The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, December 26, 1893, Image 2

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TW ficniMt Progress. TUESDAY DECEMBER 26 LOCAL NEWS. A ffierfy Christmas to you. Fine Keg Fickle; Powell Bros Dr. L. W. Mobley of Eureka was (he guest of Mn M. E; Rushin on Wednesday and Thursday last. Stuffing for Fruit Cake, Powell &ros. Our people are surely haring a merry Cbristmasi The happiest 5n several years. English Spavin Liniment re moves all Hard Soft or Calloused] Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of me bottle. Stovall & Forbes Drug gist, Vienna, Ga. Wine For Sale. We are ready to furnish your Christmas Groceries. Powell Bros. pur?, Middleton & Thompson's sweet Grape Wine for sale. Dtc. 1st. 3. m. D. B. Thompson Examination of Teachers. Mr. D. B. Leonard has been in fcedfor several days with La Grippe Ibut is r.ot dangeroutly ill. Large assortment of all flavors *i)f Fancy and stick Candies. Powell Bros. 'Saturday was busy day with our merchants, all of whom report very flargo sales. Itch on humah, mange on horses, ■dogs and all stock, cured in 30 iminutes by Woolford’s Sanitary ILotion. T.his never fails. Sold Iby Stovall & Forbes Druggist, "Vienna, <5 a. The many friends erf Miss Mamie TLeonardmre delighted to see her ;at home for the holidays. Full lineLadses Kid gloves. W. C. Willis <fc Co Large crowds from all sections iOf the county were in town last week and our merchants report a Jfine weckls sales. By order of State School Com missioner Bradwell a general ex amination of applicants for Teach ers’ License will be held on Satur day, .January 6th 1894. All ap plicants for License to teach in Dooly county will meet at the Seminary at Vienna at 9 o’clock a. m. sharponthat da}. This Dec., 21st 1893. O. P. Swearingen. c. s. c. Host Beautiful and Elegant. EVERYTHING NEW. Professional Cards. LAWYERS. W. V. Harvard. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Vienna, Ga. All business intreusted to my care will receive prompt attention. Unadilia High School. V* ill open on the Second Mon day in Jan. Those expecting to enter are requested to do on the first day. Rates of tuition only- one dollar payable in advance, Thejservicee of Miss Lucy Robberts an experienced teacher and young lady of rare attainments has been secured. The musical department will continue under the management of Mrs. J. D. Fraser T. A. Coleman. Principal. The most complete stock of Toys, Dolls, Fireworksi Fancy Cases, Albums, Vas es, Lamps, and in numerable other arti cles suitable for Christmas Presents WOOTEN & Et£/S, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, VIENNA AND COF(DELE, GA. G. W. Wooten i 1*earson Ellis, Vienna. Ga. I Cordele, Ga. Office, West j Office in Shipp Notice of Sale- GEORGIA—I'oolt Cor sty: By virtue of an older granted by the Honorable Court of ordina ry of Dooly county at the Decern ber Term 1893, will be sold before the court honse door in said coun ty, on the 1st Tuesday in January 1894, to the highest cash, the following Whole lots GEORGIA—Dooly Cocsiy. ... . . , , . , , 99 in 10th Dist. of said State and Ce., property to wit. Whole lots of j Eighty acres improved and in a high land n' ers 119, 148, 150, 152,' state- >t cultivation. Said property 169, 172, 173 and 181, all situate, belonging to the .Estate of Jno. E Out lying and being in the 13th land P e cPer 4 th 1893, district of said county and contain Building. side of Public Plaza, near new court, house. All business addressed to either office will receive prompt alien tion front the firm. A Good Citizen Caned. See my Horses and Mules before j-ou buy. J. O.Hamilton. •Chrismas to the time of going ito press has been merrily spent but •has been devoid of any accidents .or mishaps. IThe Georgia Southern had two bad freight wrecks last week that .delayed the passenger trains sever al hours each time. FOR RENT.. A 5-roora dwel ling, co.iHv.eniently situated, all ,necessary outhouses, in good re pair, reasonable rents, monthly payments, possession given Jan. 1st. 1894. Apply at this office. As this is Christmas week we .get out our paper on Monday. As yte go to press Judge Z. T. Penny- 48 very ill with La Grippe and his ,physicians and family entertain y-ery slight hope for his recovery. .