The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, March 20, 1894, Image 2

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The Vienna Progress. The Campaign of Discontent. 'Official Organ, Dooly County, and Town of Vienna. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY- Subscription $1 per year in ad vance. Advertising rates made known upon application. Con tracts taken at liberal rates. JNO. Editor E. HOWELL, and Publish -:r. Entered in the Pnstoffice at Vi enna, Ga., at 2nd class mailing tn tcs. TUESDAY MARCH 20 NEWSPAPER POSTAL LAWS. 1. Any one who takes papers regularly from the postoftice, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he lias sub scribed or not, is responsible for the payment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all ar rears, or the publisher will con- tinuj to send it until payment is made and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken from the office or not. Unintentionally we overheard a conversation not long since between a railroad agent and an outsider, which conversation was at an out of the way station on a certain railroad 'in Georgia. '1’he agent was explaining to his listener the causes that brought on the present] “spontaneous crises and the remedy to be ap- ’ plied to right the wrong. lie said that it was all on account of the government! “If,” said he, “this government had been run on the right principles for the past few years the present condition of affairs would not confront us. All that is necessary is to run the government right.” lie reminded the writer very much of a garrulous boy that gets to be “bigger” than his father before lie gets out of knee pants, lie was bemoaning his hard lot, all on account of the governnunt! when he was then working about one-third of his time and getting more money from the railroad than many of those who invested for tunes in the property a")td gave him employment. Doubtless he is paid really more than lie is worth-and yet the goi'trnmnnl is ; all wrong! His is only a fair sample of the discontent that lias taken hold upon thousands of people. Another gentleman said in our presence a few days ago that lie had raised all his supplies at home DOOLY SHERIFF SSALES GEORG A—Dooly County. Will be sold on the First Tuesday in Apri! next, between the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in said county, to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: One fifth undivided interest in fifty 50, acres of land on the south side - , , , I, i . i , t> i „ i. , Of lot of land number one hundred I am prepared to do all kinds of Buggy and W agon work at very alld sixty one 161 aIs0 one . fifth umli reasonable prices. ill give special attention to fancy Kuggy work sided interest in twenty live 2*1, acres had begun to dream even ofpossi-! an,i Palntin ?- , . , ° f Sout! ‘ e ; lst f OI ? er °* hilities in lh-.t Hireetion Tto I thoroughly understand my business and guarantee satisfaction in J? 1 of 7V"' 1 ”“ mb f r oll , e , lu V Jre ‘ an< oinucs in oncction. J no ^ J ° ;sixty. 160. All of said lands situate Ishmaelite was the more readily evp, T respect. Evans on the part of his personal friends and some others a ho knew of him, to lead the party In the coming campaign. It did not sup pose, however, that this call had been worked up liy himself. It did not suppose that he had “taken time by the forelock,” and en tered upon the work of commit ting his personal friends to a uprising in his in terest. long before any one else A. C. DUDLEY, Carriage and Wagon Repair Shop. Pinehurst, Gn taken in, in all that, for the rea son that the general, ever since he entered upon active campaigning, has not failed to make the state ment that he lias no special desire to be governor, but that he is, simply willing to accept the office j if the people so desire, in consider-! ation of the great love he bears! them. But it was left to Mr. W. II. Fleming of Augusta to dispel all | that beautiful vision of a self-sac-1 rifictng old gentleman, who, al- | though tired of the strifes and buffeting of life, was still willing to take upon himself the burdens I of the chief magistracy of Georgai, j in answer to the popular demand] that he should make the sacrifice. In the course of a letter to the Griffin News and Sun, under date of March 2, occurs this statement: “Gen. Evans is my personal friend, and I had promised him my sup port long before Mr. Atkinson, without the slightest solicitation Yours for business. A. C. DUDLEY, Carriage and Buggy Makers, Pinehurst, Ga. -9 »4-t. f. M. WILLINGHAM, Coidele, Ga. ealer in Coffins and Caskets. Undertaker and F'uneral Director.