The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, June 04, 1903, Image 1

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D L Hedderson |3 VOL. XX. NO 45 VIENNA, GA. THURSDAY JUNE 4, 1003 TERMS $1.00 PER YEA.** We will not continue the paper to those who do not pay for it. It is only a dollar. Every loater gets lots of nbiioc. No sane man will admit all he thinks. If a home is well regulated every girl knows her duty. Some days we feel almost com pelled to believe in luck. Happy should be the man who can always meet his bills. A cook apron on a woman gives her an appearance of business. There is a hope for a man until hs becomes proud of his bad habits. To get along with your neighbors, keep your chickens on your own side. Lots of people call it visiting when they are only sponging on their rel atives. The longer a woman’s skirts, the more she has to gather up when she secs a rat. Whon you shake hands with some people, you feel like you had han dled a toad. The girls are coming in from school with new ideas aLon* how to do up their hair. Sometimes a girl graduate proves to be the most worthless . piece of property in the family. Every woman has a horror to get ting so large that a coat sleeve will not reach around hey. A man doesn’t know how many people he knows until he walks up the street with a black eye. At this season of the year the cit izens of the town will sit around and tell what ought to be done. Home people who pretend to be so very nice should show some of it in What they take in their mouth. Some men seem never to want to turn loose a law suit until the Su preme Court takes a guess at it. One of the surest signs of spring is to sec a woman iu the back yard pouring hot water on a bedstead. Sometimes a man will sit still till the procession passes and then say that it is just his tuck to be behind Some men don’t seem to think they are looking wise unless they are propping . their feet on the table. Vou may scold a woman’s dog and say what you please about ner preacher, but you must not abuse her doctor. Some women think they can show true frisndship to those in trouble by sitting beside them and holding their hands. Boys in search of a job seem not to know that their sissy appearance is against them. They should part their hair on the side. Unless a mother exaggerates the income of her daughter’s intended, it is a sign that she is not very well pleased with the match. It is quite the Btyle for a girl to lake a year lor getting ready for her marriage, but on a pinch she could get ready in five minutes. People slosh around and pretend a great deal, but filially settle down to their common level and . every body knows what they'are. A woman who is used to keeping boarders is very valuable to society, owing to her ability to tell how muoh salad it will take to go around. In northern Spain many women work in the fields at 12 to 18 conts a day. Bottles should never be cleaned with shot as there is a risk of lead poisoning. Cultivate a love for the beautiful iu your children by teaching them to cultivate fiowors. Girls, bo scusiblc. Don’t giggle at every little thing yon say. It doesn't sound or look well. Good exercise in any form will do more for a woman’s complexion than any lotion and it has an immediate effect. The shirt waist suit has become quite the smart thing for almost any occasion that does not call for even ing suit. Girls, don’t be ashamed of your old father and mother. Take them with you occasionally and treat them to the dainties. Most women are too easily slight ed tnemselves and too onreless about slighting others. It’s good to prac tice a little serenity. Do not sorape a pan, as it is liable afterwards to burn. In stead rub well with a hard crust of bread and wash in hot water. We beard a girl say the other day she wanted her father to get a new suit before sho got her new dross. Don’t attempt to remove dust with oold water. Give the face a hot bath with soap, and then rinse with thoroughly dear tepid or cold water. If yon do not have an appetite for breakfast, get up early and walk a few mileB and see what a ohange it makes. Do this every morning. A new lampwiek should be soaked in vinegar. If this is done there will be neither smell nor smoke and a much brighter light will be given Isn’t it the craziest thing how some women put beladonna in their eyes to make them bright and beau tiful, when all in the world they need is a sunny thought? There are some places in the coun try where the town girl could have a good time and grow strong by simply helping the mother about the house for her boaid. But one-eighth of a floating