The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, May 12, 1904, Image 8

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A SPRING VISITOR. Hello, (here. <Qot}4 people! Are you aware Thet i am here. TIiIb year Once more As of yore, Welling for spring? In the ring Along with the poets, hens, Icemen, straw hnt makers ' Ami fakirs With sassafras to sell? Well, It Is so. I guess you'll know IS'fore I depart "Tout 1 nm playing the heavy part. 1 am the grip germ. Yon may well squirm At the name 1 Be'catlSa I am game, Ami you know it. 1 never make a hit Except when I dcplrt, And, bless your heart, Jin not going yet; That is a safe bet; Not for a long while. There Is a whole pile Of fun for me around this earth, And I propose to stay and got my money's worth. I don't expect to get much sleep. I hawe too many pressing dates to keep Tor that. There are too many nice fat Mon that will make Juicy picking, And I am licking My chops In anticipation. For that matter, idl creation Is my legitimate i#ey. Bay, I’m from Bitter Creek, And I'm not feeling particularly weak Or dizzy, And, It any one should ask you, It's my time to got busy, Is It an Improvement I The heathen In their blindness Bow down to stone, we’re told. But when tlielr eyes are opened Then they bow down to gold. How Did He Know? “A fool uiul Ills money ore soon parted. 1 ’ “Did you ever Have nny money?’ Knew the Kind. “Jenks over there Is a coming poet" "Glad you warned me. I will be on my gunrd against a touch.” It is mf when tin' It t - . book ' kju Christina.-. oekett- frony i IKt \.h itj:\ i < --c i u>p. ■..Ill iter Leonard A doctor Is ape to be out of pntienceej when he Is out of. patients. t ■When n man Is just living to save* vVil, | funeral expenses, the neighbors would ... n(U ? often chip In If they knew his reason,..■■.adding, for hanging uround. D L UKNDEKSON. Lawyer, pra b nil tno '.-t'-’up. ‘-’llcfi in Stovall V new Vusyu/i. Ga. At .tJhurB® Pun «.ll’s old stand in the .k' , juid block. We do every thing smooth and nice in >Hir line.' PBRT PARAGRAPHS, When hope plays tho races it U apt to be a cosily emotion. An hour’s sloop before midnight Is conducive to normal conditions for both bead and purse In the morning. It Is a wlso bnby that puts In Its spare moments trying to look like ltB father. Love laughs at lock smiths, but the diamond It Is not a very wise sou that does-' not know more than his father. - ' i' In these days' of tipping you oven, have to tip the- scales If you expect them to tell your weight. , P. E. WILLIAMS, Physician, and Surgeon* v ienna, Ca. Office over Walton Bros store. Halls promptly attended, .lay and right' People who have money to burn don'ti .... , , „ . have to. They ee.n afford to buy coal. I «'g h ‘ calls answered Tom Roberts, hotel. It is a liberal education for a man to' know when not to butt in. Too Sisterly. •Do, Charley, I can never marry you, but I will bo a sister to you." “All right. I will marry your older lister, and you can ho a sister-in-law." "You horrid tiling! You won’t do Anything of the sort. It you have got to be in this family, I will marry you myself." Inexperienced. We know the hired girl bad not Killed many other datos, For idle could all the dlshos wash And not break any plates. Getting HU Money's Worth. Newsboy -Extra pnpor, 2 cents! Five hundred lives lostl Old Gentleman—Go ’long; you’re a fraud. 