The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, August 13, 1903, Image 1

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° idwioa. || VOL. XXII. NO 2 VIENNA, GA. THURSDAY- AUGUST 13, 1903 TERMS *1.00 PER YEAR, OBSERVATIONS. When you fail, blame nobody but yourself. Some men always havebigsohemes that never work. Do all you can, but dsn't be fool ish about it afterward. To observe good times, you only have to look around you. A sweet and cooing voice does not always indicate a good wife. In business keep dose to the line of common sense and honesty. A man soon begins to carry a cane whenever sorrow overtakes him. A girl’s affections are safe only When she has them in cold storage. We doubt the religion of Borne people because they have too many kinds. WOMAN’S COLUMN. • Eat nothing that you know will hurt you. To rumove wrinkles: Don’t wor ry. Be cheerful. More people suffer from eating too much than too little. Fasting one day will often prevent a serious illnesB. A woman who has no work to do oan afford to be Very Sweet and Good. People who scold should have i-eguiar days for the display of their temper. I would not be willing t o lend oi hire a horse to a man who uses ourse words. A woman can accuse her husband t>f flirting until he will really think he is a masher. VARIOUS THINGS No man is free who is slave to evil habits. People with fittlc purses generally have big healthy hearts. The first American novel was by Charles Brookden Brown, 1708. AGRICULTURAL. Chicago uses 200,000 gallons of milk eaoh day. He who fears drugery will fall short of sueoess. Every man thinks of what good stuff he would write if he hadfa job on a newspaper. Nine times out of ton, a good cook is more important in a family than a good politician. Lots of family discord is brought on by the husband and wife talking too freely'to eaoh other. A man will pay for the use of a telephone and then appear displeased every time he has to answer it. Those who spend money for amuse ment are hard to make bolieve that their best days are behind them. Some men will stand around idle and go home displeased because they have not accomplished anything. , It is easy for a young man to fig ure that his wages will support two, but he never figures on the common results of matrimony. Whenever you get real sad and think a good laugh would help you, look around and see how some of the girls are doing their hair. We do not need communications between the earth and moon half as much as we need more confidence be tween mqn and man. When a woman is affectionate enough to call other women “honey dear,” and ‘-darling,” what would she call a man if she really loved him? A mother whose daughter has lots of company, has a hard time. She does not only have to let her daugh ter off from'duty, but has to pick up after tbe'whole bunch,,,-.. It has occured to up that the youngest ohildren in a family are more apt to look sad. We know man who was the tenth child of his parents. He has never overcome the notion that he is not very wel come in the world. Lots girls who get credit for being accomplished are nothingof the ki nd. When a girls begins to dream of boys at 10, makes eyes at whem 12 and chases them af 14-' fjfever knows very much. . It takes longer to become accomplished than it does to have a dress fitted. Girls ought to be ashamed of the way they treat their hair. Mix a little corn flour with salt if you wiBb to provent its caking. Yon can often help a nervous headaobo by combing the hair gent ly- Harwood floors and rugs are bet ter than carpet on the sleeping room floors. If inclined to be nervous, study to master yourself and exercise self- control. Do not be afraid of night air) fresh night air is better than staid bottled day air. Restaurant girls are numerous ill Chicago. It has boon estimated that there arc 4,000 of them. If you feel too tired to work, stop work. It is never safe or prudent to work beyond one’s strength. Toughen lamp chimneys by set ting them on ‘he stove in cold water, whioh is allowed to come slowly to a boil. . Nearly all Japanese women make their own clothes; at all events, even the richest embroider their garments themselves. Dry Btale bread in the oven and put it through the grinder or roll and sift, putting the fine crumbs away in a jar for trying purposes. Miss Ida M, Tritt, 28 years of age is the first woman to hold an execu tive position in any railroad com pany. She was elected treasurer of the New York and Queen county