The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, March 07, 1893, Image 4

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\ef \ 5 An Brother. L'ttle Bor—“How soon are you and Bis goin’ to be married!'' Accepted Suitor—“She has Dot named the day yet. I hope she docs not believe in long engagements.” Lit.te Boy—“She doesn’t, I know, ’cause all her engagements lias been short ones.’’—Street & Smith’s G od News. Old Stock. L'ttle Boy—* Susie S:uckup has some new furs.” / Little Girt—“I-don’t care if they are new, they isn’t fresh killed, ’cause they smell of camphor.” Wi Oat livery Day Wifli hard work, bu-ine«s anxiety, mental application, exposure, cloe confinement at the d/lbk or the loom, thousands who fa 1 to recu- . rate their waning strt ngth “give in" before their time. IIo-tetter’s Stomach Bitters is the line-t, most thorough recuperator or failing vigor, the surest protector ag »in t the host of ailments which travel in the wake of de lin ing strength. Indigestion, malarii, rheu matic. nervous, hver and ix>\vel trouble give in to the Bitters, ... .. __ of thn G5,000 who (ought under Napoleon at Waterloo. Only eight men are now living o " Wat *lx Hundred Fine Horse* at Auction, At Nashville, Tenn., March 13th to 18th, stal lions. mares, fine harness horse-, saddlers and matched teams, all at auction. Write W. O. Parmer, Nashville, Tenu., for catalogue. If afflicted with sore eyes use I)r. Isaac Thomp son’s Eye-water.Pruggists sell at 25c per bottle. If y u have no employment, or are being poorly paid for the work you are doing, then write to B. F. Johnson & ('o.. of Richmond, Va.. and they will show you how to transform Miss-fbrtune into Madame-fortunc. Try it. Sudden Weather Changes cause Throat Diseases. 1 here is no more effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, etc., than Brown’s Bron chial Troches. ’old only in b res. Price 25 cts. Our old reliable C3'e-water cures weak or in- famed eyes or granulated lids without liain. Price25c. John R. Dicker Drug Co., Bristol, Va. Hood’s Cures IN CONGRESSIONAL HALLS. Daily Routine of Both Houses of the Fifty-Second Congress. Measures Discussed and Bills Passed By Onr National Law-Makers. Son o] John L, U»■,)/urray Of Ravenswood, W. Va. A Impels Him to Tell How His Son Was Saved White Swelling and Scrojula Cured “ I write ihls simply because I feel it a dut_ to humanity, so tbat others affected as my son was may knowhow to be cured. When lie,was7 yonrs old a while swelling came on his right leg below the knee, drawing his leg np at right angles, and causing him intense suffering. He could not walk and I considered him A Confirmed Cripple. '1 he swelling was lanced and discharged freely At length we derided to take him to Cincin nati for a surgical operation. lie was so weak and poor we gave him Hood's Sarsaparilla to hnild up Ids strength. To our great sur prise. Hood's Sarsaparilla not only gav< strength hut caused the sore, after discharging HOOD’S Sarsaparilla CURES several pieces of bone, to entirely heal up. His leg straightened out, and he now runs every where, ns lively as anv-boy.” J. L. McMdk rat. Notary Public, Ravenswood, W. Va, Hood'u Pills are the best after-dinner Pills, t •ist digestion, cure headache. Try a \wfx. ‘August Flower My wife suffered with indigestion and dyspepsia for years. Life be came a burden to her. Physicians failed to give relief. After reading one of your books, I purchased a bottle of August Flower. It worked like a charm. My wife received im mediate relief after taking the first dose. She was completely cured— now weighs 165 pounds, and can eat anything she desires without any deleterious results as was formerly the case. C. H. Dear, Prop’r Wash ington House, Washington, Va. ® Delicate Women Or Debilitated Women, should use BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. Every ingredient possesses superb Tonic properties and exerts a wonderful influ ence in toning up and strengthening her system, by driving through the proper channels all impurities. Health and strength guaranteed to result from its use. “ lSy wlfo, who was bedridden lor oiah- *«n months, after using RraifleM’a JFmmal. Regulator for two months la getting woil.” J. M. .Tohxson Malvern, Ark. BtsomiD ItEacLAToa Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Bold by Druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Do Hot Bo Deceived with Pastes. Enamels and Paints which scale the bands. Injure the iron and born red. The Rising 8un Stove Polish Is brilliant. Odor less, Durable, and the consumer pays for no tin or glass package with every purchase. wwvwwvwwvwwwwwwvww ROOT, BARK* BLOSSOM l*e*t Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Remedy. P;«ma in Back aud Limbs.Tired, Dragged Out. Nervous Feeling, Debility and Low Vitality Quickly Cured as ^*11 as Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sleeplessness, Dlzst- nees, Rheumatism or Catarrh. Sample Free for stamps. - AGENTS PAID WEEKLY SALARY. •J two months* supply I I Sent by stall erst aoit Bra*, ouc. * one month’s supply \ I Try It and Be Wsu, ROOT, BARK A BLOSSOM, Newark, N. J, ^AAAAAAiWVVWWWWWWWWVWVW Ian ideal family medicinel ■ For Indigestion, Biliousness, *, I Headache. Constipation. Bad — | Complexion. Offensive Breath, ! and sill disorders of the Stomach, = Liver and Bowels, I . RIP.ANS TABULES 5 act Rrentivvet nromptly. Forte __ |«'rjaU)7}5o. PsctkieTl