The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, March 31, 1904, Image 2

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— ANNOUNCEMENT’S As they appear in this paper. TOR THE SENATE. D A R Crum, . S R Fields. FOR ORDINARY. J C Punnaway, L L Woodward, t ■ J A Littlejohn, J D Hargrove. foH representative. rT hi::, Willis Johnson, W V Harvard. Dr L W Mobley. CLERK OF COURT. A L Caltioun, J Frank Powell. FOR SHERIFF. Jj Nobles, J A Walden. II W Powell. Louis Clow is FOR COLLECTOR. C R Morgan, J B Scott, J C Fonn. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I am a candidate lor the Legisla ture subjeot to Dcmooratio nomina tion. J. T. HILL. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I announce myself as a Candidate for representative subject to the democratic primary: If elected J will trv to do my full duty ' constituents. I respectfully it your suffrages. WILLIS J01TN SO FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To toe Vienna Progress. The friends of J B Scott announce him as candidate for tax oolleotor, subjeot to the action of primary. Wo ask the support ot the voters oi Dooly county for Mr. Scott. HI TAX RECEIVER. FOR RECEIVER. H C Brown. FOR TREASURER. D A Taylor, B M Wood SURVEYOR. W E Barker, J S Smith. D C Corey. FOR CORONER. J M D Peavy. G B Shell. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL F A Hooper J R Williams FOR THE SENATE, Subjeot to Primary, D. A. R. CRUM. FOR THE SENATE I hereby announce my oandidaoy for the Senate, subjeot to tho Dcm ooratio primary, soliciting the sup port of ail. If nominated by the voters of this, county and elcoted by tho voters of the counties composing the district, I promise to servo the poople conscientiously and with all the energy that is within me. Most Respeotfully, S. R. FIELDS. FOR ORDINABY I am a candidate for tho offioe of Ordinary of Dooly oouuty, subjeot to the primary. Your support will bv appreciated. LUCIUS L. WOODWARD. FOR ORDINARY l announce myself as a enndidat for the office of Ordinary of Dooly county, subjeot to the primary. If elected I pledge myself (o an impar tial administration of the affairs of the offioe, giving equal rights to all an to all parts of the county. All favors shown will bo appreciated. J A LITTLEJOHN, FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Dooly County; I hore by annouuoe to eaoh and all of you that I am a candidate for the office bf ORDINARY of our oounty, and most respectfully solioit your support in the demooratio pri mary. If I am nominated I shall work from then till the following January in the office, of some Ordinary so as to get a practical knowledge of the duties required of mo/and will make every effort postiplc to give the.pubic satisfaao- tory service. JNO. C. DUNAWAY. FOR ORDINARY To Dm voters of Georgia Dooly Cotinty.—Thaiik- ing you for the support heretofore given me, I again offer niy services for the position of Ordinary of your county in the coming primary eleo- tion. If elected I shall endeavor to do my duty r n tue future, as in the past. Re-po-jtfullv. J D H Ait Li -C V E, O. D. O. FOR REl’RESENTIVE. To tho qualified volors of Dooly county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the legislature of Georgia, subjeot to the dcmooratio primary. I earnestly solioit tho .sup port of the qualified voters ot this county and pledging that if elected I shall represent tttc best mtorost of my constituents to tho vory best of my ability, Yours to serve, W. V. HARVARD. FOR REPRESENT1VE. To tho voters of Dooly County: I am a candidate to represent our county in tho next Legislature, sub. jeot to tho dcmooratio primary. I will thank you for yonr confidcdce, and appreciate your support. Rospootfully, LEWIS W. MOBLEY. Byromville, Feb. 20, 1004. FOR CLERK. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Clerk of the Superior court of Dooly oounty, subjeot to the democratic primary. A L CALHOUN FOR CLERK. I hereby announce mysolf a can didate for re-eleotiou to the offioe of Clerk Superior court subjeot to pri mary- I am vory grateful to tho voters of tho oounty for their hearty support in the past, and I earnestly solioit a continuance of same in the future. Very respectfully, J. FRANK POWELL. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of' Dooly county, subjeot to the primary. I solicit an honest vote and promise faithful service. L. N OBLES. FOR SHERIFF. To the voters' of Dooly county: I hereby announce myself a eandidate for the office of sheriff of Dooly oounty, subjeot to primary, and earn estly solioit your support.