The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, April 07, 1904, Image 7

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The Vienna high school will dose THIS DISTRICT FOR FENCE the spring term on the 20th of May Today the Vienna district voted with exercises. The graduating on the stock law, fence or no fence, class consists of Muses Ruby kcep up the 8took or turn them QUt Burns, Luoile Moye, Hula Joiner, The count stands Myrtis Everett, Ora Morgan, May For Fenoe ao4 Dee Roberts, and Margie Adkins: Masters Earl Joiner, and Carl Stovall. This paper must be excused for the dry appearance it has but on for For Stook Law 64 Making a majority of 140 for the fence, and the stook will roam the woods another season. • In case the 'fence had- been voted a year or two. W-e have had oares out ’ there a law which provides thet more touching, obligations more the distr.ct must fence itself off from binding and duties more sacied the adjoining territory that has fenoo than running a uewspaper, which there is no provision for the will be explained when we get our f un ^ s and no one in particular thoughts together. We refer to the re quired to do the work. The expeoted loss of onr companion "Unadilla district voted out her fence which occurred last week. two years ago, but negleotod to build a fence around the line, and A goo farm hand is in jail about sbe is yet keeping up her fenoe. a check on Heard’s bank: The For this district there would have ordinary issued a pension check of to be about 26 m les of fence which ♦60 for J. F. Oliver, and the obeok would cost mo less than 13.000, was lost A duplicate was issued It w0llId havo t0 bo a wire fence or and the bank put on notice , not to there would be a string of fire next pay the original. Monday morning Bpring a8 , ong a9 the fao0 of a the check was presented at tie bank dcf e atod oaildidato . Thig fenoo by Will . Mitchell, a tall negro would have to be built by voluntary man not burdened with intelligence. C ontribtion, and kept -up the same The check was endorsed with names W ay, of J. F. Oliver and Sam Houston. Tho upper paTt of the diatnot Mitchell said he got the check from needB tho Btook hw . the lower t Peter Gunn, but he had no witness does no(;i here to prove it and he went to jail m default of $160 bond, no; for pre senting the cheok, but for forging the endorsements on it. AT ORDINARY’S COURT. GARDNER HOUSE H. N. GARDNER, Propritor RATE $t DAY, First olass table. Rooms nioely rp. „ . , ~ ... furnished. Porter at all trains. The Court of Ordinary Monday ^nr pateonaged solicited, granted a years support each to r Montezuma fix. Mrs. Susan Bedgood, Mrs. Claude Montezuma, Ga. C. Youmans, Mrs. Ida McAfee, ~ — j u.o«, ...ot estato of their deceased husbsnds factoring house having well-established Citations wore issued gS' J3S, 'SS&TKtgS Ifor years suppoft eaoh to Mrs. L. vanced; previous experience unneceasary; D. Wilkes, sad M-e. Ms,, Bjraa, jfc.gSHgd jlfflg'"tSSi to be heard on the first Monday in tendent Travelers, 006 Honon Building May. . 0hic8go - A Remarkable Bargain t )BofK for ■iginaliy Issued at 1.50 ) $1.25 Vaasa w. btsokton THE ADVENTURES OF OATTAIN HORN "His beat work.”—Batten AivtrHttr A year's Suscriptlon to PEARSONS Your choice of any one of the following books originally Issued Cyrus Towncinr Mtir FOR LOVE OF COVNTRY —A. intensely patriotic tale," soya the Oniitek, One of hia beat. Ocoaot W. Cant ,JOHH MARCH. SOUTHERNER A celebrated story of tha South Kowarr Eoolsstoh THE CIRCUIT RIDER ■'Trailand vivid portraiture.” aaya the Christian Unit* K. W. Hornuho * THE ROGUE’S MARCH “A ootnrartby nddltioa to romantic literature.” —Ckioaft Tribunt Blrnchk Willis Howard THE GARDEN OF EDEN *‘A JaaduAtluy, powerful novel.”