boxes);** I For free samples-addiees ■ ^ s * w v.rfc I THE 8EXATE. In the senate Monday, Mr. Call intro duced a joint resolution to suspend the list of swamp and ovet flowed public lands in Florida until further action of congress, and asked for its passage. After considerable discussion it went orcr without action and the senate took up the pension appropriation bill. The pension appropriation bill passed with but little discussion and without amend ment. The agricultural appropriation bill was reported and placed on the cal endar. The conference report od the military academy bill was agreed to. A conference was ordered on the sundry civil appropriation bill and Messrs. Alli son, Hale and Gorman were appointed conferees on part of the senate. A bill, local to the District of Columbia, was under discussion wbcD, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, on motion of Mr. Faulk- ner, business was suspended, in order that fitting tributes might be paid to the memory of his late colleague, sen ator John E. Eenna, who died in Wash ington last January. Mr. Faulkner offered the usual resolution of sor row and condolence, and went ot to deliver a eulogy on the dend senator. Mr. Faulkner was followed by Messrs. Frye, Gorman, Blackburn, Cullom, Gray. Vest, Stewart, Daniel, Hawley, and by Kenua’s successor in the senate—Mr. CamdeD. The resolutions were unani mously adopted and the senate at o’clock adjourned- till 11 o’clock Tues day. In the senate, Tuesday, the naval ap propriation bill was taken up with amendments and reported from the com mittee on appropriations, being first act ed upon. The amendmeit appropriat- $1100,000 for a naval review was agreed to after a somewhat caustic criti cism of the Villard petitiou for money to entertain foreign d : gnitaries in New York. The Hudson river bridge bill was then taken up, but it was displaced by the agricultural appropriation bill which passed with a few unimportant amend ments. Mr. Teller gave notice that he would move to take up the McGarrahan bill Wednesday morning, and Mr. Hill gave a like notice as to the Hudson river bridge bill. The senate then, at 6 o’clock p. m., adjourned. Soon alter meeting, the senate, Wed nesday, on motion of Mr. Sherman, went into the executive session without oppo- tion from the democrats. The doors were closed for about half an hour, and when they were reopened the routine morning business was proceeded with. At the close of the morning hour Mr. Hill, in pursuance of notice given Tues day evening, moved to proceed to the consideration of the Hudson river bridge. Ignoring the request of Mr. Teller to with draw the motion until the McGarra han bill was taken up, it was laid aside temporarily (not losing the right of way) in order to have the postcffice appropriation bill consid ered. The first amendment that pro voked discussion was the one striking out of the bill the items of $190,000 for special facilities on trunk lines. Mr. Call opposed the amendment, but moved to strike out of the paragraph words specifying the route as being “from Springfield, Mass., via New York and Washington, to Atlanta and New Or leans,” and also to striae out the proviso that no part of the appropriation shall be expended unless the postmaster general shall deem such expenditure necessary in order to promote the interest of the postal servico. He argued in favor of sending a fast mail by the Tampa line. Mr. Call’s proposition was antagonized by Messrs. Gordon, Hinton and Daniel, who argued in favor of retaining Hie paragraph as it came from the bouse. A conference was or dered on the naval appropriation bill. Discussion on the posloflice appropriation bill was continued by Messrs. White, Cul- lotn, Gorman, Butler, Vilas, Pasco and Call and w.,s again interrupted in order to have the conference report on the sundry civil appropriation bill acted upon. This action deprived the Hudson river bill of its right of way. Pending discussion, a conference was ordered on I he agricultural appropriation bill, and Messrs. Allison, Cu lom and Ca’l were appointed conferees on part of the senate, acd the conference r. port on the District of Columbia appropriation bill was agreed to. The galleries of the senate were crowd ed all day Thursday, but there was very little in the pr.icet dings that could inter est them. The postoflice appropriation bill, which had been partly considered Wednesday was completed, the paragraph relation to the southern fast mail having been modified by the adoption of the following substitute: “For nec essary and sp eial facilities on a trunk liue or line', $196,614; provided that the postmaster general shall select a trunk line or lints which shall carry tae mails,if he shall deem the expenditure a satisfac tory and profitable one.” The postoffice appropriation bill was followed by the Indian appropriation bid. This latter contained an amendment reported fro n the committee appropriating eight and a half million dollars to pay the Ctierokces for laods ceded by them in Indian territory lying betweeu Oklaho ma and Kansas. The amendment pro voked some discussion but was cven'u- aliy agreid to. Then the deficiency bill (the la-t of the appropria'ion bibs) was actcl upon. Both the Me Garrahan and New York bridge hills were crowed out by the appropria tion bill. Pending discussion of the de ficiency bill the senate, at 6 o’o'ock in., took ncess until 8 o’clock p. in. The