Street R. R. Women should take five minutes a day from work and lie flat on the back, all musoles relaxed, with eyes closed. This will bei found a won derful preserver of health, strength and beauty. When following the cookery book recipes remember that two saltspoon- fuls equal one drachm, one-qarter cupful equals one gill, one cupful equals one-half pint, two dessert spoonfuls cqal one fluid dunce. A tendency to stoop and round shoulders may be overcome by keep- the eye in walking on some ob- feut, higher than one’s head whilfe walking, a tall man’s head it in the city streets, or some point on a tree or building. Women make very good rural car riers, and thdy 'do’nof Ibs'fe time gds- siping when delivering the mail, as one might suppose. .-it ; A'sl'ktdioienf ’jlist' ife'sued' by " the U,i'S.'post office department shows that fifty sevten Woolen are employed as regular carriers in the rural free delivery service, and nine hundred are on the substitute list. It is the dutom W Wlo4*4 ^ e bright side offfifo. Chearffll tfeodle are a boom aid -benefactor -to society They are able to enjoy life thorough- ,imjV9 Hi? in a happier and ttfghaf yne should learn to appreciate and be thankful for the numerous blessings we receive in all our life* The crystal p&laoe tower, at the St. Louis Fain will bo 1,050 feet high. About 180,000,000 pleoea of gnm were consumed by the .Amerioan people in twelve months. Floors of rnhher, claimed to be as durable aH asphalt and obeaper, are being tried In Germany, One year froni to-day we will be in the beat of a prcsidental cam paign. The average life of *1 and *2 bills from redemption as mutilated ourronoy is little over two years. New measurement oonfirm the re port that Mount ( McKinley, in Alas ka, is thfl highest peak in Norl/q America. The bean orop of Michigan is es timated at 4,000,000 bushels. The average ooffeo tree in Hondu ras produoes half a pound of beans. Of all our fruit trees, probably the peach responds most readily to cultivation. In the last fifteen months the rail ways of Groat Britian, although the most crowdod in the world, have not caused a single death. A wicked- Tbwa editor remarked that thore is always room at the top of the ball costume, for more oos- tumo. ■ ' '‘I--? - Wives and daughters all remind us We must make our little pile; And, departing, leave behind ub Gash for them to live in style. Rev. Byron Aldcn of Streator, 111., is the oldest Methodist preaoh. er in the world. He is 97 years of age. He entered the ministry in 1930. Some people would almost break their necks if they oouhl gain ten cents. Why. bless you, you have only one life and why not live de cent while it lasts. There is as muoh total nutriment m a pound of wheat flour costing three cents as three and one-half quarts, or about seven pounds of oys ters costing *1.22. For the first year of an orohard pruning is one 0t the most impor tant items. The happy man enjoys what • he has, the unhappy man has more than he oan enjoy. Where proper oare is oxoroieed, the life of a poach troo is from 12 to 16 years. As a rule, gray horses attain a greater age than thoso of any other color, but when old they aro ^hiti,. hot try to raise cauliflowers on poor soil. Cauliflowers need plenty of nitrogon and huinus to re tain moisture. Young trees should not betrimmed too liberally, asr too muoh foliage taken from the true weaken its feed ing powers. A dust bath under coFer is neces sary at all times, but especially in the spring and summer when hoe multiply vupidlyjt In many lhij’tanoes apple trees bear only every other year. Were it not for this fact the trees would necessarily be short lived. Whenever root-grafting is used in the winter, the plants should not be set out in the spring, unless the grafts have grown together- To get,the profit out of duoklings they mnst be sold as soon as large enough, whioh is usually just before the down disappears. A big basketful of chaff from the barn floor early in the morning, will sot the fowls to work and prepare them to relish their breakfast. IN THE BUSY WORLIK, The Russian bear is m the Man. ohurian bee hive with hia nwuatiti dripping honey. Thought is the leading force, the world and the men and women; who lead are simply those who do tlioltf own thinking. The state from whioh there is th* least emigrantion is Lomsana. Voes mont furnishes the largest pro par-, portion of migratory Amerinoane. After sampling Unole Sam’s ours rency, the Philippines apply fop *a;ooo,ooo