‘•A pointer”: The low prices ,we have put on our Clothing and .Shoe stocks will cause many a provident father to provide for himself and familv. W. C. Willis & Co. -Dr.K. H. Pate was circulating .among his many Vienna friends -Thursday and all were glad to .shake his hand and feel his big jheart beat. Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Fresh Waterground Meal. Powell pros. The marriage of Mr. W. C. Willis and Miss Daisy Ridcnhour .will occur at the Methodist church yiext Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Very few of our people possibly know that one of our most promi nent citizens received a caning not long ago that he will hardly for get so long as he lives. It occurr ed in Atlanta. Dr. R. 11. Pate, our popular North Dooly representative in the legislature, took a prominent part in all legislation and was Chairman of the Committee on Hygiene. By the course he pursued he incurred the great respect and pleasure of his colleagues and just before the session closed his committee pre sented him with a handsome gold headed cane. The Doctor appreciates the gift very much and while he has little U6e for a cane as anybody it will ever bring pleasure to him as a memento of his friends and the pleasure of his service in the leg islature of 1892-93 Installation. The finest 40 wn Fancy Candies in Powell Bros. The many friends of Mr. James jk. Lane are showering congratu Jatione and best wishes upon him. He was quietly married on Wednes day last to Mrs. Dukes Hayes and all wishes him well. Xmas presents! wa have some good things*in the way of presents Tor Children which we will close but at and More cost. Call and see then before buying. W. C. Willis <fc Co. It is reported that a few nights pgo the South bound passenger Jrain on the Georgia Southern ran jnto a drove of mules and horses jn Mr. John Green Brown’s pasture atGrovania and killed seven mules and one horse. Carload of young, serviceable, well-broke Horses and Mules, for pash or on Time. J. O. Hamilton. Oranges, Apples, Banannas, Raisins and Nuts. Poweli Bros. Interest has been at white heat Jiere for a week over the report jhat a prominent couple are to be parried Thursday of which our piople know nothing. The gues- sers have all been at work but no definite conclusion has been reach ed. The best Christmas Gifts The Low Prices at, W. C. Willis & Co. Commissioner Swearingen turned kjAe $13,000.00 among the teach- of Dooly Wednesday. This Yas the largest sum ever distribu ted to the schools in Dooly and ^ras a proud day for Commissioner Swearingen who has worked a long tpie for. the schools of our county. To say. that the teachers were pleased does not express it. Cask or Time. Horses Carload of young Mules just reeeived- J. O. Hamilton. and The public installation of officers held by the Masons at the Metho dist church Wednesday night was largely attended and very much enjoyed. The special feature of the occa sion was a speech by Judge U. V. Whipple that was so highly ppreci- ated as to call for a unanimous request that it be published and the Progress will contain it next week that all its readers may en joy it. The following officers were in stalled for the next year: Chapter. W. C. Hamilton, High Priest. J. F. Calhoun, King. R. Kellam, Scribe. I). L. Henderson, Capt. Host. U. V. Whipple, P. S- C. T. Stovall, R. A. C. M. E. Rushin’ M. 3rd V. T. R. Smith, M. 2nd U. W. H, Whipple, „ 1st „ J. D. Hargrove, Treas. J. R. Kelly, Seety. B. M. Wood, Sentinel. Blue Lolgf. D. L. Henderson, W. M. H. A. Mobley, S. W. J F. Calhoun, J. W. J. W. Roberts, S. D. C. R. Morgan, J. D. O. S, Bazemore, Sect’}-. B. M. Wood, Tyler. J. T. Carlisle, Treas. R. Kellam. ( Stewards. J. D. Hargrove, \ Rev. J. J- Hyman, who with Hon. J. D. Pate, were present from the Arabi Lodge, made the presen tation in his own forcible and im pressive style. You’ll be very foolish if you buy before seeing what we have. Prices way below usual. Come and see, Stovall & Forbes Druggists, Vienna, Ga. Important to Farmers. D. L. H ENDERSON, LAWYER Vienna, Matters before the Court of Or dinary, Ejectment and Collections, a specialty. J. H. MARTIN, Ilnwklnsville, Ga. U. V. WHIPPLE, Vienna, G«. MARTIN & WHIPPLE, LAWYERS, VIENNA. GEORGIA. Will practice in all the courts of Dooly, except Dooly County ing each 2024 acres, more or less, and are all improved lands. Also whole lots of land numbers 149, 151, 