilet with the news, j They report the Sante Fe and Chicago | aud Alton tracks are blocked and say the i loss will be about $225,000. Slate City, Rutland county, Vermont, ! was visited by the most disastrous fire in its history Tuesday night. The fire ; spread to’a dozen • buildings and caused a loss of over $75,000.' Most of the lead- i business p:aces in town were destroy ed, mainly because all the hydrants in the vicinity of the fire were either frozen or not working. The fire will prove a severe blow to the village. A Washington News special of Wed nesday says: Commander Henry L. Johnson has been dismissed from the navy. He was tried before a general court martial at Maryland navy yard in December , last on three charges, the THE WEEK'S BUSINESS As Reported by Dun A Co., and Brad street. | Bradstreet’s weekly report of trade ! says: Delayed merchandis. 1 and pro ! duce shipments by rail, tbe stoppage of ; same by water; a coal famine at the west; checked communication with inte I rior merchants, due to Bevtre cold weather and snow; advances in price for nearly all pirishabie produce, notably j fruits ard potatoes, coal (at retail) ait I some points 75 cents per ton, hides, rub- 1 ber;, and petroleum, wool 1) cents, aDd i raw sugar 1 116 cents witn an upward ! tendency in prices for shoes, cotton goods. wooIcds and tobacco. Iren has remained barely steady or weaker, and declines are uottd of 1-1$ cent for cotton, 1 1-2 cents for when’, 8 8 cent for corn, 1-2 cent for oats. 35 cents for pork, 15 cents fur lard, with a declin ing tendency in rice and oaval stores. The most serious t fleet of the extreme cola weathei south is the practical stop page of traffic by water. This was felt unfavorably most conspicuously at Balti more and favorably, probtbiy, at Birm ingham. Ice in the Ohio and Mississip pi rivers s'opped shipments of l’ittsburg coal, so that export and other require ments font New Orleans and Mobile, present and prospective, have been met at Birmingham with Alabama produce. No boats have left Memphis and Nash ville and trade there, except at points reached by rail, as elsewhere, east and west and south, has been mate rially restricted, isavanuan aud Charles ton report low and unsatisfactory prices for naval stures, due to overproduction, but that the producer and dealer are ar ranging to restrict the output and stiffen prices. At Chattanooga iron industries are rea sonably quiet. At Augusta the cotton mill prospect is good, but not equal to that of a year ago, owing to higher prices for cotton, while clothes have not advanced in price proportionally. While R chmond’s general trade is of good value the movement oi produce, particu larly tobacco, has been checked by tbe cold weather, while iron, foundries are unable to meet demands from a like cause. Georgia fa'mers, Atlanta wires, are raising more cereals and will continue to have to buy less, while higher prioes for staples and improved financial conditions cause New Orleans merchants to extend credits a little more freelr. PUBLISHED WHAT DUN SAYS. Dun’s i’view says: Tbe volume of do mestic trade continues larger than last year, but exro*V* are decidedly smaller from New York; in ’breo weeks of Jan uary $8,592,861 below t-.6 same weeks last year. As imports are meaawb'.’i® very heavy for two weeks of January, $8,919,130 more than, last year, the pros pects of further gold exports canses no turprse. 'Ihere is much hesitation re garding the action of congress on vari ous measures and the uncertainty about silver purchasis. The repeal prospects of the aDti-option bill and the defeat of the interstate commerce act influenced the markets and trade to some extent. Tnere is also a somewhat general in crease in complaints about collections, al though money at nearly all markets is comparatively easy and in supply ade quate for legitimate demand-. Con fidence regarding the future of business is in all parts of tbe country remarkably strong and general, especially in view of the interest taken in pending measures id congress. Burin ess failures occurring throughout the country duriug the last week number 290; for the corresponding week of l&3t ■year, 274. ENGLISH SOLDIERS FOR EGYPT. THROUGHOUT THI SORT The Khedive Informed that the British Garrison Will he Increased. A special cablegram from Cairo, Egyp’, says: Lord Ciomer called upon the kbe- dive Tuesday morning to inform him that the British cabinet has ordered an crease of the British garrison in Egypt. The dispatch does not state how the khedive receive i the news, but no doubt is felt that it had a profound impres sion in dissipating any idea that Mr. Gladstone intended to abandon Egypt. Some surprise was expres sed at the Dews from Cairo that Lord Cromer bad expressed him self so confidently in regard to the prompt suppression of any outbreak that migh; occur. His lordship is assured of tbe entire fidelity of the native Egyptian army to the British cause, and with the ^ British array of occupation co-operating principal one of which was, inofficial j with the native troops it