— 1 lying a> d being in the 3rd land dis trict of 2>oolv connty Georgia ami lev ied upon and to be sold as the proper* ty of J, O. Screws by virtue of and to satisfy a fi-fa issued from the March Term 1S94 of Dooly County Court iu favor of A. C. Bullinglon v. s. J. O. Screws. Property pointed out bv Plaintiff in fi-fa. Leyy made by J. W. Roberts deputy Sheriff and turned Over to me for ad vertisement and sale. This March 5th 1294. Wilt be sold before the court house door in said county, between the legal ] hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in j ffi&!^ , SgS*Jdf d 1 ^|fand with it, all the changes in style, which are to wit: One steam Engine, number 40: and one Boiler, number 1538, known as the property of the Alexan der Lumber Co., and situated three miles east from Cordeie. said county, on the S. A. 51 railroad. Said prop erty levied upon and to be sold by vir tue of and to satisfy a Tax fi-fa issued by 51. E. Rushin, Tax Collector of said ^ county against said Alexander Lumber 9 N.. SPRING ’94. # This delightful eason will soon be upon us, semi-annnally agreed upon by the votaries who surround the throne of Dame Fashion. Items of State News. Missouri is a good state for a sporadic editor. In Polk county, Mo., a mortgage is recorded on four pair of geese, one skillet- and at pair ot candle moulds. An edi tor might hope to mortgage even liis second-hand Washington hand- press and cracker-box full of old type in that county.—Ex. The Cleveland Progress thinks that “we have had enough, and to spare, of governors who know the art of war, how to farm with’ suc cess, howto teach a country school superintend a Sunday school and fight Waycross wars. Let’s elect a man this time who knows some thing about governing a State.” Those enthusiasts who grabbed the tail end of tho Evans boom at the opening of the campaign are now burning a good deal of oil and wasting considerable energy in their efforts to keep the battered old thing together. Newspaper gas is not altogether reliable as a | buy and co-operative stores spran boom expander, as some of the; into existence as if by magic. Evans organs have discovered for tlie past ten years and could ! on my part, honored me with the not see that lie was any bettor chairmanship of tlie finance from having done so! This is in- i committee, and I am constitution- deed strange! It is not the exper-i a Rj opposed to breaking my icnce of others and, we recoin- j promise or deserting my friends,” mend to this citizen to keep books; It will be seen from that state- aguinst his receipts and expendi- j ment that Gen. Evans was not as tures for one year and he will cer- ■ greatly surprised by the mention tainiy find where his money went. ! R’ a name in connection with All are dissatisfied. The 'gold the nomination as he affected to and silver dealers want higher; he after his candidacy-was fully prices; the manufacturer wants ‘ developed. It will be seen that he to run his mills longer, sell more i was a candidate for the position goods and realize larger profits; 1 belore the last legislature was the maker of raw material wants j organized. 1; will be seen that he more profit and the laborers want; was canvassing for suppoit in the to work less timo and get more [ race which he is now making, and pay—all is discontent. ; that he had secured the promise Some months ago this discon- j of Fleming's suppoit months and tent materialized into combines months before the thoughts t f the and trusts, labor unions and the people and of the papers had be- farmers alliance—-all arrayed for gun to busy themselves about the personal benefit. The larger union in the south ! was the alliance. Soon it put or- ] ganizers and speakers in the field i and began wliat was called “the campaign of education.” The first idea was that the people were j office, hut that he is just going to not economical in expenditures ! take it to gratify tbe people? Is and a system of retrenchment was it not a little strange that- tlie begun. Later it became a matter man who doesn’t want an office of paying too much for what v.e should be soliciting the support of his friends for it more than a year gubernatorial succession. This statement of Mr. Fleming! is extremely suggestive. In the; light of it, how are we to under- j stand Idle assertion of Gen. Evans that he really doesn’t care for the W. L DOUGLAS QQ GENUINE €P§r!