The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, May 12, 1904, Image 7

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■ 1« ui? itc\Ni it««H «t ft** . - -- " M ontazuira, Ga. Had the i Say. “Th<> in bt-Mu.i guns , mak- lag bislui; if the' i ■ i, now "Do yo • iliink \Voll, Ii • io tell you It !h .ii hum In .nil the Ii o pen- -all, that in: uivts it ; they i vo re- tired an ard wo ir • uig wl Is tc come next. I-ler Figure Cuv - 0 ht Them Her fact s wu:i not i> Pi -’tty, Her for? -*■ was noi ■'ll iK great And she wu rathe hy on s. a) But, -h .ier figure wns Immc.., Bo m 1 came ”oi to wait Upor. 1. 3 girl ot I; uty shy Whoi-e eh arms set fined quite a blank Attract • Horn all quarter.^ by Her urp Jn the bank. E\prcs3 Yourself. If you don't lllte the slippery way A single tiny bit, To show you disapprove you may With ease sit down on It. Not Seasonable. ••Mias Jonn'o is a .cold proposition." "Than you mid b .'or save Iter for ms "’her g'rl A tml u |tf#t mqptito I® ti Ilf if® Ifi 11*1 i-. tilt i |t|4t tlftfttiftt i $ It m in i rr IS HiS TRADE. Behold the villain In the pit y, The gentleman with cuhnlng low Who. plotting dark to have his way, To any length or depth will go. He keeps the heroine at sea Till thwarted by the hero keen And shows how . lean a man can be When he Is paid for being mean. For throe long ants and maybe four He works his i lerhande J game. Keeps gentle foil. In an uproar And quite lives up to his bad name. A fellow once printed a poem And called it “The Beautiful Snow,” But he left no address, and it's lucky, I guess. For him that the public don’t know The number and street of his quiet retreat Or the proper directions to go. When the weather Is way below zero And drifts ere os high as the trees. You labor and puff to shovel the stuff. Your neighbors Imp.ntl- nt to please; You wish that the bard were out In your yard At work In the drifts to hts knees. But do not censr him ->r s He merits Aral --erthrew Hemember, he Is in awing p For being mean and vile r 1 low. For when he hires by the ye- The manager , Thut he shall r ■ A villain ci the Some fellov a you Are Just as oru- As an’ v.lialn tr And j not grt specify night a- ‘;ir oepest dj i y chanc to knov . very wh ' OvV sen i for t Had Inside In'armatio “It Is .pu’tiae . sa„ ihn. u* shoe factories have shut down b use oi overproduction. There coiiln not be such a thing.” "How do yon flyui -i that oir ' ’ "I know withoui ,.gu. ,ng. l am tht father of thirteen ti!,Moron.” Changed l er Mind. Before the two w- married She cnuldn’t si i pipe; She like i a joa clgn A fragrant ten i snipe. PERT PARAGRAPHS. Perhaps the letter that never came was held up by a Jealous stenographer. If you want to find out all about farming, ask the man who has never farmed. When they had s She changed In; Now she war, h>. - She tboigHf a ■;t dr let t It may be that nature is charming When dl-M-- 1 In her garments of whlt% But when from your in - - clear down M year ter ■■ Jack Frost .. rr- '.nil cr a bite It i-.-mes in your mind the poet to tind And tell him • for a fight. i.viles ' e snow If s'mrb-g \ ilo bu\ ..* .. gu.iant v. ill a sleigh, But that klr.d.of talfe don't suit those wfc* walk, ucst ol . trbv. nut way; Which mokes it suite liurd the man to M* g-urd • With favor who print, l the lay. V’hivc She Pulled Up. "His wife drove liiiu to drink.” "Terrible, isn’t it?” “He thought so She pulled in the horses In front of a nodn water foun tain." Time Limit Had Expired. "You told nu’ you (lid not drink be fore we ware mavrled.” “I didn’t drink—before we were mar ried.” THEY ABE MONEY-MAKERS, Try a setting of our Peerless Brown Leghorn eggs. They are bred with espeoial oare to greatest egg production. Would advise order ing at once as early hatched chioks are the most vigorous. Choice eggs, per sitting of 15, $1.25 f. o. b. Pas cal. Aidress MISS FLORA MORRIS, PeorlesB Dairy Farm, Paschal Ga. Wnen iu the city please call at the city Barber shop, get a hair out, It breaks the heart of the mother of , , j - . a spoiled son to see how his wife can 8 ,ave > shampoo and face massagr, make him step aroupd, clean towels, sharp razors and polite _ — . .. , • _ attention a specialty. Don’t judge n man by his salary. He may have a rich uncle. A man always wants to be a boy again minus the sore toes. Perhaps we say time Is money be cause both fly. A faint heart often wins a fair lady after she is thirty. Misery loves company, but not bad enough to look for it In the poor- house. Do not Judge a man by his clothes. Thoy may be only rented. You cannot blame the man who wrote “Bedelia.” He may have need ed the money. You may say In general that all men are Haro, but don’t be specific If your features are special pets. CITY BARBER SHOP. ra Remedy to .Tas Williams, Route 4, Vienna Ga. Send $1 for formula' ail* right. It is guaranteed. Bsae used in this county since June'with perfect satisfaction. Gan give fren cc. ARDNER HOUE H. N. GARDNER, Propritor RATE $1 DAY, First, class table. Rooms nioeljr furnished. Porter at all trains. tonr patronaged solioited. Montezuma, Ga. ■WANTED — FAITHFUL PERSON to oall on rotail trails and agents for manu facturing lionet having wcH-ostablhhed buainuu; local territory) straight salary $20 paid weekly and expense money ad. vsnei'ilj piuvious u.permute unnecessary ncsition permanent; business lucoossfu!* Encioeo tell-addressed envelope. Huperin tondont Travelers, 606 Monon Building Chicago. A mad dog nev er stops to count 100 before biting some one. It would not be fair to base a man’s general reputation for truth and verac ity on what he tells the assessor. Never look to see If a gift mule needs shoeing. An erratic keyhole can cause a sub stantial citizen great confusion after the midnight hour. The FRAf KLiN Typewriter. A btaneard Machine, $75. Write to E. F. BUMPUS, Washington, D, Q, Hats and Caps. For every one at unusu ally low prices. Agricultural implements, wagons and buggies at lowest prices. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Nails and building material generally. For Courtecus erd polite ttn irtvt ard Honest Dealings, Cal vfockery, Glass- ware and house furnish ng for all, and at nr to suit the times. Pces cn Shoe? ! f !soes! My $ho«. line is complete and *xcef in quality and in quantity. Stoves and Ranges A sohd car load of ranges, cooking and heating stoves of the most cele brated nakes to be found on the market, and every one guaranteed to do good service. Need a Trunk?* Call on us for the best se lection. Suitable for all. Sewing Machines Why pay tfte profit to a wagon salesman when you can get a better one for half the money here? Furniture. My furniture is ii reach all, as the prices will con vince you at a glance. fffce Sickest pro- ductoirt. Oentlemen will find my clothing to be of the best that can be made Hardware Stock j s the most complete in this section * Selling at price? that defy competition. Underwear and Hosiery that will meet your approval in prices as well as quality.