The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, April 07, 1904, Image 8

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-rj lM 0% O'4 j’;*f k i -/ I’Aj ^f.t « bm, !S a a $ $ “ * Li; >Hi fi2 iil iia ' &s fc. ?>i 'it £) Is tt Upon Receipts of Cotton at All Jg li ? Great L»ew United States Pods From September 1st, 1903, to SViay 1st, *304, Both Inclusive. Conies! Opened Jan. ISth, 1384,-Closes April 20th, 1904. DIVISION- Or PRIZES. For O-.v exact, or tho non-c,3t *o th i cxict, < a I’vvjto of tho total number of Bales of Cotton received .it nil United Statoe porta from September 1st, 1003, to May 1st, 004, both licit* Ivi $ Portion *! musruit ooslmsta - Pbr tho nex noaro-1 ostlm to Per the B n -x: noer->s os 1 Im vo, SCfti.O 3 onch P >r :no io next nutroSt atlmnsoa, 13 SO o..oh For the 30 nrfet nearest estimates, 10.00 oach For tho 60 noxt estimates, B.00 oaoi. For tho loo next nearest oztlrtiacoa, 3.00 Additional Offers for Best Estimates Ml lade Dunnx CVifferent .Periods' of the Contest. F$f convenience the time of the con test Is divided into oatlmUes rt< elved by The Ooninllullnn during four pe riods—tho first period covering from the beginning of contest to February 1*, 1904; second period, from Febru ary 10 to March 1. 1904; third period. March 1 to 20; fourth period, March . 16 to April 20, 1934. Wc will give 1 the best estimate received during eecfc period (In addition to whatever tSdier price It may take, or if It take •a prise at all), the sum of *125.00. the four prlxes thus offered ot“ * 128.00 onoh amount to S GOO-OO | $ 5,000.00 TWO GRAND CONSOLATION OFFERS. First—For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prises) coming within 5<10 bales either way of the exact figures •"••• • 1,000.00 Second—For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prizes aqji not shar ing the first consolation offer) com ing within 1,000 bales either way of the oxact figures _il222i22 Crand Total 97,300.00 In enso of a tlo on any prize estimate the monoy will be equally divided. Conditions of Sending Estimates in This Port Receipts Contest. Subject to the usual coedlttonc, rb stated regularly In The Constitution each week, the contest la now on. Attention Is called to the following summary-of conditions: 1. Sand *1.00 for The Weekly Constitution one year and with It ONE ESTIMATE In tho contest. X Send 60 cents for The Sunny South one year and with It ONE ESTIMATE] In the contest. 8. Send $1.26 for The Weakly Constitution end Sunny South both one year, and send TWO BS- tlltATEB in the contest—that Is, one estimate for The Constitution and another for The Sunny South. 4. Send 60 cents for ONE ESTIMATE alone In the contest IF YOU DO NOT WANT A SUB SCRIPTION. Such a remittance moroly pays for the privilege of sending the estimate. If you wlah to a number of estimates on this basts, you txoy send THREE ESTIMATES FOR EVERY $1.00 for- warded at the same time estimates are sent If as many as ten estimates are received at the same time Without subscriptions, the sender may forward them with only $3.00—this splendid discount being of- laiad for only ten estimated In ono order. A postal. card receipt will be Bent for ALL ESTIMATES RH- OnVBU WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTIONS. Where kiW-riptWns are ordered. THE ARRIVAL OF THB PA* PRR ITSELF IS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT YOUR ESTIMATE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND W CAREFULLY RECORDED. 