The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, March 28, 1893, Image 2

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TVie Vienna Pvogrss J. E. Howell, L. A. Morgan, | Editors. $1.00 PER AXXIJ1. TUESDAY, MARCH 2S. General Presentments. HARCH TEEM 1893. Dooly Superior Court. The Grand Juror?, chosen and sworn for the March term 1893, | of Dooly Superior Court, beg leave to make the following as their gen- i-^m■rra.jji . i »■ eral presentments. ! We have examined the Publie Cyclones are a constant visitor | buildings and the County Farm. at this season of the year. the Notaries Public and Justices of the Peace, and find most of the books in good shape, and entriej properly made wi»h costs stated. In a few instances we find the costs not properly itemized though the amount may have been correct, and a few instances where costs m-»rk- ed settled and amounts of the costs not stated. We think it essential that each item of cost should ap pear; and recommend in the fu ture that all J. P’s ana N. P’s be required to conform strictly with the law in this matter. We have WE TELL rOD nothing urw when we state that it pays to enjpiffe iu a permanent, most healthy and pieasaut busi ness, that returns a profit for every dav's work. Much is the business we offer the working class. We teach then* how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully the making of S300.00 a month. Kvery oue who takes hold how ami works will surely and speedily increase their earnings; there can he no ijuestiou about it; others now at work are doing it, ami you, reader, can do the same. - This is the best paring business that you have ever had the chance »o secure. You will make a grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. If you grasp the* situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous GOOD TEAMS, W . c _ ¥I (jj PROMPT ATTENTION, —REASONABLE PRICES.— We take pleasure in calling the attention of those desiring teams to our outfits. Our horses are every one good drivers, our buggies, sin gle and double, are comfortable; our hacks and carriages as neat and dlea6ant. We are delighted to serve you because we know you will be pleased A stray cyclone struck the couuties of Sumter ami Schley last Friday and did much dam age. We find that the County jail is made an entry in each book where j i“^'. ,u ^' r k f w , ili , T.hen T ^ u Lj s “a'w»ge». these omissions were found, calling l Whether you »re ol.l or youujr, man or woman, it County Court will relieve the attention to same, which we trust “ "n 7t' ti“ r»ry el itartl' “Neither will have the desired effect. The ! t x P*‘ ri, ' ncror capinii iiecMsary. _ tik»* who work bu.ineu, at which'yon can iurelv make and save ( if good teams at moderate prices will do it. 1 large suras of inonev. The result* of only a few ' .. r - , * , _ . , The great strike of cotton spin ners that has been on in Great respectfully defer this matter for Brittian for several months and | action f° r future Grand Juries. TAt the poor inadequate now, but trust that our relieve County of the long confinement, in misdemeanor cases, and thereby books of J. F. Moreland, N. P. were make the present Jail sufficient for not submitted for inspection. ! the County needs. 1 j From the report of the County; The Ordinary submitted plan School Commissioner we note the • for enlarging the Jail but we most following: ■ .'ull particulars, free ? K. C. ALLEN A CO., Box Mo. 4.30, Augusta, Me. No. of Children between the ages I ~ , of 6 and 18, according to census j Xll0 tSOlllllGI*!! of 1888, 4365. has caused 14,000,000 spindles to I. poor House we find 5 «. ™, . t * ; inmates, 3 whites, and 2 colored, No. of schools in the county in 92 I Be idle is at on end. I..„,i ... .i,„ for white children, 60. 