—Baton Staton Richard Hardiho Davis OALLEGHER AND OTHER STORIES —CsJkfbce" la the atory that rondo the author famous 1 A Robcrt Louis Btivihoon ST. IVES ^ Htalaatamd one of hia fiaeae novels Thoms* Niloor Van* PASTIME STORIES •’Tho otd Virginia flavor could not bo tied to finer ofloct ” NOTE:—The acceptance of this offer not only seen res the publications or. 1 books mentioned^ but it also Entitles you to the privilege of buying for one year bool 1 at discount pricra A* this plan Includes practically the entire fiction product of eveiy American Publisher the magnitude of the proposition ia readily apparent. A FEW WORDS ABOUT PEARSON’S MAGAZINE FOR 1904 Pearson's Magazine appeals to every member of the family. In the words r f a subscriber, “ It is the easy-to-read Magazine." Tt| is different from any other maga zine, and by that quality, although less than five years old, has f.ken itsplaceamonp't the very best sellers. Its field is a general one of wholesome entertainment and Attractiveness. Following are four of the special features for 1904: WALL STREET METHOD3 TOM NA5T, CARTOONIST ByALBEBT BIGELOW TA1J/E Illustrated by the choicest of the world-famous cartoons of the man who has been described as tht rrtatfst motdtr «/ fftblie opinion mm known. The biography of Nast ia veritably a world., pfej turs of tbs tiroes when history was warm in the malting. Tho Ovortbr—w erf tho Twood RIttil— Tho Civil W y Fortod-Th. Horror, of Slavery IJ»o Keoonajructlon Po- ried-TlisCneln . jn—Tho Garibaldi Camssl^n In PfMh FRAHOtS Hodooon Burhctt THAT LASS O’ LOWRIES A novel of ioteraalioeal re potation CLARA MORRia A PASTEBOARD CROWN A vigor one aad popular nova! of tha New York •tags HARRiaon THE INLANDER •• A aovot ef remarkabla power."— Now York Ntrald ARTHUR It. Rons j ON PETEK’S ISLAND Au exciting Russian atory Molly Elliot Osawill THE HOUSE OF EGREMONV ” Reran oca filled with the two great qualities of loyalty and love” OOTAVE THANET THE HEART OF TOIL ” Not only good, bat excellently told.”— London Daily Newt OF "FINANCE” By HEJVHy GEOBGE. Jr. A number of true accounts of some of the Wall Sfcreet •‘deals'* by which the saving of the many lxavo been sacrificed to satisfy the cravings of the . 'fevr. Head these articles and realize the wisdom of tho ad vie* of the lata Governor Raawell P. Flower to a party of hit friends to “keep your none/ ia your pocket." b. MODERN INDIAN WARS . By TOW/fSEffB BHA.BM A brilliant and thrilling history of the hostile frontier of the past forty years, giving justice to the public service of such men a» Miles, Lawton, Crook, Ferns yth, Custer, Carrington, McKenzie, Howard, Wheaton, Davis, Sully, JBakbr ana others;—taking Indian fights out of the category of boys* story books pnd dignifying them with tnelr proper place in the JnstbrYOt our Rflt -The CtMl Hwra.! Fight In London—Th. Elalno dentlnl Campaign are a few ef the important headings upon which the series of six or eight papers are built. THE REVELATIONS OF AN INTERNATIONAL SPY Which ran in Pk/ukon’s through the first sit months of 1903, will be resumed in January, 1904. This new set of detective stories has been arranged for in response to the demands of thousands of Tenders who regretted the termination of the first series. The author still stipulates that hia name must remain a secret. PERT PARAGRAPHS. It depends on n man’s circumstances In' life whether he Is lucky to be out of Jlkll this weather. A man does not think a snow shovel la a good thing when he has to push It «tk>wr. Perhaps the poet who said that no honse la large enough for two fam- 1 had never talked to the agent of 8 modern flat Some men pass for real bright fel lows because their love letters were Rever read In a breach of promise ease. Old Father Time gets tho best of ev erybody In the long run. In fact, the musician la the only man who can beat time. There Is no physical reason why a blind man cannot see the point of a joke. Breakfast food people havo overlook ed one point—they do not advertise that ftey cure corns. Coffins, Caskets Robes, Embalming, and all things necessary for putting away the