1 Just bought olio for n cent that had 1,000 lives lost. PBRT PARAGRAPHS, Of course In a school for tho blind there Is no C class. Love may come unhidden, but It often goes to llio highest bidder. In modern days a prophet is seldom Without proilt in his owu country. It must bo a bravo man who marries | woman who can speak half n dozen languages. With some- people the lawyer hast ISuRHmo Mtx’J dealer has been known taken the place of tho priest ns fathen- to turn the tables on the confessor., little fellow. . — — ' It would be much harder to pick out An old maid Is evl- a groat man from the herd If he were donee of good judgment separated from his clothes, on her part and an old — bachelor of good Judg- There is this advantage about Gar ment on the pnrt of all rowing trouble—one is not obliged; to women. mortgage the little home for securing. A little learning may be n dangerous To make the thing emphatic, trouble tiling, but It comes liaudy to bang a usually comes C. O. D. bluff on. — — English creditors do not view with A homely girl may be a mine of Intel- alarm the marriage of their royal lectual wealth, but she would better dukes to common, though wealthy, employ a beauty doctor to help her pro- American girls, moto her properly. ( — The wages of sin is not infrequently Cement warranted to mend broken a Job in the city hall, tempers Is one of the things the wise J M WHITEHEAD, DENTIST. llKNNA. G L)R t? T STOVALL, Vienna, Ua. office in rear of drug store I' night calls pmmipily uttonduil. f lion Free in eur office work. BIVINS & MOE&E1 B1VI1HS M D. HA MilBLKI Physicians und BuagHoii-, J®,'Calls promptly answ i re ’ VltCNNA, Ga. f Send mouel,aiu ■ - hotoolInvention fort } tree report on p. 'inability. For free book, f ; SsgnaBrTRitDE-HftflKS “ ' I>KS. EDGE* Me-ARI OORURI.R, animal A. WiF'Bpoi'ial trontnwat ot c Caution Is not ns picturesque ns fool hardiness, but It comes home with few er broken bones. Some people cannot see where the modern club woman is any Improve ment over the old time woman with the rolling pin. A man’s conscience 1b generally so obliging that It does not give him any trouble unless he Is found out It all depends on why It Is printed . If a man’s picture In the paper gives him pleasure or a pain. ▲ great many men have never had appendicitis because the doctor was afraid they were not good for the fee. Very seldom dobs a schooner of beer get stuck In crossing the bar. If a man does not laugh at his own Jokes, why should any one else be ex pected to? Time and tide often wait for the hero of n detective story, and lf.thnt will not cause his purposo to be ac complished the laws of gravitation arc' suspended. Sometimes an alderman’s right hand does not know what his left hand Is doing because each is reach ing out in a different direc tion; housewife will have on hand at house- cleaning time. The postman Is often a talebearer. As between a pair of work roughened hands and n pnlr of dimples, the dim ples have the best of It In a contest for a husband. WINDS OP MARCH, Maroh zephyrs at a merry pace Play rough house with tho human race. It's tholr delight In sportive play To roll a fat man’s hnt mvay. No pnmool Is built so stout But they can turn It wrong skit out To earn tholr pny they fool they must Fill both your eyos with Ions of dust. Thun they will round the corner go And give your