1 May be cotton will take an up ward tumble now. A Mrs. Hammond of Atlanta was arrested last week for du[ 1 c- itv in the Redwine default. After a preliminary trial she was sent to jail in default of a $10, j the old and they seem to.have the common comforts of life, and are possibly as well contented, as the poor un fortunates could be under the cir cumstances. We think the man agement of the poor House and Farm, under the present arrange ments, will bs more satisfactory, as well as more economical, than system. The buildings 000 bond. The officers believe that she has a considerable amount of Redwine’s cash hid away. on the Farm are in fair condition, except some small repairs are need ed, such as broken lights iu win dows. The editors of the Montezuma Record and the Fort Valley Lead er are making wry faces and say ing ugly things about each other Tut, boys. You have great op portunities and capabilities for good. Stop chunking them away in personalities. Col. Elliot F. Sheppard, editor of the New York Mail and Expres", died last week from the effect of ether administered by physicians th it they might make surgical ex amination. Ilis health was perlee- tly good except slight suffering from stone in the bladder. The ether lulled him. The editsr ot the Americus Times-Recorder has already de pleted his wood pile and donned bis spring suit. Judging from the following he doesen’t feel comfort able. Hear him. Backward, turn backward, O time in thy flight, gixe us July again, just for one night; we are disgusted with snow and with ice; hear our warble and take our advice; turn back the clock till it reads August one, give us the sun; give us mosquitoes and give us eomc flies, but turn on some heat before every one dies; bring back iheVrcseiH trouble! our straw hat and good linen pants; .give us a chance to live, give us a ,cliunce! Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease contrib uted an article to Frank Leslies Weekly purporting to be impres sions made upon her during her recent Southern tour that is full of vi'.lianous rot, mis-repr< sent i- tion and direct deception conccr- ing the affairs of the South. Should Mrs, Lease care to make another tour through this part of the moral vineyard we expect she would be received with a much greater ovation consisting of rot- teal omelet than greeted her be fore. We thought from the conduct of Atlanta’s two big dailies some weeks ago that they had agreed to a cessation of hostilities and the public would be spared any further torture on account of their bile, but, not so. They seem to have broken out afresh in the last few days and the public must suffer until their pent lip spleen has evaporated. Don’t stop entirely any snore, gentlemen. Give us a steady flow and probably it wont be so bad to take. TJNADILLA GLEANINGS. Colored, 31. Total number of schools 91. No. of white children attending school in 1892, 2391. Colored, 1590. Total number of children at tending school in the year 1S92, 3981. The average were, White children, 1571. Colored, 1015. The total average, 2586. The percentage of attendance to We find the Court House in enrollment, 65%. good condition,’and we think it a The average cost per month for crcilit to the County, but we^regret tuition per pupil, $1.56 of this to see it abused by the floor being amount- the state pays per month spit upon. 72^- or a little over three and a half -AWe find the roads and bridges cents per day. in the County in fair condition The amount of money estimated and think the-commissioners and for 1893 for school purposes ap- overseers, have as a general thing proximates $13,000.00. been more diligent in the discharge We recommend that the Ordinary of their duties than formerly, but provide and have placed in the to have good roads requires const- Superior Court Room, Bulletin ant attention, and we urge upon the boards, for the purpose of publish- Corumissioners and overseers that ing dates of cases to be tried at they continue their labors until that t til of the Court for the col our roads and bridges^are a credit venience of parties who are wit- to the County. | We recommend nesses and otherwise interested in that the Ordinary issue a call for j the trial of cases pending in that all the road commissioners,Jlo meet Court. him in his office for the purpos of j We recommend the payment to consulting as to the best system special bailiffs the following* ac- of working the roads,"and that if count. Levy Bush, $4.00 for two said commissioners decide that nights^services, to G. W. Jones thej’jneed more tools and simple- $4.00 for two nights services, to J. ments to successfully work the W. Graham, $4.00 for two nights roads,’that the Ordinary purchase services, to J. 1. Youngblood $6.00 suitable road grading plows and for 3 nights services, steel drag scrapes, to do the work, We find that the bond of the not furnishing