more, ft fa *. handy article to havo fa ftqy part of t&q world, Three different scientists say that the world will soon come to an end. One says it will be ground to pieoics by the moon, another says it will be burned up: while another says every thing will be frozen up- All are oolish. It is now suggested that, pigskin be used for making tires instead of rubber. Inasmuch as the abused football' is covered with pigskin it would seem to be tough enough for anything ' short' of facing a pile driver. - - ■ A Philidelphia pbysioian has just written a treatise on <‘When to go-to sledp. ” We presume he d id not fou ght to mention such essential', little details as -locking the front-door, winding the clock and putting- the cat out. , ,'i- ■ ■‘"1 f- ./.*> Ijr.-j Women of today are particularly welljgroomed.jf' They see JteAtheir hairpi keptvifl .excellent ''ferafditian an<^ jheir^naiiq are manir' ■ cured; theyihiflilge- mVacial“fmfesage and buy creams and lotions galore to preserve what good looks they have,, but there is scares Montana now olaimB to stand &re* of the states in the production of wool, first in the production of oop» per, seoond in silver and fifth in gold. The United States department of labor finds that the averajge advance in the price of lumbor and building m&tenals from JSPO to 1908 is 1*4 per oent. Negotiations now pending mij result in a *60,000,000 purchase by the United States Steel Corporation of the eutire vast iron mines in Lap, . land, said to be the largest and est iron mining tract iu the wdfld. It has been said that the world hatos a , ‘quitter. V Those who giyy up and quit whoa opposition meet* them will nevor pass many miles toned in the road to success. Cultivate ■ staying qualities if you wish to te&qh the top. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, What an ideal world this would be if oleanlineBs wore the rule every, where and in everything, clean hous. es, olean streets, clean bodies, olean hearts, olean accounts and olean characters. The soldiers who enlisted in the war with Spain promise to keep up Unole Sam’s pension list. Over 9* per oent of them have applied for pensions, notwithstanding the fact that less than half this number were ever under fire. Watering weak plants with cold ! 'I’k® ne * t battleship to bo built tea is said to increase their vitality, I by the United States < cost *4,600,000 The famous roses of the Vatican are j and wil1 orabod y the triumph* watered with beef tea we are told. | of Mavtl and en « ineffldn 8 <*111, j The aim will be to make it the moil powerful war vessel in the world, It will be called the Connecticut. “Book-farming,” so called, is no longer laughed at with scorn, for it is the farmer who mixes his manual work that is making, the greatest suocess in soil culture- That country is the richest whioh nourishes the greatest number of ilo- ble and happy beings; that man is the richest who, having perfected the functions of his own life to the utmost, has always the widest help ful influence, both personal and by means of fas possessions, over-the lives ot o bers. The gypsies who devote their" en tire, time to horses and horse trading are consequently' experts in taking an .animal that is .poor, in flesh, and getting him in good condition,fa. short time. The following method of Jftedfaig ‘fifaptjcjd: Mix a bushel of flaxseecT with a like amoufft rn • and barley, and ;ethcr. These propor- iifioteased or decreased ‘necessities of the partic- This mixture is to be fed being mixed t hay»r straw considers her expression sufficiently 1 Coimnence wlth giTin g aU * to- keep- her mouth pretty- will eat Ohio having paid the last of her debts July 1, there are now efa states without outstanding obliga* tions. They are Illinois, Iowa, Ne> braska, New Jersey, West Virginia and Ohio. The debts of Delaware, Kansas, Michigan, Nevada, South Dakota and Wyoming are only non)}, nal. At present there are employed oa the Panama canal oostruetion 1,509 laborers and foremen, forty-fire physicians and 100 civil englneeri. They were employed by the canal company, but are being paid by (ha United Stated. The daily expeewy of the construction amounts to about- *6,000, It iH said that there are morraerey of irrigable land in the San Joaquin. Valley of California than are saw watered in Egypt by the Nile, whew agncultore alone supports 6,000,009 people, maintains a costly gorenjr ment, and pays the interest oa »ssr tional debt half as large m that of the United States.