The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, December 17, 1903, Image 1

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u jj neaaersoa 53 VOL. XXII. X>° ): '. VIENNA, GA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903 TERMS $1.00 PER YEAR *phe fifst good thing to purchase for Christmas is a pair of roomy stockings to hang up. .OBSERVATIONS No man who tolls his secrets is successful. You siluil a dog when ynit lot him in the hou-'o All of us think at times that wo are miserable. No man* naturally when he has at,mimic 0. Some women will a<h! a 'ittle to everything they toll. When a man is driven to do a thing ho is no hero for doing it. Before marriage he obeys her, but after marriage she must obey him. If you don t want a man to fib to you don’t ask him too many vttes- tions. Some men would quit work en tirely if they could always get credit. A man always looks out of piece in a dry goods store buying ribbons and laces. A good Cbr'stmas present for a tnan would be a framed copy of the goldeu rule. Every boy thinks at one ttiiie in Lis life that he would like to belong to a circus. Pitt 3 b4W{fj Iwo dimes and a nickel and lie wilt flare a good time all day. Lots of people would leave off dancing if they had to pay the (id* dler in advance. It is grrlil'jing to know that every old, homely woman was once a beautiful' gi.l. Let us bo thankful that otir south ern women do not scream at every thing and nulli ng. If you mil,it interrupt business jj men mak 8 it short. Don't lose time at trying to he funny. Every tinid ft K an dairies soma •woman exclaim.#* , *<J»Ou'"iK d knows, she ir welcome to Let us Lone for Ciiriai’.'ttM weath^ r in which wo can keep baVfe end front, warm at one time. The owners of property at a bij£ ! fire cannot uu way other : people can be so indifferent. If you know a no nan real well you will not distrust her while siie is putting dinner on the table. The old-fashiouc I woman wants to carry something good to eat when she goes to see a sick neighbor. We’ve done lots of silly things, but we never went to a church at midnight lo tie anew y ear come in. WOMAN’S COLUMN. Vaseline id good lot the hair and scalp. White promises to odfltlwiid a winter fad. A woman never knows what she can do until she tries. Culture and refinement go hand in band with intelligence. Wives cif't lie cheap in Califor nia. One man sold his for $100. Laugh and von will bo pretty; weep and you vitl lia' o a rod nose. You have only one life to livq. Enjoy yourself. You can’t take any money with you. Make home a place of oorafort. No matter bow humble, make it pleasant. When Cupid knocks let him in, unless your parents or your oon- soienoe say no, A woman’s paper in London is called the Mirror. Now, if you see it in the Mirror it’s so. Every mother should teaoh her daughter to 000k savingly. It will be useful in years tp come, Start out with 50 cents to buy a Christmas present, and everything that catches your eye is marked $1. There is iots of things id think about in this world—lots of thing! besides one’s pwn troubles. It is said that Mrs. Roosevelt dresses on $300 a year. We know of many women who dress on less. Tne first woman olergyman ever formally ordained to preaoh in this country was Mrs. A. L. Brown. Every young lady looks forward to the time when she will have a husband and a home of her own. With some, life is one continuous flat hunt for happiness, whioh is never found. The wise stay at homo in qHiet content, and happiness comes to them. Now, sit right down and think how happy you should be. Think of all the good things you have. A family of moderate or no means with lot! of love ahd health far better than riohSS, FACTS IN GENERAL. Man is subject to 1,212 diseases. Only 9 people in 10,000 die of old age. Only ono than in 208 is over six feet in height. There aro no poorhousos in Ser- yla. Even the puoreat people own property. It takes the constant labor of 80-, 000 people to make the matohes used by mankind. The rural mail delivery is injur ious to the merchant who docs not advertise. Even wheu the worst happens, it is not so bad that you oannot get ever it some aay. Cigars are given to soldiers in the Italian army as part of their daily rations. Mekico now has sixty thousand Amerioan residents and $823,000,- 000 Amerioan money. Opportunities are a good deal like street oars; turn your hack to them and they will go flying, Experienoo is the beat teacher in the world, but sometimes her rates of tuition arc pretty high. liOUdttlioid Ooolioiiiy demands that every uteiiSil be used fie long as it can be made to do service. The fond father sometimes spoils a good farmer in making a poor dootor, lawyer or olork out of his son. Have compassion on the man who makes a fool of himself. Tho poor fellow docs not know any better., Exoessive tea drinking induces, according to various oooulistio au thorities, certain maladies of the eye. The first legitimate game of foot ball between Amerioan colleges was that between Yale and Columbia in 1872. ■.