session was resum'd at 8o’clock and the reading of the deficiency bill was proceeded with, occupying about an hour. All amendments reported from the committee on appropriations were agreed to without question, except om to pay to the assignees of John Roach $128, lfSO for labor and mstrrial furnish- 1 in completing the dispatch boat Dolphin. The twenty-two last pages the bill contained tterns for French spoliation claims, amounting to $792,752. The bill was then open to eueral amendments. Many were offered tnd agreed to, most of them uuimpor- tant, and for small amounts. Air. Pasco fla red an amendment for the settlement of accounts between the United States and the state of Florida, for expenses in curred in the Fiorida Indiin wars. Agreed to. The bill wss then passed. At 11 o’clock p. m. memorial servic. s were held in respset to the memory of the late Representative Craig, of Penn sylvania, and of the late Reprcsenta’ive Warwici, 0 f Ohio. At the close the ceremonies the senate. at :30 o'ekek a. m., adjourned till Friday ARE YOU PRETTY? Are you Lxpj.r tnd healtky ? Th*t 11 ;neJthfcr—you nur «« by TI Am 1 so now * You may es&tij. THIS. If an01, tirod'out.'i Stccu of figure or comjiicxl&n, write me ut ca* .forad* ice, photos,Journal—FfiEZ. (Postaje ac.; Woman’s Own Journal, Sab Francisco, Cal. Ls.r^sreysEsasg.saszszt I A BOYS ! Here’s a snap. Send LUi to ots. with name and address ot 7 6 bays who read stories and fet the Bovs' Wo»ld r3*ular!y for 6 mos. Se’.en complete stories la Feb. No. •ample copy for stamp. Boys' '7obld # Lynn. Mas* concurred in, and that unless the senate recedes on the Sherman bond amend ment the house conferees shall insist on their disagreement and report the amendment to the house for its approval or disapproval. Mr. Wise moved to sus pend the rules and concur in the senate amendment to the car coupler bill. The bill was pused. After agreeing to the conference re port on the diplomatic and consular ap propriation bill, the house, Tuesday morning, proceeded to the consideration of the Alabama contested ehctiou case of McDuffie vs. Turpin, the majority re port being in favor of Turpin, the sit- tin" democratic member. The anti-rption bill was flnanlly de feated Wednesday by a vote of 172 to 124. General Hatch took his last desperate chance of its passage by moving to sus pend the rules and agree to the senate amendments. The motion required a two-thirds vote. The opponents of the bill were determined. Under a motion to suspend the rules no leeway, how ever, is given for fiibustering and the most they could do was to marshal their forces for a vote. Tom Johnson, of Ohio, assumed the leadership of the op position. The speeches of both sides were exceedingly caustic. The vote re sulted 172 to 124, thirty-seven less than the necessary two-thirds. The vote in- dicites the strong drift of sentiment against the measure since last June, when it had twenty-five to spare on a two-thirds vote. Before announcing ad journment, the speaker made the follow ing appointments: Visitors to the naval academy, Messrs. Cummings, Blount, and Robinson. Visitors to the military academy, Messrs. Wheeler, Gorman and Bingham. Beyond an unusudly large sudience in the galleries and the great noise upon the floor, there was nothing in the house Thursday indicating that the fifty-second congress is in its expiring hours. The house is watting for the senate to act upsn the appropriation bills. Mr. Oates called up the message of the president vetoing the bill to prescribe the number of district attorneys and marshals in the judicial district of AUbamo. The bill was passed over the veto—yeas, 178; nays, 54. Senate amendments to the postoflice appropriations bill were nonconcurred in and the bill was sent to conference. Mr. Holman submttte;. itiecon.erenco ropors on the sundry civil appropriation bill. The sundry civil appropriation bill con sumed the time of the house. There was a light over over the New York cus tom house provision and over the world’s Columbian exposition admandment. The report was agreed to—yeas, 131, nays, 119, but it is a disagreeing report. Mr. Hopkins moved to concur in the senate amendment appropriating $336,375 for the world’s Columbian commission. Be fore the motion was disposed of 8 o’clock arrived, the hour appointed for the house to pay tribute to the memory of the late Senator Kenna, of Wist Virginia and appropriate resolutions were adopted. Resolutions relative to the death of Senator Hearst, of Cali fornia, were also adopted,but no speeches were made. The sundry civil appropri ation bill was again taken up, and the senate amendments relative to the world’s fair were unanimous'y tion-concurred in. This was done in order to facilitate the transaction of business. The bill was again sent to conference. Mr. Dockery presented the conference report on the legislative appropriation bill. It was agreed to. Unfinished business was motion of Mr. Stump to sus pend the rules and pass the senate bill to facilitate the enforcement of the immigration and contract labor laws. The motion was agreed to—93 to 32. The senate amendments to the Indian appropriation bill were non-concurrcd Mr. Bo.itner moved to suspend the rules and pass the joint resolution pro viding for private clerks for representa tives not chairmen of committees,which was agreed to, and then, at 12:40 o’clock, the house adjourned. THE REPUBLICANS WE