%arEi welt. Sqi:c:iklcss, Bottom Waterproof. Best Shoe sold at the price. $5, $4 and $3.50 Dress Shoe. ‘ J•_tji;:xI custom work, costing lrom $9 to $S. ^$3.50 Police -Shoe, 3 Seles. Best \\ aiking Shoe ever made. $2.50, and $2 Shoes, Unequalled at the price. $2 & $1.75 School Shoes Arc llic Best lor Service. LADIES’ $2.50 $2, $1.75 tltongola, Stylinh, Perfi-ct Pitting ami Servic-eaUle.Iieet in the world. All styles, s Insist upon having W .L. fa "* Douglas Shoes. Name '* OHAj; -N ana l>rice st.-imm-d on Ut tv -X bottom, liroc-kton Mass. DEALERS v. ho push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to incicase the sales on their foil line of goods. They can afford to sell at a Ipss profit, and we believe you can stive money by buying all your footwear of tlie dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. For sale by W. C. WILLIS & CO. Co., foe taxes due front them to the State and County for the j ear 1893. j This March Oth 1894. Will be sold before the court house door in said county, between the legal 1 I hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in | April 1894, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property , j to-wit: Parts of lots of land numbers i two hundred and fifteen 215, and two j j hundred and sixteen 21C, containing , I in all to be sold three bundled and 1 eighty eight 388 acres of land. .Ail of I said lands situate, lying and being iu j Seventh 7th land district of said county said lands le-. ied upon and to be sold as tlie property of Wm. Minor by vir tue of and to satisfy a Tax Fi-fa. is- -ued by 51. E. Rushin, Tax Collector Of said county, against said Wm, 51 i- ®ifs L'lc nor for Taxes due from him to the 1 A . state and ( ouut.y for the year 1893. Tiiis March 5th 1894. G. W- SHEPPARD. Sheriff D- C. Our Mr. J. B. Willis, of Hawkinsville, is now in New York and has assured us that he will place in our stores this Spring, the finest display o( goods that the Northern Markets afford. Knowing, as we do, that gentleman’s good taste and long experiencein buying, we feel no hes itancy in sayiug to our friends and patrons that in two or three weeks our store will be Stocked with the newest, most stylish and desirable goods of the season. bargain In the mean time you will find our and remnant counters quite attractive Our line of Ladies and Gentlemen’s Shoes are coming in daily. This line is characterized by gance in MAKE UP, durability and ease of wear. We invite all to call and examine same. Very respectfuliy, —Cochran Telegram. WORKING IN NORTH GEORGIA. The editor of the Lawrenceville News bases his confidence upon work as well as faith. He says: If North Georgia is not practi cally solid for Atkinson the News is very badly deceived. We be lieve he will carry- forty counties of this section of the State. Ilis friends are at work. They do not claim that the movement in his favor is entirely “spontaneous.” They know that success in poli tics, as in other things, is the child of work, and they have rolled up their sleeves and gone at it with a determination that will win. About this time a new political party began to be urged and the trouble got into the government of the nation. Since then “the campaign of education” has been turned into a campaign of dis content. The cry- was mads for tariff re form and n system of state banks. Here came the friction against the 1 i,s wa9 old political party by the new. Torn Watson burned up his law books and jumped to the leader ship of party. lie claimed that everything was wrong. The tariff could not be lowered or else tlie govermental expenses could not be met. Free silver coinage wasj suggested as a remedy and this great? lender declared that free coinage would only give 30 certs pc-r capita additional circu lation. Now lie comes and swal lows free coinage as the only- great remedy! Consistency, thou art a jewel! And so tlie jirating has been kept up and discontent lias been sown abroad in the land before the disposal of the ofii could be an issue in the state? And what becomes of the popular uprising, groundswell. boom, spon taneous call and all that, in view of the Fleming revelation? All this forces the Ishninelite to the conclusion that Gen. Evans is not dealing as candidly with the Democratic