> r Thera Uf treasury Thfl who spends hid fllottSy' amount, in rouij4 with ‘'the fcoys” down town 1 iW c'ketr kicks at,'out the expense of ShW fatally is cruel. , EvfifijY mother should teao.h het r ^ laugh tHWsr tb 1 darn. Do the WiPrh neatly. TLa'matter is quite a sim ple one ahffWljr needs praotice, Hope is go'bWmt We' never lose it. We hope, and bbpe and h jpe, and sometimes wc re£3h onr'deSirb;: and still we aro not s Tho one who keeps pace with his good inteiitiohB milst he quite fi sprinter, btit the effort is well worth while* ON THE FARM. If at first you don’t succeed don’t think it oannot be done. A pieoe of work well planned and prepared for is half done. Be not so particular about the breed as about the kind and feed. Germany has on an average 800 orchard trees to the square mile. More than ten thousand farmers in Iowa reoeivo by telephono tho weather rorooast every morning. As soon as tho trees in an or- ohard come into bearing all other crops oxoept grass should be discon tinued. Josh Billings Baid: “I have seen many good things on milk, but tho best thing I ever saw on milk was cream. ” Line the corn onb with wire net ting and save onough oorn from rats and mioo to pay for this papor for ten years. Muoh of the best and best-paying j farming is done upon farms of mod erate b'e6 whioh a*6 well worked and attended to. Prince Albert is now king of pa- oers, having gone a mileia l}67i Major Delmar is now on equal foot ing with Lou Dillon. Tbero is room for expansion in the poultry industry of tho United States. Look at the market prioe of poultry products for the last year. When the government established the postal tree delivery system it did not think the thing was going to be so oomprehonsive. Good livery men say that the best oil for barrws is made of equal parts of raw castor oil and neatfif°0t oil, with a little lampblaok added. An Iowa man has developed a new breed of cattle in Western Kan sas. They aro doop red in oolor, stooky in build, hornless and excel lent beef cattle, while they rival the Jfirsey in quality of milk. $30,000,000. , ■ .. where and rest until the crOw’s-feet a< bum, when brought, , ®. ,f fide out' and the eyes get bright diamond in the dark, will i£wBe : rt Lw Tintj i-.-; *"■'**"' spwrkle. Paste diamonds are I ■ "!1 , ' . affected. I Do not send the boys away off in baok lot alone to do all-day jobs. Til§j get lonely and feed like say- Somc folks tell aboutVbitfdn' gos siping. Some men stafid^ on the street corners and make" remarks' about every woman who passes;’ This is the time of the year'wbbn ft must be awi'ullj discouragin'.’ Cupid >s busy. Maybe his dart will' to a to know that, toe! - rik. -our heart and then—well;' fruits of his labor must be divide,., t^eu will be married. with a loa er. If a girl has as much as $2 a week to spend alia complains that the stores do not efitryu as sortment of goods. Girls who allow boys to handle them like a sack of Hour, if they rise in the world, may see the day when they will lie esliiimeii to pass the loafing place of men, for fear gome of them will remember things. Girls cauuut uu too carufui. The women of Wallington, N. J., had a row with the painters’ union and have started to paint their houses. Now, we will venture to say there are some pretty colors in tliat town. The man or woman who cannot love and reverence something with his or her whole heart is the only iudivtdual who is hopeless. Life is beautiful or not, according to the way you train your brain. Each year about ten thousand pounds are expended in sprinkling tbe streets of London with sand, to prevent horses from‘slipping. So difficult is tbe art of cutting gloves that most of the prinolpal cutters are known m the trade by fiameand by fame. 1 ’ Probably largest child for hdf'age in the world is ten-year-old Meda Milmoite of Lebanon, Ky., who weighs 200 pounds. _ The inventor of the wooden re turn ball, a ball fastened to a rub- bei s ''string, whioh returns to the one who-throtVJ it, made $100,000. Good manners are about the only thing yon- can steal from your neighbor.