Decisefl oI Kansas Supreme Court in Regard to ttie Legislature, The Republican House Declared to bo the Legal Body. A Topeks, Kas., special says^ By a decision rendered by the Kansas supreme court Saturday, the republican branch is the legal legislature, snd Mr. Douglass _ __ is the legal speaker. The decision must j was thirteen feet sir inches in length CUBIOUS FACTS. Rabbits are two for a nickel in Ne vada. The Romans built the first dikes in Holland. Charlemagne, on state occasions, wore a silk gown worth $8000. Five hundred copper cents weigh., nearly three pounds and a half. Spanish sheep were taken to California by priests from Mexico in 1773. Samuel Richardson wrote his novels while attired in a full dress suit. The largest tiger skin ever measured CAPITA!, GOSSIP. The appointment of Hon. Patrick Wa'sh, of Augusta, as commissioner at large to the world’s Columbian exposition, is received with much gratification by the Georgia members of congress. No better man could have been selected. The president Wednesday nominated Truxton Beal, of California, envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipotentiary and consul general of the United States, to Roumanix, Servia and Greece. Gene ral M. Lsmberstoo, of Nebraska, arbitra tor on the part of the United States un der the treaty for the claims commission, concluded between the United States and Chili. There will be no action on the part of congress this session regarding the Ha- weiian matter. Senator Allison said in executive session of the senate Friday that it was more important to geti. through with the appropriation bills than’ to transact any other business, and that the discussion and final action in regard to the annexation of these islands could well go over to the next session of con gress. The Panaraa-Pac'fic Mail investigating committee met Thursday afternoon and adopted a report, on the work of the committee. The report recommends that in the future in all ocean mail contracts the postmaster general shall insert a clause providing that whentVer it is found that carriers enjoying the benefit of contracts enter into any combination in restraint of trade and competition the subsidy shall cease. Whisky .Hast be Cheaper. The home judiciary committee Tues day adopted the report of the sub-com mittee which investigated the whisky tiust. The report recommends the duty "n impoited liquors to be reduced from $2.50 to $1 per gallon and the tariff on all goods be reduced whenever found that they are influenced by a trust or combination. The recommendation is also that rectifying establishments lie made subject to governmental super vision, and that all rectified or com pounded g“ods be stamped so as to show their components. TO OVERHAUL THE MILITIA. be taken as final. The delivery of the opionion by Judge Horten occupied an hour and a half. In substance it is said that the certified members alone were authorized to fake part in the organization of a house; that when a house had been organ’Zed by those hold ing certificates of election that it then formed a judiciary tribuual, before which all contested cases must go, and the house as organized then h d exclusive control of whoever should or should not become its members; that any irregularity in the election could not be brought before the canvassing board which audits the elec tion returns, but that it must be brought before the house after it was organized; that the organisation must be made by tnose holding certificates of election; that the Dunsmore bouse, not having organ ized according to the rules of lav. gov erning the house, could »>■ l bo legal, but the Douglass home had been organized in accordamce with these rules. Certified members atone participated in the or ganization, and therefore, was legal, Governor Levelling advises his party to abide by the decision rendered, under protest, others among the populist lead ers preach resistence, and they will not accept thee ourt’s ruling except as puer ile interference beyond its rightist jur isdiction. POPULISTS DECIDE TO YIELD. A later dispatch siys: The populist bouse members, after caucusing all day Monday and a part of the night, have finally decided to yield to the decree of the court and recognize the republican house. One of their members appeared in the republican house during afternoon and there was loud applause when he addressed Mr. Douglass as “Mr. Speak er.” The two houses will be atnalga- Bated. The populist senators will also .recognize the Douglass house. G6v. M’KINLEY’S TROUBLES. His Losses by the Walker Failure Growing Larger. A special from Columbus, O., says: The financial affairs of Governor McKin ley become more entangled as develop ments progress, and, on Sion day, the amount of his liabilities, caused by the Walker failure at Youngstown, was placed at $200,000. The governor has been the object of sympathy all over the country. As the story went he was an innocent and abused party, and his persistent refusals to ac cept proffered aid from wealthy and sub stantial people throughout the east and from many parties in the state have elic ited warm encomiums from everybody. The latest statement concerning the failure will cause the tongues of people all over the country to wag, because the man involved in it is William McKinley, Jr. The representations have been that Major McKinley has been tnadc a bank rupt through the treachery of a friend who