any one district County School Commissioner is not more than one each, plow and sufficient, and we recommend that scrape. the Board of Education, who have, We specially call attention to a this matter under supervision, small portion of the Montezuma make"this bond stronger at once, a id Vienna road in the 7th dis- i We recommend that the Ordi- triet at or near the Adams place, nary levy a tax of 4 3-100 mills, and recommend that it be fixed at for the year 1893, for general once, also a portion of the road county purposes, running near the G. S. & F. Rail- We find Bailiffs serving at] this road, near Wenona, and recommend term of Court who cannot [read that same be changed so as to avoid writing, to“the inconvenience and exi^ense of the’people. We recommend that the Grdi- We recommend thatjall bailiffs nary take notice of the condition selected in the future, shall be_able of the;j bridges? across Turkey to read and write. Creek near Byroniville, and also , 1 We recommencMhe payment of the bridges across Limestone the account of D. Arnett for $2.00 Creek in the 9th district and across for 1 nights extra service. 6?um Creek, near Coney. All of ; ]We wish to express our approval which we find needing repairs, of the fearless, prompt and im- The contractors of these bridges partial manner, in which his honor being under bond, we recommend Judge Fish, has discharged the, that the Ordinary have the Con- high and important functions of tractors to put these bridges in the his exalted position, and iiis ear- proper repair at once, and kept nest efforts to dispose of all cases so during the term of their respcc- found on the docket at the open- ive contracts. ing of this term of the Couit. The We recommend that the Jailer’s bulwark*of our liberties is to be fees be increased from thirty cents found in an incorruptible, fearless to thirty-five cents* per day, for j and pains-taking judiciary, and each prisoner kept by him. j it gives us pleasure to thus pub- Wc recommend that all cases licly express our appreciation, of now on the docket\>f the Superior - our present Judge. Court, or that may hereafter be j Solicitor General II inlet n is tn- placcd thereon that would come , titled to our thanks for courtesies under the Jurisdiction of the i shown our body, and is entitled to County Court, be transferred im- ! all praise for the discharge of his mediately to the County Court. 1 duties as the State prosecuting at- And in the future, we request ail torney. of the J. P's and N. P's in com- j We recommend that these pre- mitting criminal cases where the | sentments be published in the Vi- offenses are less than a felony to ! enna Progress and the Cordelean bind over to the County Court in- and that each of these papers be stead ot to the 4 Superior]Court, as paid the sum of $12.50 each for so heretofore. I doing. We recommendjthe appointment! Ordered by the Court that the of John B. Lewis of the 1004th, j foregoing gencjal Build ing and Loan Associa tion of Huntsville Alabama. A good investment; ready mon ey to loan to improve property. Local Board Officers. W. H Whipple, President. U. V. Whipple, Attorney. W. C. Willis, Sect’y and Treas J. A. Murphy, ) L. A. Morgan, ) Mem. of Board. Vienna,Ga. Send Your Job Work to the Prog ress Office. We care for your horse, if left with us, the same as if it were our own, Let us serve you. BARLOW & BARLOW, Liverymen, UNADILLA GA, DOOLY’S TAX SALES. 6a-, out hern and GEORGIA-Dooly County. FI nr IfD R P Will be sold before the court house * lUI 111d JA. At door in said county, between the legal . hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in SUWAN-E RIVER ROUTE JO FLORIDR, April 1893. to the highest and best bid-i ... iTI nuTt der for cash, the following property to ) ’ ‘ ‘ LAN 1A. wit: Lots of land nmnbei sevemy-sev- j eu [77] eighty two [82] one hundred j Schedule in Effect and eleven [111] one hundred and four- Itead d Q 16lh teen [114] one hundred and forty three ’ (143) one hundred and forty six [148] One hundred and seventY-fiye [175] and one hundred and seventy six [176], all situated, lying and being in the 1st landdistiict of sail countyalso, lots of land numbers one hundred and sev enty five [175] and one hundred and seventy-seven [17TJ, all situate lying and being in the 9th land district of said county. All of said