The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, November 26, 1903, Image 1

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as* i pj VOL. XXII. NO 10. ’■ VIENNA. GA. THURSDAY,-NOVEMBER 26, 1008 TERMS $1.00 PER YEAR \ ——j — : ; ' - -■■■ - \We will sell 50 acres improved land for $500, or 65 acres for $600. Call eary at this office OBSERVATIONS v oo muoh talk is never good for lW) talker. Nothing is freer than advice, and leas of it ia used. Lots of people “talk” who have no room to say anything. Did you ever stop to think how many simple things annoy yon? Two things, your face and your character, should he kopt clean. Most of us are compelled to do things we would like to leave off. ’ 1 No matter how truthful you talk, somebody will disagree with you. Girls may'enjoy being popular, but it is expensive to their parents. A dirty-looking man seems never make very much of a success in life. Sometimes an invitation to stay till after dinner is a gentle hint to go. Try to express your thoughts without the use of “As the fellow ‘said." Try to avoid knitting the fore head; wrinkles will come soon enough. Putting money in a baby’s bank as about the same a3 giving it to its mother. Your neighbors will novor be proud ot you until veu learn to keep a secret. A good sign of a real working woman is to see her sanding with hands on her hips. Your irieuds will he your friends only as long as you act as they think you should act. Some men are not contented at 'doing you a dirty trick, but delight in rubbing it in. Home men will not be contented at home unless they have all the comforts of a hotel. Don’t be too free with your abuse to other tor being foolish: You arc looked upon by some as being the same way afflicted. . It is strange how manypeople will become interested in you when they see you start down the street with your valise and overcoat. WOMAN’S COLUMN. Learn to be contented. Walking will develop the form. Imagine you are pure and live up to it. Whenever a woman is pretty and knows it, Rho isn't. Figs or other fresh fruit should always be eaten at breakfast. A weak solution of gam Arabic will help to keep the hair in curl. No lady in society has as lnrge a oalling list as the telephone girl. ' Half the things yea hear are not; true, and the' rest are not like you hear them. Half the women in Mas saohiiseUrf who are able to work are wage- earners. When a farmer moves his daugh ters to town, they nevor want to move back. ^ To be well dressed, you must be ■imply dressed. Simplicity is the idea. If yon undertako to govern your ohildren with scolds, they will hate you, Govern them with love. One of the big universities has established a chair of dress making. Now for a chair of dish-washing and sweeping. Au argument is a conversation during which You say many clever olevor'things and the Other Woman makos a goose' of herself. Mrs! Flora M. Davis of Iowa is a grand-inotbov at the kgo of 20 years, The managers of operas have do oided that ballet girls must danco in longer skirts; but girls objeot aud may refuse to danoe. < A piece of rubber in the same enclosure with silver will turn it blaok. Gum camphor will help to keep it bright. Troubles ca* not be thrown off like last year’s garments. They are ia the brain and must bo d ug out. The handmaids of beauty are seven: Fresh air, sunshine, rest, warmth, sleop, food, exoroUo. Halt’ the ailing women do not ne:d raodio-no. They need rest,' FACTS IN GENERAL. The census of 1900 cost nearly twelve riullipp dollars. The wators in Alaska freeze from the bottom. the population of lan. destined to booome mntry. insurance poliqics in at $3.50 a year One-fourth | Chicago is Porto Rioo 1 a great oraug AppendioitiS Europe are issti for every $1,0 Fifty years t Ions was' coni loads Of 3,000 The first lift! ;o a train load of 200 lered heavy. Now ms are hauled. There is muoh said about keeping fresh air and cheerful company. Tco abreast with the times; but if you get through with your worn on time you will not be a failure, ■ Lots of people work bo hard and' get so tired tha’, they would like to go to heaven if it were not for climb ing up the goldeu stairs. Put a good deed and a bad one before a small boy and see which ho tries to imitate. Then you may have an idea what kind of a man he will make. The largest church in a town is too small for a I voly wedding. It. generally takes three or four days to prepare for a little bit of a inarch 30 feet long for nobody to see except the few who can get in the house. We propose that the wedding pro