had induced McKinley, “his old neighbor,” to indorse for him, and fail ing had dragged the governor down. He had relied en his friend’s honesty and had never kept account of his en dorsements, but had given them as freely and rapidly as they were asked. The story goes that Governor McKin- A live cottonwood tree with petrified roots is growing near Atchison, Kan. Men with gray and blue eyes are usu ally better marksmen than those with dark eyes. The rats of Ishpeming, Mich., are so large that they run away with the traps set for them, Unbroken four-year-old colts, suitable for military purposes, can b8 bought in the Australian colonies at from $50 to $75 each. It is related of Maxmianus, the great Roman Emperor, that be could grind pieces of hard stone to powder between his fingers. The Stupendous Conglomeration of Ceiithumpian and Pandemonium Con sternation Serenaders is a musical organ ization of Greene, Me. Forty-five years ago canned tomatoes sold for fifty cents a can, while at the present time the average price secured by the packer is about seven cents, A bankrupt merchant at Acadia Mines Nova Scotia, has been sentenced to twi months in jail for having willfully con traded a debt without having at th» time a reasonable expectation of being able to pay it. Most tribes of American Indians havs some faint tradition of the deluge or flood of Noah. The Musquakies of Iowa give the most intelligible account of it; several tribes in Alaska declare that the waters were hot. A farm laborer’s wife recently gave birth to three children—two sons and a daughter—at Sandlant, England. To maintain the royal promise made in all such happy events, the Lord Chamber lain has sent the laborer $15 with the Queen’s compliments. Some ot the flower badges of nations are as follows: Athens, violet; Canada, sugar maple; Egypt, lotus; England, rose; France, fleur-de-lis (lily); Florence, giglio (lily); Germany, cornflower; Ire land, shamrock leaf; Italy, lily; Prussia, linden; Saxony, mignonette; Scotland. ;histle; Spain, pomegranate; Wales, leak leaf. Five hundred thousand lizard skiu3 were shipped from the State of Tabasco, Mexico, to the United States last year. Thousands of the skins are marketed in Mexico, while large quantities are ex ported to Europe. It is estimated that the number of lizirds slaughtered for their skins in the Stato of Tabasco last year was 5,000,000, In former times live oak was largely nsed in naval construction, and old war ships had their frames and planking principally of this wood, so that a web of historical sentiment and romance has been woven about the tree. The Wood is still used to a considerable extent iU building ships, but its value has increased largely on account of the diminished quantity now available. The Little But Powerful ’l’isbiit Box. A young lawyer, a friend of mine, whe was making $1200 a year, found himself ley’s liabilities instead of being $118,000 ; suddenly elected to an office where he are $200,000, and the governor is not merely the endorser of the notes involved in the transaction, as first reported, but the maker of these notes which are cir culating about the country in amounts Tanging from tl.Opb to $1,500. APPROPRIATION FIGURES. A Statement Furnished by the Clerk of the House Committee. A Washington dispatch says: At the request of the committee on ways and menus J. C. Courts, clerk of the house committee for appropriations, has sub mitted to the committee a statement of appropriations, exclusive of miscellane ous matters, made by the house this ses- siog. It shows an aggregate of $513,- 733,185, and this amount has been in creased to $519,273,447 by changes made in bills by the senate. Following is the statement of appropriations contained in the bills according to their present si at us as agreed upon in both houses: Army, $124,225,639; for tification, $2,210,055; District of Colum bia, $5,413,223 (conference reported got a salary of $7000. I said to him one day; “You are living at $7000?’’ “Yes.” “When you get through with that office you may not get re-elected or re-ap pointed. You will find that you are out of your profession, and that it will take you two or three years to get in touch with how to earn a dollar again. You should save.” He said: “Howl My wife says so, but she don’t know how.” I said: “Establish a ‘Tisbut box,’” and hesaid, “What is that?” Put a box in the dining room, and whenever you are moved to spend anything from twenty-five cents to $25 stop a moment and say, ‘It is but twenty-fiye cents.’ ‘It is but $1, and I don’t nsed it,’ and drop it in the 1 ’Tisbut box.’ ” In six months he brought me $1000, and I bought a bond for him; and when he retired from office he had $15,000 and that $15,000 kept him goiDg and gave him a position until he got a very good practice, which he has to-day. I have no respect for a man who is not sordid enough to save for his lamily in his oTd age s You say it is ha/d to save. agreed to but uot yet adopted). As That depeuds upoh how many cigars and passed by the senate: Diplomatic and consular, $1 ,570,045; military academy; 1342,556; sundry civil, $43,934,475. As reported to the senate: Legislative, $21,- 908,828; navy, $22,082,131; pension, $166,561,359. (The latter passed the senate Monday). As passe! by the house: Agricultural, $3 294.300; Indian, $7,- 088,615; ; ostoffice, $83,904,314; general deficiency, $21,209,638. AIDING M’KINLEY. at 