5. The money and the subscription and the estimate must come In the same envelope every tea Mb aattmaU, the money and the subscription go together. THIS RULE IS POSITIVE. ••oretcury Hester’s Figures Covering the Period of the Contest. SIMM. TOTAL PORT REOBIPT’I. from Jit flei't*0!b*r to Ut Mur (Inclusive) of following jPoer, The period covered by this SALS8 IN OOTTON CROP. Thin il tn.r.iy for your Information and rent scintstss. 1*07-08 — 6,333,009. 1*08-08. 7.093 48 1*08-00 6,843,134. 1800-01 6,346,-11 9. 801-08. 7,216,179 808-03 7,378 627.. ...0,188,884 ..11,274,840 ..10,888,488 .. 0,438,416: • 10.680,680 10.727,808 *mlsh 1 908-03 7,378 027 10,727,609 figures above are certified by Secretary Henry G. Hester, of the Now Orleuu-i Cotton Exchange, who will h the offioial figures lo decide this contest. . GEO W WOOTEN Lawyer, New law office 01 Cittern stroot. near court house. Will p-jctice- in till the ! courts of the state and In federal courts of 8 aeon anci Savannah. Vienna, t>a D L HENDERSON. Lawyer, Will pra tue a all the courts except cou ’ y court. Office in Stovall’a now building, Vienna. Ga. Address All Orders to THE ATLANTA C0NSTITUT30N, Atlanta, Ca. F. E. WILLIAMS, Physioian and Surgeon, Vienna,- Ga. Office over Walton Bros store. Calls promptly attended, day and night- Night calls answered from Roberts hotol. J M WHITEHEAD, DENTIST. Viknna, Gi„ Barber Shop. For slick work, call on Walter Leonard At Charlie Pov. ell’s old stand in the MoDonald block. Wc do every thing smooth and nine in our line. D. A. It. Crum j Garden June CRUM & JONES, Lawyers. Corde’.e. <ia. DR C T STOVALL, Vienna, Ga. Office in rear of drug store. Day and night calls promptly attended. Prescrip tion Free in our office work. M. 0 FEW, Attorney a. Law, VIENNA, GEORGIA. Will Practice in all tho Courts. G. W. Busbkk j m. Bubbbk BUSBEE & BUSBEE, Lawyers, VfSSfv.', G V The interest o )iiiiru'.Y;Vi ;uilrjl BIVINS & MOBLEY, T T Bivins, m d. HA Moiikt, m n Physicians and Surgeons, *6y*(!alls promptly answered, Vienna, Ga, DBS. EDGE* MoARTHUR. COHDELK, GEORGIA. ^"Special treatment of chrc&io dia Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. Local Time Table. Effective Jan., 5 ,1905. —READ DOWN pnn HAWKINSV1LLE * FLORIDA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. PIN 12 BELT ROUTE Local Time Table in Effeot Nov. 29, 1903 The FRANKLIN Typewriter A Staneard Machine, $75. Write to E. F. BUMPUS, Washington, D. C. ON CREDIT. Tha Celebrated Century Farm WagMia direct from our Factory Consumer at Factory ■I Cash or Baa) “ " Payments. We trust 1 ■5 living In * rite for Pricea-Cash or Baay Monthly raslboneat peo- carnnM&b2?ifc North Bound Sounh Bound 7 0 2-- 718 7 26 7 80 7 40 7 60 800 906 912 9 26 934 9 46 1000 1000 1019 ►O'—! P t? a 3J JJl 816 r m 4 80 6 46 0 09 0 30 6 57 718 7 40 7 69 808 8 66 9 21 9 8' 0 43 1040 P 1 STATONS 2 4 A.M A; M. 6 12 46 2:01 2:26 2:42 8:16 8:60 4:10 4:21 4:26 6:06 6-10 6.47 6:5.9 7:0*5 7.26 7:44 8;20 am 6:16 6; JO 8:08 6:29 7:09 7:44 8-38 9;02 916 9:66 10:01 10=46 a m 1 20 2 10 2 29 2 47 1 10 1 46 2 05 2 21 2 29 310 8 31 344 8 49 4 36 4 46 6 25 610 0 60 7 12 7 32 810 p m 4 45 614 628 568 029 7 00 752 M6 8 80 905 910 950 p m ; V. .VI, AM. Lv. Macon 4 10 310 ( Kathleen 8 22 11 Grovania 305 “ Unadilla. 2 18 2:20 “ Vienna 2 28 2.00 “ Cordelc 2 l) 1:45 “ Arnbi L v 125 “ Worth Lv 111 “ Ashburn Lv 105 1:03 “ Tilton Lv 12 80 12:35 ” Lrnox Lv 12 0’i 12:13 “ Sparks Lv 11 61 12:01 “ Adel Lv 1148 11:57 Ar. Valdosta Lv 1105, 11:15 Lv. Va'dosta Lv 11 OR 1-1:05 “ Haylow Lv 10 21 10:28 “ Fargo Lv 9 38 9:11 if L-extcr Lv 8 58 9; 03 “ Cutler Lv 8 37 8:10 “ Crawford Lv 8 20 8:23 Ar. Jacksonville A 7 15 7:59 *11 m p m Lv Valdosta Lv 10 52 U>50 “ Lake Park Lv 10 27 10:22 “ Joan ngs Lv 1013 10:03 “ Jasper Lv 951 9.43 “ White Springs Kv 9 18 9.03 “ Lake City Lv 8 55 3:40 Lake Butlor Lv 8 13 7:52 " Sampson Oltv Lv 7 59 7:28 “ Hampton Lv 7 35 7:03 “ Grandine Lv 3 53 6:29 ' Florahome Lv 6 48 6:24 Ar. Palatka A 6 16 6:8 0 a i p m A vl 1126 10 21 9 69 9 39 910 8 50 8 29 8 14 803 7 89 701 0 62 616 600 a m Stations 8 67 9 00 9O4 20 27 38 31 60| 7? 3 5 7 id 6 68 6 58 12 87 2 33 2 28 12.6 12 2U 1210 12 06 12 00 .TfHtS;r. ¥& maMimsttm Worth Denier ihinglers A mbny DavisvilU W»Heri>viile6 48 Doublo ltun 0 45 Busli 610 Alspalm R’vr Steele Ar. Pitts Lv.6 80 Lv. Pitts Ar615 Ausley 610 Rooky Point Pope City Barton Pineview Finleysoa Mashburn MiUervill# Wallace i“ • Ohaaoy 10 40 4 20.10 06 Hawkins vills61011 C0|l80 CONNECTIONS. Hawkinsvillc—With Southern Wrighttvillo ft Tennille S. X Rv., and Pitts—With Seaboard Air lu>* Double Run—With Atlantia A Riming, ham Railroad. Werth—'With Georgia Southern ARlerida 648 642 6 38 688 a v" - ■ -a 5 3 12 60 ,480 1138 11 82 1128 1128 6361110 Nos. 3 and 4 are solid train with Through Ceacbes and Parlor Sleepers botneen Macon and Jacksonville, and carries Pulman Bullet Drawing Room Sleepers between Macon andTifton, enroute between Jacksonville and St Louis, Mo. and Chicago, II). Nos, 1 ane a are solid trains between Macon and Palatka, and carries Through Coach between Macon and Jacksonville. WM.CHECKLEY SHAW C. B. RHODES Vice-Pres. Gen’l Pass. Agt Macon, Ga. J. H. RAFFTERY, D. P. A., LEON A. BELL, D. A. P. Jacksonville, Fla. Atlanta, Ga. Atlantic & Birmingham R . R Ttme Table Effective Dec. 1,1903. AL5 trains datlv. .WAYCKQ8S TO MONTEZUMA 161 STATIONS. 3 MONTEZUMA TO WAYOROS8 STATIONS. T Waycross, NicnollB, Douglas, Ambrose, Wray, - 7 10 a m 8 26 a m 8 67 a m 9 27 a m 9 34 am 4 00 p m 5 13 p m 6 47 p m 6 16 p m 6*21 p in Daily ex Sunday Montezuma, Byromville, V lonna. Cordole, Double Bun, Rebecoa, Fiezgerald, Thomasvillo Moultrie - Tifton 8 lb am 9 24 am 10 46am Tifton Fitzgerald, Rebecca, DouMe Run, Cordole, Vienna, Byromville; Montezuma. 1016am 10 49 am 1101 am 1140 am 1169am 12 20 pa 1260pm 7 00 p in 7 36 p m 7 47 p m 8 SO r|n 8 . . . m s, *?m 60 p m 7 16 am 742 am 816 am 845 am Thomasville Wray, Ambrose, Douglas, . Nicholls, Waycross. 6160 a ra 6 16 a m 6 88 a m 7 05 a -r. 7 40 a m 7 62 ajm 8 83 a m 1 20 p m 143pm 2 05 p m 2 36 p m 3 10 p m 3 22 p m 4 03 p m 6 20 p m 6 47 p m 8 00 p m 9 03a m 9 10a m 9 34a m 10 06am 1120 am 6 6 00pm 6 20pm 6 04pm 6 30pm ' Satur day Only 4 86 p m 1 42 pm 6 08 pm 6 24pm 6 50pm Xxoellent- Through Schedules and Lew A tes, Fo which inquire of any Agent on Line GEORGE DOLE WADLBT, ALEX BONNYMAN, Vjce President and General Manager. Snperintendant. H. C. JIoFADDEN, J. O. KNAPP, GeuM Freight and Puseager Agent. Traveling Frt. and Pass. Ag J ■ '-V'-- '-:r»