The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, April 28, 1904, Image 7

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[) olidW ilj lo oon? ,11 turnln Rrooif -of 'GrtHkaa. ■ "Do you think Ham volt Is a great ] ractort" ‘•He certainly Is. He disobeys the •orders of.hla press agent right along.” PERT PARAGRAPHS. ^jhlng mentioned tor the presidency ' uand drawing the salary are, alas, two -^ulto different propositions. Did you ever notice that a stingy :Rmn thinks a cob pipe tostcs sweeter •than any other kind! What a snap Noah had when he bo- •came an old settler and people began .talking about a wet summer! .It does not require any practice to 4ie a millionaire. Money is all that Is Accessary. The thing a cat can’t understand Is Why It rains boots nnd shoes and other bric-a-brac on such beautiful moon light nights. Children sometimes ask embarrass ing questions, but that's not the chll- •dren’s fault 'Save your soap wrappers and get a husband. Anyway, winter cannot be accused of four flushing. it requires a clever man to bore a t&x inch hole in a two Inch board. Some people are so cheerful that the teakettle sings whenever they are about Some troubles are More troublesome than others; your own, for example. Never lose your temper ovrt of doors; homebody might step on it nnd that would make you mad. DIFFERENT. fo be a ctflm philosopher When life is smoothly gilding, When not a care floats on the aif# And trouble Is In hiding. Is not a task to try a saint Or bathe a man In glory, •But when your woes come thick as crows Then it's a different story. It's easy to be wise and sweet And live alone by reason When you have wealth and bounding health And everything in season. But let your money fly like chaff Blown through the clover huller, Vou'll And, pertorco, that It'S a horse Ot quits a different color. '"Don't Worry as you Jog through Hie.” What rule could be more simple? But lightly hum when troubles come, Let smiles your glad face dimple. But when the landlord booBts the rent, Bo that another dollar Tteu have to cough, the smile comes off, And then you raise a holler. To be a cold philosopher When there Is nothing doing And you've no kick is not n trick. But when It comes to wooing, And sopic one takes your swoothcart out To gjvc the girl an airing, Tour rules profound full to the ground, And you resort to sweating. THE SPRING POET, When old winter from the landscape Has removed his coat of paint. And no grumbler at his going Haa a murmur of complaint, The,; a sudden Inspiration TakeS cotoesslon of the bard. And ho fn a p^oet fr* *««y Grinds out versos by the yard. With the passing of ths winter And the coming of tho spring,. Then the gentleman .of versed Simply has to rise and sing. He could no more be prevented Forth from pouring out his soul Than the coal man could he hindered When he boosts ths price ..f coal. wink and limping sonnets, Quito unsteady on their teat, From his nimble pen come rushing At a rapid fever heat. Night and day he grinds out versea From hta teeming, throbbing brain. As a farmer boy grinds Bausage When the porkers have been slain. Then ha takea them to the printer, Who Is waiting for his prey vyith wastobankat large nnd ample, Whore such things aro stowed away. And for weeks he buys tho papers, Till they litter up his room. That Is why the circulation In the spring enjoys a boom. THEY" ARE MONEY-MAKERS, Try a petting of our Peerless Brown Leghorn eggs. They are bred with especial care to greatest egg production. Would advise order ing at once as early hatched chicks aro the most vigorous. Choice eggs, per sitting of 15, |1.25 f. o. b. Pas cal. A Idress MISS FLORA MORRIS, Peerless Dairy Farm, Paschal Ga. Finally Succeeded. ."Our friend dunks stutters ~bouio- what." “I should say so. His wife says that he proposed to her on the Installment plan. It took him three nights.” HU Former Trial. "Is this tho first time you were ovor caught