11 o’clock a. m. THE HOUSE. Monday, in the house, the demand for the “regular order” made by Mr. Simp son blasted the hopes of a number of gentlemen congregated in the area in front of the speaker's desk, each waving a bill which he desire 1 to have passed during the closing hours of eoogress. On motion of Mr. Peel, the Indian appro priation bill was passed under the sus pension of the rules. The sundry civil appropriation bill was smt into confer ence under a suspension of the rules. An understanding was reached that all the amendments shall be formally non- The Populist Administration of Kan sas Will Discharge Republicans. A Topeka, Kis , special of Friday says: The populist administration is preparing for a complete overhauling of the state militia. Every republican officer will be disenraged and populists put in their places. There are more than 100 com missioned ifficers in service who will have to go. Their places will be filled with trusty populists who will obey or ders. The populist military forces are not to be confined to the Kansas Na tional Guards, which has a mem bership limited to less than 1,800, but a military force of such a magnitude as has never been seen in this country ex cept in times of war, is being formed. It is estimated that fully 100,000 popu lists will be identified with this new movement. Men are now drilling all over Kansas not with guns—they have not got them yet—but with facings and marchings, and they will be dri.led with guna when they are ready for them. His Friends Inaugurate a Contribution Scheme. A Chicago dspatch of Tuesday says: Trustee H. H. Koblsait lias pract cal- ly decided to stop oppising the wishes of Major McKinley’s friends aDd to re ceive whatever fund they may decide to send toward paying the $95,000 worth of i imfl a beefsteak and a piece of roast beef liabilities of the unfortunate aud dtceiv- and a "oose and some vegetables and cigarets you smoke. It depends Upon how many beers you drink. It depends upon how olten you are in tHe saloda playing pool and drinking tt the bar. Any man whose habits are right, whose health is good, who can work, can save. The great political and sociological economist, Edward Atkinson, lecturer! the other day before a fashionable audi ence in New York, and I went to hear him. He had mistaken his audience, lie thought that it was a crowd of social and economic philosophers like himself. He had on a suit of clothes which cost about five dollars. All the men around were in dress suits and all the women in ball dresses. He had in the parlor a machine burning which he bad invented himself. It was a stove. And in it he ed governor of Ohio. The $1 contribu tion scheme met with almost uorori- ous approval in the majm’s own state. The trustee is receiving dollars by mail, and at first being opposed to the plan he sent one man’s contribution Lack. There upon the contributor returned the money with the prrtinent question as to Kol- saat’s authority to reject the token of es teem. So many have now endorsed the thing that further objection will prob ably be waived. CYCLONE IN LOUISIAN A. other things, and he lit it with a keros- 1 ene lamp and they were all cooking together. He demonstrated so that 1 could see no fallacy in his argument that a youug man on $250 a year—that is $5 a week—could have a fairly good room | in a respectable neighborhood, have twe square meals and one pretty square every ^ day, dress well and be enabled, if he ! would take seats in the gallery, to have ; bis best girl accompany him to the ; theater fourteen times during the year. —Chauncey DepeWi “PROFESSOR” HARRISON. The President has Accepted a Place in Lelaud Stanford University. A Washington special says: President Harrison, Thursday tveuigg accepted the professorship in the Lel&nd Stanford university, of California. He will de liver a series of lectuies on constitution al law, commencing October next. He has had the matter under consideration for some weeks, hut did not signify his formal acceptance until now. lwo People Killed—Residences and Business Blocks Demolished. A special of Thursday from Mai'ks- ville, La., says: This parish was vis’ted Tuesday evening by a terrific cyclone, which left death and destruction in its wake. Scattered timber and uprooted trees now mark the places where once handsome residences stood. In addition A Catch of Curions insects. G. W. Dunn, the naturalist, has been making collections of insects and plants on Mount Tamalpais for some weeks past. He brought back with him some of the rare and curious bugs which bore hole3 for long distances in the aider . trees. They are known among the to the violence of the wind rain poured scientists as the sinoiendron rugosom. down in a great volume for two hours. They always lay their eggs in a new tree Keeping Out the Sunlight. We women all love our beautiful homes, and well we may, for dearly do we have to pay for them. To me the highest price asked during the'three hundred and six ty-five days of the year is that which is paid in solid chunks of golden-hued sun light. These nuggets, coming, as they do, straight from the kingdom of the tun god, are priceless and precious helps to health and happiness. Without them the soul, as well as the body, is blighted. What a bard struggle it is to keep tip a blithesome spirit in the twilight calm of a fashionably curtained house only the woman knows who has tried it. I never enter one of these much-becur- tained rooms that I am r ot attacked with an irresistible longing to pull up the shade way, way far beyond the regula tion line, and let in a little of God’s glo rious sunshine. The curtaining craze is growing to an alarming extent. In the good old tinus of yore, when our grandmothers knew the value of natural roses and clear skins, health was thought more of than style, and one set was deemed all sufficient. To-day, with the falling of the leaves, the very elegant house wife retires be hind a screen of lace, muslin and silk, there to remain until the season for de manding arrives.