170 and 125 contaning each 202£ acres, more or less, and 50 acres off of lot number 174, all of which said lands are situate, lying and being in the 13th land district or said county and which are Wild of unimproved lands. Also will be sold 10 acres, more or less, off of lot of land number 136 in the 14th land district of said county, which said 10 acres is an old Mill Seat. All of said lands sold as the property of the estate of Hardy Pitts deceased for the purpose of paying debts and distribution among the heirs. Terms of sale made known on day of sale. This Dec. 4th 1893. A. J. <fc A. H. Pitts Administrators. BUI be sold before the Court House door in Vienna, said State and County on the 1st Tuesday in Jan. 1894. within the legal hours of sale, the following Lands to-wit: Lot of Land No. 126 in the 10th District Said State and County bidder for | containing 2021 acres more or less. Al- described 80 * 4 acres of the E->st Side of Lot No court. G. W. Busbee. D. A. R. Crum. BUSBEE & CRUM, LAWYERS, Vienna, Dooly Co. Ca. Practices regularly in the Courts of the Macon, Southwestern, Oco nee, Southern and Brunswick Cir cuits. State Supreme Court, United States Circuit and District Courts and Court of Appeals. MEDICAL. Let us say a few words to you relative to fertilizers for crops for 1894. Do you know that “Plowboys Brand” Guano is the highest grade complete fertilizer and that “Black Rock Dissolved Bone” is the best acid phosphate sold in Georgia. The State Chemist shows this as you will find out by our circulars of analysis. We manufacture and sell the highest grade fertilizers sold in the State. Ask the peach growers, the truck farmers and all others seeking high grade stuff where they get it. We carry large stocks of fresh bone and blood guano’s—also cot ton seed meal etc. etc. We are the only importers di rect from Germany of pure Kainit who sell direct to planters. Our sales arc larger than any concern the South who sell only to Plunters. Mr. J. J. Lashley. Vi enna, and Mr. Wm. Short. Una- dil la represent this Company in Dooly County. Call on them for an elegant calendar for 1894. FARMERS SUPPLY CO. . Office N>, 458 Third St. Macon, Ga j to the citizens of Drayton vicinity. H, A. MOBLEY, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. BYROMVILLE, GA. Will continue to practice at the GEORGIA—Dooly County. I will receive sealed proposals until January 1st 1S94 for County Physician for the year 1894; Physician to furnish all necessary medicines. Also at 'the same time will receive bide for rent of Poor House and Farm and hoard of Inmates for year 1894. Physician and Superintendent of Poor House to give bond for faithful performance of duty. The right to reject any and all bids, reserved. This Dec., 4th 1894. J. D. Hargrove. Ordinary I>.. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To all whomjitmay concern: J. A. H. Fokes having in due form applied to the undersigned for the Guardianship of the persons and prop erty of Buruam Hunter and Rufus Hunter, who are now residents of Dooly Co., who are the children of Geo. V. Hunter, late of 3/acon County, dec’d. Notice is hereby giveu that h.s application will be beard at my offico ou ibe 1st Monday in December next. This Dec. 4th 1893, J. D. Hargrove. Ordinary D.C. Xmas r & i. GEORGIA—Dooly County : Agreeable to an order granted by the Honorable court of said County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next before the Court House door be tween the legal sale hours to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed property to-wit: a one half un divided interest in lots of land Nos. 104, 120, 121, 122, 131 and 133 lying in the 11th district of said county, sold as the property of the Estate of J, B. O’Neal deceased for the purpose of paying the debts of said estate and for distribution among the heirs. This Dec. 4th 1893. B. P. O’Neal, Adm’r, lobl)ir)6,4 —EVERYBODY GEORGIA—Dooly County. To all whom it may concern; J. N. Swearingen, administrator of the estate of Saiah E. Swearingen de ceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leaye]to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said dec’d. And said application will be heard on the first Monday in Jan. 1894. This Dec. 4th 1893. Busbee & Crum, Admr's, Atty’s. J. D. Hargrove, o. d. c. GEORGIA—Dooly County: Honor Singletary, same location. All thought fo- removing having been entirely d i carded. All calls made at his place of residence will be prompt ly attended. 