The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, June 11, 1903, Image 1

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wertcierson (3 VOL. XX. NO 46 VIENNA. GA. THURSDAY JUNE l t) 1003 TERMS $1.00 PER YEAR Now that four of the largest cotton mills in the south are out of busines, it would be a capital time for the operatives to strike. Kindness wins many a fr.ond. Too many girlB marry for spite. None of us like to be told of our faults. A woman with a din y face is an ugly thing. The best jokes are the ones you tell yourself. Some seem to find pleasure in ap pearing shabby. The best time to say No is at the first opportunity. The poor boys of 20 years ago are the men of today. Lots of things are missed by ask ing too much. Without false pretenses, there would be fewer marriages. There are more pitfalls for your character than for your feet. Nearly every young man spends more money than is necessary. Many a man will practice a thing that he would condemn in others. Some people will smile at you while their fist is doubled to hit you. A great trouble with lots of young men is then failure to stick to busi ness. Every man’s thoughts should be skimmed occasionally to get off the evils. Sensitive people are generally sen sitive to their own feelings and not to others. Feeling so sleepy in the morning is enough to induce people to retire earlier in night. One of the most becoming things a woman can wear around home is a big gingham apron. A girl who has long hair loves to he caught by callers before she has time to do it up. You have noticed that your neigh bor talks too much, and your neigh- lor has noticed the same of you. Prostrated With Grief iB an awk ward expression. We do not like this way ot lying down before trou ble. A man never knows bow little in fluence he has with his women folks until he tries to break his daughter off from one of her callers. There are some people so many miles behind the times that they do not consider it proper for a woman to make her own living. A man’s prospects begin to look dim when his young wife tells him it is cheaper to board than to keep house. Quarrels and snarls bring wrinkles to women so fast that some of them really look old when they should ap pear young. The world is very anxious for a physical culture prescription that •will add strength and beauty with out burden. Lots of men think slightly of charactei within themselves, but demand purity of woman today and tomorrow’ and a clean slate for yes terday. Some girls consider themselves so popular that when they go visiting there ought to be somebody tomake an address of welcome. The girl w’ho changes the spelling of her name is apt to be the one •who considers herself Very Smart, Uncle Sam emplovs nearly 7500 women in the various departments at Washington. Many a fellow who boasts of be ing a self-made, man forgets to give his wife any of the credit. A woman wants her love measur ed out to her just the way a man wants his salary paid him---rogular- ly and in full. How much more is your farm worth than 5 years ago? What ef forts on your part have brought about the increased worth? Miss Alice Roosevelt has refused to allow a Massachutetts je.vclcr to name a bracelet after her. There may be some advantages about being a king. The boy king of Spain could marry a grown up woman if he wants to. What more could auy boy desire? Having expressed herself as being tired of the joint smashing business, Mrs. Nation might now secure the position of fighting editor on Chi- go’s new woman’s paper. The women of England are mak ing a long and loud wail on account of the “child wives” of India. They are dried up grandmothers at thirty. Just think of it! When a Japanese woman enters a railway oar in her own land she slips off her little wood or rioe shoes, stands upon the seat and then sits down with her feet under her. The only woman in America who is a professional driver of race horses, is Mrs. Frank Hard. To frivolous women, she says, buy a good horse and see what a superior it will make of you. A hundred years ago $200, or at most $250, was the allowance of. an aotress for a season’s costumes. These figures seem strange in these days of elaborate and expensive dressing on the stage. Whenaman reokons up how much it costs him to live he figures on how muoh is left for clothes; when a woman has figured np what her clothes cost, she estimates what is left to live on. John Farson of Chicago, a multi millionaire who recently offered $1, 000,000 tor a model servant girl is now hounded to death with anxious young, middle-aged, and elderly la dies. Mrs. Gladstone helped her hus band more by keeping the house and children quiet when he was writing one of his great speeches than by criticising or actively helping him. Mr. Gladstone gave her praise for his best work. Blackheads are nothing in the world but dust ground into the skin. Usually the pores are large and suf fused with sebaceous matter, which attracts atmospheric dust. The remedy is in bathing the face every night. To Rochester, Minn., has been given the credit of opening the first permant resting room m the United States It is the outgrowth ot the the women’s clubs aided by the bus iness men and it is now a well or ganized institution. It is always best to wait for the evidence before passing judgement. When we hear reports detrimental to young ladies and gentlemen, it is best to be charitable. Today it is somebody else's boy or girl. To morrow it may be yours. Ninety per oent of tLc wealth of the United States is held by 10 per cent of the people. In the last decade the increase in wealth was one seventh greater than the increase in population. More miles of railway were built in the United States in 1002 than during any years since 1888. The faot that Andrew .Taokson’s statue in Washington iB covered with green mold is due to an acci dent and was not a deliberate meth od of keeping his memory greeu. The immense mdiroot cost of war fare as illustrated by the faot that the Spanish-Amerioan war cost a million dollars a day for over a year, although hostilities occupied but three months. Eight times as many men and boys are killed and injured annually in the anthraoite coal mines of Penn sylvania as were killed and wounded in the Spanish-Amencan war. The high price of coal has at last been explained. The wicked rail ways that haul the coal charge the wicked railways that own the mines a little more for hauling coal than for hauling other things. Artificial ice is sold by the Gov ernment in Manila to all persons in the military service at 50 cents a hundred pounds. To all other per sons the price fixed by the Goyern- ment is $1 a hundred pounds. A reader asks how many times on gines are changed in running a pas senger express train between Chica- go and St. Paul. One of the lead, ing roads makes the run with one change of engines, and 22 tons of coal