masses in this matter to have been expected of him. It is better to deal openly and unreservedly- with tlie people umm mmmi and harness mfg. co. DOTS FRO 51 OAKLAWX. The editor of the Athens Ban- net is astonished at the sudden <Iisappearance o, tlie tremendous Evans avalanche, and says: The cry has gone forth that the i people of the State are solid for j Gen. Evans but at the same time; . there arc being organized cam j ‘ ,l P^Uieal purposes, paign clubs, circular letters being j sent out, personal appeals being issued, regularly authorized cam paign journals published, and the face of the eartli raked for sup porters. Why- all this agitation if Georgia unanimously demands that Gen. Evans be elected gover nor? Some of these days, and | that right early, too, the fact will! am ‘ be thoroughly demonstrated that| sa -' that the questions are knotty the mighty Evans avalanche hasi an< * hard of solution and will take Farmers are busy- planting. Gardens are looking nicely. The wind last Sunday night blew down a great deal of timber, which made the planters sick at heart as th-y contemplated the heavy- log rollings in store for them. Mr. Cross Kimsey and sister, Miss Minnie, visited relatives in this community- Sunday. A small child of Mr. & Mrs. ./of n .... . .- Allen had the misfortune to get I is true that great questions - , , ., , wight badly burned this week. 11 front na S am o u-no L* n n iv uo ° “ icaselling Vehicles; with privilege to examine beforo c.ny money i*s P-id. We pay freight both v/ayalinot sntiFiac- t >ry. Warrant for 2 yc:.r?. V. br pay an agenrflO to to order f'-r you? W. Ite your own enter. I’o.ving free. We take al* risi of damage ii* Bliippiag. WHOLESALE PRICES, Spring V/agons, S31 to $50. Guaranteed i^mc as .-ellfor850to $55. Surreys, S65 to SIOO same as «“li for 81C0 to 8i30. Top Buggies* S3<.5C‘, asfitto Oosoldf *r8C-'. ^listens, S66 to SlOO* Farm V.'n.^ons* Wagonettes, fctBk Wagons, Delivery ti/agonaand Rood Ccirt3. XXTCLrS ft.- NLA, Wi32t£S * CUUJUtLS. Prices. .. .... $15 to *23.50. No. L Farm Harness. HITS IN G SADDLES and FLY NETS. Elkhart Bicycle, 281n. wheels, 8 percent, off for cash with order. Send 4c. In pneumatic " tires, weldle^ stamps to pay postage on 112-pagc catalogue, steel tubing, drop forgings. Aidress W. B. PRATT, Sec’y, ELKHART, IND, Dr- Talmage at Americns- ed home from a visit to M ss Ada ! Fullington. Guess. etnfront us. Some who know little about- th< m and . their solution and probably are better treated now than they merit, are i ready to condemn and offer advice j as freely as the young man re-! ferred to above. Those who are j accredited with being statesmen i understanding the situation Tcsolved itself simply to the scratching of ingenious and inven tive pens in the sanctums of cer tain enthusiastic journals. Steal “big’ if at all. Steal a chicken and you are a thief; steal $1,000 from your employer and you are an embezzler; steal $r>,000 from the government, and you are a defaulter; rob your competitor on the stock exchange of $10,000 and you area financier; rob him of $100,000 to $500,000 and you and are a wizard or a Napoleon of finance; wreck a railroad and gather it in and you are a “mag nate;” wreck a great railroad sy-s- tem and you are a “railroad king;” conduct a “negotiation” by which a nation plunders a weaker nation of thousands of miles of territory and makes the weak nation pay million of money indemnity for the ■wrong it has suffered, and you are a diplomat. Truly, “the times are •out of joint.”—Ex. time to eliminate. A genleman said in a public speech a few days since that the conditions that confront- us are very serious and such as usually in the history of the world have brought on great and bloody revo lutions, and notwithstanding this preliminary remark lie went on to explain to his hearers how easy- all the questions might be settled to the entire satisfaction of the nation if the powers that be would heed IIIS advice! He was a man of no state or national reputation, Cither. Continuing he sowed discontent in the minds of his hearers. OPEN DEALING. The disinterested editor of the Gainesville Eagle, the old reliable Democratic paper of that part of the country, writes: Speaking from a totally disin From tlie Sparta Ishmaelite. The notion that Gen. F-vans is a candidate for governor, lint be cause be wants the office, but in response to a spi.iitaneous.uiiexpec- ted and unsolicited demand