6-13-6w w. s PHYSICIAN \Dra Y TOR, Offers his Ho\V EL; Notice to School Patrons. I am authorized by the Board of Education to notify all school patrons of Dooly county that the Board will on the 1st Thursday in January next to divide the county into school districts for the year 1894 and designate where all pub lic schools shall be taught. It would be well for patrons to defer making contracts with teachers with expectation of getting the benefit of the public school fund Tintil after that date. D. L. Henderson, Pres B.’ of E. Vienna, Ga., Dec., 18th 1893. All calls answered day or night. } Libel for Divorce J in Dooly S. C. HenryD. Singletary y Sept. Term 1893. It appearing to the court by return of the Sheriff in thn above stated case that the defendant does not reside in this county and it further appearing that he does cot reside in this state. It is therefore Ordered by tl.e court former that perT ‘ ce perfected on the de fendant by the publication of this or der once a month for.four months be fore the next term of this court in the Vienna Progress a newspaper publish ed in Dooly County Georgia. Jno. R Powell. SURGEON, i V. h. Fish. Petiti0ner ‘ 8 Att> ’ ’ J. s. c. s. w. c. GEORGIA—Dooly County. I certify that the following is a true extract of the Record on file in my of fice, Nov. 7th 1893, Russel Kellam. Clerk. To whom it may concern: Wm.C. Culpepper, Administrator of the Estate of David Culpepper lute of said county deceased has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to said es tate and I will pass upon the same on the 1st Monday in Jan. next. This Dec. 4th 1893. J. D. Hargrove. Ordy. D, C, DOOLY SHERIFF'S SALES Ga. professional services and promptly, T.Y. BIY1XS. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Vienna, — Ga. }2y ‘qiiius y f ■Buuat\ oj qSnojq jeAospooo jsoduoqo eqx •XjjSMaf ‘.Ci[3Maf- •sasc^v ‘SS9RA. *saa«A. sjjiojiaaij ‘sqjOMoirj ‘sqjoxiaiij •4300 iu spooS .fjaui[iijj Special attention given Obstet rics. Diseases peculiar to women, a specialty All calls promptly answered, day or night. Office over W. C. Willis &, Co’s Store. DR. W. H. Whipple Physician and Surgeon. VIENNA, - GA. Surgery. Obstetrics, diseases in cident to our climate, and diseases of women and children specialty. GEORGI.4--Dooly County. To all whom it may concerr: Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a years support and furniture for Mrs. Henrietta Bush and her seven minor children, widow and minor children of Levy Bash late of svi 1 c maty decease 1 out of the Estate of said deceased, have filed their report as required by law. I will pass upon said report on Thursday the 21st Day of Dec. next. This Nov. 20ih 1893. J. D- Hargrove, Ordy D. C. Offices over W. G. Willis <fe Co’s store. All calls promptly attended to, day or night. Can be found at night at the residence of F. E Varnedoe. DENTIST. Don’t do it. Don’t spend yout money foolish ly. When you buy goods, don’t throw your money away on shoddy stuff that has no shape, style or lasting qualities about it, but get the best, which is always the oheapest. You want to buy a Xmas present for your wife and children. Don’t spend your money on frivolities, headaches, sizz and smoke, but buy something useful and good. Your wife and girls need new Hats. Buy them for a Xmas present and save the money usually wasted on trash. •pnnod jod s)uoo ooDeqoj, jo soxoq 05 •unuoi^ u; tsodcaqo sqj, •spoof) SEiuisijq^ jno^\ JOJ mo hoot C. T. Stovall, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Vienna, — — Ga. The latest and most approved plans of treatment. Rates guar anteed low as the very lowest. Calls answered promptly night and day. Obstetrics and diseases of If you decide to buy Hats, what children a specialty. Office StoAall & Forbes Drug Store kind will you get? Y*ou don’t want something that is way out of date with no shape or style to it. It is true you can buy that sort of stuff a few cents cheaper because its old secondhand, shopworn, auc tion stock, but you had rather pay a few cents more and get some thing that is new and stylish and will make your wife and daughters look as well as their neighbors. In Hats, Ribbons, Ornaments, Trimming, Gloves, Corsets, and all