The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, March 31, 1904, Image 4

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Barber Shop GEO W WOOTEN Lawyer, Now Jaw office 01 Cotton-street, near court house. Will practice in all the courts of the state and in federal courts o) Macon and Savannah. Vienna, La For slick work, call on Walter Leonard At Charlie Pot. ell’s old stand in the McDonald block. Wc do every thing smooth and nice in our line. D L HENDERSON. Lawyer, Will practice m all the courts except >u r.y court. Office in Stovall’a new lilding, Vienna. Ga. D. A. H. drum CRUM & JONES, . F. E. WILLIAMS, Physician and Surgeon, V ieuna, Ga. Offioe ovor Walton Bros store. Calls promptly attended, day and night- Night calls answered from Roberts hotel. Cordele. Ga. J M WHITEHEAD, DENTIST. Vienna, Ga. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION’S Great New Offer Upon Receipts of Cotton at All United States Ports From September 1st, 1903, to May 1st, 1904, Both Inolusive. Contest Opened Jan. 18th, 1904, Closes April 20th, 1904. DIVISION OF PRIZES. Far tha exaot, or tha nearest to tho oxaot, estimate of the total number of Bales of Cotton reoelved at all United 8tatea ports from September 1st, 1903, to May _ 1st, 1004, both Inolusive i - ' 6 8. J '00.00 .Far tho next nearest estimate —. - l»; 'OO.MU For the next nearest estimate*,* Ppy.uw JFer tho 8 next nearost estimate, $30.00 eaoh For tho 10 noxt nearest estimates, 13.00 eaoh 'For tho 30 noxt nearest estimates, 10.00 eaoh (Far tho BO next nearest estimates, 6.00 eaoh 'Fc - . .. - Far the 100 next noarast estimates, 8.00 eaoh. Additional Offers for Best Estimates Made During Different Periods of the Contest. For convenience tho time of the con- - t«st Is divided into estimates- received hr The Constitution during four pa* •sda—the first period covering from . ;J . Sfs beginning of contest to February Wi Ifc 1804; second period, from Febru* ■hr 10 to March l, 1904; third period, Much 1 to 20; fourth period, March Wo will give solved during sSsk period (In addition to whatever •$par "* 20; fourth < m to April 20, 1904. best estimate received prise It may toko, or If It taka 'SS prise at 111), the sum of $126.00. four prises thus efTered at* $ 5,000.00 TWO CRANDJC0N80LAT10N OFFERS. First—For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prises) coming within 800 boles either way of the exact figures •• 0 1,000.00 Second—For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prises and sot' sher> log tho first consolation offer) com ing within 1,000 bales either way at tha exact figures .. .. .. Grand Total iMeeHMMieiiui* In ease of a tie an any DR C T STOVALL, Vienna, Ga. Office in. roar of drug store. Say and night ualls.promptly attended,. Prescrip tion Froo in our office work. M. C. FEW, Attorney at Law, VIENNA, GEORGIA. Will, Praotioe in all the Courts. G. W. Busbee J. M. Busbee BUSBEE & BUSBEE, Lawyers, VIKX'n., G V. Tho Interest o'eliajtiv'wiys gin If a 1. We promptly obtain U. 8, and Foreign 9 0OQ.OO | money will be equally dlvl r«kf. rtM ailSS&Sg 97,000.00 aattmnta tha . _ur prl $138.00 aaoh amount to.. Conditions of Sending Estimates in This Port Receipts Contest. Subject to tho usual oaadltlone, as stated regularly in The C£pftltutlen each week, the contest bi mow on. Attention la colled bo the followidg summary of conditions: 1. 8end $1100 for The Weekly Constitution one year and with It ONE ESTIMATE In the oonfejat X Send BO oenta for Tho Sunny South one year and with It ONE BSTIMATB In the contest 8. Send $1.25 for The Weekly Constitution and Sunny South both oae year, and aend TWO ES TIMATES in the contest—that Is. one estlmato for The Constitution oad another for The Sunny South. 