ice-! berg is above water. There are 4,500,000 miners and quarry men iu the world. An Angora goat packing house is soon to ho started in Kansas City. Ohio is tho fourth state in point of population. It has 10? people to each square mile. A now hotel in Now York City has a capacity for 1,200 guests and employs 1,800 servants. Tho Baldwin Locomotive Works turned out 1,520 engines last year valued at about $20,000,000. If everything wore as easy to se cure as signatures to a petition, what a grand old world this would ho. A movemont has been started in Pniladelphia to bring 60,000 perse cuted Jews to this country from Russia. Whitewash is a wood preservative as well as a brightencr and beautifier. Put a handful of salt in every buck etful. When you are ready to invest in land don’t go way up to tho north pole until you have investigated tho southern lands. A Chioago lawyer fell dead just after taking a drink of water. Par alysis of the stomach. Paralyzed with astonishment. Cod liver oil has., risen in price from $3.50 a gallon to $5, and it is feared that eventually it will not he obtainable at any prioc. A clever calculator estimates that there are in use by telegraph, tele phone and trolley companies in this country 16,000,000 poles. Tho appropriation for next year is $12,021,700, and it is estimated that by July 1005 there will ho 27,- 002 routes. Ponies arc being bought in Utah at $2.50 per head and the meat can ned and shipped to Japan by an Or egon firm. From 05 to 100 pounds of saioahlo moat is dorivod from each animal. Be sure to get plenty of sleep. You can sleep yourself into good looks . A long nap and a hot bath will make any woman more attract ivc, and lift years from her shoul ders. Nothing produces sleep like ex ercise. Insomnia quickly flees from the one who takes daily exercises, short of fatigue. A ten minutes rub down with a coarse towel often induces sleep. A Macedonian bridegroom leads home his bride by a halter. As she enters the house he knocks her head against the wall as a sign to her that she must behave herself or it will be the worse for her. Too much stress cannot be placed upon the importance of expanding the luDgs. It does not take' much time to acquire the art of proper or scientific breathing; five or ten min utes daily is all that is necessary. It is not given to everyone to add four inches to the cheat measure, m eet within five months. But fhts' Every year 500,000 umbrellas are said to be lost in Paris. According to these statistics one person in ev ery four loses hiB umbrella. Did you ever notice the man who meets the high and lowly with a “howdy" and a smile is the man who is generally successful? It is well every once in a while to call the attention of the citizens of this commonwealth to the fact that this is a great country they live in In some cities a person who spits on the sidewalk if convicted must pay a fine of $5.00 or go and wash it o ff with soap and water. That’s good. More than 40 per cent of the peo ple of Great Britian could not write their names when Queen Victoria ascended the throne. Now only 7 per cent are in that condition. If you want to be successful, be cheerful under all circumstances, e ven if asked to work after hours, and do not fall in the pernicious habit of watching the clock. A New York physician says that the small pox germ just discovered is valuable only as a curiosity. It is not probable that any one will want to make a pet of it. The trolley car is not drawn or pushed by the eleotric currentat all, hut is lifted again and again by the lifttraotion of magnets for the arraa- turb'boih of the motor.. - There ib one redeeming feature ^bbhUedtM Vlth the habit of gasoline; A movemont has boon started by tho National Association of Mnstcr Horse Siioers to establish a oollego in which n. eourso will bo given in tho study of metals, votorinary lor.’ an- ataiuy, oto. It will cost tho government $11.00 per aero to irrigate westorn lands. This is more than tho cost of pri vate enterprises, but tho government will not employ Chinese labor and will oaservo tho eight hour rule. The mails are full of invitations to country people to invest in rubbor companies in neutral and South A- merioa, and in soourity companies and m all kinds of got-rioh-quiok schemes. Throw these circulars in the fire. An editor who runs a notes and queries oolumn recoivcd tho follow ing: “What ails my hens? Every morning I fiud two or three lying on their hacks, never to riso again." The editor replied: “Your hens are dead.” Some folks imagine the farmer does not need to read or think. His business is just to plod through the mud, keep