is beliest 1 tbat language, through negligence, suffering i 1 ny attempt at insurrection will be i vessel of the Davy to be run upoD rock and hazarded. The vessel was the JIohicaD, which Johnson commanded, and the grounding took place off tbe Alaska coast. She was the first vessel to which he was assigned after a Buspen- ion of several years for the same offense for which he was dismissed. A Topeka, Kas., special says: Tbe legislature met in joint session at noon Wednesday in representative hall. The publican members of both houses and he senate declined to answer to their names when the roll was called. Ninety-nine persons responded to their names, eight more than a quorum. Eleven of these were members of tbe populist house and had been given seats through contest proceedings. Without these there was no quorum. When the nate roll was called on ballot, the en- ire populist strength went to John Iartin, twenty.five populist promptly crushed. EFFECT OF THE NEWS IN FRANCE. The sensation in France over the ac tion of the British in Egypt is increasing. The course taken by England is looked upon ns proving the determination of Great Britain to persist iu the occupation of Egypt. The newspapers unanimously ca’l upon tbe government to vindicate the rights of France. NO HOPE OF RESCUE. Horrible Fate of Oue Hundred and Thirty Entombed Miners. A special cablegram of Wednesday from Vienna, Austria, s .ys: All hope of res cuing alive the men entombed by the ex plosion of tbe fire-damp io the Fofthscritt mine, Dux-Dux, Bohemia, been aban donee An investigation of the list of senators i employes reveals the fact, that 130 men oting for eeted. him. Martin was declared i lost their lives in the disaster, as it ia : generally conceded that those who were j not killed by the explosion must have ' been suffocated by the after-damp. The mine is be in _• cleared of wreckage as rapidly as possible, but the work is ] necessarily slow. Every will be made (o itcovi r the bo(lie r r i y he dead. Many h artrendiug scents uw witnessed about ihe mouth of the sliaU when it wa3 Notes of Her Progress anil Prosrt Briefly Epitomiieit And Important Happenings from Day to Day Tersely Told. The Macon Telegraph was sold* Tues day for $7,800 to R. W. Patterson, at torney for the bondholders. The sale is yet to be confirmed by the superior court. W. L. Campbell, city treasurer of Charleston, S. C., for twenty-two years, died at his residence, in Summerville, Thursday, aged sixty-two years. Ho served through the late war as a captain in the confederate army and was one of the most popular and highly esteemed officers. The republicans of Wheeling, W. Ya., elected their candidate for mayor Thurs day for the first time in years, B. F.Cald well defeating Mayor. Seabright for re- election. The political complexion of the council Is still in doubt. Tbe repub lican majority for mayor is about three hundred. At 9 o’clock Thursday night ten negroes escaped from tbe jail at Union City, Tenn., by wrenching the large door from Its hinges and using it in breaking a bole through the corridor. They then called to the colored porter to replenish the fire and upon his opening the jail door ran out, making their escape. A Johnson City, Tenn , dispattffi'of Wednesday says: Mrs. Boeher, living at Piney Flats, Sullivan county, has just given birth to tripletts for the second time. Before this she hud given birth to singles twice, twins twice and is the mother of tbe famous bird man which is now being exhibited all over the country. A Montgomery, Ala., dispatch says: Ihe upper house of the legislature, Thursday, reconsidered its vote of Tues day, defeating the bill providing an an nuity of $500 for Mrs. Jefferson Davis and passed the bill by a vote of 17 (o 14. The bill now goes to the lower house, where it is uncertain what may be its fate. , A Columbia, S. C., dispatch of Thurs day says: Governor Tillman has received a telegram from tbe Baltimore Trust com pany stating that the members had sign ed the contract to take the Btate bonds at par, with a bonus of the amount of si* months’ interest. They wired that a de posit of $100,000 would be made ia * Charleston bank at once. I A Johnson City.Tenn. ,dispitch of Tues- uVfsays: For fear of arrest <.W. Hyams, the world's ' cnau.p’w" ’.’l r ^jrbo victim ized the press of the whole county i rigin of the alleged Bakersvilie lynch ing riot, has skipped the town, leaving his hotel in the lurch to the amount of his board. The report current that ha was at any time, and in any way, con nected with the Daily Comet is untrue. A Columbia, S. C., dispatch of Wed nesday says: Governor Tillman has ap pointed R. S. Hill, cf Anderson, stata liquor comm’ssioner under the dispensa ry law. There were about a score of ap. plicants, but Mr. Hit! was not one. The appointee is a Tillman man, but has taken no part in politics. He is a mer chant, but will move to Columbia and devote all his time to the state's extensive liquor interest. A Dennison, Texas, dispatch states that a large colony of negro families passed through