4. Send 80 coots for ONE BSTIMATB alone In tho contest IF tOC DO NOT W, •GRIPTIOri. Such a remittance merely pays tor tho privilege of tending thf estimate, ft moke a nftmber of estimates on this basis, you may send TORES KBlfMATpB FOR BVB warded at foe some time estimates are sent If as many as ten estimates are received at the subecritfUon*, the eender may forward them with only $1,00—881* splendid jelpt will be eeat for iUi flUB- wlsh to .00 for- time >g of* BE* in one order. A postal card reoelpt ... . „ r ;OUT SUBSCRIPTIONS. Where subscriptions are ordered, THO) ARRIVAL OFTHta FA- IS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT YOUR ESTIMATE HAS BEEN REMOVED ANF O RECORDED. . _ 8. The money and the rabscripUoo and the estimate ansi coma In the earn# envelope eoety Earn. Me eottmato, the money aad the eabecrlptlon go together. THIS RUZJl IB POW nVdt •terDtary Hester’s Figures Covering: the Period of the Contest. TOTAL F8RT RCOIIFT8. |OU$ M 99f5 a §9«« • %®0-OOeeeeo’eeeoeeee*oeeeeeeeeeeee..eee oee I #00-01 eeeeeeeoeeeeeebaaeeeeeeseeaeeeeaae 001-OS-. .•.aMpsea. ....7,903,481—CT8KE3S£fiffi»£ .....8,043,134 ~ 0,048,313 7,019,179 aaoaaeaeaMae—aaeeee>a|ieio8>al ^ .»M.....».....H.,„.M. 18,303,430 b,43$|4i$ ; 8*0,08 001-00- — y,318,170 10,000,000 W? 008-03 7^378.637 ~ ... (•.PSy.OOO i figures above are pertMed by SeereUury Henry G: Hester, ef the Hew Orteeoe Cotton Bxehonga, whe wrfil ihi the official flguree to deride this contest. ^ Address All Orders to THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. ^■■■Ilieirl lir MB—OM3MWOMB—B——3——<Wli—we BIVINS & MOBLEY, T T Bivins, m ». HA Houle?, m d Physicians and Surgeons, W^-Oalls promptly answered. Vienna, Ga, DBS. EDGE & McAJRTHUB. CORDELE, GEORGIA. fffiTSpeeial troatment of chronio din- PATENTS ihotoot invontlon for t I For book, C ARKS writ ^ report on Howto Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. Local Time Table. Effective Jan., 5 ,1905. BEAD DOWN P M 4 80 646 6 09 6 80 6 07 718 7 40 7 69 808 8 60 9 21 9 87 0 49 10 40 P SHERIFF SALES FOR APRIL Undivided 1—8 interest 75 acres of land in N—W portion of lot 68 in the 10th, property of Mrs. Susan Coney in favor of F. R. Penn Tobacco Go against Coney & Co., C. B. Bowen and Mrs. Susan Conoy. Lot 1 in block 4, Cordele, in favor of M. C. Kiser Co against H. S. Nash. Lot 14 in block 80 m Cordele, against W asL Sangster iu favor of O. B. Bowen. Lot of land No. 4 in 11th district, against W. P. McRae in favor of D. M. Shore. 50 acres more or less in lot 140 in Year’s support out of the estate of B. H. Moore for his widow, Mrs. L. J. Moore. Year’s support out of the estate of Dr. H- A. Tollmans for his widow, Mrs Claude Youmans and miner ohildren, T. R. Varnadoro, administrator, will sell equity of redemption hi 50 aords of land in N—W corner of lot No 147 in 7th district. Dr. Carlisle's Liver Pills. thcao pills meet a want of the people that no patent pill con supply, being tho intelligent administration of an efficient remedy. When the elimination of dis eased matter is necessary, those pills have . I . no suporior, especially in a Southern the 9th distiot, against Robert) climate, whero the blood issoconta-ilnated Wallace and John King Walloce, in favor of Louis Lippinan. ORDINARY’S NOTICES For first Monday in April. Will pass upon an application for ah election for sio< k law in Vienna distriot, C. W. Smith seeks relief from guardianship of Thos. W. West. Year’s aupport for Mrs Susan with malarial poison. No intelligent physicicn will hesitate fera moment to recommend these pills, the formula, which is invariably approved by the medical profession, being prin'ed on each paexage. Directions; For Torpid Liver, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Sick Headache! O.n- ■tipation, Colds, Swimming In the head, & o,<na or two pills should bo taken at bedtime. For Chills and Fevar, Billions int- Bedgood and miner children out of I “” tinued Fever a fuU 3039 the estate oi R. A. •/YeorV Asa laxatU o one to two pillsat bedtime. •’« support.out of the eelate Asapurge, tweto thrco-pills at bedtime. ofTTarMcAfee for his widow. DR. R. M. CARLISLE., *Ri4. h’tAitt. f-j'lll 1 , it A WKINS V1LLE & FLORIDA SOUTH r.RN RAILWAY. PIN (t i-KLT ROUTE Lo- al Time-Tub:»in KiToct Nov. 29,1908 North'Bound Sounh Bound A.M 12 46 2:01 2:26 '2:42 8:16 8:60 4:10 4:21 4:26 6:06 6'10 6.47 6:29' 7:06 7 26 7:44 am 6:16 6:46 0:03 6:29 7:09 7:44 8-88 9:02 61 06 1O0 1. ra 1.11. 