- Very respeotfully, J. A. WALDEN. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a cam- idale for sheriff of Dooly County, subjeot to primary. If nominated and eloted, I promise a diligent and faithful preformanoe of the duties of this important office. I earnestly solioit suport of the voters of the county, and thank them for all past favors. Homer Mims will be my deputy.. II. W. POWELL. FOR SHERIFF ‘ To the Voters of Dooly oounty , I hereby announoo myself a cand idate for Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the democratic nomination and solist the support bf all qualified voters. LOUIS CLEWIS. • FOR TAX COLLECTOR. - I hereby afanounoe myself a can didate for tax oolleqtof,' subjeot to the primary, and will sinceroly ap- prcc’Ve the support of the people. Very lispeotmuy. JOHN C FKNN. • much gratitude for the hon- ■ towed upo me two years ago • the voters of Dooly county, I : y announco myself a candidate -election to the office of tax re- -ver-aubjeot to the primary. Yours truly, II C BROWN. FOR TREASURER . To tho votors of Dooly county; I hereby announce myself a can didate for ro-elcotion to tho office of Treasurer of Dooly oounty subject to the Democratic Primary. If nom inated and e1eotod,I promise to faith fully discharge tho duties of the of fice to tho best of my ability ii: the future as in tho pnst. Thanking you one atul all for yonr support in the past and soliciting a continuance ot tho same iu the coming nomination, I am yours respeotfully, D. A. TAYLOR. FOR TREASURER 1 hereby announoe myself a Candida, for Treasurer of Dooly county, subjeot to primary. Your support is earnestly solicited, tours very respectfully, • B. M. WOOD. FOR SURVEYOR. By request cyf friends’! offer as a candidate forsurveyor ofDooly Co., asking the support of tho demoeratio voters of the covnty. Prof. W. E. BARKER, Fiudlay Ga- FOR SURVEYOR. I hereby nnnoiinoe myself a candi date for Surveyor of Dooly county, subjeot to the Dcmooratio primary, and earnestly solicit tho support of all voters. J. SUMMER SMITH. FOR SURVEYOR Yiolding to the expressed wishes of my neighbors and others who kuow me, 1 announoe myself a can didate for Surveyor of Dooly, sub ject to tho primary. D. O. COREY. A STATEMENT. I hereby say to the people that I am no longer in the race for coroner. I retire from the race in favor of J M D Peavey. He is a one-logged confederate soldier and I will not run against him, D ARNETT, FOR CORONER I am a candinate for Coroner of Dooly county,'subjeot to the demo oratio primary. G. B. SHELL.' To the Voters of Dooly County, The duties incumbent urapon the Sheriff in this county - nesesitates having two deputies, and if I am nominated for sheriff in the primary my deputies will be C I Bennett and W L Sheppard. » Yours Vory Respeotfullv J A WALDEN FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL I am a candidate for re-cleotion to the office of Solicitor General of the Syuthwestera Oirouit, subject to the democratic- primary of April 20th. 1 trust that conduot of the office in the past is sufficient evi dence that I will be faithful in the discharge of its duties in the future, and I will appreciate the Support of the good people in my race. Respeot’y F. A HOOPER. l'OR SOLIO'i OR GENERAL Since becoming a candidate for nomination to tho office of Solioitor General of the South-Western Judical Circuit, it has been my purpose and I have endeavored to meet face to fnco as nearly as possible with all of the votors of tho Circuit, which Iperferredto the method of general letter writing. Tho Primary, however, having been fixed for such an early date, renders it impossible for mo to fully ac complish this purposo, and I there fore respeotfully nsk tho privilege of th’B additional medium of an nouncing my cnndidaey, and will appreciate the support of my fellow citizens. Respectfully, J. R. WILLIAMS. Brown Legb° rt » ogga. They are bred with espeoii*! <iare 'to groatest egg production. Would advise order ing at once a* °-irly hatched chioka - are the most vigorous. Choioo eggs* per sittng of IS, $1.25 f. o. b. Pas cal. A tdr«f* MIbS Ff-ORA MORRIS, PcerlosB IM*y Farm, Paschal Ga.' The high sheriff was seen Mon day morning with a soda water bottle in hiB hand half emptied, say ing that he was going to drown his troubles in drrnk or cousume the entire contents of that bo.ttle. His last girl had married, and he baa been promising himself for these many years that ho would take nnto himself a wife whoa his daughters left him. The wedding