lands levied upon by virtue of and to satisfy one tax fifa issued by tho Tsx Collector of Dooly county Georgia against said property for its state and county taxes lor the year 1892. Levy made by J. W. Roberts, Deputy Sheriff and turned over to me for advertisements and pale This Feb.. 27th 1383. DOOLY COUNTY DIRECTORY- Jndgeof Superior Coui t—Hon. H'.II Fish. Solicitor—Col. C. B. Hudson. Ordinary J. D. Hargrove: Cierk Court—R. Kehum. Sheriff—It. W. Sheppard. Tax Receiver—J. C. Dunaway. Tax Collector—M. E. Rushin. County Treasurer—D. B, Leonard, Coroner—J. W. Gr?liam. County Surveyor—M. C. Jordan, BOARD OF EDUCATION. Jno. T. Brown, A. C, Bullington. J. D. Pate, D. T. Doughtry. D. L. Hen derson, President. Commissioner—O. P. Swearingen. Regular meeting of Board of Educa tion the 1st Tuesdays in January, April, July and Octoter. Superior Court convenes on second and third Mondays in March and Sep tember. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor - J. P. Heard. Alaermeu—B. F. Forbes, O. S. Baze- nioie, J. O. Hamilton and J. J. Lash- ley. Clerk and Treasurer—J. J. Stovall. Marshals—C. W. Johns and A. I Davies. Printer—Vienna Progress- W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE! gsnLlbnien. And other speclaltle* for Gentlemen, Ladles, Boy* and Misses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise ment which will appear la this paper. Take no Substitute, but insist on having W# L. DOUGLAS’ SHOES,with name and price stamped oa bottom. Sold by J. O. Hamilton, Vienna, Ga.. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tues day in June 1S93 between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following wild lands to-wit: Lot number one hundred (100) situate lying and being in the 13th land dis trict of said county. Levied upon by virtue of and to satisfy one tax fi-fa is sued by the Tax Collector of Dooly county Georgia against said property for its State and County taxes for the year 1S92. Levy made by J. W. Rob erts. deputy Sheriff and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. This February 27lh 1893. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following wild lands to-wit: Lots of land numbers one hundred and twenty-fiye [125] one hundred and thirtv-five [135] aud one hundred and thirty-seven [137], all of said lots of wild land situate, lying and being in the 6th land district of said county and levied upon by virtue of and to satisfy one tax fi -fa issued by the Tax Collect or of Dooly county Georgia against il for its State and County taxes for the year 1892. Levy made by J. \V. Rob erta. deputy sheriff and turned over to me for advert'sement and sale. This February 27th 1893. Also at thesame time and place will be sold the following wild lands to-wit: One hundred and fifty [150] acres of lot of land number one hundred and fifty-five [155], situate, lying anil being in the 6th land district or said county, being all of said lot except fifty [50] acres in the north-east corner of said lot, which fifty (50) acres is owned by Jim Jackson, Col., Said wild land lev ied upon by virtue of and to satisfy four (4) several tax fi-fas issued by the Tax C'"lector of Dooly county Georgia against said land for its state ai d coun ty taxes for the years 1839. 1S90, 1S91 and 1692. Levy made by J. W. Rob erts. deputy sheriff and turned over to me for advertisement aud sale. This February 27th 1883. G. W. SHEFFAF.D, Sheriff, D- C. Sold bv district G. M. N. P. & ex-officio, J. be published as requested. P. vice G. W. Sheppard resigned, 23id 1893. GEORGIA—Dooly County: To Whom it may concern; Whereas G. B. Williams, administra tor of the estate of Anderson A. Wil liams deceased shows in bin petition duly filed according to law in my of fice that he has fully administered said estate and asks for letters of dis- presentments ! mission from" eaid administration March The warm, pleasant days and cool nights which we have enjoyed for some time past are refreshing nnd invigorating and convince of the fact that ’‘gentle spring .here again.” Mr. S. F. Wilson who was seri- ■ously hurt by a fall from a rail road trestle last fall, and who has been in Savannah for several months returned home on Wednes day last. He is somewhat im proved bnt is yet unable to walk. Mess. Barfield & Wilson have Lad their millinery room repaired from