on the part- of the people of the state, lias taken considerable hold of tlie papers that are working t<> secure his nomination. If what tliev claim is true, there would, (if Miss Emma Bowen of near Snow was the gliest of Miss Zepb Lock- erman this week. Quite a crowd attended singing here last Sunday afternoon. Two well known gentlemen of this neighborhood went eat hunt ing a few night cat-fish. Mr. N. C. Allen killed a mad dbg near here Sunday afternoon. Very little sickness here. Mr. Judge Lockerman had some guano stolen from his plantation the other night. Good prospect for fruit crop. Mrs. J. N. Smith .visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. II. King on Tuesday last. A new bridge now spans Turkey- creek near the residence of Mr. McGlammery-. Mrs. Ilill of near Unadilla visi ted her parents, Mr. and 5Irs. G. M. D. Peavy, Wednesday. More anon, Fcpil. As published, Dr. Talmag'*, the j great Brooklyn divine, whose ser mons are read by- millions of peo- 1 pie of all nations each week, de- j livered a lecture in the Opera lious:! in Americus last Wednesday night. *’ UZP ’ , ss A party consisting of Rev. M. B. j L ; ici >n .--.Io3e|)li. Ferrell of Elko, Rev. J, C. Parker j 1{ullock ’" lU E e ; . of Snow, Mess. John Grumpier j 15r,,w "’ Mls?5 ^ n ' le ; and J. A. Wilson of Unadilla and ! Allss < -' 1 y , - lc Mess. F. E. Varnedoe, D. A. It. Crum, J. A. Smith, J. W. Roberts and ye editor, went down on the Georgia Southern to Cordeie Wcd- ago and caught | nesday afternoon and wentover on j tho special train run from Abbe ville to Americus on the Sam road. Possibly 150 people from all the country adjacent to the Sam road between AbbeviPe and Americus Advertised Letters. tiss Isreal. I Durham, Frank. 1 Danels, It. II. Flegler, Isaac. Fug, Oliver. Grier, Rev. J. S. . Gaines, M rs. Josephine. ! Hamilton, Samuel. Hamilton. Miss-Johnie Holmes, James | Harrel, Ike. QEORGIA—Dooly CouNTy. Agreeable to an order of tlie Ordi nary of said Cuuui}-. Will bs sold at Auction at tlie Court House door in said County on the 1st Tuesday in April next within the legal hours of j sale the following property to wit: Lots No’s. 10. 16.17, 19. and 20 in Block ! No. S02 in the City of Cordeie said i State and County. Sold as the prop-! ertv of Sarah J. Yoemans late of said j County deceased. Terms Cash. This! March 5th 1894 J. B Austin Adair. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, E. H. Thombley and Jas. M. Carmack- Executors of David Alt— | man represent to tlie Court in their pe tition duly filed and entered on record that th.-y have fully administered David Altman’s estate. This is there fore to cite ali persons concerned, ; heirsaiid creditors, to ehow cause if j any they caa why said executors; should not be discharged from thgir j Administration and receive letters of j Dismission on the first Slondty in Apii! 1894. This Jan. 1st 1893. .1. D. Hargrove. Ordinary D.C. 1 WTT T TL1 W. C. WILLIS & CO. went over oa tlie special. In ev- j Hunter, J. L. ery direction from Americus the ! -Joli nsor L M rs - De^Un people poured in to hear this cele- • Jackson, Ben. brated divine. The opera house j Jones, J. 1. ^ was packed to its utmost capacity j MeDufy, Chaney, and hundreds did not attend on trancis. cf Mr. John Lraj. account of not being able to se- | Q u >!l'“ n » Hr. J. A. cure seats. - j Ra . v ; Dorcas. The subject of the lecture was ! Register, Ilenij & J. II. Mask. The School of Scandal” and was Sims, Bose. (.!) Simon. Cornelius. Stone, Mrs. M. F. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Edward II Thombley. Ad ministrator of Mitchell Altman repre sents to tiie Court in his petition duly- tiled and entered on record that he has j fully administered 51itchelt Altman's estate. This is -therefore to cite all j persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said Administrator should not be dis charged from his-''Administratifln and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1894. This Jan. 1st 1894. J D- Hargrove, Ordy D. C. GEORGIA—Dooly County; Whereas.. D. L. F. Peacock, Adm'r of Julius E. Peacock deck! reports to j the Court in his petition duly filed [ and eutei ed on record that he has fully Administered Julius E Peacock's Es late. This is to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause if any they can wli said Ad ministrator should not be discharged from his Administration and receive letters or dismission on 