Millinery stock 1 carry only the best and most stylish and sell as cheap as the goods can be bought and sold, Let me serve you. Mrs. C. V. Morgan, Vienna, Ga. at Agent Bazemore has been bogged up to his ears in Christmas Jugs for the past few days. The Progress regrets to see that each of these jugs con tain several'* jags” and a good many drunks are re ported. Concert at Snow. Dec., 29 1893, In behalf of the church. COME out. A good time guaranteed Ad mission, adults twenty five cents Children fifteen cents. Editor ad mitted free. W. O. Gaines. Notice of Dissolution. W. E. BEECH AM, DENTIST. TjNADILLA ga. All'work attended to promptly ind satisfaction guaranteed. J. W. & D J. Williams. DENTISTS. CORDELE. GA. Office in Bankjof Cordele build- in<r. Have it Fixed. Your Watch or Clock out of or der? Have k fixed. I have re cently moved back to Vienna and can be found at the Racket Store. Good work, prompt attention. Yours to serve W. Thigpen. Practical Jeweler. Vienna, Ga. GEORGIA—DoolyCounty: To all whom it May Concern: Whereas, A. II. Pitts, Adminis trator of the estate of J. J. Pitts shows in his report filed in my of fice according to law that he has tully administered all of said es tate and makes application for Letters of Dismission from said administration. This is hereto fore to cite all persons, whether GEORGIA—Dooly County: Will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in January 1894 before the court house door in said county, between the us ual hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, the following property to-wit: One North Carolina make Bug gy, levied upon and to be sold as tho properly of L. M. Perry, by virtue of aDd to satisfv an attachment issued re turnable to Dooly County Court in fa vor of Lanier &Dekle v.s. L. M. Perry. Levy made by D. Arnett, L C. and turned oyer to me for advertisement and sale. This Dec. 4th 1893. wants something new for Xmas. You couldn’t buy anything nicer or more serviceable than a NEW SUIT, and to render the purchase easy—we will offer Entire Stock of Clothing as a CHRISTMAS OFFERING. our V- i MEN’S CLOTHING (At your own price.) BOYS AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING < Your own P rice > And to make the outfit complete we will also cut the price on our IMMENSE stock of SHOES and let them go at your own price. Now, don’t miss this offering. Every one has Presents to buy—it pays to buy the most useful. heirs or creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said applica- of Coleman & Ray v. s., Jas. S. Morgan. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described Jprop • erty to-wit: 2000 pounds of Fodder, more or less, 300 bushels of Cotton Seed, more or less, one 2-horse Wagon, one cotton Gin, 50-Saw, Pratt make and one Eugineand Boiler, Frick make. Levied upon and to be sold as the prop erty of A. G. Morgan by virtue of and to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Sept. Term 1893 of Dooly Superior Court in favor of E. B. Lewis v. s. A. G. Mor gan. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney, This Dec., 4th 1893. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described proper ty to w it: 300 bushels of Corn, more or less, 30 0 pounds of Fodder, more or less, iu barn, 3C0 bushels of Cotton Seed, more or less, in house, 500 pounds of seed Cotton, more or less in house, one bay l.orse about.10 yea's old and one black mare mule about 10 years old. All of said property levied upon and to be sold as the property of Jas. S. Morgan, by virtue of and to satisfy fi-fa issued from the Sept. Term 1893 of Dooly Superior Court in favor TMssmdtk The J\*ew York Safe Co. IS NOT GOVERNED BY THE SAFE POOL MANUFACTURERS OF Safes for Family and Business Purposes from $25 Upwards. Guaranteed Fireproof and Lock Non-Pickable, Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Agents Wanted in New Territoriee NEW YORK SAFE CO., 44 Clintton Place New York, N. T tion may not be granted on the 1st Monday in February 1894. This November 6th 1893. J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary Dooly Co, QEORQIA—Dooly CoUKTy. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, W. P. Daniel, Admin istrator of the estate of Mrs. V. A Daniel, late of said county deceased shows in his petition, duly filed in my office in terms of the law that be has fully administered said tatc ana prays for Letters of Dis mission from 6aid trust. This is therefore to cite all persons, whether heirs or creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why Letters of Dismission should not be gran ted to said applicant on the 1st Monday in February 1894. This Nov. 6th 1893. J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary, D. C, Xmas Headquarters. The firm of Edwards <fc Dought- ry has been this day dissolved by mutual consent L, J. Dough try retiring from the business and A. Edwards collecting all debts and assuming all liabilities. This 11th day Nov^ 1893. A. Edwards, L. J. Doughtery, Our customers all know that we are Headquarters for all the gotffP things in our line. Powell Bros., goods are the synonyms for tho best that go and we just wanted to notify our friends that in Christ mas goods we will not be behind the foremost. Want to send a friend a Xmas box? We know how to pack them. Want Toys and Fireworks for the little ones? We can fix you Notice to Debtors and Creditors- All parties having demands against the estate of Wm. A. Y>’oodruff deceased will render in their accounts according to law and all parties indebted to 6aid estate are hereby required to make immediate payment. Eli Woodruff, ) Admr’s. W. B. Woodruff, j Pineliurst Academy. up. Want any kind of Fruit, Nuts, Raisins or Cendies. We can fill your bill cheaper than you suppose. In fact our whole stock-and there are none prettier, better or more complete-is at your disposal and we ask your inspection. Powell Bros. ^NF“Headquarters for all the goo! things. The Spring Term of Pinehurst Acaemy will begin Monday, Jan uary 8th 1894. There will be no Tuition charged, but an Incidental Fee of $J,00 per month, per pupil, payable in variably in advance. Patrons who are not supplied with ready cash can make terms with the Seety, & Treas., or the Principal of the school. J. R. Horne, W. L. Williams, PregidQjit. Secy & Treas. W. O. Saunders, Principal. 12 26 $3 T. F. Levy made by J. W. Roberts, depu ty Sheriff and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. This Dec., 4th,*1893. G- W- SHEPPARD. Sheriff.DC. Notice of Sale. GEORGIA—Dooly County: Agreeable to a resolution adopted on the 6th day of Nov., 1893 by the Di rectors of the Cordele Alliance Co-op erative Company, a corporation duly chartered under the laws of Georgia and doing business under said char ter in the town of Cordele, County of Dooly and State of Georgia; Will be sold on the 1st Thursday in January 1894, before the door, and upon t'ie premises, of the Farmers’ Alliance Warehouse in said town of Cordele and said State and county, between the houis of 10 a. m., and 3 p.’u., to the highest bidder for ca6h, the following property to-wit: The Cotton and Storage Warehouse in the town of Cordele known as the “Alliance Warehouse.” Also all the Notes and Accounts belonging to said coipora- ticn: to pay the indebtedness of said Company and for equal distribution among the Stockholders. This Dec. 4th1893. T. T. LIGON, Pres. Cordele Alliance Co-operatiTe Co. OUR ITVE STYLES OF 8AFE3. No. Safe. Outside Measure, inches. Inside Measure, inches. Weight lbs. Price. 2 23x15x15 13x9x8j 300 kti 3 28x18x18 15x10x10] 500 $35 4 32x22x20 18x14x12 700 $45 5 38x25x20 23x17x12 1000 $60 6 41x27x20 27x19x12 1256 $75 B. P. HOWELL. W. B. MORGAN B. P. HOWELL & CO. v Livery Sale and Feed ’Stables VIENNA, GA. UEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers ap pointed to set apart and assign years support and furniture for Mrs. N. E. Hamilton and Minor child out of the Estate of W. O. Hamilton late of said county dec’d. have filed their report in office as required by law. I will pass upon said report on Friday the 12th day of January 1894. This Dec. 11th 1893. J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary Dooly Co. We occupy the J “Heard” stables, successors to J. M. Field’s Livery Business, and with good teams are ready to serve the public in our line. First-class teams, single or double, at reasonable rates. Stock left with us properly cared for. gd^Drummers’ trade, a specialty. B. Yours for business, P, HOWELL & CO. OFFICE OF llrangr, M, II Specialist in Diseases of Women Strictures, Nervous and Private Diseases S. MANUEL, Unaddilla Ga. Correspondence solicited. North-east corner Suwannee House* CORDELE, i /