and 41,000 gallons of water are used in the trip, which is a trifle over 400 miles. The richest copper region is that of Lake Superior, the copper being all in the native state. In a Minne sota mine one mass taken out was 45 feet in length, 22 feet at the greatest width, and the thickest part was more than eight feet. It weighed over 420 tons and was over 90 per oent copper. When you think you are fooling people, and they let on like they are being fooled, it may be for the pur pose of seeing how big a tool you are yourself. Sensible people are not fooled, and only fools try to fool them. It will be a surprise to many to know that the authoress of that well known hymn -‘Safe in the Arms of Jesus,” is still alive. Mrs. VanAl styne, the lady in question, has just entered upon her eighty-fifth year. While the object ot obtaining specimens of every dialect spoken in the United States, Professor Scripture, of Yale University, is touring the country in a special rail way carriage fitted with phonograph ic apparatus. Ha will visit the In dian tribes first, and afterward the poorer white people of the south and foreign born population. The greatest dam ever built for thq .production , of power is that building at Spier Falls, on the Hud son river. It is of granite, 1,800 feet long and 156 feet high. Ten steel tubes having a diameter ot 12 feet will lead water to 54-inoh turbines, thousand Tie fire volcanoes active last year destroyed 00,000 lives. Try a little more head work and less reokless bone labor. The world’s population is increas ing about 500,000,000 a century. Half the people living in Now York move one or moro times a year. The Czar of Russia commands the greatest armed force in the world. There are 75,000 pot dogs m greater New York. Their owners spend over $1,800,000 on them. Andrew Carnogio has givon $00, 000 dollars in aid of Booker T. Washington’s normal school at Tus- keegec, Ala. Is your boy’8 room one ho takes pride in? If not, no wonder he longs for the time wheu he oanleave home. All the men of the German army selectod to accompany the Kaisoron his trip to Italy stand over six feet ten inches. The man who feels no thrill of joy in his daily labor, who is only driv en to it by the spur of necessity, who goes trhough it conscieioutusly, it may be but merely as the per formance of a disagreeable duty, is almost sure to fail in life. Whon young men or young women work in such a spirit thore is something fatally wrong. The largest bottle over made has just been made at the Illinois glass works at Alton. It is a wine bottle 7 feet high, and was madofor awine exhibit. The Mormons nave been requested to leave Germany and if the Mor mons are wise they will sprint for the frontier before anything else happens to them. It may be true that Sir ThomaB Lipton’s real motive in the yachting contests is to advertise his tea, but nobody oan say that he is not very liberal with bis dough. Armour & Co., expect to make an annual saying of $100,000 by estab lishing wireless telegraph communi cations between their Chicago office and Western branch houses. The cattle king of the western plains is passing away forever. A few years ago thero were nearly 100 millionaire exclusive oattlemen in the south-west. Now there are but thirty. How long do you suppose it will take a telegram to encircle the globe when the Pacific cable is completed ? Just 40 seconds. What will this now swift world be in 100 years? In New York, no one dare sell matches unless they have a license. There must not be more than 1,000 in a box aud the retail dealer must have his name and address on each box. Keep the hens scratching—for eggs. Axle grease is cheaper than horsa flesh. The farmer owns the earth. Taka proper care of it. Physical culture is as good for oonfined fowls as for confined per« sons. The Chinese lantern plant, sent out by sood men has become a nui sance. A horso is like an egg—it is hard, to know the good thore is in him un til you break him. Don’t make a habit of borrowing your neighbor’s tools. It iB only seoond-olass way of begging. Take a play spell occasionally. You will find your work less irk some afterward and accomplish all the more. If newly set posts bnoomo loose, go along the line and tamp the earth well again before it settles around a leaning post. It requires but little capital to make a start in hog raising, and with proper management the dividends begin before the year is out. It isn’t always getting up at four o’olook in the morning that brings a farmer success. It is what he does and thinks and is, after he gets up, that makes a man prosper. Here’s a good ’un, but said to be true. Last year a Santa Paula (Cal) walnut [ rower sold his walnut orop from 450 aores for $55,000. A few quiok growing shade trees on the snnny side of the farmhouse pay good interest in comfort, bird songs, and joy for the wifo and ohildron. On an average a hen’s egg is two and ono-quarter inohes long and one and three quarter inobes wide, at the broadest point and weighs two ouno- Have you an old dead tree stand ing around? Trim off the branches and plant velvet beans alongside to cover the trunk, You will have an objeot of beauty. The recent difficulties in the Red Cross Society have brought out the fact that Miss Clara Barton, its founder and up to a recent date, its president, is eighty-two years old. If rats trouble the poultry house place paper bags, ever so small, fil led with oayenne pepper in the holes where they enter and cover lightly with dirt. The rats will disappear. If people would mind their own business and keep their noses out of family affairs, maybe there wouldn’t be so much family affairs for them to get their noses into. Truly two tnirds of the trouble in the world is caused by people minding some oth er business than their own. Food eaten without appetite a! ways causes gastric disturbance, be cause unless the secretory glands of the stomach are stimulated by a de sire for food no digestive juices are extruded into the stomach. Fresh air tablets are a preparation discovered by a French scientist. It was while -investigating acetylene that he discoveicd that he could combine certain chemicals into eaoh coupled to a five i tablet which, on being dropped into horse power generator, j water, dissolved and gave forth The cost will be $2,000,000. pure oxygen. Our people take a good deal of pride in having their yards clean and well kept, and now that the sea son of the year has arrived for 'put- ing them in shape for the coming summer we expect to see each one vie with bis neighbor as to whioh one can do the q uicker or the better job. I don’t know much about wireless telegraphy, but I should think it would puzzle Marconi himself to ex plain how a bad story, false or part ly false, oan travel so rapidly around a neighborhood. It’s actual, ly surprising,, an,d it nug' ' ' • • folks c aref ul agpvt wl n • f