dead. Coffins at any price from $3 up. Money saved on every order. Leave orders at Progress office for goods to go on next train LAflAR CLAY, - - Macon, Ga. Uudertaker and Licensed Embalmer Take care of the pennies, and some ■ne will come along and take them ■way from you when they grow to dol lars. If the fellow who owes you Is on the ■quare, he will come round. Money talks, and the principal thing It says Is "Qoodby.” Money Is no object with a man who to about to be hanged, but it is with bis lawyer. Au engine stops at tho water tank so thnt the railroad may water, its roll!" dock. CENTURY MF y Q CO. PRICE | |{ W i|| p a y y 0I | to Band for onr Cata logue No. 6, quoting prioos on Buggioa, Harness, etc. Wo sell dlreot from our Factory to Consumers at Factory Prloes. This guaranteed Buggy only $33.60j Cash or Easy IMonthly Payments. We truss honest people looated In all parts of the world. *@-WrltQ for Free OatalOOM, MENTION THIS PAPER. DEP'T 848 EaiSUN)t,U $50,000.00 Cash Given Away to Users of LION COFFE We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of I/ion Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums the snmo Uon-Hendi will entitle yon to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Print Contcats, which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired. There will he TWO GREAT CONTESTS — • Tha first contest willbe on the July 4th attendance at the St. houia World’s Fair; tho second relates to Total Vote For President to bo cast Nov. 8, 1904. $ao,ooo.on will be distributed In each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a ilvmnstl BsSea #.£ #E fflfgn to the one who is nearest correct on both urana rllSI 8TIZ8 0l tjlUiUUUaUU contests, and thus your estimates have two —— ■ ■ opportunities of winning a big cash prize. Subscribers to this combination who want more than one book from above list ■can add 49 cents for each book required. 1 Publishing Co. f ' ^2-to*2Q Astor Pla.ce York Five Lion-Heads wggt cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote In either contest: WORLD’S FAIR CONTEST What will b. the total July 4th attendance at the St. Louis World's Fair? At Chicago, Jaljr 4.1893, tha attendanco was 283.273. For nearest corroct estimates received la Woolson Spice Com pany’s office. Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th, 1904, we will give first prise for the nearest correct estimate, aeoond prize to*the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows! 1 First Prize *3,600.00 1 Second Frlso l ,000.00 3 Prlzoa—*500.00 each 1,000.00 6 Prise.— 300.00 “ IO Prises— 100.00 30 Prizes— 60.00 60 Prizes— 20.00 360 Prises— 10.00 1800 Prises— 6.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,600.00 9,000:00 12139 PHIZES, TOTAL. *30,000.00 M Printed blanks to vote on found in every JLion Coffee Pack age. The a cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es- jfiBO timate is recorded. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTE8T Wh.t wifi be the total Popular Vote cast for President (votoe for all candidates combined) at the election November 8,19047 In 1900electlon, 13,939,033people voted for President. For nearest cor rect estimates received In Woolson Splco Co.’s, office, Toledo, O., on or before Nov. 5,1904, we will crive first prize for the nearest cor rect estimate, second prize to tho next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 First Pries $3,600.00 1 Second Prise Prises—*600.00 eaob 1,000.00 Prises— 200.00 " 1,000.00 .1,000.00 1,000.00 3,600.00 .9,000.00 TOTAL, (30,000.00 300.00 IO Prise*— 100.00 20 Prizes— 60.00 60 Trims— 20.00 260 Prlsoe— 10.00 1800 Prizes— 6.00 3139 PHIZES, . 4279—PRIZES—4279 Distributed to tha Publlo—aggregating S4S,000.00—In addition tb which wo shall give $5,000 to Prepare* Clerks (see particulars In LIOM 6OFFEC oases) making a grand total ot $50,000.00. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEFT.) TOLEDO, OHIO.