ears tho overflow. It Is a point with them to blow Conlrary from tho way you go. And If you tako a backward track They always meet you coming back. They twist your muffler all awry And tear a garment on the sly. And what they do to women’s clothe* Is quite a scandal, goodness knowsi Their early training was not right Or they would sometimes bo polite. I wish they’d chase themselves away So we oould hnvo the winds of May. Some people tako a hint as serloualj as though It were a riot act. 1 ft Is doing Mm an Injus tice to. speak of a hard coal deal er with a strong accent on the bard. . Had a Bright Side. "Life is not worth Hying, The only girl In tho world 1ms lurued me down." “Cheer up, olil man. It might be woreo." “I don't sec how." "She might have married you.” When templed to drown trouble, re member that It wenrs a life preserver. Frequently the lace of tho trano- t gressor Is scarred. | Never try to know more than the man who Is going to leave you money In his will. A pretty girl’s picture never doea her Justice, to hear her tell It. Often the futher of Lemieels ibat ae has a rival when a man Is trying to explain to his wife whore he was the night before. Happy is the man who has a' rsd- hended gin! for th,- ligl.--; of his life. Politeness does not cost nny money, and It sometimes makes people asham ed to charge you. An experienced fool Is the most ox- asperating object on earth. Georgia Southern M Florida Ry. Local Time Table, i ffective Jan., 5 ,1905. RE D I OWN More Expensive. “Poor man, ho died of a broken heart.” “He must havo been poor or tho doc tors would hnvo called It appendici tis." The Athletic Hymjshake. I like an honest handshake, A friendly,J hearty grip— An earnest grasp that by its clasp Betokens comrade ship. But when a fellow reaches out With evident design To crush your hand into a pulp, That's where I draw the line. You meet a dumbbell swinger, Whose words are soft and nice; In sore distress lest you won't guess His grip Is like n vise. You wish you had a pistol To make him understand That later on In life you want To use that good right hand. Ho puts an ample pressuro Until with pain you scream And dance and squirm, but he holds Ann And turns on extra steam. How you would like to soak him A blow between the eyes, tf he wore not of such a build And more than twice your alls. I don't mind from a lady An absentnilnded squeeze. With half a show I whisper low. “A little harder, please.” But When a boilermaker . My trouhjea Would Increase By making mince meat of my hand I call for the police. HAWKINS vlLLE & FLORIDA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. PINE BELT ROUTE Local Time Tabic it. Efloct Nov. 29, 1903 North Bound Sounh Bound 718 7 25 7 30 7 40 7 50 00 8 06 9 12 9 25 9 84 9 46 0 00 10 06 «h jo<-U sg Stations g,W i-° , w H a ,ts M 'H 31 37 I 41 " 45 r.n "50 o"j 3 o 0 ' 67 3 l-j 00 3 16 "04 3 1U ! 3 r > 7 10 0 68 t> 68 Worth Domor Shinglors A mlioy Pavifvillo Wnltersville 6 43 Double Run li 46 Bush 6 40 Alnpahn li’vr Steele Ar. Pitts Lv.6 30 Lv. Pitts Ar616 Ausley 010 Rocky Point Pope City Barton Pinoview Finleyson Mashburu Millervillo Wallace Chaney 6 48 5 42 6 38 6 38 6 26 12 60 12 37 12 33 12 28 12 26 12 20 1210 12 06 12 00 1138 1132 1128 It 28 Ulfl 40 4 2010 06 Hawkinsville6 10 11 GO 180 CONNECTIONS. Hawkinsville—W ith Southern s Even Worse* Tfce man who looks into a gun to boo “It Is Intolerable the way Jack Frost F D ." "Rntsviiie * xenn If it is loaded generally finds out. .pinches." * ' » Pitts—With Seaboard * Wrightaville & Tcnnille P'RBy., and XUWU 3 , • TS-- mneneq ” 'i i • —•* • wu«M V aiu Air | ^Otoar up; it might bo a policeman." j UouW * ' Georgia Southern Sc, Florida ' P Mi A . M A. M. r V[ 1 A'.11. iL 4 3li 12 46 l fco i . ! '!