damage caused by the fire nnd they hope to have it occupied soon. Mr. W. H. McBride left for Florida on Saturday last. The members of the Methodist church have at last succeeded in haying it ceiled and the comple tion is quitJ an addition to its ap pearance. Miss Ellen DuPree of Rome, Ga,. passed through town on Friday last en route to,Snow where she is visiting the family of Mr and Mrs. R. L. Barfield. On account of the inclement weather the Philoretorian Club did not meet, but it will meet on n*'\' Friday night at the same pine nnd have the same programme b arranged. i Services at the M. E. church on Saturday and Sunday last were •very impressive. “Amico,” and Willis Johnson, Sr. of the 1010th district G. M. aSjN.[P. and ex-ollicio, J. P. tojsucceed himself, his term having expired. Wo have examined through Committee, the books and reports of the several county officials, and find them properly kept. From the Treasurer’s bookstand vouchers, we make the following statement, Balance onShand Sept. 13th 18i2. $7424.07. Respectfully, J. R. HORNE, Foreman. W. C. HAMITON, Clerk. Notice Notice is hereby given in pur suance of the Statutes and Laws of Georgia that I have sold, tran- . . ferred and disposed of prior to the Amount receivcd s 6ince>st report, 12th < Iav of February 1S92 certain rr , , . thirty six Shares of the Capital Total receipts,.$19427.13, J 1 Amount paid out by vouchers. $7558.03. Commissions, $489 02. Total disbursements, $8047.05. Leaving balance in treasury March 13th 1S93. $11380.08. lf r e find from the Collectors books that this amount will be in creased by about twelve hundred dollars. "We find that the G. S. «fc F. R. R. owes the county about $5000.00 for taxes and the S. A. & M. R. R. about $1700.00. And the proper oliicials have been instructed to obtain legal assistance in the col lection of these claims, if the3' think necessary. We recommend the payment of $425.00 to the Ordinary for ser vices for the past year. We fix th« salary for the County Judge at $i50.00 per annum. We visited the Convict Camps in the county, by a committee and find at Sibley; the Sanitary con dition of the Camp good. We find’ who from their ap- This is therefore to cite all. heire and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said petition may not be granted and said petitioner receive Letters of Dismission from said estate on the first Monda- in June 1893. This March 6th 1893. J. D. Hargrove. Ordinary Dooly Co- GEORGIA—Dooly County, To whom it may concern: Henry D. Wood, Guardian for Mollie Maud Vialden. Benj, F. Watson Guar dian for Willie Nora Walden and Aus tin B. Walden Guardian for John M. I' alden have iu due form of law ap plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the resident house lot of John H. and Mary Walden late of said county Stock of the Bank of Cordele and ' deceased. Which said house and lot have disposed of all my interest in the stock of said corporation. T. M. Adams. jSOTICE. Notice is hereby given pursuant to law that I have sold and transferred within rhe past 10 davs 20 shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Cordele, and have disposed of all my interest iu said Bank except a shrres. March 28th 1803. J. IF. Sheffield. Farm Lands. I am prepared to negotiate loans m improved farm lands in Dooly if a low rate of interest. Address or apply to John H. Woodward. Attorney and Real Estate Ag’t. Vienna, Ga. has been set aside and assigned a years support for the minor heirs of said de ceased. Said land to be sold lor Sup port maintain-nce and division among the heirs of said deceased. Aud said application will be heard on the first Monday in April next. This 6th day of March 1893. J. D. Hargrove. Ordy. Uooly Co. DOOLY SHERIFF’S SALES. GEORCIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday iu April 1893. ;o the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: One steam engine and boiler, one plan ing machine, with pulleys, beltingand shaftiug. All of said property now in the town of Cordele. said county aud state, and levied upon as the property of E. N. Fountain by virtue of and to satisfy a forecl rsure of lien on person alty (nought by the Cordele Machine Shops v. s K. N Fountain. This March 6th 1893. Alsj at the same time and place will be sold the following property to-wit: city lot number (11) iu block number [98] as known and distinguished by map of survey of the citv of Cordele. Ga , situate, lying anil being in said town, county of Dooly, and State of Georgia. Levied upon as the property of E. L. Hicks by viitue. of and to Sat isfy one tax fi-fa issued by the tax collector of said county against sirhl E. L. Hicks for his state and couuty taxes for the year 1892. Levy made by W,. J, Mussel whit L. c. and turned ove: tome for adver tisement andjsale. ThisMeli., 6th 1892. P. M. A. M. 5 00 5 40 "Lv 6110 7#0 •* 8 35 9 00 • < 9 28 9 58 “ 10 3S 10 58 “ A. M. P. M. 12 18 12 « “ 147 210 “ 4 10 4 35 •* 4 30 4 50 4r 7 45 8 05 “ 1 23 12 55 “ P. M. A. M. 7 20 0 25 •• A. M. P. M. 1 21 1 10 •* < 25 7 30 *• 10 40 Ar Pnlatka Jacksonville J.ske City Jasper Valdosta Tfftnn Cordele Macon Junction Macon Atlanta Chattanooga Nashville Evansville St Louis Chicago Itead up. P. M. A. M. Ar 9 45 8 4) 8 SO 7 40 *• 6 25 5 35 “ Soil 4 43 “ 4 L7 3 43 44 2 53 213 “ 1 05 12 45 “ 1’ 40 10 25 uv 10 2 > 10 05 •* 7 10 6 50 A. M. P. M. “ 2 12 12 51 P. A. A. M, “ 9 05 7 30 P. M. •* 1 SO p. x. 7 35 P. M. 44 4 Ot SYiort Line \o W ov\A’s Yair Sleeping Car on Night Trains be tween Macon and Palatka. Double Daily Pullman Sleeping Car Service Between Jacksonville, Fla. Nashville and St. Louis, WITHOUT CHANGE. Connects in Union Depot at Macon with M. & N.. Ga., It. It. C. K‘ R. and Southwestern R. R , north and south; and in Union Depot at Lake City and Palatka with all trains from Points in Llorida. east, west and south. II. BURNS, A. C. KNAPP, Trav. Pass. Agt., Tiaflic Man'gr, Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga. Maionaiid Firmingliain Railroad. Schedule in Effect Oci., Hind 1892 Read Down. Read Up. 0 45 M. Le ve Macon Arrive 209 P. M. 8 09 •* 8 4 •! “ ■8*00 •• i i> 1 3) P. M. »>' I- 5 -)0 - 2 01 r. M. Kofkee Lizcila Montpelier Cullcdcn Ystpwille Th« laaston Thur’er spr'gH C^hi 11! l>u« (irirtin Harris City Columbus 6 31P.M. A r C« iv« ii v i i 1 e 2 30 A. M„ “ Odessa j • MuiCv'iili 3 20 p.m. Ar LaGrauge Cwn^ct wUh Arlan: n. BURiYS, Tniv. Pas3 Agt., “ 1210 “ “ 11 25 * 4 “ 1100 “ 44 19 00 44 *• 1*01 44 44 8 21 P. M. IiV 6 A) A. M. 9 17 J.V I): 15 A. M. A. M. 'Macon, (?a. LV 7 (M 44 6 50 A. M. - ti 30 - Lv b 00 A. M. iVesr Coin K. 1C. A. C. KNAPP, Traiic M'gr Macon, Ga. CITY MARSHAL'3 TAX SALES City of Cerdele, Ga. SPECIAL ANNO Our Mr. McC the junior of our and senior of the of Pate & W illis Hawkinsville left New York on Marc i st, to purchase Spring and Summer line of Dress Goods, Notions etc, etc. His reputation for close buying is already. J established, even among our Vienna pa trons, and we feel con fident that he made no idle boast when he said: “I am goin^ to buy you the newest, prettiest and best se lected stock of Dry Goods, this Spring, that has ever been shown to the public.” Therefore dont be in a hurry to buy. Our goods will begin to come in by March 2oth,andyou will save money by waiting un- til^then. Thanking you for past favors and solici ting your future pa tronage, we are, Very respectfully, W. a WILLIS & by. on as the rroputr of Mrs. Josephine Davis to satisfy a Tax Ufa in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele . , . , , , against Mrs. Josephine Davis for taxes Will be sold at the court house door (i ue npou sa i,i Jots for the vear 1893. in Vienna. Ga., Comity on the Also at t } )e ga-ne time and p'ace will first Tuesday in April next between the be sold to the It ghest bidder for cash -fj! .7 legal hours of sale to the highest bidder } to 8at i*f v a tax tiffi m favor of the (f piM'il' for cash certain city lots iu the city of -- '* ™- r ‘ -' ■— Cordele Ga. Known and distinguished by map of survey of said city to satisfy ■ax filas issued by authority of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele, Ga. for taxes due said Mayor and City Council upon several lots herein alter stateu and against the several persons and parties respectively herein after named to-wit: City lot in the City of Cordele known as lot No,(17) in block 24 as the property of li. S. Thompson to satisfy two tax fifus in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele against saidR. S. Thompson. One fi a for the year 1851 aud one for the year 1892. Also City lots No’s 116] and [17.] in block [37] as the property of J. W- Walden iu ffivor of the