cessions be started down the street. There would he more going on to sustain public interest if weldings .Were sleet parades, and the bride would be better repaid for her trouble. ‘ A procession three or four blocks are around the public square with the bride: and. grqqip^ ‘maids, Sabers, etc. etc.', with a band pre ceding it, would positively be Worth marrying for.. .' - any of u. go tearing through life like the next station was the getting- off place. When making bread in winter, first warm the pan,lot the flour stand in it until warmed, then add the other things. Samuel W. Hammer, keeping a true!” ituranoo society was Btarted in London" m 1698 and another in 17 pc - ’ bath failed. Palace arid-sleeping ears go back only to the oloso Of tbo civil war, the airibrakq to 1SG3, and vestibnled trains to, 1880i k: ’ Nine-tetitbWpf the world judge from.appqaraiyics. It is the clean, well kept town that attraots'desira- ble residents arid grows rapidly. A cotton piokor machine has boon invented, Which, it is claimed, will save one-third of the oropand the men.. ' ■' The CanadiiinTpacific railway sold last year from its subsidy land near ly. 2,600,000 acres, at a price aver aging;, something loss than 84 an aore. , : The man who owes you money may or may not think a great deal of you, but it is certain that the man to whom you owe money thinks ol you a great deal. It is said that. Edison is about to pnt on the market a charging ma chine which will enable anyone of ordinary means to own and rnn an automobile. Just what wo have been looki ig for. Pineapple juice is said to bo the finest thing in tho world for cutting the fungus-Hko momhrane whjca 09at* tho throat in diphtheria, a„d indeed, is useful in throat affeetions generally. ' Advt irtisi ng has boon called a good many "names recently, but what it really is was expressed reoontly by one of Amorioa’s great bnsiness men when ho said, “It’s dad near the whole thing.” It is a curious irony of fate that when a cowmoii plaid mail falls heir to a fortune, he soon falls in line with the bloated-bond holders aud “getirich-q dick” sche mers of Wall street. “Pitfy-’tis- ON THE FARM. Everything should bo made snug for tho winter. In Hawaii the average wago of a farm hand is $20 a month, Let economy be tho watohworii- wnsto nothing. But don't ho mean. It is said that Texas alone mark ets $50,000,000 worth of oattlo. an nually. The agrioultural experiment sta tion of South Dakota has shipped 200 pounds of maoaroni wheat to to South Africa. Whenever a dozen eggs sell for the price ot a pound of butter, tho man with the hens is ahead of tho man with the oows. Ginseng root, whioh brings suoh a high price, nearly all sold to tho Chinese. It is supposed by them to preserve youth. This ih tho time of the year when you should bank the house and see that the boards on the barn and'oth- or buildings fit tightly. Pennsylvania farmers refuse to pay hioro than $20 per month for school tcaohors, but are offering $2 per day for men to dig potatoes. Farm laborers in Mexico may be employed at from 18 to 20 cents a day though in many parts of tho country tboy are scarce and unreli able. Do not let the rats got into tbo corn crib. Lino tbo orib with a wire netting Of three-eighth inch mesh You will bo wa'l 'repaid for your trouble. * Nearly, all tho broom cron on tho. face of the earth is grown in three little oounties near tho eastern line of Illinois. Illinois swoops tho world. country store near Gettysburg, Pa., a Ivortised for a wife, and received answers from 3,700 women. Illiinois claims a grown woman who is only two feet tall. She is 34 years old and a good'ohurch worker. Twins have been born in Fifth Avenue, New York, for the first time in five years. Fifth Avenue is where the ‘-big bugs” live, and they scorn such things as babies. When a sewing machine works hoary, take out the cloth and ml every part of the machinery with kerosene. ‘ Work briskly -fpr a few minutes that the kerosene may do its work of loosening the old oil, then wtpe.thebpartog^ with a soft cloth sad apply your machine oil. Never '{.Title kerosene as-a lubricant. It is » great cleanrfOr, but it heats the bear ings of a machine and would soon cause them to wear ont. Before matches came into com mon nse the average workingman wastod ninety hours a year in kind ling fires with the tinder box. Sev enty years- ago the working class household lived in gloom after sun down. H. P. Toler recently sold his seat in the New York Exchange for 853,- 000. Mr. Toler is to retire from the basiness of Wall