came unex pected to him, and the strain of not having a woman in his home was td& gfeat. Hence his early visit to' a grocery store where the bottle was purchased and he imbibed the soda wator a nip at a time between sen tences as he planne lto make Judge Hargroye furnish the license free for a wife as soon as he could find her. His friends hope that bis '^drinking was only temporary, and that he will soon have in his arms some thing sweeter and more. permanent than a bottle of soda water. The female school teachers in Kansas are required to sign a contract not to marry within the ti ne for whioh tho oontraot runs or permit any courting during their school engagement. A Chicago woman has just cremated the body of her fourth husband. It isn’t fair—that some women should have husbands to burn, while others are foroed to live and suffer in the single state. A lady of this city, who had her eyo on a certain- bachelor, sent him the followering note: “Make date. Can’t wait, Be quiok. Love siok. No joke. Heartbroke.” The ans wer that he sent baok was: “Will ing now; can’t see bow. Somewhat slow. Sure, though. Be steady. Getting ready.” We expect to announce the wedding in two weeks. The general examenatiou of applicants to teaeh school in Dooly oonnty Juno 17 and' 18. Another examination will be held Deaember 16 and 17 Two or thro* negroes are in jail and will ho la kca to United States oouit iu for sending obscene and vulgar language and curse words in a l c Her through the mail. The letter f ,fta addressed to Judge D L lloudoi*o»i, abusing the court, and all counoutod for sending a mi to the chaining for stealing a pr of shoes. FOR SALE All of mf household and kite lie fumturo and a tiow drop hoar Sinirci sewing machine. II D SMITH. THEY ARE MONEY-MAKERS, Try a gating of our Peerless street Tax notice Book for- collection of street taxes for year 1Q04 will opon on the 1st day of April i oo4 and will olose on tho 101b d*y of April 1004. Street tax pa/* r * of oity of Vienna will take duo notice and govern hemeolves aooot'dingly. ' - /• A. WALDEN, Cleric and Treasurer. NOTICE TO TEACHERS Tho next mooting of the Dooly counny Teaober* Association will b hold at the 0°Lrthouso in Vienna Saturday April 2 1904, Instefd of Saturday Mar* 2c- There will be au Ediontiond Hally held that day Prominent Speakers will address the toaohora, Please attoud and bring as; manf of your pupils as and patrons a* jou can. Teaohors mint **mke their reports Mar. 20. Tbof can road them to me, or hold ll>e«*i until 2 its they wish. Yours truly, H. G. GREENE. TAX RECEIVER'S ROUNDS. I will bo at tho following places on the dates niino.i for the purpose* of allowing you to give in your taxes:. District Apr Apr May First 1 18 4 Seoond 2 19 5 Unadilla 4 20 -8 Pinehurst 6H 21 7 Findlay 6 22 9 Third 7 23 10 Sixth 8 25 11 Sevonth 9 26 12 Ninth 11 27 18 Tenth 12 28 14 14th 18 29 16 13th 14 30 17 11th Cordele May 2, 18 May 3,19 Eraenoh, May 19 am Snow, Mry 23 p n* Oak Grove; Maf 24 Midway, May *# Dakota, May iUn Sibley, May 20 p Wenona, May ST a m Cordele, Mav 88 Vienna, May 89> So . Books will close May 31 Please look at y oar deeds b e f 0 re* coming to givoin Tour tax, so that you can give number and whioh part, of the lot you own as required by law. Veiy respectfully, H. O. BROWN, T. R. D. O. Ga. FOH TAX COLLECTOR. To tho voter* oi Dooly county: . I hereby announoe mysolf a can didate for Tax Collebton of Dooly county, subject to the demoeratio primary,"and solicit .the .support of all qualified voters. Yours very respeotfully, r -—a WORLDS FAIR RATES ■".The G. S. & F.. railway will sell round trip tickets to St. Louis Expo sition at the followering rates from Viepna: Season tioket $35.46. Good for ^ixty days, $29.60 Fif teen days,$24.'25. Ton days, $17.,45.. C R. MORGAN The last a ® med ’ 8 coa h h rates and not • for sleepers or parlor oars, sold oply on certatn daye of eaoh month. ’A THE McNKEL Marble Co., Ma rietta and Cordele, have tho largest mill South. Write or call for prices Hospitality at Small Expense Entertainment—that is, pleasure teyoar Itueste—does not dtpsttd on the money yaw ■pend, baton yonr ow*> knowledge ol hew receive *u() extend hospitality.- Ohrictine Terhune Herrick Mis you all about i postpaid, 50 ceati, WANTED—SJlYKTtAIi INDUSTRI OUS-Person* in ,|i*h tt'ts to travel !or and Stable line. baa llfadrUce-e in oa*tf»aoh week | through special ooaoh will be fur- > Experience not ineatfed- Mention refer- nlsh—1 for ipm, of 86 odol. ta. VBWlliS&S&Mm C. 13. RHODES. G. P. A. J Chicago- - .