his nose down to the earth and never look up to see what is going on in tho world. That was the old idea of farming. It is pass ing away, and ought to go with a lot of other things that once were looked oil as being all right. The growth of rural seryiee has been phenomenal. In 1003 the ap propriation for thoserviee waB$450, 000, and 1,276 routes were establish ed. The appropriations for the the present fiscal year was $8,020,400 and 15,002 routes were in operation. Agricultural experiment stations are now in operation in every state ana territory of the United States including Alaska, Hawaii, and For to Rico, and steps are being taken under government auspices to estab lish agenoies for agricultural inves tigations in the Phillipine islands There are sixty such stations, em ploying nearly 1,000 trained scion tifio and practical men in their work. Sta: istics show that the cleotrio railways kill an average of 100 per sons a motnli. But let us not be misled. Millions travel on them and more are killed per mile by wagons, or by falling down stairs. As a result of wise pure food leg islation, European manufacturers are to be deprived of the privilege of dumping on the American mar ket the impuro and adulterated goods which they cannot dispose of at home. Plan your work. Ilavo you named your farm? Protect the birds. Theyare your friends. Hard work with brains backed up moans success. Have something ahead to work for. It will ho a pleasure then. Whon the rainy days oomo have something you can work at indoors. String beans may bo had all sum mer by planting onoe a month for successive supplies. A Scotoh export has invented a process for tanning hog hides so as to raako thorn a perfect substitute for rubber in cushion tiros for vohi- oles- c an bo . done by practicing deep' drinking acquired by those’Philadel- hreathing daily. Not now and then'phia hoys. They will not dare let it he noted, but by persistent dai-1 smoke cigarettes while under the in ly practice. (fluence of a gasoline jag. That the low-lying territory of Miesissidpl should at times be over flowed is not surprising if one con siders that the “father of waters” draws supplies from tweuty-eight states, draining one-third of the area of the United States. l.Reports from southern China where a famine is raging, say the men are selling their wires and chil dren in orddr to obtain food. It would be alfiiie'tkihg if the hungry women could Sell their 'husbands, but, perhaps nobody WOuld buy them. Do not allow your hoy to dopeud upon quaok medical literature for his knowledge of himsolf. There should bo a law suppressing tho vile stuff which is being sent through the mails. of tho host habits^ young man can form ib tiiat of getting so interested in his work as to forget that lie is at work at all. Official figures show tho Presby terians north gained a not inoreaso in membership lust year of 14,000. This is a smaller increase than has been shown in ton years save during 1800. Football, not the American col lege game, hut the English game, is to bo taught to the Fronoh soldiers. Tho sport has proved popular in the regiments in which it has been in troduced, Essen Germany has a population of 100,000, 00 percent of whom are supported by the Kiupps, tho great German iron makers and gun mak ers. The workmen number 50,000, the greatest number employed by any individual. Au official report shows that at the eud of last year there were in Japau 07 agricultural schools, fifty commercial schools, bo ven mercan tile schools, tweuty-eight teohnioal schools, and sixty-two industrial schools. The useful person isn’t the one who bemoans his lot and complains because of lack of opportunity. The really successful individual is tho oue who, wheu he undertakes to do something, does it no matter what obstacles arise. It is estimated that the average cost of building a railroad is$28,000 per mile. Seems high, doesn’t it? It takes 400 ties to the mile and they are worth 50 cents each; then you must figure the cost of laud, grading, building bridges, rails, tel egraph lines, etc. The German Dental Association has issued a report advising patients to avoid American dentists “because many colleges in America sell their degrees to iucompctent applicants and hence every one holding an A- merican degree is open to suspicion." While our government strives to protect our people from frauds and fakes, Uncle Sam, by the aoiof Con gress, continues to perpetrate tho “free seed” fake upon the farmers. It is announce! tha$ this ( year over !$25O;OQ0will be expended ux the free distribution of 40.000,000 packages of vegetable .. ». ff>wer seeds.