1st Monday in April 1894. This Jan. tst IS94. J. D. Hargrove. Ordy. D, C, LEGAL NOTICE- Having sold and transferred during the past ten days Five shares of Capital Stock of the Bank of Cordeie, I hereby give due notice of such transfer accor ding to the Statute of the General As sembly approved. Dec. 12th 1892. J. IF. Sheffield . LEJAL NOTICE- Georgia—Alabama Business College (5Iaeon, Ga.,and 5Ion(gomery,Aln) Only Chain of Business Coli 3 ge s Tlie South- Instruction Purely Practical | Students of each College conduct i Actual Busines Transactions with ] those of the other by Mail, Freight | and Express. ! Four Departments—Commercial j Stenograph, Telegraph and Pen I Art. I Pupils Guaranted the comple tion of any course in any other institution, Both Colleges open the entire year—Graduates assisted to pos itions. For full paiticulars write to Wyatt and Martin, or M<' tgomery Ala DOOLY COUNTY DIRECTORY Jn.Igeof Superior Court -Hon. C. O. i Smith. Solicitor—Col. Tom Eason. Judge of County Court. H m. U. V Whipple Solicitor—Col. W S Thomson. Ordinary J. D. Hargrove: Clerk Court—R. Kollam. Sheriff—ir. W. Sheppard, lux Receiver—J. C. Dunaway. Tax Collector—51. E. Rushin. County Treasurer—D. B, Leonard Coroner—J. \V. On-ham. County Surveyor—51. C. Jordan, BOARD OF education. Jno.T. Rrown, A. C, Bullington J. D. Pate. D. T. Doughtry. D L. Hen dersoti. President. Commi-s n r—O. P. Swearingen. Regu a, me ting of Board of Eduea- I lion tin- Ut i-i.sdaysiu January. April ! July amt \) t-,ter. , Superior Court convenes on second : and third Mondays in March and Sep tember. v CITY OFFICERS. Slayer—B. F. Forbes. Aldermen—O. S. Bazemore, DeWitt B. Thompson, U. V. Whipple and J. R Kelly. Clerk and Treasurer—J. J. Stovall. Marshals—C. W. Johns and A. I Davies. Friiiter—Vienna Progress. terested standpoint, and as a course, be no reason for expending chronicler of events as they trans-. such an immense amount of energy pire, wc will say that we have j n working up a boom for the old heard from reliable sources, that Mr. Atkinson is growing in favor around here, and in Jackson, Banks and the mountain counties. You see the campaign isstiil young; a majority of the people have not yet formed a preference, and ini- gentleinan. Where there is a general enthusiastic, spontaneous, popular movement iu the interest of any man’s nomination, there will be no need of campaign clubs campaign papers,*circular letters, house to house canvasses and pressions. are easily made. The gent appeals to induce the masses Evans papers have not gone at it right to m ike friends for their jnan, but rather for the other man. The course of the Atlanta Consti tution and Journal and many in discreet weeklies is helping Mr. Atkinson wonderfully. That is to look with favor on his candidacy and to act as if they felt some real enthusiasm in the premises. The Ishmaelite has, forne time, been of the opinion that the Evans boom for governor is purely ariifi- cial. It was, as first, inclined - the way we see it, and we are sure t0 the opinion that there was a : it is with out colored goggles. pretty extensive call for Gen. AVPR’Q Sarsaparilla! M. Harmnefls’- a well-known business man ot Hillsboro, Va.. semis ibis testimony to tlie merits of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla: “Several years aa". 1 hurt my lee. tlie injury leaving a sore v. liicli led to erysipelas. Sly sufferings were extreme, my lee. from tlie knee to Hie ankle, being a solid sore, wliicli began to ex tend to oilier parts ot Hie body. A tier trying various remedies. I began taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and. before 1 hail liuisheu the first bottle. I experienced great relief; tlia second bottle effected a complete cure.” Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Prepared by Cr. J. C. Ayer 5: Co., Lowell, Mass. Cu res others,'will cure you full of tender pleading for tlie characters of others, illustrated with dramatic pictures of word painting and many laughable in cidents and anecdotes to fasten tlie ideas expressed upon the minds of the hearers. It was a most splendid lecture, full of help to the weak, reprimand for the wrong doer, advice for listener and food for thought for all. Ail who h’ard it felt ben^fitted and greatly re paid for the trouble and expense of attending TINEHCRST DOTS. Big court in Pinehurst Monday. Our school has more pupils than ever before and still the roll grows. It