1 20 2 10 2 20 2 47 1 10 1 46 2 05 2 21 2 29 310 8 81 8 44 8 49 4 86 4 45 625 610 0 60 712 7 32 810 BEAD UP STATONS p m 4 46 614 628 563 629 700 7 62 «10 830 906 910 960 pm Lv. Macon Kathleen “ Grovania “ Unadilla “ Vienna Cordele' “ Arabi •* Worth. 11 Ashburn “ Tilton ” Lenox “ Sparks “ Adel Ar. Valdosta Lv. Valdosta “ Haylow “ Fargo Dexter “ Cutler •• Crawford Ar. Jackson v"i e Lv. Valdosta “ Lake Park “ Jonn'ngs 11 Jasper “ White Sp “ Lake City '■ Lake gutter “ Sampson City " Hampton “ Grandine 1 Ftorahome Ar. Palatka V. W. 4 10 3 22 306 2 48 2 26 210 123 t 11 105 12 30 12 08 11 64 1148 1105 1100 10 21 9 38 8 68 8 37 820 7 41 •n m 1062 10 27 1013 981 918 8 65 8 18 7 60 7 85 6 63 6 48 6 16 a m A'Al. 810 2:20 2.00 1:45 •1:09 12:35 12:13 12:01 11:67 11:16 11:05 10:28 9:44 9:03 8:40 8:23 7:60 p. m. 10-50 10:22 10:03 0:43 9.0S 8:40 7:52 7:28 7:08 6:29 6:24 6:3 0 pm A .It f 1125 1021 9 60 9 89 910 8 50 8 29 8 14 8 08 7 80 7 01 6 62 8 46 600- a m •»§t ?«5| a -1 c® »-3 3 3 B a Stations ? t? .s 1 7 0 2 — 815 Worili 7 Ii Dinner -liinglers 718 831 Unkov 3 38 7 26 2 - 8 37 I'avi.vilie 658 7 80 841 Wi»l:er.villJ(j 43 7 40 8 v. 8 45 Diiuble linn ii 15 760 3- 8 60 Bush H 40 \lnp-«lia K’vr Steele 800 3 867 Ar. lMtts 30 906 3 900 Lv. l'ius ArO 16 912 3 . 904 Ausley 610 RooUy Point 925 3 20 Pope City - 984 3 27 Barton 6 48 946 8 3a Pineview 6 42 100C 8 88 Finleyson 6 38 Maihburn 688 Millerrllle 1006 3 43 1019 4 60 Wallace 626 m !p§ (jngi tjlf 12 51M80 12 37 412 2 38 405 12 2* 400 12 6 360 . .i '1 i 12 tO 330 12 05 1200 1188 1182 1128 1128 me Chancy 10 40 4 20 10 05 HawkfasvilleS 101100(130 CONNECTIONS. Hawkinsvilla—With Southern Wrightsville* Tsnsille B. B By., and Pitts— With Scabsard Air Lin* Double Ken—With Atlantic & Birming ham Worth—With GeorgiaSouthern & Florida Nos. g and 4 are solid train with Through Ceaches and Parlor Sleepers between Macon and Jacksonville, and carries Pulman Buffet Drawing Room Sloewm batwehn Macon and Tifton, onroute between Jacksonville and St Louis, Mo. andCMMco IU SHAW 0 . B . ViCIKPw*. rj n -n . . Macon Ga Gen 1 PaM - A 8‘ J.M.BAFFTERY, D.P.A., ' LEON A. BELL. D. A. P. Atlanta, Ga. Jacksonville, Fla. Atlantic & Birmif|gha ir R # R ' Ttme Tahte Effective Dec. 1,1903. .W AYCKOBS fO JlON TE2TDMA - |' munikaUma to WaYoross ‘ ttTATTUnb. 1 3 6 STATIONS. 2 4 ~6 WavcroBS, Nicholls, Douglas, Ambrose, Wray, 7 10 a m 8 '26 a m 8 67 a m 9 27 a m 9 34 am 4 00 p iu 6 18 p m 6 47pm 6 16 p m 6 21 p m Daily e x Sunday Montezuma, Byromrille, Vienna. Cordele, Double Run, Rebecca, Fiezgerald, 5 60 a m 6 16 a m 6 38 a m 7 06 a x 7 40 a m 120pm 1 48 p m 2 05 p m 2 36 pm 8 10 p m Thomasvillo Moultrio 8 learn 9 24 am 7 62 a'm 8 83 a m 8 22 p ra 4 03 p ra 0 Tilton 10 46am Tifton 5 20 p ra 6 47 p m 8 00 p m Fitzgerald, Rebecca, Double Run, Cordole, Vienna, flyromvillo; Monteauma. 1016am 10 49 a m 7 00 p m 7 36 p m Thomasville 1101 am 1140 am 1169 an 1220 TV 1260p v 7 47 p m ft 8 6 1 «• i vn. 60 p m 716 am 742 am 816 am 845 am Wray, A ubrose, Douglas, Nicholls, Wayoross. 9 03a ra 9 10a m 9 34a ra 10 06am 1120 am 4 36 p m 4 42 p m 6 08 6 24 5 <■ * .... Agent on Line GEORGE DOLE WADLEY, Vice President and General Manager, H. O. MoFADDBK, GeaM Freight aad Passenger Agent. Traveling Frt. and Pass, Jut J.J. MILLIGAN, Agent, VSenna, Ga, ' 5 emit* CE«s, W»yer**% $a ALEX BONNYHAN, Superlntend&nt. J.G. KNAPP,