Mayor aud Mayor and City Council of Cordele. Ga.. TKe Cordele Shoe Factory situated in the City of Cordele between lots— and—as will be shown by map of sur vey of said City for taxes due said Mayor and City Council for the year 1892 upon said Cordele Shoe Factory. This Mar. 6th 1898. W- H. Thornton. Marshal of Cordele Ga. YVVk ' - 7 *; v • wet! i"-u an • <• ca:i ; . .1. Kicilw»m(i. we .: Sanitary condition very etiiniier of eonviets in tins camp, HS. whom we find well fed -mi properly cared for. We have examined the books of GEORGIA—Dooly County: To all whom it may concern: The appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a years support aud furni ture out of the estate of Harr sou Schofield, late of said county deceased for Mrs. D. P. Aikens, formerly Mrs. D. P. Schofield and her miuor chil dren to-wit: Mary E. Grimaley, Au gustus A, Virgil S, Alice L. ?, Ruby L; \Y alter C. and Jno. B. Schofield mi nor children of said Harrison Schofield deceased, have filed their return in my office a6 required by law and I will pass upon the same on Monday, March 27th 1893. This Feb. 27th 1S9?. J. D. Hargrove. Ordinary Dooly Co. Alsoja^ the same time and p’ace the followingproperty to-wit: ’i he entire stock ofjjgoods and merchandise con sisting of drugs, medicines, boltles, perfumery, notions, cigars, - brushes, four (4) show cases, one (1) desk and stools, and one (lfUash re-ister. Also the fixtures shelving, counters and drawers, and all other property be longing to D. L. Cawley contained iu that certain store room in the Suwanee House, Cordele, Ga.. situated between the stores of Pitts & ll'estbrook and Pate & McKenz e, heretofore occupied by D. L. Cawley as a drug store. Lev ied upon as the property Of D. L. Caw ley by virtue of and to satisfy one Mortgage fifa issued from Dooly Su perior Court in favor of D. J. Williams And W. S. ThviupSoH v. s. D.L. Cawley. This March 6th 1893. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Agreeably to an order granted by the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said couuty on the 1st Monday in March 1893. will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in April 1893, before the enurt | ~ . | cm. ii house door of said county, between the ] Cav Council of t ordolo against said , | ega | hours of sale to the highest bid- l J. H , M alden to satis,y two tax hhis | j,, r f or ca »h the following described ’ issued by order of Mayor and City j ou:ll propeltv of lUe estate of Jul- Council of Cordele one t.fa for theyear J E Peacock, deceased, to-wit: Town ffiOl the other for the year 892. ]ot evenly six |76) in Block Also lot No. [13] in b<ock (3J in saul filtPen (15). situate, lying an 1 being in City levied on as the property of J L. j th town G ' f Uliad i IIa / G a Bai( ] county Bell to satisfy a tax fi fa Isr taxes due , and sUte . Thig March 6th 1893. by said J, L. Bell to said Afayor and j D . L . F. Peacock. City Council ot Cordele Ga., for the Administrator. 1 year 1891. t Also lot No. [2] in block (2] in saidi City as the property of H. O. Miller to | A VALUABLE OFFER s **. *«* *»■« w,«i a«. | Council of Cordele, Ga., tor the year j tieman. 1S Al'so lots [6) to [10] inclusive in I The world moves and there ie i block 46 as the property of G, li. Smith | at least one institution that is j to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the moving with it. This is the eel -Mayor and City Council of Cordele and rags wm HEW SHOPS 0? DAVZ3 BE WHIG I ainst said G.E. Smith for taxes for * the year 18. 2. Also lots 18 and 20 in block 4, lots 14 to 17 inclusive in block 8, lots 4 to 10 inclusive and 13 to 18 inclusive in block 17, lots 5 to 17 inclusive in block 20, lot 11 in block 21, lots 11 to 16 in clusive in block 28, lots a to 9 inclusive aud 14 to 20 inclusive ,in block 29 lots 1 to 8 inclusive and 10 iu block 33 lots l 2 and 4 to 10 irelusive, in block 34 lots 4 to 10 inclusive iu block 35 levied on as the property of McMillan & Littie- movin^ ebrated and superbly aquipped Georgia Business College, of Macon, Ga., which offers to refund to any young lady or gentleman taking a course with them, the full amount of their tuiton, unless same proves entirely satisfactory. Through their -‘Perfected sj-steiu of Business Practice ‘-,the only one in the South, students actually buy, sell and ship