The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, November 19, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. XXII. NO 15. VIENNA, GA. THURSDAYNOVEMBER 19, 1904 TERMS $1.00 PER YEAR Do yon need hogs? A nice bunch, about 35 head, will be sold in Vienna next Saturday A prenter is wanted in this office by Dec 1. j He who follows the plow does well; but he who follows a good ex ample also does better, for he will lay his life furrows straight and smooth and will reap a noh harvest in due time. Please remember that Chrictmas is only one month off. Time to be gin saving for early btiying. Also to begin the early planning for the late buying that oomes with every Christmas. There is a man in Hampton, N. H., who wore a straw hat every day last winter, and who says that he is going to do the same this winter, He believes in keeping the head cool and the feet warm. England’s per capita wealth is said to be $210, ahd yet there are hundreds of thousands of people in England who have to work for five years to earn as muoh money as that. Of all the people who are jeered and made fun of it is the raother-in- law. Now there are thousands of mothers-in-law who are just as good as they oan be, but the faultlieB with the son-in-law or perhaps the little wife. To restore linoleum that has lost its freshness, first clean it and dry it. Melt a little ordinary glue in a pint of water, and at night go over the linoleum with a flannel that has been dipped in the gluewater. Next morning the oilcloth will have a fine, hard gloss. There are something like 15,000,'- 000 cigar boxes used ii the United States annually. The material out of which the best quality of cigar boxes are made oome principally from Cuba and is known as Spanish cedar. W hen worried by impending trou bleor by bad mistakes of tongue or hand, cast it all ont of the mind at night. Resolutely set yourself to get a night.of solid sleep; then bring a fresh brain to bear upon it, and the difficulty will prove easy of so lution. The “don’t care’’ spirit character izes the efforts of too many of the rising generation. Business men are looking for boys with energy and de termination. Carelessness and dif ference have already their fn'l rep resentation in'the list of failures, but if you are not careful yon will be found in this same class. Exam ine yourself and if you find that you are a candidate for membership, and have only drifted into it unawares, you should turn your oourse and keep a watchful eye to see that you do not get in beyond redemption. Very little hone is held out/ora boy who goes at everything in a careless way. The future is bright for one who is willing and not afraid of work. John D. Rookefeller. rated as the richest man in the world, if not the richest man the world has ever known, was initiated a few days since as -a member of the young men's club of the Euclid Avenne Baptjfit church in Cleveland. Rock efeli'er took occasion to say: “For ty Vighi years ago I walked the streets of this city a poor hoy with out a job. I wanted work and I look ed earnestly for it. I got a little job .and I worked hard and kept that lit tle job. That is the secret of all my success. 1-have worked hard all my life and I have suoceeded in keeping my job." WOMAN’S COLUMN. The corset trust is the latest. Somebody will get squeezed. Don’t wear high, unyielding col lars. They were not intended for pretty nooks. In London the ladies use parasols for self defense. What’s the matter with the long hat pm? It is said that every mother Bhould spend a few minutes eaoh day play ing with her babies. The tiny chains of habit are sel dom felt until they are too strong to bo broken. To prevent stockings wearing at the heels paste a piooe of velvet iu the baoks of tbs shoes. It is said that keeping busy will help to keep us young. Well, may be that is true, but there is a limit. Occasionally give your oonsoieuoe a dash of freedom, but see that it is not roaming when needed at home. Pleasure and happiness depeid bo muoh more upon our inner selves than on any outward surroundings ot influences. Women would do well to remem ber that smartness is one of the greatest aids to those who do not possess actual beauty One of the most prominent of oil magnates in LosAngeles is a woman who is said to control about half the whole product. It is tomorrow, that dreadful to morrow, that whitenB the hairs, bunds the shoulders and brings the lines between the brows. The whole number of patents granted in the United States to date is 730,046, Of this number, about 13,000 have been issued to women. Don’t think it enough to he a beauty; iu order to approach perfec tion a woman should try to improve herself morally and intellectually, as well as physically. The difference in size between the waist and bust-the measurement be ing taken just