*' ahd he be none the more sad or noncr-the poorer by reason of the theft. At the St. Louis exposition there will be a map of the U. S. laid out covering three acres. The boundat- ; u , y sod thinking harsh things about BUO jj treatment. If suclvwork is to be dot, ’ c « #° witb tbe bo ^ Yourself. ^ j RicC, the wheat king of Graham o ' unt I' Kansas > has j«st threshed six 1. hoTOiWld acres of wheat. He got twenty- t ' ro ' bu8hcls t0 the acre, or 132,000 b ,,sb *^ 8 * n He is the owner of sixty v ' 8<,T «n sections, 10,720 acres in all. It would take the entin'* pophla tion of the United States o.* 16 ^un- dred days to shell, the corn cro 4 ° hand. A steamuhcller will she.^ a bushel of corn a minute, while th e most practiced hand would occupy an hour and a half to the bushel. The farmer is nearer out of the reach of trusts than any other man in the world. Ho can burn his own wood, eat his own meat, eggs, mut ton and johnny-cake, and sleep un der a roof that is not mortgaged to rics of the states will be. gravel any corporation. The farmer is tho aVlts three feet wide. , happiest man in the universe. a r" EDITORIAL. If you would exoel in your par ticular line of work you must love it; if you oauuot do this, it is bet ter that you change your oooupa- tion. . Life is always worth living to the man who loves his work. As showing the growing inlerost in the subject of forestry in the United States, it is stated that there are now three national forestry as sociations, with state organizations in eighteen states atid one territory. By order of the postmaster gen eral baggagemen on trains without postal olorks are roquired to deliver newspaper mail. This order praoti- oally puts ovory . railroad in the United States under government protection. Some idea of the world’s progress in oheapening the oost of produc tion in certain important activities is shown by tho faot that tho aver age oost of tho sugar brought into the United State! in 1870 was five cents a pound. Last year it was two cents. Probably the largest can faotory in the world is that of tho Standard Oii Company at Long Island City, at which 70,000 five-gallon cans aro made from Welsh tin eaoh day for the export kerosene trade. Three men have made 24,Q00 oans in one day Economy in the nse of lumber is being preaohed up and down the width and breadth of the land. Among others who are affeoted by tho growing shortago are the rail roads, which use 110,000,000 tieB every year merely to renew thos» worn out and dooayed. A sohool of journalism is to be founded in New York, tho publisher of the World baying snbsqriljad a ifitfge siiin for, this purposd. Tho motive^ bf. ’l^r. Pulitzer pay bdf 1 , oommondablo, but there Appears to 1 06 P0 special need 6t suoh a sohool, when we take into consideration the , faot that every community now.has Bcpresjof peopleiwho know just how to-riim a newspaper. (^largest tree in Oregon was felled redfintly to be sent to the fair at St. Louis as a curiosity. It is the Aberdeen spruce, and stood 800 feet high, 40 feet, around and 118 feet from the ground to the first limb. Its age is calculated at 440 years, being a good sized tree when Columbus discovered the land that, was afterward called Amerioa. Forty years ago buffalo robes were shipped in large quantities. Porhaps a million of these robes m tho aggregate were shipped east an nually. Army officers relate that in 1882 a herd that 0QYe r Q ( i an aroa of seventy by thirty miles movrf- north from tho Arkansas to the Yel lowstone. Now there is not a thou sand head of the American buffalo In the United States, Tho telephone has made the word “hello” a *^1 g , eetiDg W ^ every place on thfiglpbo Where lan guage is spoken by Wire. All Ian- guagetf, English, German,- I’rehch'- Spanish and the thotf 8an d find odtf others* fire' transmitted ffiitb'fally by tho telephone; so'that the'interpreta tion of the> ttolephbtte might bd said to be universal. No matter, how ever, what the nationality of the speaker may be, or what vernacular ho may employ, every telephone message in all languages is preceded by the great Aaericsa 1 ‘hello.”