goods, making I t- Oapacify 400 Machines par Daj Notice. I have sold my^C’sliares Bankbtocky Bank of Corrl.'leacd dir] csifi of all in interest to and in the same. J. B. Scott. Mrs. M.ITScott. Uuut, taxer DaaailW Ga Dissolution Notice- Thefirin of Bunkley & Owens Ada, a., was dissolved by mutual const j Monday March 6th 1693. And sa.d P. j J. Bunkley assumed all liabiiiities oi ' said firm. i This March 21st 1862. R.J.Bunkiky. Allen Owens. GEORGIA—Dooly County: To all whdm'Tt may concern: !Yhereas. the appraisers app Anted to set apart and assign a years support and: furniture lor Mrs. Ardelia S Woodruff and minor child. M. A. Woodruff, widow and minor child, of William A. Woodruff, deceased out of tlie esiate of said deceased, have filled their report in my office according to law and the s ,m ■ will be pasted upon .in Friday, April 2Slh 1883. This J/arcii 27.h 1823. J. D. Hargrc-ye, Ordinary Dooly Co. LA1ME.S Needing ft tonic, or i hildrcn that want building ur», \houM take BHOWIS S lUUN BITTERS. It is pleasant to l ike. cures .Malaria. Indfecs- flci, All dcalt-re ke*:# it. jolm f >r taxes due by them to the May- j payment in genuine College Banks ’ ' r ' c In six weeks, Mr. M. J. Carswell completed the special course and took charge of the books in a large wholesale house of Bruns wick. Miss Carrie Eldridge, of De land, Fla., with but 30 days in struction, wrote 190 words per min ute, reading and Ty| e—writing her notes with entire ease. Others are doing as well, thusdemonsfrat- or and City Council of Cordele for the j year 1892 lor which a tax fi fa has been issued Also lots 5 to 10 inclusive in block 32 as the property of Lee B. Jones to satisfy a tax fifa against said Lae B. Jones in favor of Mayor and City Council of Cordele for taxes due for the year 1892. Aiso No. 2 in block 16 levied on as the property of Jacob Lewis to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of Mayor and City Council of Cordele for taxes for the year 1892 against Jacob Lewis. POB TERMS, ETC., ADDE353 1 T lU fill 32A77SC2T, O. CKtCiao. I.Ai- We Soil' he Davis Machine. TAYLOR &. LASHI25 Vil NOTICE ing the fact that it no longer Also lot number 11 in block 2 levied requires from six to twelvemonths GEORGIA Dooly Cou.nti on as the property of A. J. Hargrove I to : mas ter Book-keeping. Short- ! To ail whom it may c' to satisfy a tax 11 fa in favor of Mayor ! Teleor-.nhv r,rovid«d vr.n Whereas, a county co and City Council of Cordeie agaiutt A. J 4 * anft or ‘ P ’ P J. Hargrove for taxes due for tlie year attend this practical Colli 1892. , stead of the antiquated Also lots 18. 19 and 20 in block 32,! boo j. institutions, levied on as the p.operty of 1). B. Fine pC)gilions havs been secur ed their graduates in every in stance. Frederick to satisfy one tax fi-fa in fa vor of Mayor and City Clou cil of Cor- deie and against D. B. Frederick for taxes for the year 1892. Also .ots number 14 15 and 20 in block 1401evied on as the property of Gatewood to satibfy a tux fi.fa against — Gatewood in favor of NOTICE Notice is herebv given pursuant to cil^fSirde'ffiforl^vthatlhave loid and transferred cil ot l>orc.eie lor ... • f Pn five shares of ■HHi Mayor and City council o™uv*e I ^thin tho past ten days five shares of taxes due upon sa.d lots for the year ^ tock of th ' e Bank of Cor- 1 dele and have disposed of all my inter- Atso lots number 11 to 14 inclusive ue n b l°';«- 1 f S lotS \l° 5 inclu3 i ve in est ln ** 6 00 f . ‘ Mrs . Alten Fort, block 167 levied on as the property of l H. W. Grady to satisfy a tax fi-fa in! favor of Mayor and city council of i , , Cordele and against H. W. Grady for: If yOll X66X U3&rJ taxes due upon said lots for the year a rxd all torn Out take Also lots 17 and 18 in[block 10 levied 1 BROWN ’ S IRON B11 i ERo. < > text of the State of Georgia, j in pursuance cf rr.y i Judge of said Court amT j -e- of the Cods of 1882 First Wednesdays in eac the days on which said cd its monthly sessions, b? the First Wednesday in do further appoint the fi days in February, May, November of each y ear as l which said, court will hold’i'c? ly sessions beginning with Wednesday in May 1S93. I Wi an office at the Court House i said county where ml ; a._ &e of the County Court will iVo cases will be rued until from this data. This January 23rd 1893. U. V. Wniri J. c.; ■■aHH