under -the arms-in the well-formed woman shonld be from eight to ten inches. Bear all burdens that come to. you as patiently and uncomplainingly as you oan, but do not carry any more than a proper proportion of those be longing to your neighbors. Don’t grow old; associate with young folks; have a good time every day; laugh; don’t worry; don’t think you aregrowiugold and you will be surprised how long you keep young! Don’t let the children play with matches, nor leave matches around. Several women have been fatally burned by stepping on matches alid thus catching t.icir skirts on fire.h If yon think a little primping would improve yonr loons and un doubtedly it wo aid why primp, Don’t fail. You’ll feel better and your husband will be pleased with the change. .. ., Where do you keep the medicine yon have on band? •• A good idea is to have ft box with several shelves nailed upon the wall and and in this keep all the raedioine you cau with a label on each bottle. The woman who marries a m.m ‘jnst to get the best of some other girl hasn't sense enough to come in out of ahairstbrm. Matrimony is a little more serious matter than tea fighta and bargain hubbubs. FACTS IN GENERAL. Sound moves 743 miles por hour. Hawks oan fly 1{>0 miles an hour. Telephones were invented in 1861 Man's heart beats 92,160 times a day. The largest Island in the world is Australia. Atlantio steamships are becoming longer and larger. Do one thing at a time. Don’t try to po everything at ouoe. In 1775 there were oply ,27 news papers published in the if. S. During the raoing season over $1,000,000 a day is waged on horses. A sign on a building in Hazleton, Pa., says: “Clothes repaired in the rear. ” King Edward has of late taken to smoking cigarettes somewhat exten sively. A needle passes through eighty operations in the oourse of manufac ture. i Russel Sage has begun eating five meals a day, bat it is top late, qow, to die poor; The Amerioan minister to Sweden is given oredit for being the best shot in that country. Tho highest fall of water in the world is that <ff Yoscmito in Cali fornia, being 2,550 feet. “Monkey Wrenoh’’is not the cor rect name, but- Monoky, Charles Monoky being tho inventor. An Egyptian mummy that passed through a Swiss austom-house re cently was classed as “dried meat.” The cork leg trust is going to raise prices, and the man who has neglec ted to get hi* cork leg is up a stump. Some of the trusts seem to be hav ing pretty pear as muoh trouble now a-days as they have given the rest of us. According to latest market report whiskey has “riz," but there is enough of it going down to float a gunboat. THE BUS? WORLD; It is oaloulated that the loss to tho government through the postoffioo department scandal will not exoeed half a million dollars. The postal convention between this country and Cuba went into ef- fflot on October, 9th. A , n. n now be sent to Cuba for two ; oentB A single Amprioan railroad sys tem, the Pennsylvania, carries inoro freight than all ( the lines . combined in agjr other nation in the world. It appears that wo are to lose two inlands by tho Alaskan boundary settlement. A few years ago the lot* of two islands might have oomo as a hardship, but what daps an is- land o? two more or less amount to now? Freight pays the bills. This is truer pi this country than of any other,. Freight revenue is over a billion dollars a year, passenger re- eeiptf about $350,000,000. o«r average passenger train oarrios only forty-jwopeople. The Uqited States government has fifty buildings, mostly postoffioes, under oonBtruotion at present, with about threo times as many as that authorized. Tho cost of tho build ings now uncompleted will bo almost as much as tho total annual expend iture of the government fifty years ago, when the office of supervising architeot was established. Germany is not so slow as she is often credited with being. She holds the ocean stoainshi p record for speed sustained all the way across the At lantio, and a Gorman electric motor has made the fastest time ever known on an electric railway. Tho latest great international automobile race was won by a German maohiue, and no other automobile has made bet ter timo in any tests than that Ger man motor. The young women of Howard,' S. D., have adopted a new fad that cer- t‘inly deserves a wider attention: They have taken under their protec tion yonug men of tho town who are | uot yet out their teens and affeut It is only a matter of time until: to escort them instead of consider they will bo using harness horses to [mg them as escorts. They do this, pico automobiles, the horse. Seamen' on native river craft in Ohinaget $3 a month, on seagojpg Chinese vessels, $9. They furnish their own food. Perhaps wo have misunderstood the objects of the meat trust. Scien tists for a long time have been