The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, November 12, 1903, Image 2

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Qi CAUSED BY BUYING GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED UP OUR NEW $15,000.00 STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, A^D ARE READY TO OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS THE FRESHEST BAR GAINS EVER SHOWN IN WIREGRASS GEORGIA. :: :: :: :: :: :: » :: Make a Mistake Our Stock is Every Line, and consist* of everything to be found anywhere. Diess Goods, such as Bsoad Cloth, Ladies’ Cloth, French Flannels, Zibuline Mohair, Cashmeres, Flannetts, Granates, and thous ands of other stylos at the vory lowest possible price. Our line of Ladies’ Skirts, Ladies Jackots, Monteoarloes, Chil dren's Cloaks in Zebulino 3-4 lengths, are the prettiest ever shown to anv trade. You Will if you fail to soe our lino of LADIES’ TRIMMED and HACK HATS. New stylndapsj .uole r 0 es, whioh will oonvince you. It Will Be to Your Advantage to examine our mammoth stock of Mattings, Carpets, Rugs, Floor Oil Cloth, Lenoieum and Host Square before purchasing We Have the Most Up-to-date Line elsewhere, as our prices are lower and profits smaller. Hats, Shoes and Gents’ of MEN’S CLOTHING south of Atlanta. Over $3,000.00, br n new Aug Cut Suits please and fit auy one. Our line of M n’s odd Trousers are of the latest patterns and prices right. Our stock is also complete in Men’s Furnishing Goods, Laadies’s Shoes, Children’s Clothing and Shoes, Silks, Satteons, Satteens, Ribbons, and everything to be found in an Up-to-Date Dry Goods Store. Notice. All Domestic goods and rough ware, Shoes &o. are now going at cost. We are hustling out of this line. J?0UV8 tO Pease, H. IRoobtn & Brother, "Utri,"- Zbe poorest Publshed Every Thursday. H D SMITH, Editor and Publishe Entorod at tho l’ostofflco in Vienna Ga„ as aecond-class mail matter. Contains all the Official Advertising of ooly County- The Dooly Paper Agency is now writing insurance for one of the best companies, besides doing a large loan business in Dooly, Wil cox, Worth and Irwin counties. The President is an old > onfeder- atn soldier, and although lie Was badly wounded in thu army, ho is a “live wiro,” yet in tho newspaper v orld. If you want to subscribe for a paper,got a loan on your farm or havo your lifo insured, you will save mouoy by seeing or writing the Dooly Paper Agency, - Vienna, Georgia. GREATER GEORGIA WORK IS PUSHED 1 Geo. NOTICE. I havo boon reliably informed that E. Sutton is going around How the Advertising Campaign is j Dooly county standing people Conducted. ! against trees, fences and on stumps, INQUIRIES COME IN DAILY Names of Inquirers Furnished the Town* and Cities in the Greater Georgia Association -Correspond ence Followed Up by R. R. Soli citors. RXXI)UUATX»V« 4, OUR@» AT InAfiMP flood Nows fo Those Who Sutler With F.Dourastisra Frei- To all who suffer with Rhouma- matism I will glndly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was oured aftor years ot suffering, together with the most olaborato on Rheumatism ever published, No matter what your form of Rheumatism is,, whether aouto, chronic, muscular, inflammatory, deformant, sciatic, neuralgia, gout, lumbago, eto,—no matter how many dootors have failed in your case- no matter how many so-called “sure oqres” you havo tried—I want you to write to me and let mo tell you how mother was cured. I am uoithor a,Doctor nor a Pro fessor--simply a plain man of busi neSB—but I have a CURE for Rkcu- inatism, and I want, to tell every one who suffrs with RheumatH u al about it. I wish to be clearly un derstood, and trustThat all who aro suffering with tins terrible disease, however apparently beyond tho reaoh of oure, will write to me this day I will send you by return mail this work of mine. I appeal espe ioally to the “chronically il" who are wearied and discouraged with doctoring", and to those who have boeu cast aside as“incurablo.” All you have thought about Chcumatisni may be wrong. Let me tell you our \ experience. Surely, if you have Rheumatism, or have a suffering friend, it will pay you to investigate rj my offer, anyway, and prove for ^ yourself these claims that I make. Send me your address today—a postal oard will do—and I will mail ' yon this wonderful story. If you |V have any friends suffering with If Rheumatism no matter where loca- L ted, send me their address, and I ’ BA will mail them a oopy. My address V® a VICTOR RAINBOLT, Bloom- 1 d.ind, u The Greater Georgia Association’s campaign of publicity opened with the Georgia Number of Harper's Weekly, issued a few days ago, and for several weeks advertisements ex ploiting the resources of this State have been running in daily newspa pers of the Northern oitieB and farm journals of the Western States. These advertisements have a total circulation of nearly two millions and reaoh tho best farming region and tho most prosperous manufac turing and oommercial centers on the continent. to make pictures, and claiming that he is connected with me. He is not connected with me in any manner. I have spent too many years in building a reputation for excellence of workmanship, to have that repu tation injured by a novice. I may be fouud at Montoxmna. overy Friday and Saturday. F. P. PEPPER, Photo Artist Montezuma, Ga. By Their Works You Shall Know Them. PIANOS, TAX COLLECTOR'S ROUNDS Vieuna, G$, Oct., 1, 1908. I will be at the following plaoaa for tl o, purpose of collecting Saato and County taxea for the year 1908; Dooling Oct 0 Oct 22 Nov 12 Byromville “ Organs *»d Sewing Machines. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. For the Best, get the Tho cheap lands of the far West have so far filled up that prices have advanced and immigration is look, ing in other aireotions. The Cana dian Government, by liberal adver tising, has induced .about a hundred thousand people to leave the North western State* for the Dominion in two years. The Southwestern rail ways are spending immense sums ad vertising in the Northwest and have taken thousands of people into Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas Unadilla Pinohurst Findlay 3rd district 0th district Drayton Coney Cordole 7 <• 33 8 “ 20 9 “ 2,7 12 “ 28 13 “ 30 Nov 2 14 “ ' 8 15 “ 4 10 “ 6 11th dis’ot “ 19 13th dis’ot “ 20 14th dis’ot “21 9 “ 10 Deo 11 “ and Oklanoma. The tide of imnii-! gration is turning southward and the' Greater Georgia Assooialion has be- j gun its work at an opportune time. Letters of inquiry from people of I both cities and country districts are coming in daily and the names and addresses of the inquirers are for warded promptly to the thirty towns which contribute to the work of the association. At the samo time let ters and attractive literature cover ing tho whole State are sont to oaoh inquirer from the central Offioe in Atlanta. The thirty towns follow with their own literature and letters, I will ba at Midway D*o. 3, Snd district oorthouseDoe. 4, Show Deo. 7, Jerry Dee. 8 in the morning aud nt Ethridge stor ia the evening. Tippettville Doc. 9, Sibley Deo 10, Dakota Dec. 11, Cordela Dec. 14, in Vienna ev cry Saturday. Books will close Dec. 30. F. J. LEWIS, T. C. COSTLY GENEROSITY. Crown orZn S " nd Story & Clark and Haynes Pian os. Efcriy one morning recently be fore inspecting some regiments on the maneuvering ground tile pres ent “Moltke" of tho German army, Count Haeeeier, went into tho regi mental canteen and asked for 3 cents' worth of bread and equsag^ euoh as if supplied to title ordinary soldier. The man hi-charge thought he would do himself a good turn by handing the general an extra large of either luxury. later in the piece ( produce the rations supplied by the canteen for 5 cents? pressing their particular advantages’' raorning, when halt hod been called, In this way every person who an- the genoral ordered’ the solchars to swers the advertisements of the Greager Georgia Association will reoeive in three or four day* all the information he can digest about Georgia and its most progressive communities. The names of inquir ers are also given to the industrial departments of tho principal rail- officials are sending solicitors to see them. Thus, with the help of the rail ways, the Greater Georgia Associa tion is able to send an agent into al most any State of the Union to fol low up its correspondence and ad vertising matter with personal soli citation in pressing the claims of Georgia upon those who show, any interest in the State. for 5 cents? Naturally those shown were not of such satis factory dimensions as had been sold to the chief. He said quietly: “Take your rations hack to tho canteen and tell Herr M. that Count Haeselor oommands him to give each of you as large a portion as he had himself for the same money. My 6 cents is not worth more than yours." GET THE BEST. The Singer Sewing Machine Leans the World Tuning and repairing done by Prof. W. R. Smith, expert whose work Is guaranteed. Drop me a card, stating Jour wants, and it shall receive prompt, attention. an J. fl. NELSON, Cordele, Ga. Suwanee Block. The Old Reliable Cotton Warehouse of Montezuma. J. M. B R O W N, WAREHOUSEHAN and COMMISSION MERCHANT, MONTEZUMA, GEORGIA, SEED RYE For Sale. Holland’Bimpror cdHoustoncoun ty rye. Grown from seleot Beed makes healthy, hardy plant for gra zing. $1.90 per bushel. Address E. H. Holland, Byron , Ga. The Refreshing Tomato. The brilliant color of the tomato when quite ripe is very attractive, and when peeled and the succulent pulp chilled thoroughly, each to mato slashed partially through, in quarters, pressed partially open and in cups of crisp, tender green lettuce-leaves, served with a French dteseteg. or mayonnaise, it brings rest, peace and refreshment to the victim of the overheated atmosphere and will cause him to rise up from such regalement and call the man blessed "who was brave enough to first experiment with the-tomato as •n edible I take pleasure in announcing to my friend* and the public generally that I am ) Warehouse business, and respectfully solicit a lib still in tbs Warehouse business, and respectfully solicit a liberal patronage tlie coming season. I am determined to use my best efforts to give satisfaction in all business en trusted to me. I will give, my person al attention to Weighing, Storage and selling of Colton and other Country .Produce entrusted to my care. I will pay the freight on all Ciotton shipped to me from Midway, Byromville and Booling. I am prepared to make bertl advances on eotton in atore. Local agent for Doering Binders, Beapera, Mowers, Bakes-and fixtures; J. M. BROWN, - = -J Montezuma, Ga.