in the meshes of the law?” asked the judge of the prisoner at tho bar. "No, your honor," replied the cul prit "I was married once.” Base Bawl , When In the night with accents wild The husky youngster . calls, | The father snatches up ths ohlld And takes his base on balls. I In expansive. When the cat is awny she will prob ably come home in a day or two bring ing kittens. Wheu a man Is in n tight plnco it sometimes makes him a little crooked. — Tho only thing about his wife's dress that a man la interested In. is Use price of it Equaled the Ancients. "Is that painting one of the old j I masters?" \ "No, It Is one of the young mistress’. I I Hho Cftn paint «s badly as any of the ; old; -ihnstet'B that over lived." 1 The TooU. ? To bo an , orltl °., 1 . .One quote*’ tar B "? Procure a sled*-.'' £i\alde And check your £ ” ontsiae. Burned It Slowly, “Old Flint has money to buffi/* < "Well, I wish he wouldn’t burn if up > In such a cheap grade of clgnrs if he | Is going to rldo down In the car with . me every morning.” j ’’Drink to me only with thlno eyes," Ha whlspared tenderly. The girl replied, "If that's your sirs, You're much too cheap for me.” Explained. "Strange that Jenks never tells you the smart sayings of his children like other roon." “Not strange at all; Thoy are stop, children.” Force Helps. With moral suasion ns your plan T .et every point bo won. 'uki we pay the holdup man But w*. it have a gun? Did he P- er_. Hog Oh-lvra Remedy for sale by Jas Williams, Route 4, Vienna Ga. Send $1 for formula and family right. It is guaranteed. Beet used in this eounty sinoe June with perfect satisfaction. Can give eference. CITY BARBER SHOP. Wnen in the oity please call at the city Barbor shop, got a hair cut, shave, shampoo and face massagr, clean towels, sharp rators and polite attention a specialty.. VC PAT L I. RUB An mn mix BBSURT . ji 61 h mull v, .Tll'.illlW Oil PlOW ISl/fl OlU II . oil obtKi'ioJ wo .gtiUullw v.' ARDNER HOU8E H. N. CARPNfcR, Propritor RATE $1 DAY, First class table. Rooms nicely furnished. Porter at all trains- You. patxonaged solicited. Montezuma, Ga. WANTED-FAITHFUL PERSON to call on retail trade and agents for manu facturing house having woll-ostablUbed business; local territory; straight salary *20 paid weekly and oxpense money ad vanced; previous experience unnecessary position permanent; business successful’ Enoloso selt-addressed envelope. Bunsrin tendont Travelers, 606 Hoiton Building Chicago, ouio8 yio«i at •IBOl The FRANKLIN Typewriter, A Staneard Machine, $75. Write to E. F. BUMPUS, Washington, D.C. ®©VAW®StM ittffe if $«*€« fragile ia til Sit 4M*S1b» feragit ty tipiitmi tatytN its lit aitl • tilts tl pittt Isi itttb tfi tHk The Dress Good the choicest pro- ductoin. Gentlemen will’* iind my clothing to be of the best that can be made Shoes! Shoes! My Shoe line is complete and excels in quality and in quantity. Hats and Caps. For evory one at unusu ally low prices. Stoves and Ranges A solid car load of ranges, cooking and heating stoves of the most cele brated makes to be fftund on the market, and every one guaranteed to do good service. Jjp Need a Trunk?] Call on us for the best se lection. Suitable for ail. Agricultural implements, wagons and buggies at lowest prices. Sewing Machines Why pay the profit to a wagon salesman when you can get a better one for half the money here? Furniture. fly furniture is ii reach all, as the prices will con vince you at a glance. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Nails and building material generally. Hardware Stock Is the most complete In this sec tit i e, and is selling at prices that defy competition. Underwear and Hosiery that will meet your approval in prices as well as quality. . .i - ■ • Crockery, Glass* ware and house furnish ing for all, and at prices to suit the times. For Courteous and polite Treatment and Honest Deal ings, Cal on pt* - g 22 ■' ■ " — 9. *, B»VAI«SE, Montazuma, Ga.