now numbers close to 100. Mr. Dallas Wright tried fishing with a Marlin rifle last week, but in vain. There will be a festival held at the residence of Mr. I). T. Rodgers next Thursday night for the ben- jefit of the Methodist church. All j invited to come. Mrs. Bulle returned to her F’or- j ida home Friday after a visit of several weeks hvre. "Ball to tlie bat,” will soon be tlie cry with our boys. Mr. M. II. Leggette of Unadilla lias business at the Judge’s very often of late. Wonder what is up. Miss Bessie Rodgers has return- Shelton,Miss Kitty Wittieo. Stephens, Wm. Tartl, Wm. Franklin. Wialley, Mrs. Jane. Williams, Mrs. Sarah. Wadkins, Rid. Wilson, M rs. Al hern ire. Washington, 5Iiss Ella. Walker, Miss Jane. Watson, Mrs. Annie. Ask for “advertised” letters. W. J. Harvard Postmaster. 5 DOLLARS ~ PER DAY 20 Easily i\?lade- We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few lionrs daily, right in rih! mound their own homes. The bu-ineHS is easy. strictly honorable, and pays better th.-u : m other offered agents. You have :i clear Stl«i uih! no competition. Experience end special iliiity un necessary. No capital required. equip you with everything that yon need, treat jou well, and help yee to cam ten times ortiiar**y w ages. Women do as well as me;*, and boys find girls make &ood pay. Any one. anywhere, c?ui do tl»# \ror*jL All succeed who follow our plaii» and s:® f'le directions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm dor e *f you conclude not to on with the onsincs3. George Stinsoh&Cq., Box 48S, PORTLAND. MAINE. H iving sold and transferred during the past ten days Twenty shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Cordeie, I hereby giva due aud_ legal notice of such transfer in terms of tlie la'V in such cases made and provided. Dec- 12th 1893. D. J. Sheffield. THE t THE STANDARD. i DURANG’S tic Remedy! + Has sustained its reputation for 18 years *► as being the standard remedy for the ► quick and permanent cure of Kheuma- • tism. Gout. Sciatica, etc., in all its forms. endorsed by thousands of J’bysi- ► cians. Publishers and Patients. It is ► purelv vegetable nnd builds up from the ► first dose. It never fails to cure. Price is one doilar a bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Our 40-page Pam phlet Sl*iU Free by Mail. Address, Durang’s Rheumatic Remedy Co. 1316 L Street,WasMugton, D. C. Durang’s Liver Pills are the best on earth. They act with an ease that makes them a household blessing. PEICE 25 CTS. PER BOX. or 5 B0XE3 FOR $1. X FOR SALE BY DRUGGI3T8. AAAAjiAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAil •iatUb o i w. Wholesale Agents, Atlanta, Ga. It took 30 years of class legisla tion to bring us to the present conditim nationally. Can at y reasonable man expect to remedy these wrongs in ONE year? L t ns continue true to the principles of our fathers «litl work and be patient. I i SEWING MACHINE —IS THE BEST— Savannah, Americus & Montgomery, RAIL W A Y. £• V: Hawkins. ) Receivers. 1. Edward llainbleton. j Passenger and Freight Sclicdulos in Effect January 7th, 1894. WEST BOUND. Savannah,leave Lyons, leave Helena, A bbevllle, Cordeie. Americus. arrive Americus, have Richland. Lumpkin, Oniaba. arrive Hi: t r»«.ri». lt nvft Montgomery, arrive HEAD DOWN. Daily Dally except .Sunday. 11:00 a n 1: 25 p m 2:15 4:0) <»: >) a ni 9:1.3 7:3 pm m 7:45 H:3 J 0:43 10 53 3:50 -m 4:44 :: »l o:l3 EAST BOUND—ISkai. Dows. '•Iontgomerv, {eavt lurtstoro, * Mimha. Lumpkin, • OctlJand, \meririiK, arrive Amcrit’us, leave Cordeie. Abbeville, Helena, arrive Lyi ifs Savannah, j 3:3) p m 7:‘20ain ;1 :^0 a m 9:17 12Kt> p ni J():t) 2:15 p m 10:58 3:15 1115am ! 5:5) Uklopm ; 0.-00 a m ! » 54 4.*rs j 2: r> p hi ; 5:|!> 1 4:20 p m i 5:i)5 8:15 7:30 I OZsiiLTU i _ - ALBANY DIVISION. The only Machine that will S tv BACKWARD as well as EC R- WARD without stopping. Qui t Light Running,-adjustable iu all, its parts. WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY. Correspondence Solicited. UNION MANUFACTURING CO. Wm. Peter, Owner. Toledo, Ohio, * Cordeie, e Albany, Daily Ex. Sunday 9:50 a m 12;.U.n No. I) Leave Albany. 3:01 p ni Arrive Cordeie, >:10 p in Connectioi sat Savannah, Albany. AmerD pun and Montgomery with the various di verging lines and at Abbeville with the A ^ beville and Waycross Railroad. Passengers will be allowed to ride on al. rreiskl ot S. A-t General Passenger AtienL 1 ms** *%sm ********% *********'