tell- iug-us that we eat too much. If the shrinkage continues we may expect to find United States Steel stock listed among the Friday bar- bains at the department stores. The greatest searchlight in the worid is one just completed by Scbiokert, of Nuremburg, Germany which has 316,000,000 oandle power The Sahara desert in Northern Af rica is the largest m thl world. Its length is 3,000 miles and breadth 900 miles. . Dr. Morris Bailey, of Titusville, Pa., oelebrated his eighty-filth birth day by destroying his account bonjes Qn the books was $42,000, which flis patients owed him. It is admitted by competent judgea that the people of this country are annually swindled out of $100,000, 000 by the various so-called “get- 8 rioh quick" and “safe-investment 1 harpers. .^J, You oan’t down | they olaim, to keep the boys out; of evil ways. The girls express them selves as well satisfied with results thui far, while thoir proteges are highly amused by liie motherly de votion shown them by the ydung wo men. Indiau territory and Oklahoma will send a joint committee, to con- gress this coming winter .to work jointly for statehood. They will ask that the two bo admitted as one state. Some people in Oklamoma want that territory admitted, leaving Indian Territory to be absorbed, gradually, at a later date. But that foes not suit Indian Territory, and any effort to promote suoh a plan wiii in ar-bppn and.bitter fight against Oklahoma statehood. It appears now that the big ques tion that will come before the next congress will be the extentionof the rural mail routes. By the end of the year 25,000 new routes will be in operation and for their mainten ance an increased appropriation amounting to $3,000,000 will be re quired, while other costs incident to starting them will have to be met. It' is figured that the department will be compelled to ask congress for an ^appropriation of at least $20,000,- 1030 for this service alone. ON THE FARM. In Groeoo they drive the poultry to market. In Europe there are no farm pa- pers of large circulation. In farming or any other business it is hotter to be branded a hustler than a mossback. Many a person puts the money in to fanoy buildings and furnishings for his hen-house that ought to go into the poultry. A maohiue has been invented whioh will separate seed oorn and place the grains of various aizeB in soparato apartments. Keeping up tjie feed' and keeping down the lioe, will go a long way to wn d keeping up tho profits from the poultry end of the farm. First make a few hens pay you a profit, then start the large flook. Many a man has made a failure by starting on too large a scale. A big flood is not without some redeeming featares. Down in Mis souri it is said the floods have wash ed away the germs of hog oholera. Of the five million farms in tlie United States, three million produoe oorn. The average cost of growing an acre of oorn in America is $5. In training a farm horse it will be well to boar in mind that the walk 1b tho most important gait. The hor e does more walking than any other gait. This world isn’t all work, not even on a farm. Just stop and think that you oannat take anything with you when you die. Get some enjoy ment.out of life, American fruits now control the markets in England and Germany, and the value of tho probable sales in Europe this season will aggregate $10,000,000. Good milk is most nutritions.and flesh-forming.' A glass of hot milk taken the last thing at night will induce Sleep. Milk should always be taken slowly. Gan you think of anyspoton earth more near toheaven than the well- kept farm, or a man and woman who ought to be happier than tho owners of that farm, with their boys and girls around them? The manure produced by one pig in a year is worth about twelve dol lars for fertilizing purposes, henoo the need of removing this to a suit able yard or shed where its fertiliz ing value will not be wasted. When you go to chop a chicken’s head off try this plan: Drive two nails into a block jnst far enough apart to put tho neck of tho fowl, but not large enough to let the head Hlidc through. You can then do the work much easier. Hundred of electricians arc at this moment striving to construct lamps in which nothing is consumed save the electrical energy applied to them —lamps that have the radiance of the sun and the coldness of the moon. A man will run as fast as he oan to cross a railway track in front of a train. Then he will watch it till it goes out of sight. Then he will walk leisurely away. He seems to be all right, and probably is. To is is a man. v How to keep the boys and girls on the farm is a question many a fath er and mother worry over. Teao them everything 'you can, let them boss a little and take an interest in the affairs. Have good literature for them to reed.' Heke heme pleeeent. ■V: