The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, April 23, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. XX. NO 30 ' VIENNA, GA. THURSDAY APRIL 23, 1903- TERMS $1.00 PER YEAR Some day every man will stop grumbling. Love uncovers inoro faults than it covers. Reckless while young; a wreck ■when old. The public will uot give you a chance to explain. A cure for a lot of trouble is bolding the tongue. Iu art, the figure of a man is nev er used to represent patience. The older you get, the less pleas ure you fin3 in amusoment. People -who work without plan ning never accomplished much. Very few* men can successfully combine business with pleasure. The preacher does not demand a marriage fee, but he expects it, The pathway of love has more pit- falls in it than any ooursc in life The fewer words a man knows, tho more profanity he is apt to use. Those who will bear the most watching aro tho ones unwilling to bo watchsd. The more you argue with a fool ish man, the more determined he is to have his way. I he young man who stays too late is not apt to be appreciated by the old folks. Did you ever see a student return from college without being pom pered up with style? There seems to bo an ambition iu some men to make those around them uncomfortable. Compliments, litce love letters, sound very silly to those not ad dressed. Distinction, but not the right kind, comes early to the young man whq flies high, ' While you are fooling others, others are fooling you. A straight forward course is better. v ou can snmetimes tell how long a couple hus been married by the distance apart they walk. You cannot do anything with stubborn man. The more you ar- 1 gue, the tougher ho gets. Some parents are so orabid that it is a wonder that they do not snap up the Lord in their prayers Some men are so cunons that it would just kill them to die and uot know what is on the other side. The girl who never receives com, pany alone may be the pink of per fection, but she is not popular. If you tell a girl she has bcauti ful hair, she may watch it so close that she will neglect her finger nails. The woman who makes her hus band’s shirts ought to be regarded as a heroine and have her picture in the papers. No matter bon- many fancy paper cutters a woman has about the house, she uses a hairpin to open her letters. |r Did you ever see a woman stand up without putting her hand to the back of her belt? Or a man sit ■ down without moving the chair? With all the education and traiu- WOMAN’S COLUMN. Man’s recreation is going homo, woman's going away. There are now over 700 lady uni versity graduates in Ireland. The Hangler- sisters, London papers say, havo the most beautiful hands in the world. In South America chrysanthe mums often measuro fifteen inches in circumference. Some Japaneso young girls, when they desire to look extremely capti vating, gild their lips. Mys, Mary Ann Cooper, the orig inal of Dieken’s Little Dornt, is still living at tho age of niitety years. What is more repulsiye than a man or woman with dirty teeth? Clean them every day. You will feel better. The timid girl does not tremble and get pale because she is afraid, but is afraid because she trembles and gets pale. Uome of our sex whon seen walk ing down tho "street have too much of a mannish gait. Don’t swing your arms or take such long strides, A Philadelphia girl has sued a hospital dootor at the rate of. $332 a square inch for skin be removed from her to graft on another patient. Girls from Germany are now on- tieed to go to South Afrioa where flattering tales aie told them con cevning the grand opportunities. Have you planted your flower seeds? Make an extra effort this year and plant something new. Try and have a bed of flowers dif ferent from the other folks. Mrs. Jacob Vanderbilt, who ob tained a divorce from ber husband in 1800, has opened a store in Fifth Avenue, New York. The father of twins has arrived at the conclusion, a looal paper says, that the reason the doctor is called a “stork” at certain, times is on ac count of the size of his bill The finest oomploxions in tho world are said to be in the Bermu das. This is accounted for by the fact that the inhabitants live most entirely on onions. So much for onions. Queen Alexandria has adopted high neok gowns for theater wear, and a cablegram from London say s the smart set is muoh exercised. Those people need exercise. The men of Mercer county, Pa., are trying hard to be arrested by the sheriff who is Miss Mary O. Lytle, a beautiful young lady. She is very successful in enforcing the law. Should Queen Wilhelmina remain childless, there is no Hollander of birth who is entitled to ascend the throne. The people would be ruled by a German Prince, who is next m succession. Quite the dressiest of the bats which are to be worn so generally for all save dress occasions are those made of raffia, that grass fibre which is constantly adapting itself to some novel use. Infanta Eulalie, the Princess from Spain, who created such a lot ing the girls get in college, when of excitement in America several the mother gets sick they have to years ago, is trying to have the send off lor a neighbor to come'pope annul her marriage. She and make the mustard plaster. wants to marry a Frenchman. EDITORIAL. There are 3,630 persons living in tho United States who are 100 years old. . Uncle Sam employs nearly 7,600 women in the various departments at Washington. One pound of washed wool pro duces ou au average, a yard of cloth thirty six inches wide. Over 1,000,000 bibles are sold in Chicago oveay year. The sale is better than any ten of tho so-called best selling books The Mint at Philadelphia turned out more than 70,000,000 bright new oentB last yea. one a-piooo for every man, woman and ohild in tho United States. Infant mortality is something frightful. We oan hardly realize 1 that of all the children born in civ ilized countries, nearly one-forth die beforo thoy reaoh one year. The late Mr. Swift, worth about $12,000,000, says “that no young man is rich enough to smoke 25 cent cigars. Also “you oan novor make a big suoocss working for somebody else."’ A biO sanitarium is being built at Alamagordo, New Mexico, es pecially for consumptives. This place has been designed as the best in the world for tho cure of tu bercular diseases. Starting in a small way fifteen years ago, Chicago’s municipal electric lighting plant, now the largest in the word, has according to its current report, paid for itself and nas $136,000 to its eredit. Tho Rev. Father Coffee, of St, Louis, says that women should not be relegated to the kitchen and nur sery as their Bphere, bu. on the con trary, they should take part in pub lie affairs generally. Sir Thomas Upton, like tho sporty old boy that ho is, would like to. see an old-time steamboat raoe duiing tho world’s Fair at St. Louis, but as mueb as all of us would like to please our good-loser friend, we fear it is impossible, This country invented the parlor, sleeping and dining cats, the pressed steel freight oar, many of the best features of the modern lo- oomotivee the airbrake, the auto matic coupler, and a host of related devices, and it runs the fastest long distance trains. One factory in Ohio turns out a hundred million finished matches each ^twenty-four hours. Fifty million feet of lumber is used an nually in the United States in the manufacture of matches, an indus- tsy which gives employment to some fifteen thousand people. The bureau of soils of the agri cultural department now has a force of over 100 persons, seventy-five of whom bad a scientific training. Its object is to show the conditions and resources of the soils of the country, and to give tho people precise and accurate knowledge regarding the possibilities of each kind of soil. Gut.avus W. Swift, president of Swift & Co's packing firm, died recently in Chicago. He was born at Sandwich, Cape Cod, in Massa chusetts, on June 24, 1839. Nine children and his wife mourn his loss He was the first to ship beef out of Chicago in retrigerator care. He was probably worth $20 000,000. ALL SORTS. Be a hustler. Clean your cellars. Germany has 32,000 miles of Bteam railway. Petroloum is tho fuel ol all the locomotives in Asia. Now York city now has twelve regular schools for nurses. Ohio collects over $4,000,000 in licenses from 10,730 saloons. Tho total population of Canada equals that of the stale of Ohio. India’s population is 3,000,000, one-fifth of all the people in tho world. There aro 3,842 temperanco so- c etics among boI.ooI children in Belgium. The best a man ever did should not be his standard for tho rest of life. Au inoubator in ubo in Australia has a oapaoity of 11,440 duok’s eggs or 14,080 hen’s eggs. Although the air iB free Maroont has increased tho capitalization ot his stock company from $1,000,000 to $1,600,000. Tho man that doesn’t know his business from tho top dear down to the bottom isn’t any kind of a bus iness man. One hundred pressed steel oars are to be delivered to tho Penney! vania Railway Company evory day during the current half year. It is generally known that stones possess a species of life in at least that they grow from small begin nings frequently to enormous size. The Greoian government has or dered its annual Bupply of refined petroelum, 1,000',000 gallons in ten gallon cans, from the United States. The new solar plexus corset that has been invented may ho hailed by Coi. James Jawbaok Corbett as a long-felt want filler in his ring bus iness. Machine oil may recover and re move all trace of any scratches you may get on oak or walnut fur niture., Drop a little on and rub with woolen cloth. There is alwajs a place in town and city for tho boy who is willing to work. He is needed everywhere, and he .need never be without position. Booker T. Washington says that ‘ ‘the negro must work out his own political and social salvation- A negroe’s greatest fault is lack of progress,” Canton, South Dakota, has gone into the divorce business. They want the wealthy to come and reside there while procuring their desi rab’e changes. Editor Webb, of the Bosworth, Mo.,) Weekly Star, puts this head line over his announcements of births, marriages and deaths: “Yells, Bells and Knells.” No matter at what you are work ing do tho very best you can". The boy or girl who starts out in life with this thought foremost will surely make a success. Young man, when you walk along the street, don’t mope along as if you were halt dead. Throw hack your shoulders and move along as if you intended to be somebody. OUR RURAL FRIENDS. Milk in any form is both meat and drink to laying hens. Observe wbioh lions are the best layers and breed from them. A cow’s hide produces 36 pounds or leather, and that of a horse about 18 pounds. It pays to feed in a trough or on a floor. If fed on tho ground a hog will get too much sand. Rniso hogs for tho money they will bring, not merely keep them to drink your swill and eat refuse. If horses have pin-worms try an injection of soab suds and weak to- haooo tea night and morning. Temperament is one of the char acteristics of an animal that is not oheoked up on tho soore oard. Black teeth in pigs do not indi cate disease. Just what oausos them has cover been satisfactorily explained. Thore are 140 members of tho North Dakota legislature, and of them 61 are funders and only 2 are lawyers. Judges say that hens lay better and eggs keop longer if mules are not allowed with them, but the eggs will not bo fertile. Many unoccupied feuoe corners might bo growing a treo if set there. In a few years it would he a source of beauty and oomfort. Minnessota is called the bread aud butter state. Last-year hor mills turned out 20,030,600 barrels of flour and churned over 00,00Q pounds of butter. - For two years the slaughter of cows, heifers and calves, for sale as meat is prohibited iu the Transvaal, under penalty of $260 tine or six month’s imprisonment. U When planting trees why not put in something tdat will bring re turns. Thin locality is favorable to- pecan trees, they will yield about $300 when bearing, think this over. At the late poultry show at Kan sas City a three-year-old hep sold for $lol. This neats $4,000 for a pig or $12,600 for a shorthorn and beats Shamrock, who only brought about $10 per pound, including all the prizes he won. An English writer bn the 'horse says: The horse oan conveniently eat for tw'eu.y hours out of the twenty four. A horse in good health has a good appetite at all times, is able to stand plenty o work and is rarely on the sick list. it takes 200,000 cows to supply Chicago with milk. These auimals require 11)0 square miles of pasture. The milk is delivered before break fast, one hundred railroad oars are required each day to carry the milk into Chicago. Wine lor horses: The recent large vintages in France recall the jears, 1874 aud 1875, 'when the wine was so abundant that it wa H given to the horses. It w as claimed that il oats were soaked iu wine the horses would not ntea hall the usual q uantuy for the same amount of work. Scientists tell us that the grip germ is ono-sixleeuth cl an lueft long and one-eigh ty-ihousanth of 'an inch wide. Bui people who | have had the grip think it is as big f as a bat.