streot. He an nounces that he will hereafter do. vote nis attention to Christian Science. In an advertisement by a railroad company for some uncalled for goods the letter ‘‘I” was dropped from the word “lawful” and it read: People to whom these packages are directed are requested to come, forward and pay tho “awful” charges on the same. NOTICE. I havo been reliably informed that Goo. E. Sutton is going around Dooly county standing people against trees, fences aud on stumps, to make piotnres, and claiming that ; he is connected with mo. j He is not connected with me in {any manner, | I have spent too many years in [ building a reputation for excollenco of workmanship, to havo that repu tation injnred hy a novice. 1 may ho found at Montezuma, eyery Friday and Saturday. F. P. PEPPER, Photo Artist Montezuma, Ga. TAX COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS Vienna, Ga, Oct., I, 1903. I will be at the following placos for the purpose of collecting Saate and County taxes for tbs year 1903; Dooling Got 6 Oct 22 Nov 12 NEGRO EQUALITY. By Cuam.Es J. Suipp . Editor Oordele Sentinel. Again has President Roosevelt offered insult to the South. Loss than ton days ago he entertained six negroes at tho Whito House; and this titrio ho gave thofti a personal introduction to his Wife, who gdvo them a cordial handshake, A howl has gone up from tho Southern press that this thing shotild be dono, and yot we think it was gentler thaa the first, when the pre- codent waB laid by him in entertain ing Booker Washington—to draw from this a painful losson—tho suc ceeding demagogues of tho Whito House oan repeat this coming In coil- fiiot with our deepest southern senti ment with grentor impunity, as tho path has been blazed by a pioneer. Tho racial issue, w th all its hideous aspects, is again wi;h us, but wo oling to the hope that there is yet enough rod blood in tbo South to orush this Hydra-headed monster— this time-serving polities, that would, subvert tho purity of our race and root out the Inst ideal of our higher civilization. Let us reason this thing together: Now may bo a time whon the South should deal in superlatives. Drastio measures, seem probable expedients —the exigencies of tho situation aro by no means trifling, involving, as they do, the issues of our oiviliza- tion, and those nobler traits that distinguished our people from tho crop-eared Puritan of Now England. Race degeneracy and a polluting amalgamation, even for tho distant future, is not compensated by an 7 temporising expedients, even should they bring in their accomplishment tho greatest commercial prosperity, or tho most absolute political raas- tory, for these goods arc evanescent, and go with tho season—a super structure whose foundation is built on a narrow margin. The elevation of tho negro moans tho degradation of the white South. Sooial equality means a mulatto race to the unborn generations. We must oithori. keop theno<>r.psdown, or go down.our selves; and the man who is not. true to these traditions of our people is unfit to represent an honorable con stituency. It is the dnty of a states man to know tho lasting good, and t:ie duty of a patriot to learn it.' Byromville “ 7 •• 2,3 “ 13 Unadilla “ 8 « 26 “ 16 Pinehurst “ 9 “ 27 « 17 Findlay “ 12 “ 28 '* 18 3rd district “ 13 “ 30 “ 19 6th district “ Nov 2 “ 20 Drayton “. 14 <* 3 “ 23 Coney “15 ‘ 4 *• 24 Cordele “ 10 “ 5 “ 25 11th dis’ot “ 19 “ 9 “ 30 M3th dis’ot “ 20 « 10 Deo 1 • 14th dis’ot “ 21 “ 11 *• 2 I witt be at Midway Deo- 3, 3od district eorthouse Doc. 4, Snow Deo. 7, Jerry Dee. 8 in the morning and tit Ethridge stor in the evening. "S?ijipettvHlle Deo. 9, Sibloy Doc 10, E)akot* Deo. 11, Curdele Dec. 14, in, Vienna "every Saturday, Books will close Dec. 90. P. J. LEWIS, T. a A BUGGY FREE. To show our customers our ap preoiation of their valuable trade, we are going to give to them a White Star top buggy. And to let some who havo not been our oustomors heretofore see the advantage of be come one. For every purchase of $2 or more we will give a ticket with a number on it. The corresponding number or coupon will be put in a sealed box. On January 30, 1904, the box will be opened, the tiokets thoroughly mixed, and a small child, blindfol ded, will take out a tickat. If you have the ticket with the correspond ing number, yon get the buggy. J. % MAFFETT &t CO. Montezuma, Gs. PS “Get the habit.” Go to the New York Racket Store. They sell everything, WANTED. I wish to rent 30 to 75 sores good farming lands, olose in, Northside preferred. Address this office. ■