■ I 6 46 ' 2 |0 { i |jn 0 09 '.{ :•{) - ( . ; 1 •> •. 9 .'.9 ‘j 30 : 01 X 47 ; .. ( ■ . ... • .0 9 39 1 0 67 2:26 1 HI .;.0j 9 10 j 7 !8 2:42 1 46 “ * t ,•( ' i no l | r> n -.o 7 40 2 05 A rul>i 11 8 29 3 7 69 2 21 " Wnnli. 1 A | i . j 8 08 3:16 2 29 " i O.l ii" ii. :)) 8 08 ' 8 6u 3:50 3 lb 9 21 4:10 3 81 " 1 ■ y 37 4:21 3 14 1 ! /I l :')i 0*8 4:25 3 49 X V,J, > ■ ',8 11:57 10 40 5:05 4R6 6 r. V . 1 u 11:15 8 00 . p m 510 1 t.!> l.v, V, Si, 1. 11: 6.4 7 o i:5 " H vv lo. y, 6:29 610 " FaFgu 9 118 9:li 7:06 0 60 “ ! v pxt rt r 8 5“ 9-na 7 26 7 r> 8 3 9 j.-, ■ 7:44 i { lit Vt l'« Lv 8 ■> 8: M 8; 20 8 10 Ai .InckgouvO' . A 7 1 • 7:5 I . am p m ftt 111 6:16 4 46 Lv V a M o-ita Lv 10 52 10'60 6;4t> 614 L ike Park Lv 10 >7 10-2! 6:< 3 5 28 • J«.m n Lv ffil-l 10:01 0.29 6 53 " .Jasper Lv 9,1 9:43 029 “ Wliitfl Springs Rv 9 18 ' 9 93 # 7 <>o " l.'ik" ' lit.v Lv 8 55 8- "I 8 38 7 vj - Lake Butler Lv 8 13 7: < ) - 10 ■ Sainpsojt t lity Lv 7 50 8 30 “ 11 unpt'm Lv 7 35 7:0 1 | 0* 615 906 C-frtiu'Hno 0 63 v) 10=01 9 .0 f* 1 orahurriH 0 43 10'46 9 60 Vr. I > .ihttk>l Lv 6 15 5:3}. U 111 p m a • p nl Nos. 3 and 4 are solid train with Througu Ueaches and . arlor niot pers o SlftOOn and Jacksonville, and tarries Puiman Buffet Drawing Room Sleepers between Macon and Tifton, onroutc between-Jacksonville and Si Louis, Mo. and Chicago, II,. Nos, I ane 2 are solid trains between Macon nnd Ptlatka, and carries Through Coach between Macon and Jacksonville. 6 C. B. RHODES Gon’l Paps, Agt LEON A. BELL, D. A. P. Atlanta, Ga. WM.CUECKL.EY SHAW Vice-Pres. J. H. RAFFTERY, 6. P. A„ Jacksonville, Fia. Macon, Ga. Atlantic & £nm irghsir B.R Time Taliia Etlestlte May. 1,1904. WESTBOUND STATIONS. No 1 Dailv 1 No 3 1 Daily | No 6 1 I Way cross, 7 10 am 6 00 pni | Brunswick 3 00 pm Thullman 1 3 4 pm Nicholls 8*20 am 616 pm Douglas | 8 63 am 640 pm Ambrose | 9 20 an. 7 • ■ .ii ! Wray | 9 84 am 7 19 pm j Thomasvillc 4 16 pm Moultrie b 30 pm Tifton 0 36 pm h uzgorald 1010am 8 00pm Daily Rebecca 10 44am 8 36pm Except DouMo Run 10 tUarn 84flprr, Sunay Cordole 11 37am 930pm 7 16 am Vienna 11 67am 9 68pm 7 12 am Lilly 12 10dm 10 07pm 8 00 am Byromville 12 20pm 1019pm S 16 am Montezuma 12 60pm 11 60pm 8 45 am D'AST BOUND 61ATIONS | No 2 1 Daily ■iu 4 Daily No 6 j' Montezuma Byromville Lilly V venna Cordele Double Run Rebecca Fitzgerald 6 60 am 6 20 am 0 16 am 0 38 am 7 9-5 ain 7 40 am 7 62 an, 8 30 am 110 pm 1 32 pm 1 42 pm 1 63 pm 2 2U pm 2 56 pm f 07 pm 3 46 pm 5 00 pm 6 32 pin 5 45 pra 0 03 pm 0 30 pin Sui ur- day3 Only '1 ilton Moultrie Thomasville 6 00 pm 6 22 pm 7 36 pm Ambrose, Douglas, iVieholls, Thalmand Brunswick 9 08 am ! 4 20 pm 9 31 am I 4 62 pm I 3 00 am | 6 26 pm | 12 39 pm 1 30 pm WaycosB | ,6 36 pm | Agent on Lino GEORGE DOLE WADLEY, ALEX BONNYMAN, Vice President and General Manager. Superintendent. H. C. MoFADDEN, J.G. KNAPP, Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. Traveling Frt. and Pass. Ag J.J. MILLIGAN, Agsat, Vienna, Ga. Gsntnl Offloas, Wayoross G»