—Jenness Miller in Il lustrated Monthly. A True Lady. Wildness is a thing which girls cannot afford. Delicacy is a thing which cannot be lost or found, No art can restore the grape its bloom. Familiarity without confidence, without regard, is destruc tive to all that makes women exaltin^ and ennobling. It is the first duty of a woman to be a lady. Good breeding is good sense. B id manners in a woman are immorality. Awkardness may be ineradicable. Bashfuluess is constitu tional. Ignorance of etiquette is the result of circumstances. All can be con doned, aud not banish men and women from the amenities of their kind. But self-possessed, unshrinking and aggressive cosrsness of demeanor may be reckoned as a state prison of fense, and certainly merits that mild form of restraint called imprisonment for life. It is a shame for women to be lec tured on their manners. It is a bitter shame that they need it. Do not be re strained—carry yourself so lofty that men will look up to you for reward,not at you in rebuke. The natural sentiment of man teward woman is reverence. He loses a large means of grace when he is obliged to account her a being to be trained in propriety. A man's ideal is not wounded when woman* fails in wordlv wisdom; but if in grace, in tact, in sentiment, in delicrcy, in kindness, she should be •found wanting, he receives an inward hurt.—Gail Hamilton. A Favorite Breed. First Boy—“Is that a good watch dog?” Second Boy—“No.” “Good bird-dog?” “Nope.” “Good for rabbits?” “Nope.” “Knows some trick", maybe?” “Nixie.” “What is he good for?” “Nawthin, only to take prizes at dog shows.—Street & Smith’s Good News. Two Performances. First Boy—“Did you ever see Profes sor Thinkum play chess blindfolded?” Second Bot—“No, but I saw him slip dowD a coal hole with his eyes open.”— Street & Smith’s Good News. America Good Enough. Father (looking up from his paper) — “In the public schools of Austria they now teach chess.” Boy—“I’d rather stay h're and study footbell.”—Street & Smith’s Good News. Help in In families where KX."—indi viduals who do not a Win the house work, and in all families where there are many little children, the wife and moth er should have “help” if it can be had. If the expense can be saved from dress, dress more plainly by all means. “Is the life more than meat, and the body than raiment!'’ If it can be saved from cigars, tobacco or the “occasional g’ass,” cr from clubs, secret, societies and the atres, let the man by all means save it there, and scorn to feed needless indul gences with his wife’s flesh and blood. And if it can be saved out of a b3nk ac count, save it from that, and instead of treasure locked up in a vault,- beaming, smiling, hopeful treasure of womanhood at I hr fireside—all of which a wife “tirid to death” cannot be, though she have the affec'ion of a Ruth and the devotion of a Hannah. Might be Worse. Mother—“You careless boy! your clothes! Have you betn foot-ball again? - ’ Son—“No’m, only been fightin.” Look at playing ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts f ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, /iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to ail and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. I)o not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, XV. NEW VORX, N.V. A Word To American Housewives. « Sir44 Author oj “Common Sense in the Household. ” Wc offer you a ready made medicine - for Coughs, Bronchitis and other dis eases of the Throat and Lungs. Like other so called Patent Medicines, it is well advertised, and having merit it has attained a wide sale under the name of Piso’s Cure for Consumption. It is now a "Nostrum." though at first it was com pounded after a prescription by a regular physician, with no idea that it would ever go on the market as a proprie tary medicine. But after compounding that proscrip tion over a thousand times in one year, wo named it “Piso’s Cure for Consumption,” and began advertising it in a small way. A medicine' known all over the world is the result. Why is it not just as good as though costing fifty cents to a dollar for a prescription and an equal sum to have it put up at a drug store? s.s. AN ASTONISHING TONIC FOR WOMEN. McELREK’0 It Strengthens the Weak, Quiets th* Nerves, Relieves Monthly Suffering and Cures FEMALE DI8EA8E8. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ABOUT IT. *1.00 PER BOTTLE. CHATTANOOGA NED. CO., Chsttanoegi, Trm. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies — OR — Other Chemicals are nsed in the preparation of W. BAKER & CO.’S reakfastCocoa trhich is nbsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mi*ed with 8tarcb* Arrowroot or 8ugar, and far more eco- Isss than one cent a cup. nourishing, and eabily Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mas3. HARNESS Two persons were ki ic-d—Max William Brouillette and a child of Mr. Ltborde. Forty people were wounded, some seri ously, while others are only slightly hurt. Two Baptist churches and half the residences and business blocks were demolished. and then immediately die. The natural ist secured about $100 worth of these in one alder stick three or four feet long. It is a jet black bug, with a rough shell, and it is about half an inch long. The u der part of the body is a tawny yel low. The males do the boring through the wood and the females follow. A horn is the weapon used. It is only one- Cleveland’s Private Secretary. j Het.ry T. Thu.ber. of Detror. Mich. ] one of the law partners of D m M D!ck:n- . quarter the length of the body, son, received a telegram F.idiy iff ring The naturalist also got some rare blue him the priva e secretaryship to Pie Meat- . boring insects, known as the oregonen- elect Cleveland, lie 1 as siguided his ; jjs platyems. and which have two horns, inteu.ioa to accept the appointment. f[ e s ]c 0 g 0 r twelve varieties of ferns. Commissioner YTalsb. mis,; of which ai'« to go the World’s The president has appointed Patrick Falr ' 5 * r ' Dun “ cam P e;i out duri “S Walsh, of Georgia,commissioner at large, ,no?!; °‘ his trip, though the weather on end John B. Castleman, of Kentucky, a!- c he mountain was quite cold. He has ternate commissioner at large, to the i had a very profitable trip.—San Fran- world’i Columbian exposition. j cisco Examiner. ^ _ V MEND YOUR OWN WITH THOMSON’S SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No tools required. Only a hammer needed to drive ind c inck thf m easily and quick.' , leaving the ci nch * hso’urely smooth, ftequiiing no Lo e to be made in he leather nor burr for the Rivets. They are at rone, loagh and durable. Millions now in us«*. A1 encth«. nniform or assorted, put up in boxes. Ask your dealer for them, or send 40c. in sumps for a box oi 100, assorted sixes. Man fd by JUDSON L. THOMSON MFG. CO.. WALTHAH. MAS.SI. City of Toledo, Lucas Co., r State of Ohio. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the Firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of HALL’S CATARRH-CURE. Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1889. : N< SoT ? , A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. & 9 HALL’S CATARRH CURE IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, and acts directly upon the Blood and mucous surfaces. ’S’ESTIMONJTA.XjS : E. B. WALTHALL & CO.. Druggists, Horse life, Ky., say: “Halt's Catarrh Cure cures arery one that takes it.” CONDUCTOR E. D. LOOMIS. Detroit. Mich., jays: “The .effect of Hall's Catarrh Cure is wonderful.” Write him about }♦. KEV. H. P. CARSON. Scotland, Dak.. say« “ Two bottles of Hall'g Catarrh Cure complete ly cured my little girl.” •T. C. SIMPSON, Marquess, W. Va.. save: “Hall s Catarrh Cure cured me of a very bad case of catarrh.’’ Sail’s Catarrh Cure Is Sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines PRICE 75 CENTS A BOTTLE. THE ONLY GENUINE HALL'S CATARRH CURE IS MANUFACTURED BY F, J. CHENEY & CO., TOLEDO, O. Testimonials sent free c r ®QDiication. * * * BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- W. L. DOUGLAS $3.oo SHOE. A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf, seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable, stylish and durable than any other sho#» everaold at the price. Every style. Equals custom-made shoes costing from $4 to $5. Other Specialties as follows: Fine Sewed Shoes. Police, Farmers, etc* $ 4.D0 & *5.00 Fine Se $ 3.50 *2.50, *2.25, *2.00 For Working Men. BEWARE OF FRAUD. Ask for and Insist upon bnr- inff.W. L. POt GLAS SHOES. None ffcnnine without W* 1*. D 011 arl as name and price scamped on bottom. Look for It when you bay. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE* *2.004*1.75 For Boys and Youths. *3.00 z:t *2.504*2.00 For Ladle?. *1.75 footwear by purchasing Douglas ?**hoe8. which repre sent the best valne at tire prices advertised, as thousands can testify. DO YOU WEAR THEM? Exclusive sale to shoe dealers and general merchants where no agents. Write for logae. If not for sale in Ipur place send diro.ct to Pmuetory, stating kind, size and 1 wanted. Postage Free. BEAUTIFL U SOU YENIR Free to any one promising to bx. L. Douglas Shoes when next purchasing. Address W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. BLOOD POISON! A SPECIALTY. If tnj one donbfs that we can cure the in .st cb* j ciinete case m 20 to 60 days, let him wr te for particulars and Inve>ti- jrate our rellab Jity. Our 1 financial tacking is 1^00,000. Wliea mercury, iodide potaseiom, Mursaparilla or HotSpnnge fail, we : guarantee a care—and our Lyphixena is the only , thing that will euro permanently. Positive proof sene • coaled, free. Coos Co., Chicago. 111. Cures Cousuniption, CoaghSi Croup, Sore Throat* Sold bv all DrugsLts on a Guarantee. To can be made monthly working for B. F. Johnson & Co., No. 3 South llth he, Richmond,Vg $75.00 BICYCLES. Complete line of high, medic an 1 cbeao grade dries of all kinds. ;d. i ae only exclusively bicycle house in the tO., 1.. I*. I Lnllnor, Alugr., J N. 38 Peachtree Str«er, Atlac^, Ga. _ _ .. „ - — Soshlock (Pat. ‘92) freen^mall lor iC. Stamp. Immense. Unrivalled. OnJrgooa one ever invented. BeaU weight*. Sales unparalleled a day. ™ r ~'- —- «• A. .. - - A. N. U .Nine,