that city Wednesday en route to the Cherokee strip, The head of eech fsmity had^mgus certificates en titling them to ™^hundred and sixty acres of choice land. It is said that they paid five dollars each for the land certifi cates, and that the lands were located for them by a colored minister. They wer* from northwestern Texas. The following comparative statement furnished Wednesday by Alabama’s com- sioDer of agriculture as to tbe sale by the department of fertilizer tags from the beginning of last year and this year’s season to date needs no comment. The figures speak for themselves: In 1393 amount of tags sold to January 246b, $13,904.25; ra 1893, amount tags sold to January 24th, $20,851.40. The heaviest increase is reported iu tbe sale between January 1st and 10th A Louisville, Ky., dispatch of Tues day says: The Rev. Father John F, Culleton who for the past five years has had charge of the Roman Catholic church at Raynick. Ky., has renounced his faith and is now excommunicated. Wednes day last Father Culleton married his cousin, Annis Culleton, of Wepakonetta, Ohio. The ceremony was performed in Cincinnati. Culleton was barely thirty- five years of age, but has been a priest thirteen years. A Montgomery, Ala., special says: The question of holding a constitu tional convention has been uppermost in Alabama for a month past. Thursday aft ernoon a caucus of the members of the upper house met and, with only one dis senting voice, decided not to go into a joint caucus on the subject. This i* tantamount to a defeat of the movement, A poll of the senate shows that twenty- eight out of a total of thirty-three mem bers are against a convention this year. This absolutely settles this issue for the present. I MAKING FREIGHT RATES, salon iota The South Carolina Co Under (he 5' mmlM Laoi. cial |r- &9V. TURNEY'S MESSAGE. Some Recommendations Regarding the Penitentiary and Coal Fields. A Nasbviiie speciri say 3 : Governor Turney submitted a brief message to the j announced by the mine i.finals, beyond legislature, Thursday, in which he calls j the shadow of a doubt, tfcst-'cvery man attention to the overcrowded work of the ! in the mine was dead. No explanation j is made as to bow the explosion occurred. supreme court and recommends the es tablishment of i.n intermediate court so as to relieve the supreme court. He rec ommends an increase in the salaries of the supreme judges to $4,000 per year; recommends the abolition of tbe office of Seven Were Burned. An Indisnapolis sptcial says: The startling statement was made Wednes day morning, by a railroad official who , .. . . . , | uav morniDg uv a rauroaa omciai wno coal oil inspector, or at least a reduction I c!a - img to h | ve * he b[gt authoritT foT the in Iho tana tA on a mr.iint not arpntninrr . . . in the fees to an amount not exceeding ten cents per barrel, as he says it is evi dent that these inspectors do not render iuCKservice in either the company or state as to entitle them to exhoibitant ees now allowed by law. He- says that the present penitentiary lhould be either enlarged or a new oae be erected. He thinks it should be re moved from its present location. He recommends that the state purchase coal fields and „ work convicts in the coal mines, or at some labor that will least conflict with free labo.. He also calls attention to the road^iw t od recom mends such amendment^^aa will secure better road9. He suggests' tfyfc -monu ment of the registration 14or, ajfd thinks only one registration of votes annually. sfomtld be story, tbat seven persons, including the passengers and train orew, were burned to death in a cafe car on the Big Four road at Wann station Saturday morning. The railroad officials say seven deaths were caused by the original wreck, and not from the subsiquentexp'osion of gas oline. Bishop Brook’s Funeral. At Boston, Mass., Thursday, with the. impressive funeral services of the church in connection with which bis life work was done, and accompanied by evidences of public grief, such' manifested in that i oration at least, the , Bishop Phillips Brq to their last resting , •enwtery. A Columbia, >. special tays ; Tha railroad commission 8nu:day foy the firet time erxercisedfb'ne of its powers un der the new railrpad la x. It is in the shape of an order fixinjj the joint rates on fertilizers from Columbia and - from Charleston to stations on the Port Royal aDd Western Carolina road. When the Richmoadand Danville roaA had control of this road, these rates were, from from $2.40 to $2.54 per ton. The Georgia Central having obtained control of it, Agent Craig, at Augusta last week- raised the rates from $2.40 to $8,70 the strength of a petition from the 1 chants in Charleston and Columbia, coin mission has nssde tbe joint rate $3.60 to $2.75. n. “OLD BILL” DYING. An OM Negro Man Who Was the Andrews’ Raiders. A Chattanooga, Tenn., dispatch Thursday says: In a little house Burch street ‘‘Old Bill” Lewie is The feeble old man is a negro, played some parts in making when the famous Andrews’ raiders noted run to death _the Wi«